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Latest revision as of 13:36, 30 October 2017

Keeping Up
Date of Scene: 02 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Wonder Woman, Superwoman, Corusca, Wonder Girl

Wonder Woman has posed:
When Faora had reached out to Diana to come and speak with one another, Diana had invited her here to her home in Manhattan. The Themysciran Embassy in Manhattan wasn't nearly as large as the Consulate in Metropolis, but it had that old world New York charm about it that made it quite a favorite place for the Princess.

It was the weekend, and on the weekend, Diana spent a lot of time with her Sisters and as they often do, they wanted to work on their physical and martial abilities. So the four Themysciran women were in the courtyard of the Embassy and they were all in their gear / armor and weapons.

They had been fighting/practicing for about an hour now and there was the occassional break for talking and a little bit of light hearted banter and joking as well.

Superwoman has posed:
    From above Superwoman descends into the courtyard of the Embassy. She lands, dressed in her motif of black and silver and white. Apart from her head and face, her body is covered- its almost like armor how the leather is laid out- but armor she could move easily in. She is quiet as she stands, looking between the Amazons and their leader.

    "Greetings." Faora says simply, "I've come to speak to the Princess, in regards to an offer she has made me."

Corusca has posed:
One of the Amazons, clad now in breastplate and wielding shield and dory, a traditional Grecian spear, turns to watch the incoming flight. She is a radiant blonde with a golden tan whose white linen cloth offsets the martial appearance with a veil of purity. There is a circlet which keeps the hair from her face but it is simple leather. It is the face, naturally, which is familiar. Could it be that the famed Miranda Madsen has been an Amazon this whole time? Quietly watching the world and amassing wealth for the Amazon cause? This mystery remains as enigmatic as her smile as she answers politely but efficiently to Faora. "And do you have an appointment?"

    Stepping away from her fellows towards Faora, her smile ticks a little, betraying some degree of mirth. "I assume.. that you come in peace?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana had been separated from Miranda and the others, she'd been stepping inside to get an item off of the table of equipment and gear just within the main hall. But upon returning, she stepped back outside to see Faora land and to hear Miranda's response to it.

"It is fine... She's a friend." Diana told Miranda with a little grin while she crossed the distance through the small yard near the back of the embassy complex (it was fenced-in, so that the business of New York City was walled out).

Diana gave a small grin to Miranda and then walked toward Faora/Superwoman to offer her a light bow.

"It is good to see you. I have been worried about you since our last conversation."

Superwoman has posed:
    "I wouldn't pause to speak if I hadn't come in peace." Superwoman notes. "I would have hit hard, and the devastation would have been legendary." How she states it, though, is so very flat. So very matter of fact. Chillingly so.

    "You shouldn't worry about me. I've survived harder things than a decision." Faora states, as she looks to Miranda quietly. "It is good to see you again." she notes, before returning her gaze towards Diana. "I have decided to accept your offer." Matter of fact and to the point.

Corusca has posed:
Miranda arches a brow at Faora's reply. There's no fear in her eyes. If anything, there is pique. Still, she says no more once Diana is addressed. Rather, she moves to set her spear and shield aside.. removing her armor while casually listening to their conversation though she is some feet away.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana noted the exchange between the two and it made her smile very faintly, but for the time being she focused on Faora's response.

"Fantastic!" Diana said to her, taking another step forward and extending her right hand out toward Superwoman's. "We will be thrilled to have you with us. You and your partner, yes?" Diana would ask then, before glancing toward Miranda and offering the other woman a nod. "This is Miranda..." And continuing the introductions she motioned Mir toward Faora. "Superwoman, another member of the Krypton family who has managed to make their way to our world. I had extended her an invitation to joining the Justice League, because she... much like Superman, have been doing a wealth of good deeds around the globe."

Diana would send another warm smile toward Faora.

Superwoman has posed:
    "Yes. My Partner and I. Gravitas. She requires more varied training than I can give her. The nature of my training is... less than ideal for the less than lethal methods approved by the populous of this planet." Faora notes quietly, "As a matter of fact, most of what I know is better set towards ending a threat permanently." she admits, "Although, I have many non-lethal techniques." She shakes her head, "That doesn't matter. What matters is that I know she needs more than I can give her."

