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Latest revision as of 03:32, 30 October 2017

The Hand Scene 1
Date of Scene: 29 August 2017
Location: Madripoor
Synopsis: A Hand attack on Logan is beaten back by a plethora of allies.
Cast of Characters: Wolverine, Molly Millions, Werewolf By Night, Polaris, 1316, Black Knight, Jubilee, Psylocke, Deadlights, Iron Fist, Krystina Jordan

Wolverine has posed:
    The mist slowly crawls towards the docks of the City Of Madripoor. The only light is from the dark red full moon overhead, the blood red cast forboding what was to happen. The smells, the tastes, the sounds of the docks were wet, and dirty, and reeks of two week old sailor. This was where the night embraces the city, and the day flees from the scene as fast as it can.

    It was this city that the story truly begins. The ships that line the docks were ancient, some of them from the dawn of merchantilism. The sounds, oh the sounds. Groans from a drunk, wasted man. Death screams in the distance that wasn't from cats. The pounding of feet on wood, trying to escape the embrace of death. It was all happening here. At the end of the Earth.

    The short, stocky man all dressed in black walks slowly from the vessal he has been on for the last three days. The men all disappear below decks, not looking at him. Almost like they know what was coming. The light from the tip of his cuban cigar highlights his features as he inhales softly, his bushy eyebrows, hair, and black leather eyepatch on his left eye reveal who this was. Patch has returned to Madripoor.

    Sighing loudly, Patch scans the area and feels them. They are there, waiting in the shadows. The first tip of the spear as he walks down the dock. "Clack, clack, clack, clack." Goes his feet. Might as well not be quiet. His senses reach out...others were there as well. Others...maybe he has allies this night? The goal? Find the artifact of Kahn-Na-Wah, the seal of the Gateway. The Gateway to the Cities of Heaven. If the Hand got their grips on this, it was over. That would not happen.

Molly Millions has posed:
    Foggy night, Madripoorian port, and what's Molly doing here? Haggling. The carbine slung across her back casually in Low Town style doesn't have the hallmarks of a particular manufacturer, the observant and sharp-eyed in the dark would no doubt be able to pick up on. The jacket she's wearing has had a couple of patches added to it to deal with the rents from a visit to a bar a few days ago in New York. It's a kind of rapid combination of English and Japanese. For all that there's just enough difference in the linguistics of both dealer and purchaser that it takes some pidgin hand-gestures too to communicate. Yes, those bottles now. Bring more, more money later. Never pay up front, not in Madripoor.

    The vague itch between her shoulder blades is almost a constant feeling around here, but as her contact starts to step away back towards his boat she can't help but give the place a scan from behind her lenses. Never hurts to be a little paranoid.

Werewolf By Night has posed:
    Another wild goose chase. Jack should have known, of course. There is no real cure for his curse, thanks to that stupid Darkhold. He's tried, though. He's run his meager inheritance down to nothing, even taking loans he cannot afford to pay back to fly out to the bad side of Madripoor to chase one final lead. Of course, he came up empty pawed. Handed. He came up empty handed.

    He doesn't have the money to pay for another flight across the country, and he's beginning to miss his old, batted easy chair in his dank little Narrows apartment. He swears, if he's been robbed again...

    So, Jack Russell has booked passage on a shady boat captained by an even shadier man, and he finds himself on he foggy docks waiting for him. He's dressed in faded jeans with torn knees, work boots, an old 'BILL AND TED' t-shirt, and a battered jacket. A backpack hangs over one muscled shoulder. He sniffs the air and sighs a bit to himself, fishing into the pockets of his jacket for a pack of cigarettes and matches while he waits.

Polaris has posed:
All things told, it isn't a particularly long flight from Genosha to Madirpoor. The straight backed, green haired mutant looking about as she slinks along the dock, her senses honing her in on one man in particular. She looks about, the sounds keening the night giving her pause for the briefest moment before the bands of metal about her arms subtly mesh together into coils, easy enough to whip off. In the darkness a slow smile curls on her lips when she finally sees the cherry glow of a cigar-lit man.

Hana Yoshida (1316) has posed:
    There's another in the shadows, the shape of a young woman - her face deathly pale, her hair inky and heavy, almost a cloak behind her. She's dressed in dark greens and black, she blends well into the dark until she reveals herself... her eyes blaze, literally, with green fire. Two will-o-the-wisps.

Black Knight has posed:
It's just about time to go home. A part of him is not looking forward to it. There is a certain freedom in no attachments. He's Dane again now though. After 12 years of being called Eobar, living another mans life, he is used to his own reflection again, and hearing his own name. One last little side quest, and a very long trip home yet, but it might be nice to be at home. Maybe be an Avenger again. Part of him misses the camaraderie. After he finds this artifact of Kahn-Na-Wah that has got some folks throwing rumors around, maybe he'll go home. Have a drink with Thor, and figure just what the hell he is going to do with himself.
    Currently, the erstwhile Black Knight is dressed down. No point in barging in wearing magical steel. He has a bit of leeway with his identity. The helmet gives him a great deal of anonymity. Currently, a 'Gotham Knights' ball cap provides more anonymity than one might otherwise presume. He emerges, wearing his 'Hyrule fencing club' tshirt, and looking like a lost tourist from behind a few crates. The scent of horse and feathers diminishing now that he can dismiss Strider. Dane adjusts the odd flashlight looking thing in his back pocket and looks about. He meant to arrive at Dock 15. This might be the wrong dock. His eyes slide over 'Patch' and every nerve ending goes taut. He doesn't recognize the other fellow. It's the poise, the movement. A fighting man. By the veil. Dane sighs. He just gives a chin up at the shorter, hairier fellow. His own form tenses subtly, as if preparing for a fight, even as his left hand motions that he is cool, subtly.

Jubilee has posed:
From atop shipping crates in the darkness, where light cannot touch her, and the fog is a welcome companion, night conceals a young Asian woman, slight of form, whose eyes are stormy grey. Catching Patch's scent before even the sound of his boots, she watches his form move through the mire with relative ease. But she knows that tense demeanour. He's no happier to be here than she.

But she will be here until the bitter end. To protect him, if need be. To help. To feed, and if necessary, die. Jubilation awaits, crouched, in black fatigues, and armed to the teeth. Doubtless he knows she's here. Doubtless he knows why. And so there is nothing to do but watch, and lay in wait.

Psylocke has posed:
    In the shadows is another watching. Not hiding, not crouching. She isn't even in Madrippor. Psylocke is in the shadow realm and peers through to the other world. She is taking her time, seeking them out where they hide which is the shadows. Her world now. She flicks through the city and ends up near the docks.
    Here. She doesn't see them yet. It is instinct from having been one of them. The Crimson Dawn tattoo flares over her eye as she prepares to cross back over when they reveal themselves.

