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Latest revision as of 15:45, 30 October 2017

Tigger Remodeling
Date of Scene: 12 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Okhotnik, Moonstar, Tendril, Deadzone

Okhotnik has posed:
Word has gotten out. It hasn't been too loud, but frankly the incident was hard to ignore for many of those at the Mansion. It seems someone stood up to the high-fallutinest of the high-fallutin', Monet St. Croix. And the kitchen got the worst for wear.

The sounds of construction are going on, now, as Diya has managed to tear out the damaged section of wall and is currently building new framing for the wall and the plumbing. Thankfully, the shut-off valve worked. It only took her a couple of hours to mop up the mess.

The most 'disturbing' thing is that Diya is doing all of this word clad only in a pair of shorts and a sand-colored Army-issue bra. What is left of an olive drab t-shirt is hanging from one of the ceiling joists, along with a sodden pair of desert camouflage pants.

Moonstar has posed:
Dani wanders over, having just finished taking care of Brightwind for the evening in the stables. She smiles a bit over at Diya, "Hey, how's it going?" She's wearing her school-issue jumpsuit for the moment, tilting her head at the hole in the wall, and tsking a bit, "Well, that was one hell of an argument..." Somehow, she doesn't sound surprised in the least.

Okhotnik has posed:
The ashen-blonde Russian glances over her shoulder as she applies a level to one of the verticals she is putting in place. "How is your wing'ed horse?" she asks in stilted Russian. She has made a point of learning more about those her other half has claimed as 'hers'. But unfortunately the name of the animal just won't stick yet. Unfair, but true.

"Yes. Argument was substantial. Child has many lessons to learn." Diya checks her level again, and then starts marking the spots where she will need to create cutouts for the plumbing. "Must get repairs done before breaking fast tomorrow."

Moonstar has posed:
Dani smiles, "Brightwind's pretty good, yes. Did you want a hand with that?" She looks a bit rueful, "Which one did it? Around here... well, let's just say that this level of damage isn't exactly a surprise. Nor is it really unexpected." Dani has been here a while, after all...

Okhotnik has posed:
"Would not mind second set of hands. But is not required." Diya answers, pulling the board away and laying it out, getting ready to cut those cutouts. "Is my fault. My responsibility."

Which one? Diya glances towards Dani, consideringly. "New girl, yes? Prissy, disrespectful. Too rich for own good." Diya answers. She knows Monet's name, yet chooses not to use it. She uses the names of those she respects. Right now, that does not include Monet St. Croix.

Moonstar has posed:
Dani blinks, "Oh, I heard about her. Haven't met her yet, really. Not sure I'm looking forward to it, but I kinda have to, since I'm one of the field captains." She hrms, "So if you don't mind my asking, what happened?"

Tendril has posed:
    There's a faintly startled and annoyed sound from just outside the kitchen in the cafeteria, as if someone has been rude enough to shoulder right past a couple students standing outside at speed (which she has) before the door thumps into a cafeteria worker carrying a carrier worth of clean dishes towards the front, sending him wobbling off balance before he catches himself as Lexi comes storming. "Sorry! Sorry...I'm sorry..." she says quickly as she looks around, the makes a beeline for Diya and Dani the moment she sees them, practically running up on them before she comes up short. She's actually panting slightly...so it must have actually been a REALLY long run from whereever she was.

    "Diya! You're okay? They told me there was a fight! Hi Dani!" she says, her eyes flicking up as she actually forgets for a moment the whole 'do not crowd Diya' thing she normally remembers. "They said she threw ya inta a wall?! They said she tore off yer shir they said, an' tried ta throw a sink at ya, an'..." Okay, now she's just running out of breath. Her hair is swirling a bit agitatedly behind her.

Okhotnik has posed:
Diya opens her mouth, about to explain when the disruption of Lexi's arrive transcends the moment. "Lex, go help that man stabilize his load, please. Then hold the doors for him." she offers, just as calmly as you please. She waits for the young woman to return, then, before she calmly explains, while measuring and cutting the cutouts into the board.

"She came in and was very abrupt, insulting. Did not care." Diya wouldn't, obviously. "Then she was insulting to the other workers. This I would not tolerate. I yanked her hair to get her head out of her posterior." In short: to get her attention.

