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Latest revision as of 18:01, 29 October 2017

The Perfect Thingee
Date of Scene: 16 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Tendril, Crusader, Boom-Boom

Tendril has posed:
    It's a slightly cloudy day in Brooklyn, but so far, so good - no rain has fallen. With all the students moving in to the dorms near the nearby colleges in preparation for the new school year to start soon, it's actually fairly busy, as the kids and their families are parking nearby to move piles of stuff from car or truck up to said dorm, then breaking for food or such afterwards, or simply visiting the nearby Botanical Gardens.

    Therefore it's not suprising that two girls about the right age for college nearly are wandering down the street together, making more or less towards Bushwick. One fits right in with her jewelry, blonde hair and cute velociraptor top.

    The The other, not so much, being that she's definitely on the pinkish-purple side of skin color and has very obvious silvery hair pulled back in a long plait behind her. She's currently chattering away to the other girl as they walk. "...an' this isn't th' FASTEST way, but th' sewers are weird around here, actually. Cuz of the turtles. An' th' mushrooms get up an' walk around sometimes. Really, the turtles aren't bad, ya just gotta give 'em a good kick an' they pop right out of their shells! It's WEIRD..." Lexi notes.

Crusader has posed:
And it just so happens on this straight is a little store. It not big and extravegant, but rather dim, shoddy, very old as if it hadn't been used in awhile. ANd in truth, it hasn't! Bjorn only recently got back to the store after a long hiatus!
    As sucha very large man - one that gives the impression of being old and young at the same time, walks out. He was far more muscular than any bodybuilder and yet he looked all natural, his black t-shirt hugging his musculed body. The shirt was stained with various paint stains, and he wore jeans, a pair of leather bracers and large heavily armored metal boots. He rubbed his impressivly sized beard as he puts down a bucket with soapy water and begins to clean the outside of the windows whistling a rather sad tune
    Though he also seemed friendly as he waved and greeted any passerby - many who seem surprised to see him back! And of course Borgi the Corgi was their watching the world go by

Boom-Boom has posed:
    The blonde has her hair in pigtails, possibly making her look younger than she really is, her eyes hidden by a huge pair of gauche purple sunglasses. She blows a huge bubble of purple bubblegum as Alexia points out things here and there and Tabitha nods, smiling as they wander along.

    "Yeah?" she asks, the bubble popping. "Mushrooms? Did you ever eat them or were they like friendly or somethin'?" As the pair near the dim shop, Boomer touches Lexi's arm to stop her and she points out the man that steps out. "Hey. Do you think that's that 'Thor' guy? He's got metal boots. Who wears metal boots except Viking gods? He's got a Viking beard too."

Tendril has posed:
    "Ew, no! They've, like, got faces an' stuff." She pauses. "Had to stomp on a few once though." She's drawn out of her thoughts of far distant pipe battles below the streets as Boom Boom points out Bjorn. "...whoa. Hmm." She watches, looking Bjorn over. "...but he doesn't have a hammer, does he?" she says uncertainly. She's at least trying to pitch her voice a bit lower, because, well, she doesn't want everyone to know that they're pondering godhood for the store owner.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn whistles a tune and waves to the ladies. He chuckles deeply as he heard Boomer but not ALexia apparently "No, Thor is brother und a few have called yours truely, Brokkr" he gives a bow "As fer a hammer...." he reaches behind himself where things where out of sight...and pulls out what looks like a replica of Mjornir from behind himself! Wait....
    Was this guy a god? Running an electronics store no less?!?!?! He even gives both ladies a rather dashing smile, seeming the friendly type.

Boom-Boom has posed:
Boomski wrinkles her nose. "Were they all twisted and funky? Sounds fab, though. I wanna see one." and she laughs. "I don't know, maybe he keeps his hammer in a box, like a gun safe. Don't want some kid to come along and accidently cause a lightning storm or some junk."

    She claps her hands in delight as Bjorn produces a hammer after all. "See?! That's him! Ask him out!" and she gently and playfully pushes at the mauve girl's shoulder. "He could be your Viking boyfriend! And he has a corgi, score."

Tendril has posed:
    The other girl turns an interesting color of purple as she flushes. "W-what?!?" She hesistates. "Okay, th' corgi -is- pretty cool..." she admits after a moment, getting a slightly teasing twinkle. "Are ya sure, ya got the whole Viking girl thing goin' more than me..." she shoots back, clasping her hands behind her back as she eyes Bjorn. "...really, yer his brother?" Not being the most cynical of girls, apparently, she's willing to believe!

