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Latest revision as of 16:59, 30 October 2017

Log 2519
Date of Scene: 19 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Okhotnik, Boom-Boom, 1398

Okhotnik has posed:
It is late evening when Diya finally makes her way up out of the kitchens, still smelling of dish soap, and climbs the stairs towards the second floor. She catches a whiff of someone's scent, and on a lark decides to follow that scent down the hall towards the so-called 'Rec Room'; usually a pell-mell den of noise and excitement, Diya is pleased and surprised to find it minimally occupied, and not too noisy, at least right now. And there is Lexi's Tabitha; she cannot help that she still thinks of the young woman that way.

The Russian soldier walks in, peering around into every corner before she approaches the American blonde. "You have been most helpful before. Perhaps you can be again? What is this 'princess bride' that has Lex so exited? She will not stop chattering about it. I am not perfect with English, but I thought I understood the language conversantly, until she started chittering along about it.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Tabitha is indeed there, sitting on a counter, swinging her legs idly. She's got a bowl of popcorn in her lap and her phone in her hand. She giggles at something and then types away furiously for a moment.

    She jumps as Hottie speaks, Tabby hadn't noticed her. Must be as quiet in human form as a sleek cat. "Whoa. Hey. Don't do that!" she says. "I almost wet myself. Whew." and she touches her chest with an open palm. After a moment she's better. "'Princess Bride'? Oh, it's a play. A drama... well, it's a comedy, really. The drama teacher is having us put it on for everyone."

Okhotnik has posed:
Diya eyes Tabitha, but does not say anything snarky about how the only reason the girl was so surprised was because she was so engrossed in her electronics; that would be unkind. She simply shrugs a little, nodding, and listens. "A play? It is somehow ... famous? A story that Lex already knows and likes?" she questions.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "Sure. It was a book and a famous movie, which is what most of us know." Tabby says. "Lexi gets to play a princess and Dani is playing her true love." she adds. "I wonder if they're going to kiss... there's a scene where there's a perfect kiss."

Okhotnik has posed:
"A book. A movie. Yes." Diya nods, her Russian accent not too sharp right now, but still quite present. "So this is why she is so excited. To play this princess? Because she knows this movie, or this book?" Diya considers that, and nods. "And ... there are giant rats in this?"

Patricia Cain (1398) has posed:
Patricia Cain stirred for a moment while lying on top of her bed in the dorms. With a heavy sigh she sat up and sat there a moment crosslegged looking to the mirror. Her hand moving to rub her scalp a moment and she would stretch moving to her desk. Patricia would gather her traveling art supplies, to include a multi media hand crafted sketch book, and head to the rec-room. Upon entering the area the relatively new girl would look around a bit to see who else was there.

  she saw a taller blond who seemed a bit subdued talking with another blond. She paused and chuckled in mild bemusement looking to the other girl speaking off handidly. "Love the shirt, clever girl, nice." she smirked to herself and moved to lightly press on a nearby coach as if to check it's durability. "Nope." she then passes up the clearly comfortable looking couch and sits on the floor resting her back ever so lightly against it's front. She would pull out a brown bag with purple rope tie. The contents of which jangled and clanked.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Tabitha waves to the newcomer. "Hiya. I'm Boom-Boom. Nice to meetcha." she waves towards the fridges and cabinets. "Lotsa snacks, if you're hungry." She looks back to Diya. "I think Lexi jus' likes the idea of being a princess. I get to kidnap her and then I'm supposed to marry her but her Wesley will come save her at the last minute." she explains. "Yes. Rodents of Unusual Size."

Okhotnik has posed:
The taller ashen blonde stands beside the shorter golden blonde, who is perched on a counter as they talk. The ashen blonde turns towards the brunette who enters, and nods. "Hello." she offers, never lifting her hands; they stay very carefully at her sides. There's a rigidity to her body language, whatever the reason. "Well, I hope she does not somehow expect me to hunt down these giant rats for her." Diya opines through her Russian accent to Tabitha.

She glances towards the artist, picking up the scents. "I have not scented you here before. You are new, yes?" she mentions, as she moves over away from the counter, coming around the sofa while making sure to put herself in plain view of both eyes, as if she is expecting that the new girl's vision might be impaired on her left side. "I am called Diya, or Okhotnik. I am visitor here." She murmurs very softly, "If I am safe here, you will be safe here." That said, she wanders back towards the counter. Socially awkward much?

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "No, no. Nothing like that." Tabitha says. "But if we put some ears on you can be an R-O-U-S, or if you change you can be a tigger of unusual size." Yes, she said 'tigger', and not 'tiger'. "That would be awesome. Then you'd get to pounce and wrestle with the Dread Pirate Dani."