"She decided to be more insulting, and tried to be impressive with fighting skills. I had to demonstrate for her slow mind that I was not impressed, and cared nothing for her social status or her fancy clothes." Diya explains, over the buzzing of the saw and drill as she is working.

"She is very strong. Very resistant to harm. Threatened to tear off my arm and beat me to death with it." The Russian soldier grins quite wickedly. "I wish she had been stupid enough to try." Yeah. Diya doesn't have any back down in her. Anywhere. Mercy has been complaining about that.

"I showed the child what a soldier can do, what she was not prepared to do." Yes. Diya made it worse. Much worse. "She did something in my head, then threw me into the wall." Diya shakes her head. "Apparently she gave me head full of what happen to her, and see what happen to me. Too shaken, after that. She go away." And Diya responsibly cleaned up the mess and started repairs, without even asking anyone.

Moonstar has posed:
Dani hrms, "Well, that's pretty rash of her to do. I mean, geez, especially since you're a guest here and stuff. You always be nice to guests!" Apparently Dani's picked up some hospitality traditions. Probably the whole honorary Asgardian thing.

Then Dani flickers a grin over towards Lexi, "Hey roomie. You doing okay? I was just out riding with Brightwind when I heard all the commotion."

Tendril has posed:
    It's a sign of just how Lexi views Diya both consciously and subconsciously that she blinks like a kitten smacked with a hammer and is already backpedalling to help the server in question, then holding the door for him (if a bit impatiently), before she runs right back over. "I was doin' fine until I heard Miss Bitchytits was attackin' Diya." she answers Dani. Oh, there's a positive growl her voice, her lips pulling back slightly to show small canines. "I should throw HER through a wall, see how she likes it..." If she had a tail, it'd be flicking angrily behind her at the moment.

Okhotnik has posed:
"Lex, behave." Diya offers, softly spoken. "I appreciate the feeling. And I do not like the woman. But I do not want you starting a fight with her." Diya reaches over to lay a hand on the girl's shoulder, looking her in the eyes for a moment, before she lets go and goes back to her work. She can talk and work at the same time. It's a talent.

"I felt it was inappropriate. But Mizz Grey was busy. I thought I should fix the kitchen, and wait until she has time to see me." Diya explains. "I take half of the responsibility for this. But there are certain kinds of behavior I will not tolerate, from anyone. Willfully disrespecting those who work and serve, when they have done nothing wrong, is one of them."

Diya glances at the still-agitated Tendril. "Would you be willing to stay a bit, and help Dani and I finish these repairs, so they have time to settle before breaking fast in the morning?"

Moonstar has posed:
Dani nods, "Yeah, I'll talk to Mz. Grey, and I'm going to have a few words with this person too." She doesn't sound terribly enthused about that, as she works on helping Diya with the repairs, giving her a nod, "That's right. We should all be ready to pitch in when it's necessary. Frankly, she should be down here helping too."

Okhotnik has posed:
Diya mutters, "She might chip a nail. That would be the end of her."

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi snorts. "Like she'd listen. She's a complete bitch. She started rippin' on Tabby an' me the moment we met her, on her clothes, on how I talk..." she rumbles. Ooooh, she knows who she's going to program as her opponent in her next training session, if nothing else.

    She frowns, then steps over to Diya. "...what d'ya need me ta do?" she says, looking at the damaged wall uncertainly, then smirks. "I don't care if I chip a nail..."

Okhotnik has posed:
"I would prefer to speak with Mizz Grey myself, please. I owe her that much, as she has extended guest rite to me, here." Diya offers to Dani, respectfully. She gestures for the Amerindian woman to hold down the board while she applies a sander to each end.

"Lex, hold this up, this end up, right in that space, please. We need to thread these pipes through the cutouts." Diya directs. "I am sorry that she was unkind to you and your Tabitha. That was uncalled for."

Diya does not violate Monet's privacy, but she does mention, "The girl has psychological issues. Deeply seated ones. They prevent her from trusting others, right now, and she is busily pushing away anyone who might try to get close."

Moonstar has posed:
Dani holds on the board, and looks at Diya and Lexi, "So, yeah, there's a reason she's acting like the way she is, Lexi. Even if it's frustrating, we gotta give her some space. But still, throwing other people around isn't exactly acceptable. I'll have some words with her." Really, Dani's pretty understanding about that stuff... but then again, she /is/ an empath, at least with animals.

