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Latest revision as of 16:36, 29 October 2017

Lextravaganza 2025
Date of Scene: 14 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Lex Luthor, 1261, Burnout, Phage, Kaelyn Silverleaf, 1354

Lex Luthor has posed:
The 2025 Lextravaganza is in full swing. People from all over Metropolis are here, shopping, checking out booths, eating free food and generally just having quite the time! It might not be of their lives but it's certainly quite the time. There are many things to do and things to see here, all centered around the general theme of Back 2 School. That's right, Lex Luthor cares about the future of the world and the education of children and so on, so forth. Which is why he's providing this place as a place to come forth and get those children ready to go back to school.

Lex Luthor, himself, is here as well. He's watching the crowd from his damn-near-throne on the stage that's been built to allow him to watch everyone. He watches with a huge smile on his face, loving the fact that so many people have come to enjoy the festivities. Local band, Metro 21, is rocking out on the music stage nearby and the music is filling the LexMall with the final sounds of summer.

LexCorp Staff and LexCorp Security are all around. To both assist and protect those that have come down here for doing whatever it is they've chosen to do down here. There may be the occasional celebrity, politician or even superhero that may be worth getting a selfie or autograph from.

It's one big, well, Lextravaganza.

Alexander Dubois (1261) has posed:
Free food? Say no more, Alexander is all over that! Though it's true, he doesn't really NEED to eat anymore, it helps when he can. Helps him feel like a normal kid. Besides, he's at least visibly a teenager, so where else would a teen be hanging out but the mall?

He's just sort of... there, really. Oddly, he seems to be trying to avoid making direct eye contact with any heroes, trying to keep the crowd between himself and whatever heroes might be here. It's not immediately clear why. At first glance he looks more or less like a normal teen -- brown hair, bronzed skin, white t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers, with a plaid long-sleeved shirt tied around his waist. Though maybe the yellow-gold eyes are a little weird.

Burnout has posed:
Free stuff, music, and a Mall. What nineteen year old wouldn't like that? Sure, it's a schlepp to Metropolis but even Bobby needed a break from New York City and here it is! Maybe some of the others came with but he's more than happy to wander about, grab some free food, and listen to the musicians. He's mostly here for the music anyhow. Shopping isn't easy when you don't have a lot of money (yet).

He's also dressed as a typical teen in jeans and a graphic t-shirt under a short-sleeved button-down. He could probably use a haircut and a shave, but he's got the whole retro-grunge/hipster thing going on and he seems fine with it.

Lex Luthor has posed:
Lex Luthor stands up from his chair and gives a glance around the area, before making sure that some of his staff members are waltzing around and giving out SwagPacks full of random LexCorp items. Technology, pencils, t-shirts... who knows what could be found in a SwagPack from LexCorp. Lex Luthor is a very generous individual and he's always willing to give to those that don't have anything. Especially when it involves the future of the world.

Lex takes the steps down on the side of the stage and decides it might be time to mingle with those that don't have as much as him. Perhaps he'll be able to provide some words of wisdom. Or just take one of those selfies and get even more famous. If that's even possible.

Phage has posed:
There's always security at places like this. Some obvious, some... less so. What's another suit and glasses in a sea of so many others. Fielding questions, mainly about how to get some time with the man himself, handing out freebies, directing to food, sparkling and generally networking. Never straying too far from rush in distance. Always smiling, looking around, checking the perimiter. Listening through an earpiece, invisible and unheard to all but the wearer... suffice to say... not all suits are the same.

Carl Mach falls in behind the boss and, between keeping face, waving to no one really in particular, and otherwise obscuring any effort to communicate to any looking for it. "Mr Luthor. Sir. All's clear, checks are coming in... nothing to report. Standard operating procedures are in effect. You need me? I'm there. Sir." As quick as he's there he's... not gone just not present. Or as not present as someone of his size can be.

Burnout has posed:
Wait, they get swag too? Bobby happily takes one of the bags passed around and will poke through it later. He goes back to listening to the band for a moment until he catches sight of the sponsor himself...just wandering through the mallgoers. Wait, seriously? Band or selfie...band or selfie...the selfie wins as the nineteen year old makes his way over to Luthor, "Can I get a selfie with you?" is asked with a grin.

He may not be all into finance and stuff, but why pass up an opportunity like this?

