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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/09/09 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=1374, 1295, 130 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1374|Nate Grey (...")
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Latest revision as of 15:12, 30 October 2017

Fall to Earth
Date of Scene: 09 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: X-Man, Madelyne Pryor, Doctor Doom

X-Man has posed:
People in the nearby town of Lucerne are still running around after the recent 'meteor strike'. It had come on so suddenly that no one was even sure what happened. A bright light from the sky plummeting towards the mountains nearby, a flash as a collision thundered down, and then a sweep of vast concussive force that rocked the city. There were casualties, but all the scientists belief it could have been much much worse...

For others, the blast and fiery light was nothing compared to the telepathic scream that followed. Followed quickly by a ripple on the Astral Plane that was physically felt by those sensitive to it's psionic energies. Then nothing, at least for most telepaths, but the more experienced can still feel a pulse of that power nearby... and moving...

Nate drug himself out of the crater he found himself lying in. Immediately he looks for Holocaust, X-Men, and Apocalypse. His left eye glowing brightly, psionic energy cascading off him like lightning as he growled, "Where ya at... bastards..." He feels the cold, sees the snow, and a tremendous drain as he slowly takes in his surroundings. "Where the hell..." He starts, and see's nothing but mountains and snow. No city of ash, no vast citadel, no Tyrants and his evil minions. "Where am I..." He sees down below something he has never seen in his life, a city that is not billowing smoke, and ruined by the wrath of war. His confusion rises, as his power level lowers, wondering if he was blasted to some weird hidden city. His thoughts are a jumble, and he does the only thing that makes sense with his powers depleted... He begins walking towards the city.

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    It takes a bit for the first searcher to arrive...a matter of having to disengage from a diplomatic gala, before she can properly open herself up and relax her shields to sense for the scream she heard echoing in her head. But once she's free, and has a moment to cast a spell to shed her formal dress in favor of something she can more properly move in...she uses her power to push into the astral plane....then emerges nearby, teleporting near the epicenter of the impact.

    Madelyne tilts her head as she takes in the larger crater, then turns her head, her eyes glowing green as she begins scanning the area. "And where are you..." she purrs to herself, her psionic power unfolding to wash out from her like a wave. Seeking signs of other psionic activity in the area. "Hmmmm....there..." she murmurs, orienting towards Nate, then rising up into the air as she starts to fly in that direction rapidly.

X-Man has posed:
The ripples of his psionic power are not hard to follow at this point. His clothes are shredded, either from the fall or a previous confrontation might be hard to tell, but they offer no protection from the Snow and Cold. What does offer protection, though, is a shield that funnels both impediments away from him. His gait is labored, but he doesn't appear to conciously be protecting himself from the environment.

He wipes his hand across his nose, looking down he sees that it's come away with blood, "Ugh, great.." he grumbles to himself, a slow headache starting to build. "Forge would be..." his throat constricts at the thought, and he keeps pushing on. A slight pulse, something he feels, and his eyes narrow as he stops to look around. "Hmm, guess someone is watchin' after all."

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    The other presence isn't hiding her approach, either out of pure arrogance and lack of concern, or because she doesn't want to seem she's sneaking up on the person in question. Still, she's not hard to see as she flies up over the trees, then descends, her fluttering ragged cloak like wings behind her as she descends to touch down easily, her boots crunching in the snow as she regards you, hands on her hips.

    "Well now...don't you look lost..." she says lazily, tilting her head as those green eyes look you over from head to toe, taking in your injuries. "Also that you've had better days."

X-Man has posed:
Nate readies himself to fight, his teeth are gritted as he pushes away the pain of the headache. The light from his eye and around his aura brighten as he prepares himself. As he senses the presence flying towards him, he yells out "If you're not Apocalypse ou picked the wrong time to..." and in an instant all the anger disappears into confusion about catching sight of his tracker.

"Who?!" He starts, his shields still up, but his aggressive posture changed to something of uncertainty, "Do I... Do we know each other...?" He asks, images flood his mind of meeting someone that seems so much like the woman in front of him, but not the same. Nate has certainly seen better days, and now that the anger has left his features it's easy to tell that he is likely still in his late teens. "Yeah, you could say I'm lost, and havin' a real bad day..."

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    The woman clasps her hands behind her back lazily, leaning forward slightly towards the man in front of her. "I don't believe I qualify as an apocalypse..." Madelyne murmurs, almost playfully. "Though I could come close, on a bad day." She starts to walk around Hate thoughtfully. "No...no, I think I'd remember you..." she says casually, almost prowling now. "If not the face...mmmm, I'd remember the mind." She flashes white, perfect teeth briefly. "I...am Madelyne. Who are you?" she murmurs, as she completes her circuit to stand in front of you again, hands still clasped behind her back. She doesn't seem the least bit bothered by the cold, despite her clothing choices.

