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Latest revision as of 22:46, 30 October 2017

Might or Right
Date of Scene: 18 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Green Ranger, Super-Man, Juggernaut, Kaydin LeGraize

Green Ranger has posed:
For the most part the Tryouts have been finished, this is the last day. Kenan has of course managed to get into the Tournament. Tommy is of course putting a number of kids through a serious hard work out. Some of them, most in fact are bullies. As for the most of the day he's been pushing them through an obstacle course. Some said that doing all the things Tommy said wouldn't make them feel good. So he challenged them to prove him wrong. And of course they are feeding into each other. When they start to slow down, others call them weak and it forces them to push harder. So right now Tommy is smiling almost eagerly as he sees them starting to reach the end and push harder to be the winner.

Of course something has Tommy Concerned as well, he's spotted that trouble maker from the other day and the teen has been back on the edge of the area. And he's seen several people talking to him. Tommy's shared this with security as their body language tells him they are looking for trouble.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan made it through the first round by the skin of his teeth...literally since he wound up biting his lip during the fight. He has joined Tommy in the obstacle course, proving that while he may not be a great martial artist, he is in seriously good condition. Just as last time, he is wearing a red and black gi, though there is a gold symbol on one side of his chest this time, it looks to be a gold chinese dragon inside an octagon, curled into an "S" shape.

Green Ranger has posed:
for the most part Tommy's been doing his best to both keep an eye on the Competators but also the group of possible trouble makers. And when he takes his eyes off, it ends up making him loose track of them. And the ones running the Obstacle Course finally reach the end as Tommy slowly aprpoaches them as they hit the ground panting and one is jumping as he wins claiming he was the best. And Finally one of his more serious rivals gets up and says. "You barely won!" And then comes the Reply.

"I can school you at this any day of the week!"

And approaching them Tommy offers a smile as he says. "And how do we feel about ourselves?"

Even those who lost the race to the end admit they feel good, better than they expected.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan Kong says, "A lot of people think bullies are strong. This is false, Bullies are bulies because they try to show strength by dominating those weaker than they are, but they avoid confronting those who may equal or best them. I know, I bullied the child because I could not face the father, who was a powerful man with influence and guards. Facing weakness is easy, facing strength takes courage and true strength." Hopefully some of this youths understand, many of them are about his age, but with what has gone on the last few months, he feels a world more experienced

Juggernaut has posed:
    Even the Juggernaut has an off day.. and violence, even when controlled by paltry things like rules and regulation and fair play, is still violence and can be used to appease the occasional urges Cytorrak attempts to instill in his avatar. For his own part, Cain simply looms among the various spectators, a drink in his hand and massive frame standing out like an elephant among a herd of sheep. He seems..mildly bored, but disinclined to enter or get involved aside from observation just yet. His eyes flicker between those who seem to be winning, or at least the most interesting, giving them a little more time and consideration then the rest but for the most part he keeps to himself for now.

Green Ranger has posed:
Of course many people thing that strength is showing your power. That Might makes Right, and the Kid that Tommy put on the ground is holding a grudge, amd more importantly, a gun.

"And let's see your strength handle this!" And Then Tommy turns around just in time to see a Mac 10 being brought to bare on him. And instantly a number of places in the crowd seem to just erupt in Violence. At least four people including the one on Tommy are Drawing weapons to target the Martial Artists. Kids and Guns don't mix.

Tommy Lunges at the weapon holder as he manages to reach him before he fires Grappling the wrist and pushing it to the ground where the shots discharge into the dirt forcing Tommy to now head butt and grab his other wrist which draws a Knife.

Screams come to the air as people start to Scatter and run from the event away from the attackers.

Someone throws a fire bomb trying to hit a large part of the stage to send it ablaze as two mor epeople brandsih fire arms, and or course Cain Draws their focus, "Let's see your strength handle this!" and they Fire on Cain trying to fill him full of holes. Unaware of who they are attacking. The good thing is that it focuses fire on him instead of the kids who are watching and now running with their parents.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan acts...almost without thinking he draws in power and focuses it into speed. First thing he does is catch the firebomb before it hits and crushes the flame out fortunately he is resisting to heat and friction while speeding along). The second thing he does is run past the people holding guns (except the one grappling with Tommy) and use his slipstream to drag them away from the crowd. He slows down enough that they drop to the ground and stands between them and the crowd. To the crowd, he says, "I will not let you die." To the Gunmen, he says, "You will harm no one here while Chaoren yet stands beteen you." OK, so he thinks he might have been too late on Cain...but still.