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae is now on the scene! OOkay, so the curvy redhead is wandering by Big Belly Burger as she wanders the extraviganza... Kae pauses near the ocation and takes a deep breath, the girl looking around curiously, before setting to getting her self some food and of course one of the swagpacks... She looks at the bag curiously and then opens it up to peer inside... She tugs a touchscreen pad out of the swag bag and blinks "Wow, nice stuff..." She mutters.... She puts that back in and casually stashes the pack away into her backpack and proceeds to head toward one of the food areas....

Phage has posed:
The boss is a high profile target for shots of both kinds, so, when Mr Luthor stops to meet, greet and selfie with one of the people approaching... he doesn't react. Letting the boss do his thing. Still, keeping control of the situation is key. Guy has a schedule to keep. So, to give an out to the conversation should he need it Mach sidestems in and asks the kid after the pic's been snapped, "Enjoying it all?" Okay. Not the most sparkling conversation but it gets Mach started to let Lex move on if he needs to.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae pauses near one of the food areas, the girl glancing over the spread, before she wanders up to a table, grabs a plate and sets about picking various treats and whatnot off said table.. Soon enough she's got a selection of little sandwitches chips'n dips and other savories picked out including some pickles, and then she gets her self a soda... Kae glances around curiously, and wanders over to a nearby table, occupying a chair where she begins nibbling as she watches folks wander the place and interract curiously.

Burnout has posed:
Bobby Lane snaps the selfie with a cheesy sort of grin and then allows Luthor to move on with a "Thanks, man!" The security guy seems to catch him by surprise when he asks him the question, "Whoa...I didn't know you guys were allowed to talk! Uh, yeah, it's cool! Although you know what would make it better? If you had local bands. I know the famous ones are great, but local bands are the bomb and they have their own following too." He seems about to say something else with sight of a redhead catches his attention.

Phage has posed:
Mach says, "Personal protection details do. Corporate executives can speak for themselves. In fact, more than my job's worth not to. Though, cool, great idea. I've... been outta town for a while but, if you know some local talent we should be promoting... then let us know." Mach follows the look over and, knowingly, grins. Moving Mr Luthor on he adds as they depart, "You have fun there. I'd say not too much... if I knew what that was."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Soon enough Kae's done nibbling and now stands, the tall curvy red head glances around her self curiously, then with her thumbs in the straps of her backpack begins to meander once more. Pretty soon, Kae is getting closer to the Bobby and Mach paring. She pauses to glance around her self eery now and then and especially when the band that is playing plays something she enjoys... She smiles slightly at the latest song, foot tapping a bit. Once the music's over, Kae goes back to wandering around the place, and yes she's getting closer and closer.

Burnout has posed:
"I'm actually from New York, but I'll keep an eye out." Because would he really email Lex Luthor suggesting local, indie bands from Metropolis? Yup! Because he can! A wave is given to the corp security as he moves along, the hand then going to scrub through his hair. Weird, right? "Aww, damn," he mutters to himself, "Should have gotten a selfie with the Secret Services guy too!"

Phage has posed:
For a moment the VIP and the security consultant discuss a few details, timings, schedule, updates, and so on. It's boring but necessary. The two aren't too far away from the main flow of footfall, but they are out of the way of any accidental bumpings into. So, if someone approaches with something to say, there's always time to call a halt to the delicate details before they get too close. Mach's good at his job, his trining good enough to spot anyone from far away. After... certain events, his vision has only got even better.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
And Now Kae is near the VIP group and Bobby! She peers over toward Carl, and of course Lex curiously. The curvy Redhead then offers a wave. She's not much one for selfies, but it's not often one gets to meet one of the richest folks in the world.

Kae notices Bobby as they get close, the girl then smiles, green eyes twinkling as she greets "Hallo."

Burnout has posed:
Bobby Lane gives a little start as the rehead greets him...did she overhear him talking to himself? Hopefully not! "Hey," is offered as he tries to be cool about things. Nevermind they're at LexCorp central with expensive swag that was just handed out to him and selfies taken with the man himself. Crazy, right? "So, uh. Cool shindig, right?"

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae blinks and then ooh's, the girl responding with a smile... "Yup, it's pretty schnazzy!" She says cheerfully. "Food's not bad either, ya can either help yer self too the free stuff, or go over to Big Belly Burger..." She says and grins a bit. "So what brings you here? Free food? Music?"

