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Latest revision as of 12:15, 29 October 2017

A Night In
Date of Scene: 04 August 2017
Location: Four Freedom Plaza, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Mister Fantastic, Invisible Woman

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    It's a night at home today for the Fantastic Foursome. Though by that, it's more Reed, Sue, and their children, as Johnny and Ben are out at the moment on their own nights out with their company of choice. Reed is currently dressed down for once, a button up shirt, but khaki shorts and socks at the moment, as he looks over a glowing hologram, data scrolling past on one side. On the other is a inset picture of Valeriana.

Invisible Woman has posed:
    Sue happens to be playing a video game with Valeria....one of those puzzle games that's meant for adults and not kids. Valeria is doing really well, thanks to Sue helping her out of course, since it's a cooperative sort of puzzle game....called Portal 2. It's an old game, but Valeria's figuring it out quite well.....and giving Sue instructions on what to do as Reed walks his way in.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    The sounds of the game, do draw Reed's attention as he looks over, then smiles, shutting down the hologram as he tucks the tablet device under his arm. "Ah, still exploring the wonders of Apeture Labs?" Of course he knows this one. He used to play it nearly when he was Valeria's age himself. He takes a seat at the chair by the couch you're playing on, stretching out...not literally, but comfortably.

Invisible Woman has posed:
    Sue smiles to Reed. "Yeah, still playing it. She seems to prefer this one though. The original she liked, but she seems to like this one more cuz she can play with someone else." they're still 'killing it' too. Getting through puzzle after puzzle and not getting a scratch. Of course, Valeria's doing all of the planning.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    Reed chuckles. 'I was fond of it myself, at her age. It's a good combination of brain game and action game. Though I seem to remember I stuck more to the story than the multiplayer at that point." he admits, resting his hands on his lap absently as he watches. "I always wondered why they didn't make a third game of it, that was the time when everything seemed to come in threes."

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "it was when the indie developers started getting their footing. All the big companies were worried about trilogies, and people were flocking to the indie games." Sue says as Valeria presses pause and rubs her eyes. 'Can we save here, mommy? My eyes kinda hurt." Sue then smiles. "Of course, hun. One sec." She says as she saves it. "There we are." She then sets Valeria on the couch near Reed as she turns the TV onto cartoons....

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    "True enough..." Reed says, reaching out to gently ruffle Valeria's hair as she's placed near him. "Only another hour, sweetie, then it's bedtime, don't forget." he says gently, then leans back in the chair, looking up at Sue as he stands, then reaches out to take her hands, pulling her off to the side gently, leaning in to give her a soft kiss as he squeezes said hands, smiling faintly at you. "Another few hours before it's back to the Legion vessel to continue repairs for me too..." he admits.

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "You need to sleep too, Reed." Sue says softly after she's pulled down and smooched by Reed. Not that she doesn't appreciate the gesture, she worries about him getting enough sleep. "You still need to rest, Reed." She says smooching his cheek back.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    "I know, I know..." he says, dismissing it gently. "I've gotten a couple hours, I'll be fine." He tugs you away from the couch, out of Valeria's earshot. "Aside from that, however....I've started running some simulations based on our children's development..." he murmurs softly, his brown eyes on yours. "VAleria in particular. I think you are right that her advancements are proceeding at a very fast rate."

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "I know, hun." Sue says softly. "She's really really smart." She then sighs. "I don't even know if she should even belong in public schools...."

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    Reed nods slightly. "Yet she's not emotionally ready for the higher levels of education and difference in age levels. I wouldn't want to put her in that situation." he agrees. "I have been pondering how best to help her develop without inhibiting her socialibility." He smiles faintly. "I've been pondering if constructing a suitable teaching android for her, but...you had a point about the, ah, lack of social aspects in the last one." he says, a bit ruefully. "But something should be done."

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "There's gotta be a school for higher learning around somewhere. I'd offer Xavier's, but it's mostly a school for mutants, but simply smart people like Valeria.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    "I considered that, and there are some." Reed allows. "But there are two problems. One: she would be away from the defenses here, and too many people know she's our daughter. She might be targeted if we sent her someplace like that. Two..." He smiles a little. "Going back to the original socialization problem, she is...very young to be separated from us at some sort of boarding school, no matter how advanced." He mmms. "...I have considered perhaps asking the Legion if they would be willing, but it is hardly their purpose to teach over their other duties, many and varied as they are. Though their ship is certainly protected."

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "And.....they may refuse because they're from the future." Sue says softly. "I mean.....Space-time continuum and all that sort of nonsense." She then sighs and looks to Valeria....who is...suddenly sound asleep. "And...right on cue."

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    He glances over and smiles, then lets go of your hands as he stretches his own out, gently scooping Valeria up, careful not to wake her. "Yes, there is that...." he mururs softly. "They might be willing to try and reduce the information to this time period, but...there would be issues, I"m sure." He starts carrying your daughter down towards her room, craddling her against his chest carefully.

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "We'll figure something out here, Reed. Don't worry." Sue says as she walks along with Reed to put Valeria to bed.