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn gives a rousing bellowing laugh, a jolly sought really, and a deep sound that could fill a room "No...well yes. But not the god Thor. Thor is brother as in very good friend, but he is no god, he is icelandic!" he gives a bow "And well, Brokkr is nickname for Bjorn! That is me!" he claims his smile never fading "But couldnea help but pull you leg! Every once in a while someone comes by thinking Bjorn is a god!"
    The corgi goes over and happily jumps at the ladies wagging his fluffy tail. "Bjorn thand ecided to buy hammer replica for the fun of it" he says he tosses the hammer up and catch it behind his back. He turns around...and the hammer just gone - none of his pockets seem big enough to hold it "Helps to have some magic tricks. Hope you two not mind the joke!" he says sincerly

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Tabitha crouches to meet the dog, offering her hand for the corgi to sniff, then she sritches its ears when it accepts her. "Awww. So cute." she gushes. She looks up to the other girl, her eyes sparkling and happy. "Isn't he adorbs?"

    A look back to Bjorn. "Great trick. Nice to meetcha, I'm Tabitha, but noone calls me that. Usually I'm 'Boom-Boom'. And this..." and she motions with her head towards the mauve girl. "... is Alexia."

Tendril has posed:
    The other girl says cheerfully "You can call me Lex, or Lexi if you want to?" She likewise kneels down to give the excited doggie a good scritch, giggling. "Yes, he is! Corgis are the best!"

    She peers up at Bjorn, then leans to the side, trying to see where the hammer went. "Magic tricks?" she asks him curiously. "Ooh! Is this that anime thing where they can pull hammers out of nowhere?!?"

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn Arturson says, "....ummm. What is this anime of which you speak?" he asks and looks....legitamitly confused. "ANyways, no. It just a common magic trick. You distracted folks with one thing, to accomplish another thing. Basic magic 101" Bjorn claims. Of course that still dosn't explain where the hammer is
    Borgi happily accepts scritches and even nibbles Tabitha playfully. He even rolls onto his back for belly rubs, barking happily
    As for Bjorn he smles again "Bjorn is happy to meet you Boom Boom and Lexi!""

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "Eww... dog germs." Tabitha groans, but she's smiling. She scratches the corgi's tummy, then, but mostly she watches Lexi being happy gushing over the cute puppy. She forgets there's anyone else around for a long moment, then blinks and looks back to Bjorn as she stands. "Whatcha have in your shop?"

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi looks vaguely disappointed...the secrets of Hammerspace will not be hers this day! But it fades pretty quickly, because it's still a good trick. And because she's got a corgi's belly to rub. "Oooh, ya are th' cutest lil' puppy, yes ya are!" she croons, mauve fingers rubbing and patting him, her sparkly purple nail polish catching the sun, and totally missing Tabitha being amused by her puppy lovin'.

    "What's his name?" she wonders, looking up at Bjorn, as Boom Boom stands. "Yeah! What kind of shop? A disappearing hammer shop!" She leans back to peer up at the sign. "Oh, gadget stuff?" she says curiousy as she reads it.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn swells with pride...litterly he seems to get a bit bigger! "His name is Borgi! He is captain of the back room, anyone who goes back there, except me of course, with be assimilated" he says with a grin. Reference names are best names
    But none the less he gestures "But yes...gadget stuff! Bjorn can fix any electronics, and even some more mechanical based things! Bjorn buy and sells them too, as well as parts, kits and what have you! Please please, feel free to be taking the look around"

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "Too bad we can't have a puppy at school." Boomer says. "Maybe when..." but she facepalms herself to end that thought. She nods as Bjorn invites them to look around. "Wanna take alook around?" she asks Lexi. "Could be cool for a while."

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi giggles a bit at the name. "Borgi!" She grins at the little dog, giving him a last scritch before she straightens up to stand. "Sure! Let's take a look." she says cheerfully. "Ya can find really neat stuff in places like this..." She hmms, then drifts over to the door to pull it open for Tabby, careful to not bump Bjorn where he's working.

Crusader has posed:
Inside the store....well it was better than the outside. Though it seems there is signs they has been a struggle or recent break in - as several of the display cases had their glass shattered and many of the lectronic areas were in dissarray.
    But none the less it was a smoogish board of gadgets. Everything from old Commondores 64s all the way up to the last hand held consoles can be found here. Along with various parts, new and old phones, a few oddities, open wireing, motherboards, cases for computers, etc.
    Near the back was a door with many 'Do not Enter' signs as well as one yellow one with a Corgi on it and the words "Do not enter or the Borgi will assimilate you" but yea, he really did not want anyone in the back.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Tabitha follows after Lexi, starting to step past her, but she deliberately gets too close, gently bumping a hip agains the other girl's, a hand along the small of her back, for steadying herself. Right. That's it. then she's inside. "Wow. Huh. I bet DOugie or someone would like this place. Kinda neat, though.

