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Latest revision as of 05:31, 29 October 2017

When Harry met Sally
Date of Scene: 31 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Green Lantern (Rayner), Jade

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
    Free Wifi? His own is out for the day. It can be a problem living on the cheap in New York, and honestly, it is not like anyone is paying his apartment rent but him.
    Kyle has tablet of decent size open, and is working on it between alternatively poking at a sketching pad with a pencil. A plate with some sort of muffin, apparently blueberry, rests near to him. He has a big mug of plain coffee, with a little cream and nonsugar sweetner in it, steaming next to him as well. Absently, the young man rubs at his face with his left hand, smearing a bit of graphite on his cheek a trifle blearily. The sketch pad is open to a very good likeness of the waitress. It's a small diner someplace in the outer reaches of downtown Manhattan.

Jade has posed:
If anything could go wrong this morning, it -has- gone wrong this morning. Cat unplugged the coffeemaker. Car wouldn't start. Jade had to take the bike, and she didn't exactly have all her gear laid out. Cue being late for one appointment, which bumped her late on another. Right now, she JUST wants some coffee. Before somebody dies. She finds herself a table at an out-of-the-way cafe, but not before spying the sketch on one young man's table, and arching a brow. "You're good, you know," she states simply, as she lowers her bag onto the floor and seats herself a table away.

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
    Dark green eyes flick up, then back to the sketch pad. His head then whips over in a classic double take. Green. So much green. The young man is flabbergasted for a moment. After taking a too-long moment to put his metaphorical tongue back in his mouth, Kyle tries to be cute. "You are a little short to be She-Hulk?" He asks, immediately regretting it. His palm rubs at his face. "You must hear that like a jillion times a day. So-sorry. I'm Kyle, and I am good enough, for now." He immediately flips the page over, and settles it on his knee as he crosses his legs. His eyes stare at the woman then he plucks up a pencil and starts to draw her. "Because you obviously aren't She-Hulk. Different bone and muscle structure. Less cheek." He pauses. "Well, less facial cheek, though you could be sassy I guess." he unabashedly draws her. It isn't him flirting. It is like it is something he has to do. "How hard is it to find cosmetics?" Weird question, perhaps.

Jade has posed:
"For anyone else, it would be a nightmare," the green-hued woman muses, as she rests a chin on her hand, watching him curiously. "Mine are formulated to my exact skin tone, by my cosmetics team." Then, she shakes her head, with a laugh. It's hard enough to hide out, even when you want to, looking like this. I can't imagine trying to do so with the build of Jennifer Walters. She's an outstanding attorney. But she's also outstanding in any crowd." She runs her fingers idly through her hair, and gives the man a slight, but genuine smile. "It isn't easy, being green."

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
    "Oh, I am sure of that." Kyle says wistfully. "The not easy part. But, I should have known you were a model. The cheekbones. And the fact you cannot see the make up so much. Maybe a little on the left eye.' He is not being critical. But then, he has graphite on his face. His pencil-work is very precise for a sketch. Very light as he draws in the contours. "Your eyes are very close to identical. t is really haunting, miss, uhm? Oh! I'm Kyle. Kyle Rayner. Wifi is out at the apartment. I normally work there. I'm an illustrator. Mostly."

Jade has posed:
It's been so long since someone asked her who she was, that this guy's cluelessness is a little refreshing. "Jennifer-Lynn," she offers, with a curious expression. "And if you don't mind..." She rises, picking up a clean napkin from an unused seat at his table, and leans across to wipe at the graphite on his cheek. The intimacy of the move hadn't sunk in, before she made it. "You have graphite...on your...." She trails off, as now suddenly she finds herself face to face with a stranger, with beautiful green eyes, which almost seem vaguely familiar. The hue is almost...perfect. "I...was just going to ask you where you get -your- cosmetics, Kyle." She blushes faintly, which only serves to deepen the verdant shade of her cheeks. "But I'm guessing Conte, or Faber-Castel." She hasn't been this close to anyone in a long time, unless they were putting makeup on her, or fluffing her hair for a shoot. Then, folding the napkin, she begins to withdraw.

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
    Their eyes meet. His eyes widen. "No cosmetics." he admits. He is just thunderstruck. "uh, wh-wh." He closes his eye out of frustration. "Why-why not sit with me, Jennifer-Lynn?" Kyle asks, trying not to turn into a stammering idiot. "You can tell me all about being successful, and I can tell you all abut being the other way?" He closes his eyes again. Silently reprimanding himself. (Stupid. Stupid. Stupid!) His hand covers where her hand was a moment ago. His sigh is soft. "Let me buy you a cup of coffee? We can split a muffin?" He pauses. "the blueberry one there on the table." His cheeks go scarlet.