Alexander Dubois (1261) has posed:
For the time being, Alexander has been hanging around, mostly keeping out of sight. Food's free, so he's been moving out of the swelling crowds to grab a bite to eat every now and then, and then just sort of melting back into the crowd. Oh hey, those swag bags are free too? He'll grab one of those, if he can. He doesn't even have a cellphone; if there's something in there that can function as one, he's definitely looking into it.

Burnout has posed:
"Free food, music, and how often do you get to go to a place like this at an event like this?" He even traveled some for it! Because...why not? Also, maybe some of these bands need support musicians or something. Bobby shrugs some at the question, "What about you? Yeah, I had some of the food...it's not bad at all."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae shrugs "Ws in town, saw the shindig, and figured I'd come over as it's open to anybody." Kae says with a grin... "Got a little pad thingie in my bag too.. Kinda nice to have a tablet and all in a swag bag... Evidently it's a random thing or something?" she says and glances around again, that pony tail flopping along her back now as she looks up and around "This is a pretty crazy building though."

Phage has posed:
Concluding the shop talk Mach says to the man, "Sir. I need a code cive." There is no code five. It's a joke term for I'm bunking off for a smoke or drink or other thing on an officially unofficial basis. Saying nothing else he disappears from view. If one could see through walls... they'd see someone smoking outside the nearest fire exit. Mach's otherwise occupied for a moment or two.

Lex Luthor has posed:
After his mucho chatting with his security maestro, Lex Luthor is back into the world of Mingling to make sure that there are many other people that get the opportunity to be in the same space as Lex Luthor. His grin never falters, even after he gives Carl the nod to go and handle things. He's focused forever upon making sure that he looks as approachable and visible as he should. After all, the people are here for a LEXtravaganza. And he is that LEX.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae's meanderings actually are getting the rather startling-looking redhead closer and closer to Lex.. The 5'10" bombshell pauses now and glances back at the stage, her green eyes seemingly aglow as she watches the band, then she turns, eyes pausing as she spots something interesting in the crowd, and her lips move briefly, and her voice kind of projects in that thing's direction, she's whispering at great distance now to Alex.. "Careful ya don't draw too much attention to your self sweetie." Is what's said, though maybe only Alexander can make out the voice, those nearby might just loose the sound to the crowd... Those near Kaelyn won't hear a thing, just see her lips moving as if she were talking to her self.

Kae then smiles and turns, and nearly runs headlong into Lex's entorage and the man him self. The girl squeeks as she twists to keep from slamming into one of them, promptly looses balance and ends up landing with a thud on her backside... Probably a good thing she's curvy... One eye is closed now as she whines to her self and begins to get up... "I'm such a bloody clutz."

Alexander Dubois (1261) has posed:
Whooooops! Alexander quickly dodges around the reappearing Lex Luthor, with a quietly murmured, "Sorry, sir." He keeps his head down, for a couple of reasons. He's not doing anything illegal, no. He's just shy. For a couple reasons. He passes by Bobby and Kaelyn on his path to try to disappear back into the crowd.

In fact it's because he's passing by that he hears Kaelyn's words. And he pauses, looking to her in surprise, his golden eyes wide. "...What?" He winces, though, as she falls over, and shuffles a little closer to offer a hand up. "Are you OK?" he asks quietly.

Phage has posed:
Five minutes. All he wanted was five minutes... Mach, cig half finished speeds back to the unseen side of his boss. Sometimes you don't have to see. You just know. Still he's there and it was a small fall by one of the crowd. A helping hand's in place and his charge isn't involved. So. All clear. A break will have to wait though. He doesn't ask if Lex is okay as, well, guy's a genius. Asking, or stating the obvious is an easy way to lose out to a mind like that.

Lex Luthor has posed:
Lex raises an eyebrow in the midst of everything that happens nearby. He holds up a hand to keep Hope and Mercy from rushing over from their hidden locations. They are, after all, around to make sure that everything goes according to pl-- er, to make sure that they are protecting Lex Luthor at all times.

"Are you alright?" Lex even dares to echo the words that come from the one offering to help the girl up. He gives a nod as Carl returns and just keeps a close eye on the proceedings. He's not in the mood for any lawsuits.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae blinks and looks up... "Umm yaaaah, nothing but my pride damaged." Kae says, still on the floor and smiling slightly... The girl smiles at the offers of help and grabs both the offered hands before getting up. "Many thanks, I wasn't paying attention, saw someone out of the corner of my eye and when I moved to avoid y'all I tripped.. " Kae then grins a bit "I can be a real big clutz saddly."

