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Latest revision as of 01:11, 30 October 2017

A Magical Shopping Tour
Date of Scene: 28 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kaelyn Silverleaf, Boom-Boom, Tendril, Traci 13, Lara Croft, Cyclops

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
The Enchanted Grounds, Coffee shop, Occult and New Age store is one interesting place. The front quarter of this amazingly deep shop is dominated by a checkout counter, and well a coffee shop and reading lounge too? There is a full service coffee shop opposite the checkout counter, this more of a kyosk style rather than just a coffee bar set against the wall, as a big chunk of the counter swings out into the floor. The wall behind the counter is dominated with shelf after shelf of cofee tea, a soda fountain. There's even an ice cream freezer. Lets not forget the back side of the counter has a few sandwitch grills and a couple fat friers. Seem this place is also a bit of a cafe. There's also a baked goods display, and some refrigerated cases that have cheese and nut mixtures, cold sandwitches, fruit trays. And to the left of that? A quartet cauldron looking pots that probably have the soups of the day.

There are plenty of small tables, a couple larger round tables, and couch areas kind of scattered throughout the shop as a whole, and row after row of shelves.. Some of these along the walls many form isles, the whole place is layed out like some kind of fun labrynth of gizmos, goodies, magical supplies, and many many books. Some are new age, some are sci-fi and fantasy related books. The gigantic turntable shelf in the back has reprints of rare antique books. Half of that turtable shelf sits in the wall of the building, evidently they load the thing from the back. There are also plenty of touchscreen tablets near displays showing some of the more expensive books, as well as a quartet of computers, and 2 more tablets that list the antique books the store currently has in stock. Evidently they don't leave those really pricy books and items out front where anyone can handle them. Two sometimes three helper scan be seen moving about the place. You have Wendy, a blond girl choosing to wear a kind of witches getup behind the cofee counter.. Tanya who likes to tend the register and help customers find things. She's dressed like some kind of sorceress, and Tina, Tanya's Twin who well, she's dressed the same way and acts like a go between from Tanya to Wendy.

All in all the store is a unique blend of different idealogies that someone has found a way to fit together into a nice large-ish botique and coffee cafe. There is another thing in the area that might grab folks attention though, in the far back there's a large ornate iron and heavy wood door with the words "Employees only" written in fine script across the door its self. The other neat feature of the building are the front windows, these being made of stained glass instead of clear glass panes... The designes of the stained glass resemble occult symbols, as do the bars in front of the stained glass.

Sitting in one of the nicer chairs, labeled Boss's throne with a wooden sign. Probably another prank on the owner, is the Redhead known as Kaelyn... She's dressed in normal street clothes, rather than the 'uniform' chosen by the young college kids manning the front.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "They won't even know we're gone." Tabitha Smith, aka Boom-Boom, tells her mauve friend as they leave Xavier's school early on Sunday afternoon. "I know Tigger-momma is tryin' to keep you on campus, but hey... let's go blwo ff some steam. 'sides, I think your fingers are gonna get all wrinkly if we stay in my room much longer."

    So, off they go. Brunch somewhere was had, muc to the chagrin of a Chinese buffet owner who couldn't believe that a little purple girl was secretly a bottomless pit in disguise. But, mutants. What're you gonna do?

    "Hey!" Tabby says, spying the shop with the stained glass windows. "Let's go in here!" the blonde girl says, arm-in-arm with Lex. "It looks cool. Whatcha think?"

Tendril has posed:
    The girl next to her is pulled along, her mauve skin flushing. "I do not get pruney fingers!" Lexi protests as she's pulled inside. She sighs. "An' I'm with ya, so I"m not goin' out alone, an' we're not where I'm not supposed ta go. So I guess so...' she mutters, then tilts her head, her golden eyes flicking to the shop, then pausing curiously. "...what kinda shop is tha'?" she wonders, then erks as she's pulled along by Tabitha. "I'm comin', I'm comin'!"

Traci 13 has posed:
    There's a sudden purple-bluish glow of a bubble that deposits a young girl, dressed in black-and-white striped leggings beneath a black micro-skirt and a white tank-top just outside the shop. This particular bubble deposits Traci 13 onto the sidewalk, right in front of Kaelyn's shop.
    "Oh. Well. That worked well," Traci says to the iguana on her shoulder. "Let's go see if they have any books we can use, yeah?"
    And with that, the young sorceress moves into the shop, then, with a carefree sort of bounce to her step, peering over the other people within the shop. She smiles at any who look her way, before she picks up the scents of the soups, and other items for sale. "We could spend way too much money in here, Leroy."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
As people enter the store, Tanya perks up and waves, a cheerful smile on her face as she calls out "Good day, Welcome to Enchanted Grounds! Coffee and Food over there.." She motions to the well coffee bar, "Book section is the back left corner and left most isles, we have incense, reagents, crystals, alchemical supplies, you name it! Feel free to peruse the place, or just hang out in the lounge area! Today's Coffee is Turkish Coffee, and we have scratch made cinnamon chips too. Oh and Chocolate! A blend of dark chocolate, milk, vanilla and cinnamon. It's great, I and one of my favorites." Tanya says, going through a long schpeel, but yah, she's one of those energetic types! Wendy, meanwhile is serving another customer a stoneware mug full of chocolate (Spanish pronounciation folks). After serving she points out "Forgot to mention our soups!" Tanya peers back and sticks out her tongue "Oh! sorry.. Soups are canadian cheddar, Soapa des Pescado, a nice mexican styled seafood soup, Clam chowder, and we have Irish Stew!"

Kae looks up, and instead of drinking her usual green tea stuff, yah she has a stoneware mug and is enjoying the chocolate.. She smirks at the two girls being like extremely happy, and mutters "Waaaay to much chocolate..." She mutters and smirks a bit before taking sip of her drink.. "Don't blame them." adds the woman.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Boomer is wearing a short but not quite micro skirt, shell pink with a darker trim, a pink babydoll top that reads 'Dangerous When Bored', heavy boots and striped socks that go up to her knees in red and blue. Her blonde hair is done up in two considerable ponytails tied with pink ribbons. Around her neck is a silvery necklace with a pair of small pendants.

    Tabby releases Lexi's arm to reach for the door to open it for her friend, she adjusts her skirt with a flourish, then turns back to grin at Lexi. "You didn't see anything, did you?" she asks, then steps aside for the purple girl to enter past her. "I think I smell coffee."

