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Just your Typical Humanitarian Airdrop...
Date of Scene: 17 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: A humanitarian mission to M-Town sees converts to Magneto's cause, and unexpectedly weighty philosophical disourse.
Cast of Characters: Magneto, Crusader, Oddity, Deadlights

Magneto has posed:
It's just a bit past the normal dinner hour, bringing us to evening in M-Town and casting long shadows from the various storefronts, townhomes, and tenaments lining this particular handful of blocks. A line of people, some plurality of them obvious mutants, has queued out front of a local Synagogue and community center to avail themselves of the proffered welcome table-- a free meal is a godsend indeed for many who will eat nothing else today; or tomorrow.

In between seatings, something else truly miraculous in the same sense of the word occurs: A line of large, metal crates arrives as if from the heavens, dropping smoothly straight down to perfectly align with one another up the street, where parking has been quietly left clear for just this arrangement. Some murmur that the man in the fine suit and hat which shades his features dropped into the area the same way, moments before.

Said statuesque individual and numerous volunteers from the Chabad organize themselves around the supply drop as the crates slide open seemingly of their own accord-- revealing foodstuffs, clothing, portable shelters, and winter gear galore to prepare people for the torture of the coming months. None of it is branded, oddly enough-- especially considering the quality of everything on offer, which begins to quickly draw the crowd.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn Arttursson was in the neighborhood. He could often be found in mutant town, and this time with his companion Borgi in tow. He has actually been trying to find someone named Ms.Razer....but so far no luck, and a break was surely needed
    He stops by noticing the crowd of people and waved to some of them he even knew, having helped them before. But the metal crates? That was new! Curisity grew within and he approached to see what all the hullabalu was about
    Seeing it was supply....Bjorn opts not to get in the way. He didn't need anything, and these fine folks did. But...he is wary of crowd and he actually carefully watches hoping that a fight /would not/ break out or anything - especially over a good samaratains work.

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday was in this part of town again it seems, this time wearing a pair of black leggings with smallish little golden skull heads with heart shaped eye sockets, a spaghetti strapped shirt that matches the color of the skulls with black fishnet over it that has bell-like sleeves and a pair of platform sneakers on her feet.

As she sees the crowd, she begins to hand towards in with curiosity echoing upon her features. And on the way there, she spots Borgi and then Bjorn, a smile brightening her face as she begins to head towards them.

Deadlights has posed:
In the long shadows in an alleyway, a pair of glowing orange X's shine out from the dark, barely noticeable and now going unnoticed in the sudden appearance of proverbial pennies from heaven.

Magneto has posed:
For the most part, everything is orderly. Contrary to the image that some in authority might like to paint, the gathered throng from the metaphorical bottom rung of society, many a minority amongst that underclass, are almost universally polite, humble; abundantly thankful. It's evident even in those who don't speak the language, or the handful in line well and thoroughly lost within their own minds.

While those gathered have many needs unmet, there is at least an abundance in what is on offer today. Perhaps of note, picturesque brochures of island paradise are also quickly circulating through M-Town's impoverished-- promising the even more extraordinary promise of relocation for down on their luck evolved humans wishing to relocate from their current surrounds.

Some talk about this in hushed excitement, others in disbelief-- a few are certain it's a trick to turn them into sausages or pet food. The well-dressed, statuesque man with the shock of white hair scarcely visible from under the brim of his old-fashioned hat speaks softly and reassuringly to a number, personally, steely eyes scanning the crowd intently. A few of these rather quickly recognize him, but keep that identification quiet. Ish.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn may not exactly look it....but he was fairly old and well traveled being. He looks at the picture of the island...and immediantly Genosha came to mind. He may or may not have even helped mutants from there before. Current ruler...Magneto
    He suddenly looks around as his eyes Briefly focus on the man in the suit - perhaps with recognition or perhaps from hearing nearby folks talking, whatever the case he offers him a friendly wave as he has done everyone else
    And than he spots a familiar person - Wednesday! He raises his hand even higher "Ahhh, Hello Friend Wednesday!" his voice booms with the Borgi going over to happily great her again
    His head turns towards and alleyway...he thought he saw some lights from there, but them seem to have died away. He hmmms a moment at this. Well at least there was no trouble here