Deadlights has posed:
    An old US Navy PT boat is slowly drifting along in the waters of the bay, just outside of the docks. It's devoid of any national ID or flag, and looks like it may have been recovered by someone during the Vietnam War years ago. It's in good shape for its age. A long strip of red cloth is loosely wraped through the communications post at the top of the ship.
    Inside the ship, an aged Chinese-American woman wearing traditional pre-Maoist clothing in red and gold is sitting at a table, a younger woman of mixed Chinese-Hispanic heritage in plain black silk pants and shirt across from her, pouring her a cup of tea with a bow. <"Ah, Maria, it's good to see you again. I see that your adventure is going well so far. I like the glasses - are they new?"> she asks in Mandarin.
    Maria, the younger, nods, smiling, pushing the jet black shades back up on her nose. <"It's taking some getting used to. I much prefer the goggles, but they stand out too much in public.">
    The older woman accepts the tea and taps her fingers on the table quickly. <"Good, good. I see your mother trained you very well. Have you decided what course you are going to take for your piracy?"> She looks up. "Dutch! How close are we to those twice-damned turtle eggs that call themselves ninja?"
    At the helm of the ship, an African-American man of fit build, wearing a tank top and US army BDU pants and boots leans back in his chair, his goggles reflecting the light outside. Relaxed, cigarette smoke curling upwards, arms behind his head, he replies, "Well Madam Xian, I'd say from the look of things we're just outside the range of arrows but close enough to watch the fireworks."
    Xian Mei, Third Pirate Queen of the Red Sails, smiles, eyes sparkling with delight. "Maria, did you want a little excitement on your visit do your dear old grandmother? Come, let's get to the portals. We'll be able to watch the fun from here." The old woman's x-shaped pupils glow brilliant gold. "Then you can tell me what you've decided."

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny Rand is here for the same reason several others are, to run down a lead on the seal of the Gateway. He traveled by private jet to a nearby airstrip, then hired a boat to take him the rest of the way to Madripoor. Whatever route he took, though, he is sure his presence here won't go unnoticed for long. He is the Iron Fist, after all. Sworn protector of K'un-Lun and enemy of the Hand.

Dressed down for the occasion, Danny patrols the docks, moving between patches of shadow and mist along the way. He's not actively trying to hide, but he's also not shouting his name from the rooftops. Still, he's on edge, watching, listening, and waiting.

Wolverine has posed:
    It all starts with a sound. "Shhhhiiiiiinnnnggggg." A familiar sound to many. The sound of blades being drawn from their sheathes. Somehow, they had all known that he was coming. Figures. The shadows, bathed in the crimson light of the moon, move forward. There were dozens of them, all dressed in black. The soldiers of the Hand. They were there to find it. The only question was, where was it? A bigger, darker shape moves from the crowd of dark clad Ninjas. He was ugly, grotesque even, and his eyes find Patch's one eye with a grisly smile. Patch looks away, just in time, which brought a smile filled with hatred to Gorgon's face. Tomi Shishido. Agent of the Hand.

    "Ah. "Patch" is it. Huh. I would have expected a higher class of hero to oppose us this time. Where is your Iron Fist? Luke Cage? Daredevil? Stick? Even that who*e, Jessica Jones? None of them, but here you are!" Gorgon spits on the ground in triumph. "This will be easier than I thought. Give it to me, dog. Give it to me and you can die quickly. Or die slowly. I care not. But know you will watch while I win and destroy the Cities of Heaven!" Gorgon clenches his fist in mock triumph and says, simply. "Kill him."

    Patch sighs again. Shrugging his shoulders in a stretch, his eyes scan the dock. Dozens of soon to be skewered Hand Ninjas. Again. Removing his cigar, he looks down at it with his right eye in an almost sad expression knowing it was going to be a victim of battle once more. "Gorgon. Do you want me to die, or watch you win? Ah'm confused." Patch shakes his head. "Last time you were hangin' around I stuck you like a roast pig. Even heard ya' squeal. I think it went like this..."eeeeeeeeeee"." Patch grins. "This'll be quick, ah promise ya." Patch didn't draw a weapon. Didn't do anything really. Just stood there as the horde of Ninjas advance. Slowly. Cautiously. At the edge of the dock Patch stood. After the pasting he and the others had recently given them in New York, it was no wonder. As it was, Patch looks to be outnumbered about 50 to one. Long odds for the Hand.

Werewolf By Night has posed:
    The wolf can smell more people then he can see through the fog. He lights the cigarette with a flare of tiny flame. He drops the match and puts it out with his boot, before taking a drag. He glances about again, eyeing the empty spot by the side of the dock that his ride is supposed to be at. It's a no show, so far. He shifts his weight from one boot to the other, grumbling under his breath.

    He has no idea anything untoward (Other then being possibly stranded by a thief of a captain!) is happening. He isn't here to fight monsters or shadows or whatever. He spots the patrol boat with Deadlights and all that, and he raises a hand, thinking for a moment that it is the boat he is waiting for. "Finally," he growls to himself.

    ...And then there are ninja. His cigarette drops from his mouth and he blinks a few times. He's about twenty feet from the ring of black-clad assassins. He is not familiar with the Hand, or ninja outside of movies. He just kind of...stares for the moment.

Krystina Jordan has posed:
    Krystina at the docks was an unusual sight, but well...this time she was picking up something special for her friend, and she had to pick it up at the docks. "Don't see why I have to pick up one of these japanese bootleg games. Why can't it be him?" She says to herself as she walks over by one of the offloading ramps. "Yeah yeah. here to pick up a package for....Ladylover69.....oh for the love of....where's the box?" She groans as she actually, barely, hears someone draw a sword....it's kind of hard to miss.

She peeks around a corner and blinks. "Ninjas? They actually exist? I thought they were just some wet dream of some person out in Japan." She then tilts her head as she spots the 'target' of all of them. "That's....hardly fair...dramatic cosplay or not." She says as she takes the box....sets it aside and begins to take off all her clothes, except for a specially made Leotard. "Well Doctor Richards....here we go." As she begins to get bigger....and she blushes. "I only hope this works."

She then takes a step over towards the ninjas, picks one up, and slams her fist into another small group....

Molly Millions has posed:
    Hmm. Nightvision helps, the fog not much of a hinderance to Molly's heightened vision. It might conceal the full extent of things, but as she walks away from her contact the movement of many has her at least shift the carbine slightly. But it's the name 'Patch' floating out of the dark that sort of gels with what she's seeing. Ninja's. And that guy, again? It might just be her lucky week after all. At least from the way she bears her teeth briefly. Screw the carbine, it gets stowed again as she pulls a pistol out from an under-arm holster. From pepperbox muzzle to checkerboard grip it's not even trying to pretend to be 'normal' as she adjusts the dial on the side and elects to jog in the direction she heard the call from.

    Jogging might lack stealth, but she knows where to set her feet to at least maintain some degree of stealth, check your targets. Ninja's are fine... no need to annoy the locals. The first one to make the mistake of looking her way there's a faint, electric whine and then the audible air displacement of a *FWOOMF* as a fletchette dart is planted in an eyesocket without breaking stride. She might not know about K'un-Lun... but there's ninja's. And that's good enough for her.

Jubilee has posed:
Time's up. Jubilation leaps from the top of the shipping containers, avoiding dock lights as she hits the boards, absorbing the shock and sound with a silent tumble. Hands close to her guns, holstered at the thighs, she approaches as silently as the ninjas, but much more quickly. She keeps to the shadows. She prefers a closer fight, but blazing in isn't out of the question if the need arises. From behind the horde, in the darkness before rush, Jubilation's eyes flash ice blue, at the scent of adrenaline in the blood of the ninjas. In anticipation of the bloodbath to ensue. And at the thought of Patch having to face these alone. With all the scents here, she could scarcely tell friend from foe. But she knew they weren't alone. The faint icy blue glow of her eyes Patch's only signal, Jubilation pulls down the brass goggles fitted with welding glass, from atop her head.