Juggernaut has posed:
    Well then..this escalated quickly.

Cain lowers his beer and just squints his eyes at the confrontation taking place with Tommy. He makes no move to intervene but he does lean forward slightly, squinting his ice blue eyes and staring intently. It's then that the screams around him intensify and he snaps his attention back to his immediate location just in time to see the guns trained on him.

"What the.."
is all he has time to get out before his next words are drowned out in gun fire.

Gun fire that..does absolutely nothing aside from shred into jeans and a tee shirt appropriately emblazoned with the image of Godzilla looming over a cityscape upon it. The bullets don't even sink in as much as deflect, bouncing wildly off, into trees and into the dirt as cain just stands there.

When the gunshots end, he clenches his fist, curling the beer can into a crumbled mass of foil as he frowns and glares down towards the shooters, "Yeah, that was a mistake."

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin had been present eating a hotdog and enjoying himself with this tournament.. When Gunfire comes he stuffs the hotdog into his mouth and begins to run towards the noise. He moves with superhuman speed, lightning arcing around him as he moves to those with guns and tries to take the guns apart in their hands. He saw someone do this in the comic books so it should work here.

Green Ranger has posed:
Tommy's not Gentle with the attacker, as he will bring his knee up as he hits the Thung's gun wrist on his knee making him cry out as the sound of broken bone is head, it also knocks the clip out of the gun. And a second one knocks the gun from his hand. Now able to focus on the knife hand he will turn and use his elbow to jab into the ribs of the older teen knocking the wind out of him, and cracking a couple ribs as Tommy them flips him over his hip and Shoulders. Making him land on the ground removing the knfe from his hand.

The Foire bomb hits the ground but doesn't burst into flames. The wick smolders as one of them tries to use another, but is swept away witht he Slip stream.

Of course the two are dragged and the cbottle breaks on the ground as they tumble thanks to Kenan's powers.

Those who have shredded Cain's suit say, "Fuck he's a freak!" And of course they try something else, one draws a molitiv Cocktail and then throws it at Cain, "Let's see if he's fire proof!" A number of the guns are simply made to fall appart in the hands of the thugs, making them loose courage now that their weapons that give them an edge have been taken away.

Juggernaut has posed:
    That was probably an even bigger mistake. Cain doesn't set out to straight murder but if he also has no -reason- to use restraint..he doesn't. Being called a freak and then attacked AGAIN pretty much qualifies thse idiots for the next Darwin award and he's all to eager to comply.

The cocktail hits him, lighting his clothes on fire but the fire fails to gain damging purchse on his body. It clings to him, futile in its efforts to burn him, while he himself thrusts an arm corded with Buick dwarfing muscle out to grab for the one who threw the attack.

Success causes him to yield some small mercy by not crushing him outright like a tomato but that doesn't mean he's gentle in how he flicks his wrist, to send him hurtling at another nearby loud mouth with enough force to break many, many bones. And that's discounting any fire that travels from him to the man.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan sees a blur of motion as the other speedster works, whoever he is must be nearly as much faster than Kenan as Kenan is than human at the moment. Kenan had left the guns in the hands of those he moved for a reason, to give them a chance to make the right choice. He is defending only for now...he is trying to prove what he said last time, that the proper use of Strength is to defend others.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin finishes taking the gun apart and moves to where Kenan is and looks him over. He stops finally enough to be seen clearly. "Looks like you needed some help." He says with a smile as he then looks to the guys who tried to flee, watching them flee.

Green Ranger has posed:
From On High, very high, As in like From the Moon a single person looks down at the events an evil Wicked smile on her lips, but then This woman, pulls back when she sees Cain not be hurt even by the Fire. The sight of the guns falling apart but them selves and using a magic button on her telescope she rewinds and sees the a recorded magical image of a speedster. Of course there are some mutants as well here for The Gangsters. And Thugs, as she Smiles. "Let's see if we can help them out." and with it.

The Fire does run down his shirt as it is like a kerosine and oil based solution. The guy rather than be burned chooses to just slide out of his shirt.