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday continues to look around as she draws closer to Bjorn, offering a smile to Magneto. Once within earshot of Bjorn, she says "Hello Bjorn, how are you and Borgi doing?" She may have seen a glimpse of those lights but she didn't really look to the alleyway all that much and focus upon such. However she eventually manages to get one of the brouchures. Her eyes reading over it as she asks Bjorn "What do you think about this place? I have to finish school first but... I dunno." She her falling back to the paper.

Deadlights has posed:
Something that looks like its comfortably at home among the criminal elements of places like Hell's Kitchen or the Narrow comes out of the shadows of the alley across from the synagogue. Suited in black over which workboots, high cut jean shorts and a gray cut-off tank top, a ... well, a -someone- stands on the sidewalk opposite the man, the crowd, and his gifts. It's hard to place details on someone whose face is covered in goggles and a rebreather mask. The stand-out detail are the glowing X's, which shine out from the surfaces of the dark goggles. Eyes maybe? Atop this is a bandana in black with an orange skull in a crosshairs shape, tied like stereotypical pirate of old.

Hands hang loosely at the hips, just behind the grips of a pair of very visible guns, holstered on either side and held by a thick belt.

Whoever they are, they just stand there. Watching.

Magneto has posed:
If Magneto is alarmed or caught unawares by Deadlights' appearance, the Master of Magnetism gives no indication of such. Of course, there's also no indication he peered down that alley and noticed beforehand, at all. Armed men are something of a feature of this country, even with New York City's restrictions, and Lensherr pays it a subtle heed-- but does not escalate the situation or confront the operative, seeming content to study events as they unfold.

A mild argument quickly escalates to shouting and threatening between two old enemies with an eye on the same heavy coat-- a petty core, as such things all too often are with bias and ragged edge already baked in. Hands are raised, the item tugged, and the suited man gestures from several spans away; it's a simple thing, sudden, subtle.

With a momentary pulse of light, the two men involved are seperated from one another as if like poles on a very potent magnet, the jacket the envious man had reconfiguring itself as if of its own accord, a rearkable amount of energy poured into crafting that so-desirable style of garment.

Magneto's steady -glare- cements the instigator's newfound shame, and mutters of not-quite-apology precede flight from the scene. Realization dawns on many more, then. 'The Master of Magnetism..' 'The Breaker of Chains...' Murmurs go up around the crowd, as the pieces fall together.

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday looks away from Bjorn to the two men arguing and begins to slip behind Bjorn while holding the brochure close to her stomach as she watching. Her eyes go wide as she sees that light and then the men seperated from each enough. Her eyes then look back to Magneto and look over him curiously before back to where the two men are now.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn was about to head towards the argueing men to see if he could help...but it seems someone else took care of it. He looks to Wedsnesday "Well Genosha...it is alright Bjorn thinks. He has been before.....but a long time ago, before it was what it is now. But Bjorn hear good thing, though the current ruler can be quite....forceful in Bjorn opione" he says "But unless Bjorn go there now, he not paint accurate picture" he settles on
    He looks to the figure across the street - who most folks were likely avoiding. But Bjorn? Like with everyone else he raises a hand and says "Hello friend!" clearly directed towards the odd figure. He wasn't too worried about the guns - the right to bear arms was a thing after all.
     His eyes soon wander towards Magneto again and looks the man up and down both to make sure he is seeing the right person as well as curiouse to how strong Magnetos powers were. But he none the less speaks up "Mr. Lensherr...Bjorn is surprised to see you here" not being the most formal of people

Deadlights has posed:
The stranger is not entirely ignorant of this man's name and his status. The fact that he is here is a curiosity. The stranger wishes to know more.