    Faora looks over to Diana, bowing her head quietly. "I do what I must do." she states, "The League is a means to a greater end."

Corusca has posed:
Miranda cannot help but inquire as she walks casually back to where they stand, "And what end might that be?" She asks with a tilt of her head. "Not that I find your presence unwelcome but I am inherently suspicious where the Princess is wholly more welcoming." She looks to Diana and offers a mild shrug then looks back to Faora. "All is never as it seems, after all... and as much as conflict may seem inevitable.. I'd like to keep legendary devastation to a minimum. It's hard on my underwriter."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would nod gently to what Faora responded with and she'd place her hands upon her hips before speaking back. "Those within the League have a varied, and vast amount of knowledge in many different forms of solving the kinds of obstacles that we are challenged with. As long as you and Gravitas are up for learning and teaching along with the others... It will be nothing but a beneficial arrangement for all."

Diana would turn her gaze over to Miranda then and smile softly at her. "Her actions have been direct, and blunt... but they have alos been effective and the League is always up for another perspective on how to view the troubles that we are faced with."

She put her blue eyes back on Faora then. "I consider it to be similar to that of Batman, at least in some respects."

Superwoman has posed:
    "Batman is worthy of my respect. He does, without superhuman abilities, what most of us are unable to do. He keeps a semblance of peace in his city." Faora notes simply, "Metropolis has none of the issues Gotham does. The government lacks the corruption, the people are very different culturally. Most of the other cities are unlike Gotham. BEtween the culturally aspects and the powers, most of us have it relatively easy." Faora notes as she nods quietly.

    "As for learning, I am up for that task. There is a great amount involved on Earth that I do not yet understand. However, that will be for later." She says, "I noticed you were training in combat. That is something I am very keen on continuing my understanding of."

Superwoman has posed:
    "The end is a peaceful and prosperous existence for all beings living on this planet." Faora states, as if that is obvious.

Corusca has posed:
Miranda looks askance of Diana then looks to Faora. "That it is." Her reply acknowledges Faora but she still seems guarded. After a moment of silence, she takes a deep breath. "Well. I imagine there's a moment when blunt will always come in handy. Hopefully it won't come to that... but.. I suppose that's me dreaming again." Ah well.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana nodded gently at Faora about Gotham and Batman. "He has accomplished a remarkable amount of good for that city that has been troubled since the days it was founded. I am just glad that he has continued to work with the League, rather than recede into his old ways of working solitary and alone."

A look was then given between both MIranda and Faora before she continued. "We never stop learning, in our lives, that is the whole point of forming the League to begin with. Its through our unique experiences in our unique lives that we can gain knowledge from one another and become individually stronger because of it."

Diana gently nodded at Superwoman then. "We will start combative training at the Hall as soon as you are sworn in there. But I want to share knowledge on many other subjects as well, beyond simply how to beat on one another." She showed a sly small grin then.

Superwoman has posed:
    "On that, I have been curious. How is your way different than mine." Faora notes. "You were training when I arrived. Might I join you in that training?" she wonders, looking between Miranda and Diana now. Quiet. "Would I ruin this training if I were to join?" she asks.

    "Do you always train with weapons?" she asks, then. "I could brush up on my weapon skills. Its been some time since I worked with a blade."

Corusca has posed:
"I apologize if I must agree with Princess Diana." Miranda begins. "I do not find that combat.. training or live.. is the first thing a person must learn when discovering a new people. First and foremost, one must fine what they cherish most." She smiles to Diana. "And study that."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana looked back to her other two sisters who had been silently observing several steps away, as most of her kind often did and then she glanced from Faora to Miranda and showed a little small smile.

"My people train in all forms of combat historical to our lineage." She put her blue eyes back onto Superwoman. "And no, that does not always involve melee weapons. We have ranged weapons as well, thrown or projected... archery." Diana grinned lightly before looking back to Miranda and tipping her chin toward her.

"Miranda here, is our newest addition to our society. Because of this she's being welcomed into the fold of our training regiments." And again she looked to Faora. "You are... welcome to practice with us today, if it sounds appealing to you. Bladed, or just with fist and foot. Whichever sounds most appealing."

