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Latest revision as of 15:50, 30 October 2017

Eating Chinese Food Part 2
Date of Scene: 13 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: X-Man, Jubilee, Siryn

X-Man has posed:
"What does that mean? Being a Grey?" Nate asks, leaning forward on the table, his eyes showing a bit of excitement. "So, some point I can give you all the gory details, but for now I'll do the short description. Born and Raised in mutant slave pens. Escaped, met with a small group of mutant freedom fighters protecting Humans and Mutants from a tyrant called Apocalypse..." yeah, short description is an understatement, "...but I've never known any parents. Forge did the best he could, but I didn't listen half as much as I should..." There's an eagerness in his eyes now, "...are you saying there might be someone I'm related to up there?"

Jubilee has posed:
There are clearly details here that haven't been divulged to Jubilee before, and her brow furrows. "It all sounds...so horrible, Nate." Jubilee shakes her head, and she lifts her cherry lemonade to her lips. Just a sip. Just enough for the taste. To wet her mouth. "If Forge is here, we'll find him..."

Siryn has posed:
There's a moment here of shock... because Nate has mentioned Cable and Domino earlier. And now the whole horror of what he's lived is laid out in a few stark words in capable of truly conveying all that he must have seen and experienced. Theresa blinks, cutting her eyes sideways to Jubilee. She just-- Right. Now that she's stepped in the sheep patty, guess she should continue right on shoveling. "Uhm... Well, lad... one of th' current principals at th' school... is Jean Grey. I guess I just assumed tha' ye were related. What wi' th' telepathy an' th' last name Grey." Terry's tone is a little hesitant. "An' honestly... if yer lookin' for someone, they're probably th' best suited t' find anyone ye need."

There's a pause. "Nate... how long have ye BEEN on this world?" Because seriously... that's NOT the weirdest question Terry's ever asked someone!

X-Man has posed:
"Jean..." Nate tastes the name for a moment, and he considers for a moment does the name sound familiar. It might be a bit disturbing the ease in which he describes having literally been born in slave pens, and continues to roll right past it. "Maybe, the name sounds a little familiar, but doesn't ring any bells like others..." A small grin sent Terry's way, he looks between her and Jubilee "...ok, maybe it is a good idea to go see these folks."

"Before I killed Sinister, he told me I needed to fulfill my destiny to kill Apocalypse, and he teased me about knowing who my parents were... but he never said." He's smile sours slightly, "I mean, no matter it's not this world, but it's a start." He comes back to himself, looking at Terry after her question, "Eh, only a couple weeks. Madelyne first found me when I landed in Switzerland, and she took me to meet someone called Doom."

Siryn has posed:
Right, then. Theresa feels she's really put her foot in something far bigger than she's exactly capable of dealing with at this moment. She JUST got off a plane, accidentally meets up with a cute boyo hanging out with Jubilee, and she hasn't even called her Da to let him know she's landed yet. Not that she figures he gives a damn. But there are people who MIGHT care some. "So.... if ye want t' give me a day or so t' get m' feet under me at th' school... ye could come up and visit me. And then perhaps it won't be ... quite so awkward?" Right. As if. "I .. wouldn' mind th' opportunity t' get t' know ye a little better." Because the flashes she's gotten off him so far have hinted at a friendship... a real one. And the pang of loneliness that pierces her as she realizes just how alone he must be feeling is gut-wrenching. She knows that feeling all too well.

X-Man has posed:
Nodding his head, as his eyes are intently on Terry's, Nate says "Yeah, that sounds great. Any help you can give I'd really appreciate." He gives another of his half-grins, adding "I'm sure it'll be awkward no matter what. I mean, let's be honest, I'm no one's kid here..." His doing a decent job of covering, but the last comment hit close to home, "...it is what it is. I'm not the first orphan from the pens, but given what's happened I should be the last..."

He takes a deep breath, settling back a bit, and his left eye flashes gold brightly for a moment, and almost all the people in the restaurant move away from them as if they have somewhere better to be. "I'd really like to get to know you too, Terry..." He grins a little, "...seems like some things are the same in both worlds. You always worried about... others..." A small blush, but he continues "I'll be honest, though, my World is a place that makes this World look like Heaven."

Siryn has posed:
It's the intent gaze that alerts her to the idea that she might have just given him the wrong idea. The blush just cements it. And Terry gets that thoughtful look on her face. He's an unusual mix of sweet, young, ancient, and experienced. "Aye, based on th' memory flash ye accidentally shared, I'd have t' say yer right, boyo," she agrees quietly. "Yer world... is not one I'd want t' see come t' pass." She pulls in a slow breath.

"Everyone is someone's kid," she tells him, toying with her food for a moment. "'Tis just a matter of whether both of ye own it. Family's complicated." She looks up at him. "I cannae promise ye anything when it comes t' being a Grey -- if ye ARE related t' Jean, well... ye'll just have t' figure it out as ye go. I dunno what happened in th' past two years, but ye've got a friend up there if ye need anything." She does dimple a bit at him now, though. "And dinnae think tha' just because ye got a sob story tha' I'm gonna take it easy on ye. Bein' friends wi' me is no picnic sometimes."

X-Man has posed:
"Oh.." Nate says, remembering the shared memory, "...so, the way I met.." He considers how to put it, "...the Terry I knew from my world. Her caravan was being attacked by Apocalypses Infinites, mostly Cyborg elite soldiers, used to hunt down Mutants in the Bad Lands. Forge, and the rest of us came across the attack. We weren't able to save everyone..." Nate frowns deeply, obviously taking the deaths personally, "...but we were able to kill the Infinites before they could escape." His grin broadens, "...actually, Sonique, that's what she would eventually call herself, didn't know she had powers until that day. One was sneaking up on me while I was helping a Human escape, and she blasted it.." cough "..and me, through a building, but saved my life."

Siryn has posed:
Terry laughs outright, she can't help it. "Aye, that'd be pretty much th' way this power works, even here. Although here I use Siryn..." She glances around at the restaurant, noting for the first time that people have given them wide berth. "I dinnae think we should talk too much about all tha' here, though, boyo. Never know what could bite ye in th' arse. Allow me t' say thank ye fer savin' m' life, though -- no matter where that was, it matters." And it gives her a firm foundation for the sense of him that she already has, the feeling of kinship that can only be coming off of him. "Tell ye what... why don't I leave ye two t' hang out a bit. I need t' drop off me luggage and let some people know I've landed, at least. Perhaps we can meet up again a bit later?"

X-Man has posed:
He grins a little, "I know and agree that we're all family to someone. I don't mean to sound harsh 'bout it. I've just learned that family doesn't mean blood, but the people who choose to be by your side no matter what." He's sincere as he adds, "If Jean wants to help me learn to control my powers that would be great, but I wouldn't hold her to anything. I'm not her responsibility..." Looking at the people he says, "Don't worry, they won't care..." He levitates a glass around the table, his eye flaring to life, "...but I've had this powers as long as I can remember, with my first memories in the slave pens..." He grins at her, "Yeah, let me or Jubes know whenever you want to chat."