Hana Yoshida (1316) has posed:
    The Okibi's hands blaze with a sickly green flame. She's supposed to be a ninja, right? She hasn't shown her true power of her would-be allies in New York. the Iron Fist nor the runty Canadian fireplug now calling himself 'Patch'. The light from the flame dispels the shadows around her, at least a little. She strides towards the main group of foes, seemingly not disturbed by their numbers or their weapons.

Black Knight has posed:
    No need to worry about the hairy guy. He is obviously cool. Dane adjusts his hat and starts to take a few more steps away, and then the dock is really full of Hand Ninja? Dane's eyes widen dramatically at that. That is a lot of ninja. A quick count puts him around 4 dozen. Someone is talking about 7 cities of Heaven, and it's a mess.
    The motion is elegant, there is a motion on the man's right hand, and the flashlight looking thing comes out. With what is almost certainly a trademarked sound, there is a snap-hiss sort of sound, and a flare of golden-white light as the guy in the Hyrule Fencing club tshirt and ball cap draws out a freak'n lightsaber. There is a low hum. "Let's even the numbers out a bit?" His low baritone has the unmistakable sounds of joy. He's crazy; he wants this fight.

Psylocke has posed:
    The shadows seem to stretch near Patch as he pauses to give up his precious jacket and stogie. They draw upwards, forming into the silhouette of a woman with a blazing red tattoo over her left eye. Then the shadows drip away, withdrawing the leave a woman standing in their place. Her deep purple hair shifts slightly in the breeze from the water as she takes up a spot the right of Patch. "You didn't invite me to the party, Patch," she says softly. "My feelings are hurt. You know how much I love the Hand." A distinct British accent despite her Japanese form.
    There is a flare of ping around her right hand. A moment later, she is holding a psionice katana, glowing pink in her hand. "I'll try to leave a few for you," she promises with a quirk of her lips. Then she walks calmly toward the oncoming horde.

Polaris has posed:
Watching the fight break out, Polaris props her chin on her hand. "That poor group of ninjas." She shakes her head slowly and looks around at all these individuals jumping in. "This is not the casino royale I'd imagined." She calls over to Patch, lifting a hand as she looks to all the ninja with him at the edge of the dock. "Could you use a hand, Patch?"

Deadlights has posed:
    The PT boat continues to drift, not responding to anything going on at the docks, nor to Jack's waving, though two on board can see him just fine. They're a good safe distance from the action, at least for now.
    "The energy is really beginning to flow. Magic, mind, physical, even some machines - do you see that woman there? She has machines in her body, doesn't she? Ah, and the purple haired woman and that other young woman. Mutants. You can see it in their brain structure. Same with that short man who has all that metal in his bones," Xian Mei points out to her grand daughter. "Soon you'll be able to read the energies in their brains with proficiency. There's a lot of killing intent in the emotional auras around them, two sides in general. The Hand are busy trying to be idiots again. There is nothing worse than sending assassins to do the job of a thief. It's just like trying to use a spoon to chop cabbage."
    Maria looks out the window near her grandmother, watching each side sizing themselves up for a battle. "Should I not be out there, fighting? Would it not be wise for me to practice combat against easy targets?"
    Xian Mei sighs. "Now what did I just say about assassins and theives?" she asks, disappointed, eyeing her granddaughter.
    Maria withers a little under that look. "But ... that is what I've chosen. Look at them out there, grandmother. They're all going to kill each other, and that is how the world is now. It's not as soft as it used to be. I will have to be both a killer and a thief."
    Xian Mei looks back out the window, tapping her chin with one hand, tea cup still in the other. She sips and looks back out the window. "I can't say you're wrong, Maria. The old days of finding a man and hiding yourself in his family and name are changing, thanks to the idiot women in the west, and the limp-dicked men that allowed it. They had no idea how good it was to have established roles - when you know the law, you can exploit the loopholes. When there is no law, everyone must degrade themselves into animals biting and scratching to find food and keep territority."
    The old woman sighs heavily. "I wish the world were a better place for you my dear. Perhaps... you are right. But tonight, sit here with me, and take the wisdom I can give you. You are yet young. I'm pleased at how fast you have made yourself allies and mentors, steal every scrap of knowledge you can get from them."

Iron Fist has posed:
Shadowy movement at the far end of the docks. The sound of drawn katana blades. All too familiar to Danny Rand as signs of a swarm of Hand agents to come. And they do come, the whole herd of them. Whatever has drawn them out tonight isn't him, though, but some unkown figure in the distance. Good. That means he can get teh jump on them.

Moving faster now, the Iron Fist closes the gap between him and the Hand, moving low and sticking to the shadows at the edge of the dock. He doesn't stop as he nears, but actually picks up the pace, charging into the rear group of ninjas before they have much of a chance to respond.

His first blow is a quick hammer fist to the back of one of the ninjas' heads. There's a crack against the man's skull and he falls, but several more nearby turn to face Danny. He moves quickly and gracefully out of the way of several sword strikes before lashing out with fist and foot.

Wolverine has posed:
    What had begun as an organized route by the Hand, turns into chaos quickly as others get involved in the battle. As several darts fire towards Patch, he twists and turns to avoid most of them, grunting when one or two hit him. His healing factor takes hold, as he moves forward towards the charging Ninjas as they attack. Twisting right, he catches one of the Hand off guard, and he takes the man's sword from him, turns it around, and thrusts it through his chest. The second ninja was also quickly skewered by the same sword as Patch ripostes that man's blow casually, and thrusts upward. Yeah, yeah. I'm short.

    Patch looks at the new arrivals, and sniffs. Most of them he doesn't recognize. All of them are allies of life. Patch's eyes regard the wolf thoughtfully for a moment. Something there...an inner power. Krystina deals with her small group as they scatter in fear, and try to stab her with their swords while avoiding her blows. Molly also gets in the fray with a well placed shot. Patch's eyes lock onto Jubilee's for a moment, as he spots her and was that...pride?

    Moving, Patch blinks as he parries a blow. Was that a...lightsaber? Patch doesn't have time to think, as Dane gets involved in the fight. Good thing he was on their side. Everyone is wading in to help him, and Patch couldn't be more happy. Next was Hana and her weapons. Girl could fight.

    With a "kalang" as Patch parries a blow, and a glare to the right, Patch says, "Nice that ya' join the party 'locke" Patch says with a grin. "Could always use yer' help dealin' with the trash. Sorry, I musta forgot ta' invite ya, kid." Patch watches as she moves gracefully towards the horde. Blinking, Patch tears his eyes away from Psylocke's...katana, and towards the crowd of evil Ninjas. Then, he spots Lorna. "Polaris! Glad you could make it! O' course ya' can help. Horde o' Ninjas. Evil leader. Trying ta' kills us. Enjoy!" Patch grins at her and winks.

    "See what ya' get Gorgon, when yer not prepared? Better study up on chess 'cause you have been outmaneuvered pal." Patch thrusts the sword into a third ninja, while still moving forward.

    Gorgon frowns. His eyes scan the heroes up against him, and he doesn't look happy at all. "Come for me Patch. Your friends can't save you from me." Waving towards the heroes, Gorgon grabs the nearest Hand Ninja and says, "What are you doing, you fools?!? Kill them! All of them!" The man screams, and tosses the Ninja towards Deadlights direction. "Must I do everything myself?!?" Turning, Gorgon kneels in front of something. What was it? That was when the Iron Fist arrives. They were all involved now. As Patch looks over at Danny, he lets out a breath. Thankfully, the Iron Fist was here.