X-Man has posed:
"My name is Nate..." The young man responds, the light dying down again as he starts to relax, "...Nate Grey. and no," He adds, shaking his head, "You're not Apocalypse..." Even with his mind locked tight, it doesn't take a Telepath to know he's obviously very confused, "..I just, feel like we've met somewhere before." He shakes his head, holding his right hand up to his forehead, "I can't seem to remember...."

When Madelyne stops in front of him, Nate tries to offer a friendly smile despite his discomfort, "While it's nice to meet you, Madelyne.. I"ve gotta say, I'm not sure where I am,.." He looks around, "It's not anywhere I'm familiar with.. Where are we?"

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    For some reason, then name draws a very slight reaction from Madelyne, her green eyes narrowing. "Nate Grey. A pleasure to meet you, Nate." she murmurs agreeably, stepping closer to you. "Awww...well...if you made that crater up the mountain..." she says in her slightly husky alto. "That would explain why you're having problems remembering things, perhaps."

    She continues to step close until she reaches up, carefully checking some of the most obvious wounds. "Hmmm....you..are currently near Lucerne. In the Swiss Alps. Does that mean anything to you?" she says, her eyes finding yours again. "Or perhaps I should ask...where were you before, hmm?"

X-Man has posed:
"UHm..." Nate mumbles, as he glances back towards the crater, "...yeah, that was me... and, Holocaust!" The name brings him back on alert, but he doesn't flinch away from you. "We were fighting..." He pauses, thinking again his eyes closing, "..fighting him and Apocalypse. I stabbed him.. with.. a crystal... M'kraan Crystal. It's all a jumble."

His wounds have definitely come from a fight, cuts are obviously from something more than just rock with as clean as they look, "Swiss Alps?!" His confused voice continues, "No, that's not right. I was in Manhattan... In Apocalypses Citadel..." His bright blue eyes looking into yours, "I can't remember how I got so far away, but Apocalypse will be looking for me..."

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    Madelyne considers, tilting her head as she studies you. "I know of Manhattan. But I"ve never heard of any Apocalypse Citadel. Or Holocaust...as an individual, anyway." she says after a long pause for thought. "But...I could likely take you someplace you could recover, if you wish...that is, at least, warmer than here.

X-Man has posed:
Nate does seem a little stunned at your words, his eyes registering even more confusion, "What'd you mean you haven't heard of Apocalype's Citadel... Or Holocaust..." His eyes take in your outfit again, realizing he should be feeling the cold, but even more so should you. "He's the Tyrant that owns most of North America... the one that has been culling humans for decades..." He sends out a tentative scan, nothing probing, but attempting to understand if Madelyne is a mutant since that was his initial assumption. "I.. I don't understand.."

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    Madelyne is definitely a mutant, though her mental signature is a bit...odd. It's hard to pin down how without pushing deeper, and you can feel she has an extremely powerful mind that she's keeping shielded. Immensely powerful, in fact, at least pisonically. She tilts her head, then returns the favor, as you feel that raw power, like a banked fire, brushing back against you. "...you're a mutant, then. Innnnnnteresting." she purrs. She watches Nate with definite intense interest now. "What is the date that you last remember?" she says suddenly. "Before this battle in Manhattan?"

X-Man has posed:
"Ok..." Nate breathes more to himself once he receives confirmation that Madelyne is a mutant. Her strength is impressive, one of the few that he has come across before at this level, "Yeah, one of the few not working for that Butcher..." he rumbles in response. "Uhm... It's hard to say, with everything being destroyed..." His eyes drifting back to the City below them, "...Forge was guessing that it was maybe 2040s, could be a bit later, but we don't keep much of a tabs on it since Apocalypse took over in the early 2020s.." He glances back to you, a bit awkwardly, and asks "Uhm, are you sure you're not cold?"

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    Madelyne grins toothily and poses a bit. "Do I -look- cold?" she says, flipping back to playful at the drop of a hat, then hmmms. "I think...that I should take you back to my father. He might be better able to explain than me. But I don't believe you're in your own time anymore, if that's the case.