The 'pirate' crosses the street, to get to the other side.

Standing there, they remain silent, but their head is turned towards Magneto, looking at him, body language alert but not hostile.

Magneto has posed:
It's a rare soul that will continue belligerence confronted by Magneto's ire, and this fellow is not among them. He's content to filter back into the crowd-- while his target joins the small group forming around a man who seems to be serving as Magnus' go-between, inquiring about leaving with the Father of Mutants -now-.

Magnus' attention is nearly drawn by this group, but the call from another quadrant draws his attention. Perhaps it's the... unique energy signatures in play in that group, perhaps simple impetuous whim, but the Imperator of Genosha strides that way with an easy grace, "Why should it be surprising?" the Master of Magnetism inquires in even, intent tones, analytical gaze falling steadily on Bjorn, though perhaps looking -through- the being as much as -at- him.

"What is surprising is that those with so little--" a gesture indicates the Chabad's humble facade, and volunteers, but a case could equally be made that he refers to Genosha as well, "-- must take up the slack for so very many in a land of such extravagance and abundance."

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday nods softly at Bjorn's words and says "Perhaps I will go and check it out then sometime." Her attention then looks to Deadlights as Bjorn draws attention to them and she offers a friendly wave of hello with her hand. When she looks back, she sees Bjorn approaching Magneto and follows behind to draw closer as well. She looks back to Magneto when he draws closer and looks to those excepting the goods and looks as if she is beginning to ponder something herself. She then looks to Magneto and curiously asks "How many people will all that you brough clothe?"

Crusader has posed:
"Why should it not be surprising?" Bjorn responds back "Efter all surprises are the spice of life Bjorn thinks" he says with a great joyous laugh. He was certainly an apparently happy fello. But as Magnus looks at him Bjorn can not help but wonder if Magneto can tell he is completly made of metal
    Didn't actually approach anyone..Magneto was the one that came over to them. Bjorn just had a big voice was all. He looks to Wednesday as she makes the Inquiry and looks to the crates "...if Bjorn took guess, old Lensharr here will clothes as many as he can...and bet you got more somewhere" he notes taking a few leaps of guesses.
    He looks back to Magneto "...but Bjorn does not find this surprising. More or less always been like this....it just how people are." he says if he has been in the same position as the people Magneto is helping, but than he smiles "But it is no worry! Someday Bjorn hopes that someday whole world pick up slack!" he tries to help where he can though he dosn't say that
    As the pirate get closer he looks to the 'Pirate' "Hello there! Bjorn like you goggles. Make self or buy somewhere? Eitherway Bjorn want pair!" he says seeming perhaps a bit easily distracted

Deadlights has posed:
"I agree. It is not strange."

The voice comes from the stranger in the mask and goggles; it sounds like a young girl is inside all of that armor. The rebreather puffs faintly, gas exchanged, the flexible tubes running from the sides of the mask to the armored pack on her back shifting as she turns her head to look at the items being given.

"So long as there is desire, there is suffering; so long as there is choice, there is calamity. Take away free will and make civilization into a colony of ants, and then you will have the world of shared plenty so many seek."

"If you are generous, and worship the god caged within these walls," she says, gesturing to the synagogue, "then you may say that poverty exist so that one may have the pleasure of charity."

Bjorn's suddenly cheerful approach causes the armored girl to take two steps back and crouch. "Buy them yourself," she replies brusquely. "You can find them in a hardware store. Look in the welding section."

Magneto has posed:
Magneto can indeed tell a great deal about Bjorn's unusual construction. None of it is spoken of just now, however, nor does the Master of Magnetism delve too deeply into the being's inner workings-- such familiarity is simply crass, and Magnus is, some say, a man of class and dignity.

