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An Asgardian, a mage and a student walk into a park
Date of Scene: 10 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Doctor Strange, Krystina Jordan, Sif

Doctor Strange has posed:
Stephen has made his way to metropolis once more in hopes of encountering the so called Gorgon once more but, his luck hasn't been what he hoped it would have been. The man has been running into so many different witches and wizards lately, it seems as though the parks of New York are summoning all of them for some reason or another.

But today, in the overcast sky, Strange is flying down towards the park in Metropolis with his cloak still on, but his attire hidden mystically with a simple spell. He wears a three piece business suit, a cool blue, akin to the evening sky, with a vest, silver chianed pocket-watch, and cufflinks. He's looking fly.

Krystina Jordan has posed:
    Krysti was outside of Metropolis University and actually taking a jog in the park. She was in a rare happy mood lately and even listening to music while jogging. Thankfully, she had one of those high end phones where she could literally do everything on it. Of course, she also had on a 'special' workout outfit. Can never be too careful lately.

Sif has posed:
In her continued attempts to learn more about Midgard, Sif is on another outing. This time she chose Metropolis. After talking with a few people on what places to visit while there, Centennial Park was on the list. The trip took but a moment thanks to her abilities but she's now been there for over an hour. For a time, she wandered the paths but finally she settled near one of the ponds, people-watching. It's interesting to watch some with their children feeding the ducks, others taking advantage of the jogging trails and even more eating lunches on blankets. Very peaceful.

She is dressed in the garb of this realm for once. Soft pale jeans that look like they've been worn to that shade but really were purchased but a week ago. A camisole style type top with a short jacket over it, hiding the sheath she has strapped to her back and the blade hidden held within. She's learned it's best to have it with her, even in this realm.

Doctor Strange has posed:
Stephen walks with a casual air about him. He's in no hurry, but he does have a curious look in his ancient grey eyes. They seem to scan over the entire park, carefully observing ever single figure he passes or who passes him. He reaches up to his breast pocket and pulls out a small metal bound note pad and with a motion of his right hand a pen is suddenly in it and he's writing down a few notes. Though an observant person would easily tell he's not writing in english, or really any language.

Imagine a doctor's handwriting plus give him a few years as the top mage in this dimension, his writing is beyond mere scribles, it's encoded gibberish.

But Stephen walks, his critical eyes linger on Sif as she does, even in her disguise, seem a bit off, a bit touristy. As far as Krysti goes, she's just another soul he glances over but isn't what Stephen's looking for.

Krystina Jordan has posed:
    Krysti has no special sense to see or sense Doctor Strange in the air, but she does notice Sif....who has been there for a little while. As Krysti jogs near Sif, she slows to a walk and pulls out her ear buds....after turning the music off. "Hi.....you....look a little lost, ma'am." Always be respectful...or she tries.

Sif has posed:
Sif doesn't try to hide her surprised expression. "I am new to this city. I thought to learn more by watching the people." Her accent isn't quite English but something else. Her speech patterns are formal and precise. "I have managed to learn that the young here like ducks." She gives a small smile at that the stands as is polite, offering her hand as she was told is also the proper thing to do upon meeting new people. "I am Sif. It is a pleasure to meet you."

Doctor Strange has posed:
Strange floats his way down to the ground and starts walking through the park, not too far from Sif and Krysti when the two strike up a conversation, and he approaches the two, mostly Sif as she is very different from anyone else around. Her aura is even unusual, but somehow familiar.

So, with his calm, surgical demeanor the doctor approaches the two women with a casual smile, "Hello ladies. How are you two this ... dreary afternoon?"

Krystina Jordan has posed:
    Krysti shakes Sif's hand. Krysti has a light, but strong grip for her smaller hand. "Krysti. It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Sif. And they like the ducks cuz the ducks are new to them. And they sound funny." She then chuckles before she notices Strange. "hello there. It's not quite as dreary as it could be."

Sif has posed:
Sif's handshake is firm but not to much, remembering that Midgardians are more fragile so she tempers her strength. She takes that more seriously than she should, eyes going out to the ducks as she considers the noises they make. Then Strange's voice registers and she turns back, offering a hand to him as well. "Is this considered dreary?" she asks curiously, thinking the weather didn't seem that bad to her. Her frames of references may be skewed since she tends to like stormy weather.

Doctor Strange has posed:
Stephen shakes Sif's hand, the illusion spell deep enough that she wouldn't feel the gloves that he's actually wearing, but she would feel his normal calm cool palm.

"I am Doctor Stephen Strange. Pleasure to meet you- Meet you both." He says, then turning his hand to shake and greet Krysti, his hand returned to his pocket of his pants, curling up the blazer around his wrist. "It's a childish sense of wonder than far too many of us loose in the process of growing older."

