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Latest revision as of 13:28, 30 October 2017

On the Job
Date of Scene: 02 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Jessica Jones, Deadpool

Jessica Jones has posed:
Its night time. Late summer. Jessica is sitting in an alleyway on a firescape with her camera out and her knees up, camera resting ontop of them.

Jessica has beeing spying the windows across the alleyway for hours... just waiting for the people inside to get home, it was as basic of a job as she could find to get some rent money...

Catch a cheating wife and get the husband the photos to prove it. A literal milkrun.

Jessica lifted her camera up to her face and snapped a picture... but not of the cheating wife, because she hadn't come home from the movies with her adultering partner yet... no, Jessica was snapping a photo of a cat that was hoping from a roof access ladder down to a window ledge, carrying a mouse in its mouth....

Deadpool has posed:
"On the Job?" Said Deadpool to himself, seemingly without reason, before adding that "clearly, somebody hasn't heard of the Urban Dictionary." As that website would happily point out, 'on the job' is a euphemism for having sex. For example, Aladdin was on the job with Jasmine. And there, the Merc with the Mouth had spoiled both a phrase, and someone's childhood, in one fell swoop.

Ducking into the alleyway, Deadpool walked right up to the incredibly well hidden Jessica Jones, in his flamboyant outfit. In fact, he was wearing the loudest of Hawaiian shirts over his already outlandish outfit, "Hey Jessica, try and get my good side." And he posed for the camera.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica knew Wade Wilson... unfortunately.

She looked up at him as he suddenly appeared there beside her and she... glared up at him. Her thumb ticked the flash up to its sickeningly brightest level and then she flashed it right at his eyes.

She suddenly reached out and grabbed his shirt to pull him down to the ground beside her with that amazing strength of hers.

Jessica put her nose up to hise and she glared right at his eyes.

"Please tell me you have something to drink on you." She said at him in a tired and bored sounding voice.

Deadpool has posed:
It was almost as if he were in a studio. That flash was perfectly timed, and aimed, or Deadpool was simply, very, very photogenic, almost as if he had to advertise something. It's not as if there was a movie in development right now, or was there? It's so hard to sort out the continuities. But the photo she took of him was most definitely a keeper.

When pulled down to the ground, Deadpool may have broken a rib, but he was okay with that. "Woah, Jessica, I'm off the market. No R rated action for this Merc, at least, not that R rated action." He looked deeply into her glaring, perhaps a little bloodshot eyes, with those wide circles of his mask, which emoted more than she ever could.

With a trembling hand, he reached into his Magic Satchel TM, and pulled out a flask of Jungle Juice and Vodka. It was one part Guava Juice, one part Orange Juice, one part Passion Fruit Juice, and one part Vodka.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jess was all too used to the mouth with the merc, even if that didn't mean she liked him. She didn't hate him either, really, there were way worse people out there. BUT, that didn't mean she liked being around him either, he usually made her headaches way worse than they were prior to having him around.

"Right." She said at him. "Watch me whimper with disappointment at not getting to jump your bones right here, in this trash... piss soaked... alleyway."

When he brandished that liquor bottle though, Jessica showed a smirk and she reached out for it to take it/uncork it and take a sniff of it. "Damn, Pool." She said, glancing over at him. "You hit the sauce harder than I do..."

She tipped it back and took a big drink from it though, not even skipping a beat from the severity of the drink as she lowered it and then leaned her head back against the wet brick wall behind them.

Deadpool has posed:
"I prefer to think of it as a character building aroma," he said to the piss soaked nature of the alleyway. The drink might have been a bit sweet for Jessica Jones' tastes. It was so fruity and nice, as if it were the kind of thing you'd expect to find being served at Walt Disney World.

Tucking his knees up as he repositioned himself, "so, partner, what kind of a stakeout are we on? Cheating husband? Cheating wife? Cheating boyfriend? Cheating girlfriend? Cheating the tax man? Cheating at golf? Those people really make me sick. I mean, who cheats at golf? Or, aren't they cheating at all? Is it a hit? Can I be your spotter? How come you didn't bring a sniper rifle?" What's next, does this car get good gas kilomage? Is it a four wheel drive?

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica took another drink of his liquor after hearing him ramble like that for a moment, because he just reinforced how much she needed time between their visits with one another.
"Second one." Jess replied to him, glancing over at him and handing him his flask back, nodding toward it. "That is remarkably enjoyable, by the way. I have a new level of respect for you." She looked away again, but only for a second before putting her brown eyes back on him. "Thats level one."

She gave him a sly smirk before looking back to the windows across from them and nodding toward them. "Wife. Cheating on her husband. He's runs a granite cutting business. She's the trophy wife he takes around to parties. Guess she met someone at one of those... someone she liked a little bit more."

A second later and a light came on in the apartment's windows, which made Jessica sit up and curl her legs under her as she go ther camera ready.

Inside the apartment a blonde woman stepped inside, and behind her... a brunette woman, they leapt into each other's arms and started making out quite passionately. Jessica started snapping photos of it (with the flash turned back off).

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool held up a hand when she offered the flask back to him. "Never lend anyone money, books, or alcohol. It's a gift." Of course, she did have to say he's reached level one.

He even emitted a level advancing like sound, the kind you'd hear on a 1980's video game system. "A cheating trophy wife? That's a new one." And then he did something rather surprising, he shut up. He even leaned his body in such a way to help hide his flamboyant baby blue and yellow Hawaiian shirt blend into the shadows, as well as the red and black of his underlying suit.

He did though casually reach for that Magic Satchel TM, where he withdrew a very expensive looking set of binoculars.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica was snapping photo after photo of the women as they did their makeout party and sent clothing articles flying this way and that inside of their apartment. It was one of those seedy apartments that were really cheap, the kind that people like this only rent because it makes them feel safer and more dirty. Classic. Predictable. The kind of thing rich assholes think make them smart.

"Try and stay calm." Jess said quietly as she saw the binoculars come out from the corner of her eye.

"They're going to shut the lights off." She told him, and about two seconds before things got REALLY NAKED, bam... the lights went out.

Jessica lowered her camera and sat back against the brick wall. "I caught them doing this the other night too, but my camera was acting up, wasn't able to get any pics. Glad that these two can't keep their hands off each other..."

Jess looked down and picked up the gifted alcohol. "My wallet is glad anywayu." She said, moving to take another drink.

Deadpool has posed:
"Way ahead of you," the merc with the mouth said, and he flicked a switch. Those expensive binoculars had a night vision feature, meaning he got to see all the good stuff, or at least that which was viewable through the windows.

"I think I might have a night vision camera in my Satchel if you want to get a money shot?"

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica was putting her stuff away when she heard that little switch get flipped on Wade's binoculars and she looked up and over at him, only to smirk at the sight of it. "Nothing I haven't experienced first hand, Magnum Pool." She said, of course referencing his hawaiian shirt and Magnum P.I.

Jessica rose up to her feet then and she flicked the flash on her camera back on then took a shot aimed right at his bincoulars-nightvision... oh god... thats so mean!

"Got everything I need. Headed home." Jess said as she started down the alleyway. "Stay out of trouble... even if I know you won't. Thanks for the drink too!" She said back to the man she just blinded.