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Latest revision as of 18:17, 30 October 2017

Dark Summer
Date of Scene: 27 September 2017
Location: Sunnydale, Bludhaven
Synopsis: Buffy runs into a wizard on a battle moose being chased by a robot.

Welcome to Sunnydale!

Cast of Characters: Darkhawk, Buffy Summers

Darkhawk has posed:
A man in a brightly coloured garment, like one might expect a wizard to wear, except this wasn't so much the real wizard, as the kind you'd see in a fantasy film or game of Dungeons and Dragons, but the man rode atop a beastly looking Moose or Elk. It was riding through the nocturnal streets of Bludhaven, in the Sunnydale area, and it was moving eratically, down a side street, then to the left, doubling back, going right. It was almost as if someone or something were chasing it. And there was. It was just darned hard to see it.

Darkhawk flew through the air, his visor and gemstone being the only things that set him apart from the night sky. He called out, "hey, wait up, I just want to talk about that gem you stole. Come on, you know you're not going to get away, so why bother?" The truth is, the guy on the moose was actually doing really well at making it hard for Darkhawk to follow him. He kept losing teh guy as he flew overhead. If only he had some way to track the guy's body heat, but he hadn't figured out that part of his suit, if he had one.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Night in Sunnydale means one thing for the Slayer--Patrol. It gets a little boring at times. Things have been so quiet of late, ever since dealing with that triple-headed snake thing. A few vampires, a demon or two, nothing really to speak of in the Big Bad department though. If this continued, Buffy was going to lose her edge. Training could only do so much. Sometimes, she really needed to be killing something.

There was something inherently wrong with that.

Thus, as she rounds a corner heading for the next cemetery, she has to stop and blink a few times at what is coming toward her. "No one told me there wa a LARP going on tonight. Xander usually knows these things," she mutters under her breath. A hint of a shadow above has her hand in the messenger bag, pulling out a stake automatically. Wait, LARPers didn't usually ride moose. Who in the world rode a moose?! "Uhm, excuse me!" She waves a hand to try and get the Wizard to stop.

Darkhawk has posed:
The Wizardly dressed man shouted at her, "out of the way, out of the way," as the Moose wasn't about to stop for her. It must have been a war moose, specifically trained to run into things. Either that or he had complete control over the beast. It was hard to tell. But the man strode through, and hopefully the Slayer dove to the side. As he passed her, he aimed his staff, and spoke something in latin, which made the staff fire a bolt of lightning, which illuminated the sky, and hit the flying robot like creature.

Darkhawk got hit, but electricity was no harm to him. It just augmented his power packs, "thanks for the recharge," he said, and fired off a blast of his own with the gem, which tore up some of the pavement.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy dove to the side, a quick roll bringing her back to her feet as the wizard continues past. Then she sees the lightning strike and things go from silly to bad in an instant. Not a vampire or demon but a robot. That's different. So which one is the good guy? The blast tearing up pavement has her mind made up.

They are both bad guys.
    "Not in my town!" she yells. She runs after the wizard and leaps, using that Slayer strength to easily catch up and leap to try and tackle him off his noble steed. The War Moose.

The robot will get dealt with when this one doesn't have a shooty stick anymore.

Darkhawk has posed:
The Wizard's shooty sticks ends up being knocked out of his hand when the Slayer tackles him from his noble steed. Curiously, the War Moose vanishes, and the man's attire changes. Where a faux Wizard once stood, okay lay there on the ground, a pimply faced young adult now cringed. He had a retainer, glasses, and looked like he was straight out of a convention. He wore a wizard outfit, but this one looked very much home made.

He scrambled, reaching out for his stick, but the 'robot' handed, and knocked it further away. "Let's not let you have that one back. Now, about that gem you stole. If you return it, I'm sure that I could put in a good, actually, nevermind, no court would allow me to put in a good word for you. But I'd really appreciate it if you returned it." As scary as the 'robot' looked, he didn't sound scary. He sounded downright sociable.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy's brain begins recalculating, like a GPS when a wrong turn is taken. She lets the wizard up but keeps a hand in his robes, just in case. Woudln't be the first time a strange entity tried to hide what they realyl were. As the robot lands, she realizes that the stake probably wouldn't get through that getup. And it certainly doesn't sound like a robot. They should be all 'resistance is futile' and 'danger' stuff, not chatting it up. So the robot is not one of the bad guys.

Selft note, ask Giles for something to deal with robots in the future.

"First, you're welcome," she says. "Second, he stole something? Third, what the hell is going on here? Where'd the War Moose go? And Last but not least, where can I get a War Moose because I totally need one."

Darkhawk has posed:
Darkhawk regarded the woman. She had impressive strength to pun the guy, and tackle him, and catch a galloping war moose. She was obviously powered. It was hard to tell what Darkhawk was looking at as all he had was a visor. "Thank you. My name's Darkhawk, and he stole a gem, and I assume that stick isn't his either?" Darkhawk moved to pick it up, looking at it. "Magic Stick. Neat! I uh, think he created the outfit and the moose with this, like magic. What's your name? Are you a mutant, or were you bitten by a radioactive chimpanzee?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
"Chimpanzee?! I'll have you know I shaved this morning! Wait...You don't mean. Nevermind." Buffy waves her hand in the air to dismiss it but continues to hold onto the Dark Wizard. Yeah, bad guy so he is now that title. "I'm the Slayer. Mystical powers granted by the ugly mole. Which I had removed, thankyouverymuch. Not the powers. The mole. The title means I kill things that go bump in the night. Vampires, demons, whatever. Me and the Scoobies. Not the real Scoobies cause they aren't real, just a cartoon. We just call ourselves that."

She's babbling so she snaps her mouth shut and turns to face the culprit. "Give it up or I beat you until you wish you were never born>"

Darkhawk has posed:
Darkhawk looks and listens to her, bewildered. But he did pick up that she seems to know about magic, so he hands the stick out to her. "This might make more sense in your hands than mine." She seems to be in the strange and weird zone. "I'm just a guy with a suit," he lied, but explaining he has to trade places with an android through a mystical gem would make her even more confused, and take too long to get past that.

Buffy Summers has posed:
"How am I supposed to beat him if both my hands are full?" Buffy asks as she automatically accepts the staff. Now she has a hand full of staff and a fist full of robe. Wait, she can hit him with the staff! There's an idaa! She brings the staff around and points it at the fellow she's holding. "Last chance to give up the gem. You don't do it, I see what I can make this thing do." Weirdly, the tip of the staff actually starts to glow. She really hopes she doesn't blow something--or someone--up here.