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Latest revision as of 16:20, 30 October 2017

A Demon by Any Other Name
Date of Scene: 16 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Constantine, Crusader, Kaelyn Silverleaf

Constantine has posed:
     Night time in Bludhaven, and with the arrival of the House of Mystery comes its latest owner, John Constantine. Of course, the first order of business after the House makes its landing, would be to find a proper pub, or at least as close to one as John can find in the US. If he's honest, any place that would just serve alcohol is good enough for him.

  The Maltese Falcon Bar is a bit lively tonight, plenty of young people taking in the latest Brawlers game on the tele, some of them more rowdy than others. The trench coat wearing blond exorcist walks in, holding out two fingers. "Oi! Be a lad an' set us up with a double whiskey would ye?" He didn't care what the booze was as long as it was whiskey and decently proofed. A grizzled man behind the bar pours out the desired order as John lights up a Silk Cut, enjoying the draw, and exhaling like a dragon. "Much obliged, mate. Keep 'er open."

Crusader has posed:
Night time was a good a time as any to try and relax and prepare for things to come. At least that is one rather massive mans thought. Bjorn had traveled to Bludhaven because it was far from his home and his usual places. No one to bother him, nothing for him to bother with. Just perfect
    And with that he find himself entering the Bar - despite being heads over most people, he was a quiet man, best described as a modern day viking. Armored boots, leather bracers, tight fitting shirt and dirtied jeans. He was also, despite, his size and muscle mass, a clearly an older man, with his white hair & beard with a world worn air about him. Though exact age was hard to tell
    Lumbering to the bar he says quietly in a deep voice "Bjorn thirsty. Give im ermmm...a bottle o'anyving really. Bjorn nit call whit et iz" he tells the bar man. And a bottle of beer is simply given to him. He looks at John and gives him a friendly wave and smile "Hello friend!" before taking a gulp

Constantine has posed:
     Constantine had assumed this area was a bit attuned to the goings on of the supernatural, but well, he didn't think he would see someone of Bjorn's stature so soon. Once the behemoth walks in, John only starts drinking a bit more. "Cheers, mate."

  He offers with a long drag off his cigarette. "Oi, keep 'em comin!" A quick peer to the telex before John just gives a bit of a grimace. "Never understood what passes for football over 'ere." But, luckily there was a bit of a good row in favor of the Brawlers tonight. The lovely mix in the air of spirits, beer and smoke is a welcome scent, at least to the Hellblazer. Not too far from John's seat at the bar was there a couple, starting to get a bit...handsy, a lady in red, and what seemed to be a bloke a little worse for wear.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Sooo, for once, Kae's off from her shop! Or at least she's taking a break after having been super busy of late... The curvy green-eyed redhead wanders into the bar and pauses just inside.. "I don't oft get to get out at night." She mutters quietly... On her shoulder is Fanhuil, her pet construct, the little dragon is appears very lifelike, everything moving completely naturally, but with real close inspection he might see a bit off in some manors, maybe arcane or magically made, but definately no natural living creature. His scales appear to be made of a brass and nickle, randomly alternating to form a crazy pattern... The little bugger even has a pair of wings. His eyes are seemingly smooth amethysts and have a dull glow to them...

Kae blinks as she looks around and notices Bjorn... Kae then shrugs and makes her way toward him now, the curvy redhead all smiles before she finally asks "You finished rescuing discarded electronics?" she asks curiously, now standing at the bar with the other two at least.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn eyes the chairs all around...and opts to stay standing. Sitting is not something he does very often. He none the less takes another glug of his beer "Vee only sport vat makes sense iz the ball wif basket" Bjorn comments back "At least fer names." he gestures to the T.V "Dere nit even usink vere feet! How et even countz az the football is beyound Bjorn" he comments to John
    "Nay, Bjorn ate vem" he tells Kaelyn. if he was joking, Bjorn didn't make it known. He looks to the Dragon construct "...still vant ta take vat apart" he comments off handedly and with a crooked smile. But none the less gives a friendly laugh.
    But than he is glancing over to the lady in red and the rather...down on his luck man. He grunts with dissapproval and calls over to them "Ouse two kin go und git a room yer know!" for crying out loud, kissing and holding hands is one thing. Getting handsy is another.

Constantine has posed:
     "Well said, mate!" John offers, taking another drink from that whiskey.