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi narrows her eyes, but extends two of her tendrils from her back to hold the piece in place. Mostly so she can fold her arms stubbornly. "She'll just tell ya off for -darin'- to pretend you might have a point of view. An' her problem looks ta me more like she doesn't give a damn for anyone but herself. Not trustin' others doesn't mean she needs ta run 'em down the moment she meets 'em."

Okhotnik has posed:
"I not say she right, do this." Diya offers, as she gets Dani to help her feeding pipes through the cutouts and getting things lined up, stable and secure. "I only say she has reason. She afraid." Diya looks up at the other two. "I understand her fear. She needs get past it. As I do." Diya murmurs that last very quietly, but it's there, and then she's drilling the screws into place to secure the board. "The best way to help her learn is to show her what real leadership means. And maybe wash her mouth out with lye when she cannot be polite."

Moonstar has posed:
Dani chuckles, "Not sure if we have any lye around here, but I'm gonna have some words with her. Maybe have Yana do it too, she might respect her more than me, since I'm just the poor kid from the Rez." She smiles wryly, following Diya's instructions for helping out, and looks over at Lexi, "If she's hurting, punching her back isn't gonna heal her, Lexi. It'll just make us feel better short term. Not gonna work for the long haul."

Tendril has posed:
    "I can -find- some." Lexi promises, a bit balefully. "Maybe she should go talk ta Miss Grey then if she's got stuff ta work out. Or the Headmaster." She frowns at Dani. "Oh, I'll feel better, but maybe she'll get th' clue that you don't get ta spout off ta people like that an' not get a reaction that ya ain't gonna like." She tilts her head. "...I dunno if it'd be good if her an' Yana met...cuz Yana would probably want to deck her but she's gotta behave even if 'Money' rips on her." Oh, she's got a nickname for her already too. This bodes.

Okhotnik has posed:
"The lye doesn't require punching her hard enough for her hard skin to feel it. Or me using knives on her eyes." Diya murmurs darkly, as they continue working. "Thank you." she offers Dani, and Lexi, for their help. Then she starts rethreading the pipe fittings and readies for a pressure test. "She has to learn all of those things, Lex. But she has to learn to let her guard down, first. And attacking her won't do that. It may help to get her attention, but it will also make her that much harder to listen."

Moonstar has posed:
Dani nods, "Exactly. You aren't going to get her by opening up with punching her, or even using lye." She glances between the two of you, "It's frustrating, I know, but she's going to have to learn how to deal with these things. Hopefully without any more holes in the walls."

Tendril has posed:
    There's a disgruntled 'hmmph' from the mauve-skinned girl as she shifts her tendrils as needed to help keep things positioned for Diya. "Frustratin' ain't th' word I'm thinkin' of..." she mutters. "...fine, I'm not gonna punch her or somethin', but if all I'm gettin' is bitchitude, I'm not gonna try hard until she shows she's gonna at least try back."

Okhotnik has posed:
"Thank you, Lex." Diya offers, softly. She continues to gently direct the three of them as the plumbing is secured, and then pressure tested for leaks. Then she releases the safety shut-off valve and waits for any signs of condensation issues, while preparing the pieces of drywall and the securing mounts for the sink. "I would prefer we minimize the holes in Mizz Grey's walls."

Moonstar has posed:
Dani nods, "Probably the best thing, yes." She looks wryly at Diya, "I don't want to give Brightwind direct access to the sugar cubes in the kitchen." She winks at Lexi, "But yeah, I haven't really dealt with her yet, so I might have a chance to get through a little bit. But it's probably going to be slow going, from the sounds of it."

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi hmmphs again, pulling back the tendrils growing from her back, but leaving them out in case she needs them to help more with the patching. Her arms are still folded however. "I met people like her. Rich bitches who look down on everyone who doesn't got a Porche an' a black Mastercard." she mutters. "An' I was gonna give her a chance...and she's just...ooh." She stamps her foot slightly.

Deadzone has posed:
COming from out of the french doors of the kitchen, Ms. O'Neal nods politely to the girls. She stops and notices the work and archs a brow as her arms fold over her chest. High heels, black dress with a wiggle skirt, her long black hair done up in an up-do; Tatum looks like a more modernly styled Morticia Addams. "Do I dare ask what we are up to?"