Tendril has posed:
    The pinkish skinned girl rolls her eyes at Tabby. "No." she says with patient amusement. "Just like th' last two times ya asked." She gives the other girl a quick smiles as Tabby opens the door, then blinks as...there's suddenly another girl in a bubble. Briefly. Then it's just a girl with an iguana. She blinks, her gold eyes a bit wide. "Um...hi..." she says curiously, but lets the other girl enter first, watching her as she goes past. Huh. She then shoots a quick smile at Tabby as she slips in after. "Thanks hon."

    Once inside, she stops dead, her head tilting up slightly, before her nostrils start to flare as she sniffs the air. "....what is...oh, that smells...mmmm....' She nods at the girls, perking at the mention of chocolate as she starts making a beeline straight to the food counter, practically bouncing on her toes now. "Oooooh..." Her stomach rumbles on cue.

Traci 13 has posed:
    Unlike Lexi, Traci seems less intrigued by the foodstuffs, more interested in the library. Briefly, she looks over towards the other two girls and she finger-waggles towards the mauve girl and her friend. "Hi," she calls back, before shifting her attention to the occultish books. Specifically? She's sorting through looking for genuine spellbooks, or, lore books on the occult. There is, afterall, a slight difference between new age occultism and true sorcery, and an interesting middleground where they both meet, like a venn diagram, sort of.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
There's tons of Wiccan and new age writings, even transposes of ancient hand written books, treiticies on magic, as well as artificing, and clockwork diagrams, for those who might want to make clockwork animals in their spare time and sooo much more. There are also signs mentioning antique books in back and others pointing to large touch-screen displays listing 'rare and antique book listings'. Evidently the really old stuff and the massively expensive rare stuff is -not- kept up front. Still exacting copies of those same books are here in droves. Those same copies even going as far as to be leather bound and pressed in vellum...

One of the workers anders up to the girl looking through books and asks "Can I help you find anything?" She asks curiously

Kae watches the girl skip up to the counter, and Wendy greets with a little bow. "Greetings! How can I help you?"

Kae meanwhile gets to her feet and mug and all wanders to the back. As she gets to the door her hand waves and the door unlatches before she even touches the thing, though some might not see it... It's barely visible. Kae goes into the back, the door open for no, showing an old school printing press, possibly designed much like the ones used in the late 17th century. There's a veritable treasure trove of things visible, indcluding maaaaany more book shelves, with what look to be carefully wrapped old tomes, some of these are probably a couple feet across... There's even one on a pedastal there open... Kae walks up to the book, and looks thorugh it briefly, flipping a page... She then goes over to one of the book shelves in the back of course, grabs a brass and copper bound book of considerable size, and walks back out of the back, the massive wooden door closing behind her without much pulling on her account.

Kae wanders back to the front, taking a sip of her coco, and settles down, before lifting the catches on this book, the book having a kind of open-spine like look, and the pages appear to be instead of vellum, perhaps papyrus? There's even ancient Egyptian cuniform all across the metal surface.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "I'll try harder next time. I'm failing." Tabitha says to Lexi. "I wanted..." but then Lexi is headed for the food and she follows. "What'd you find? Hot chocolate?" She nods to Traci as she passes. "Hey, Lizard Perch."

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi cheerfully finger wiggles back to the person she's mentally calling 'bubble girl' until otherwise informed, glancing over at the library briefly, but then turning back as she's greeted. She promptly says to Wendy. "Yes. All the soups. And the chocolate. And the chips." She looks over as Tabitha catches up, then ers, looking a bit sheepish. "Ya want somethin' too?" she offers. "My treat?"

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "No, I'm still bloated from lunch." Tabby says, patting her stomach. "I'll jus' watch you eat." Still, she looks over the other girl's shoulder. "You're even gonna eat the fish soup?" she asks, making a face. "I bet it has shrimp in it too. Bleh." and she sticks her tongue out to mime gagging.

Traci 13 has posed:
    "No, Leroy. She wasn't talking to you," Traci corrects the mental thoughts of Leroy aloud, "And besides, you already ate before we came." She begins to drift further, and further into the back, until she finds something that does seem to appeal to her in the older, and rarer section. She pulls it out with a measure experienced care, and flips, slowly, through the delicate pages. "I know it's in his library," she says again, as if she's having a converstaion aloud with her thoughts. "But, we can't take books -out- of his library. And, I need to study more. Besides, we got some extra money."
    And, gently, she carries the leatherbound tome, title written in old latin, up to the front where the other two girls, and the employees are - not having missed Kaelyn's little trip into the back, herself. Still, it's impolite to be too nosey.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
If this were a cartoon, Wendy's eyes would turn to cash symbols as she nods. She fills a couple stoneware mugs ith hot cocoa, then sets a very large potatoe into a chip cutter which cuts chips, while dropping them into the fat frier... Next Wendy gets a a stoneware bowl for the sopa de pescado, a cauldron like crock for the cheddar soup, a nother cauldron type thing for the chowder, and so on... She loads these items up on a tray and sets another potatoe into the peeler after taking the chips out of the vat and setting them on a greese catcher so as to let them cool off now and of course drip the access frying oil free.. Wendy then smiles and totals everything up for the woman as she says "Find a seat and all, I'll bring everything to you." she says with a big grin.

Kae glances up from reading her egyptian book and peers at the girl getting a large bowl of every kind of soup and cocoa and whatnot. She raises an eyebrow and asks "Hungry?" The redhead's eyes now travel to the girl and lizard, Kae tilting her head and smiling a bit... She waves the girl over and when close enough Kae smiles... "We do transcribes if you wish for something... A bit -more- original, from the special library." she says and smiles a bit. She waves Tina over now too, and holds a ring out to 13.. "Take this, go with Tina to the back... look around. Tina can help you and as soon as I'm done with my research here, I can go back and help you out as well... When you've found something you like yer more than welcome to look through it up here..."

Tendril has posed:
    The mutant girl positively perks as she watches the food be set up, then nods, turning away as she's told to go have a seat. She flushes faintly at Kaelyn. "...usually." she admits, rubbing her neck a bit. "It all smells so good too...." She grins at Tabby. "You can have a taste if you want though!" she sahs cheerfulyl, before starting to move to a table, then peering over at the girl talking to her...lizard?

    "Um...does he...want something?" she says after a moment. For anyone else, this idea would be weird. Lexi, on the other hand, has a roommate that sort of talks to animals. "I mean, I can share a little if he'd like." she offers, smiling at the girl. "He's cute!"