Tendril has posed:
    The other girl doesn't seem to mind the bump at all, raising a silvery brow at Tabby as she steps by and rests her hand on the mauve girl's back, then gets another purplish flush as the other girl murmurs something to her as she goes past, shooting a shy smile at Boom Boom. From this angle though, Bjorn can clearly see the tattoo that Lexi's back...a stylized black sun around a biohazard symbol. She lets Borgi run in if he wants, and Bjorn if he's coming back, otherwise she lets the door slide shut as she skips in to take a look around, a bit distracted for a moment as she sort of ambles after Tabitha. "Is he a techie kinda guy? I mean, okay, he kinda IS by default, with everythin', but still, didn't know he liked old techy stuff?" She wrinkles her nose. "Man, some of this is older than -I- am..."

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn follows in afterwards and indeed notices the tattoo on Lexie back but makes no mention of it. The corgi bounds in and find himself in his bed happily. He looks between Boom Boom and Lexi with a chuckle "Well Bjorn is as old as some of this stuff. Do not let my looks for you, Bjorn was born in 1961...that about 20 years after the first computers really started to pick up steam" he explains "So Bjorn was /raised/ with some of this stuff!" of course Bjorn didn't exactly look 64 years old, not even close. "But id doug ever wishes to see this stuff you can send him down here...though no promises on shop being open. Bjorn open shop when he feel like opening shop"

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Tab pushes her sunglasses up on her forehead, then takes another long look. "There. I can see better." She steps towards a display. "Kinda like a modern-day Frankenstein would be right at home here, or one of those science nerds like Richards or Stark." She spins back to Lexi. "Hey! We can take a bunch of these parts and make you a suit, and you can be 'Iron Girl! You'll be the most stylish superhero in the city! Like steampunky without the gears?" and she laughs. "Whattaya think?"

    There are some lanyards nearby and she takes one, looping it around her wrist and grinning at the silver-haired girl a moment before taking it off again and replacing it in the collection. She looks back to Bjorn. "Sounds like a good gig. Do you have like Asgardian dwarf gold to live on, then?"

Tendril has posed:
    Lex sticks her tongue out at Tab as she picks up a rotary phone, looking at it uncertainly, tugging at the dangled cord holding the handset to the main phone. "I don't think I'm Tony STark." she says with a grin. "So I'd probably just kinda fall over a lot." She sets the phone back down, drifting further into the shop as she admires the lanyard briefly, then tilts her head and pulls out what...looks like a old fashioned diskette the size of a dinner plate. "...huh." She's listening to the question though, because she's sort of curious. Maybe he can make gold appear like the hammer disappeared!

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn chuckles "No no no. Nothing like that. Bjorn just....hmmm. Wise spender" he decides on. That didn't quite seem like the truth. But that what he was going with. "Sides, if Bjorn could be with darves, he would!" he claims
    He looks to Tabitha "Hmmmm....well Bjorn can try and help make this suit, though he is no Tony Stark. Though little girls should be careful, fighting folks is not easy and not all fun and games" he says as if knowing from personal experince
    He looks to Lexie "Though, if Bjorn seeing skin right.....your more than just human" he says speicficly to Lexie since Tabitha seemed all human

Boom-Boom has posed:
Tabitha sticks her tongue out in return. "Eh, Tony Stark isn't that great. He's kinda hot, though... with that little beard and stuff." Tabitha mentions. "But hey, fall over. I'll catch you." She wrinkles her nose. "What the heck is that?" she must mean the giant floppy disk. "How would you even USE somethin' like that?" At the mention of Alexia being more than human, Tabitha's eyes narrow a moment and she looks at the door, as if she's scoping out the best way to exit. She clenches a fist, too, at her side. A step closer to the purple girl, protective?

Tendril has posed:
    Lex hmms, her eyes flicking to Bjorn...a reflective, striking gold. She sends the disc gently lofting through the air like a really awkwardly shaped frisbee so it lands on one of the tables. "Good eyes there..." she says, not sounding upset. I mean...she DOES look like she's not your standard shade of human. "That a problem?" she wonders, not going quite as on guard as Tabby does, though she's certainly watching Bjorn thoughfully. Her hand reaches out slighty to rest lightly against Tabby's side, soothingly.

    "An I don't think I'd be good at runnin' a big suit like that, I kinda like not bein' all covered up in metal an' stuff...though it WOULD be cool. Ya make stuff then, not just sell it?"

