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Latest revision as of 16:18, 30 October 2017

Heralds of Doom
Date of Scene: 15 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Magneto, Doctor Doom, Madelyne Pryor

Magneto has posed:
Visitors of lofty repute are welcomed as such in Genosha; it's simple respectful cordiality, if nothing else. A telepath of no insubstantial measure serves as the beacon for Doom's translocation across space, a fellow dressed in ornate armor of back and purple, at once archaic and impossibly modern-- an aesthetic not unlike the locale.

Said surrounds are a grand corridor of vaulted ceilings and massive columns, lined with stained glass which admits the sun in myriad colors and patterns, its walls lined with the heraldry of Genosha and Magneto's colors woven in rich tapestry. The Citadel towers over the rapidly rebuilt and modernized Hammer Bay, and Lensherr's visitors would find themselves among its upper levels, beckoned onward down the corridor. "Lord Magnus awaits you beyond the throne room." the dark-haired, austere-faced man of difficult to determine age incants, "The Imperator choses to speak with you both alone." A decision on which the herald makes no judgement.

The grandiose architecture of the place only amplifies in that throne chamber, thick walls evoking ancient fortresses yet at once sleek, contoured, almost alien-- a wonder wrought of the Master of Magnetism's own will and imagination. The throne of Genosha is a heavy thing of dark metal, a contoured slab on a pedastel composed of the fused and abundantly malformed, repurposed weaponry of the island's enslavers; something a tad symbolic, so they say.

'Beyond' is twin archways leading to an exterior balcony overlooking the sea, where Magneto sits patiently and sips fine wine, resplendent in mail of crimson, magenta, and black which shimmers subtly in the diminishing sun.

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doctor Doom, absolute sovereign of Latveria, arrives with his protege precisely on time, thanks to the wonders of teleportation. If there is any unease for traveling away from Latveria, he doesn't show it, as confidence just radiates from the man as he nods curtly towards the major domo. Thus, he walks onto the balcony, looking out over the sunset as it descends into the ocean, and the monarch nods slightly towards Magneto, "Good afternoon, Lord Magnus. Or would you prefer Magneto?" Doom sounds perfectly polite, his voice modulated slightly by the armor he wears... but not that much, as he sounds respectful of his host. One of the few that probably warrants it, no doubt.

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    Following beyond behind Doom is a younger woman, perhaps in her late teens and early twenties. Her usual crimson hair has been exchanged for a a swirling mass of curly blond, her eyes made blue by contacts. She's not sure why, exactly, she had to disguise herself, but she trusted her father, Mister Sinister, when he said it would be important to do if he was going to go with to meet Magneto. The effect at least softens her features a bit....enough that who she resembles may not be immediatley obvious.

    That said, she doesn't act quite like just an assistant, looking around boldly as she follows her master out onto the balcony, then turns her attention to Magneto curiously, looking him over.

Magneto has posed:
The vista is arrayed as if specifically for this audience, a trio of relaxing, finely cushioned metalwork chairs arrayed about a small table lined with refreshments. "Magneto, Doctor, is fine." That rare, old-world grace and politesse is mirrored in the Imperator of Genosha, "And who is your lovely companion?" The Master of Magnetism uses the overture of a winning smile to conceal keen study of Madelyne in turn.

There's something familiar about her beyond her face, but indeed... even her biokinetic signature is subtly remixed, at once familiar and difficult to place. "Please, have a seat, avail yourself of refreshment. Wine? Fruit?" The decanter moves to pour itself with assent to the former offer, into fine goblets.

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom gestures for his companion to seat herself first, as Doom holds her chair as a gentleman would, "Ah, yes, Magneto. This is my protege and student, Madelyne. She's quite skilled at what she does." He doesn't elaborate too much further than that, taking a seat himself after Madelyne is situated.

Doom smiles at the offer of refreshment, and says simply, "That would be quite agreeable, thank you. It is a delightful view that you have here. It makes me regret that Latveria is currently landlocked." He says currently because, well, borders //can// change...

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    Madelyne moves to do just that as she smiles at Doom briefly , then nods to Magneto. "Lord Magneto, a pleasure to meet you." she purrs quietly, settling back in her chair, reaching out to delicately take up one of the filled goblets, swirling the wine slightly as she inhales the scent, before she sips. "Mmm...an excellent vintage." she murmurs softly.

Magneto has posed:
It's a quiet artform, speaking words and sharing little. A fellow such as Doom would not travel here with the amateurish or unversed-- and so the explanation is merely observed as the default, for Erik's part. This draws a subtly, sly quirk to the Master of Magnetism's lips that shines more fully to life in his intent, naturally blue eyes.

Magneto raises his glass once theirs are filled and proposes a toast to which he'll readily drink, "Then welcome, the both of you. To a future of competent leadership and prodigious administration for this world, then."

His studious gaze passes over the indicated panorama as Magnus draws a deep, settling breath. "There are many places of impossible beauty and wonder on the Earth." He posits with some authority, "But I never tire of the view from this isle."

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom nods, "It is a beautiful view, Magneto. And it is competent leadership and prodigious administration of this world that I would speak of, today." He sips his wine, mmming slightly at the flavor, then he looks over at Magneto, "It is no secret that both your nation and mine are... distrusted, by the world at large. Pariah nations, because they fear what they do not understand." He mmms softly, looking at the setting sun, "It seems that there would be, benefits, to a compact between Genosha and Latveria."

