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Latest revision as of 03:14, 30 October 2017

How do you solve a problem like, Toshiro
Date of Scene: 28 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Daredevil, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, 1316, Wolverine

Daredevil has posed:
    Manhattan's skyline is hidden behind the heavy clouds that hang low into the valleys between buildings. The fog rolling in off the river provides cover to the night sky and the activities of the denizens below, muffling the acoustics of the great sweep of buildings on that island urban sprawl. But in Hell's Kitchen, it lends an element of the ominous to matters. Each distant silhouette down the street could be someone with malice in the heard. Each figure upon the rooftop could be an attacker...
    For such has been the history of Hell's Kitchen these past few weeks with the encroachment of the Hand. Attackers who have struck from the shadows and taken their toll on the city's people in blood. The people gathering tonight have each faced them in some way, stood against them... and now have perhaps gathered to try and resolve what they can.
    One such an individual is the Devil of Hell's Kitchen, clad in black and crimson that lets him remain unseen for the most part in his place against the large industrial air conditioner on that rooftop, his arms folded and the baton lightly tapping against his shoulder as he passes the moments. To some he might seem lost in thought, but in truth he is listening closely to the world around him.

Iron Fist has posed:
Another such person is the Immortal Iron Fist, wearing street clothes and a yellow bandana over the upper half of his face. It's not the best disguise, but a sort of middle ground between the way he used to work (stupidly out in the open) and the way new friends (like Daredevil) choose to operate. From a neighboring building, he drops quietly onto the rooftop.

"The others should be here soon," he tells the costumed hero, coasting up to him and crossing his own arms over his chest. "Probably," he adds.

It really has been a crazy past few weeks, with the Hand's activities ramping up and the Defenders banding together more often than they usually have. Something is happening in the city's underbelly and in the neighborhoods they all protect. Something big.

Jessica Jones has posed:
The door to the roof's stairwell is kicked open and Jessica walks out, in her own super suit, a black tanktop and stone washed jeans with a flannel shirt tied around her waist. She's holding her cell phone in her hands and she's tapping on it with her thumbs while stepping out onto the roof and standing there out in the open. "Seventy five dollars..." She said softly, then huffed. She tapped on the phone screen while verbally speaking what she was tapping. "Taaake... that... money... and shove it... up, your, as--" She winced and groaned. "God damn auto-correct."

Daredevil has posed:
    The Devil turns his head slightly in the direction of Jess and her arrival. A small smirk flickers over his lips for a moment before he looks back towards the Immortal Iron Fist. Brow furrowed, the crimson-clad vigilante lifts his chin slightly and murmurs, "Did you check out the underground fighting club in Gotham?" His brow furrows slightly before he adds, "From the way it was described to me they may have been scouting out talent in the area for some reason."
    But then he pushes off from his place against the air conditioner as it hums to life, albeit quietly. He turns towards Jessica Jones and says, "Jess." A nod is given in greeting.

Iron Fist has posed:
The Iron Fist shakes his head and says, "I haven't," with only the slightest tinge of disappointment. "Not surprised there's something like that going on, though. Know any of the fighters?" His index finger starts tapping away at his elbow as he starts considering other fighters he knows of in New York and Gotham. People who may be involved in such a thing. And then Jessica barges in.

The martial artist watches the private eye approach, smirking at her mumbling on the way. "Hey, Jess. Speaking of money," he tells her, "we have to talk about a certain bar tab that got opened under my name recently."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica continued to tap away at her cell phone as Daredevil and Fisty both spoke toward her, she hadn't looked up at either of them. "Horny head." Jessica said to Matt before hearing Danny's comment, which sunk in a little slower... the response taking a few seconds longer to come out of her dark red lips. "I got a ninja sword sliced up the back of my... well, my back. I think you paying for a few of my drinks here and there is an okay thing, Moneybags McChristmashand."

Taptaptaptaptaptap. Important phone conversation going on for the P.I.

