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Latest revision as of 12:26, 29 October 2017

Meeting of Machines and Minds
Date of Scene: 04 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Gothic Lolita, Indigo

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    The Milano is humming along through a jump, the faint thrum of the engines vibrating the deck. Currently, the organic members of the crew have crashed out in their respective rooms, sleeping away, leaving only the those less in need of having to actually shut down awake. After the chat the day before about making some nice dresses for the soon-to-be wed couple, Lolita has found a nice quiet corner with a table she can use, and has been industriously sewing and clipping and cutting out patterns, a remarkably orderly stack of bits and pieces around her she's laid on top of another bolt of cloth to keep it clean. She hums to herself as she works, though she's let the crew work around her as needed, chatting, but remaining where she is, occasionally plugging into the ship's power to recharge her own systems. She finds it quite peaceful, really.

    However, there's this...issue. Which is she has a warning in her HUD that won't go away. She was kind of hoping it would...usually her repair systems don't have much problem with such things, in the event something actually is severe enough to bypass her armor. In this case, however, she appears to have a foreign body...well, lodged in her. It's rather embarrassing. And distracting. She's developed a faint frown as she works because of it, not wanting to stop, but it's not something she can deal with herself.

    She figures she'll just ask someone when they're free to help her with it, as it just need the proper tools and maybe ten minutes work or so.

    Except Peter. She feels like it might be improper to let a man she's only just met fish around in her delicate areas. Not that they're THAT delicate, but the principle applies.

Indigo has posed:
    Indigo spends her nights cleaning the ship as quietly as possible, arranging the cargo hold as quietly as possible, and monitoring the Milano's functions. It doesn't take her long to stumble across Gothic Lolita, whom she greets with a smile and a nod but no speech. No point waking up the crew.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    The delicately dressed gynoid looks up as you approach, then smiles at you cheerfully. As you stay quiet, she raises a brow, then realizes why that might be, glancing at the crew quarters, before transmitting. <Hello Indigo. Everything shipshape and squared away, as they say?> Her fingers are delicately but quickly sewing a seam. There's only the slightest quiver for a moment in her fingers, as her eyes twitch, as the continuing malfunction sends another brush of...wrongness through her systems, the annoying little alert on her HUD continuing its irritating blinking.

Indigo has posed:
    Indigo raises her eyebrows in a silent question, her shy gaze focused on Lol's right cheek. "I'm sorry, were you trying to transmit to me?" she asks in a low voice, not quite a whisper, but perfect if she was a nurse working the night shift, say. "It looks like you were trying to communicate, but my hardware doesn't include wireless connections, so I wouldn't have heard it if you did."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    The other gynoid tilts her head. "Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't realize. Was trying to be quiet." she whispers softly. "Hello Indigo. Is everything shipshape and squared away, as they s-say..." There's a faint hitch in her voice, before she pauses, slowing in her embroidery, then carefully setting her work down on the smaller box she's using as her work space. No, she's not going to resist ruining it. This is...vexing, she decided, as her blue eyes watching Indigo with a faint smile. "Do I have something on my cheek?" she murmurs, perhaps a little playfully.

Indigo has posed:
    Indigo blushes a faint shade of violet (if you want to theorize about her, there's probably a lot to learn from the fact that she has both the software and hardware for blushing) and says, unconvincingly, "N-no... I just thought I noticed a paroxysmal twitch in your exterior layers, and your stammer... seemed to confirm it?" In a way, it's a good lie--it's quick and it builds on the facts--but her delivery just ruins it. Also, her gaze is on her toes now.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Oh, she finds that blush charming! She really is an adorable being, she finds. However, Lolita gets a faint flush of her own, though from an entirely different sort of embarrassment. "...well spotted..." Lolita admits softly. "I didn't want to bother you all with it earlier, but it seems I am increasingly indisposed." she murmurs, looking up at you. "I...hate to impose, but...could I perhaps prevail on to..."

    Her flush deepens. "Ah...to remove something from....inside me, please. I assume it was added while I was disabled during my kidnapping, but it's causing increasing system malfunctions." She sighs. "And I don't feel I could achieve the delicacy needed with my own hands, given the aforementioned twitching."