Molly Millions has posed:
    People, lots of people. With the chaos of it, it's inevitable that coming out of the fog Molly spots Danny, pistol going in his direction briefly in split-second assessment and then moving on. Not a ninja. Probably not on their side. She thumbs the fletchette into semi-automatic and opens up in an arc away from the stranger before electing to stuff it back in it's holster with a grimace. With the fog it's just a little too risky that she might hit someone other than a ninja if she keeps using it. Out there, she can hear the name 'Polaris', another one she knows, at least vaguely. Curious and curiouser.

Werewolf By Night has posed:
    Jack is still reeling from the sight of it all when one of the ninjas runs him through with a katana.

    Now, really. The ninja charges the surprised man, and rams a katana through his stomach, so that the blade is sticking out of his back, red with blood. Jack blinks once. Then twice. Then he transforms. Muscles twist and bones snap as his body reforms and rearranges within seconds, his clothes tearing and falling away. He is left in just tattered jeans, the beast of a man now towering over the ninja. He roars.

    So, that's a werewolf.

    He lunges forward, biting off the ninja's face in a shower of blood, before he yanks the blade from himself and drops it. He howls, the sound blood-curdling and absolutely something out of a horror movie. In a blur of brown fur and tattered denim, he surges into the crowd of ninja and begins to act as a Universal Monster's Brand Blender.

Jubilee has posed:
Too many allies in the mix to get off a detonation. Too close of quarters for gunfire. From the backside of the ninja flank ahead of her, Jubilation raises her hands and lets loose a plume of blue plasma that would melt a Volkswagen. Unfortunately for the Hand, none of them are Volkswagens. Not that it would matter, because it still would've melted them. Right? Sound logic. The plume roars forth in spectacularly bright display, turning dock to light. Dark...to light. Flames engulf eight ninjas before her. She knows it makes her a target in the darkness. But so what if sparks fly? Being them on...Fireworks are her specialty.

Black Knight has posed:
    Not really wanting to hurt anyone, as at this point it is counter-productive, the lightsaber lashes out at one sword, slicing it off at the hilt, effectively disarming the fellow.
    Dane misread the situation though, as the guy's friend gives Dane's left arm a little nick before the humming blade can interpose.
    With a faint hiss, the sword-wielding former avenger is reminded he is not wearing his armour. His feet move, knees spreading and stance widening. The blade flashes in the darkness, weaving back and forth, sending sparks as steel is deflected and swings blunted. His feet moving on the dock, the erstwhile knight dips out of one blow, photonic blade sending a shower of sparks as it slides over a naked blade.
    He only has 5-6 on him And all the while, Dane Whitman's mouth is cast in a comfortable, confident nearly-smiling manner as he dances with his foes.

Psylocke has posed:
    Even before she was altered, Betsy lived for an adrenaline rush. Her life was filled with adventures and danger. After she was transformed, that addiction seems to be best fed through violence. They turned her into one of them, making her a living weapon. Tonight they again will reap the whirlwind for their efforts to control her.
    Psylocke reaches into that dark place inside her, embracing the nature she often fights as a hero. Against the likes of these ninjas, there is no need to hold back or play fair. If they lose and cannot escape, they will take their own lives before being captured. Thus, they have chosen their deaths. Or so her logic goes.
    The first sword is blocked with her katana and she is spinning, pushing the blade away and spiraling her body in a rapid kick that sends the sword flying away. Her next kick goes to his face as another swings. She blocks even as her foot connects with the second. She ducks another swing then strikes with her sword, the blade going into the mans chest and yanking it out sharply to block the next attack. She moves to go after the next closest, a faint smile on her face sa she does so.

Polaris has posed:
Oh, well if Patch says to wade in. Polaris smiles and slides the coils off her arms onto the dock, holding the ends. She whips the metal forward, wrapping up a ninja who goes for a swim. With a look she tears apart a sword with a look. "You know why they fold your swords? Cheap metal." She shakes her head, disappointed, unconcerned.

Deadlights has posed:
    "Look down."
    Maria does as she's told by her grandmother, who also looks away. "That one there, the one throwing his own men at us? I can see his power. Not good to make eye contact with him. You'll turn to stone," she explains. With a wry smile she looks down at her decendant, and places a hand on the girl's shoulder. "Now... do you think it would have been prudent to go into battle not knowing that fact?" she asks.
    A white haired man in a hawaiian t-shirt turns the machine guns in the rear of the boat towards the thrown ninja. There's a burst of weaponfire, gun barrels flashing, as the unfortunate man is shredded across the midsection, portions of lung and intenstines scattering across the water before his bisected corpse splashes down. Within minutes, the long fins of sharks are surfacing and sinking, going after the fresh meat.
    Maria sighs, brows furrowing together. "No... no, it would not have been wise at all."
    Xian Mei comforts Maria with a gentle voice. "Your life will not be exciting right now, but prudent study of your enemy, and mastery of our curse, will guarantee your success. I did not become a pirate queen the day after my sixteenth birthday. You will not either.
    The man in the hawaiian shirt adjusts his glasses, sighing softly. "I'm too old for this shit," he complains into his radio.
    "You and me both Benny-boy," Dutch radios back from the cockpit.

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny ducks under the horizontal slice of a katana blade to find another in a downward arc above him. He steps in, lifts and crosses his arms to block the blade hand, then grabs and twists the Hand ninja's wrist to disarm him. A swift kick to the gut sends the other man sprawling into a set of ninjas behind him.

An opening allows the Iron Fist to move further down the dock, but it's not long before his way is blocked again. He feels a sharp pain in his side as a snap kick finds its mark. With a quick jump, he finds a balancing point on the top edge of a nearby shipping crate, launching off it a moment later for a showy flying kick to his assailant's face.

By now, the docks have become a warzone, with firearms and monsters and glowing blades all around him. What is Danny focusing on, though? A Hand operative unlike all the rest. Not a one-track killing machine like so many of the ninjas, but one intent on something else. Gorgon in the distance.

Wolverine has posed:
    *SHUNK*. With a grimace and a grunt of pain, Patch feels the blade rip through his back, and into his left lung. "Dammit. Missed one." Twisting around, Patch takes the blade already in his right hand and pushes it through the eye holes of the Ninja's mask. As the man drops dead, Logan tries to grab the handle of the blade currently in his chest, but it was like an itch on your back you could never reach. "*#@$*&@*" Patch's curses were words that would make anyone blush. Blade sticking out his front. Handle in his back. Another day at the office.

    Moving forward, Patch takes in the scene. Lots of things happening. The Hand Ninja's were adding to the chaos the oncoming fog supplemented. As the crimson red moon moves behind the clouds and the fog, everyone was having issues seeing. Advantage - Hand. With a slash, and a grunt, Patch dispatches another charging Hand ninja. The poor thing was more afraid of Patch than...well, the last one. Patch moves onto the docks, spots Molly almost shoot Danny, and nods as she doesn't. Then, he moves to the left when he witnesses the change. And the howl. Jack Russell aka the Werewolf was there. "Damn..." Patch says, and takes a few steps back, letting the man do what he did best. Between that, and watching Whitman move. Swordsmanship at its finest.

