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Latest revision as of 15:48, 30 October 2017

Eating Chinese Food Part 1
Date of Scene: 13 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: X-Man, Jubilee, Siryn

X-Man has posed:
Oddly enough, most of Manhattan seem to have a cloudy day, and there might be a little bit of rain toady. Nate doesn't seem to be worried about the rain, in fact, before the clouds rolled in he actually started to get a bit of a nose bleed, and a little bit of a headache. However, most of that has seemed to pass, and he grins as he looks over at Jubilee.

"Hey, don't worry about it. Clouds should be here for for a bit, I'm thinkin', and I"ve got some ideas on other tricks..." His smile broadens, adding "...thanks for comin' out with me. I haven't had a chance to wander around the city much, and I want to see what else is different..."

His eyes take in the few people willing to brave the potential storm near the park, and running between the various food offerings. "Uhm, but honestly, I've never had Chinese food before... so... I guess I'll just try a bit of everything." and knowing Nate's appetite, he's not lying.

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee grins and nudges Nate. "It'll be fine. Plus, you kinda have an inside track on what's good in Chinese." She winks and begins pointing out various dishes on the menu and describing ones she thinks he'll like. Expecting, of course, that he will order them all rather than choosing between them. "It's...really nice to be out of the cabin, actually...thank you, so much."

Siryn has posed:
She's only been back in the city a couple of hours. Theresa is still dressed for traveling in a pair of sturdy denim dungarees, walking shoes, and a moss-green cardigan over a striped top, but she travels light -- a simple backpack slung over one shoulder. She's got her head on a swivel as she makes her way down the street, perhaps seeking out familiar local places .. or perhaps just a tourist. Just as she slips into the restaurant, though, the clouds let loose with a bi of sprinkling that dusts her red-gold hair with droplets.

X-Man has posed:
"Yeah, you can say that my experience so far has been outstanding..." Nate replies with a smile, a small glimmer constantly coming from his left eye. It's not super obvious, but it does have the effect of causing his normally blue eye to look more golden in color. "Right, so mongolian beef, general tso chicken, and kung pao chicken..." Nate replies, "...and then whatever you want!"

His mental ping registers an anomaly, someone here that he knows, and would never thought to have felt again. He stops dead in his tracks, spinning in place trying to locate where she is... "No, can't be.." Nate says at first, his brow furrowed, and his eye glowing a bit brighter now as he actively scans the entire block. Eventually his eyes will fall on Theresa, and his confusion deepens, "Terry?" and a boiling rush of emotions can be seen (or felt for some) from the young man. He looks to Jubile, and asks in a strained voice, "Uhm, you don't happen to know her do you?" nodding his head in Theresa's direction.

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee is smiling, an actual, genuine smile for the first time in awhile. "Me? Uh.." She almost laughs, looking a little flustered. "I'm just...here to introduce you to Chinese food, remember?" And then as someone walks in behind her, she becomes keenly aware of a shift in Nate's emotions, and stormy grey eyes go wide. She turns quickly, when he asks, and nods emphatically. "I remember her from school, she was a few classes behind me." She waves enthusiastically at Terry. "Long time no see, Stranger."

Siryn has posed:
Theresa's not exactly listening clear down the block -- her ability doesn't quite work that way. But she's barely steps behing them in this case and stops short just inside the restaurant's door. Confusion furrows her brow when the young man's eyes fall on her and he knows her name. She searches her mental database for whether he's one of the kids she knew on the streets or what... Crystal blue eyes flicker to his companion, and recognition strikes. "Six degrees of separation my fat fanny," she murmurs under her breath. She's clearly just as startled at the meeting as the young man whose name she cannot figure out.

"Aye, a couple of years, give 'r take," Terry replies with a faint smile. "An' what brings th' likes of ye clear int' Chinatown on a fetid day like this? Are ye back up t' th' school, Jubilee?" Although she's meeting Jubilee's eyes easily, it's the boy who keeps drawing her gaze -- if only for the look of shock he's wearing. "Do I know ye, lad? Please tell me I dinnae ... " She trails off on that, whatever she might have said bitten back before she can blurt it out.

X-Man has posed:
Nate bites the inside of his lip, and nods slowly to Jubilee as she waves Theresa over. He closes his eyes, takes a few calming breathes, and then nods his head. "Right. Not my world, not my world..." he whispers a few times under his breath, almost like a mantra. The light in his eye dies down slightly, less obvious like before, and he takes Jubilee's hand. "Ok."

He slowly starts to smooth over the look of shock, and a half-grin makes it's way onto his face, "Eh, probably not..." He starts, scratching the back of his head in an obviously nervous gesture, and then says "...it's a looong story, you remind me of someone that I knew before I came here." His eyes drift to Jubilee for a second, before looking back to Terry, and he offers his hand to her, "Nate, Nate Grey."

Jubilee has posed:
Trying to make sense of the rush of emotion from Nate, Jubilee finally decides not to probe the connection, but rather talk to him later about it. It is clear that he knows her from...well, elsewhere. "I was teaching up there till fairly recently," She tells Terry. "Not at the moment, though. How have you been? I haven't seen you since...well seems like ages! Are you doing all right?"