Indigo has posed:
    "Of course," Indigo agrees instantly, all business now, enough so to spare Loli a quick bit of eye contact. "What can you tell me about the malfunction?" she asks as she lowers herself to a sitting position in from of Loli. She even mimics Loli's body language a little. Good bedside manner for a repair worker!

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    The other gynoid actually drops her eyes a little after meeting yours. "...there is a foreign object embedded in my hyperdense construction. My inner workings are very closely packed. Even a small object that cannot be dislodged causes...discomfort, but also it is preventing my normal functions from proceeding in the area around it."

    She reaches up, resting her fingers at her abdomen, just under the swell of her chest. "I know it is here, but my internal scans can't pick up what exactly it is, or what it's function is. It's not transmitting a signal, that I can detect, so it seems to be inert, at the moment.

Indigo has posed:
    "Lean back," Indigo invites. She doesn't know if Gothic Lolita finds reclining comfortable, but it's at least possible; and it grants Indigo a clearer view of things. Her fingers are soft and warm like a biological being's as she probes the area lightly, but weirdly slick in texture. "Hm...no visible insertion point. Either it's microscopic or it got into you another way. Teleportation? Ingestion?"

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita squirms a little bit at the poking, but holds still. "Ingestion would not take it through the area normally, though it's possible that it broke through an internal compartment to reach its current location...." she says slowly. "I don't have a record of repairs needed in that area, however. Teleportation is possible, if it was some sort of intrusive materialization that would push the material back around it." Her eyes flick up to yours. "I would say it is approximately the size of a small coin. If they have coins in space still." she adds, a bit ruefully. "I think it could be removed; I could open my exoshell and attempt to...well, flex the area to reach it, but I don't trust myself to not...cause accidental issues given the twitches and hitches I'm currently experiencing."

    She gets a faint flush. "If...you would not mind me assisting with it. I'm not sure what kind of tools you have available for something like that.

Indigo has posed:
    Indigo's prodding fingers glide down Gothic Lolita's belly and off her hip to find her hand and squeeze. "Sounds like no problem at all," she promises, smiling. "Why don't you get ready for it while I go borrow some tools, okay?"
    A second squeeze of the hand, this one like the period at the end of a sentence. Then Indigo's heading around the ship to find tools she could reasonably expect to use: pliers of all sizes; tweezers; clamps; forceps; paramagnetic tethers; alluvial spanners... and, more than that, she brings a bath towel with her to lay at Lol's side with a sense of ritual about the act, letting the fluffy fabric impress ideas of softness and ease to Lolita as Indigo lays out her tools carefully, each one placed just so as to be where she can grab it without looking. When this ritual is done, she looks up at Loli and smiles. "Ready? Or do I need to find you a belt to bite on and some whiskey to drink for this little prairie surgery?"

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    When you return, Lolita is in the process of undoing the fastners for her dress, apparently in the process of disrobing. "I think I should be able to prevent any cries in the process.." she says dryly, then squirms. "Ah, though I will need to disrobe to remove the exoframe segment; my current garments aren't really intended to easily reach just one area...ah, at least, not over my abdomen." she admits, looking down at her bare legs and where her modest curves are pushed up a bit by the corset like top. "Should I lie on the table here?" she says, gesturing to the galley table.

Indigo has posed:
    "If you like," Indigo invites agreeably. She starts picking up her tools off the towel one at a time until enough have been removed that she can grab each corner of the towel and hold it like an untied bag, the majority of her tools still in the new makeshift pouch. While Lolita moves to lie on the table, Indigo goes looking for something she can lay all her tools on at the proper height, and comes back with: a rolling chair. It'll have to do. She starts the ritual unpacking over again, but this time pressing the tools much closer together to compensate for having half as much area to work with.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    The mecha stands, then carefully tugs her dress over her head, mussing her hair a bit in the process. She wears black lace undergarments, embroidered to a T, with little pink bows at the front between her bra cups and the front of the panties, as she steps out of her shoes, before gracefully seating herself and stretching out. There's a faint glow around her abdomen as a square section is suddenly outlined in green, before she reaches up, pressing her fingers to it as it sticks to her fingers as she removes it. Underneath is dark metal, densely packed, her frame packed with slowly shifting curling pieces of equipment, with energy conduits running through the coils, glowing with a soft orange glow that pulses.