Superwoman has posed:
    "I would not deign to tell you how to train. I will train in whatever is currently being trained. If it is blade, however, I will need a blade." she announces, "Otherwise, I am ready." she takes a slow breath, "I used to have a collection of historical weapons back on Krypton. A shame they are lost for eternity. There were many antiques from our ancient history. Swords not unlike your own.. though, slightly different in shape."

Corusca has posed:
Miranda is quiet a moment. Perhaps in deference to her Princess? "As you wish, Princess." She dips her chin to Diana then. "If you will forgive me, I will retire to the library. There is still much to do as it regards... other concerns." She smiles then looks to Faora. "Have fun... but if you break it, you bought it." She casts her a wink then begins walking towards an interior entrance of the embassy.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would nod once to Faora before turning to Miranda and giving her a large smile. "I will join you in a few, I am sure." She told her friend before moving toward one of the other Amazons who would turn over her sword to the Princess.

Diana would then move back toward Faora and she'd offer her the weapon. "I must say. It is not every day that I get to experience the swordsmanship of a person from another planet. Forgive me if I seem a bit excited to see the unique ways that your people no doubt developed the art."

Diana took a few steps away then and turned to her swird, this whole time her own sword had been grasped in her right hand. She eyed Faora, but gave her a vhance to get comfortable with the new weapon.

"When you are ready." She told her.

Superwoman has posed:
    "Very well." Faora replies as she takes Diana's weapon when its offered. She gives it a few test swings. "It is well weighted." she notes, "Balanced well." She says then before her swings take a more practiced motion. Its very clearly of a martial bent. "Yes then. I am ready when you are, Princess."

    Faora smiles, and takes a defensive posture. Raising the blade with one hand, "I, too, look forward to seeing the differences in combative technique. You know, unlike Kal, I am genetically a warrior." She states, "A Soldier."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana nodded gently to those words. "That is another reason that I am eager for you to join us in our fight." She replied to the warrior waman. And it was true, Diana knew that Faora was of the Kryptonian almost bred specificially for war... She didn't want her to be a wildcard, unassociated to the League. Quite the contrary to that.

Diana gave a slight grin before she came at her opponent and quickly brought down onto her a fierce over-head-downward swing!

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora's motions are lightning fast and surprisingly strong as Diana comes in with such a fierce attack. With a flick of the wrist the blade flashes. She doesn't try to stop the downward thrust- only deflect it as she, herself, makes a smooth motion. The blade flashes and with a very fluid motion Faora comes in now from the back half- opposite from where she's sent Diana's blade.

Wonder Girl has posed:
After a certain mission that didn't go quite as well as Cassie might have liked (getting stabbed sucks, especially when you're an Amazon!), it only seems logical that the youngest member of the sisterhood swing by their embassy for a session in the gym. Sure, they've got facilities at Titans' Tower too, but they don't have a bunch of other Amazons working in the building. She's pretty sure she can wrangle at least one of them into a spar and maybe grab a few pointers.

When she shows up, however, she finds none other than Best Big Sister there showing off her stuff. The other woman she doesn't know, which immediately draws a certain curiousity: she pretty much knows all of the sisterhood at this point, so this has to be someone else. An envoy from some splinter group? She wanders nearer, but not close enough to interrupt! Then, as the two join in combat, she can't help but blink in surprise. She's really never met *anyone* an equal to Diana.

Wonder Woman has posed:
The sparring is happening in the courtyard in the back of the embassy, its afternoon on an overcast day so the sun is greyed-out but still pretty bright. There are two other Amazons in the courtyard standing off to the side of the embassy watching as well, one of them takes note of Cassie and smiles to her, motions her to join them.

Diana's attack is deflected and their dance has begun. She turns and swipes her body in a fluid 180-turn to bring herself back about to parry any swing that may come from Faora before she stares intently at her Kryptonian sparring partner and goes forward at her with a lunging jab of a strike!

Superwoman has posed:
    Who Cassie sees is none other than Superwoman herself. Dressed in black, silver, and white with a shield that is decidedly not an 'S' on her chest she cuts an imposing figure. Her chosen outfit looks more like some kind of leather armor than the sort Superman or Supergirl wear. She is largely covered, some bit of leather or material over everything except her head and throat. Her movements in combat are of sublime grace- not at all the rolling brawl of the other Kryptonians. She knows how to fight- and it shows.