Alexander Dubois (1261) has posed:
Alexander winces a little at the mention of seeing someone out of the corner of her eye. "Sorry..." he notes quietly, scuffing the ground a little with a foot. Did she trip because he startled her? The thought seems to make him uncomfortable.

And then he sees that Lex Luthor and Carl are like really close. Not good! So he starts to edge back into the crowd, trying not to make it look like he was fleeing from something. But it totally does.

Phage has posed:
Carl is relaxed and unconcerned. It helps when you can see people coming a mile away... under the right circumstances. He used to carry on security detail but, now, he had more weapons closer to claw. Err. Hand. Absolutely. Hand. That's what was meant. He does raise a hand to the freaking figure and says, "Easy there kid. Don't cut and run. There's no point. Y'know, as you done nothing wrong?" He says to Alexander, tone's simple, light, practiced more on someone about to shoot you in the face, reload, and do it again but, as he isn't a corpse yet... he must've got good at being the voice of reason. Plus, if the kid runs out into the street and gets runs over it means paperwork. He owes Lex a lot... but even he has limits. Paperwork's one.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae blinks and looks now from Alexander, to Lex, then to Carl...The Redhead then glances to Alexander now and she asks "Yer here to socialize, so socialize!" she says cheerfully. Kae then glances to Carl and offers a handshake "Name's Kaelyn, I own a small coffee-shop Cafe and occult store in Bludhaven." she offers then grins a bit as she tilts her head, studying the person.

Alexander Dubois (1261) has posed:
Alexander freezes at Carl's words of cutting and running. Shoot, now he's got attention on him, he can't slink away. It'd attract too much attention. He only seems to hunker down more at Kaelyn's agreement about socializing. She's introducing herself, so he offers, "...Alex. I'm Alex." It's a relatively neutral of a name. And there's a lot of names it could be short for.

Valerie Kameya (1354) has posed:
A dark haired woman has been taking advantage of the Lextravaganza, looking curiously into the booths, talking to the vendor beefcake (and cheesecake), enjoying the free food, and just generally seeming to enjoy wandering around and being rntertained.

Valerie flits about like a hummingbird and she's dressed for the part: a pair of red slick track pants with a pair of white stripes up the sides, a blue babydoll top that reads "New York Or Bust" across the chest and a LEXCORP baseball cap she must have gotten as some sort of swag at the event today. As Alexander is backing up, he runs into her and her cone of LEXCOW-brand cheese curds go flying. "Hey!" she complains, turnsing to see who might be so very rude. "I was eating those."

Phage has posed:
Mach takes the hand offered by the lady, now known to him as Kaelyn, shaking it and suddenly smiling. "Mach. Carl Mach. Security Consultant to Mr Luthor. Occult store? That does sound fascinating. Perhaps, sometime, I could avail myself of your expertise." He knows when he's being sized up. Even the best of eyes and the many forms of vision would denote all six foot and five inches of him is nothing but Mach. The suit, at the moment, is just that. A custom job, certainly but, again, right now, just a suit. The yellow tinted glasses the same. Turning momentarily to Alex, as he calls himself Mach adds, "Nice one Alex. It's a party, enjoy yourself." Returning to Kaelyn he asks, "So how long have you been in business for? If you don't mind my asking."

Alexander Dubois (1261) has posed:
Again Alexander winces, at the sound of the woman's upset voice behind him. He turns, slowly. He looks like a typical teen -- though with a rather unhealthy case of 'deer in headlights' syndrome. "Ah... I-I'm sorry..." he hedges, looking uncomfortable.

He almost missed Kaelyn's mention of the occult shop. Bludhaven's not a great place to be, he hears, so he's not absolutely sure he'll get out there to look at it. But he files this away for later. He nods to Carl's words, but he doesn't have any verbal reply, mainly because he doesn't want to unterrupt the conversation the security guy is having with Kaelyn. Also he wants to drop some eaves, if he can manage while apologizing to the woman he ran into.

Valerie Kameya (1354) has posed:
    Valerie flips her errant hair back out of her face. "Well, I _guess_ it's alright. They were free anyway." She shrugs, then has another look at Alexander. "Are you alright? You don't look so good. Are you sick?" still, she tries to be cheerful. "Something wrong? I mean, you weren't shoplifting or anything, were you?"