Finally though, Jessica put the phone down and she looked around. "Why the hell are we up here anyway?"

Daredevil has posed:
    "Fits the mood," Daredevil offers, his lip curling but he gestures to the side with one gauntleted hand, motioning to the cover provided by the line of several billboards and a particularly decrepit looking water tower that had once provided some sort of service or the apartment building they're on. But now, is just skyline garbage. "But also good acoustics. Voices don't carry. Hidden from prominent view. Neutral. And if all parties invited show up also gives no prominent way to connect the location to any of us."
    There's a pause, then he smirks a little, "Also it's near the gym, so short drive." Not that he drives.

Luke Cage has posed:
Perhaps Cage is late to the party or the meeting or whatever but he had to grab another shirt on his way over. He's managed to grab a hoodie as well so he's always is when he finally arrives. "Hey." He's more quiet and stoic than usual for some reasons that he's pretty sure will become clear considering who he's bringing with him.

"What I miss?" Cage just makes sure to make an effort to try and figure out what he missed during the time it took for him to get here. He's more than willing to let his accompanied associate introduce himself.

Hana Yoshida (1316) has posed:
    Another figure moves out of the shadows, no doubt heard by the Devil as it climbed over the lip of the building's roof. It's a young woman, likely. She's wearing a loose particolored green and black bodysuit, her heavy black hair pulled back in a tight bun on the back of her head. She's pale, though the lower half of her face is covered with a black mesh mempo. No visible weapons. She sits on the edge of the roof, her legs facing in. She sits quietly, watching the others and listening to them talk. Could be a ninja. She looks the part.

Wolverine has posed:
    Strolling onto the roof like he owns it, Patch takes in the motley crew in front of him. Wearing the same blood splattered dark leather jacket, black shirt, black pants and black leather eyepatch over his left eye that he did at Luke's bar, Patch has not had time to change. Not that he cares.

    Limping a bit from the last fight that he and Luke had just come from, Patch moves onto the roof, stops, and crosses his arms across his chest. The big man he has in tow is still grumbling over his bar. Not to be unexpected, but these things happen. After all, Patch was just being followed. As usual. By those that wants to kill him. And everyone else in the frickin' room it seems.

    Taking a deep breath, that strangely wheezes from the two sword thrusts he has recently received to his chest, Patch grimaces. The two blood stains and holes in his shirt are a testament at how the last fight went. Patch 7. Or 8. Or 9. Patch lost count. Anyway, 9-0. All's he says is, "Evenin'."

Daredevil has posed:
    Lifting his hand as Luke and Patch arrives, The man in red gives a nod to them, "Nothing so far. Figured we go around and relate what's passed recently," He gestures with a thumb in the direction of Iron Fist, "Lots of things going down, and we all have had something to do with it." His lips part and he seems about to say something...
    But then the words catch as he holds them for a moment. He turns to the side, that baton held light and to the side as he seems to focus on the place where Hana Yoshida emerges from, slipping over the lip of the building and appearing. His brow knits as he turns his head slightly to the side and he says simply. "I don't know you."
    His hand lifts to the side, "Is she with any of you?"

Iron Fist has posed:
Iron Fist rolls his eyes at Jessica at starts to pace the roof while Daredevil explains the reasons behind his choice of location. He seems antsy tonight. Probably because the more he and the others get involved in the Hand business, the more the situation seems to slip out of control. A dangerous thing to happen given the enemies they're going up against.

When Luke makes it, he detours over to the man and raises a hand. "Hey, Luke," he starts, eyeing the stranger who shows up alongside his friend. "What happened to you?" he asks Patch. The torn and bloody clothes get pointed out obviously, and it seems another question is coming when Daredevil points out the other newcomer, who gets a hard stare from the Fist.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica looked up as Luke arrived, then Patch, then Hana too. Her expression went kind of blank as she just stared at everyone... then looked over toward Fisty and Matty.

