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Latest revision as of 19:37, 30 October 2017

Invasion: Erf
Date of Scene: 02 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Rocket Raccoon, Gamora, Groot

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
Place: Guardians Headquarters, Knowhere
Time: Between Happy Hour and Club:30

The former headquarters of 'Rocket and Groot's Reesonbly Priced Bownty Huntin' is one of the most dilapidated shacks available on Knowhere. This is saying quite a bit, since the entire mining colony was built inside of a slowly-decaying Celestial Skull, and virtually all of the structures were originally meant to be temporary. Still, it's got enough room for five or six people to live fairly comfortably, if they don't value their personal space too much. More importantly though, it has enough hanger space to house both The Milano and Rocket's old bounty hunting rig, the Rack 'n Ruin.

Standing in front of the door to the ramshackle building, Rocket perches precariously on top of the thing he's using as a ladder. A can of spray paint in his hand, he draws a line through the faded, hand-drawn sign, followed by another one. Now the sign that formerly read 'Rocket and Groot's Reesonbly Priced Bownty Huntin' now has a giant 'X' painted over it.

"There we go... lower me just a little bit there, buddy."

As he is lowered, Rocket starts to spray paint a new sign, directly on the side of the building below the old sign.

"This oughta do the trick..."

In large, red letters, Rocket slowly spells out...

'Gardens of the Galaxy Here.'

Stroking his chin for a second, Rocket appraises his work admiringly. "That looks great, but it needs a postscript to really class it up..."

A light goes off in his head, and he adds in smaller letters beneath it...

'also bownty huntin'

Gamora has posed:
    Gamora had been meeting with a few potential interested parties in looking to hire the Guardians, to 'size up' the jobs, and the people offering them. And, more on the way to the Milano, where she prefers to sleep even when the Milano is docked presently (because she DOES value her personal space and privacy) she pauses, just outside of Rocket's little shack. There is pause, and she looks momentarily confused.
    She looks to Groot, and asks, "You talked him into making his house a botanical gardens?" She looks mildly impressed.

Groot has posed:
     Groot of course has no problems lifting the critter on his shoulders. He rises up with the request and also gives his appraisal. "I am Groot." He offers in approval, even though Rocket & Groot's is done, there is a good amount of pride here. The two misfits had been buddies for a long time.

  A big smile forms on his mouth to see Gamora as she visits. "I am Groot! I am -Groot-." Explaining just about everything about their old base of operations.

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
"HA! I'd forgotten about that! Tell her about the time we got wasted and set the living quarters on fire! Ha ha! You were so trashed..."

Standing on one of Groot's shoulders, Rocket nearly doubles over at the recollection.

"... And so Groot tries to put the fire out, and he's so drunk that he forgets he's made of wood! So he's running around screaming 'I AM GROOOOOOT!' and I'm just rolling..."

More laughter continues, while Rocket finishes the story that he had actually asked Groot to tell. He's apparently forgotten that already. But he stops laughing almost as quickly as he started, wiping away a tear from his eye.

"Seriously buddy... I think you've got a pretty serious drinking problem."

Gamora has posed:
    Gamora just looks at the two odd friends, and Gamora looks at Rocket, curiously. "So, watching your friends get set on fire is amusing?" She inquires, with mostly disbelief, but there, somewhere, is that shred of wondering if she's missing something. Some key point to understanding everyone else, with the way she grew up.
    She looks over to Groot, curiously. "So what kind of plants are you going to be keeping in there? Picking up natural fauna as we travel?"

Groot has posed:
     The giant tree-person gives a good laugh before looking to Rocket. "I am Groot!" referring to a certain time where there was a certain instance with an incendiary grenade and the Rack 'n Ruin's life support systems.

  Groot smiles again, looking to Gamora. "I -am- Groot! I am Groot!" So many plants, maybe even some fruiting ones for Rocket and the gang. And soft ground covering for Rocket.

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
"Hey... let's not get too crazy here guys. I'm all for living harmoniously with nature, but we've got a certain reputation to uphold. We don't want people thinking we've gone soft just because we don't kill people for money very often anymore."

Hopping down from his perch, Rocket lands lightly on the ground, tossing the spray can over his shoulder out into the very littered thoroughfare that runs in front of the newly christened Guardians Headquarters.

"I'm thinking we ought to mount a bunch of gun turrets to the outside of the building, so nobody ever tries to steal our units. Oooh! And maybe a giant vault for all of our units!"

Gamora has posed:
    "Should I ask how you're going to fit a giant vault inside your house," wonders Gamora, crossing her arms over her chest now. "Or, for that matter, what you're going to charge for admission?" Because, let's face it. It's Rocket. Of -course- he's going to try to make money off it. IT's what Rocket does. Besides shoot things, and invent things that shoot things better. And repair things that shoot things.
    "Of course, you will need money, to get gun turrets. And a vault. So, perhaps we had best start considering jobs, yes?"