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "Maybe I'll taste the cheese soup?" Tabitha suggests. "Whre do you wanna sit? Over there looks good." and she points to a spot. Lexi looks to Traci and her lizard and so her eyes follow. "Lizards." she shudders. "They give me the creeps, with their sticky long tongues and dinosaur diseases and junk."

Traci 13 has posed:
5t"Oh, that's Leroy. He's always hungry," Traci tells Lexi, conversationally. "Don't mind him." She reaches over, to scritch Leroy's head, affectionatly. And then she looks back to Kaelyn, taking the ring carefully. "Well, just looking for some books to help me grow my internal magical battery, really. This is one that Doctor Strange has in his library, that I'd like to have in my own collection," she states. "Are the books only available for transcription, or can I buy this one?"

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae looks at the book 13 has and tilts her head.. "That is a transcribed book, so yes it's for sale.. Many of the rare books up here are transcribes... I try not to put any pre 1800's books up front as those are exceedingly rare... Anyhow I was going to make available my library to you if you like.. There's transcribing tools in the back and artifacts that will make sure to exactly reproduce the book." She says and smiles and then shrugs "I Know all about trying to grow one's 'magical battery' as it were... Got those same problems my self, and no giant all powerful world locus powering my abilities either." Kae says quietly and smiles somewhat... She motions to the girls helping "They're Tanya and Tina are journeymen here learning Artificing from me, Wendy's my apprentice.. If they can help ask them too or just ask me." She then glances to the mutant girls curiously, while Wendy carries the large tray of food over to them, then later returns with a big bowl of home-made chips, complete with a light sprinkling of a cajun styled spicing and salt of course!! Wendy sets out a bowl with home made ranch dressing out too...

The sopa pescado, is actually MahiMahi, onions, potato, corn, bay scallops and other nice soft delectables that go well in a soup, it's south american inspired of course.. The chowder is a Boston Clam Chowder, all home made, then there's the cheese soupl it's got bacon, potato, cheese, cellery and onion... The Tortilla soup is also home made and thick, it's chicken, fresh fried corn tortillas, jack cheese, onions tomato, corn, cellery, and poblano peppers. Then there's the Irish Stew, Ie, Guinnes stew, except the chef deglazed with irish whiskey for that slightly sweeter taste. It's cubes of slow cooked beef, potato, onions, carrots in a deeply dark brown gravy-like broth. All of this is put out in front of the girls, there's soda crackers for the chowder and the cheese soup, some fresh rye bread for the stew, and lastly extra tortilla strips for the tortilla soup...

Kae catches a whiff, and sighs... "Girls got me hungry with their cookin' again." she mutters, and sits up while grinning at 13..> "Gonna go get stew." She says planely and makes her way behind the counter to of course get her self a bowl of irish Stew, and a cup of the cheese soup, as well as a half a loaf of bread... Kae likes bread... Wendy then comments to the woman "Yer gonna add weight with all that eating!" Kae then smirks and winks back "You girls keep me so busy there's no way I can!" Getting a giggle from the trio as Kae moves back to sit with her cocoa and now nibble on soups.

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi grins at Traci. "Ah...well, still cute!" she says cheerfully, moving over to sit at the table to let her go back to talking with the store owner. She's belatedly realizing the oddity of the rest of the store, her gold eyes flicking around curiously, as she tilts her head a bit, half-listening to their conversation.

    ...what?! She's got REALLY good hearing! Totally not rude!

    She perks as the various soups arrive, inhaling happily as she snags a spoon, then dips one into the cheese first, offering Tabby a taste. "Say ahhhhhhh.." she murmurs playfully.

    And once that's done, she begins pretty much inhaling the soups, one after the other, making happily little pleased sound as she goes from bowl to bowl, mixing the tastes curiously. "Mmmm! Thsh is great!" she says enthusiasticaly, before remembering to swallow. The silver hair that runs down her back has starting to shift a bit, like an invisible breeze is running through it now as it fluffs up a bit.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Boomski sits, crossing a leg over the other as she does. She adjusts her skirt, smiling at the silver-haired Alexia. "This is kinda nice place, huh?" she asks, conversationally. "I..." and then the massive amount of food arives and she leans a little forward, eyes wide. "Omigod, girlfriend. That's a _lot_." but she grins. "Well, at least you won't be hungry for a couple of hours." she teases.

    Tabby opens her mouth as Lexi feeds her some of the cheesy goodness. "Mmmm. Thanks, Amadeus." She sits back again to watch the mauve girl's golden eyes sparkle as Lexi begins digging in.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae looks to 13 curiously while they begin to look through books or whatever then down to her stew and dips her rye bread into the broth some before taking a bite. Next Kae glances to the girl sand asks, the curvy redhead smiling a bit "So y'all like it here I take it?" She asks curiously and then adds "How are you finding the food?" Kae asks, now leaning on the arm of her chair as she studies the two girls curiously.

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi distractedly 'mmmhmmms!' at Tabby, then again at Kae as the redhead leans near the table, peering up at her, before she swallows. She's really polishing that soup off quick! Three are already empty, in fact. Unfortunately, one of those was the one with the poblano peppers, therefore she lets out a faint peppery belch at that point, briefly slightly elongated canines before she covers her mouth, getting a purple flush. "..'scuse me." she says, swallowing. "Yeah, it's neat...um, but...uh...are ya really sellin', like, magic books?" she says curiously. "I thought this was just kinda new age-y stuff..." She glances over to Tabby to see if she agrees.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Tabitha chuckles. "'scuse you." she teases Lexi after the burp. "Well, yo umade short work of that, Miss Hoover." but she's grinning. A look to the redhead. "Looks like she likes it. It's a hit." She scratches her chin, considering. "Like _real_ magic? Isn't that dangerous?"

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae shrugs "So's driving a car, or flying in an airplane and folk do it all the time." She says and then grins... "Anyhow, this -is- an occult store too, we cater to all things occult as well as new age and the like... So, in a word, Yes, we sell stuff for aspiring witches, warlocks, wizards and sorceresses. We also sell new age books, as well as books on medicinal horticulture, incenses, clockworks, herbs, we even make and sell jewelry with simple charms for the betterment of the wearer.." She says and grins a bit. "When you're done eating, look around.. We have lots of neat things here for you to examine, even if all you do is buy the food, there's plenty to keep you entertained, and we have some books in the lounge area that are available for public reading too." Kae then taps her chin "Fridays we are open through the witching hours as well to the populace, most days prefered customers can come in during witching hours, that or friends of the store." Kae says and tilts her head at the elongated canines and the like, she tilts her head curiously, then looks from girl to girl "So what are a pair of highschool... Mutants I guess.. Doing out here, just got curious about the store?" Kae asks, there's no ill will or anything like that in her voice, she's just genuinely curious. And then something happense to kind of push the whole this is a -real- magic shop vibe.. A brass and nickle scaled clockwork dragon flies, yup, flies out of the back some where and lands on Kae's table. When it notices the girls Kae's talking to it tries to act like a normal clockwork.