"Christ. We're one cooler filled with bottles of Zima away from being a weird-ass 90s rooftop party." She said, with a distintly annoyed tone to her voice.

Jessica would then walk over toward a place to sit down, turn herself about and lowered down to relax and reach down to root around inside of her messenger bag for 'stuff'.

Luke Cage has posed:
Cage crosses his arms over his chest in the same way he always does. It's mostly because he's trying to be as intimidating as possible... when people are showing up that he doesn't know. He keeps his eyes narrowed so that he can be ready to punch someone to the moon if he has to. "We ran into a little Hand trouble ourselves." Cage explains as he stands there looking like a superhero with no cape.

    And while he gives a bit of a nod and eye contact to everyone onthe roof, it's Danny that he adds another piece of the puzzle for: "They trashed the bar, man."

Hana Yoshida (1316) has posed:
    "Konbanwa." Hana says, inclining her head to the Devil. "Okibi desu." she introduces herself in the Japanese style. 'The Blazing Fire', she called herself. The girl goes back to kicking her feet, listening. She's not attacking, so it might be safe to assume she's not here to cause trouble.

Wolverine has posed:
    *SNIFF* Patch takes a moment, looks over at the newcomer Hana, and shrugs. "Who knows." Patch regards the others thoughtfully for a moment, and then looks over at Daredevil. "Yeah. Lots of things. Going down." Patch adds with a frown. "Meanwhile, things'r heating up elsewhere. The Hand'r movin', and you four..." Patch looks at Hana. "...maybe five, are in their target hairs." His eyes find Luke and he shrugs, again.

    As Ran takes a look, Patch says, "Wha happened ta' me kid? Three guesses, first two don't count."

    Patch gasps as his body continues to heal. "Meanwhile, ah'm here ta' help. Any chance o' killin' ninja's an' ah'm all in."

    Patch roots around for a cigar, finds one, grins, and then his grin turns to a curse as he sees that the sword strike had cut his cigar in half. "*$#@**$@", Patch says, the words even making Jessica look over at him. "Yeah, THEY trashed tha' bar. Not me. Not this time. S's his fault. " Patch thumbs in the direction of Cage. "Yellow shirts mean targets."

Daredevil has posed:
    The man in red frowns as he considers Hana, his senses focusing on the young woman for a time as he turns away faintly. A handful of heartbeats pass, the curious synergy of sounds coming from the gathered crew. No, there's no hint of apprehension, trepidation... nor malice in her. Not enough to earn a seal of approval, but he looks back towards Danny and gives a single nod, as if to clear that she's not going to leap to the attack. Not immediately anyways.
    To the group he murmurs, "They've put out direct hits on myself, and I've spoken with an individual who used to belong to their clan. This has become the focal point of their activity it seems. Matters have stepped up, we need to coordinate what we're going to do if it comes down to it."
    He steps back and to the side, returning to his leaning spot, arms crossing. "As for myself, they sent two teams of assassins. Was able to handle it." A small smile given towards Luke, "With some help."

Iron Fist has posed:
Iron Fist sets his gaze on Hana and grits his teeth, turning from her to Luke and Patch when he's told what just happeend. He sucks in a breath, then releases it in an attempt to settle the anger that's building in him. "They came to the bar," he says, giving a hard nod. "Ok, then. We must be making them sweat."

He steps away from the pair and walks past the gathering group of heroes, nodding at Daredevil's suggestion on the way, toward Hana. It doesn't look like he's entirely pushed that stress down to a manageable level. <<And what about you?>> he asks in serviceable Japanese, before switching back to English. "Are you here to help, too?"

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica finished rooting around inside of her messenger bag and she pulled out a bag of pretzels. She grabbed two of them with her left forefinger/thumb and then just crunched on them while she stared at the others and listened to them.

"They're smashing up bars now?" She asked a generalized question to anyone/all of them. Her eyes went back down to her bag of pretzels and she muttered. "Sonsabitches..." Then went to grab two more of the salty crunchy treats.