Crusader has posed:
"Eh, Bjorn is sure he can make adjustment to cover those tendrills that come out of your body. It was quite impressive how they could pick up a man and throw him!" he exclaims with a Jolly laugh. If he seemed bothered, it didn't show at all "You were very brave" yes he was referring to the FoH attack, he saw what she could do, heck he might be recognized by Alexia now if she was/is one for paying attnetion
    He walks over and picks up the large disk! "Hey now! Careful, this is the song 'Dream On' on a record" he explains. He breaks out a record player and places the large disk on it. He puts on the needle after turning it on and music begins to play "This was the grandfather of Mp3 files" he claims. "Anyways, yes, Bjorn can make things. Bjorn is very good with tech"

Boom-Boom has posed:
    There's a glow in Tabitha's palm as she opens her fist, but since she's hiding it from Bjorn, likely he won't see what's there other than a pale light. But as the large man seems to be unthreatning after all, the light winks out after a moment. She glances between the pair. "Alright." She considers his words. "I don't think we could afford a suit like that. Prob'ly not even the labor." Still, she looks seriously at the other girl and shrugs.

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi gapes at the bearded man. "W-what? How did ya know about..." She blinks a bit, then her eyes widen. "...you were at th' Captain America thing!" she says, pointing. "When those assholes attacked th' crowd! I remember ya!" Apparently he was NOT on the FoH side of things, since she doesn't follow that up by throwing a table at him or something.

    "Huh...small world..." the more petite girl says, hands on her hips as she looks over at Tabitha, then smiles a bit at her. "Yeah, not exactly everyday wear stuff..." she says thoughfully. "Hmmmm...oh! Can you make belts? Like, utility belt kinda stuff? With pockets?"

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn grins proudly "Aye - course Bjorn put on quite the dissappearing act afterwards!" as he virtually dissappeared much like his hammer. But than frowns and sighs "But it was lucky...it could have been....far worse" something seemed to weigh heavy on his mind something beyound that recent rally, and for the briefest moment he does seem like a frail old man. He looks /very/ serious as he address Lexi and Tabitha "Make sure you ladies do not go out alone to any seedie areas, powers or not numbers at the very least deter cowerds" he wanted them and everyone to be safe
    But than he looks at Tabitha and saw the pale glow fade "SHinnnnney!" he exclaims "Shiney shiney shiney! Let Bjorn see!" apparently he likes shiney things! So much so he forgot or didn't even hear Alexia ask about a utility belt. His eyes were *nailed* to Tabitha. Apparently he can have a bit of an odd side

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Tabitha raises an eyebrow, and shrugs. "Well, I guess it's okay." She opens her palm again and there's a little ball of sparkling plasma there. "'s why they call me 'Boom-Boom'." she says with a michevious grin. "But your place is already half-messed up, so I'd better not demonstrate further."

    She shrugs at the mention of seedy areas and being careful. "Meh. I'm not afraid. That's where we were goin', though, some bad neighborhoods. Girlfriend was gonna show me 'round her old haunts."

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi pouts and looks like she's about to object, then realizes that...yeah, pretty much. Mutant slum and all that. "Tabby's real tough! An' we're just goin' to Mutant Town. Not off the main stretches too, so should be pretty good?" she notes, bouncing on her toes a bit as she grins a bit at Bjorn's fascination with the glowy.

    Interestingly, someone else is interested in the trio too, which, since they're all a little distracted, may not be immediately noticed. In that a bush is currently watching them from outside. It's a recentl pulled up bush, standing about four feet tall, with the person behind it peering in. In fact, it's short enough that Borgi might be the only one who notices immediately, especially when the bush in question raises a phone up to snap a picture.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn grins wide "Well, Bjorn shop is tough! See the glass on the store front? Well it can withstand a sonic boom!" he says with a laugh "Because Bjorn friend sometimes goes boom by accident!" he explains "Though..." he looks around "....Bjorn rather not have his inven..." he stops

Borgi barks at the bush that came by. Bjorn dosn't turn around, he just becomes more aware due to Borgi barking- while he looks normal, his body is all brain, all muscle, all sensory organ. He cants his head "...Bjorn think someone is watching us"
    Bjorn turns around at this point to face the window and the bush that Borgi is barking out.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Boomer looks at the time-bomb in her palm and then blows on it, like it was a candle flame... it dies immediately, as if her breath had put it out. She starts to smile at her clever trick when the corgi starts barking at the door. Tab jumps as the sound and whirls around to look as well, she flips down her sunglasses. "Who?" she wonders. She unconsciously puts herself between Lexi, the door, and whoever is beyond.