    She doesn't really need to, but she takes a little breath, before she overrides her internal systems, her lips twitching at the increased dysfunction spreads, as parts of the coils slow, then slowly begin to peel back, layer by hyperdense layer, her eyes staying steady. Only the faint twitches in her right cheek indicates the discomfort she's feeling doing it.

Indigo has posed:
    First step is the ionizer, to get a field in place that will repel any particulate matter in the air. Once it's set humming, Indigo examines Lolita's innards with some interest. "Oh, that's a clever bit of design. Biotectonics, right? The perpetual motion works as an alternater to help minimize loss of battery charge?" she theorizes as she picks up a pair of needlenose pliers. Her fingertips press to the affected area, massaging, gently encouraging the 'flesh' to part. It occurs to her she's essentially removing a robotic blackhead, and she suppresses a smile. Mostly.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
"My outer shell is, yes." Lolita confirms softly. "My exoshell is pure nanotech smartware, infused with bio-organic material and a substance known as epidurium...it's very rare on Earth. More so than vibranium, if you know that metal." She smiles a little, peering over at you. "It covers my more crunchy bits nicely, as well as giving me the scientifically appropriate 'bounce to the ounce', as it were."

    "however, The frame underneath is metallic, despite its appearance. Which is why I am, shall we say, of the hefty variety when it comes to overall mass. But the hyperdense material is saturated with nanotechnology that holds it as a solid form at the molecular level. It's why separating it at this level is...c.hallenging to hold. My systems really don't like it much." she says as you start to probe, the material parting around the probe slowly as layers continue to peel back.

    "...I'm...having some issues." she says softly. "The layers closest to the intrusion are locked in place."

Indigo has posed:
    "No problem," Indigo soothes. "Here." She sets the pliers back down, then picks up several pairs of forceps to clamp the already exposed layers back out of the way. That task done, she picks up a few more pairs and starts grasping folds to peel back manually. "Please tell me if my actions cause you discomfort. I don't know what your tolerances are, so I require you to be your advocate, okay?"

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    "Thank you for your concern, but I will be able to tolerate what you're doing. I know you are trying to avoid causing me harm." she murmurs.

    The layer parts...and you see something that doesn't belong. A thin wafer of a white metal with a rim that glows slightly cyan blue, just barely protruding where it's wedged between the layers.

Indigo has posed:
    In a trice, Indigo has removed the wafer and tossed it aside without much concern for where it lands. The important thing right now is to start getting all those forceps off Lol's belly, so her systems can fold back into place. That's the task she works on until it's done, and she does it efficiently. It takes less than a minute to finish. Then she can retrieve the disc for examination.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita makes a faint gasping noise as you yank it free. "Oh!" Her internal mechanisms flex slightly as she arches a little, then as you remove the forceps, it quickly begins to reseal, much more smoothly than it opened. "Oh....oh that's much better..." she says with a little sigh, her chest rising and falling more normally now, until her systems seal up. She reaches up and gently replaces the exoshell segment, as it rejoins with the surrounding 'flesh'. "Thank you very much, Indigo." she says, reaching to give you a soft hug for a moment. "My systems are rebooting properly now, I should have complete function again a few minutes."

    The disc appears to be a nanoemiter, designed to take control of nanotech systems. However, it appears it wasn't built for the density of Lolita's inner workings, and has been...well, squished. Enough that it doesn't appear to be functional at the moment, though if it was...someone could have assumed ocntrol of Lolita's body with the appropriate transmitter.

Indigo has posed:
    That's why nanotech is a dead end: too vulnerable to intrusion. Indigo keeps that thought to herself, though. Can't blame people for working with what they have at the time. She just returns Lolita's hug. "You're very welcome, Lolita," she promises, and extricates herself to hand over the other gynoid's clothes.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    "Thank you, again..." Lolita says, smiling and taking the garment back as she quickly begins restoring herself into proper finery and neatness. "You've saved me again, it seems." she say swith amusement. "Though perhaps from a less serious threat of being disassembled this time." She seats herself by her dress materials, nodding. "I should get back to work...and you should probably check on Viri, she'd probably be happy to see you." she says genty, turning her attention back to tailoring as she lets Indigo get back to her own duties.