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae smiles cheerfully "Nice to meet ya sir." she says, looking up at the tal person... It's not often Kae feels short. She does at this point now... Kae grins at Alex and nods "Pleasure to meet ya Alex." she says, voice cheerful enough as she offers a nod. She then glances to Carl and umms "New shop really, So at this point ummm a few weeks here?" She says and shrugs... "Business is suprisingly good even with the other store across the street that specializes in occult and new age books. Luckily I have the coffee shop and cafe part, and well a thriving botique business going on with it." Kae adds and shrugs... "Oh and I sell these...." She pauses, the theese being drawn out as she unshrugs her backpack and after a little digging pulls a box out. She opens the wooden box and inside is what appears to be a 3 inch long brass and nickle wasp of all things, the tiny mechanical insect is rendered in fine detail, with a few tiny gears visible between the wings, also looking closely at the legs, the joints are gear-articulated... Evidently the woman is talented in making fine clockwork pieces... Kae then grins and holds it out to Carl for him to take... "Key's in the lid if you wanna wind em up.. I like making clockworks.. It's fun."

Phage has posed:
Having one conversation and listening to another is difficult, even for a trained operative, especially when you're taking interest in both. Luckily for Mach, he's only interested in the one he's having. Especially as a start is a start anywhere you find it. Since what was already explained to him is useful, he brightens further again. "it's a outstanding piece..." He says taking it and looking over it carefully, "... Okay, sure, I'm game." He adds taking the key and listens to the ratchet, the spring tightening, then, when he's sure it's wound, but not overly so, he releases the key from the nickel wasp.

Alexander Dubois (1261) has posed:
Alexander shakes his head. "No... none of this stuff is stolen," he assures her, indicating the bag of things he's got. There are similar bags being given out, and there's nothing in it that isn't also being given out. "I'm just not very good with crowds..."

To Kaelyn he gives a nod, and a small smile. "Good to meet you too," he offers quietly. He also gives the clockwork wasp a look. It's a LOOK, too. It's a 'you better not come to life and try to take over people's brains' look.

He also looks at Carl with a worried 'be careful' look!

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae blinks and grins before pointing "When you hear the click, tug the key free that releases the gears to work." She says with a slight smile... "Just be careful though, it moves very very lifelike and can fly... There's a fine wire at its base that will keep it from going very far." And if the key is wound further till there is a soft click and pulled free the wasp actually begins to move right away, first quivering its antenna then working it's tiny mandibles before spreading its wings, the wings aren't solid metal or even appear such, seems the girl used a more modern material to create those as the wings spread they begin beating and with the angry humm accounted to a wasp or hornet flying the little creature lifts off the ground and starts flying about a 1 foot radius circle around the box. After making a few laps the thing lands, cleans its antenna and finally comes to a stop.

Kae grins "I have a laser cutter and small 3d printer in the shop. I'm applying old world clockwork to modern stuff or modern construction to old world clockworks, I don't know exactly how you want to call it." Kae says with a slight grin... "Still I get no end of enjoyment out of it."

Valerie Kameya (1354) has posed:
    "Well, that's alright, th... hey! Is that Lex Luthor over there?" Valerie asks Alexander, bumping him on the bicep to get his attention. "That would be sick to meet... hey! What's that?" and she points to the wasp Kaelyn is showing off. "That's looks peachy. I'm going to have a closer look. 'm Valerie, by the way." that must be her greeting to Alex but she doesn't look at him as she says it. A moment later and she's next to Carl and the redhead. Did she actually cross the intervening space? Must be a trick of the light. "Wow. What... is this a new Lexcorp product?" she wonders, eagerly.

Phage has posed:
Mach watches the display with interest, and listens to the explaination after moreso. The new question comes through leaving him with one more question than he was expecting. He starts, "All the hard work of the lady here..." Then his expression stiffens. He puts a hand to his ear and turns away for a moment. He says, seemingly looking down and speaking into his chest, "Understood. Seven. I'm en route."

Turning back and looking to the other people assembled and, in one of those round about looks that could be speaking to any number of people or none, he says, "Ladies, gentlemen, it's been a pleasure. Do enjoy the event. However there's no rest for the wicked... and even less again for me." As he turns he stops and adds to Mr Luthor, "Under control sir. Project needs a sign off. Cleaning up the finals." Whether or not it was another code... neither man seems to show. With a few ranged strides Mach's already out of sight and out then nearest exit.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae grins and collects the little clockwork up and puts it away before nodding. "Yah lotsa work on my end... Imma gonna go and meander and stuff.. y'all have fun!!!" Kae says nodding to Alex and to the new person. "Pleasure meeting you!!!"