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Latest revision as of 17:59, 30 October 2017

Rite of Passage
Date of Scene: 26 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Superman, Andromeda, Robin (Wayne)

Superman has posed:
The invasion of Metropolis continues, and parademons plague the city--even as its heroic inhabitants fight back against the swarms of aliens.

One such inhabitant is a man faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. However, at the moment he is deep underground, clearing out subway tunnels and looking for potential victims of the Apokoliptian attackers' assault who may be trapped in the subterranean rubble.

With a strain, he heaves a pile of twisted rebar and broken concrete. It groans and threatens to fall apart in his hands, but it holds together.

Superman narrows his eyes. A slime- and dust-covered wall nearby appears to have some sort of passage behind it, visible to him thanks to his x-ray vision.

Up on the surface, Wayne Plaza looms over its neighboring buildings.

Some distance behind Superman, rubble shifts and dark figures, hidden in the shadows, creep closer toward the man of steel.

Andromeda has posed:
    The battle with Kalibak had not been a good one. Though Laurel had helped a good bit, she had been taken out of the fight by one of her own allies. That had prompted some soul-searching, but soon it was back into the fighting. There was still so much to do.

    Laurel KNEW she had seen Superman go into the tunnels below the city, and so she had followed. But no sense in disturbing him while the great man was working, so she kept quiet. She might yet have a chance to help.

    So, as the shadows creep up on Big Blue, another in an opposite color scheme of the Kryptonian crept up in turn on them.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Robin had been searching Metropolis for anyone in distress or people needing help. He had decided to leave Goliath at home, lest he scare even more people affected by the disaster.

  While on his Redbird motorcycle, he scans the underground, using his mask to look for heat signatures. The Boy Wonder had seen some activity and made his way to where the Man of Steel had been. A beaming light shines brightly from the high powered electric motorcycle races towards the group.

Superman has posed:
Several of the hidden parademons spring to attack the male Kryptonian. Two leap up to the ceiling, crouching upside-down as their weapons charge. The third is behind the others, and it pauses when Laurel's shadow passes over it.

Superman kneels before the false wall, scraping his fingers into the floor to get his hands beneath it. With considerable effort, it begins to move--slowly and loudly.

A neon green ZZZAPPP from one of the parademons' weapons strikes the 'wall' next to his head. With a casual turn, Superman looks over his shoulder and his eyes turn red. The tunnel ceiling under (above?) the upside-down alien's feet begins to hiss, and it cries in pain--dropping head-first onto the tunnel floor.

Andromeda has posed:
    There's a blast of super-cold air that flash-freezes the third parademon for a moment, then it's struck in the face - getting sent back towards its fellows. It hits the tunnel floor and lays still.

    "He's going to feel that in the morning." Laurel jokes. She drifts into Superman's view. "Hello. What're you doing? Cleaning up, I guess?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     The Redbird slides to a halt, but before it stops, Robin makes a leap towards the last parademon, using his batclaw in one hand, shooting it off and grabbing at the last one left. As the parademon is clawed by the piece of Bat-tech, Damian uses his tactical blade to strike at the floored Apokaliptan down, one swift strike before the parademon's head comes off with a flurry of parademon blood.

  Robin quickly flings the demon blood off of his blade before placing it back in the scabbard on his back. One parademon left on the ceiling, and Robin uses a threesome of birdarangs, sharp and deadly on the last, precisely thrown. All while keeping his heart rate at a steady 70 bpm.

Superman has posed:
"That's right," Superman begins in response to Laurel, his voice calm. "But it looks like you've--"

He pauses as Robin rides in, the cycle illuminating the tunnel.

"--that is, it looks like the /both/ of you are /really/ doing the clean-up here," Superman finishes while Robin takes out the two parademons. He offers a polite, if strained, smile, and nods back toward the false wall.

"I've tried to help where I could, but much of my time is spent down here," he continues. "I'm trying to make sure the city keeps standing, but..." Superman sighs. "there are also far more seeking shelter down here than I thought would."

The last son of Krypton pats the wall. "And it looks like there's a corridor of some kind here, underneath Wayne Plaza." He looks to Robin and then to Laurel. "I can't hear any heartbeats that way, though. I'm hoping that's a good thing."

Andromeda has posed:
    Laurel turns to peer at the wall too. "Really? Hmm." and she uses her own Daxamite version of X-ray vision to see through. "Who would build a tunnel under a building like that? Could it be a proposed train tunnel that was never finished?" she wonders. "Should we check it?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Robin takes a moment, typing some commands on his gauntlet holographic display. "That corridor leads to one of our cache's." He types a couple commands on the display, and the corridor opens. "I doubt anyone's been able to break in, we should have heard...but I doubt the infrastructure has held up power to it."

  Damian's eyes go wide for a moment again. "YOU!" He holds up a finger to Laurel. "Stop meddling with the timeline! Go back to your own time! And don't kill any butterflies on your way out!" Damian's high tenor voice rings through the subway tunnel. He shrugs it off for a moment, his white eyes glowing green with night vision before heading down the corridor.

Superman has posed:
Chuckling softly, Superman nods. "Of course," he replies with a hint of genuine cheer. "I should expected Batman to be prepared enough to establish safe houses and spaces throughout the tri-city area."

He begins following Robin at a pace that allows the boy to stay ahead. As Superman walks, he raises his eyebrows and blinks at Laurel. "Timelines, eh? Is everything alright?" He gazes at the woman in wait for her response.