X-Man has posed:
A bit of the tension leaves Nate's features, a small smile playing on his lips, "Yeah, I guess you dont..." He looks around one more time, obvious that he has no interest in staying here, "Uhm, who might your father be?" A little bit of the distrust seeping back into his voice. It's obvious he's had a rough time of it, and his inability to reconcile where he is with where he was is causing him to be even more cautious than his past has trained him.

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    Madelyne taps her chin absently. "....Lord Victor von Doom. Supreme ruler of the kingdom of Latveria." she says, almost experimentally. She's not sure if the name will be familiar or not. And she's already recently gotten to see what her father's reputation is outside of Latveria itself. "He is the most brilliant mind on the planet...I'm sure he could answer your questions and help you determine what's happened?"

X-Man has posed:
"Lord?" Nate tastes the word on his lips for a moment, "...I haven't heard of him, but the only Lords I know aren't really welcome by the people they are Lords of..." His stance takes on a slightly more defensive nature, "...Did he make himself Lord of this area? Not tryin' to say anything about your father, but the only Lords I know work for Apocalypse and are his Prelates."

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    The redhaired woman considers. "He assumed power from those who were not serving the people, in a revolution that freed an area that had been part of Hungary, and he rules with wisdom and strength." she says, her lips pursing slightly. "Lord is more a formal title, though others refer to him as Doctor Doom. " She notes the change in posture. "I know nothing of this Apocalypse or any prelates. Nor would Doom allow himself to be made into a lackey for a tyrant." she says, dismissively. "But, if it helps, his people are loyal to him and his ruling council."

X-Man has posed:
"Ahh..." Nate nods his head slowly, "...ok, I guess that makes sense... I've not heard of Latveria either. I know there are places that Apocalypse doesn't control..." He adds under his breath, more to himself, "..maybe that's what's going on here." He looks to Madelyne, still feeling some kind of connection that he can't explain, "...Ok, if you think he'd help, then maybe it's a good idea to talk to him." His posture lightens a little, and he offers a small half-smile, "Uhm.. thanks... Just a lot I'm tryin' to put together. it means a lot, your help..." He lifts off the ground, and says "I'm ready when you are..."

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    Madelyne grins again, then offers her hand. "Well then...this will be faster." she says crisply. "Just hold my hand. Don't let go. I'll transports us there directly." She seems fairly confident that this won't be a problem for her.

X-Man has posed:
Reaching out his hand, Nate moves to take Madelyne's "Ok..." He doesn't seem hesitant at all, despite his reluctance for what he's heard so far of her Father. "Sounds like it's going to be fun..."

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    Madelyne takes Nate's hand in a firm grip, then concentrates, opening up her power completely as mental power blossoms like a small star, the energy washing over both her and her would-be "guest." A moment later, she mentally reaches out and rips into the astral plane, pulling herself and Nate through, into a bolt of rapid motion, before she rips her way back out again, the two stepping out into the great hall of the heart of Doom's power, the great castle from which he rules.

    Madelyne looks a little drained for a moment as the astral rip closes, then inhales and lets out a slow breath, before she reaches out to her father, saying quietly. <Father...I have found someone of interest. He's powerful..a mutant. He seems confused about where he is...or when he is.>

Doctor Doom has posed:
    Sitting on the throne is none other than Doctor Doom, the armor-clad monarch looking a touch surprised by the sudden appearance of, "Madelyne... this is most, unexpected." His eyes focus on Nate, regarding the young man with a curious expression as he says, "Good evening, and welcome to Latveria. I am Doctor Doom."

X-Man has posed:
As he travels through the Astral Plane, Madelyn will be able to tell an interesting reaction from Nate, which is there seems to be a flow of energy from the Plane to Nate. Once they exit from the Plane, Nate seems in a very different place, it might even be noticed that some of his wounds have healed a little bit from before. "Wow..." is the only comment that Nate makes. Nate takes in the area around him, and land on Doom. "Hello..." a bit hesitantly, glancing to Madelyne, before adding, "...I'm Nate Grey."

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    Madelyne inclines her head respectfully to the man on the throne...daughter or no daughter, there is always respect given to Doom. "He is what I sensed, father, at the gala. He fell to earth in Lucerne, in the Swiss Alps." She looks back over to Nate, releasing his hand. "He was wounded and wandering when I encountered him. He says he believes the year was sometime in the 2040s, last he remembered." She feels that's the most interesting part of this. A time traveler? "I of course thought that you might be able to best answer his questions." And, of course...a powerful mutant like this could be of great use to Doom...if he could be swayed to his side, of course.