Tendril has posed:
    At the sudden barking, the bush jumps and..well, fumbles. AS it falls to the ground, revealing...well, it's a little person. Though more muscled like a Tolkien dwarf, to be honset. Squat, wide shoulders, defined muscles, but about four feet tall. More important, the skin is grey, rough looking, which, with the fin on his head (Which has what looks like a hole punched through it...bullet?) and the rows on rows of very sharp teeth...well, give him the appearance of the world's shortest shark. One arm has a big bandage around it, the other is still clutching the phone. His eyes are set forward like a human's though, red, and wide open as Bjorn and Tabitha spot him.

    Then Lexi turns to see what they're talking about.

    Her eyes get wide as her lips part in a sharp intake of breath, recognition flooding her expression immediately, followed by a flick towards Tabby...then a flick back towards the camera as it disappears as the short mutant legs it, bolting down the street. Followed by Lexi doing something that doesn't happen TOO often.


    Then she's off like a shot, bolting after the diminutive great white, smacking through the door as she skids to turn in an impossible 'cat in motion' graceful turn before she's after him, hands pumping.

Crusader has posed:
"Ahhhh! He is adorable!" Bjorn exclaims upon seeing the mintature great white! Probably not typical words "Let us invi...." and than he sees the shark bolting. He blinks "That was..." ad than lexi goes bolting and swearing! ".....20 bucks say old gang" Bjorn decides.
    He was quite calm about this....for his own reasons "Bjorn will catch up to help, go, follow friend!" he says cheerily towards Tabitha! He whistles that merry tune as he get out a set of key to lock the shop up after making sure Borgi was comfy. Bjorn would be following yes...but out of sight
    It likely helps that he can track cybernetic signals through various means. Such as say a cellular network of which NYC city has plenty of cellphones of which to keep connected.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "Foxy? What's..." she asks, confused. "Lex!" she shouts as the other girl bursts through the door and begins the chase. She follows after, beating feet too. "Wha's goin' on?! What's that thing?" she doesn't really expect an answer, not at the speed the mauve girl was going.

    Tabitha isn't anywhere near as fast at Lex, but she's making an effort to keep up. "Wait for me!" but she doesn't really expect that'll happen either.

Tendril has posed:
    The pinkish-skinned mutant does have a good lead, and it does expand as she flicks out her arm, long tendrils sprouting out as she flicks one out to grab hold of a traffic light, actually swinging around the corner that the shark just turned on rather than busting through the crowd. Her expression is one of dismay and determination as she rapidly uses her tendrils and leaps to parkour around objects and people, gaining on the shorter-legged shark. Who, seeing her catching up, pauses to actually take a huge bite out of a fence around the botanical garden, then leaps through, spitting it out as he does, narrowly avoiding both of Lex's tendrils as they make the hole even larger as they smash clean through it on either side, vainly trying to grab hold. "SHARKEY!" she yells. "I -will- break your -other- arm if you don't give me that camera -right now-!"

    She shoots a look backs the slightly distant Tabby, then back at the hole, looking torn, before the determined look comes back, before she wiggles through the hole in pursuit.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn continues to whistle as he locks the door and tucks the keys away. He looks left, and than right before turning in the direction everyone else went "SHow tiiiiime!" he sings out
    And than he takes off like a bullet! Not litterly, but good grief the man certainly put younger men to shame with his speed. He actually catched up with Tabitha...actually he slows down as to not pass her "Hope on mah shoulders, we take short cut!" he claims and offers her an arm up still running next to her
    If Tabitha accept...well Bjorn will begin to sprint even faster than he was now and take them on a short cut towards 'Sharkey' cellular location - but if not Bjorn will simply make sure they are able to follow Alexia and Sharkey!

Boom-Boom has posed:
"Wha'?" Tabitha asks, blinking. "Well, ok." and she moves to leap up on the big man's shoulders, wrapping her arms around the Viking's neck. "Whee!" she cheers as Bjorn speeds up.

Tendril has posed:
    All aboard the Bjorn Express! With the faster speed and the ability to cut to where the signal is going to be, the pair are able to get to the wall easily enough...and for Bjorn to clear it with a powerful leap, soaring over to land running on the other side as you both wind through the flowering trees in this area of the gardens. You get a few odd looks from other patrons and families, but Bjorn can definitley sense the signal up ahead, and Tabby from her raised position can see the flash of silver hair close behind.

    However, Bjorn will also feel the phone start sending a file...big enough to be a picture.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn blinks and puts on the steam - he knew the guy took a photo, he dind't know why...but Lexie didn't seem to like it. The land didn't even seem to slow he down as he was practicly a running bull! "Your friend must have very interesting life!" he claims.
    But sensing the file being sent...he did the best thing he could do - he intercepts the file and stores and redirects it to his own phone. The destination has changed, the sender would of course think the file was sent successfully

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "There they go!" Boom-Boom shouts, pointing in the direction of the silver glint. "Hiya." she waves at a bystander as they blaze by. "Yes, she's very interesting. Very." She continues to cling to Bjorn's neck. "Don't lose 'em!"