Krystina Jordan has posed:
    "Sadly, yes. "Ducks are one of the things you lose the wonder for when you're older. Like storms, or watching water ripple." Krysti then sighs. "And some people just want to go back to when everything was so fresh and new." She then chuckles. "But making new friends is good as well." She then looks to Strange. "Doctor huh? I'm working on my own, though I'm in the early stages. I'm Krysti."

Sif has posed:
"Interesting. I like storms. And the ducks," Sif admits. She would've never through of herself as as childish. Perhaps it is more as they say, it is fresh and new. Living in another realm with all manner of creatures, but no ducks. The name Doctor Strange is familiar but somethin else she has learned about Midgard, lots of people have the same names. It's very strange. He seems a normal man and the Strange she heard of had some sort of mystical abilities, though she never heard fully what was involved with him. So she dismisses it as being impossible this is the same man.

Doctor Strange has posed:
"What brings you to Metropolis, Lady Sif?" He asks, using her proper name as if he's wrong, he sounds like an old school gentleman who's been watching too much Game of Thrones, or he's right in that she's the companion of Thor.

He does regard Krysti with his grey eyes and smiles at the student. "Oh are you? What field are you working towards, if I might be so bold?"

Krystina Jordan has posed:
    "Chemistry, actually, but most of my expertise has been towards Culinary arts. I like creating wonderful tastes for people to eat at a dinner place. I think it's fun." Krysti then listens to Strange's honorifics to Sif. "You from england, Sif?"

Sif has posed:
Perhaps he is that Doctor Strange for him to place her. She gives a shake of her head to Krysti first. "No, not from this world at all. I am from Asgard, most recently." She prefers to call it home despite her heritage being else realm. She glances to the Doctor. "Thor has suggested I should become more familiar with Midgard. Thus, I have begun making outings into this world to explore and learn. This outing has been much more pleasant than my last." Which involved an insane six armed woman with swords and a swearing problem.

Doctor Strange has posed:
Stephen looks over Sif's shoulder and nods once to Kryti, "Goodness, I must apologize..." Stephen says before the illusion spell vanishes and the cloak and his usual mystical garbs are revealed and in an instand, he fades away in a mist of purple smoke and is no longer in this world.

Krystina Jordan has posed:
    "Uhhhhhhh....." Krysti says as Strange fades into mist. She then leans over and rubs her head after Sif introduces herself. "You'll....forgive me if I'm a little overwhelmed. I was just a student about a month ago.....then some jerk decided to make me have an accident that would make my grade worse, that nearly killed me. Next thing I know, I have one....rather large mishap and.....suddenly, I'm tracked down by reporters, scientists, and have to beat up mecha to help SHIELD....."

Sif has posed:
"Perhaps he was the Doctor Strange after all," Sif murmurs softly as she examines the spot where the man stood but a moment ago. While she can teleport, it doesn't involve fading awaying into purple smoke. It is a trick she wouldn't mind knowing. She focuses fully on Krysti with his departure. "Nothing to be overwhelmed by. We are all just people." She titls her head slightly, looking over the other woman carefully, seeing nothing amiss outwardly. "What mishap transpired and why would SHIELD force you into combat?"

Krystina Jordan has posed:
    "Shield didn't 'force' me into combat. I just....helped where I could, since I happened to be in the area." Krysti says rather humbly. Then Sif asks about the mishap and she turns rather crimson. "yeah. It's....better to show than explain." And she tugs out her phone.....to find a certain youtube link to.....show a video to sif.

The video is in an office building....showing a woman that is rather nude.....and rapidly growing.....running out of the city. the woman.....looks a lot like Krysti.

Sif has posed:
Curious, Sif stands again so she can see the phone more easily when it is offered. She watches the video then looks to Krysti. Then back to the video. "You...grow? That is an amazing ability," she says with approval in her tone and a smile on her face. It would be handy when fighting many of the creatures in the Nine Realms. "How large are you able to reach? Your assistance of SHIELD was based on your size changing or do you have skills in battle as well?" Leave it to her to turn thoughts to battle.

Krystina Jordan has posed:
    Krysti makes a bit of a face as she puts the phone away. "I do.....and...I shrink. An ability I discovered recently." She then takes a deep breath, and lets it out. "On my own, I've reached 50 feet.....or that's how it looks to me. though, in that video....the end height was about 75 feet. I'm a little wary of going over 50 feet because....if you can believe it, I'm a little fearful of heights." She then chuckles. "nothing like a giant that's afraid of heights. And....I've shrunk down to about....10 inches...so far. But, I seem to be able to alter my density as well....and make myself stronger."

Sif has posed:
"That is amazing," Sif says without any deceipt. It is truly a power that she has not really seen personally. She is smiling and a little laugh escaps. "Yes, being afraid of heights when one is that tall could be a hindrance. It is interesting that you can shrink as well as grow. Making your muscles more dense would allow for that. But strength isn't really necessary for combat, although it certainly helps."