A nod is offered to the alien's conjecture, which proves to be largely correct. "Our supply today is based on the crowd this welcome table often sees." Perhaps several hundred, seated in rotation. "Our production is not yet vast, but we must do what we can for our brothers and sisters in need." As to the deeper philosophical ponderances raised by Deadlights? That line of thought, perhaps surprisingly to some, draws a deep from from the Master of Magnetism.

"Strip away free will and passion and you rob the very essence of the soul. Even if it were not a pursuit that mankind so volatilely rebels against by that very nature. No tyrant, no invader may hold an imprisoned populace by force of will or arms... forever." There is no greater force in the universe than the need of sentients for freedom. Magnus has learned this lesson on the deepest level from his earliest days.

"There is also an argument to be made that the god of this Temple gave all that free will-- and intently considers how each reacts to their abundance or destitution as it speaks to their true character." Erik may hardly be a practicing Jew, but there are elements he firmly believes. "It is not for any God to dictate one's destiny." And others he soundly eschews. "Which leaves it to us to provide a path to a better way, to fight the future avarice and hate would mould for the world; through example, empowerment... not oppression."

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday smiles to Magneto as she says "It is very kind of you. Makes me want to try and do something similiar to be honest." She looks back to those getting what supplies are offered and seeing the joy and thankfulness in the faces. She looks to Deadlights as she says "I will have to go and look in a hardware store myself to try and find some. They are cool." Then she looks to Bjorn and asks "Can I snuggle Borgi please?"

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn blinks at deadlight before chuckling "Bjorn think you need a shot of life! Even ants display a sense of individualism! You just have to look real real close" he says his eyes wide "Desire does ot cause suffer, Where choice lives calamity might not recide! ANd free will is an amazing thing, but as Erik says if you take it away.....you take away ones soul" he says a bit saddly

"Weather you believe in Gods, higher beings, or rules of the universe....they all connected. We are all connected. If we wish to be done away with hate, than we should care for one another and seek a better tommorow. Weather we are human, mutant or alien in the case of some of our more alien friends" he says with a laugh
    He than looks to Wednesday "....why you asking Bjorn! Ask Borgi! Borgi love people!" and Borgi cants his head up at Wednesday, his ears flopping to the side

Deadlights has posed:
They are the answers she expects from Westerners. They value independence and liberty to a destructive excess. They have never learned to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, to embrace the self of group, and the self of society.

"Not all peoples share the same culture and thought towards freedom. Not all people seek independence even from what one would rightly call a tyrant. There are peoples who find dignity and inner peace even in their chains. If they are content to live with less will, it is a greater crime to force freedom upon them," she posits.

"Ants do not display individualism," she says to Bjorn. "Ants are ants."

Magneto has posed:
"A people content in the yoke of their ruler's dogmatic methods are not a people held by force." Magnus rebutts simply. "To intercede with force and install a new state is only 'better' than the alternative by virtue of its intentions-- and we all know what they say about the road to Hell."

Lensherr shakes his head, and continues matter-of-factly "A mandate towards absolute freedom is, paradoxically, a course away from it. Empowerment is about the ability to determine one's purpose, to have the opportunity to see rationally the options before one, and the means to pursue them. 'Society' can never be shifted as one whole-- mankind is ever tribal, erratic, conditioned towards violence and mistrust of the Other even when they cannot see it in themselves." There is either substantial irony, or more than a small measure of self-awareness of his own past in that analysis, Magneto does not elaborate as to which. "This is why it falls to example, and the opportunity for each individual to realize their own potential. Potential that evolution now exponentially magnifies, making the urgency all the greater."

The Master of Magnetism turns a thoughtful eye towards Bjorn and Wednesday, nodding to the latter. "And you are not the first, nor the last, to realize from such an example that they must step up. Desire, passions, emotional reactivity-- these can indeed lead to suffering, but can also be tempered into true strength and clarity. It is where we stand on the other side of such crucibles that will truly define our lives."