Tendril has posed:
    Flowering shrubs go shooting by the pair as Bjorn corners down a side path towards where the signal has stopped up ahead, a pained yelp coming past a barricade that leads to a copse of trees apparently undergoing trimming, from the currently discarded tools and ladders. Passing those, you enter a small clearing built around a statue of a tall figure..a old fashioned hero of some sort, in a fedora and diamond mask. Probably saved the park or something, way back when.

    More importantly you see that Sharkey is attempting to climb over the wall at the back, but has had his leg snatched by one of Lex's tendrils...and now it's a tug of war as she tries to yank him back down while he tries to pull away.

    Then you can almost see the moment where he remembers: WAIT I'M A MOTHERFUCKIN' SHARK!

    At which point he opens his mouth with intent to snap at said tendril.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn sees the event unfolding and he tsks a moment. He didn't think anyone needed to get hurt...and there seemed to be bad blood! "Hey Boom Boom, think you can blind the shark there?" he asks not quite sure how her power work...but bright light can be blinding!
    Perhaps a blinded shark might bite something else...in this case he was going to try and put his arm in the way of the sharks bite! Which might end up with a shark lodge in his arm...but better him than her.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "That thing is gonna bite her!" Boomer calls out. "Look!" She produces a fist-sized time-bomb and prepares to throw it. "Fire in the hole!" and she launches it as stongly as she can, hoping that it ends up behind the shark-man. "Two... one...!"

Tendril has posed:
    The teeth get closer..and closer...and then there's an arm jerking in front of him, the quick motion causing him to jerk up slightly in suprise. Which is enough for the bomb to go off, sending the dwarf shark cartwheeling off the top of the wall with a yell that ends when he collides hard with one of the trees, tumbling to the ground.

    And Lexi is on him in a section, grabbing him by his fashionable (not) leather biker vest and slamming him into the ground. "WHERE IS IT?!?"

    Sharkey acks as he's slammed. "Too late...already sent..." he manages to garble out, at which point Lexi actualy lifts him off the ground, a flicker of fear crossing her face. "WHO?!? WHO did you send it to?!?" She looks almost panicked now.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn lands smoothly on the ground saying "Good job Boomer....Bjorn likes your spark!" he says with a great laugh. But than there was the crashed shark to deal with. Scracth that the shark being pounded into the ground!
    Bjorn has seen what Alexia tendrills can do and he after getting Tabitha off his shoulders walks over and picks Lexi up by her shoulders "Bjorn. It was sent to Bjorn" he says wanting to calm her down. He might investigate the number the picture was orginaly being sent too...but for now time to make sure no one goes into panic overdrive

Boom-Boom has posed:
Boomer leaps off the tall man and rushes towards Alexia and the shark-guy. She cups her hands and produces another bomb, but this one keeps growing as she closes the distance, almost beach ball-sized. A plasma bomb this size can destroy heavy armor, like a tank or a bulldozer. It might turn Sharkey into fish paste, but as Bjorn lifts the other girl off the thing she holds the ball over her head and instead kicks the shark-man in the ribs, hard.

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi out a startled sound as she's grabbed, struggling...and for a little thing, she is VERY strong. Definitely more than human. "No! He saw her! He sent them her picture, I have to find out where!!" It's pretty obvious now just who she's panicking over having been in the picture...not herself, but...

    Sharkey woofs, his eyes bugging out at the kick as he doubles over, groaning. "Gack!" He looks like he's not to interested in fighting further at the moment.

Crusader has posed:
ANd Bjorn dosn't seem to struggle to much, like Lexi he was also very strong. "WHo is her? Bjorn can find out where, but you need to calm down!" he sets Lexi down behind himself and turns back around...to see Boomer kick the shark.
    "Really? Was that nessary?" he asks Boomer being a rather patient old man. He looks to the Shark
    "Listen friend Shark...you have upset the ladies her...please tell us who you were sending the photo too" he requests kindly and with a smile. WOuld it work? Mabey mabey not

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "Yes! It was!" Boom-Boom shouts angrily. She looks about to kick it again but she restrains herself. The bomb goes away too, though she is fuming. "Talk, or I'll show you what explosive proctology is like! Are you lookin' forward to a plasma enema?"

Tendril has posed:
    Well, sweet reason doesn't work. This may be because Lexi is trying to get past Bjorn with murder in her eyes, letting out a frustrated growl as the 'old man' effortlessly keeps her at bay.

