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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/09/30 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=95, 1194, 1064, 1284 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:95|Hank (95...")
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Latest revision as of 19:26, 30 October 2017

Log 2649
Date of Scene: 30 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Beast, Okhotnik, Tendril, Boom-Boom

Beast has posed:
It will probably be a few days, or even weeks, before the local weather patterns fall back into proper sync considering how much havok the interdimensional energies let loose on the environment. Outside a storm rages, with fairly high winds and quite a bit of thunder and lightening. Trees sway and rain pelts the windows with pitter patter of heavey droplets.

But besides teh occasional thunder outside, the soundproofed library provides a sort of haven for those inclined to stay in and read when the weather is too foul for man or beast..

And in this case, beast is literal. Hank McCoy sits in one of the highbackes chairs, the blue furred feline sapien quietly turing the pages of a thick book. His glasses are perched on the end of his snout and against most school regulations he has a mug of warm sweet coffee in his free claw. Every one in a while he will lift his head to stare outside, sighing and shaking his head.

Okhotnik has posed:
Though she has spent a decent amount of time at the Mansion, the guest Diya has not been encountered by many. She tends to keep to herself a good bit of the time, or to be seen at a remove. Many have glimpsed her up to her elbows in suds and water in the kitchen, helping to clean up after meals. Others have spotted her up to her elbows in dirt in the gardens, weeding or mulching or digging as needed. A couple have seen her up to her shoulders in the guts of this or that vehicle doing maintenance or repair in the garage. More than a few may have spotted her walking the grounds. And of course, more than a few have mentioned spotting the humungous tigress stalking the woods in the distance. But very few have actually met the woman up close enough to promote or encourage conversation.

The library would seem the least likely setting for such an encounter with this woman. And yet the ashen blonde woman, dressed in clean but rather worn and threadbare sand-colored tan shorts and olive drab t-shirt comes padding into the library, walking on stockinged feet with an obvious intention of not disturbing someone with the combat boots held in her left hand. Her senses tell her another is in the room, and also tell her quite a few things aout that one; male, furred, the scent of the coffee. Curious, she does sweep the room with a glance as she slips into the stacks, but she does not initially draw close.

Among the stacks, Diya draws through them with a reverent awe as she takes in the wealth of books present here. She slows to a stop in a section of books in Russian, finter tracing the air just a bit above the spines as she decides on an art history book focusing on an era just prior to the Revolution, sliding it out, cradling it close against her.

Beast has posed:
Of course Hank knows of Diya. He has of course caught glimpse of her many times but he has alway kept his distance, which is hard because of his innate curisoity. But Jean warned him of Diya's difficulties containing her own beast and, being one himself, felt it prudent to try and maintain some distance so as not to accidently trigger her animalistic side with his own.

Of course, unlike her he is ALWAYS a beast.. and has been for a long time now, so is much better and in control.. which is ood since unlike her he cannot NOT be The Beast. That also means his senses are ALWAYS on. His ears twitch at the soft sound of feet as she enters the library.. His nostrils flare slightly as he catches a barely familiar scent, one that he has come across indirectly since she arrived.

His catslit eyes catch a glimpse of her, partly exposed behind a nearby shelf, and he clears his throat. "I would be ware the veracity of that particular tome." he says, his voice a low velvety baritone. "It's an original, of course, but the author was biased."

Okhotnik has posed:
Diya does not startle at the sound of Hank's voice, but instead turns slowly about to regard him, offering a slight incline of her head to acknowledge and greet him. There is a continuation of the sort of reverence she has shown to the books, to the library as a whole, now shown to the rather unusual blue-furred creature so eruditely offering advice on the tome she has selected.

"All authors are biased." Diya offers in a whiskey-toned feminine contra-alto voice, replete with a working-class Russian accent, sharp but eased by a strong familiarity with American english. "Some strive to leaven their bias with other views, others do not. But I appreciate the input."

Diya pads soft-footed around the intervening shelf and draws closer, her grey-green eyes only slightly reflecting back a hint of gold as she takes in the blue-furred figure in greater detail. Her scent still carries the presence of the tiger; it may not be prevalent, but it is never absent. "Good evening." she offers, conversationally. "I am Klavdiya Vasiliev. Most call me Diya. Or Okhotnik." Russian for 'Hunter'. "You seem very well read, especially to know so well a tome written in Russian." She doesn't expect that of Americans, her tone says clearly.