At that point Tanya sighs. "Sorry boss, I think I forgot to close the small door..." Kae blinks and looks at the creature and shrugs "It's out of the box anyway... " she says and shrugs

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi is forced to stop inhaling the soup, which is probably for the best, in order to actually be sociable and talk. "Mmm, we we'd never been here, ta Bludhaven, so we thought we'd kinda look around a bit. Make a day of it an' stuff." she says cheerfully. "Whoa, like...real spells, anyone can cast? Or just people who got magic or somethin?"

    And then the dragon flies out, those golden eyes getting wide as it flies out and lands on the table. "...oh wow..." she says, leaning forward to peer at the little dragon. "Did...did ya make this?" she says to Kae, looking impressed.

Traci 13 has posed:
    "Well, I suppose it's a good thing it's transcribed. Cheaper." Traci 13 seems a little torn by that, afterall, having original is always 'better', but the meaning is still there with a transcribed book. She nods, "I'll take this one, for now. But you can bet that I'll be back," she assures Kaelyn, answering further, "But have you ever spent all your magical influence battling a three-hundred and fifty foot ancient sea monster?"
    Traci exhales some, smiles, wryly, "Doctor Strange gave me some really good insight, but I want some other ideas as well. That'll help me formulate my own theories as well as exercise my ability to channel, until I reach my limit."
    She says this casually, before looking over to the mutant girls as well. Thoughtfully. "I'm Traci, by the way," she tells everyone around.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Tabitha hugs herself tightly. "Preferred customers at witching hours?" she wonders. "Spooky." She looks to Lexi as Kaelyn mentions 'mutants' and her brows knit in concern, then her gaze returns to the redhead. "I..."

    Traci speaks to them then. "'m Tabitha, but noone calls me that. This is Lexi." and she motions with her head towards the mauve girl.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae tilts her head at the girls "Seriously, I meant no insult, I was merely curious." she motions around the shop. "This isn't exactly a -normal- place, and to be honest, unless we're hurting for money, the wards on this shop screen out the vast majority of people.. People with Peculiarities tend to visit our shop, or folks who are genuinely interested in the arts. We have Mages, Metas, Mutants, witches, midwifes, wicans and all come here. It's kind of a getaway for those seeking a little shelter from the outside world, and a place that supplies to thoe who need knowledge or books. Yes non peculiar folk can come in here, but the spells here make sure those that wish to keep their identies secret, and wish to not go advertising their peculiarity to the outside are protected..." she says and smiles... She motions to 13... "If she likes she can look at this buliding with arcane site, She can verify everything I have just said." She adds and grins a bit... "So in short, you girls are more than welcome here any time you want and you're safe. What I will ask though, is in the future, feel free to put this place up for a field trip or something to your school. I would love to meet everyone, and I think we can make this quite the educational location. I'm sure there's plenty here I can teach, ya don't have to be magi or aspiring witches gleen something from this place." Kae says, yah she's hopeless hen trying to get the right notoriety for her shop and all.

Kae pauses a moment and grins "Sorry if I come across as a wierdo.." she then glances back to 13 now curiously "So you work around Dr Strange often? I can't say I've met him yet... I just basically got my ok from the area magic community to set up shop. Not done much since then, and noo, I can't say I've messed with a 300 foot long aquatic beast before... I have however worn my self out making artifacts, magical tomes, and of course the occasional clockwork." she says and motions to the little clockwork dragon, who is now approaching the mutants curiously, acting as if it were quite alive... Next a Raven flies out of the back to land on Kae's shoulder. Kae blinks and looks at the Raven and sighs... "Soo I guess all pretences of normalcy goes right out the window..." she mutters.

Tendril has posed:
    "We call her Tabby. Or Boomer, or Boom Boom mostly." Lexi says helpfully, since she just told them no one calls her by the name given, her eyes twinkling a bit affectionately as she peers over at the other girl. "'Hey you' also works."

    She looks at Traci curiously. "So you're both mages?" she says, looking between her and Kaelyn. "Wait, are mutants magic then? I don't feel very magic.." She wiggles her fingers like she thinks something might happen. "I mean, there's supposedly a girl at th' school who like, does magic an' has a whole thing with..."

    She cuts herself off. "...buuuuut I probably shouldnt' talk about that." she admits. Because Illyana apparently has her own hell and thus is freakin' scary. She reaches out to tentatively stroke the dragon's head curiously, seeing what it does. "Is..he alive?" she says uncertainly, glancing to the redhead again. "And yer really not. Weird, I mean."

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Tabby gives a wave, but she's looking at the little dragon. "Wow." and she watches it walk around. "Oh, you're magic, Foxy." and she mutters something under her breath. "Double-wow. What's it powered with? Batteries, or is it clockwork?"

Traci 13 has posed:
    "Sorceress," Traci tells Lexi, warmly. "I'm a Homo Magi. Like, mutants are Homo Superior. But, Homo Magi are humans born with the ability to do comlex magic, and access and control the tapestry of creation, and the universe. Therefore? You kind of need to know what you're doing." Still, she seems to think the two mutant girls are sweet, and after paying for the book, she gives them a final wave.
    "Really nice shop you have here," she tells Kaelyn, as well as the other girls. "I've not really studied artificaing, but I know some of the basics. I'm more - well, into spells and the like."
    She adds, "Leroy likes your dragon."
    Then, she's tucking her book under her arm and slipping out of the store, "Alright, Leroy. Let's get home, and yes, I'm sure Paisley has something ready for us."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae laughs "It's clcokwork. And enchanted... Kind of an accident really.." Kae says and shrugs... "I was experimenting, they got loaded up with magic and well there they are... Him and the Owl in the back..." Kae rubs the back of her neck.. "Anyhow, for lack of a better term they're kind of metallic clockwork golems, or simulcra." She says and hmms "Anyhow, they're powered well by magic... They're harmless.." Kae nods to Traci and smiles "Come back... If you See the Sorcerer Supreme send em my way, I'd love to meet em." Kae adds and grins a bit.. Kae now looks back at the girls... "Well the magic allows anyone in here who really wants to be in here and of the temperment not to go blabbing about everything to the whole universe. However, it kind of recongizes Magi, and metahumans, mutants all the same and generally the... " she taps her chin a few times "Somebody else's problem Field, doesn't really work on y'all..." Kae adds and shrugs... "I can't get too much into specifics without lecturing on the theory behind the magics." Kae then shrugs... "Hell if yer just a normal person..." she motions to well just that, who seems to be ignoring or just not paying attention or even so much as acknolwedging the existance of Kae and the girls... "They kind of well gloss over us and all while within the confines of the wards and such. Specially since we're talking about sensative information." She says and grins a bit... "Of course Fanhuile there coming up from the back forced the wards to act.. So did Poe here too.." she adds and hands a cracker to the Raven...