    The shark sneers. "...you wouldn't. She's a cream puff. Bet you are too." He looks at Lexi. "Whatsamatter, you replaced the other two already? Shouldna come back this close to Mutant Town....tentaqueen." There's a strangled sound of fury from behind Bjorn at that. "You...I'lll!!!?!"

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn looks to Boom-Boom and than the angry Lexi he is keeping at Bay. "Calm down you two...were all among friends here" he puts Lexi down "You, calm down. A dead shark, will not tell you anything"
    And to Tabitha "...which means no blowing him up"
    He bends down towards the Shark that smile never leading....eerily so "Now Shark Friend, be reasonble..." he takes out his phone and shows it to the Shark-Man showing one of his more /very/ personal photos "Oh yes, Bjorn was thinking of sending this to....oh everyone person on your contact list. Mabey post it online. What you think SharkBait, old chum. SOmething like this could have you sleeping with the fishes..." and he somehow still comes out super friendly despite apparently trying to blackmail the mutant

Boom-Boom has posed:
"Shut up, Jaws! Don't you talk 'bout her! Don't _ever_ talk about her!" Boom-Boom shouts in fury. She looks very much like she wanted to kick the crap out of the shark, but as Bjorn asks for calm she takes a step back.

    She looks back to Lexi, moving towards her, her arms open. "Are you alright, honey? DId he bite you?" and she looks the girl over quickly. "I'll _murder_ him if he hurt you."

Tendril has posed:
    For some reason, THAT snaps Lex out of it as she stares at Tabby, chest heaving a bit, then steps forward to hug her fiercely. "I'll fix this. I will, I'm sorry!" she says, hugging her tight. Then, as an afterthough. "'m okay..."

    Meanwhile, Sharkey stares, and if sharkes could go pale. "WHERE DID YOU...I mean...ah..." His eyes flick around a bit. "But...." He scowls a bit, then grudgingly takes out the phone and gives it to Bjorn. "Fine. CAn I go now?" he says hopefully.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn gives Boom-Boom a sharp look "There will be no murder here" he says firmly - which he hasn't done all day...so he was probably very very serious "It is such statements only bring trouble" like the friends of humanity....they didn't need more ammo
    Bjorn takes the phone and pockets it his smile returning. He suddenly hefts the shark up holding him by his fist to face the other two women "Well, let us see what are friends here think." he looks to them to see if their will be any questions or what not asked...
    But he also keeps an eye on Tabitha incase she tries to kick the shark again.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Tabitha returns Alexia's hug, then tries to take her hands as the embrace ends. "Alright. But... I don't think you have to make it right. Who is he, anyway?" she asks. She frowns as Bjorn holds the being up to their view and she looks down, not wanting to give hr opinion, especially after Bjorn's rebuke.

Tendril has posed:
    Alexia actually hesitates, squeezing Tabby's hands as she flicks her eyes over to the Shark, glaring at him a bit, then looking back to Tabby, before she licks her lips. "I...h-he's...from the Evos." she says after a moment. "They're...they were a gang...in Mutant Town." She looks down. "I...I thought they were all gone now...."

    Sharkey snorts. "We don't die, we multiply!" he boasts. Alexia's eyes flash as she says. "Listen to me, you, you little..." She points a finger. "You will -forget- you saw us here, and you will tell me you sent that too, and then, -then- Sharky...' she says, a low growl coming to her voice. "You going to leave. And you are not going to come back. Or you'll get a second visit for the other arm." she says in a steady, angry tone. "And you know who I mean."

    From his expression, he certainly does, paling again. "...hey, let's not get hasty here...it's just a little picture, eh? I gave you the camera!"

Crusader has posed:
"Alright than" he gives sets the Shark down by still holds him there "We would appreciate the name of your benefactor - we could look up the number, but than if it turns out to be a payphone you cannot really trace it to a proper owner...so yes. Name please" Bjorn requests cordially

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Tabby lets Lexi go as the silver-haired girl gets serious. She lets her friend get to work, then. "I've got your back." she says, meaning to be encouraging. "I'm right here."

Tendril has posed:
    The sharky one gulps. "Fine, look...just don't tell her I told ya...." His eyes flick around, from person to person. "I mean, she's just payin' for stuff on who hit the Meat Locker that's all, cuz of Tender gettin' gacked."