Krystina Jordan has posed:
    "Thank you, but...it's not entirely my doing. If you remember the accident that nearly killed me....that's when the stuff started happening. But, helping shield was when four mecha decided to ambush a convoy. I was walking on the street when a missile that nullified gravity hit one of the carriers and.....well....I was up about 6 stories. And I hit concrete. So it was another clue. then I had to help two shield agents out of a burning truck.....that was also smashed."

Sif has posed:
"Then you are truly a hero," Sif says with a bright smile. "To assist others when there is danger to yourself, to give when you know you have the ability to do so. These things are honorable. It may have been an accident, and I empathize with your near death experience, but you truly were given a gift with these abilities."

Krystina Jordan has posed:
    "Still.....I'm just glad Doctor Richards came along. or else I'd have been facing those mecha nude." Krysti then grins. "It DID feel great to rip that one mecha's hammer arm off...only to use it against another."

Sif has posed:
That earns a bright laugh. "Disarming an opponent and using their own weapon against them or others is truly satisfying," she agrees. But something there didn't make sense to her. She understands the entire problem of growing and not having clothes that fit. "Doctor Richards? How did he resolve the problem of your height change but your clothing remaining the same?"

Krystina Jordan has posed:
    "I had to buy a great number of clothes from him, like this outfit? Of the same material the Fantastic Four uses. So it grows and shrinks with me." Krysti then tilts her head. "Why did Strange call you 'Lady', Sif?"

Sif has posed:
Sif shakes her head. "It is a title that I hold in Asgard, due to my birthright. It was also bequethed me by friends, in a different vein. It means naught in this realm, simply an honorific. I do not use it often although some who know me use it. It is interesting he knew the name yet we have never met." She muses on that a moment, looking to the spot where the doctor disappeared as though expecting him to reappear at any moment. "I thought my attired allowed me to "blend in" as I have been told I should strive to do."

Krystina Jordan has posed:
    "It's possible your reputation precedes you, Sif. You don't mind if I just call you Sif...do you?" Krysti says curiously. "And.....if you'd really like to fit in, I imagine you'd want to fit in with my generation.....we could do a bit of shopping, and get you some clothes that flatter you more than this." She says gesturing to Sif's clothes. "I had some clothes that you might've liked before, but...well...I kinda shredded them. Plus, I'm not your size."

Sif has posed:
"Shopping is something I have been trying to do. I find some of the fashions in this world distasteful. They do not allow for movement when in combat." Sif snorts, an unladylike sound that shows how very silly that notion is. "Thor has been trying to help me, getting his friends to send clothing that they feel suits. It has been slow. I simply would perfer to be in my armor instead of this." She waves a hand at her casual attire, nose wrinkled.

Krystina Jordan has posed:
    "That is because you're not used to clothes here. the clothes here are meant to show off a woman's figure to draw admiring eyes. Usually that is." Krysti then chuckles. "Most women try to wear pants so tight they can barely walk. I kinda prefer baggy clothes, except when I work out. This stuff Doctor richards made is so much better than any wicking clothes anyone can come up with."

Sif has posed:
Sif's brow furrows again and she shakes her head. "They wish to show off their figures to attract a man. I have known women like this in Asgard." A certain blonde witch sorceress comes to mind. "I prefer to dress in a manner that allows me to use my skills to the fullest. My parents a royalty, thus I have been trained to dress in the more visually appealing clothes of my world. I simply do not like it."

Krystina Jordan has posed:
    "You'll have to tell me about Asgard sometime, Sif. For now, how about we find you some clothes that'll eventually feel comfortable in." Krysti says softly. "The thing about here is.....most people will buy clothes that they'll get used to, or how they like visually first. Not everything thinks about armor or weapons."

Sif has posed:
"Yes, I have been told this. That armor and weapons are not worn typically. I was suggested that I should not wear my sword in the open although on my last outing, another woman had two blades. It was strange." Sif doesn't hesitate though as she nods. "I have learned to conceal a short sword along my spine to allow for compromise." That explains the short jacket, making sure that it is hidden. "I will trust your judgement on the clothing but I will insist on being able to hide that blade no matter the choices. Unless it is an oufit that the weapon might compliment it. That would be favorable." Not. A. Clue.

Krystina Jordan has posed:
    "Mmmm..and you don't have the ability to block a sword with your forearm." Krysti says softly. "Sadly, I don't think a short sword can be concealed very easily. Knives can be though."

Sif has posed:
"Depends on who is wielding the sword," Sif answers automatically. "But that is why I prefer to carry a shield. Alas, not in this world." It's a sad state of the world to not be able to carry a sword and shield in public. "Lead on, Krysti. I will follow and heed your advice."

Krystina Jordan has posed:
    "All right, Sif. I ask that you trust me though. I'll try not to make you look trashy." Krysti then smiles and leads Sif back into the city to go shopping.

*Obligatory shopping montage scene end*