As the dragon is stroked it actually pushes into the rubbing kind of like a cat might, even going to the point of leaning so hard it ends up flopping onto its back, kind of rolling on top of the side of the young woman's foot... Kae blinks and sighs "I swear I think the magic accidently sucked a cat's soul and put it into that clockwork... " she then sighs and giggles "Anyway, Fanhuile there is a fully autonomous clockwork construct... If he wasn't autonomous, he'd be just a regular clockwork..." Kae then fetches something, this being a ball of sourts. She sets it out and then inserts a key into a tiny key hole, the key being quite artfully designed, before turning the key and then after it clicks, Kae removes the key. Suddenly the ball unwraps, the outer shell being wings of another clockwork dragon, though this one's movements, while smooth are obviously clockwork.. The thin gunfurls its wings and stands upright, taking on a dragon rampant pose, before dancing in a circle, and finally balling back up.

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi watches with pure fascination, giggling as the little dragon falls over, then her forearm bulges slightly, extruding a long purple tendril that wraps carefully around the fallen dragon, scooping it up to set back on the table, not seeming bothered by the weight of the metal dragon. The tendril withdraws, disappearing into her skin as she leans in close, watching with a grin. She's actualy fascinated enough that's she's stopped eating for a bit!

    "...so...ya do, like, magic steampunk kinda clockwork stuff with yer magic?" she wonders curiously, tilting her head as the second dragon is opened. "Oh, that's pretty too!"

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Tabby reaches over to snag a potato chip from the other girl's tray and munches it. "Mmm." She watches Lexi play with the dragonette. "Hmm." and she looks up at Kaelyn. "How much would it cost to make another one?" she wonders. "I mean, it's pretty amazin'."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae looks at the tiny dragon she just put on the table "Regular clockwork runs between 200 and thousands of dollars, Fanhuile is not for sale... Autonomous constructs like him are incredibly difficult to make, and well Fan there and Hoot are both accidents.. I havn't figured out yet how to match their degree of life in other constructs... Getting better though, and as far as making autonomous clockwork constructs? Umm thousands of dollars... There's tons of ingredients, and if I were to make one it will take a month of work to get it done..." She says and shrugs.. "Doesn't really matter the size, it's the sheer time and expense to set up the rituals." Kae says and grins a bit... "However...." she slips off and returns with a fewo miniature clockworks, One is acat that chases after a ball, the setting about the only about 6 inches across. The other is an elf on a unicycle.. And yes it rolls around on its own before storing its self in its little ball, just like the cat... "The clockworks aren't actually magic, though I sometimes use it to get the degree of precision needed to make these works... I also put a lil magic on the springs to make sure they never fail." Kae says with a grin...

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi awwws at first...she doesn't begrudge the potato chips. She's got LOTS of potato chip bags. MOst of which are going right into her bag for later. "That does sound like a lotta work..." she says with a sigh, but perks up as the smaller ones are brought over. Perhaps unsuprisingly (for Tabby at least), she's immediately drawn to the cat chasing the ball, her pupil's getting a bit wider as they follow its movements, before it folds up into the ball again. "That's neat!"

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "Oh." Tabitha says, a little crestfallen. "Well, they're neat to look at." She watches the mauve girl enjoy following the antics of the little clockwork, she smiles blissfully as the other girl seems pleased with things.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae shrugs "Which, is why when I have plenty of the smaller ones, I generally don't sell them... You two take the cat and the elf entertainer home with you, enjoy them." she says with a slight smile.. Then sets each clockwork in a wooden box and hands them to the girls... "Clockwork is my hobby... I don't try to make a lot of money on it, and to be truthful, the prices I quoted you for enchanted items really only covers a little more than materials... Magic can be quite expensive, specially permanent enchantment.." She says and grins a bit.

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi's head comes up at that, blinking at Kae. "Oh! Oh, no, they must be really expensive...we couldn't..." she says with a frown. "I mean, especially if ya like them that much an' they make ya happy?" She shifts in her chair, looking tempted none the less. "....really?" she says after a moment, a little hopefully. She doesn't really have a lot of pretty possessions she can put on a shelf, after all. And it is...shiny.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Tabby nods, agreeing with Lex. "We couldn't. I mean... we can't afford anythin' like that. Wish we could." she says with a bit of a sigh. "But it wouldn't be fair to you. I mean, you could make a lot of money with 'em." and she smiles a bit. "Thanks, though."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae peers curiously "My stuff, I can do with them what I wish, which is why I keep this aspect a hobby and an art. Anyhow, y'll can either take those two clockworks with you, or I can stick em in the dumpster, your choice." Kae says, a tiny bit of sharpness to her voice.. Tina then walks by and asides "Girls, she means it... Couple sayings here, Never look a gifthorse in the mouth, and don't deny a Witch when they're in a giving mood." She says with a wink. Then Tina wanders on and Kae stares at Tina now "You made that last one up." Tina then shrugs "It fit!"

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi's head comes up sharply. "No! Don't...don't do that, I'll..." She flushes. "...okay, if you really want to give them to us." She reaches out to gently claim the kitty ball, a smile breaking across her face, shyly. "It really is beautiful, thank you."

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "It is." Tabby agrees. "Thank you. really. If there's anything I can do to pay you back, please tell me." she says gratefully. She looks back to Lexi's tray of goodies. "Hmm. Whattya have left over there?"

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae laughs "Ya don't repay a gift..>" She shrugs... "Just get some enjoyment out of those pieces. All there is invested is a little time that's all and a lot of brass is all." she says and grins cheerfully... She then adds "I have a few really nice tools in back that let me make the majority of gears and such I need with a CNC machine. The Gears on these little buggers were all cut with a laser."