Groot has posed:
     Groot bends over, whispering into Rocket's ear. "I am Groot." before laughing. Referring to a joke Quill had told him about a 'unit'.

  A branch extended to the ground, picking up that can, and...an unopened can of booze! That quickly gets cracked open and sipped on, and chugged.

  "I am Groot!" We definitely need to get some jobs going. Rocket is about done with his budget for shell casings.

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
"Hm... funny you both should mention that..."

From the way that Rocket attempts to build up a sense of mystery and suspense, it's clear that whatever he's about to say won't be funny at all. He meant 'funny interesting', not 'funny haha', or even 'funny strange.'

Walking up to the door, Rocket kicks it with his bare foot to get the sensor to detect him (did we mention that the buildings here are pretty ramshackle?). As the door slowly creaks open, Rocket leads the way inside, navigating a trail through several piles of trash, more piles of ammunition, and a bunch of weapon parts that seem to have been organized by merely dumping them all together in piles.

The hanger is, as previously mentioned, large enough to hold to fairly small spacecraft. In space terms, it's more of a garage. Neither the Milano nor the Rack 'n Ruin are much bigger than your average shuttlecraft, after all.

Up the stairs, the landing juts over the hangar bay. It's bigger than the porches on most mansions back on Earth, but it's mostly covered in piles of what appears to be garbage, but is probably very important to Rocket.

"I was watching my favorite program the other day, and they mentioned a bounty worth over seventy million units! All we gotta do is go to some crummy planet called Erf, and snatch up some guy called Dark Side? With a name like that... it's gotta be super easy, right?"

Gamora has posed:
    "No." Gamora's answer sounds absolutely final. Her jaw is set. And, she's looking at Rocket like he's crazy. Not normal Rocket crazy. But Rocket's Out of His Mind Crazy.
    "You don't know who Darkseid is?" She considers, looking aside to Groot, momentarily, to see if the her other companion has. She shakes her head, "When ... I was working for Thanos, I had very few restrictions, Rocket. One of them, however, was to never, under any circumstances, to pick a fight with Darkseid. Thanos claimed it was because he didn't have the resources. But ... it wasn't because of that. It was because Thanos wasn't certain he'd come out on the winning side."
    She pauses again. "Erf? Do you mean Earth? Peter's planet?"

Groot has posed:
     Groot walks up, long strides and carefully placed feet make it to the landing. He picks up a shiny coin, biting it before tossing it back where it was. "I am Groot?" Not sure who Darkseid is, but he does know that Gamora is usually on these type of things, if she doesn't like it, we should maybe...wait, Erf?

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
"Oh here we go... it's time for another round of 'Let's All Nitpick Rocket's Great Idea!'"

Rocket throws his hands up in exasperation, his snarly voice getting noticeably louder and higher-pitched. But for what it's worth, he seemed to have been expecting exactly this reaction from everyone.

"Gotta admit, I'm surprised that you're taking HER side, Groot. Didn't you tell me that you always wanted seventy million units that one time?"

It's highly possible Rocket isn't remembering a specific conversation. That'd be a pretty crazy coincidence though.

"I guess that means one of YOU has a better idea to make seventy million units, huh?"

Gamora has posed:
    "Not at the moment," Gamora says, tersely. She stares at ROcket, and then exhales. "We will go to Earth. And. Assess the situation. It's probably better that Peter's gone, anyways. Once we've done that, one of Lolita's friends - called Coco, has a million credit job lined up for us. Seems pretty simple."
    She shrugs, then. "We stop out at long range, and view the sensors, before we go in. If I say we pull the plug, Rocket. We're pulling the plug. Or we're not going. Understood?"

Groot has posed:
     "/I/ /am/ /Groot/?!" Seventy million units...SEVENTY MILLION UNITS! Almost immediately, Groots eyes imagines all those units...and he just starts to think about what they could do with seventy million units. "I am Groot."

  Groot doesn't have much baggage, so he is good to go whenever.

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
Rubbing his hands together, a sinister smile rapidly spreading across his face, Rocket looks very much like a Chuck Jones attempt at animating the very personification of greed. He doesn't seem to realize just how disturbing he looks when he's fantasizing about units, but it's pretty likely that he wouldn't care.

"Excellent! Then it's unanimous! We're going to ERF! Pack up your stick and rocks, or whatever it is they have there, and we'll jet out of here at..."

Rocket looks down at his wrist, before forgetting that he lost his chronometer in a card game (again).

"Flarg it, we'll leave in a couple of ticks."