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Latest revision as of 22:31, 30 October 2017

A Kiss with a Fist
Date of Scene: 16 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Darkhawk, Supergirl

Darkhawk has posed:
Chris Powell had suited up, which for him meant exchanging his body, but not his consciousness, with an android that was usually stored in some kind of interdimensional pocket, which he referred to as 'Null Space'. But whatever the science, the fact was, he was now a mechanical being. There were sensors, tactile sensors, visual sensors, audio, electromagnetic, so many different types of sensors, but it was entirely mechanical, just, his consciousness was in full control of it.

He was in the training room. Android or not, he needed to hone his ability to control the body, learn its full capabilities, and become the hero he always hoped to be. So, he was currently standing near a sort of enhanced punching bag. It had the same basic premise of a punching bag, but this one was reinforced on the top and bottom, and was made out of some material which was highly resistant to force, as in, it could withstand a variable tonnage worth of force. Currently, it was set to a modest, by superhero stands, 2 metric tons. He was punching the bag, moving with decent, but not perfect form.

Supergirl has posed:
Walking in, cape swishing, hands on her hips is Supergirl. She smiles at Chris, watching him. "You're getting better." She comments and lifts a hand to wave lightly from the doorway. She smiles brightly, giving him the room. "Just training? It's been a bit-mind if I join in?"

Darkhawk has posed:
Darkhawk turned, his visor reflecting a ruby tinted version of Supergirl's face as he regarded her, "thanks, got to keep trying, improving, and becoming the best superhero I can be. Please, I'd love to train with a member of the Justice League. Just, watch the dents. I know this thing is self-repairing, but you never know when it's going to be the one time it doesn't get fixed." She was kind of out of his league, and yet, quite literally these days, and yet somehow, that never seemed to matter.

Supergirl has posed:
Coming around the bag, Kara is still smiling, content. "Cool. And I know. Most of my training is control control control. It's a rare day anyone wants me to hit as hard as I can." She remarks and holds the bag. "Let's see those moves then." She offers, letting him take another turn at it with an easy wink. "Think of it this way, to me, it's harder to punch a thief than it is to punch through a building."

Darkhawk has posed:
Darkhawk, if he were capable of smiling, would be. But his body didn't really have any way of emoting. It was all done with his tone of voice, so, in a way, dealing with him was kind of like dealing with someone on the phone. You could hear, but other than hands, legs, arms, and posture, there wasn't much for him to show a smile, or a sigh, or anything like that.

But he would be smiling if he could. "Hey, I know for a fact that you have amazing fine motor control." Deciding to try and show off, he raised the setting on the bag, since it was adjustable, and then his chest gem began to light up, as he tried to use it to augment his strength, and he hit the bag, doing by his own standards, a very impressive 13 tons worth of strength. But he was well motivated. He was trying to impress Supergirl.

Supergirl has posed:
Feeling the force behind the bag, Kara studies him. "That's it. Put your weight into it, keep your center." She murmurs and comes around behind him. She grabs his hips, angling them a little and rolls his shoulders back. "Try there." She suggests, noting the bit she knows about throwing a punch. She never seems to mind him being in this form, doing her best to read his posture to help gage his emotions.

Darkhawk has posed:
Darkhawk liked her help, and he could feel the touch, even through the android, and the interdimensional link with his body, however it worked. But he was glad that the Darkhawk suit wasn't an unfilling android. He could feel the wind blowing against his exterior. He could sense temperature. It was all part of the systems, to make him as competent as possible and tactile sensors were hugely important. Sometimes he forgot he was even using it, because it felt so natural.

Following her directions, he again tried to use his gem, which used Darkforce power, more or less equivalent to a Green Lantern ring, to augment and enhance his physicality. This time, when he struck, he hit with 17 tons, "that's better." His form could still use a lot of work, and he probably could have augmented his strength better with the gem too. But he was still quite new to this, and it didn't come naturally to him.

Supergirl has posed:
Laughing, Kara nods. "Strong like Hulk!" She imitates and taps his back. "Come on seventeen tons, lets see that foot work on a moving target!" She encourages, putting her hands up. She at least hunkers down like he might move her if he tried. Her blue eyes flick up to his visored face plate. "It's almost as cool as if you were training with Superman."

Darkhawk has posed:
"Like a Hulk teenager, no a child, maybe a Hulk infant?" He replies, not buying into her praise. He knew he had a lot of work to do. But when she challenges him to a fight, he again, well, would grin if he could. "Superman? He's lame compared to Supergirl. She's where it's at. She can do everything he can, and she does it in heels!" Sure, he's talking about her as if she weren't standing right there, but he immediately attacks. His boots fire off a blast, sending him airborne, not much, just enough to fly through the air and he tries to punch her with both fists, making himself a sort of human rocket.