    Faora's stroke is parried- but Faora presses the attack, turning herself in an almost mirror move of Diana's parry to throw an elbow at the woman's shoulder.

Wonder Girl has posed:
There's lots of Superpeople, how's a girl supposed to keep track?! Outside of the helpful S-labels, especially!

Cassie's friendly enough with Supergirl, of course, and though she's not had a chance to meet this particular Kryptonian, it doesn't take too long watching to get a feeling for what's up. Again, there aren't many people she'd credit with being any kind of match for Diana, so that puts her right onto a short list of Gods, Superthings, et cetera. And while she'd come by to practice, watching this display is probably pretty valuable for similar reasons. So, the young protege finds a spot among the rest of the Amazon crowd to watch. Of course... there's still a part of her that can't give up her natural side-kick instincts, nor enthusiasm. And thus:

"Go Diana! Kick her butt!"

Wonder Woman has posed:
One of the two tall Amazonian women looked over at Cassie and nudged her with an armored elbow after hearing the young girl from California shout that, even if it was done for support, it was not their people's style.

Diana lunged forward and Faora delivered a sidestepping shoulder attack that glanced off of Diana's right shoulder! She ran through the attack and spun around again, a large grin on her face now as she stared into Faora's eyes and clutched at her weapon. "Get in close, find their weakspots." Diana said to her opponent, in jest and mimmicking what she imagines Faora had been taught by her trainers.

Diana rushed again and this time leapt into the air with right leg up and knee out, sword drawn back and tip aimed down for a diving thrust!

Superwoman has posed:
    Down and under, now, Faora flowed with the attack- she telegraphed very little in her movements as she grins in that moment of eye-to-eye contact. Faora is enjoying this, it shows. Battle is in her very soul- its a part of her very being.

    The upward motion- the skyward strike that comes down. Faora motions now are low. She ducks low, almost a roll as she turns and tries to get under Diana's attack. Should she succeed, she'd grab a foot and spin- trying to toss Diana and open space between them.

Wonder Girl has posed:
Sore thumb much? Yeah, no one is *ever* going to mistake Cassie for a native Amazon. But that's why they love her. Right? Right?!

With an audible 'hmph' as she's chided, Cassie folds her arms and settles down a bit to watch the bout. Still, there's an undeniable undercurrent of excitement and fascination as she watches. Truly, Wonder Woman has no bigger supporter. She fangirled herself into powers! Well, sort of. But outside her pure excitement and thrill at watching her mentor fight, she's definitely taking mental notes. Hopefully to avoid her next would-be stabbing!

Wonder Woman has posed:
Faora was successful in her dodge and her toss alike, using that super strength to send Diana soaring toward the embassy's eastern wall. But Diana's nimble agility had her land against the wall in a crouch-that-defied-gravity and a second later she spring-boarded back at her enemy to clash swords once more, sending another loud metalic sound echoing out around them!

The Amazon who nudged Cassie, Adrastea was her name, offered Cassie a bottle of water that they'd had in a basket beside them. Cassie wasn't native Themysciran, but she was ordered-in by their Queen and that is essentially the same thing to their people. Miranda had just been brought in under the same style as well.

Superwoman has posed:
    The blades strike one another- sparks flying as two powerhouse women meet in this friendly spar. Now, comes the block- and the close clinch. With a shift of the blade, she positions herself so it would be difficult to make an attack. She's grinning wide now. "Attack hard. NEver give up the fight. Attack straight on, but look for errors. Use your enemy's strength against them." She returns the favor, before taking a deep breath. "These days, I would part this with a strike from my eyes. That is something difficult to get used to."

Wonder Girl has posed:
Cassie reaches for the offered drink with a friendly, even chipper smile: even that bit of annoyance isn't something that lasts long. She's always rather animated in her moods, and it can mean a lot of quick pivots and turns in emotion. She can do pouty to cheerful in a second flat.

Taking a drink, she swipes across her mouth with the back of the hand holding the bottle, and continues to watch, definitely fascinated to see the acrobatics and raw strength on disaply. Of cours, mention of eye-lasers does draw another comment from the peanut gallery: "We've got our tricks too!"