Okhotnik has posed:
"Repairs, Miss." Diya offers, politely enough, in that razor-edged Russian accent of hers, as she gets the sheet of drywall in place and marks the edge for the cutting. "A problem earlier. Have everything fixed before breaking fast." Diya doesn't even think to introduce herself, so busy is she with the next steps in what is needed for the project. Oops. So many Russians around this place, it may be hard to figure out which one she might be. Though maybe her greater age and lack of blue hair will be clues?

Moonstar has posed:
Dani smiles over at Tatum, "Hey Ms. O'Neal! Yeah, just a little bit of damage, nothing too serious... well, for this school, anyway." She shrugs a little bit, "Everything going okay? Looks like you got something planned with Dr. McCoy..." She gets a bit of an impish look.

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi, at least, is diverted from her train of thought by Tatum's arrival as she lowers her arms to her hips, pulling her tendrils back in. "Hi Miss O'Neal." she echoes Dani. She tilts her head a bit at that, not knowing a whole lot about the pair...well, other than she's with Mr. McCoy. So she leans back against the wall, frowning to herself still.

Deadzone has posed:
Chuckling over Dani's comment about the damage being nothing serious for the school, Ms. O'Neal nods her head. "It's true. That's just a mosquito bite for this school. I'm glad to see you girls are working on repairs." She looks over at Diya, not recognizing her. "Hrm?" she says, distracted as she tries to think of who Diya might be. "Oh.. this? Yes, it just came in the mail. I know I usually sew my own clothes, but this was just too nice to pass up. So, my class today is going to be about accessorizing and how one can make the same dress be dressed up or down as one likes. If it was for Dr. McCoy, it would be blue."

Okhotnik has posed:
Diya eyes the new woman curiously, but does not seem terribly motivated to introduce herself. She does nod towards her, however, as she continues the work. Unlike the other two, she is no teenager; a well-worn young woman in her mid-twenties, she carries the weight of a long, hard life on her shoulders, and a predator within her breast. "Pardon. You have. Class. About ... accessories with dress?" she offers in that razor-edged Russian accent. Incredulity abounds.

Moonstar has posed:
Dani nods towards Diya, "Oh yeah, she does." She then goes a bit quiet, letting Diya and Tatum talk as she looks at Lexi, giving her a 'come over here and help' glance so the other two can talk a bit.

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi frowns a little uncertainly at Dani, before she seems to get it and pushes off from the wall to walk over to join her.

Deadzone has posed:
Still Tatum is looking over Diya. Too old to be a student, so that would mean a guest. There are a few at the school currently, but she's met most of them. Except for the tiger that has been in the woods. So, with a little deduction, she figures out who Diya most likely is. "Yes, I teach home economics. Sewing and cooking, budgetting and gardening. The basics of how to live on ones own. With my sewing class, I'm going to show them how one can mix and match clothing to make a full wardrobe out of only 10 articles of clothing, changing them with accessories to fit different styles of what one needs."

Okhotnik has posed:
The Russian soldier, dressed in the remnants of an Army surplus attire, olive drab shorts and a desert tan bra, shrugs her well-muscled shoulders. "Da. I see. Zo, nawt fashion, so much as life skeels." Yeah, her accent is getting stronger. She looks over the woman, and then turns her head, sneezing, arm thrown around her face to put her sneeze into her elbow. "These good skills. I learn in army." Along with a lot less friendly things.

Moonstar has posed:
Dani says very softly to Lexi, "Um, you know, I don't think we ever got her name. Or well, I didn't get it. Did you get it?" She looks at Lexi with a wry expression, "Otherwise I'd introduce her."

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi gets a slightly confused expression. "Miss O'Neal? I think her first name is Tatum..."

Moonstar has posed:
Dani makes a face, "I meant /tigger/ you goof!" She gives Lexi a wry look, "Seriously roomie."

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi ohs! "Um, don't call her that. She really doesn't like that. Um..." There's that moment where she seriously considers telling her her pet name for the woman...because she likes tweaking her with it (and it took forever for Diya to actually tell her her real name) but decides to play it straight. "Diya."