Beast has posed:
Hank closes his own book, it's title engraves on the cover instead of printed. Praise of Folly by Erasmus, written by the author to amuse his friend Sir Thomas More. Its dazzling mixture of fantasy and satire is narrated by a personification of Folly, dressed as a jester, who celebrates youth, pleasure, drunkenness and desire, and goes on to lambast human pretensions, foibles and frailties, to mock theologians and monks and to praise the folly' of simple Christian piety. HE cants his head slightly, regarding the yunger woman, and offers her a toothy smile.. which is about the only smile the blue feline-esque man can give. It probably helps that he is wearing oxford tweed.

"Well yes. All authors /are/ biased. But sometimes it does matter what they are biased for.. and against." he points out as he leans back in the wing backed chair. "Ah yes. Klavdiya Vasiliev.. or is that Vasilievna, in the proper russian?" he asks. "We have not had the pleasure of meeting, as of yet, though I have heard much about you." he sets teh book aside and slowly stands, tuggiung at his coat to straighten it, then offers he a large blue paw. "I am Doctor Henry McCoy and I would like to think I am quite well read in many languages." he jests.

Okhotnik has posed:
The soldier approaches carefully, visibly telegraphing her intentions before following them with action, as if she is expecting the Beast to need that telegraphing in order to prepare himself, control his responses, and maintain the peace. The golden hue in her eyes increases for a few moments at the toothsome smile, but it also dims thereafter; this is a woman learning control, one challenging moment at a time. She steps in, shuffles the book into the crook of the arm holding her boots, and then extends her own to meet that paw. Her hand is no larger than an average woman's, but there is a strength and directness to her handshake that bespeaks her nature, and her background.

"A doctor? I am impressed, Doctor McCoy." Diya offers, inclining her head again in that gesture of respect. There's a sense of a woman who truly understands and embraces saluting those worthy of respect, in whatever way seems natural at the time. "I confess, I am unused to Americans who are multilingual. But I am impressed. Especially that you would overcome the challenges before you to pursue ... science? Or is it medicine?" It could be both, so she just asks. It is the only way to learn.

"You are of course correct. It does matter what an author is biased to favor, and to oppose." Diya admits, acknowledging Hank's point. "That is why one must read with an eye towards critical thinking in all matters. To think for oneself, to the best of one's ability." Well spoken, for a soldier.

Tendril has posed:
    And then the door promptly pops open again as someone else much less sedately enters, as Lexi skids to a stop just inside, looking back over her shoulder. "Hah! Too slow!" she crows at her pursuer, grinning big enough to flash little canines back. "Ya gotta start doin' runs with me in th' practice room, get faster!" She steps back to hold the door for the girl behind all the same, not even panting despite the appparent rapid run to the library.

    Which is about where she realizes the library is actually occupied. "Oh! Uh...hi Diya! Hi Dr. McCoy!" she says cheerfully, still a bit...well loud for a library. She hasn't quite turned the volume down yet.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Boomer appears around just after. "No fair! You're too fast." she says with a laugh. "Cheater!" she teases. She _is_ panting a little, and ends up leaning on the mauve girl. "Yeah, I need more aerob.."

    She notices there are others here as well. "Oh, hey." She looks back to Lexi. "Guess you won't need those librarian glasses after all."

Beast has posed:
No, Hank does not /need/ to have actions telegraphed in advance but he can /appreciate/ it and, even, understand it since at one time he found himself doing the same thing. That first year, maybe two, right after he had accidently 'enhanced' his own mutation. So he does understand where this young woman, this young soldir, is coming from.

His paw easily envelopes hers and he can feel that strength, but doesn't make a show of it. That is for bullies and those insecure of themselves and Hank McCoy is not THAT insecure. "Americans are notorius language snobs, despite the multi-ethnic and multi-cultural background that built this nation." he admits. Then his smile turns to a grin. "Well medicine /is/ a science." he reminds her. "But.. yes. I am a medical doctor, specializing in genetics, and also a biochemist.. and physicist.. and.. well.. lets just stop there before it sounds like I am being pretentious." he jests self depreciatingly.

Before he can say anything else he winces as the two other women rush into the library and turns to the two girls, furry brow raised. "You do realize this /is/ a library." he points out. "I mean, of course I can udnerstand how one could somehow get this room mistaken with the gym, what with all the books and all." he then narrows is eyes at Tabitha. "There is nothing 'nerdly' about glasses, Miss Smith." he points out.