Siryn has posed:
//Not his world?// One of Terry's brows quirks upward. "Grey." Her tone is ... drolly amused is perhaps the best description. Given the world that X-peoples inhabit? It's not even the weirdest thing she's heard this month. She moves slowly to put her hand into the proffered one. "I'm goin' t' assume yer some relation," she informs him mildly, shaking his hand with a firm grip. "Aye, I'm doin' just fine, lass. Managed t' stay outta jail and even get a degree when they shipped me off tha' last time." Her tone still holds that same easy amusement that appeared at Nate's name. She turns her blue eyes to Jubilee. "Ye plannin' on leavin' t' teach elsewhere, then?"

X-Man has posed:
Nate's confusion grows even more when she makes a comment about relation. "Uhm, related to who?" Clearly he is not joking, and has no idea who Terry is talking about. When she shakes his hand there's a flash, someone's memory, that the three of them see. Someone that looks like a teenage version of Terry, cowering away from some malformed human cyborg about to stab her with an energy lance of some kind, and then it literally explodes from the inside. A hand reaches down, and Nate's voice can be heard "Come on, let's get out of here before any more show up..." and just as quickly the memorie disappears

Nate quickly let's, and his face REDDENS, and he mumbles "Sorry... I need some practice..." He coughs once, and immediately adds "So, yeah, What did you get your....degree...in..?" He starts slowly, and the small glow in his eye gets a bit brighter.

His eyes narrow, as he glances between Jubilee and Theresa, "So... you both /were/ at Xavier's?" his not so subtle question lingering in the air as his own thoughts, and emotions seem to turn a bit darker... somehow reflected in the sky above.

Jubilee has posed:
In utter confusion, Jubilee at first finds herself speechless. The darkened emotion has given her pause, as she feels she has somehow angered Nate. "I...we were students. I graduated, and b-became a teacher..." she stammers sheepishly.

Siryn has posed:
The memory flash -- not her own -- confirms that suspicion just fine. Terry pulls in a sharp breath. Cyborgs? Explosions? The memory of her hand in his. The redhead looks down, blowing out that breath very slowly. When she withdraws her hand, it is a gentle movement - not a rejection of the young man, simply a normal movement to slip her hand from his. She gives his hand a brief squeeze as she withdraws, murmuring, "Oh yer definitely a relation. Rein it in a bit, boyo, lest ye cause a problem." Those blue eyes have a wealth of laughter flickering in them. She glances around the restaurant and adds, "Perhaps a table is in order, aye?" Gesturing just a bit to get all of them moving to sit, Theresa seems to have the poise to carry off the appearance that nothing happened just then.

Once they're all seated, Theresa grins at Jubilee. "Right, then... that's an entertainin' welcome home, if I do say so m'self. I thought ye were enjoyin' teachin' at th' school, Jubilee. I wound up with a degree in Art History -- just landed a job here as an intern at an auction house. I figure 'tis been long enough tha' there's no one lookin' for me anymore over a mere robbery, so..." She shrugs a little. "I came back."

X-Man has posed:
Nate takes a few deep breaths, the light dying down for the third time, and the clouds over head roiling a bit less. "Yeah, you're right. I let it get away from me when I'm not focused." Slowly the darkened features show a real smile, maybe the first, "It's really good to meet you, Terry.." He pauses, and adds "Or Theresa?" a little uncertainty showing again. He wraps an around around Jubilee's shoulder, "Come on, it's ok..." and follows Terry inside.

At the table, he asks, "Are you talkin' 'bout this Cable guy? I've been told he and I are the same, but from what I've... er.. learned, we definitely don't see the world the same." He seems a bit defensive about that, but is willing to shrug it off. "I mean, people always come first in my mind. That's what we should be doing, anyways." He looks over to Jubilee, starting "Jubes /used/ to love teaching there..." Shakes his head, stopping "Sorry, it's for Jubilee to talk 'bout.." smiling at her, and adding sincerely, "Sorry."

Once the waiter comes up, Nate looks over to the two of you, "Ladies first!" Once they are done ordering, he will, in fact, order three meals of his own...

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee looks to Nate with a relieved expression, as he talks with Terry. "I just think," she begins a little hesitantly, "that my life is headed in a little different direction, now. A lot's changed..." With the waiter's arrival, she orders a duplicate of one of the plates that Nate mentioned. And a cherry lemonade. She looks at the other two expectantly and hopes that's the end of her "Why I Left Xavier's" dissertation. .

Siryn has posed:
There's a moment where Terry looks disoriented by something. And she unconsciously reaches out and briefly touches Nate's arm in a gesture of... forgiveness? Comfort? But her attention is on Jubilee when she speaks of the school. "Aye, I can understand different directions," she agrees easily. After she orders her lunch, she seems to be picking through the questions that have already been asked of her. "Terry is fine, Theresa... they're both m'name," she tells Nate with a smile. "If ye need a way t' differentiate, let me know -- ye can call me Tessa. 'Tis what I went by on th' streets fer a time." She looks between them. "I'm gettin' the impression tha' goin' home isn' likely t' be any simpler now than it was two years ago, is it?" she asks quietly.