    Alexia's breath catches a bit, her eyes widening. "....oh come on!" she says in a faintly despairing tone. "She left! They didn't even like each other!" Sharkey shrugs. "It's blood, babe. Mama Riser ain't gonna let it drop.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn looks between Sharky and Lexi several times trying to piece this togeather before looking at Boom-Boom to see if she knows any of this. "....if Bjorn is understand this...this all has to do with a pointless turf War?" he asks "And...you want Lexi here, because she was formally part of the Evos gang" he was trying to piece this togeather

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Boomer points at Sharkey. "You tell her... 'Mama Riser' or whatever, that she'd better lay off or I'll put my boot so far up her ass she'll be chewin' shoelaces." and it's her turn to growl. "But you'd better run far away so I don't see your stupid face any more. I'm not as nice as she is."

Tendril has posed:
    Sharky snorts at Bjorn. "Her, an Evo? Hah! Pietro just wanted to tap that bi-....uh, beautiful...girl's...uh..." He desperately tries to think of a word to use besides butt, though Lexi narrows her eyes, folding her arms. The dimunitive ganger quails as Boomer threatens him, holding up his hands. "Okay! Okay! Ya let me go, you won't see me no more! Promise!"

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn looks to Sharky "You know, pretending to be tough is quite dumb. Bjorn suggest you re-evalute your life, perhaps try going to the library and do some reading...or live in the ocean for a day. But really, you need to get your priorities straightened out young man" he was perhas the least threatning of the four right now, despite being the one to hold Sharky!
    But with the promise made...and the feeling this was likely the best time to let the fish go, he sets Sharky back down gently.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Sharkey can't see Tabby's eyes glint behind her gaudy sunglasses. She points to the creature as it starts to say 'bitch' and then snarls at the suggestion that someone was looking for some mutant booty. "Get outta here!" and she points a hand, her fingers spread. A spray of tiny sparkling bombs shoot out towards Sharkey, sounding like a pack of firecrackers. They'll just hurt, not cause any serious damage.

Tendril has posed:
    Sharkey eyes Bjorn. "Uh, sure, I'll do that or something..." He then yelps as the barrage hit him, grabbing for his butt as they explode all around it as he turns and bolts again. "I ain't gonna forget this!" he throws over his shoulder...which would probably be more threatening if his pants weren't smoldering and he wasn't still running at full speed, before he disappears down one of the other side paths.

    Lexi sighs, then turns to lean into Tabby, her forehead on the other girls' shoulder. "...I'm -so- sorry. I didn't want to pull ya, either of ya, into this mess." she says, her eyes closing.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn laughs "Ahhh, have no worry. Life has the ups and the down. This is a down...so now we go up. Bjorn is sure he can have a talk with Ms.Razer and everything will be fine" does anything get him down "ANd if not....well that bridge can be crossed when we get there"
    He hmmms a moment "But....perhaps hanging around Mutant Town is not best thing right now."

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Tabitha puts her arms gently around Lexi. "It's alright, honey. You didn't do nothin'." She presses a kiss into the other young woman's silvery hair at the top of her head. "It's over now. Maybe we should go back to campus until Bjorn here has his talk with whatever-her-name-is? Really, don't worry."

Tendril has posed:
    The silver haired girl blinks a bit, raising her head as she smiles weakly at TAbby, then looks over at Bjorn. "Talk...to her? I don't know if that's a good idea..." she says uncertainly. "She's, like...really bad news. I mean, her son was a super mega asshole..." And there's that swearing again...apparently she has really strong feelings on this subject. "...and I figured no one would miss him...I mean, it wasn't even..." She cuts herself off, then sighs a bit. "...sorry. This is all my fault." she says, a bit miserably. "If the Evo leader hadn't wanted to grab me, this wouldn't be happening..."

Crusader has posed:
"Well, bad news is counter acted with good news. Bjorn is alot of good, so do not worry" he says. Of course he has no idea what he is getting himself into..but if he could bring peace, he would try. "Regardless, it is not your fault, you cannot control the actions of others" he ponders "Alright MABEY telepaths, but thats an exception" he considers this "Hmmm"
    He nods to Tabitha "Still Tabitha is right, it is best you go somewhere you feel safe and at home. This campus sounds like such a place. ANd with such good friends, it bound to be great"

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "Well, he's not gonna grab you anymore. Promise!" Tabby says firmly. "Yeah. Let's go back. We'll get a hot chocolate or a coffee or somethin' when we get there, and it'll be dinner time pretty soon. Maybe I can make some mac-'n-cheese, like with real cheese and stuff?" she offers. "You can show me the turtles some other time, huh?"

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi looks a little reluctant, looking between the two of you, then sighs, surrendering. "...okay, okay...you're right. I should just...stay at th' school for a while." she agrees, reaching up to rub her face, then smiles weakly at Bjorn. "Okay, we'll go." She looks to TAbitha. "...an' mac and cheese an' chocolate would be really nice..." she admits. "Never had anyone make it with real cheese before..."