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Latest revision as of 16:46, 30 October 2017

Cold Case
Date of Scene: 18 September 2017
Location: Bludhaven
Synopsis: Sarah Osborn asks Beth to look into the death of her parents
Cast of Characters: Sarah Osborn, Elizabeth Greene

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah has done a lot the last few months, and has decided to find out the facts about her Parents' death. The first thing to do is see if she can find the police file. She has realized, however, that she has a problem...she does not know her parent's real names. This could cause some difficulty. Well, she will have to see if the police can help her with what she does know...or has been told.

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
    Bludhaven Police Department isn't overly large in size and it has a rather bad reputation in a lot of cirles. Corrupt cops are a real thing in that department. In their midst though are the good men and women who are trying to do what is best for the people of their city. Many of them were born there and will serve for their entire lives. Among those is a certain homicide detective.
    The homicide division is on the third floor of the building and takes up most of the space. There are a few glassed off offices around the fringes which are set aside for those with rank. Beth is not among those few. She's just a detective which puts her at one of the mismatched desks in the bullpen area. The chairs don't match any more than the desks. Beth is sitting at her desk in the bullpen, looking over a pile of reports.
    Downstairs at the lobby, there is a large desk with a grizzled sergeant sitting behind it. He glances up from his monitors upon her arrival, giving her a quick once over. "How can we help you, miss?"

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah says, "I wanted to see if I could find out information about the death of my parents...this would ave happened some time within the last seven years, but I am not sure when." It has to have been within the last seven years, because Spiderman has only been around that long.

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
    The sergeant considers for a moment. "One sec." He picks up a phone to confirm someone is upstairs then nods and puts down the receiver. "Third floor. Go see Detective Greene. She's expecting you. Elevator is there," he points to the right. "Or the staircase is there." And that gets a point of the finger to a door on the left. Then he settles back into his chair, convinced the conversation is over even if she wasn't.
    Upon reaching the third floor, Beth will be standing up at her desk then will approach the young woman. "Hi, I'm Detective Beth Greene. Would you like to sit and tell me about your situation?" She waves a hand toward her desk where there is an empty seat to the side that Sarah can use.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah looks a bit uncomfortable...normally when she deals with the police she has a mask hiding her identity. She sits stiffly in the chair and says, "My name is Sarah Osborn, I live here with my Cousins...who spell their last name with an E at the end. I have an uncle who was rich and famous, Harry Osborn, but he died some time ago. Before he died, he told me that Spider-man killed my parents. It occured to me recently, I know very little about my parents...not even their names. For some reason, my cousin's family never talks about them. I thought, perhaps I could find out something. They had to have died between five and seven years ago. I assume my father's last name was Osborn because mine is spelled that way, not Osbourne like my cousins, though I could be mistaken." She possibly would like to check her birth records and see what her parents' names were, but those can be difficult to get without a court order...

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
    Sitting down, Beth gives the young woman her full attention. She does have a yellow notepad out on her desk and she is jotting down bits of information as Sarah talks. Her brow furrows a little at points but she doesn't interrupt, letting Sarah get out the details she knows first before going into the next phase. "Alright, Miss Osborn, I will do my best to help you find out what happened. I do have to ask a few questions so I can poinpoint where to start. First, your date of birth. And I take it you have not lived with your parents from your birth? Were you put up for adoption or...?"

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah replies, "I was born September 26, 2007, I will be 18 soon and probably will need to move out on my own. I actually have a job already, I work on lighting effects, mostly as stage crew for a band. I am not clear on the adoption thing, I have been nervous about asking my cousin's family."

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
    "So you have lived with your cousins your entire life though? Your parents were never a part of your life." Beth makes a note and considers a moment more. "Were you born here in Bludhaven or somewhere else? I will be looking for your birth records first and moving forward from that. At least that's one angle I'll be tackling." It's just going to be a step in the process. There is still the homicide to ask about but she'll ease into that part after the basics are noted.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah frowns, "I am not really sure, I always thought it was Bludhaven...but perhaps I have been taking too much for granted." Sarah feels dense for not having dome more investigation first. Then again, she is uncomfortable asking these questions of her family. That is why she does not know already...right?

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
    Beth gives a soft smile. "It's alright. You had no reason to wonder before so there is no harm in living your life comfortably. Now, you said that you were told that your parents were killed. By Spider-Man." She looks at her notes and scribbles something. Then she looks back to Sarah. "He's usually in New York City so I'm guessing the homicides would have happened there. Do you know any details about it other than the suspect? Were they together at the time? Where it happened?" She is doubting the girl knows but she has to ask, as difficult as it is. She wants to put her hand on the other woman's arm to comfort her but refrains to keep things more business and less personal. It's sometimes easier that way for people dealing with such a tragic situation.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah says, "You are probably right, my Uncle Harry told me about it during one of his visits...and he lived in New York. He told me about it roughly five years ago, perhaps it had happened recently when he told me." She frowns, "Newspaper files are on line, perhaps I should have looked for deaths involving Spiderman there...it would probably have been in the papers, right?"