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday giggles and bends at the knees to pick up Borgi and snuggle him, scritching behind the ears. She softly says to Bjorn "Cause he is also your doggie." She then loosk to Deadlights as she response to Bjorn and just quietly listens. She has never studied ants herself so she isn't sure which would be the case in truth. She looks back to Magneto as he rebutts and listens to all he has to say. She smiles as she says "I do want to help those less fornuate, I just need to figure out how it is I can is all."

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn cants his head "....he is not mines. Bjorn just take care of him!" he excplains "He is wild dog" he pats Borgi "Though he happily adapted to life with Bjorn!"

But than his eyes fall on Deadlight. He is not surprised to hear her words - humans (and utants) as a whole were largely unbalanced. Many didn't see that things needed to be balanced between the whole and the part "But it not a crime if they decide to have greater freedom. But really...freedom takes many forms. You can be free to become a slave or be a master...free to take life and give life. Free to live for yourself or live for other. Freedom has many many paths...any one society just basis it 'freedom' on their needs...or the needs of the few who rule said country." an odd anomoly for sure

"And ants do display individualism. Just watch them play soccer someday and you will see what Bjorn means!" and yes he was serious. "Also....of course ants are ants. Just like dogs are dogs, and people are people silly!"
    Borgi licks Wednesday happily, before his leg begins to kick as he is scritched wonderfully. The dog snuggles down in her arms happily.

Deadlights has posed:
"We have come to terms," the girl says curiously to Magneto. "And we are in agreement. It is better to share treasure with the poor and be free to hide among them, than to savage all before your eyes."

"You set a fine example for those who are your kind. These things will be appreciated by them - yet I see even you must become an August Personage in order to put their own foolishness and will in check."

She removes one of the weapons from their holster, and a cloth tucked into the side of her belt, and begins to wipe down the long guard extension of the barrel. "If you are to frequent here, I would see what you would make of the peasants that crawl in this village. They are wet clay with no potter and no wheel."

Magneto has posed:
"Not everyone is prepared to honestly and accurately identify the course of their life, the strength of their will, or what is truly needed beneath society's conditioning and expectations. We must each take steps to break free of such, and consider not only what we -can- do, but rather what we -must- do, succeed or fail." Magnus muses with some sympathy. "As I implied before-- there must be examples, alternatives to lead where others would not have that generalized whole tread." Cogs in someone else's machine.

Magneto does not seek to control the wheel, but to tear it apart, piece by piece, at this newly dawning age of humanity. "Many will take the offer to find a new life of their own in Genosha. Others will take what guidance and logistical support we might provide and be better able to face the struggle, here." There are many fronts to the war they fight, many who must be reached... and many battles that must be fought, within and without.

Mageto pauses a moment, considering before continuing his philosophical, even-toned speech, "In the end, it is the task of such a sculptor to reveal the shape that was within the stone, rather than forge ahead according to his own purpose. To give such potential agency within a greater good. How much choice or agency ants may possess is a quandary I cannot comment on-- but each knows their strength in the function and ascension of something greater than themselves. There is great power squandered in the squalid ghettos of this foolish world, serving the will of only the worst of Men."

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday continues to cuddle Borgi nonetheless, wild dog or not. She still has a lot of life to experience before she can really give her opinion about crime and freedom and other such things after all. Then Bjorn comments about ants playing soccer and she just looks beyond confused up at him. Her attention is then back upon Deadlights as she listens to her speak. She ponders for a bit and asks Deadlights "Besides offering them clothing and other neccessities, what else would you think they need? Books? Education? How is it one with money could try and help better their lives for them?" She looks back to Magneto as he speaks and nods softly as she says "I am sure that I will think of something that I can become. Eventually at the very least. Like one of my tattoos reads 'I am who I am. Whatever that is'." The tattoo upon her upper left inner arm currently obscured.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn smiles "WHat? You never seen ants play soccer? Kids these days do not get out enough" he says with a laugh. He eyes Deadlight "They are not wet clay...and if they were there is already a potter and a wheel..." he suddenly frowns - suddenly there was a fierceness in his eyes as he looks out to mutant town...as if there was someone out there turning the wheel, someone he wanted to stop. "....but!" and like that he was back to his cheerful self "Thank you Erik! Many of the folks in this neighborhood certainly did need help" he looks to Wednesday "...Ohhh, Bjorn like that saying!" he chuckles again.