Doctor Doom has posed:
    Doom nods, settling back in his throne, "Indeed. The 2040s? Which would be fifteen to twenty years in the future, if that is true. Though I suppose that would be easy to determine." He pauses, looking curiously at Nate, "You do not remember your origins at all?"

X-Man has posed:
"Eh... in the future?!" Nate is really at a loss at this point. "I.. I don't know.." He takes a deep breath, and says "What I remember is a powerful mutant, named Apocalypse, eventually came to power in North America. He used this power to take the most powerful mutants, and began a culling of the humans. His belief is that only the strongest should survive, and that means the Humans are to be culled..." He begins pacing as he continues, "...there are those of us that fought against this, and his tyranny. He even began culling the weaker mutants. Before I woke up in the crater, I was in the midsts of fighting him, his son, and his minions..."

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    Madelyne quiets, clasping her hands behind her back, listening. There's no point in interjecting as of yet...Doom will know the right questions to ask, after all. Her eyes flick between the two as they talk, however. Though she does add helpfully at that. "His son is this Holocaust you mentioned?"

Doctor Doom has posed:
    Doctor Doom steeples his fingers in front of him, listening to Nate, "Fascinating. This is currently the year 2025, Mister Grey. Though I am familiar with quite a few mutants... this Apocalypse, or Holocaust, I have not heard of." He frowns a little under his mask, "But I believe I do know how to ask about this, to get some answers." He currently sits in his throne, looking down at Madelyne and Nate Grey from the raised dias.

X-Man has posed:
Nodding his head in Madelyne's direction, Nate replies "Yes... He was the one that I stabbed with the M'kraan Crystal right before we fell from the sky..." His eyes close, brow furrowing as he concentrates on his memories, "...I'm positive he fell with me, but I didn't sense him when I came to..." He takes another settling breath, this "...any help that you can give would be greatly appreciated. I get the feeling I'm not at the same place... maybe not the same time..."

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    Another curious question from Madelyne. "What is this M'kraan Crystal you mention? Some sort of weapon?" She folds her arms under her breasts, looking thoughful. "I sensed no one else nearby like you...though if he wasn't psionic, he may have been harder to detect. Or he landed elsewhere, perhaps."

Doctor Doom has posed:
    Doctor Doom nods slightly, "Or he might have been shielded. It is not an uncommon precaution to take." Since, well, any casual telepathic probes of Doom would have been thwarted, though whether it's due to the man's own strength of will or technological gadgetry is hard to determine.

X-Man has posed:
"Honestly I'm not sure what the Crystal was for..." Nate replies to Madelyne, "...I know the X-men were attempting to do something with the Crystal, and Apocalypse was fighting them to keep them from it. I was able to take the crystal from Apocalypse during the fight, and attempted to use it to kill Holocaust. "It's obvious Nate has no remorse for his attack on Holocaust, and has probably lived in a world where death was a constant friend. "I was able to break through both Apocalypse and Holocausts shields before... but I ws weakened when I landed here... so it's possible he snuck away."

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    "With this crystal?" Madelyne says slowly. "If it has a unique signature...perhaps we could track it then." She looks to her father. "If it is so important...it would be best to secure it in safer hands."

Doctor Doom has posed:
    Doctor Doom looks thoughtful, "Interesting. How old were these X-Men? Do you remember anything specific about them?" His posture is calculating, of course, as if trying to determine if Nate is from this future, or one of a parallel world. And if that can be prevented...

X-Man has posed:
"It did!" Nate says as Madelyne reminds him about the Crystal, He pushes his thoughts out, and the power behind it is many times what it was when he first landed. After only a few short moments, Nate opens his eyes with a frown, "Interesting, I don't sense it on the planet at all. Once I was near it, it had a very obvious signature... so either someone powerful is hiding it..." He shakes his head in frustration, "...or it no longer exists." Looking over to Doom, Nate responds, "I'd guess thirties... most of them were older than I was, and had been fighting against Apocalypse for as long as I can remember. One used to be a Prelate for one of his Lords, Scott Summers, and he helped me escape when I was very young from the slave pens."

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    None of these names seem to register much on Madelyne...while her other father cares for Summers and his DNA, he hasn't specifically focused Madelyne on it as of yet. Possibly to avoid her finding out too much about her provenance too soon. She's aware of the X-Men though, at least...as one of the most powerful mutant groups in the world, if nothing else. She falls silent again."

Doctor Doom has posed:
    Doctor Doom hmms, "Fascinating. I'm not too familiar with the names, though it sounds like you are from a parallel reality, not this one." He nods slightly, looking thoughtful, "If nothing else, it doesn't appear that you are from the future, as I originally had been concerned of. Still, a threat like this Apocalypse should be watched out for... and eliminated, should it prove a threat."