    Smiling as Patch sees Jubilee "light 'em up!" Patch moves closer to the Gorgon. Moving in the wake left by Polaris and Psylocke, Patch has a moment of peace as they take down the ninjas targeting him. "Hmmmm...what was he up to?" A pause...as he wheezes, the sword still stuck through him. "Gorgon! I have alla cards! Come out, come out and face me like a man...fer a change." The flashes from "lightsabers", "fireworks", "katana's", the moon, the fog, and the night obscures Patch's vision of what Gorgon was doing. And what was uncharacteristic of the villain, he was quiet. Too quiet...

    The Ninja thrown at Deadlights struggles to get up, and peers back with a shake of his head. His sword is somehow in his hand. Maybe this waas easier prey as his eyes lock on where DL was at

    Meanhwile, Gorgon stands, with a smug grin on his face. "We will have it "Patch". We know where it is. The talisman. You have deceived us! You do not have it." His eyes find Danny Rand, and he says, "And neither does the Iron Fist! Well done." Gorgon takes the electronic device he was looking at, and crushes it in his hand with very little of his strength. "Come to me then. If you think you can. Pathetic." Gorgon spits on the ground and crosses his arms across his chest. "Bring it."

Krystina Jordan has posed:
    Flattening her hand as the ninjas try to overwhelmher, Krysti smacks the ground to catch at least five under her palm. Like swatting flies.

the one in Krysti's hand....gets a more....unceremonious dismissal....

Swinging her arm behind her, Krysti throws the ninja bodily out to sea. Eventually the ninja will get gravity to take hold......but not after sailing several miles out to sea.

Werewolf By Night has posed:
    The werewolf picks a ninja up and tear him in two. The sound is...not a nice one to hear. He then throws the top half at another ninja, sending him and the torso of of the edge of the dock. He then tosses the legs back over his shoulder and moves onto the next vict- opponent. He has been having trouble controling the beast recently, and he has been changing less and less due to the worry it brings. Normally, on a night like tonight, he'd have chained himself up in his basement apartment back in Gotham City. He sees red. He smells blood. Hears the sounds of violence. The hackles are risen on the back of his furred neck, and his sharp teeth are stained with the ninja's life.

    Jack Russell, the Werewolf by Night, wreaks havoc. Several of the ninjas move to flank him and work together to face this unexpected and horrific threat, and he is stabbed several times in the thigh and side...and while the blades cut flesh and fur he doesn't seem to notice. Instead a head is torn off, another man is disembowled, and the last is picked up by his leg and tossed. He lands somewhere near Polaris.


Molly Millions has posed:
    Molly figures she made the right call, when she see's Danny's fighting ninja too. There's howling, and lights, and some part of her can't help but laugh because it's just all a little crazy to her. But... well, yes. Ninja's. Danny finds himself an ally when the cyborg comes up on his flank to grab the one that snap-kicked him by the leg and yank them into the retractile blades hidden in her fingers,"They must... clone these guys." is the opinion she rasps his way before moving on.

    There's the guy with the patch from the bar, and another familiar-ish face down there. It's a good enough target in her mind to aim towards. A momentary distraction as she realizes that the looming figure out there in the fog is some kind of literal giant woman brings her crashing back down to earth... literally, when one of the ninja decides to take advantage by sticking a sword through her. Damnit, Moll, that's a great way to get yourself killed.

Black Knight has posed:
    The humming of the blade moves up in tempo, as another blade catches Dane Whitman on the right side, under the arm and across the rib. It is not a deep cut, but the former Avenger swears. "By the veil." The smile turns into a grimace, and playtime is over. A quick elbow takes out the ninja who tagged him with a crunch. He'll be eating through a staw for a few weeks. The golden blade slidec through another blade, then buries in another ninja's chest. There is no blood, the fellow just topples over. "Falling behind." He grunts to himself. "Got sloppy. Been counting on the armor." He's critiquing himself as he fights. Another couple of steps and finally, Dane seems to be on top of this. That ninja takes a boot to the face, and joins his friend on the ground. Dane's blade slices into the dock, cutting a furrow there. Dane's feet settle there, and his stance changes again, as swords flare in golden light and shadows dance across the docks.

Hana Yoshida (1316) has posed:
    Hana's thrusts a hand and the wreath of flame there becomes a gout of pale green, jetting out but fading quickly. But then, it's not meant to burn anyone. No, instead the superheated air creates a concussive blast of air meant to bowl some of the ninjas down, hopefully some of them out as well. <"Stay down."> she tells them in Japanese, and she repeats that order in French, Russian, Mandarin, and Cantonese. "Or better, flee, before you all burn."

Jubilee has posed:
"MotherFU**ER!!" Jubilation hears the sickening sound, and smells blood. Above all the sense chaos, she smells HIS blood. "PATCH!!" A somersaulting Asian chick in black fatigues spins over the heads of the ninjas, both burning and nonburning, and she lands in a crouch next to Patch, a low growl rumbling in her throat. She sends out a thin, golden plasmoid rope toward three ninjas who are approaching through their writhing and burning allies. It encircles them and tightens, scorching their skin and binding them together. "Wonderwomaaaaan!" she sings out as she turns up the intensity, the "lasso" burning with magnesium intensity and threatening to burn them all in half as it tightens further. She turns back to Patch, and lifts her goggles, her eyes glowing brightly. "Let me help. You can heal this. Right? Right??"

Psylocke has posed:
    As her katana goes through the heart of another Hand ninja, Psylocke is turning to follow Patch before the body even hits the ground. It thuds onto the dock behind her. For a moment, she is clear of foes. Her focus goes to the leader of the men, the one talking to Patch. Cut off the head and that snake will die, though it may flail around a bit before realizing it no longer has a brain. It's ever the same way for the Hand.
    The howl draws her attention and she hesitates, eyes going wide as she sees what can only be a monster from a movie. It's flesh and blood and it's cutting a swathe through the horde. There is a woman nearby who seems to be taller than most of the buildings. Jubilee is showing why fireworks are dangerous and have all those pyrotechnic warnings on the boxes as she lights up a bunch in the back. Too much to see, to take in.
    Coming up near Patch, she absently reaches up a hand and yanks the sword out of his back. She spins it in a circle, sending a splatter of red off the blade, then decides to keep it in her left hand. It compliments the psionic one in her right. "You're welcome," she mutters to him.

Polaris has posed:
Using her metal coils Polaris latches onto another and tosses them in, looking about. She seems to be saving her energy, targeting another that readies some projectiles at Patch and Jubilee, whipping a length of metal around his throat and pulling back.

Deadlights has posed:
    "What an egregious waste of the world's most feared ninja assassins," Xian Mei sighs, watching the carnage on the docks. "At one time their name was whispered in fear among those unfortunate enough to know of their existence. Now? I've seen better trained rookie police in Hong Kong." She snorts derisively and finishes her tea.
    ""Dutch, take us away from this spectacle. It becomes boring and potentially hazardous. Granddaughter has seen enough of her future enemies to understand what she faces," the old woman commands.
    "An older Japanese man comes from the generator room, dressed in business formal. "First time I've seen you actually use common sense and avoid a fight, Two-Hands," he chuckles, walking over to Xian Mei. She chuckles. "Oh don't start with me Rokkuro, I actually miss the days we were firing RPGs at commerce vessels."
    ""And you were shouting the most awful profanities I'd ever heard," Rokkuro adds fondly.
    ""I still do," Xian Mei says, grinning skewly. "Just not at commerce vessels."
    "Maria smiles at the both of them. Someday, she thinks. Some day I'll have all this and more, and be able to teach my own grandchildren. "Thank you grandmother, grandfather. I have greatly enjoyed the visit."
    ""All right find your seats. We aren't torpedoing any gunships today, so you can skip the belts," Dutch says from the cabin.
    ""Oh it's not over yet. We still have a few things to pick up on the other side of the island," Rokkuro smiles.
    "The PT Boat's engines roar, and the old vessel pulls away from the battle towards the open sea.