The Woman on the moon Rita Repulsa uses her septor to fire of a quick magic spell that travels to earth and the three Thugs that are mutants. Magically enhancing their powers to make them stronger for a limited time.

The First one fires a blast of energy off at the feet of Juggernaut, well actually the ground under him suddenly looses all traction. Not Ice, simply it looses any sort of traction and ability to gain surface.

The second sends out wAves of energy that induce Vertigo round him in a conical area.

The Third will hold his hands up and project a large conical blast of of air. Each one surprised as their powers are much stronger than they expected but with twisted smiles they start using their powers to try and strip friction away from their retreating gang brothers, and really foul the area up.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan is hit by the vertigo and finds himself falling as his feet slip and his mind is unable to handle his balance. Then the wind hits and starts to blow him backwards.

OK, this is not good...but can be solved. Kenan has practice in ignoring his inner ear and concentrating on his kinesthetic sense...he can feel his true stance and find his center. Now the problem remauins, he is balanced andsliding backwards like a surfer on a surfboard, carried by a tidal wave. He sees one chance to deal with this, without having to do something that may prove deadly. He focuses on his hands...and hits the ground with all his might, creating a localized earthquake!

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin smirks a bit as he is hit by the blast of air. IT was the vertigo and frictionless area which has him groaning as he tries to find some sort of solid footing. Finding none he tries to run as fast as he can and tackle one of the mutants, but with no friction means he is just running in place.

Juggernaut has posed:
    The ground thunders as Cain Marko goes down, tumbling toppling over like a sequoia. He grimaces furiously now, eyes flashing red and crimson energy crackling around him now.

"You maggots are making me -mad-.." he sneers. His body visibly enlarges, bulking up with sinew piling atop sinew until he is virtual mountain compared to how massive he was before. The crimson armor of The Juggernaut wraps about him, his head obscured firs by a skull cap and then his helmet.

"You wimps are dead meat!" he thunders and then both of his huge arms swing otu and clap together, creating a thunderous shockwave that explodes out in all directions from him like a concussive bomb able to take out a building. The tree's topple and the ground craters violently and the air roars against itself as the shockwave pushes into the windstorm.

Green Ranger has posed:
Ok Big man falls on his ass and of course the Mocking continues. "Big man fall down go boom!" As a laugh comes and of course.

And then Big man gets bigger as as Rita eyes through her Telescope and goes "Uh oh.... Oh well." and goes back to watching the show.

The Thunder quake and the strike by Juggernaut of course catches their attention, and then the one who controls friction steps aside and soon traction is regained. A half second after friction is increased in Kaydin's general area. "Friction burn!" she calls out, and then with the hopefully distraction of the friction burn on Kaydin and the sudden restoration of friction under Kaydin's feet she hopes he will plow off into the side of a building at blinding speed.

The One with the Vertigo powers will try to use and turn up the power on Juggernaught as she tries to break his mind to the point he can bring the mighty jugger naught to his knees. But with with magically enhanced powers? Who knows if it can effect the Juggernaut.

The One with the air blasts goes down thanks to the impact on the ground making him hit his head on a rock dazing him as he shakes his head groaning out. Trying to recover as his eyes grow a sickly green. Tommy has dealt with his thug as he can only pull back and work to get people out of the airea of the fight to keep them safe.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan is momentarily free from his foes, he decides to get class bully on them...or perhaps class clown. He switches his power to his eyes. Time for a hotfoot on the Two foes still standing...careful use of heat vistion at a low enough level not to vaporize what it hits...just possibly second degree burns...

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin blurs off into the distance. He doesnt crash into the building but rather runs up it and in mid air turns on the building and begins to circle the park, moving faster and faster before running in as quick as he can to punch the friction mutant as hard as he can with speed enhanced fist.

Juggernaut has posed:
    "You idiots have gotten on The Juggernaut's list! And there's only one way off that list.." rumbles Juggernaut just before the vertigo strikes him. He staggers, stumbling down to one knee and one arm to brace himself as his vision swirls and his sense of place and balance is thrown into disarray. Similar attacks have had effect on him before, revealing that he is not utterly immune to -everything- .. But is it enough to bring him down?