  Kae gets an interesting look from John, but it's the couple closeby that gets the lions share of his attention.

  The comment from Bjorn gets a bit of a terse look from the handsy lady, she licks her top lip, before she seems to lead the man out of the bar. "Come on, the old man can't seem to handle us." She quips in a snide manner. They seem to have already settled their tab.

  Constantine simply watches them from his periphery, waiting a couple moments after they've gone to follow, he leaves a $50 on the bar after kicking back his whiskey. "An' tha's my cue." He says, slapping his hand on the bar, he is off, following the couple from a distance.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae blinks and watches Constantine move, then looks to the lady and the old man and back again curiously... She then looks into the Arcane at this point using those trained senses of hers to see if there's anything un toward... She also glances to Bjorn curiously and umms "Yaaah, so no taking Fanhuil apart... Besides I don't think it would work. He's allready been squished by an anvil, we lifted the anvil, noticed magic was still there and shortly thereafter he litterally pulled him self back together again."

Kae looks to John now, watching him follow the lady and the other handsy person curiously, then glances to Bjorn "Think something's up?" she asks curiously.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn nods to Constantine and nods with a smile "Well et iz true!" he exclaims
    Though he ends up stopping and giving the Lady in the Red Dress quite the glare when she referred to him as an old man. But he dosn't make any remark back, no need to after all, he just sticks with his beer as he looks to Kaelyn "Bjorn kin break anyving, everyving. Jist need vee right muscle fer vee job" he even gives a flex of his arm laughing jokingly.
    But than he watches the pair leave, with Constantine following behind them. That was certainly odd. Possibilities run through his mind - possible mugging, undercover agent, revenge, etc. He grunts at Kaelyn "No clue, et is none of Bjorn buissness. Now if nit mind, Bjorn go take leak" and he lumbers off to the bathrooms.
    Really it was just a ploy to not have his 'mundane' identity get mixed up in things. Instead he slips out a window and takes on a new Form...that of a nearly pure white Orc named Vorn.
    As Vorn he simply seems to dissappear becomming invisible.....and begins to trail Constantine who is in turn trailing the couple.

Constantine has posed:
     The level of demonic energy coming from the lady in Red would be enough to trigger a bit of a red flag.

  John keeps dragging on his cigarette, taking out a flask from his jacket, not the flask he usually drinks from, this one had an engraved pattern akin to Judaic symbols.

  About a block away from the bar, the Lady turns sharply, pulling the sloshed fellow into an alleyway. She transforms, revealing her bat-like wings and more...voluptuous features. She lets the man fall to the ground, kneeling down to kiss the man, though this kiss is deadly, it starts to drain the drunkard of his mortal energy.

  "Let 'im go now, and I'll only send you back to Hell where you belong!" Constantine reaches the mouth of the alleyway, the now opened flask given a shake, allowing the holy water inside to sprinkle out, causing the now revealed succubus' skin to smoke lightly as if touched with acid. A loud shriek pierces the night as she disconnects from the man, looking towards John before lunging with winged flight at the exorcist.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
She'd decided to follow soon as she spotted demonic energy, and of course Bjorn dissapeared. Kae sent Fanhuile aloft, the little dragon flying effortlessly through the night sky, following the Lady in Red from the sky. Meanwhile, Kae was seeing what Fan was seeing through her phone... When things get wierd and it's obvious the lady was going to do something to the drunk. Kae walked forward, her hand waving and she simply steps through the doorway at the bar, and now appears stepping out from behind a lightpost. She pauses and turns to demon, and the Exorcist, then the Demon attacks?

Kae frowns and raises her hand, not knowing who or what Constantine is, her palm first pointing at the demon, then she points two finger slike she were shooting a gun as a quartet of small blue bolts shoot forward from Kae, the bolts of raw arcane energy taking a slightly cicuitous route toward the demon so as not to hit John. "No place for Succubi here right now." Kae says matter of factly, some ghostly runes now lifting from her wrists as her mouth can be seen moving, making words but no sound really can be heard coming from her.

Crusader has posed:
And time for hero number three to drop in. Having been tailing constatine and the couple...he didn't expect what he saw. But it didn't matter. This seemed like a right old fun time to Vorn
    Vorn leaps up and over Kaelyn and Constitine, still invisible. But once over them and comming down, his orcish form becomes visible as he yells out "Death from above!" 2,000 pound orc about to land right ontop of this succubus! He has no idea how effective this will be, but hell if he dosn't give it a shot!