Patricia Cain (1398) has posed:
Patricia Cain listens as Boom-Boom speaks. She shakes her head thinking of the nicknames that fly about the school and then has a pause speaking the name under her breath as she questions what the name may imply. She looks to the pair and smiles, "Thank's but I got my own little snack here." she gently lifts the bag so it doesn't make too much noise. She pauses a moment. "Are you guys talking about Princess Bride?" she asks with curiosity. Patricia would set her sketch book down and stand slowly the wood floor creaking below her as if angry.

  Patricia was surprised to see Diya had moved closer to her as she stood and she blinked a moment as she spoke. "Right, okay... Diya the visitor." she offeres a sideways bemused toothy smile. "My name is Patricia, Pat, Patty whatever... nice to meet you both. And I'm new-ish. That subset where I have been here... just been a bit of a recluse." shrugs. She looks to Diya with a curious expression;but, dosen't say anything.

Okhotnik has posed:
"Yes. We are speaking of this book, movie, and play." Diya answers, honestly. But she eyes Tabitha. "I see now even you use Lex's pet name. Perhaps someone can show me this book, or this movie? Then I will understand better." Yeah, American pop culture is beyond her. "If it will help, I can probably be the tiger of unusual size. Apparently such things do not upset people, here." She finds it weird, but convenient.

Patricia Cain (1398) has posed:
Patricia Cain walks over to where the two were speaking and finds a spot to stand in as she ponders a moment, "You know, depressing as it is. I don't think The Princess Bride has made it into my movie collection which in hind sight is inconceivable." smirks a moment. "So the drama department is taking on the Princess Bride? I can see it. Good story... simple set pieces. And hell knowing this school there may just be some real swordsmen or woman here." Patricia would reach into the brown bag she carried palming something and putting it into her mouth. It made a audible crunching sound that was quite enough not to disturb.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "We prob'ly have it over there in the movie section." Tabby says, waving in the direction of the entertainmnet center. "Fuzzy Elf... er, Mr. Wagner teaches fencing too, so he's a real swordsman." she tells Patricia. "I'm gonna be 'Princess Humperdink'."

    Tab looks at Diya again. "Hey, we got a giant metal man, a guy that looks like a little blue demon, we got a witch and all kinds of others. A tiger's nothing _too_ weird after that." and she smiles. "Oh, 'Lexi' isn't my pet name for her. I call her 'Foxy'."

Okhotnik has posed:
"Yes. I have noticed." Diya answers. "So, when you speak to your Foxy, you tell her if she is serious, I will try to watch this thing." At least it won't be a speaking role. That said, Diya nods to Tabitha, and then to Patricia. "Good to meet you." she offers, as she heads for the racks to see if she can find said movie, and perhaps figure out how to play it in her room.

Patricia Cain (1398) has posed:
Patricia Cain says, "I mean there are worse movies to watch." she pauses in thought. "Think I first saw it with my Mom on a home from school sick day. My Mom made bang'in chicken noodle soup and popcorn and we just had a movie marathon of her favorites." looks to Boom Boom, "So you and the cast need a set designer... abckdrop painter? That sorta thing. I'm pretty handy in the art department.""

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "I'd send Mister Wagner a message or leave him a note or somethin'. I'm sure he can use all the hands he can get ahold of." Boomer says. "So, what's your trick? Why'd they send you to _this_ dump? Couldn't beg or buy your way out?"

Patricia Cain (1398) has posed:
Patricia Cain chuckles a bit, "I see you don't have high opinions of the school. Were you forced to come here or something?" she asks with genuine curiosity while evading Boom-Boom's question for the moment. She would snag herself another bit of food from the brown bag and chew on it as she looked to Tabitha.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Boom-Boom shrugs. "It's alright. My friends are here and it's regular eats, so it's all good. Better than bein' on the street, that's for sure." She grins weakly. "Sometimes the rich snobs even throw us peasants some scraps. One of the girls took some of us to the Coach store at the mall and bought us all bags. That was kinda cool."

Patricia Cain (1398) has posed:
Patricia Cain says, "Huh, well I mean I guess that's a valid perspective on the school. I can kinda agree to a degree. I mean it is a touch elitist; but, it does have a British headmaster after all. Gotta say though Im happy to be here and happy there is someone willing to offer sanctuary and an education to well... someone like me." she sighs, "I could do with a more laid back curriculum though... man I miss the cake walk that was my old high school. Now I have to worry about philosophical debates and not breaking every bit of antique furniture that is in this place.""

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "Oh, good. Another nerd." Tabby says, dryly. "That's alright, though. Nerds make the world go 'round." she offers. "It's hard, though, being the only cool girl here. Some of the teachers are cool - Tatum and Lara Croft and Polaris, but there are lots of butts here too. That bitch Monet, for instance. Jus' stay away from her. Maybe if everyone shuns her she'll start bein' decent?"