Sadly no. Only the mightiest and most intense of such attacks have been successful and Juggernaut's eyes burn with rage as a sudden surge of anger and strength rips through him, righting him long enough for him to raise a fist high and then plunge it earthwards with enough force to send The Hulk himself hurtling across town.

The resulting seismic event triggers sensors and recording instruments miles away. Juggernaut's fists have been known to be measured at magnitude eight force and while perhaps that's not what he's doing here, it is perhaps the start of such escalation as he's had enough. The utter lack of restraint causes the area to distort and then cave in violently for dozens of yards around as if an asteroid impact just took place while further away from this epic center cars tip over and bystanders are sent hurtling. Even further way windows shatter and buildings lean. Yup it's a big one.

Green Ranger has posed:
Of course at this point things are out of control for Tommy, and he is dropped to the ground. Watching as the Vertigo mutant is knocked prone, and it also sends trees tilting and some uprooting. The Shock wave is enough to knock the Vertigo mutant to the air as she flies of all places into the Pond in Central part as she screams and panics crying out that she can;t Swim. The Mutant with Friction powers is punched hard enough to send the flying. But with speedsters punching someone at that speed as hard as they can? that can be fatile as the figure is knocked against a tree leaving blood running from the nose but they are not moving. Question is, are they alive.

The Air blaster screams out as his feet are burned and toasted.

The force of the blow from juggernaut is enough to send him flying as people are deserted Central park in droves. The thugs are gone and the magic enhanced mutants are also down.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan is not happy, this clearly did not show restraint. He hs not exactly a doctor, but he decides he better use his X-ray vision to see if the downed mutants are badly hurt. The one trying to swim can wait a moment...assuming one of the others does not rescue them. If the mutants are badly hurt, Kenan will do what he can to stabalize them...he gets the feeling polive and ambulances are already on the way.

Juggernaut has posed:
    Juggernaut isn't a nice guy. They mocked him. Continued to attack him, and pretty much continued to aggravate him. This happens. So he shows little by way of remorse here though he does start stalking in the direction of the vertigo wielder. Each step shaking the ground quite noticably now. "Didn't you get some common sense when I changed into my costume?" he rumbles at her, "Hold still and stop panicking. You're got what you deserved." He begins to wade into the pond, though if its to finish her off or rescue her is anyones guess.

Green Ranger has posed:
The Speedster that punched the air blaster did not inflict serious injury it seems. Light concusion, some bruising, and of course a broken nose. They won't be in a good mood tomorrow. Medical attention is needed now as Tommy manages to get up. He's been told of the Juggernaut from the news and other rangers. Not someone the Rangers could handle even with UltraZord.

The Woman in the Lake is absolutely livid as she finally just starts to sink down unable to hold her self up after half drowning swallowing breathing water. and of course exhaustion.

With the three defeated there is a slought glow around them and then it fades. But right now the question is what is Juggernaut goinna do?"

Juggernaut has posed:
    He's going to..plunge his huge arm down into the pond to grab her and then pull her back up, big hand wrapped about her torso and waits for her to recover her breath. Then:

"Dont' be mad at me..you did this to yourself." he rumbles before finally flicking her with the side of his finger to actually knock her out. No escaping -some- hard lumps here. He then makes his way back to the land and just deposits her on the side of the pond.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan is surprised and gratified at the lack of severe injuries. He is nervous that the Juggernaut will need to be stopped...it might be beyond him but he would try. Fortunately Cain retains control.

Green Ranger has posed:
Finally things settle down as the girl is simply knocked out instead of killed by Juggernaut. And then at this point Various people and martial artists come out to start assessing the injuries, providing first aid, and of course gelping to hold down bind up the fleeing Gang members. Tommy of course instantly goes to help out the woman from the pond with a first aid kit using the hymlic move to force water out of her lungs to keep her from suffering more.

Tommy's eyes look over the form of Juggernaut and he smiles in respect for his show of restriant. Thankfully he wasn't under Rita's control.

The place is a wreak, and will need a while to be repaired, as well as the ground tended to to make the place usible for hte tourney.

AS this happens police and paramedics show up to help arrest the people who cause the damage, take statements.

Up upon the moon Rita smiles as she says, "Well that was an interesting show, I wonder about this Juggernaut, he might prove fun with the right spells." She says and leaving she heads over to her spell book to start researching what Juggernaut is, and of course, a way to make him destroy everything around him.