Constantine has posed:
     A hellish scream echoes through the streets, being hit by both arcane bolts and and a one ton now visible man. One wing of hers had guarded against two bolts, the other splayed out on the ground. The succubus used her wing to flail, and eventually get back to a standing position.

  "Thanks, luv." John comments, to Kae of course. Pentagram glyphs appear in his hands, as hellfire shoots from his hand, putting a barrier between the drunk man and the others in the fray. "An' you, bloody gash. Consider your stay on Earth over." John begins speaking in a hushed language, withdrawing a clay vessel. He continues to recite the binding incantation.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae tilts her head and calls out "Ork person! You wanna come this way!" She calls out, then sweeps first one hand, then the other as a 3 layer warding circle starts to form and rapidly around the demon "Nope missy, yer not going anywhere... I dun think." she mutters. First a triangle snaps into existance, this has a two layer circle of runes around it, then a pentagrama round that, with more runes, and finally a 7 sided star with 3 layers of runes around that. All these are really relagated to locking in just the succubi, but Kae wants the Ork clear of it before Constantine finishes banishing the creature. "I hope that should limit the amount of influence she has outside the circle there..." Kae mutters and moves up beside John, now waving Vorn over... "C'mon over, ya should see how this works." she says with a slight smile.

Crusader has posed:
Vorn smile soon fade "Awww man. Here me was hoping for a nice good scrappin" though he looks to Kae and cants his head "Oh, hello Kaelyn!" he exclaims with a smile. And with that h hops over the Succubus and lands behind her and John as they quite litterly work their magic. "...so what exactly is going on?" he asks both of them as they recite their various incantations.

Constantine has posed:
     Constantine maintains eyes on the succubus, continuing to finish the incantation. Luckily, the sealing circles Kaelyn had placed are potent, that mixed with the already low amount of energy she had been able to siphon from the drunk had not been able to get her to full power.

  John himself, for those attuned to the arcane, had surged with energy. "I bind ye, demon, to this vessel!" He holds out the earthen flask, a whirlwind had erupted, dragging the sealing circles and the demon into the flask. It was a bit loud, and windy, but the only thing affected was the demon itself.

  A quick corking later, and the blonde warlock had turned to the others. "Never thought the House would be takin' me to action this fast." But it was a product of Synchronicity Wave magic. John just called it his luck. A quick grab for a new cigarette, and he drags on it again. "Was it good for you, luv?" He comments to the flask-prison in his hand.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae tilts her head and grins to Vorn "And there ya go, Demon contained..." she says and shrugs a bit before waving her hand and removing the circle. At this point Fanhuil comes gliding in and perches on Kae's shoulder, before she looks to John curiously. Kae then introduces her self "Kaelyn Silverleaf." she says, leaving titles out and all that, it's probably obvious the woman's a sorceress or mage.

Kae then blinks as she realizes something "Umm have we met?" she asks, looking confused for a moment, then she looks back to Constantine. "You gonna keep her imprisoned? Or send her back where she came from?" Kae asks, more curious than anything else. "If the latter, my shop isn't too far from here and there's a vested circle there we can stick her in for the banishment ritual. No way a Succubi of that power level gets out of a lei-lined linked vested circle..."

Crusader has posed:
Vorn blinks "Wait...that was a demon? We just fought a freakin demon!?!?!?!" he stares at John and Kae ".....We just thought she was some sort of mutant or something!" clearly things went over his head sometimes. He pats himself down "Pretty sure our souls" yes he said souls as in plural "are still with us"
    He looks to John "....taking a guess yourused to this kind of stuff" a boisterous laugh. And than he looks to Kaelyn "Yes, yes we have. In another time, another life." he tells her with a wide tusky smile.

Constantine has posed:
     A slow laugh at the flask before John's spiked hair shifts with his raising of an eyebrow to Kaelyn. "Oh, no. Me house 'as all the needed seals for a proper banishment." A quick pause to drag on his Silk Cut before he continues. "Did you say yer shop's on a ley-line? Bloody brilliant that is." He float-tosses the flask towards Kaelyn. "An' here I thought I'd be the only equipped exorcist in town. Must be my lucky day." A boyishly handsome smile accompanies.

