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Latest revision as of 06:15, 29 October 2017

Bark Far, Far Worse than her Bite
Date of Scene: 03 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Poison Ivy, Batman

Poison Ivy has posed:
    Ivy tended to be easy to track, unless the woman was lying very low.

    And she wasn't. There weren't any sightings of any green women about, no, that would be too obvious. But St. Mary's Park - a place that the GCPD had to patrol constantly - or leave their hands off it entirely - was a crime-ridden area of Gotham. Other parts were worse, but after dark... well.. it was a nightmare.

    So recently, the idea that the police have had /zero/ calls to this area after dark were... worrying, perhaps. What caused the criminal element to avoid it as well, was when one of the Gotham street gangs decided to hold a meeting in the forest around this park, and they... mysteriously vanished.

    "Somethin' in there, man!"

    And indeed, there was. Not too far into the treeline, the park looked... different. Tulips, growing at twisted and strange angles, were growing out of vines that were laying lightly in the trees. But far from the tulips that one may recall from the asylum, they seemed limp - simply for vision's sake rather than anything else.

    And go even deeper inside, into a hollow in this little grove, and that's where Ivy lurked. A pink haze hung in the air in her inner sanctum, and the flowers, the plants, the heat - it would seem more like a jungle than the middle of Gotham - humid and... alive. But there were no animals to be found.

    Not even insects.

Batman has posed:
    In this part of town things have been... different as the police have been through a bit less, and the people have been out a bit more including Batman. He had been busy, and a new wave of crime has hit the street, and driving it was Joker. He had been busy thrwarting his crimes to the best of his ability, and looking for Joker though as the inflo of outside people hit him, Joker started to gather more people from inside of Gotham, and that made it even worse. To be honest even with his extended 'family' he had still been too busy to directly look for Ivy.

    Thankfully were those time when the crimes happened next to parks, and though St. Mary's Park was a unique one it wasn't the only one though usually much smaller. Tonight seemed a bit clearer as a van pulled up infront of the outside of the park the engine of their motor seemed to be smoking forcing them to stop in this spot as the driver, and passenger get out, knocking on the side of it. Four more men though armed with assult guns get out, and look around though one of them speaks in Cantonese, and points to the Park. "In there... we can hide from him, and if he follows.. shoot him!"

    As they enter, thankfully using the walk-way for most of it, the 'thump' noise happends near-by, and Batman swings in landing on the Van as he looks around for clues not seeing them on the way in he knew they abandoned the vehicle. He knew they would stay together, and try to hide somewhere he had hopped to be ontop of them when they did though it was obvious, at least to Batman, that they had hidden into the park. He jumps to the ground, and doesn't even make a noise from walking on the roof, looking at the park carefully before he heads inside.

Batman notices these things, a flower blooming, the trees more full of life then they should be, the very fact that the jungle is there with paths pushed through of men that ran into it. "I think I found her.. Mark this point do not engage.. yet." he says as quiet as a whisper before he stands up enganging a mask that drops over his nose, and mouth obviously to block any toxins he knows are in there.. Pesky thing about those round Ivy they can kill you.

Poison Ivy has posed:
    Ivy was... enjoying a bit of peace. The woman did, for most of the time, simply wish to be left alone. But in an ever more crowded world, well... finding a place that wasn't claimed by one of the mammals around her was difficult. And she was still tender about the whole Arkham deal.

    And right now, these thugs charging into the park were disrupting that peace.

    Foolish as though they may be, the grove that they rush into is deathly silent. And in the trees, a woman lurks. A brilliantly green flash in the darkness of the branches marks where Ivy was. That same flash narrows. Guns. Thugs. And they were running from something. Either the police, or some hero.

    And the gunfire and battle that was sure to ensue would hurt the plantlife for certain.

    The answer was simple. She would use both groups as fertilizer.

    The warning that the thugs would have is a sudden creaking noise in the darkness of the forest, before a series of vines lash out. They were aimed at different points of the group of men - just two men on the exterior of the group, one vine wrapping around the neck and throat of one, and with a solid yank, pulling him, gurgling, off of his feet and into the underbrush. The other wraps around the gun hand of another. This left him free to yell, yell as he was dragged into the brush as well.

    And his yelling stops.

Batman has posed:
    She had not guessed wrong, the were already going to ambush him or try as Batman was out of sight from them walking carefully in the jungle of the forest. He knew Ivy could feel it if he did too much, though he did have something for her if she tried. He was approaching the thugs by the side as she moved to attack. The first man pulled away before he could even make a sound the others don't even notice though the second.