Deadlights has posed:
"You hear and you do not listen," the young pirate says to Bjorn.

Finishing the removal of whatever dirt she thought was present on the guard of the gun, Deadlights slips the weapon back into its holster. She turns to face Magneto, and then politely and deeply bows.

"I came to hear the words of sage wisdom, and I was not turned away with an empty cup." Rising from her bow, she asks a question, one she has asked of every respected elder she has yet met.

"How does one kill one's conscience?"

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday offers a smile to Bjorn as he compliments her tattoo before she looks to Deadlights. At the proverbs at the question, she blinks a bit and just remains silent for the time being. She then receives a phone call, walking away to take it. A frown is upon her face and she says to all "I have to run, minor emergency at my place." And she is oof back towards Manhattan.

Magneto has posed:
"Or perhaps he is merely telling a somewhat different story." Magnus muses, perhaps no more enlightened by Bjorn's eccentricities... but not inclined to dismiss the odd being's ramblings out of hand, either. Then again, being a curious metallic construct gets one extra patience from the Master of Magnetism.

"As the wise ruler values the jester, the wise activist courts their conscience, rather than stifling it. Kill your conscience and you lose your most valuable and omnipresent dissenting voice-- that which urges you to forever assess and reassess whether your methodology aligns with your aims. Santayana defined a zealot as one who redoubles their efforts, whilst losing sight of their goals. Great and sweeping things must be done to change this world, but whatever means may be justified by noble ends, history is the story of such distorting that end nonetheless."

A gathering of mutants waits to accompany Magneto on his exodus, now, and the Master of Magnetism steps back towards them, extending a hand and floating a thin, metallic card bearing only a phone number to each of them. "Speaking of such action, I have promises to keep; miles to go before I sleep." After farewells are spoken? Magnetic bubbles would disappear all those wishing to go with him into the sky in a flash, a blip across most detection systems at best.

Crusader has posed:
"Bjorn tells many stories...bjorn has lived many lives. Some sad, others happy" Bjorn says and smiles at Deadlight "Still....as much as you think Bjorn not listen....perhaps you should actually listen yourself. You should experince life more yourself Little Girl" he says, though he didn't seem deemining (on purposes anyways)

"Hmmmm...Robert frost. Bjorn like that line.....it is a peaceful line" he notes. And with that he watches as spheres appear and engulf others into the sky. "Ohhh, that is very purdy" he says canting his head. He didn't seem surprised, but more enchanted by the sight

Deadlights has posed:
"I am already experiencing life. What you are asking me to experience is frivolities you think I need. My goals are set. My purpose is clear. I need nothing else in this world," Deadlights explains to Bjorn as Magneto leaves. "Most 'little girls' in this country are waste of flesh. Crass. Demanding. Concerned about the trivial. Marinating in their own selfish impulses."

"If you are lucky, metal-belly, you will never see me again. May you recincarnate favorably next time." She bows to Bjorn, turns, and begins to walk back to the shadows.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn chuckles "If you think Bjorn is asking you to experince frivolities...than you definintly do not listen" he states simply undetered by Deadlights black and white attitude "But perhaps when you do experince Life...you will know what Bjorn ment. You say if Bjorn Lucky we will not meet...Bjorn think if YOU are lucky we will meet. But still Bjorn hopes you have a good day!" and he waves to Deadlight as she walks towards the shadows