Tendril has posed:
    "That's really neat that you can make something like this..." Lexi says, gently craddling the ball like she's afraid she might break it. "Oh! Um...I still have...I think the cheddar, and the irish stew? Don't worry! Ate all the seafood." she says cheerfulyl to the other girl, rolling the ball gently over between her fingers. Again, her hair is shifting slightly on its own, sort of a lazy winding back and forth...until one starts winding around the back of the chair. Then another. Lexi doesn't seem to realize this is happening.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae grins "You guys can do it too... simple clockorks at first and all." Kae offers, and stands. she then makes her way to the book shelves, and tugs a pair of medium-sized books from the shelf and sets it on the table... They're newer books, both have detailed descriptions on how to make clockwork. "Youll need some metal working tools and clock-maker tools as well, maybe about 100 dollars in tools, and these books are..." she looks at them "One's 10 and one's 20 bucks..." She then motions to a nook in the back with sheets of brass, and nickel, there's also gears, springs, keys, you name it, just about anything one needs to make clockwork... "I have some stuff for y'all to try the hobby.. You can also use wood to make clockwork too..." She says with a slight grin...

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi looks a bit unsure as she looks a bit bemused by the excitement Kae has for the hobby. Well, it IS a bit about locks...and she does know a lot about those, at least. "Um, sure...which of th' two do ya think works better? Th' 20 dollar one?" she says, starting to lean down to get her bag, then yelps as this causes the hairs wound around the top of the chair to go taut. "Owowow..." She mutters, wincing as she leans back a bit again, then seems to concentrate, her fingers going back to the strands as she carefulyl works them loose as they slowly unwind. "Ah..." She flushes a bit. "Sorry. You were saying?"

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Tabitha rises and moves around behind Lexi, to see if there's something she can do to help with the hair situation. She strokes the silvery stuff. "Now, you behave, or I won't brush you." she tell Lexi's hair. "Be nice."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae blinks and stands now as well "Anything I can do to help with that?" She asks curiously and tilts her head... She then sees the other girl doing ok, and Now Kae having finished her stew, she goes after her self a bowl of chips. She then glances back to the girls and grins a bit... "Soo ice cream?

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi shoots Tabby a very grateful, if embarrassed nod, and lets her handle the unwinding, since she can actually see what she's doing. "It's okay..." she says, flushing. "It just..does that if I'm not paying attention." She perks a bit. "What kind of ice cream?" she asys thoughfully. Because she is the maw that walks like a girl.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Tabitha lets Lexi's hait twine around her fingers rather than the chair. "There. That's better." she says, soothingly. She leans close and croons tunelessly to the stuff. "There we go." She looks up at the mention of ice cream. "Cherry chocolate chip?" she wonders.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae blinks "I don't think I have that... Buuut, I have French Vanilla, Chocolate, cookies'n creme, chocolate chip, orange sherbet... Ummm..." She stands and goes over to the bin with all the icecreme curiously "Ooh yah, Strawberry too..." She adds and tilts her head "NOt an icecream store here really."

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi mmphs. "How is that better, now yer trapped!" she points out, giggling a bit. But doesn't seem to mind Tabby's fingers tangled in her hair much at all, otherwise. She is still blushing a bit as she returns her attention to Kae. "Ooh! Chocolate, definitley. Ooh! Chocolate AND strawberry!"

Boom-Boom has posed:
"Since when have I been unhappy with being caught in your hair, Foxy?" Tabitha asks, smiling softly. "Let go now..." she tells the hair, as if she expects to listen. "Go back to momma." and she slowly untangles herself, patiently. "You like chocolate and strawberry?" she asks. "Hmm. That's an idea."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae tilts her head, then smiles and gets out a couple bowls, She puts a scoop from each flavor.. She also adds Vanilla "There' Napoleon..." She says cheerfully, then settles a bowl in front of each teen... "Soo question to you, do y'all need a ride back to wherever it is you're going?"

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi oohs, grinning. Because ther'es always room for ice cream. Also jello, but ice cream is superior. She starts spooning it, a bit of each flavor first as she savors it, then mms? at Kae. "Well...we took the train here...ooh, do you have, like, a magic carpet or something? Or a purple bubble like Traci?" Because that WAY beats the train.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Tabitha sits again, smoothing her skirt under her as she does. She again watches Lex eat and enjoy something. She puts an elbow on the table next to her and rests her chin in her hand, grinning.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae tilts her head "Well most magi have the ability to use movement magic. I prefer gateways... Some teleport or tesseract. Just depends on how their mind visualizes the transportation. NOrmally though, I use my pickup truck." kae says with a slight grin "Ya see what might be me using magic here, but really the magic's allready done.. This shop has wards and magic in place to make mine and the lives of those working or visiting here easier... It's kind of a locus of power for me... Outside here, I may try to conserve as much magic as I can and use items I've allready artificed to save the wear and tear on my self..." Kae hmmms and tilts her head as she thinks of a good way to explain... "Magic requires a certain amount of sacrifice to use... If I were to say launch a bolt of kinetic force at someone, it would tire me to do such. Now mind you, I've exercised this 'muscle' a lot, so I can do quite a few bolts right now, but eventually I'd tire. Someone with less experience could pull the same spell, but they'd tire faster. Someone like say Strange, he could do it all day and I think It still wouldn't tire him." she says and rubs the back of her neck "Sorcerer Supreme has more and deeper internal resevoirs of power than a mage like my self." She adds and grins...

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi is oblivious to Tabitha enjoying her enjoying the ice cream, uninhibited as she savors the flavor. If she had a tail, it'd be wagging at this point...though she'd also be more than a little embarrassed and sheepish if she realized it. Kae has her attention with the teleporting. "Oh! Ya can teleport us back?!? Oh, YES, that would be great!" The last time she got teleported, it wasn't the most fun, after all; she couldn't really appreciate it.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae laughs "Like I said, I don't generaly tessaract, or teleport around, I use gateways... It's pretty simple. However, if you give me a location I can take you guys through a gate.. I will however have to communicate to the magical community in that area that is what I am doing as while a singular person gate won't get most folks attention me pulling 3 or more people through will." She says and smiles "It is just courtesy but I can do that." She thinks a moment and it registers about the carpet thing. "Yes, I do have a flying carpet, it's one of my earlier pieces... I prefer broomes though..."