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    Madelyne seems mildly fascinated by the vista, focusing on said panorama as her eyes sharpen, though she turns to raise her glass as Magneto offers the toast. "To competent, wise, and strong leadership." she murmurs softly, smiling faintly to herself. She quiets again as Doom begins to speak, her eyes flicking between the two men thoughfully as she listens. Politics is still something she's trying to get a handle on, after all. She tends to prefer much more...direct agreements.

Magneto has posed:
Magneto is quite amenable, in this instance, to allowing the purpose of the audience to unfold naturally. It's a curious thing, and the Master of Magnetism is wise enough to be intrigued indeed by, and perhaps theorize the motivations of a man like von Doom.

"Evolved humanity is mistrusted both in the manner mankind has always dealt in tribal bickering, and for the very real and tangible endpoint of a new order; a new world, as that evolution takes hold." It's a lot of exposition for relative agreement, and in keeping with Doom's theme, leaves certain key points unspoken.

"What do you see as the preiminent virtues of such accord, public and private, Doctor von Doom?" The Master of Magnetism's voice is serious, his tone weighty as he considers these words, eyes still subtly smiling inscrutably. Direct business is something of a speciality of his; but the world demands its leaders master some measure of political chicanery.

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom looks at Magneto with a smile, "I am not one of Homo sapiens superior, but only a fool would alienate those that would be such potent allies. And while I am many things, I am not a fool." He nods slightly, "In public, well, it would probably be best to keep things, how you say... low key. Because otherwise the other nations of the world might feel threatened. But the obvious benefits of trade and sharing of commerce come to mind. In private, well, the technological power of Latveria is not to be underestimated, nor is the genetic power of Genosha. Combining resources will allow us to achieve our mutual goals."

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    "If nothing else...we could assist you in bypassing your embargo." Madelyne murmurs. "And of course...if we were to make any other friends...they would likely be yours as well, in such an alliance." She sips daintly from her goblet, her eyes on Magneto. "You could improve your defenses, as well. Quietly. Until you were ready to reveal them.

Magneto has posed:
"Many abilities are concealed within the genetics of mankind that are not activated in adolescence by the x-gene." Magneto observes simply of nature and its usefulness to his cause.

"I could not agree more. I have little desire to pose Genosha as more threatening than it is seen due to my simple presence. Our workforce here is largely automated now; robotics and assembly lines." Things that benefit from Doom's expertise as surely as Magneto's. "More than that, you have mastery of mystic arts and together with my daughter, can make this isle secure on another level."

Something in Madelyne's addendum stirs Magnus' attention to her, wry amusement plain on his face, "The embargo is of little concern to me, as much tool as hindrance, and ineffectual at best. However-- Yes, you're right. I could." Quietly prepare, stronger than imagined.The vague whimsy undertones otherwise sincere agreement, "I do like the way you think." The sip of wine he takes in punctuation is, perhaps, just a bit self-congratulatory as well.

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom nods, "Indeed. The feeling is mutual, I assure you." He smiles and takes another drink of the wine, and nods, "And robotics, well, few are as advanced in the area of robotics as Latveria. Making your production even more efficient would not be a difficult task for our engineers, I believe."

At the mention of mystic arts, and Magneto's daughter, Doom smiles a bit wider, "I would be more than happy to lend you mystical aid as well, depending on what is required. And of course, Genosha's security would be Latveria's security, as my enemies would expect Doombots and automated defenses. Agents representing Homo sapiens superior would be something else entirely."

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    Madelyne positively perks at the mention of a mystical daughter, looking interested. She's heard of the Scarlet Witch...the idea of meeting her is...intriguing. Another woman roughly in a similar position to herself, perhaps. Or close enough to be a peer, at the least. "And the longer the alliance is kept in the shadows, the more we can successfully share information without it being obvious to outsiders. And knowledge is power...to be guarded well, in this instance." she murmurs.

Magneto has posed:
"None are better prepared for defense, or battle through metahuman means." Magneto asserts. It's perhaps an arguable point-- but the relative accuracy of such a claim lends its own kind of credence. "Combining these strengths, perhaps we can safeguard against... even the most chaotic of futures." He's an optimist, clearly.

The pact is toasted, and Madelyne again considered, "Or abundant secrecy draws abundant eyes." Erik retorts largely for the sake of wit. "I am surprised I have not met a mutant such as yourself, before." It's a curiousity for later delving, however. "You are, of course, both welcome to sanctuary and fine suites here when desired. I should hope to flesh this partnership out more fully in the weeks to come."

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom nods, "Of course, Magneto. I'm certain there's all sorts of minutae that we will have to sort out. Or delegate to our respective underlings. But we will be grateful to accept your hospitality while we work out these agreements." He smiles slightly as Magneto's attention goes towards Madelyne, "Well, Madelyne is a very special individual, indeed. But as you say, we can discuss such matters later. For now, well, a teleportation spell can be quite tiring, so I think I shall take advantage of your hospitality. Though we shall speak later, Magneto." He nods slightly, and rises towards his feet, extending his hand towards Madelyne.