    The second they do they start turning to help the screaming man they have no idea as Batman comes in behind them. As he comes in using his momentum he just grabs the first two men bending them down into a throw that ends up with both of them on their back. As he rises he throws two more at the gunmen as they turn to face him already advaning on them, when he recoils almost immediately as a green gas comes out of his mouth. The one Ivy had dragged away hit a button on his chest triggering the traps as from the mouths of all the men this same smoke comes out and though it would prob not work on Ivy it would be toxic.

    The night soon fills with laughter.. First as if someone just said something funny but then as they laugh it gets more desperate as Batman backs up from him letting him drop he looks back through the tree's... For the first time tonight he speaks.. "Ivy... I know your there. Can you cure this?" he asks knowing she had a thing for posions. He knows she could just attack him at any moment, though Ivy would know without a doubt he was waiting for exactly that.

Poison Ivy has posed:
    Ivy pauses a few moments in the safety of the trees, her tone of voice sharp - perhaps a bit cold.

    "This is... the toxin that Joker prefers," says Ivy. Her voice resonant, unnatural - it always had a sense of cloying playfulness to it. Like an invitation. A handful of moments more, and Ivy's voice draws lower.

    "Why are they here in my grove, with /that/ poison? Did you bring them here?" she asks. And it was in those moments that Ivy reveals herself. Reaching her hand up to a vine, the same vine curls around to give her something to stand on, the woman carried from the branches to the earth like that.

    And she wore the earth as well. Her hair had blossomed into a near field of daisies, and vines wrapped around her tightly, forming both a corset, bottom, and boots, the tulips from before blossoming from the vines.

    A handful of moments more, and Ivy turns her eyes down to one of the thugs, her nose curling. "Let them die from it, Batman. Their deaths can feed the plants here, hmm? Which is doing more with their lives then they ever had."

Batman has posed:
    Batman doesn't glance around he knows she has the best cover though listens, not to just her voice but the rumblings of the bushes. Thankfully her desired zone was a jungle, and that did have some advantages to those who knew how to take advantage. He checks the pulse of one of the laughing men, his voice still that cold emotionless Batman voice he turns again his eyes now looking a bit red behind the cowl as he is now looking on another spectrum for her now as he finally speaks again.

    "You didn't answer the question. Ivy this could be chance to show there isn't a reason to have you locked up in Gotham." he says evenly, though he seems to ignore the question about joker, and if he brought the gas in here. He knew she was surprised about this, and often he found just denying the question a better way of staying in control of the conversation. He knew Ivy if she got her legs he would be under attack soon so he continued to look moving silently but not far from the men that are laughing. He isn't armed though you know it would not take long for anything he did, and maybe with the vision he would see you if you appeared infront of him.

    He moved like a ghost in the jungle careful not to step on twigs, picking ground to step on other then the large roots. He had not gave up on her yet, nor had he returning her right now back to Gotham. Though he still spoke to her as he moved, which.. that might be a bit abnormal.

Poison Ivy has posed:
    A sound in the back of her throat - an annoyed, resonant sound, and she brings up her foot to nudge one of the fallen, laughing Joker minions. "And you didn't answer mine," she says, her tone of voice cool. Dark green lips purse, and her eyes narrow, searching the trees for the flutter of a cape, for... anything. She steps back into the foliage. Two can stalk, if that was the game that Batman wanted to play.

    She didn't need as much skill to stay silent - not here. Every blade of grass spoke to her, rolling sticks and things aside. And she was green.

    Which helped to camoflauge her here.

    "The Joker toxin - that gas that that mad clown uses... I haven't looked into it very much. I do not have a cure for it. Do you, Batman?" she asks, her voice drawing low with something akin to a threat.

    "Your turn. Why are you and the Joker's minions here, in my grove?!" she demands.

Batman has posed:
As she falls back he watches quietly, though it may seem wierd he just did so, and it is quickly easy to realize he wasn't looking for her. He was looking for someone else in this jungle, maybe he knew about the other gang members, though he still spoke and moved quietly through the jungle forest like he was to him he knew he was stalling as she would hide them if they were here. "I knew they would be around here eventually, they were robbing a bank before I disabled their vehicle." he falls silent for a moment just to throw her percepion off a little if she was following his trail.    

After a moment he continues, "Joker is a bad man to make deals with.. He never keeps them you know he is crazy. If he takes this town your park is in it.." he continues a moment later.. He hoped he had poped up somewhere she had not expected, but falls quiet again as he moves. The laughing men.. There was no cure to this new strain.. Batman hated it, though the laughs have died off into the background now so he focused on Ivy.