Iron Fist has posed:
A Hand solder charges Danny with a katana, but the K'un-Lun martial artist steps sidelong and reaches out to grapple his attacker. One hand grips the ninja's wrist, the other pushes a shoulderblade in. At the same time, Danny steps in and lifts his knee into the ninja's gut, causing him to drop his blade and double over.

The Iron Fist uses this new surface to spin himself up and over the ninja, landing on the side and delivering two arcing kicks to another nearby foe. On righting himself again, he spots Molly and responds, "Wouldn't be surprised if they went that route," before watching her get skewered. "No!"

Ignoring Gorgon for the moment, he focuses on taking out Molly's attacker with a lighting-quick series of punches to his chest and face. He just hopes she's one of those who can take that kind of hit.

Wolverine has posed:
    As the heroes took down Ninja after Ninja, the Hand's numbers start to get a little thin. Several of the Hand then move back to surround Gorgon, as he prepares for the assault. Something didn't feel right though, to any of the heroes. Gorgon looks smug. The Hand was not fleeing, there was something else. Something...

    As the Ninja tossed out to see splashes down, Patch takes a moment to realise, Krysti was...big. Blinking, Patch shakes his head and gets back in the game. Well, until the Werewolf tosses a Ninja...or what was left of him...near Polaris. "Glad he's on our side," Patch says to Lorna. "At least ah' hope he is!" Moving forward with a grunt, Patch frowns. Sniffs. Something familiar...the bar. Peering over at Molly, he almost warns her, but she catches the sword just in time. Hopefully.

    As Patch moves past Whitman, he nods, grimaces, and says, "Yeah. Me too." Patch motions to the sword stuck in his chest. "Note, follow yer advice bub, and wear armor." Looking over at Hana, Patch grins, understanding most of that, and nods in agreement.

    "Wha...?!?" Looking sharply at Jubilee, Patch watches as she lands. "O' course ah can heal it. Usually." Patch shrugs. "Welcome ta' tha' fight Jubs." Patch points at Gorgon. "Target rich environment." Polaris does her thing, and Patch sighs. "It's good to have you all here."

    Patch gets dizzy. His eyes start to fade a bit as he struggles for breath. "Dammit..." That was when Psylocke pulls the sword out of his chest through his back. "Ack..." Patch says, the pain excrutiating...but he would never reveal that, 'specially not ta' tha' girls. Turning to look over his shoulder, Patch feels his lung and side already knitting closed. "Yeah. Thanks. 'bout time." Patch grumbles. "Took ya' long enough, kid."
Calling out to Danny, Patch says, "Iron Fist! Be careful o' his eyes. He's tough. We need to do it together!"

Molly Millions has posed:
    Well, at least there's an advantage to having decided to not shoot Danny, especially as it gives her the time to pull the sword out, slow to get to her feet, but, she's up, even if the,"Thanks." is a little hoarse. One hand goes to check, she knows that it'll heal, and with the dwindling supply of ninja's it's becoming a little more apparent just how many people are on the dock.

    She spits off the side of the dock and mutters, mostly under her breath,"It's a f**king costume convention. Right then." and straightens up a little more, testing her ability to breathe with an inhalation,"What's the deal here?" it's directed at Danny, mostly, as the closest to her, she's not entirely sure she wants to chance raising her voice yet.

Werewolf By Night has posed:
    The Werewolf IS on Patch's side. Mostly. More of he Hand are realising the threat he poses, so are moving to attack him together. Ninja cling to his arms, stab him in the back, and the front. Cut at him. Tear at him. He powers through it. He feels the pain, but it does not stop him. With another roar he tears a ninja from his back and throws him...the man sailing a foot or so over Deadlight's head, before hitting the water on the other side of the boat. His violence is slowly backing him up, until he is looming over Patch and Polaris and the others in that tight group, his back to them by random chance.

    More drop as blood (Both his and theirs) streaks and mats his fur.

Krystina Jordan has posed:
    *BOOM* Another ninja dies rather emphatically as it becomes a rather messy stain in the ground. Krysti took it upon herself to punch the ninja into the ground. The Ninja likely didn't feel any pain, due to the fact that she used a LOT of excessive force.

That's when one lone ninja runs up Krysti's arm, onto her shoulder and actually strikes at the back of her neck......to have the katana shatter in the ninja's hand.

Krysti grabs the ninja and sighs. "Do I LOOK like a titan to you?" She seems to know the anime. "Okay, maybe now I do but.....tell you what.....stop fighting, and drop your weapons and I won't splat you like I did your friend." meaning the ninja she just pasted.

That gets the ninja's attention....and he puts his hands up.

Hana Yoshida (1316) has posed:
    To illustrate her point, as to why the Hand shinobi should stand down or run away, Hana's hands erupt again, but this time to engulf a ninja in green fire. A very hot fire. His clothes burn away. his flesh melting. It must be agony. <"Do you see?"> she asks, in Japanese. <"The flames of all the hells are here now.">

Jubilee has posed:
"We need to do it together!" Patch spouts toward Danny.

"That's not what you said last night..." Jubilation chimes in, giving the plasmoid lasso a pull and effectively creating six tiny ninjas from three full-sized ones. Patch's look flicks to her and she shrugs. Well...it wasn't. "So how do we take down Gigantor over there?" She nods toward Gorgon, flicking a quick but deadly pink firework in the face of an approaching Hand behind Patch, sending him reeling backwards, face scorched from the explosion, as he falls into the water. "Do these guys really pass as ninjas? Jesus."

Black Knight has posed:
    "Leaving a trail of corpses." Dane remarks from the side in that low pitched baritone. "Even in Madripoor, that is a lot of dead ..."Then Jubilee rips three into two pieces. "By the veil." he says softly. It isn't that he is opposed to killing. He just, shakes his head, sidesteps a bow, ripostes, counters the counter, and two ninja fall, the neural blade knocking them out. He is left with one ninja.
    "The blades flash. The ninja falls to the side, and Dane gives a little salute with the photonic blade, looking about to see if anyone is in trouble.

Psylocke has posed:
    Psylocke is focused on the ninjas around Gorgon when a noise behind them gets her attention. She turns sharply, blades at the ready. Only to look up. And up a little more. Big, furry, able to tear apart ninjas like they are pinatas. She finds herself watching the werewolf instead of the foes now behind her. Just in case. He seems to be on their side but what if he is on his own?
    "Just be a nice doggie," she whispers to herself, hoping they don't end up with a fight of a different kind.

Polaris has posed:
Seemingly content to back Patch up, she tucks her hands in her pockets and nods to him. "It is nice to see a brawny man with some hair to him." She agrees. A wall of green flares briefly as a projectile comes her way and Lorna's attention snaps to her attacker, shooting it right back with a grim expression. "This sounded more exciting on the beach, Patch."

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny watches Molly get back to her feet and pull the sword out of herself, letting out a relieved breath of air. "They're called the Hand," he tells her, "and they're dangerous." That's all the time he has for exposition, though, because as the Hand ninjas are starting to thin out, which makes Gorgon easier access. He starts to march toward the man.