Okhotnik has posed:
Holding her hand as he was, Hank would have noticed the moment when Diya picked up the subtle sound of feet slapping hardwood, rapid strides, panting breath, even before the door flew open abruptly. The soldier tensed, inhaling deeply, and then registered the scents involved and slowly uncoiled the knot that built up so rapidly inside her; apparently these two are known to her, and she can detect a lack of fear or other danger signals in them.

When the door comes open, Diya turns to regard the two who amble in, a wry amusement in her features and posture. "Hello, Lex. Tabitha." she offers, the amusement in her tone as well, as she lifts the hand that had been in Hank's paw to press a finger to her lips. "Quiet voices, please. This is a library." No lectures, there; just a teasing hint and then she's done.

Back to Hank, then, the Russian woman nods. "Most impressive, then, Doctor McCoy. Quite well educated, and an active, inquisitive mind." She doesn't call it nerdy, for all it has not been her life. "I apologize that I and our young friends disturbed your study. I was merely hoping to enjoy something to read. That has been a rare opportunity for me, for several years." Since she left University and went into active duty military life.

Tendril has posed:
    The mauve girl looks a bit embarrassed to be chided...even more so at Tabitha's mention of librarian glasses as she gets a definite purplish tint to her cheeks, then elbows her lightly. "Um, sorry...." she says, a bit more quietly, fidgeting as she lets the door shut again behind Tabitha. "Didn't mean ta interrupt an' stuff..."

    She does perk a bit at Diya's mention of wanting to read a book. "Diya could use something really good, professor. Maybe you can suggest something she'd like?" she says, helpfully.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Tabitha puts her hands behind her back and tries to look innocent. "Sorry, Doctor McCoy." she says, apologetic. She might even mean it. "I need a good book too. Something about psionic bioplasma." she says. "I'd like to know more about how my powers work. I guess I can't not be a nerd forever."

Beast has posed:
He gives the two young girls another stern look, though it is really tinged with amusement. And then he shakes his blue furry head. "I guess I should not be too mad. At least you two are /in/ a library." he tells them, then looks to DIya.

"I wasn't studying.. I was just enjoying rereading a classic. The weather outside is not fit for man nor beast and the sound of rain is rather relaxing when one is curled up with a good book." he tells her. He then motions to the rest of the library. "If you are looking for something good to read, then of course you are in the best place, We have one of the best physical private libraries in the state if not the country. Though private is sort of a misnomer since, beyond a specific list of titles, all the books here are available to students, faculty and guests... So long as they stay on school ground of course. The few books that are locked up are not for any real reason of censorship but usually because of rarity." he explains. "Of course we also offer digital copies of those when possible. I spent much time digitizing them when I first came to the school. Sort of a hobby." he tells her.

He then hmmms at Lexi's suggestion. "Well, Miss Nemo, Our new friend already has chosen a book to read. Lets see what she thinks of it before we start giving out more suggestions." he then looks to Tabitha. "We do not have any books specifically about psionic bioplasma, Miss Smith. It is not something that has ever had much study as psionics are hard to quanitify and except in the case of a few superhumans, bioplasma is not available for study in and of itself still.."

He taps his lower lip a moment, fingering a fang, then walks into the stacks.. and returns a few moments later with two books. "Perhaps these will help." he tells Tabby and hands her teh first book, a hefty tome entitled 'Introduction to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion'. "Psionicly created or not, understanding the dynamics of plasma physics would provide a solid base for you. As for the psionics, well... It's all about state of mind so.." he offers her a much thinner book.

'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Repair'.

Okhotnik has posed:
Diya doesn't make a big deal of her circumstances, but they are plain to see for almost anyone who meets her. Her attire, however clean and carefully kept, shows the wear and tear and humble nature, even moreso than that worn by the teens here. It's not hard to imagine how poor she may be, a life of homelessness before being welcomed here, whatever Jean's rather odd reasons.

When Hank mentions her selected book in response to Lexi, Diya produces the tome with cyrillic lettering tucked beneath the arm the hand of which is holding her boots, showing it off to the girls. "A book of artistic history, focused on the art of Russia in the era before the Revolution." she explains.