Jade has posed:
"I ah--" she begins, but her brow furrows, as she finds it imposssible not to overhear the young man's internal monologue as he berates himself. "You know, why don't you let me buy YOU another cup of coffee. Yours is bound to have gone cold by now, because of me." She picks up her bag, and moves to the empty chair at Kyle's table, seating herself gracefully. "And I think you should eat the muffin, I've already had a bite to eat, anyway...But thank you." She hails a waitress as she sits. "One Mocha Latte, and a whatever this gentleman also needs, please?" More than anything, she wants to ease that voice inside him, tearing him down.

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
    It would be so easy. Nope. She has class. Kyle opens and closes his mouth. "I enjoy muffins." he says finally. he clears his throat. He leaves his though, for the moment. "Maybe I will take it home?" He goes back to drawing her. His eyes slide from the page to her smoothly. His hand is moving in a hurry. His smile is faint. It might be just on the friendly side of a smirk.

Jade has posed:
Oh, Gods, he went there. Jade had to suppress a laugh. Boys will be boys. "At least you'll give the poor little thing a good home." She pauses, watching him work. "Do you draw every woman you meet? Or just the ones who offer you coffee?" She nods toward the previous sketch of the waitress, finding herself charmed by the down-to-earth nature of Kyle, even as she has to force herself to stay out of his mind.

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
    "Nope. Just nice ones, pr beautiful ones." He pauses, and flips back over. The waitress is older. Look at these laugh lines." he says it quietly. "And these smile lines. She has lived a happy life. Sure, she's a waitress. She's -happy-. There is beauty in that." Stay out of his mind? So much green in there. Hope, creativity, and a will. Such a will. He flips the page back over to her beginning sketch. "You are so natural. Pencil work is actually such a good medium for you. No blemishes. It captures your classic lines so well."

Jade has posed:
So. Much. Green. It's in his mind. It's in his eyes. It is a light inside him that draws her to him like a beacon. And a hand that draws her every detail in perfect line and form. Her deep green eyes widen, as her gaze flits back up to his face. Surely, it couldn't be...But it would explain why they were drawn together in the first place. "You notice e-everything, don't you?" It's her turn to stammer. An entirely new experience for the verdant model whose life is spent with people catering to her.

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
    "Mostly clueless." Kyle answers with a smile. "But I like the waitress, so I paid attention. She told me a good joke." Kyle regards her seriously. "You are a model." He says finally. "I have seen you on TV, too, haven't I?" He's starting to put two and two together.

Jade has posed:
Jade nods, her eyes somewhat vacant as her thoughts are scattered, trying to put it all together, as well. "I've made a decent place for myself in the industry," she explains. "But on my own terms. I'm not a pomeranian. I wanted a life, and I wanted to put my mind and body to a use besides being photographed." Then, she looks up into his eyes more directly, almost searchingly. "Money is a necessity for life, but not a necessity for happiness. It's a means to an end. Life is what happens after that end is met."

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
    If she's looking in his head, well, there is a lof greeen. Duty weighs on his mind for a long moment. "I think life is trying to just help others through it. It isn't how much money you have at the end, but how many people miss you when you are gone." He looks back down at the page. "Work to live, but sometimes it is okay to work to live, if the work brings you joy," His gaze meets hers, and his lips quirk a little secret smile. "I like you, Jennifer-Lynn." there. he lays what out there.

Jade has posed:
Surprisingly, it doesn't catch her by surprise. There's something in him, that in her two, and they share it in a way that's almost tangible. "I like you too, Kyle Rayner. I'm glad the cat unplugged my coffeemaker this morning..." No need to relate the whole story. That bit is the one that started the ball rolling. And how her gaze is caught in his. "Have you noticed how similar your eyes are to mine?"

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
    "You aren't my long lost sister, are you Jennifer-Lynn? I never met my dad." He sounds wary. His eyes settle on hers. "Or is it a little blue men situation?" He tries to look like that is a joke. His left hand slides up He mutters something about murdering kilowog, whatever that means.

Jade has posed:
Jennifer's deep green eyes widen at his mention of little blue men, and she sits up straighter in her chair, her brow clearly furrowed with concern. "If this is some kind of joke," she hisses softly to keep others from hearing, "it's not funny." There are two possibilities at this point. Either he IS a Lantern, or he is someone setting a trap for her. At this point, she'd much prefer the former, to the latter.