After his first few steps, Patch's warning rings out and he turns to the familiar man, lifting his eyebrows in surprise. Him? Well, it's the not the craziest thing going on tonight. Stopping in his tracks, he lowers his eyes, then closes them. A deep breath is taken, then exhales, as the Iron Fist centers himself and begins to draw on his chi. As he does, his right fist begins to glow.

"I don't need my eyes for this," he says, continuing his march toward Gorgon. It's true, each Iron Fist is taught to find blindfolded, if necessary. The Chi extends one's other senses to make up for it.

Danny lifts his fists and settles into a fighting stance, eyes shut and focused on Gorgon. When it looks like he's ready to attack, though, he screams out, instead, and drops to the floor. A sharp line is revealed up the back of his jacket, and blood starts to seep from an open wound. Danny twists around and opens his eyes to find...nobody? No visible attacker to be seen. "Who hit me?" he shouts to Molly.

Wolverine has posed:
    Noting that Molly seems alright, and that she has Rand helping her, Patch moves his attention to the scruffy wolf beside him, and forward a bit. "Um. Good wolf." Patch says, as he regards the Werewolf by the back. Looking at Polaris, and Psylocke, Patch shrugs and says, "Somethin' is wrong. I kin feel it." Admiring how Krystina and Hana deal with their opponents, Patch chuckles. "Comin' outta the woodwork. Thought I only had the two o' you, an Rand." Patch says to Polaris and Psylocke. "Looks like ah got a whole army." Patch chuckles at Lorna, and says, with a smile, "Ain't is always soundin' better onna beach?"

    A slight pause. "An where did Jubs come from? Shouldn't she be in bed by now?" Patch grins and winks at her, proud and mad at the same time. "Watch yer language kid!" Patch sniffs, and looks at Dane with a frown. "Ah know you...maybe. Welcome to the fight."

    There were only a few Ninjas left. Maybe 8 or 9. They were moving back as Gorgon watches with a smug expression on his face. A small, feminine figure appears suddenly, as though she popped into existence, and hands a Gorgon a Tanto, a knife.

    Blood drips from it, fresh and still warm. Gorgon then looks over at Rand, and smiles. "You didn't even notice it did you?" Gorgon says, as though he has won even though he has lost countless Hand troops.

    "Not until the kiss of the snake was upon you." Gorgon laughs, and the female attacker vanishes once again. Holding up the knife, Gorgon screams almost in ecstacy! "The Blood of the Fist! I may not have the Talisman, but I have something far more valuable!" Looking at Patch, then at Rand he says, "Do you feel the burning yet? All of you? The kiss of our blades as the poison of the Gorgon's kiss starts to wind it's way through your veins? Enjoy. There is no antidote." Gorgon turns to the remaining Ninja's and says, "Kill them!" With that, Gorgon turns to flee!

Werewolf By Night has posed:
    The werewolf eats a few more ninjas over the next several moments of vicious combat. Well...not like...whole! But he does take significant chunks out of them and swallow them down mid-combat. He tears an arm off at one point and literally beats another ninja to death with it, as well. All while snarling and chimping and growling. It is not a nice sight. Not at all.

    Lost to his beast, however, he is clueless about the bigger game going on. He doesn't even register Gorgon or the blade...though he does pick up a ninja and toss him soundly in Gorgon's direction. Moving target. His aim is really, really good, too...

Molly Millions has posed:
    There might be a word or two from Molly but she settles for grunting as Danny moves off towards the big guy, content to try and keep a weather eye out for additional problems and give herself a moment or three to recover. It's only at the sound of Danny's scream that she looks back, silver lenses scanning the dock. Not her, obviously, given the distance between them. The slight, annoyed shake of her head in negative,"Stealth suit!" is her guess, given her experiences, and bias towards technology.

    It takes fumbling with the carbine in fingers that shouldn't be that numb as the nanites in her system endeavor to compensate but she twists towards the dock and flips up the holographic sights under the order 'kill them', backing up to Danny given his wound but not opening fire on anything that's already covered by the others present.

Krystina Jordan has posed:
    Sadly for Gorgon.....krysti's skin wasn't pierced by any of the blades. it's too thick.

However, as Gorgon tries to get away...Krysti tries to STEP ON HIM!!!

Jubilee has posed:
"Poison--what?" Jubilation turns from Gorgon back to Patch with a questioning gaze. The scent of blood has begun to intoxicate her, and she's losing focus, quickly. Her eyes have faded from their brilliant glowing blue, to an empty and hollow black as she nearly stumbles. But she doesn't.

Something in her veins twists and writhes, and the pain is crippling. It fades in and out--her healing factor is trying to work, but hunger is making it falter. "I've had worse than this!!" she screams after Gorgon, as the pain ebbs away again, seemingly gone for good. "I won't LET you ru--"

What the poison could not do, a Hand soldier could. Pain sears in her side as a sword is plunged up beneath her ribs. Swiftly withdrawn as the world spins sideways, the blade slices again, this time across her throat. She staggers forward and falls.

"Kitanai kyuketsuki," the ninja spat at her. "Filthy bloodsucker."

She's trying to speak, but words need air to support them. There is no air...why is there no air? "Patch?" she mouthes the word before her dark eyes close.

Black Knight has posed:
Poison? Dane Whitman felt slower. He takes a couple of steps and his vision blurs. "Fu--." His left knee gives out and down onto the right one he goes. His vision swims, and Dane Whitman tries not to dry heave as the poison burns. "Gonna be a really rough flight home." he quips to no one. His right hand clutches his blade and he softly whispers, "Strider." There is flash of golden light as the magnificent white winged horse appears next to him.
    Dane grasps the stirrup and starts to pull himself up. His photonic sword goes out. His hand reaches for and misses a sword hilt that rests in a scabbard on the horse's saddle. His attention focuses as he misses the sword hilt a second time. He is apparently still having trouble. The third time, Dane grabs it, and falls to the ground with the gesture. The black metal of the Ebony Blade glitters darkly in his hand. So long as he holds it, he cannot die.
    Doubled over on the ground, Dane draws in a shaky breath as he forces himself to stand. He cannot die. He might wish he could as he leans against the horse. It burns. His bones ache. His vision swims, but he can stand, and if he must, he will fight.
    Even though he is really tempted to just curl up and let the poison take him. But then, that would be quitting. Cannot have that.

Hana Yoshida (1316) has posed:
Hana luckily hasn't been touched, but she hears the word 'poison' and the triumphant Gorgon. So, she begins the payback, buring the Hand as she finds them - living or dead. There won't be much left of them when she's done here tonight.

Werewolf By Night has posed:
    The wolf was slowing down already...and the poison...hurt. He felt a burning in his muscles and it was like magma in his veins. His vision swam. His supernatural metabolism was working overtime on his numerous, numerous wounds, and the poison complicated things. He began to shift.

    He fell to a knee and let out a pained and furious howl before he changes back down into a man. He is once again the handsome, but rugged and worn looking Gotham cabbie...now in nothing but tattered jeans...covered in slash and stab wounds. Some are gone or little more then pink lines, while others are still slowly closing. So much blood.

    It is also at this point that his human stomach reacts to all of the ninja currently in it. He drops to his hands and knees, crawls to the edge of the dock...and begins to violently hurl Hand into the water. "Oh...f***k...dam**it...this f***king sucks. I hate how people taste..."