Supergirl has posed:
Bracing, Kara slides a foot behind her and turns to try and throw him off when he rockets at her. She catches the punches in her hands and smiles brightly. "Yeah, but I heard she has to go to high school like Earth kids do." She counters and pushes off dropping his fists and flying above him. "Gonna have to think faster than that Darkhawk!"

Darkhawk has posed:
She might have caught his punches and stopped him flat, but the thing she forget was he doesn't need his fists to fight. That gem in his chest began to fire, blasting her with darkforce energy in a beam of concussive force. It was the source of all his power, and his transformation. It also came in handy at parties. "Yeah, and I'll bet she's a teachers pet too, and star athlete, and maybe even a cheerleader too? Will there be enough pages in the yearbook for all her fabulous talents?"

Supergirl has posed:
"I'm to lay low. Science club." Supergirl replies and falls back, rubbing her chest. "Alright Chris, you want it tough, you're on." She cries out and punches him back, a decent amount of force behind her fist as she slams it into his chest for blasting her.

Darkhawk has posed:
"Hey no, no names, not while I'm in costume." He replied at the mention of his own name, even if he secretly loved it every time she used his name. The punches send him flying, and she follows after him to get in a few more. He puts up an energy shield, one made of darkforce, it cracks, so he makes another one, yeah, she was good. In the end, he had to fire a blast of his visor, a similar beam attack to his chest ray, and shoot some lead based smoke pellets, his suit had a lot of nifty gimmicks, to get away. While the smoke filled the room, he engaged his active camouflage feature and went invisible. But she could probably pick him up with her special vision.

Supergirl has posed:
Looking around, all the lead in the air is messing with her. She turns about, keeping her fists up. "Fine. Play it sneaky." She calls out. Drawing in a breath, she drops her hands to her sides and blows out, clearing the air around her. It takes effort to blow so hard, she straightens and draws another breath.

Darkhawk has posed:
And during the second breath, a haymaker comes in from the left side. He tries to pull back, but she's so darned quick, and strong, that he ends up having to move his legs, which are flexible as ever, he is in a machine's body, to fire his booster gets at her legs, hoping to free himself, "I play to win... no, that's not right, I play to survive, for as long as I can." He knew it was a losing battle going in, but still he tried. Just as he would if it were real.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara continues to spar with him until she does manage to land a hit. Right where his mouth would be. She gasps, horrified and covers her mouth with a hand. "Chr-eer, Darkhawk, your teeth! Are you ok?" She flies over to where he lands and leans over him, concern all over her face-forgetting in the heat of the moment to pull back or that he's an android right now.

Darkhawk has posed:
Beaten, Chris does what most losers do, and he concedes. He is a tough, and he's learning, he has a lot of potential, but he's just not in Supergirl's league right now. He brings a hand to his chest, as he lay there on the floor after having been struck. The mask is even dented, not too much, but there's definitely a dent in his mask, or what appears to be a mask anyway.

"All right, all right, you win," he announces, doing that as much to make sure she doesn't continue hitting him as he prepares to make his change, as he does to allay her concerns about having hurt him. Clutching the amulet in his chest, it begins to glow brightly. Seams appear on his suit, lighting it up, and after a bright flash of light, the android is gone, and Chris Powell remains, on the floor, wearing his school sweat pants and t-shirt, as if he had just come from gym class. The amulet now hung around his neck, and he tucked it into his shirt. "That was fun."

Supergirl has posed:
Leaning over Chris, Kara kisses his cheek. "You scared me." She sits back and lets out a breath. "I am so glad you're alright. I'll tone it back next time." She promises and looks into his eyes. "You don't hurt do you?"

Darkhawk has posed:
Chris was thankful for the kiss. He smiled at her immediately after, "sorry about that Supergirl," she was still in costume, "but yeah, I'm fine, in fact, if I turned back into Darkhawk, the mask would be fixed. It's self repairing when in Null Space. I just have to change back to fix it." For all he knew, every time he became Darkhawk, he was taking on a brand new android body. There was so much about it that he didn't know.

Supergirl has posed:
Sitting back, she lets out a breath and shakes her head. "Ugh. I wish I could change forms and bounce back." She rubs her chest and smiles. "Those beams pack a punch! Goodness." She shakes her head. "And we aren't in public, don't be such a prude. I'm still Kara." She stands with a groan and offers him a hand up.