    He frowns a bit, and says.. "How many people you feed to your plants now Ivy? How long is it going to take in Arkham?"

Poison Ivy has posed:
A handful of moments. Ivy was less concerned about Batman in her grove, but the sneaking around was... irritating. The green features of the half plant woman twist in that same look of annoyance, her eyes flickering to follow after the sound of Batman's voice. "You were the one that put me in Arkham. And left me no choice but to deal with Joker," says Ivy, with a sharper tone of her voice.

"You need to keep your... business, and keep your people, and your criminals out of my park, Batman," says Ivy, her voice pausing a moment. Another beat. "Unless you wanted to come, just by yourself, of course. I owe you a kiss, after all, don't I?" she coos.

"You remember this park. Remember how much death and violence occured here daily," she adds. A beat. "Waste not, want not, after all. But you're welcome to look. I doubt you'll find a single piece of bone that was not... used."

Batman has posed:
    Batman continues to sneak around his tone doesn't change as hers does it is still that hard emotionless voice, as he continues. "No Ivy.. You put yourself into Arkham, you decided to do those things. Joker being in there should show you, what the monster is like." he falls silent again as stops to check a tree, and frowns. "You threaten anyone who walks in your park, and I can't let you hurt innocent people Ivy." he moves again though now he is looking your general direction.

    He is moving towards you, but that isn't hard as that just means go in that general direction though he speaks up again. "You are in a city, surrounded by people.. do you think they are going to just stop coming this way.." he continues not seeming to take the coo as anything other then a taunt. He continues, "You do not get to make that decision.. It isn't up to you to decide who lives, or dies." he adds getting closer this time. He was cutting down the distance, and quick though it still wasn't sure if he was heading your direction.

Then he stops, and looks.. This time directly at you.. "Time is up Ivy... Time to make a decision.." the heat he had been feeing into his radar to get a human form out of the mass of the trees. He had used the same technology that they used to find Pot fields down south, and edited it to be more usefull in situations like these. It had taken him time to find her, though with her speaking at least for now he could see her.

He doesn't move towards her as he did not want to lose sight of her, and have to go through the process of refinding her.. He just looks at her, as he speaks. "I don't have time to take you in if you are not causing people trouble.. You want to be left alone.. Go somewhere people aren't. Don't.. Then stay here, and ignore them." he states it as a simple fact, and two batarangs apear in his hand though he doesn't throw them.

Poison Ivy has posed:
    Ivy lets her head drop down, looking fearlessly towards Batman as he stomps forward towards her. She didn't fear him, especially not here. Batman's brave stomp forward would be tuned to the sound of the jungle/forest coming to life around him. Flowers bloom in the wake of his step, and vines start creeping from the treeline, like a web. But she does not snatch him up.

    Not yet, at least.

    "You think that I threaten /everyone/ that walks in this park? Children, families?" A beat. "Those haven't been seen in this park in decades, Batman. This park was the realm of muggers, of thieves, and murderers - the lost, the violent, and the criminal," she coos. "It's safer now for the 'innocents'," she nearly spits out that word. "...than it has been for years. Certainly, now that they fear coming here... it's doing a better job than you, hmm?"

    Reaching her hand up, there was a vine that reaches out to her - and it wraps around Ivy's shoulders like a drape. On one end of it, however, was a venus flytrap - sorta. It had very sharp looking, very real teeth, in spite of its plant-like shape. Ivy leans over to brush her lips against it.

    "There is no place for me, in this world. Humans enroach on every aspect of nature, tearing it up to feed their 'progress'. You protect genocide, you allow life to be destroyed to propogate the death of 'humans' taking over everything."

    "It's absolutely sickening, my darling Batman."

Batman has posed:
    Batman continues to continue forward looking at her. He looks like he is going to retort to her comments before he stopped and just stood there quietly. "Ivy.. You just haven't found your place yet." he raises his hand though not at you it points to the side. "This is your chance to do so as a free person.. Do not mess it up." he continues as it takes a while for the hook to hit the other side. Soon after he pushes a button, and is yanked away though he never took his eyes off her as he launches away. He doesn't speak again though just letting her think about his words.

    Joker had struck again, and he had to go to stop it, and the people it would hurt. An ambalance would show up later to pick up the bodies, and bring them into the hospital if Ivy allowed it. Ivy was dangerous true, but not as dangerous as Joker if he didn't leave many people would die, but if he stayed taking her in some might not, but then again they might now. He hoped she would change, but it was up to her though he needed to give her time to make that decision.