    His head swims as his supernatural metabolism works on pushing the poison out, but every inch of him hurts right now. He is messed up...but alive. WHich no normal human would be.

Polaris has posed:
Reading the final press on them by the ninjas, Polaris is too slow to stop on from shiving Jubilee. Her eyes narrow and she reacts before thinking. The iron in his body starts to pull out of his skin and she lances the metal through him in a multitude of thin rods. "We do not kill mutants." She says in a low, dangerous voice.

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny should be getting up by now. It was just a nick, right? A single slash from a weapon that didn't cut deep or hit anything vital. Nothing the Fist hasn't endured before. But he's not. Instead, he's writihing. "Damnit!" he shouts through gritted teeth, his breath moving in and out in short pulses.

It takes a good deal of willpower to settle his breathing and heartbeat again, though it's clear something is very wrong here. Slowly, he pushes himself up until he's standing back to back with Molly, facing the last of the horde of ninjas. Through it all, his fist has continued to glow, and now it's backed by Danny's youthful rage.

"Take them all down," he hisses at just above a whisper, meaning that probably only Molly can hear him, or perhaps those with super senses. "Don't let anyone get away." Then a pair of ninjas rush him and he steps forward, swingning his namesake at the one in front. There's a flash of light as the punch lands, and a shout from Danny. The force from the Iron Fist knocks both ninjas off their feet and sends them flying head-over-heels off the dock and into the water below. Then, Danny drops to his knees.

Wolverine has posed:
    That...made sense. Patch blinks, and realises that his struggling to take a breath wasn't from the sword. It was from something more sinister. Patch coughs, and the blood that coats the back of his hand was a revelation. He looks over at Dane as he struggles, and realises he got him into this mess. Looking at Polaris and Psylocke, and a quick look at Jubilee as she falls, Patch says, "Oh. Damn." Falling...as his face hits the docks, reaching towards Jubilee, Patch remembers...

    Gorgon in the meantime was trying to get away. As he forces the knife into a bag and seals it, his escape was suddenly was made more difficult by these meddling kids. As he is struck by the body tossed by the Werewolf, Gorgon then struggles to get back up, only to be "squashed" by Krystina. "Ugh", Is the word that escape his mouth as she stops him. Temporarily as the sound of creaking boards, and rotten wood comes to their ears...and Krystina's foot forces Gorgon through the rotten boards of the docks into the ocean. Was she going to follow him into the murky depths?

    Molly may be correct. It could, indeed be a stealth suit. It was like they had set this up. Maybe they were two moves ahead. Hana makes sure work of some of the few remaining hand, lucky to have been spared. Polaris is...scary. Finally, Rand. If he dies, all was lost...with his last breath, the Hand has won!

Krystina Jordan has posed:
    As Gorgon falls deeper into the depths of the ocean, he'll find that the foot pushing him down is getting a lot larger....and a lot heavier. That is because Krysti is getting bigger to keep her head above water. Eventually, as Gorgon is smashed into the ocean floor, Krysti looks back to shore as she gets bigger, and eventually has her upper body above water, like some sort of Kaiju woman.

"I didn't even know Ninjas existed before today. Man....I may have to apologize to Adam." She says softly.....

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly's totally going with the Indiana Jones school of thought. Not that between Hana and the others there's much to draw her fire, but still. As long as she's aiming away from those that are liberally getting tagged 'ally' for now she elects to spray bullets over them. Just to be on the safe side. It hurts, a lot, the nanites are choosing to prioritize the poison over the physical wounds for the moment,"I have a place." words. It requires placing a hand over the wound in her chest, but still she forces them out at a reasonable volume,"Ways from here." she nods in the direction of Low Town, stowing the carbine and stooping with difficulty next to Danny,"Moving's bad. Staying here's worse. Your call." she's trying to think of potential options for poison control. It's not her forte, not at all.

Jubilee has posed:
In the aftermath of battle, blood is slick--cooled, and congealing on the docks. Smeared upon her cheek, matted in her long ebony hair.

There is a faint consciousness within, but how to find it, Jubilee cannot fathom. In the darkest reaches of her mind, there is a pulse of fire - She hears it. She sees its glow. But it's always around the next curve. Behind the next hill, and she's lost the will to climb.

Pulse. Pulse. Pulse.

So worth it. She only hopes he knows--

Werewolf By Night has posed:
    The man finishes throwing up whatever is in his stomach...and he collapses. He is not bleeding terribly, but he is still bleeding. He heals faster then a human, but not as fast as some. He can simply take a LOT before the wounds get to him. The bleeding, battered man lies still on the dock...unmoving, but breathingly shallowly. He is out.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna is worried about the poisoned. As ninjas flee she closes her eyes, green energy crackling in the air. It's delicate work, but Lorna feels for the foreign metals in the fallen's bodies-not Jubilee's, and draws them out slowly. She can't close their wounds, but the dangerous poison is out at least, an orb of metallic liquid gathering before her. She feeds it into a ninja corpse, case that shit is bad for the environment, letting out a breath. "Anyone know a doctor?"

Iron Fist has posed:
On the dock floor, Danny is in bad shape. This isn't the first time he's been poisoned by a Hand blade, but something is different about this batch. He knows his only hope is to get somewhere safe, where he can meditate and work his chi to try and stabalize himself. So, Molly's suggestion is a good one.

"Let's move, then," he tells here, lifting himself now onto one knee. "But I'm not going anywhere without that one." He points to Patch, fist now back to normal. That guy has stuff Danny needs to hear.

Black Knight has posed:
There is a dragging sound as Dane's sword drags across the ground. A low metallic rasp. He forces one foot after another and steps onto top of and over corpses. "I left mine alive." his low baritone carries well. "For questioning." The blade bounces and skitters, smacking downed ninja parts as he moves over to Jubilee. Wincing as Lorna's magnetics are pulling in a way he has never been touched.
    His breath hisses. That bloody huurts. He drops next to Jubilee. SHe's... cool to the touch. He checks. "No pulse!" He announces. He starts chest compressions, putting the Ebony Blade aside, which makes him want to puke, but still, he starts on compressions.

Molly Millions has posed:
"I can sew. It wont be pretty, but at least it should help. High Town's got doctors if you can get one of 'em to come down here. But like... let's get these guys off the docks. Can you do that thing? The bubble-flying thing? Let's get them off the street, at least." more quietly for Danny she assures,"You got it." as she helps him stand, because she's damned curious now, too.

Wolverine has posed:
    As Krystina's foot crushes Gorgon into the water, the impact leaves him stunned...but only for a moment. With the cover of darkness, and the silt pushed up from the botton of the bay, Gorgon disappears into the murky depths with his prize. Gone. The Blood of the Guardian and Champion of K'un L'un was his. Chapter three was a story for another time...

    Was he snoring? Was Patch snoring? As he lies on his face, everyone can hear the distinct sound of...snoring. His healing factor was working overtime, but it had been a long journey and he was tired. Dreaming of things you REALLY don't want to know.

    Polaris has done her magic. Dane is going to live! Jubilee...has her cross to bare. Molly, Danny. True heroes. Helping each other. They all could say one thing. The Hand was dealt a crippling blow. Most of their troops were down, stunned, dying, moaning, crippled or gone. Or was this most of them? What would they have for the next battle? Who can say. Now for the post game. And Patch did have a lot to say to Danny...