X-Man has posed:
Nate reaches over, and squeezes Jubilee's hand in a comforting gesture. "Yep, new horizons, and bigger skies. Right?" he adds with a smile. Despite the earlier flashes of anger, he seems to be slowly coming around to a better mood, and the company is playing a huge part of that. The gesture is well received from Terry, and his smile widens a bit more. "Nah, Terry is good. Good memories of a bad place are always welcome..."

When the food arrives, let's just say all bad moods have been forgotten, and the food he puts away is... terrifying... Luckily he does have manners, and it isn't pieces of chicken flying everywhere.

"Dunno, I haven't met any body there yet... I was hoping to find Magneto, there, but Jubilee told me that isn't the case." He shrugs one shoulder, "So, not sure there's much of a reason now... I mean, if Magneto isn't there, I'm not sure I'd want to talk to the X-men... " After a moment's pause, he swallows, and says in a smaller voice, "I would like to find Forge though. I mean, he won't recognize me... but I'd like that."

Jubilee has posed:
"The X-Men....they're still good people, Nate. I still fight with them. For them. Sometimes." Might be against their better judgment, but at least Logan has remained faithfully by her side. These thoughts flit through her head as she composes herself with a little smile. "I still think meeting them would do you some good...although I don't know who Forge is....yet. I'll help you look."

Siryn has posed:
Theresa listens. The arrival of the food brings a moment of interruption that allows her to consider what she's hearing. And she nods thoughtfully. The young man has a problem with the X-Men... heh. Some days, she does too. "I'm headin' up tha' way t' settle in for a bit -- until I can save up enough t' rent an apartment down here. Given yer relations..." She looks between them. "If ye haven' been up there t' at least meet th' people yer blood related to, then I dinnae think yer doin' yerself a favor. We're all just people. Wi' all th' good and bad that come wi' it. But Jean an' Logan an' the others have always tried t' be good t' me. An' I'm definitely not th' poster child fer 'Good Kid.'" She shrugs, laying her phone on the table. "I'd love t' keep in touch wi' both of ye, now tha' I'm back in town. If ye want t' exchange numbers, o' course."

X-Man has posed:
There is an obvious dubious look from Nate as Jubilee explains why he should meet them. He pushes the third finished meal away, saying "I know, and I will because you say it's a good idea. Honestly, even if I end up not gettin' along with them, I'd still do everything I can to protect them, but that doesn't mean I have to like how they do things. I'd never turn my back on anyone that needs help..." He smothers a burp with his hand, "Eh, sorry..." and finishes, "...but I at least reserve my thought on whether it's a good idea for me to stay with them or not."

He quirks his head to the side, again confused, "Cable? Last I heard from Domino was that he had just disappeared... I mean, if he's up there I'm sure she'd like to know.." His face reddens a little, "...uhm, and have some choice words for him." A little uncomfortable laughter as he quickly changes subjects. "Oh right, Uhm, I don't have a phone, but as long as ya don't mind.." he taps his head, "...I can find where you are, but I promise I won't do more than locate you. Same for you, I'm getting really good on knowing when people I'm familiar with are looking for me... kind of a weird, sixth sense..." He looks at the phone, adding, "I need to find a way to get money, I guess. Everyone seems to use these things 'round here."

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee offers her number to Terry, adding, "Just in case...whether you need Nate or myself...or both." She doesn't share her particular powers in regard to that same sense because quite honestly, she didn't have it when Terry knew her. Besides, with her psychic shield, it might not work anyway. "I think they'd take you in with open arms, Terry. Truly."

Siryn has posed:
Terry smiles, an easy grin that dimples her cheeks. "Ach, I never doubt *tha'* part... 'tis th' fact tha' I can never seem t' KEEP outta trouble after I get there tha' seems t' be th' problem." She winks at Jubilee. She does exchange those numbers, though, and she tilts her head to study Nate for a long moment. "Aye. I've no issues wi' ye using yer talents t' find me... or t' hear me. Like as not, if I'm screamin' tha' loud, even silently, 'tis because I'm in a wee spot of trouble tha' could use spare hands." Understatement much? Probably she's in a wee spot of trouble that requires stuff like Thor's HAMMER to get her out of. But hey! Why scare them when we're all just re-meeting and stuff??

Terry retrieves her phone and shrugs slightly. "There's always drama. We're a huge dysfunctional family unit - there's *always* drama," she notes. "But 'tis family. An'... well, if yer a Grey, th' drama is usually at least trebled." Those dimples peep out again.

X-Man has posed:
"What does that mean? Being a Grey?" Nate asks, leaning forward on the table, his eyes showing a bit of excitement. "So, some point I can give you all the gory details, but for now I'll do the short description. Born and Raised in mutant slave pens. Escaped, met with a small group of mutant freedom fighters protecting Humans and Mutants from a tyrant called Apocalypse..." yeah, short description is an understatement, "...but I've never known any parents. Forge did the best he could, but I didn't listen half as much as I should..." There's an eagerness in his eyes now, "...are you saying there might be someone I'm related to up there?"