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
    Beth shakes her head negatively. "Not necessarily. It may have but it may have been kept quiet by the police depending on circumstances. That'll be something else I check into. If it was a double homicide, it's easier to find since they are more rare. If they were at different times, it gets trickier. We'll start with finding your birth certificate to get their names then look for anything involving them. Your uncle, Harry Osborn, I will look into as well. See about his family, siblings, so forth. Might be able to get at least one of their names that way. Do you know if he was a brother to your mother or father?"

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah says, "Uncle Harry has the same last name as me...unless my mother was unmarried it is presumably my father's brother." She looks troubled by the thought that her parents might not have married or given her the family name.

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
    Beth can't stop herself. She reaches out a hand to try and touch Sarah's. A moment of comfort, nothing more. "We'll figure it out, okay?" She draws her hand back away, not letting it linger too long but having needed to give that moment to the young woman. "So we think Harry is the brother to your father but not positive on that. It's a start at least. This'll take time to unravel. I have some friends in New York homicide. They can help me check into the homicide angle once I figure out some names to go from or other details." She taps her pen on the paper as she considers. "Any other details you know, no matter how seemingly small or insignificant?"

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah adds, "Logically, that means Norman Osborn should be my Grandfather. That might explain why he gave me a blood transfusion after I was in a car accident years ago."

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
"Norman is Harry's father then?" Beth confirms as she makes more notes. "Yeah, he might be able to give us information too. Try to rattle a few trees and see what we can find. The names are the key to helping unlock it all." She gives a smile to Sarah. "I'll do what I can to figure this out and help you find some peace of mind." She opens the center drawer of her desk and pulls out a card which she offers. "This has all my contact information. If you think of other bits that might help, you can call, text or email. I usually can be reached. If I'm not, someone else will take the information for me." Since she does take days out of town once in a while. Maybe ner next trip to New York will be work and pleasure.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah says, "Hopefully the records have survived the invasion..." A lot of damage happened to Metropolis, but parts of it spread globally. She says, "I imagine things will take a few days at least." Perhaps Sarah will have to do some investigating on her own.

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
    "Yeah, they are asking for officers that might want to volunteer to help in Metropolis. Our SWAT team may be going, of which I'm a part," Beth admits. "I will do what I can though as quickly as I can. Depends on if I can do things by computer or have to resort to hand searching records. Give me your number and I'll be in touch as soon as I can. If I do end up on assignment up there, I'll make sure your information is provided to anotehr of detective to work on. Just in case." Since the danger of her dying in an alien invasion scenario get pretty high.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah says, "They are afraid that attack Saturday will prove to be only the first wave. Hopefully they are wrong about that." Of course, she does not gointo what she was doing diring the invasion. The forces that got to Bludhaven were few, but Goblin-girl helped defeat them. If there is another wave, there may be a lot more of them here."

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
    "I know. There will be officers here to help deal with it but when our brothers and sisters ask for help, we are going to send someone to them," Beth says. Such is the way of cops. They all are there for one another, no matter the danger. "I believe it was a first wave and I believe there is worse coming although I don't know what can be worse. The upper ranks are still discussing the mobiliazation."

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah gives Elizabeth two phone numbers, one is her Cousin's house where she lives, the other is her cell phone. She says, "I suppose my concerns are kind of petty with all that is going on, but I still want to know. Perhaps it is the worry that we may all be dying soon..."

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
    "Can't look at it that way," Beth says with a reassuring smile as she sets her pen down in the middle of the pad of paper. "We're a tough lot, us humans. Don't write us off yet until we've had a chance to rally. We're great at that rallying thing," she adds with a playful wink. Then she turns serious again. "We continue to live until the day we die. Your concerns are not petty. They are important and you have every right to wonder and want to know what happened."

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah says, "Call me when you find ouit something." When she gets up to leave, she seems to be shaking a bit (and she is...she has been holding herself tightly in control the whole visit. She does not want to accidentally wreck something with her strength, it would raise a lot of questions.)

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
    Beth stands up automatically to help escort Sarah to the elevator. "Of course." She notices the shaking and her brow furrows slightly as she pushes the elevator button to summon it to their floor. "Are you alright, Miss Osborn?"

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah responds, "Things are just a bit STRESSFUL just now. I am sure you can understand." Kind of an understatement.

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
    "I do," Beth says with a nod as the elevator pings. A moment later the double doors open to reveal the unimpressive elevator. It doesn't even have music or what passes for music in most elevators. More utilitarian. "Be safe, Miss Osborn. I'll be in touch."