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum nods her head to the Russian visitor. "Exactly. Life skills." She listens and looks like she is thinking. "You know... you might be the closest to the combat training I had. Perhaps you and I should spar sometime?" She glances over to the students with an arch of a brow. "And what are you two whispering to yourselves over there?"

Okhotnik has posed:
"They are discussing my names." Diya offers, glancing over her shoulder at both girls a tad balefully, then sighs. "I would be happy to spar, if safe. I ... I am much stronger, now. Much faster. We should be careful." she offers honestly. "Excuse, please. I will be back. Need the putty supplies. You two, get those screws seated properly, please." And then Diya ambles off and out the door towards the garage.

Moonstar has posed:
Dani blushes a bit, "Well, I thought Lexi knew Diya's name, since I didn't yet, really. We weren't really introduced before." She looks pretty sheepishly at Tatum, "So... um, yeah, introductions?"

Tendril has posed:
    "Well, I DO know her name...but she likes Okhotnik mostly." Lexi clarifies, then nods to Diya. "Okay!" She walks over to take a look at the screws, a tendril sprouting and extending to wind around a screwdriver as she starts to fiddle with it. "...she won't let me use pet names." she murmurs.

Deadzone has posed:
And now Tatum knows the name of the stranger as well. And her other name as well. "Okhotnik? Hrmmm, I wonder if that means Partisan in a different language." The goth teacher's eyes follow the form of the new face, pondering something in her mind. She puts those thoughts aside then and focusses on the girls. "It's best to use pet names in private. They can be embarrassing. Some people like to have a veneer of respectability."

Moonstar has posed:
Dani shrugs a little, "Well, that's why I asked, I mean, I honestly didn't know. We normally... well, I've not really seen her except when she was a tiger. This is the first time I saw her as a person, really." Well, not counting that time Jean met her, of course.

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi grins a bit. "Oh, I do, usually. She just....really, really doesn't like tigger. Or tiger. Or..bein' reminded of that part of her at all." she says, more soberly. "She's kinda got a thing about that part of her right now...I'm hopin' she gets over..." She pauses, then shakes her head. "No, not gets over it, but...can accept that side 'a her." She shrugs a bit. "But Okhotnik is how she usually likes bein' called, an' Diya if she's more comfy with you, maybe? She took forever to tell me her actual name when I first met her."

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum walks over to the girls. "It sounds to me like Okhotnik is new to her powers. When your powers come to you later in your teens or even adulthood, it's harder. We have just started figuring out what our life is going to look like and then it all gets changed. It's easier when you're younger. Everything is all still crazy and uncertain, it's just yet another uncertainty. Give her some time. It took me over a year to get used to my powers and stop hating myself and other mutants. It will come in time, faster with the support of good friends like you girls are being."

Moonstar has posed:
Dani hrms a bit, "Well, yeah, she's... definitely still trying to get used to it. I was able to communicate with her pretty well in her tiger form. It was a lot like the bond I have with Rahne, but a little different." Insert joke about cats and dogs here.

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi ohs at Tatum. "Um, well...she's..not a mutant, actually." She rubs her neck. "...she's kind of a weretiger. But didn't know that until recently, she just had blackouts an' stuff. She came here ta keep an eye on me an' Miss Grey ended up lettin her stay here so she could deal with stuff an' be safe and fed an' stuff...cuz she was on the streets an' junk." She smiles. "Her tiger is real nice, generally."

Deadzone has posed:
"That's good, Dani. That will help to remind her that even in her animal form that she is connected to others. I have to say, the parallels between her and the woman that trained me on my world are uncanny. If she dies and comes back to life in a different body, we'll know it's the same spirit in this world as the one from mine." She tilts her head slightly as Lexi explains. "Mutant, magic, curse. It's all the same, really. It doesn't matter how you get your powers. You have them and have to deal with them and how they affect your life." She smiles then when she hears about the tiger being nice.

Moonstar has posed:
Dani nods, "Yeah, well, I can't really talk since I'm pretty much a chooser of the slain in battle and all that, now." She grins a little, then shrugs, "Anyway, gotta get back to work on some of the tactical stuff Mister Summers wanted me to do. Will see you later Lexi, Ms. O'Neal!" She waves to other two, then scoots into the Mansion.