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi hmms, then finishes off her ice cream...it's amazing she doesn't have an ice cream headache already. She sighs, leaning back in her chair against the fingers still lightly tangled in her hair, then hmms, smiling over at Boomer. "Lets! Um, can you go to Westchester?" She ponders. "...I'm not sure what mages live there, if any though. Maybe Illyana..." she says, a little doubtfully."

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "I wouldn't contact Illyana." Tabitha says, speaking up. "She prob'ly won't care anyway." She shrugs, though. "Someone else is more likely to respond than she is... Jean, maybe? I dunno. I wonder if there are alarms for magic or somethin' at the school?"

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae tilts her head "Well I know who I can tell over there I guess... So whenever you wish to head over I guess I can open the doorway." says the girl with a slight grin... "I've not been there so I'll need one of you to visualize the gate outside that school of yours and I'll be able to take y'all straight there."

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi gets up...there's definitely a bit of a bulge to her tummy, certainly, after all the food, as she takes out her bag to stuff the potato chip bags that are left into it, then carefully puts the little metal ball inside. "Sure! Um...does it matter who does it?" she says curiously, looking at Tabby. "Do ya want to?" she offers. She gets to go through the portal! She can totally let Tabby get to do the visualizing fun.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "She doesn't want to look into _my_ head." Tabby says, laughing. "It might scare her off." Still, she stands. "I guess it _is_ time to go home, though, huh?"

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae blinks curiously... "I'm not going to look into your head, but the spell will use what you guys imagine as a visual reference to lock the other end of the gate. I mean I can use it like a map or look up pictures on the internet, but I tihink it would be faster if you guys just focus on the gate or the front door, whichever you prefer...." Kae says cheerfully

Tendril has posed:
    Lex aws, looking vaguely disappointed this isn't going to be a Vulcan mind meld or something. "Okay!" She steps closer to Tabitha, sliding on her bag, then taking the other girl's hand. "Okay, visualizing!" And she'll think of the gate to the school and the road outside.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Tabitha happily takes Lex's hand. Her brows furrow. "Won't think of that. Won't think of that. No, no. Bad Tabbycat." she reproaches herself. "There's no place like home. There's no place like home." she then says, grinning, and she taps her heels together three times.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae stands and holds her hands out palms upward, her fingers flexing a bit as ghostly runes swirl around her now glowing bracelets.... "Here we go..." Kae says with a slight grin "Concentrate now." she adds and then sweeps her hand forward at an angle, as iff making an upward diangal slap, though slower. As she does a faint ripple appears in the air in the direction of her motion, which then grows wider, and suddenly the gateway becomes visible in the ovalshaped hole... "I need to step through there anyway, So after you ladies." Kae says with a slight smile, now taking her backpack as Tina hands it to her.. "Thanks hon.." She says and stands next to the doorway now, hand actualy contacting the surface as it ripples to help hold the gateway open. "I need to maintain contact with it and pass through my self so if you all will jsut walk on through so I can go and we can close this that'll be good." she says with a smile.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara Croft doesn't hold residence at her new job here in Westchester. Her home is in Greenwich Village which is about an hour south of here. She'd been working lateer than usual though, helping some students who were eager for her class to start. Together they had been planning for the future of the class, field trips to archaeological sites here in the local area, museum trips and possibly more along those lines.

Lara was stepping out of the front doors after saying goodnight to some of her new co-workers and she was carrying a box out of the foyer of the school and closing the doors behind her.

Lara's black jeep was parked not too far to the west, near the garage ports and she walked at a casual clip toward it, holding the box in her hands as her brown hair blew gently in the cooling evening air. She is dressed in a white button-down shirt and dark brown jeans with black leather boots on her feet and a leather backpack held over her right shoulder by just the one strap.

Cyclops has posed:
     Scott had been out of the mansion area today. Only now heading back home. A thunderous motorcycle was driving down the long path.

  The X-man had been working mostly on the mission that was at hand. But there had to be time for himself, which often occurred on Sundays, when he took his bike out for a long ride. Scott did not, however take this long usually. He had still been reeling from the losing of Gambit, so today's ride had been much longer.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
And now well wierdness, but maybe a different kind than the Mansion is used to seeing. A simple oval-shaped ripple in the air appears in the yard near the gate... Well away from people and all, but well it's definately there. It just sits there doing nothing really, just kind of doing nothing for now. Then a tallish red-headed woman steps out, she's pretty darned curvy and is choosing to wear a T-shirt with some random silly logo on the front, a backpack that looks straight out of a steam punk convention and of course regular other clothes. As she steps out, she moves to the side of the ripple, hand maintaining contact with the odd distortion as she says "C'mon girls!" Talking to perhaps someone inside the ripple? Kae looks around now curiously, then blinks as she notices the person on the motor cycle... If noticed, she uses her free hand to wave.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "Whew." Tabby says as she exits the portal. "The spell didn't listen to me." and she blushes a bit at herself. She swings her arm gently, still holding Lexi's hand through the gateway. "Home sweet h..." but her thought is cut off as she spies a teacher! "Omigod. Lexi, we're dead. So dead." she groans. She scoots closer to the mauve girl to whisper something to her.

    She turns her head as Scott's 'cycle roars down the driveway. "OhEmGee. Another one? God... we're gonna have detention for the whole year."

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi hops out right behind the other girl, holding her ahnd as she looks around, grinning, nodding to Tabby as she steps through. She was a bit tenative about going all the way to Bludhaven to explore, but hey, she was told not to go into New York by several people. Not to Bludhaven! Mind, that's because no one thought they'd have to tell her that in the first place, but...

    Her thoughts are cut off as Tabby spots Miss Croft, standing right there. Her gold eyes go wide as she stiffens, then winces as she hears the cycle coming. "...we're so dead..." she whispers.

Lara Croft has posed:
For the late arrivals to the school, if Lara had been the only teacher that they ran into out here... they'd probably not be dead at all, Lara didn't entirely know how things worked at the school (as of yet) in regards to using powers like portals to arrive at the school's front yard. Plus, as far as Lara knew, these girls were arriving from some other portal that was also on the school's proeprty.

Her box was set down in the back of her black Jeep and she turned to glance at the motorcycle first, then toward that impressive portal and she recognized at least one of the students... looking at the others as well... but her gaze goes toward the man on the motorcycle. She recognized him, but hadn't had a chance to meet him in person.