X-Man has posed:
"Parallel reality..." Nate says quietly to himself, his thoughts are obviously in turmoil, his face takes on a strained look as he takes this in. "What does that mean? All the people I knew? The World as I knew it..." He shakes his head, his confusion turning to disbelief, "...that can't be right. How does something like that even happy?" He seems to have missed Doctor Doom's comment about Apocalypse, "Is there a chance of me even getting back there?"

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    Madelyne says idly. "If this crystal was what propelled you here, you'd have to find it to go back...assuming you could even duplicate the event that brought you here." She shrugs, not looking like she finds that too likely. "The crystal might be gone because it expended itself to bring you here."

Doctor Doom has posed:
    Doom smiles faintly, "There is always a chance, Mister Grey. Though, parallel universes are multiple. It might not be possible to engineer a way to get back to your specific cosmos, even if a way was discovered to travel through them." He hrms, "I am a master of many things, though I have yet to bend my intellect towards parallel Earths."

X-Man has posed:
"I think... I think I need to see this new world... I need to understand where I have ended up." Nate says as he shakes his head, "There's so much to learn and to think about..." He looks between Doom and Madelyne, "...I will be back. I'd like to talk more, learn more about what you're doing here, and why." The conversation seems to catch up with him, "...and prepare for Apocalypse. I will help you however I can to make sure whatever happened on my World does not happen here."

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    Madelyne's eyes slit. "It may not be wise to wander too far before you've had time to learn more about what's going on. You could stay here have time to see what's different first, before you go off to investigate in person. There will likely be others who sensed your arrival and will be searching for you too, for their...own ends." The way she puts slight emphasis on it, it's obvious those ends MUST be villainous.

    Not at -all- like the very helpful Madelyne and Doctor Doom, of course.

Doctor Doom has posed:
    Doctor Doom nods slightly, "It might be best if you remained here, for your own safety. Though you are, of course, free to go if you wish." He glances over at Madelyne, then looks back to Nate Grey, "I would not dream of holding you against your will." Now, tricking the boy into wishing to stay instead, that's something else entirely.

X-Man has posed:
"I'm ok... I can take care of myself..." Nate gives Madelyne a smile, not quite catching on perhaps, but taking her comments at face value, "...I've been fighting for a long time, and let someone try to stop me from coming back." His voice hard, despite his youthful appearance, and his eye lighting with the power he holds. "But I need to see this World. I need to understand what's different... There's a lot to think about." He moves towards Doom, and offers his hand a genuine smile on his face "Sir, it's been an honor, and I won't forget the kindness you've shown me today."

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    Madelyne slits her eyes slightly, then offers after a moment. "Perhaps I could go with you...if you could spare me for a time, father." Because she's not against learning more about the world herself, after all. And this way it's a mission and a purpose beyond just....wandering, of course. "If you wouldn't mind the company. I could at least smooth your way...especially if you're going all the way to Manhattan."

    And then she can keep an eye on him. And of course...continue to try and convince him who is the 'right' side.

Doctor Doom has posed:
    Doctor Doom smiles a bit towards Madelyne, "I would have no objection to such, and Mister Grey, courtesy to a guest is not a kindness, but an obligation." He nods, "Just be careful, Madelyne. Those Titans have you marked, it seems, and I might not be able to interfere with them should they attempt something rash."

    And hey, if that gives Nate the wrong idea about the Titans, then so much the better. It's a win-win-win as they say. What, no one says that? DOOM SAYS THAT.

X-Man has posed:
"Your company is definitely welcome.." Nate says with a smile, "...I'm sure you can help keep me out of some trouble I'd get into by myself." Looking to Doom, Nate shakes his head, "Not sure who you're talking about, but as long as Madelyne is with me I'll do what I can to make sure she get's back safe." He moves to stand next to her, adding "I've had too many friends die, and it isn't going to happen again."

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    Madelyne smiles lazily at Nate. "EXcellent. If you'll give me a moment to change into something less...striking and to pick up a few things, I can move us to the Latverian embassy to find quarters during your search. You'll be quite secure there." She'd say safe, but she's pretty sure Nate can keep himself perfectly safe given the power she's sensed from him.

Doctor Doom has posed:
    Doctor Doom nods, "By all means, you are welcome to stay at the Latverian Embassy for your time in New York. It is quite secure, I assure you." He smiles, "Now, I suppose you two had best get ready. I would offer transportation, but it seems you have that well in hand."