  The rather eccentric magician looks to the large orc. "Tha's right, a proper demon. Well, lesser demon, an' she was a bit weak. Must'a really been missin' that male energy. Usually ya gotta make 'em attached to a physical form before ya do the Mario arseslam on em."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae umms "Well I'm an Artificer Sorceress and all... so I have to have a very very wide variety of skills to make artifacts and all." she says with a slight grin. "But no my specialty isn't exorcism, though I do have to be familiar with all forms of other worldly creature to perform my duties." She then smiles slightly... "The lei lines make my life easier in enchanting things, talking to other dimensional beings and wel using elementals and the like in helping me make my gadgets..."

Kae grins and motions to Fanhuil. "He's one of my accidents..." She says with a slight smile, then she glances to the Ork curiously "Another life?" She asks and shrugs, in her experience, except the wierd stuff, not much is really truly wierder than she is... She glances back to John "Well if you got everything in place and all, all's the better, though I wouldn't mind ya using my facilities anyway, I got 2 journeymen magi and an apprentice who could gain from seeing a proper banishment ritual..."

Crusader has posed:
Vorn blinks again and laughs "Well! We have to come demon fighting, banishing or whatever you call it more often!" he exclaims, apprently not put off by the idea of fighting demons. "And a lesser one eh? Hmmm, well long as they go before they cause real trouble, guess there alright" another quieter chuckles
    He looks to Kaelyn "Yup, another life. We got many lives. But it is nothing to worry about yet!" another big grin, and he even reaches over and rubs Faulin under the jaw "Though we are not much for exocism...bad judo to watch those" he shudders

Constantine has posed:
     John takes another drag on his Silk Cut, enjoying the smoke. "I don't think so luv. Unless...'ave you ever been to a bar in the Corto Maltese?" John Constantine. Rhymes with fine." He offers, sweeping up the hellfire out with a wave of his hand.

  A flourish of his trench coat has his flask out again, this one is the boozy one. "Exorcisms come in many shapes and sizes mate." He offers to the quite large orc. "So, that poor sod'll wake up with a bit of a ring in 'is head." He gestures to the now unconscious drunk.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae nods... "It's tougher when yer trying to pull a spirit or an extra dimensional out of a host. In this case, it's just a matter of sending that one back to its origin..." Kae says and smiles just a bit... "Even then they're not allways like you see on the Exorcist... Some are far more benign, some are worse..." Kae then taps her chin... "I studied a bit in Brittain, dealing with extra dimensionals and the like.. Some poor sod and a Pookah accidently got joined... Guy kept on bettin' on his favorite horse come derby day, and well never once got to watch the race.. Turned out he was the horse.." Kae says and smirks a bit... "Both are now separated, Pookah is now home, guy still turns into a horse..."

Crusader has posed:
"Not much care what shape or size they come in. Still bad Judo" he tells John - the orc was clearly a very superstiriouse sort it seems. He eyes the container with the demon "Course, banishment might be a different affair we think" he rubs his beard.
    "....you say that like we should know what the Exorcist is....is that like some freaky tube channel?" he wonders, clearly not recognizing it was a movie. Though judging by the way he thinks of exorcises, he likely wouldn't have seen it anyways. Though at the horse story he chuckles "That sounds funny we admit!"

Constantine has posed:
     "Aye. Well, as much as was enlightenin'." He offers, giving his flask a healthy swig. "Best not get yerself mixed up with demons. It usually never ends too well." He quips, looking to both of the others.

  "As much as I'd love to give a show on banishment, I've got a date with a kappa." He offers, giving a nod to both. "I'll be sure to check yer shop, miss." said with a salute, albeit from behind.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae blinks curiously "Good or bad, also watch out for angry long-necked widows.." she says and rubs at the back of her neck. She then looks at the Ork... "When ya want swing by the shop some time.. Oh I think we're gonna have a good ole fassioned BBQ out back before long too." she says with a big grin... "Born in Texas and all, we gota hvae a godo BBQ every now and then." Kae then waves to the two.. "Well I'm done with my break and all, Imma go see if the girls havn't managed to blow up my my new alymbic yet."

Crusader has posed:
Vorn nods "We will be sure to keep that in mind!" he tells John. Yes he took the statement very seriously. But than he looks to Kaelyn "Yes, we do need to remember to do that. You already do have a nice home" he says with a laugh "Till than friend...." and with that he seems to simply fade from existance. of course he was just runing 'invisible' but close enough