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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/07/25 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=87, 353, 38 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:87|Vorpal (87)}} has...")
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Latest revision as of 03:32, 29 October 2017

Date of Scene: 25 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 87, Beast Boy, Greenjack

Vorpal (87) has posed:
It is sundown and the strip by Vorpal's appartment has come to life, offering goods and services to beachgoers and residents alike.

The Cheshire cat himself is dressed in a pair of black shorts and a red tank top, taking advantage of the summer to favor ligher cothing. He's sitting on a bench across the street from the local ice cream shop, waiting for someone while holding a cup. Of course, he is not sitting on the bench like a normal person would be. He's sitting on the edge of the back, with his feet on the seat.

He takes a quick sip from the cup. Vanilla milkshake. Just what's needed for the end of a hot day.

Beast Boy has posed:
In flutters a tiny little bird. The size of a sparrow. Only it's green. Kelly green with a deep emerald mask over it's eyes and on the tips of its wings. It settles itself next to the cat before Garfield shifts into himself with a smile.

"Hi, handsome. Waiting for someone?"

Greenjack has posed:
"A little bird told me there was a hottie nearby. I came to scope him out," the cat grins and offers his cup to Gar, "I got you something, but first-" he leans in and wiggles his eyebrows, "My lips are a little dry, truth be told. It's the heat."

If there is one thing Vorpal is not, it is subtle.

Beast Boy has posed:
"There is? Hot dog!" Garfield quips, mimicking Micky Mouse perfectly for a moment.

"Mind if I keep an eye out with you?" is asked, on green hand reaching for the cup.

But first!

Grinning, the vert shifter clicks his tongue, and leans into toward Vorpal.

"Oh, goodness! Dry? That will not do! Let me help you with that," he says. Because what is subtle? Can you eat it? Does it taste like Scooby Snack?

Greenjack has posed:
Vorpal grins and quickly steals a kiss from Gar. Okay, it's not quick because he does linger there for a bit, and you can't steal what is being readily given, but the principle is the same, anyways. After he breaks the kiss he leans back just a little and smiles. "You're completely shameless, you know that?"

He puts an arm around Gar and passes the cup over to him, "It's good to be back."

The cat had had to take a week-long vacation when his parents decided they needed his help moving into their new home in Boulder, Colorado. It had been a trial not to use his powers and reveal his identity to them. "My folks drove me insane. But on the good side, they know I'm dating someone."

Beast Boy has posed:
"Mmhmm," garfield agrees, smiling shamelessly back at Vorpal as he accepts his drink and scoots in to lean into the feline. A shift and Garfield's slightly monkeyboy tail curls about Vorpal's.

We are holding tails. #NotSorry

"It's good to have you back. I'm glad they drove you insane. It means they love you," Gar retorts, grinning broadly.

Greenjack has posed:
"So that's what I have to look forward to? I see," the cheshire smirks. He leans his head on Gar's and just enjoys being with him like that. This is the first time they've been out and about after they agreed to start dating, and being this openly affectionate. It was a little scary, but it also felt nice.

"So what did you do while I was gone? Aside from having no purpose whatsoever, I mean." He grins and his tail sways a little while entwined with Gar's. Gar's tail is more prehensible, the cat doesn't have that fine motor control.

Beast Boy has posed:
"Sheer pandamonium," Garfield quips in Jack Black's Po voice. A brief shift into a green panda Po to wink, and Monkey Boy is back, tail once more corkscrewing itself around Vorpal's less agile appendage.

"I washed some dishes, housesat for a cat I know, watched TV, visited St. Jude's a few times, and played video games," Garfield states. Beacuse he does too have a purpose!

Greenjack has posed:
"Aw you went to St. Jude's? You should have told me so I could get the PR going. I was thinking you could do some commercials to encourage donations, you know. Maybe get the rets of the Titans in on it too..."

He pauses, and scratches his chin, "Maybe get some of them to come visit kids with you! Say... I had my first test with them, by the way." He leans in and nuzzles Gar's cheek, "Thanks for recommending me to them, you doof. Now I just have to wait and see if I'm in for reals or not. I hope I am, that tower looks sweet!"

Beast Boy has posed:
"I did. And you had family things. I didn't wanna bug you. But let's schedule another thing? And you can talk to the people in charge of making commercials and things. We can blast it on my social media, so the hospital doesn't have to pay for it?" Garfield muses, grinning at the idea of Nightwing and Kori going to hang out with sick kdis.

"I like that idea. I'll tell the team. I'm glad they liked you. Do you want me to tell them this outreach was your idea?"

Greenjack has posed:
"I guess I'm ok with it- I mean, I assume that I'm going to have to tell them I am -also- your PR person and what my secret identity is." Vorpal says very, very quietly so no-one else but Gar hears, "I figure it maes it less complicated with the team anyways. By the way, I got to audition with another guy- Aqualad. He is pretty fricking awesome, too. I hope he makes it in, too. He's got very useful powers. Like he's a walking pool and hot tub if we ever need one!"

Beast Boy has posed:
"It's your call, Handsome. I'll support whatever you decide," Garfield replies, smile warm as the weather and four times as pleasant. He sips from his drink again, nodding at the Aqualad comment.

"Hmm.. he sounds like a blast as parties. You'll have to introduce me."

Greenjack has posed:
"He does make quite a splash." The groan of the universe can be quietly heard in the background. Vorpal looks over at Garfield and raises an eyebrow. "Have you found yourself a place to stay outside of that hotel room? 'cause there's still that penthouse. And I am not saying this out of some selfish reason to have you living in the same building."

He leans forward and steals a sip of the milkshake. "Okay, maybe I totally am, but I figured I'd give it a try anyways. Unless you're going to be living in that tower?"

Beast Boy has posed:
"Well, I was housesitting for this cat I know, and his bed and couch were pretty comfy," Garfield repeats, adding a wink this time as his milkshake is stolen.

Greenjack has posed:
The cat raises an eyebrow. "Garfied Logan, are you hinting what I think you're hinting, or have I been getting sunstroke all this time?"

He lets his feet dangle off the seat of the bench for a moment and stretches. He gives a quick glance at some of the people passing by, staring at them. He pays them no mind after that. He's got to get used to dating a celebrity, after all.