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
    There is a long staring moment. He has stopped drawing now. Slowly, he reaches up to his shirt. His hand fumbles at his chain. Slowly he pulls out something from around the chain and with a soft sigh, his left hand pushes a heavy green ring onto his right hand, right thereon the middle finger. He gives her a little look. "Do we have to fight now?" Kyle Rayner asks her. There is seel in his voice now. That stammering idiot talking about splitting a muffin with her has been replaced by someone who is wiling to make the ultimate sacrifice. "If you pull a yellow ring out, I will put you into orbit." He is so sure of himself.

Jade has posed:
Jade sighs. So much relief. And then she smiles, brightly and sincerely. "I don't have a ring, Kyle." Her eyes flit from the ring up to meet his gaze, which has suddenly earnest and solemn. "Don't frown, Handsome." She lifts a hand to his chin, trying to impart a feeling of comfort to thoughst troubled eyes with her touch, and her mind. "I don't need one." She opens her other hand and holds it out to him, palm-up. A star-shaped symbol set into her palm glows ever-so-faintly. "We're not so different." Unbeknownst to him, she has already created an illusion for anyone outside their table which would make both her mark, and his ring, invisible.

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
    Sliding the ring off into his left hand, Kyle stares at her. His eyes are distant. "Star heart?" he asks, having been briefed by the ring. "I.. you are Jade." It finally dawns on him. "I'm, uh, the resident Lantern's uhm deputy. Deputy Green Lantern of sector #2814 Rayner, Kyle." He identifies himself softly, voice pitched to not carry. "Careful with those displays. No one knows who I am, but if they see me in public with you often enough they will start asking questions."
    So he does something to hide her mark- he takes her hand in his.

Jade has posed:
"No one can see," she utters softly, giving a cursory glance around the cafe. But she does not pull her hand from his. Rather, she holds it gently. "We shouldn't be seen together too much in public," she states in agreement, betraying her train of thought, which has charged far beyond the nicities of small talk into future meetings. Taking a deep breath, she sighs and backs up. "Yes, Kyle. I'm Jade."

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
    "The camera does not do you justice." Kyle says. Which one is the real one? The steel-voiced lantern, or the shy, but flirty artist? Maybe both. His eyes are soft. "Remind me to tank your cat for ruining your day, Jade. He sure made mine."

Jade has posed:
Blushing again faintly, Jade smiles and gives a little nod. "Maybe you should come by and thank him yourself, sometime. I wouldn't mind the company."

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
    His eyes sparkle. "I'll do that." He decides, setting his shoulders. "I'll uhm, bring a box of wine, some Tender Vittles, and I'll draw you." he tells her quietly. His left hand nervously pushes through his hair. he is both the Lantern and the artist. It's a weir juxtaposition. "Wear something worthy of being drawn in."

Jade has posed:
"I'll let you decide what I wear." Jade chews her bottom lip thoughtfully, trying to rectify the disparity of the two sides of Kyle Rayner. She's not even sure which one she finds more attractive. She only knows that between the two of them, this is the first man who's given her butterflies in a very, very long time.

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
    "Uhm." Kyle pauses. "Let me give you my number?" He is giving her an out. He rattles it off slowly. She can blow him off that way, "because if you give my yours, well, I'll blow it up." he admits it quietly. "Women like you, well.." Hal gets them. Jerk test pilot.

Jade has posed:
Jade commits the numbers to memory and nods once. "I will call you, then. Maybe sooner than later." And she will. These two weren't drawn together for nothing. No coincidences. No accidents. "Glad your WiFi went out...I don't think it was just some random thing."

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
    "Jade. I like that better. It's pretty. Short. Unique. Like you." Kyle kisses her hand sweetly. Just once. He tosses the cellophane wrapped muffin in his bag. "I am not getting any work done, and I have patreon backers. You... are a profound distraction." He pauses, and neatly scratches his number out for her. "Please make it sooner than later. I like You, Jade."

Jade has posed:
"Promise. I'd apologize for distracting you, if I was sorry..." She offers a sheepish smile. "I...like you too. Talk to you soon."

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
    "You better. I'm not a crazy stalker, but you know I have all sorts of creative tricks." he pauses. that came out dirtier than he meant. He pauses. Let's run with that. "I look forward to the call." He promises. His smile is warm. He adjusts his hair and starts towards the door. He turns to look at her one more time, and runs into the door. he stumbles out into the street softly swearing. So smooth.