Andromeda has posed:
    "Hello, little Batman." Laurel says as Robin shows his prowess in defeating two of the parademons on his own. "I'm glad to see that you're alright. Stardust... I think that was her name... was saying that it was difficult to get in touch with the rest of your team, so at least you're doing well. I was going to come check on you all."

    She blinks as he rebukes her for meddling in the past. "But... but this might be why I'm here! To help fight the invasion! I mean, I defeated Bernadeth and I might have taken out the fangy one if Wonder Girl hadn't hit me with lightning... which reminds me, Superman. WHat if Darkseid comes, or some of his other warriors? Do you think that some of us flying to the sun and charging up for an hour or so would be helpful?" he shrugs at his question, smiling sheepishly. "Little Batman thinks I'm going to make waves in the future by being active here and now."

    She follows Robin, drifting along. "Why does Batman have a supply cache under the Wayne building?" she asks innocently.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Once Damian is through to the main area he speaks. "Lights." Nothing at all. "Security override: Damian." A red light starts to strobe over and over. "Shit." He starts to input commands to the small cave. Robin mimics Batman's voice now. "Computer: Batman, Security Override code: Ten Forty Seven." The computer seems to remember Batman's voice, and lights start to turn on, showing off a multitude of armaments, batsuits, vehicles and even a Robin suit. Though this one seems to be an older model, as it is the version worn by Tim Drake. "Looks like there was a computer malfunction. It reverted to an older password." He offers, back to his normal voice. "We have multiple ancillary caves. In Gotham, New York, Metropolis, Bludhaven...that's all you need to know. Does that answer your question, time traveler?"

  "This cave must have been cut off from our network when the tunnels started collapsing." He offers, sitting down at the batcomputer.

Superman has posed:
"Impressive mimicry work, Robin," Superman says, letting his hands rest on his hips. "Even with some focused exercise on my own vocal cords, I'm not sure I could provide such a perfect rendition so easily."

As the lights come on, Superman looks about, turning slowly on a heel.

After a moment, he reaches out and, gently and briefly, touches Laurel's arm. "I'm sure you're here for many reasons--not the least of which is helping save the planet from Darkseid. And while that is a good idea," he adds with a soft sigh, "I'm not sure I could bring myself to leave Earth for so long right now. But it really is a good idea."

He turns back to Robin. "How many contingency plans does Batman have on file for this sort of invasion? For that matter--has he had you develop any?"

Andromeda has posed:
    "Who's Damian?" Laurel asks. "Are _you_ Damian, then?" she wonders to Robin. "Oh. I won't tell anyone." she looks around, impressed.

    She nods to Superman. "I think there's probably too much to do, but it would only be an hour or something. Thank you for saying so."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "I learned it in the League, part of blending into ones surroundings, disguising oneself." Robin removes his 'R' badge, placing it on the batcomputer allowing the connection to the network of batcomputers establish, and flagging this cave for repair. "He has come up with a couple. Right now though, he had been working on a piece of weaponry that would hopefully turn the tide in battle, if Kalibak was here, one could assume that his father isn't far behind. The plan I had posited...involved a mother box, an nth metal dagger, and The Flash. Needless to say, it wasn't likely to happen." Damian quips, before standing up. "He has many plans on invasions, though from what I had read, many are specifically tied to just who is invading." Robin steps over to the armaments, removing batarangs, and a couple of smoke pellets, and flash grenades. "Yes, I am Damian." He says, very proud of that fact, wiping off some of the parademon blood from his cheek. "I told her that the Titans would answer the call."

Superman has posed:
"Hm." Superman strokes his chin idly for a long moment.

"You know, that plan--or, at least, that list of components--doesn't sound so bad," he says, "although it sounds less 'unlikely' than 'impossible'. And, luckily, if there's one thing I try to help make happen, it's the impossible."

Superman offers a wide smile and then furrows his brow slightly. "On second thought," he mentions to Laurel, "I think I should follow your advice after all. I think I've been down here in the sewers for a long stretch now. It may be impacting my responsiveness and ability."

Superman flexes one hand, opening and closing it. "I'm not Batman, after all. The sun is my friend."

He steps toward Robin. "Will the Titans be able to hold the line while some of us recharge?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian manages a nod, looking to both Laurel and Superman. "I've been going through enough batarangs to put a large dent in the budget."

  He flexes his neck, popping the joints in his neck. "It's almost like being in the League again. Just with parademons instead of...well humans." Damian was no slouch, but the blood on his cheek was hardly the first blood that's been on this uniform today. The young teen manages to finish with a little bit of a smile.

Superman has posed:
"All right," Superman says with a nod. His jaw sets just a bit. "I'll do my best not to let you down--gone no longer than we have to be. Right?" he asks of Laurel. "I don't want to let any of them down."

With that, Superman turns and begins walking back toward the entrance to the cache. "Ladies first, of course," he says with his polite smile, hand out and palm up in gesture toward the general direction of the nearest exit to the surface.

Andromeda has posed:
    "You won't let any of them down." Laurel assures Superman. "You're still a legend in a thousand years." She nods as Superman offers to let her go first. "I'll see you up there." She gives Robin a wave. "Be safe, little Batman. You have to grow up and fit into the suit. Call me if your Titans need any help after this is all over." then she turns and zips back the surface.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "I'll get more parademons." By get, he means kill, but it's fair game on them.

  Damian groans at the short statement. "I am at a -fine- height for my age!" No he isn't, but he is growing at least. "And just cause you're a...whatever the hell you are, don't patronize me!" He calls, leaving the cache, making sure to set it to lock behind him. Back on the Redbird, there's more work to be done.