"Thats exactly what we need, more weirdos. They'll help us solve all of this." She was being her usual cheery-self, it would seem.

Hana Yoshida (1316) has posed:
    <I am not certain why I am here.> Hana replies. <But the cities have been thick with ninjas and this troubles me.> She frowns behind her face-mask, to only her brows knit.

    "The yakuza in Gotham were hit recently, by people with energ weapons and advanced armor and a man dressed in black that looked much like Deathstroke the Terminator, but was not Deathstroke." and she looks everyone over again, especially Danny. "Perhaps they are connected?"

    The green-clad young woman shrugs. "Even if they are not, more people are crowdng the shadows and I do not like this. Less room, less money to go around."

Wolverine has posed:
    "Of course ya' did Red. Not surprisin'." Patch frowns as DD speaks, and leans against the side of the wall. Looking over the side, Patch lets his senses expand, ensuring there was no other surprises. His eyes meet Rand's and he says, "Yeah kid. They came. It was a mess. Ah'm sure there will be some cleanin' up ta' do." Patch grins. "Me, not in it fer tha' cleanin', but ah can handle tha' drinkin'." As Rand speaks Japanese, Patch follows the conversation. A test. Nodding, Patch smiles. "Nice work kid." He says, under his breath.

    Smilin' at Jessica, Patch says, "Hey. Got anymore a' them salty crunchy treats? Ah'm starvin toots." His grin and his eyes follow Jessica, as he regards her pretzels. "You sharin' er what?" Patch offers his open hand, with a grin. Listening to the conversation between Rand and Han, Logan nods. Fluent Japanese. Then English. "<The Hand is an organization that encompasses the entire word, new one. Deadly and evil We welcome you to the fight.>"

Daredevil has posed:
    "I've tried to take what information we have and collate it." Daredevil's brow furrows behind that mask, his head turning the other way to focus in part on Danny and Hana, their conversation catching his curiousity. A moment passes and then he addresses the group again, "I do not quite have the facilities to follow up the large amount of information we've gained. It would help if we perhaps had a place we could consolidate and coordinate from."
    That having been said he lifts a hand slightly in Iron Fist's direction. "I was thinking if you know of a sufficient place in the area, we could use it if for nothing else than to put up what we have so it can be considered at a glance, and if there are tasks that need to be done for us to progress... then we can distribute them from there."
    That's right, a headquarters. But not a headquarters. Since Jess would never let him live that one down.

Iron Fist has posed:
Perhaps breaking out the Japanese wasn't the best idea, Iron Fist considers, when the fluency of others makes following some parts of the conversation more difficult. He had improved while practicing recently with Daken, but the language isn't his strong suit.

That being said, the martial artist does nod to Hana after a moment, waving her over to the group as he rejoins the others in a tighter circle. "I agree," he tells Daredevil. "And I've got a bit more info for you. A few of us busted a small Hand operation recently," he says, nodding to Luke and Jessica. "They were kidnapping people, seemed to be doing it for a long time in the same place, a drug house here in the Kitchen."

He lets this sink in, then adds, "I think they're recruiting, which means a safehouse is a doubly good idea. I can look into some available real estate, unless someone else has an idea."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica just listened and ate her pretzels, her eyes weren't even on any of them as she heard them talk about their plan. But when Patch spoke to her, she looked up at him... stared daggers at him (the irony) and then extended her hand with the plastic bag of snacks and she offered some to him.

"Call me 'toots' again and I'll smother your ass with the bag." She added before placing another one of the salty crunchers into her mouth and then smiling around it.

Hana Yoshida (1316) has posed:
    Hana rises, then and follows after The Iron Fist. She keeps her hands down, thumbs tucked in her wide belt, not showing her palms to the others. "If you find more drug houses..." she says in unaccented American English. "... I will be more than happy to eliminate the operation for you." She keeps Dany between her and Jessica, at least for now. "I have heard of the Hand, but mostly it is an 'oni', a boogeyman that the yakuza use to scare each other. It does not bode well that they have turned their attention to the cities."