Diya tilts her head a bit as Tabitha makes her request, and watches Hank find something appropriate. "Interesting. I would have been out of my depth attempting that." she admits without shame. "It is a wonderful library. I have only seen its like once before in my life, at the University were I studied. That is why it is such a treat for me to be able to share this bounty." Yes. She treasures the books and the chance to read some of them. Odd, right? Though not to one like Henry, of course.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "Oof." Tabitha grunts as Hank fills her arms with a huge book and a companion. "Sorry I asked." she says, though she grins a little. "I guess I have somethin' to read in detention now. It was gettin' pretty borin' anyway." She tucks the books under an arm.

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi hmmphs. "Pretty sure ya don't have detention...an' if ya did, you're totally gettin' in trouble in other ways too..." she notes, putting her hands on her hips. "Cuz ya said ya'd try not ta do that..." She looks back to the two adults. "I just, um, was gonna look up some research on typology...cuz Miss Croft says I still gotta work on that..." she grumbles a bit. She is not a fan of that particular aspect of art history/archeology.

Beast has posed:
Hank grins at Tabitha and steps back. "Far be it for me to /endorse/ you getting yourself into detention, Miss Smith, but I have noted you study quite well when you are.. detained. if only you could apply yourself the same in /class/." he teases her.

He then looks t Lexi and cants his head. "I would not be too harsh on your explosive friend, Miss Nemo. I think he gets in trouble so she can study and NOT get caught by her friends doing so." he tells her, grinning now. "And if you need a good book about typology I suggest 'From Shadows to Reality: Studies in the Biblical Typology of the Fathers' by Jean Danielou.. It is orginally in french but we have the english translating by Wulstan Hibberd." he says, then turns back to Diya. And yes.. hank /has/ noticed the repair of her clothes and now sort of feels guilty that anyone at this school, be they student or guest, should be relegated to an almost overworn (if servicible) wardrobe. That /she/ hasn't made a big deal about it speaks well of her Russian Stoicism but still..."

"You attended university? ANd you were also a soldier, yes?" he asks, sounding curious. "Which one? University I mean? I realize that it is not like the Soviet Era, where military service was mandatory and education was state prescribed but even then Russian Universities were second to none and despite what american propeganda says, the military did promote quite a lot of academic discipline." he says.

"And you know.. You have been here, what, a month now?" he asks. "You already have access to the library, and you also help patrol the school among other things. Why haven't you asked to sit in on classes? You are welcome to." he offers. "You could even get a school uniform, so you wouldn't feel out fo place in class!. Oh, and education credit as well, of course." See what he did there? Always thinking, our Hank.

Okhotnik has posed:
"Lomonosov University." Diya answers as Hank inquires, apparently quite proud of that truth. She speaks the name with the same sort of reverence with which she took in the wonder of the shelves full of books here in the library. "And yes, I was a soldier. My scholarship to University was sponsored by the Army, based on my application during Secondary, and my ... pardon. You would call this 'Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps', I believe? Military scouting program within Secondary. I entered active duty service after graduating University, and eventually moved into the Spetznaz." Making Diya definitely one of the 'best of the best' in the Russian Army.

Diya hedges a bit, as Hank - quite rightly, and enthusiasically - recomments to Diya the idea of joining classes. "I assumed the classes here were Secondary levels, like Lex and Tabitha are taking?" In short, she has completed that level. But it's mostly a hedge. "Standing out, it is what it is. The uniform I wish to wear, I am no longer entitled to wear." There is a real shame in those words; she may have run to survive, but she betrayed her oath to her service to do so. "I would not wish to disrupt the classes That would be ... quite rude."

Tendril has posed:
    "I -told- ya ya could sit in on a class, Diya!" Lexi says, a bit trumphantly. "See? Ya could learn too. No one would mind. Long as yer comfy with it, I mean." She tilts her head, then walks over to start looking for the book mentioned in the archeology session nearby. "There's lots of stuff ya could try that way...an' find somethin' that is where yer...yer heart takes ya, I guess..." she says. A bit philosophically.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "Thank you, Doctor McCoy." Boomer says, grinning at the good professor, then Tabitha smiles sheepishly at Lexi. "I try not to. But sometimes my smart mouth opens up and Mister Summers is there to stuff a detention slip in it."
    She look to Diya. "It wouldn't be disruptive, Tigger." Tabby agrees. She did actually use that word. "I'm sure it'd be really neat to have you in some classes. You might have some interestin' perspectives that even the teachers don't have, 'specially if it was like politics or history or something."