Cyclops has posed:
     Scott's helmet had turned to the portal, regarding it and sighing, lowering his shoulders as he does. He points the girls to go to the front of the driveway with authority.

  After directing the students, the sunglasses-wearing teacher twists the throttle and makes his way to the driveway, killing the engine and stepping off the motorcycle. After his helmet is removed, he regards Lara with a nod, moving over to her. "Evening." He offers, waiting for the girls to come over with his trademark stern look.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae makes her way over too, as her hand leaves the distortion it simply dissapears. "Ahh, forgive me, I'm Kaelyn Silverleaf.. These ladies are running a bit late, and I fear it was my fault. We got to talking and I didn't think to ask about a curfew..." Kae says and smiles slightly before offering to shake hands with first Lara, then Scott... "I can sometimes be a bit of a rambler, and well we got to talking about clockwork and since that's a passion of mine I kinda went off the borders there and all and we chatted while at my shop... Till well, just a very short while ago." she adds again, maybe trying to take a bit of heat for the girls being late, or at least maybe redirect some of the ire.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Tabitha lets Lexi's hand go and closes the distance to Scott. "C'mon, Foxy." she sighs. "We didn't do it, Mr. Summers. Really!" she pleads. "It's not what it looks like, whatever it looks like. I promise! Scout's honor." But Tabby was never a scout of any kind, let along a Boy Scout.

Tendril has posed:
    Don't mention Bludhaven, don't mention Bludhaven, don't mention Bludhaven...this is running through Lexi's mind as she sort of hides a bit behind Tabby, trying to look as innocent as possible as she follows her over to the driveway. "Um, yes, we were just...a little late. The buses and stuff..."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara watched Scott approach and she was curious as to why the man was wearing sunglasses at night (she hadn't been told yet) but she just assumed he had a black eye or some such and was hoping to hide it (something she'd done many times).

Lara smiled at Scott, because well... look at him, and she reached out to offer a hand. "Hello." She said. "I'm Lara. Professor Xavier's new hire for World History." She introduced herself to him while the girl's approached.

When Kaelyn arrived and offered handshakes, Lara would turn to accept that shake while listening to the three of them explain themselves. Lara gently nodded her head, but stayed quiet on this to allow Scott to handle it since he was better suited for this since she was a week into her job here.

Cyclops has posed:
     Scott smiles and shakes the offered hand. "Scott Summers, Geometry Teacher." He says, then turning to Kae as she starts to explain. "I understand that, and I think that for now we can just call it a warning. Pay attention to the clocks next time, girls." He offers, a warning from Cyclops doesn't come lightly. "We don't want to have to go searching around for you thinking something bad has happened."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae smiles brightly "Pleasure to meet you two." she says and then glances to the two girls and adds "Sorry for the grandiose entrance, it was the fastest, safest way to get here and all... I didn't know how you here at Xaviers would react to magic being used on your campus. So if I've intruded or messed anything up, I must apologize."

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "R... really?" Tabitha asks, blinking. She's not sure she heard Scott correctly. "We can go?" and she looks to Alexia. "I guess we should get to m... to our rooms. Yeah. Study, study study." and she smiles winningly at Scott and then Lara. "Gotta go. My homework calls."

Tendril has posed:
    "Oh yes, like, so much homework...." Lexi immediately agrees with TAbby. "Thanks Miss Silverleaf, for getting us home!" She's feeling more than a little sheepish that not only did they get caught, but obvious because Miss Croft was there to see it. "Have a good night, Mr. Summers, Miss Croft!" She tugs on Tabby a bit towards the main building.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara seemed a bit surprised that Scott wasn't annoyed at the use of teleportation on the front lawn of the school's property, but perhaps she really didn't understand how common that sort of thing was around here. Maybe by Christmas time portals will become a thing of normality for her too... if only she had that power, sure would save her some trouble in her life.

Lara smiled at the students. "I'm sure none of you are telling the truth what so ever." She teased them lightly with a small smile before glancing toward Scott. "Well, I better get on the road or I won't be home until an awful hour." She'd head toward the driver's side of her jeep.

Cyclops has posed:
     It was no secret that this school was a safe haven for mutant and metahuman students. The sunglasses man simply just sighs, perhaps there was someone doing some maintenance on the security systems. The X-Man had been feeling generous tonight, perhaps everyone involved should just take it at face value.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae grins "Anyhow, I tried to make their visit to my shop in Bludhaven as educational as I can. It's not much, but I've tried to make my store as safe for metas, mages and the like as I possibly coudl... So if you're ever in town, do visit..." Kae says and offers cards to the two techers... "I really enjoyed having them over, they seemed to be fascinated with the clockworks I like to build..." Kae says, smiling as Scott seems to be at least kind of in a good mood. She looks to Lara now curiously "History Teacher huh? I am rather fond of ancient history, studied a lot on Ancient Indian, Egyptian, Greek, Chinese and Japanese cultures in my travels... Now mind you it was on an Occult type bend, but I find it that if I study their cultures and art forms as well as history that can give me better results in my studies too..."

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "Ma... yes?" Boomer says to Lexi, looking a bit sheepish. They've been whispering back and forth. "I have this thing I still haven't..." then she looks up, looking between the teachers. "Did you say we can go? I mean, this is fun and all, but you don't want us to catch cold, right?"

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi winces as Kaelyn just HAD To mention where they were. "Um, right, we should get back upstairs then, lots of homework ta do, gotta sleep an' be al rested for classes tomorrow, yup!" the pinkskinned girl quickly adds. "So...um...I'll see you in class tomorrow Miss Croft! The wellness center says I"m officialy okay ta leave an' go back to class."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara's right hand slid along the outside of her Jeep as she moved toward the driver's door which she popped open then with that same hand. She heard Kaelyn's rather quick rush of words and paused though to regard the older woman.

"Do you have a business card on you by chance?" She asked then... because Lara was always in the lookout for new contacts for magical assistance... afterall, she was still track two of the four sphers of-- well, thats another story.

"I come across a lot of questions I have in the field of the occult and I could use more available contacts, if you're okay with being called at potentially odd hours due to the nature of my travel around the globe."

Lara would then look toward Tabi and Lexi and she'd offer a soft smile and a wave with her left hand toward the girls. "Try not to get into too much trouble between now and then, you two. Good night." She told them before returning her eyes to Kaelyn.

Tendril has posed:
    And before she can be called on further, the two girls rapidly fleeeeee into the main buiding and up to the dorms. SAFE!