Patricia Cain (1398) has posed:
Patricia Cain says, "Nerd? Please... look. I'm no nerd. I'm a realist. Look I know my situation and the fucked up hand of cards I have been dealt. I'm just rolling with it. Please if I was a nerd I'd likely be locked up in my room doing my homework rather than putting it off till the last thirty minutes before class tomorrow. You don't know me yet Ms. Boom Boom so careful with the labels. Just saying... ." she smirks a bit "That aside, how often do you get to roll on outta here Ms. Cool Girl? Cause I gotta admit... Im starting to go a bit mad with all the crenellated walls. Feels like I'm in a museum half the time.""

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "Sometimes we go to the mall on weekends or there're some other places in Salem Center... there's a bar where we can play pool an' stuff. They're real good about checking IDs, though. So, no drinky there. Sometimes there are cute guys, though. Bikers, sometimes. Or firemen." Tabitha replies. "There's a bowling alley. Lots of things, really. Sometimes we just sneak out. It's hard to keep us here if we don't wanna be here. I mean, they can't expel us. They don't want half-trained angry mutant teenagers loose on the streets or with the bad guys, you know? So, we can get away with a lot. All they can do is lecture us or try to make us do more chores."

Patricia Cain (1398) has posed:
Patricia Cain says, "Makes sense I suppose. I'll have to get in on the next outting." she pauses a moment, "So I tottaly ignored your earlier question. I mean, it's not like a secret.... but, it's hard to explain really. My digestive system and the way I metabolise... well what I call food now affords me some... well dangerous abilities. So basically I don't eat like normal people and I have to be careful with where I sit and what I touch... otherwise I break shit.""

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "Yeah? I have to worry about that too. If I eat too much my butt will get big and I'll break stuff too." Boomer jokes. "No, that's cool. I bet it's hella useful. I don't wanna make you think I don't think you have a useful power or nothin'."

Patricia Cain (1398) has posed:
Patricia Cain says, "Useful? Guess thats a one way to look at it. I find it a bit of a pain. I mean I miss real food... I miss well chips, burgers... a good salad. Now if I don't eat what I can I feel like Im dying and when I do eat I can bench press a car with ease. Sure... neat... ." she pauses, "There is also this weird ass tid bit." she pauses and flexes her fingers and brings them together at a point and soon her fingers begin to look steely and extend out so that she has a rather crude looking sword attached to her wrist. It is rather hard to distinguish where the metal ends and skin begins.

  "No idea how this bollocks even works. But yeah... apparently on top of weighing more as I eat I can do this if I eat enough. Makes me happy that this school managed to get me out of that damn facility.... cause yeah... this sucks. Makes me feel like a metal munching weapon." the blade retracts and she moves to retrieve her sketch book. "So what do you do Boom Boom? do you actually explode?""

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "That would be cool, wouldn't it?" Boomer asks rhetorically. "No, but I go make things explode. These things." and she holds up a finger. A pinpoint of light appears there and she lets it drop to the floor. "Three... two... one.." and it pops with a small explosion. "That was jus' a little one. I don't wanna have to scrub the flor if I leave scorch marks. One time, we went to another dimension where there is this evil cable channel and I got to make a realllly biiiig one and blew up their building's support beams. It was cool."

Patricia Cain (1398) has posed:
Patricia Cain blinks a bit and clearly has trouble fathoming your story. "But, I imagine that can get dangerous if your not careful. How does it work? Like do you just think and it happens?" she asks curiously as she moves back to the counter and sets her sketch book atop it.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "Yeah. I make 'em." Tabitha says, producing a larger one on her open palm. This one doesn't explode, it just sits there like a ball of flickering fire. "They tell me they're a psycho-whatever plasma. Psycho-kinetic? I don't know. Whatevs. But I can make all different sizes, an' the bigger ones do more damage. A really big one can blow up a tank or maybe a bank vault door." then she closes her hand and the time-bomb winks out.

Patricia Cain (1398) has posed:
Patricia Cain says, "Ouch, man... mutant powers are really really fucked up. No wonder people are scared of us. Thius is suppose to be human evolution? Eating metal weighing 10 tons and making anti tank bombs with a single finger. Makes me question any science class I have ever had." she blinks a moment. "Man I would love to talk more but if Im gonna do this homework last minute I should atleast get a few winks. If you need help with the play or need a tag along outside of the school let me know. It was nice talking to someone with.... well cooler qualities." she smirks"

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Boomer hops off the counter, to the floor. "Yeah, I'd better go sleep too. There might be someone lookin' for me in my room too. I better go check. Well, nice to meetcha. See ya around." she says, with a smile. "Have fun." and she heads out.