    She watches Lexi walk off. "What was I sayin'?"

Beast has posed:
Hank huhs.. looking quite impressed with Diya's academic, and military, pedigree. "Ah yes.. Lomonosov Moscow State University. Wonderful school. I spoke there two, maybe three years ago.." he tells her. "On 'X-gene-positive parents with radically altered reproductive physiology'. While it ws hailed as a great thesis professionally, I must admit teh faculty's acceptence of a mutant giving the speach wasn't as good. It seems Mutants are not well looked upon back in The Motherland." he says with a sigh.

But then he perks up again. "So long as you are at this school, or upholds it's philosophies, you are /always/ welcome to wear /our/ unforms." he assures her. "And listen to the young women, they both WANT you there. Yes, many of our classes are high school level, but you never attended American school so taking a few of those would help you acclimate. And We do offer MANY college and university level courses. You are welcome to sit in on ANY of them." he promises her, yet again.

He looks to the girls and winks once. "In fact I think these two young women would be ecstatic to take you to the school's quartermaster and get you a uniform and all the accessories." he says, emphaising that in a way to mean 'get her some more CLOTHES damnit.

Okhotnik has posed:
Diya rolls her eyes a bit as Lexi gets all exited on the prospect of getting her into classes, and naturally Tabitha piles on. Most of all, she gruffs a bit when Tabitha calls her 'Tigger'. It is an affectionate nickname she has been aware of, but the girls have previously been careful only to use it when she was, herself, in tiger form. This is the first time they've dared to use it aloud in front of her while she's had a human's face to express her annoyance at the choice. She mutters something in Russian about do not bounce about on my tail, but it's largely subvocal.

"I already owe the school a debt I may never be able to repay." Diya admits, honestly. Yes, that's why she works so hard, labors so hard on behalf of the school; she's striving to repay the costs of her presence at the school, and rest assured even with their bulk pricing discounts just the food the school is providing to fuel her augmented - and much abused - metabolism has been a substantial investment.

Ruth is, though, if everyone keeps prodding, they might well convince Diya on the uniform front; she misses having a uniform. She has never been a fashion plate, but she always looked good in her uniforms, and appreciated the sense of belonging to the group they encouraged.

"Perhaps we can look over the class catalog? I would not mind an opportunity to expand my mind, if you are sure I would not be disruptive in class." Diya is still cautious about this, but interested: she has to be careful about crowds, tightly enclosed places, etc. But learning is a passion she has had to do without for years, since going on the run. Learning, and serving are the lynchpins of her prior happiness.

Tendril has posed:
    "Ooh! Ooh! We can -totally" take ya to th' quartermaster for a uniform! I mean, ya ARE worried about disruptin' things, an' if ya were in a uniform, ya wouldn't stand out as much." Lexi says with a faintly teasing grin. Just a bit. The idea of Diya dressed in uniform is....adorable on some level. But then again, she's also aware that some of Diya's clothing is a bit...well, threadbare. Comes from living on the street, after all. "I'm sure they wouldn't mind it. Heck! I'll buy one for ya! It can be like, um, a belated...birthday gift or somethin'!" the goldened-eye girl insists, pausing as she pushes a ladder over, then climbs up it so she can get at the book she's looking for.

    "Then ya could go to class an' people might not even notice if ya were a lil' bit older..."

Beast has posed:
Hank catches that little murmur in russian, in response (undoubtebly) to the nickname, but he hides his growing amusement. There is something to be said about reserving someone's dignity afterall. Not that he hasn't had his own share of nicknames over the years. And then there is the case about ones pride.

"Ms.Vasiliev.." he says, slowly. "The only det you need repay is the debt to yourself. And in me experience the best way to pay that debt is.. Empower yourself. And nothing empowers one more, lets them discover /who/ they are and what they can accomplish, more that knowledge.. and, of course, attaining that knowledge in the presence of others..." he tells her.

He looks to lexi and Tabitha, looking at the moment /extrememly/ proud of both of them. For being good /people/, better than most in fact, and willing to watch someone's back. "Excellent. I will leave her in yoru care, then because.." he checks his watch a moment and frowns. "Because I am overdue back in my labs to check on my latest experiment.. Extrememly time sensitive." he tells them as he grabs his book and inserts it in it's proper place on the shelves. "So.. You three behave.. And by you three I mean you, Ms. Smith." he says, though it is apparent he is teasing her.