Wolverine has posed:
    All this talk of HQs, and information, and tasks. "Look Red. They are comin'. If'n ya got some super computer brains ta' figure this out, great. Otherwise, batton down the hatches and get ready. Weather tha' storm and then we take it ta' them. Fast n' quick." Patch clenches his fingers, and nods as he feels the last vestiges of his lungs knitting, now healed.

    Looking over at Danny and Hana, Patch bows his head slightly. Japanese was tough, but he did a passable job. Hana was better. Much better. "Hmmm. Recruiting. It's their MO kid. Small time, I bet, but still. They are plannin' somethin'. Somethin' bigger. I can feel it." Patch frowns and stays silent for a moment as he thinks. Oni. Something about Hana's words was bugging him. "Damn my memory" he says, almost to himself.

    Thrusting his hand into the bag, Patch grins and looks up at Jessica. "Thanks Too..." Patch stops, and sees the flash of her anger. Maybe not this time. Filing that away for future use, when he was several kilometers away, Patch nods, and says, "Thanks."

Daredevil has posed:
    Turning his head to the side, Daredevil seems to be looking past Patch's shoulder, somewhere subtly just to the side as he frowns marginally. "Mmm," Is all he offers at the moment in counter-commentary, but then he'll give voice to a small comment, "Will be good to at least focus our efforts."
    That said he takes a step across the gravelly rooftop, moving to stand beside Iron Fist. He'll give a nod to the other man as he murmurs, "Let me know if there is any way I can help with that. I'll broaden the sweeps of my patrols and try to gather more intel, then we can get figure out how we're going to hit back."
    He slides his baton into the holster at his hip and starts to step towards the edge of the roof. A pause as he turns back in Hana's direction, then addresses Danny. "Are you alright with her as your baggage for now?" He asks.

Iron Fist has posed:
The Iron Fist catches Jessica's comments to Patch and he grins. Always good to have her around. On his side, that is.

He turns his attention on Patch now, though. "We should sit down one of these days and swap notes," he tells the other man, wondering how it is a stranger like him, who seems to know wo much about the Hand, just happens to walk into Luke's bar on the night ninjas decide to attack. His tone suggests he might be thinking something along those lines.

When Daredevil moves past him, he nods to the costumed man. "I'll take of it," he says, glancing back to Hana.

Hana Yoshida (1316) has posed:
    "Kare wa omonide wa arimasen". Hana says to the Devil, matter-of-factly. 'He is not a burden', she meant. "I will take care of him." she says confidently. "Won't I, kohei-kun?" Such disrespect! But her tone is almost teasing.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica eyeballed Patch while he took some of her snacks and she just nodded softly at him when he backed off of saying that word again. "Uh huh." She said at him in a disinterested sort of way. Her bag of pretzels were brought back to her lap and Jessica would move to stand up and exhale sharply.

"Alright, you gaggle of gargoyles... I'mma head back home. I got some shit to do tonight. Let me know when we're going to fight nerds again. I've been watching some sword fighting videos on Youtube. I'm ready for round two."

And with that Jones would head for the rooftop stairwell entrance again, her black boots crunching on the gravily ground.

Wolverine has posed:
    With a final glance at all these characters, Patch sighs, finishes up his pretzels, and nods to Danny. "We will." With that, Patch also heads for the darkness, and the night, blending into the shadows as if he wasn't here.

Daredevil has posed:
    "Myself as well," Daredevil offers as Jess makes her own departure, though he lingers on the opposite side of the building, near one of those billboards that seems to proclaim in rather large font the useful applications of a particular type of body spray. "I'll be in touch." He offers to Rand before he drops off the side of the building, landing on the lower fire escape and flipping to the alleyway.