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Latest revision as of 00:02, 31 October 2017

Making a Scene
Date of Scene: 24 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Harley Quinn, Green Lantern (Rayner)

Harley Quinn has posed:
The carnival midway's asparkle tonight with flashing lights, sequins, and all manner of glowing jewelry on the carnival patrons. Tons of folks are quasi-costumed, due to the proximity of Halloween. Harley Quinn stands, hands on her hips staring down a carnie, who's mangling a greasy toothpick with all three of his teeth. "Listen Beautiful, I told ya, them cans ain't rigged. You hit 'em with a ball, they fall down. The end. Unless you wanna uh...come around here and help me out with somethin'."

Harley, wearing a red and black fairy costume, tutu and all, keeps her arms crossed, narrowing her eyes. "If I come back there you're gonna REALLY regret it."

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
Kyle Rainer floats above the carnival, frowning. He watches the distinctive form of Dr. Harleen Quinzel curiously. "You're up to something..." he mumbles under his breath. "I know you are..." He floats a little closer, arms still crossed.

"Harley Quinn, I presume?" he announces his presence, floating down to the ground and landing. "Staying on the straight and narrow, I hope?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
"ME?!" Harley looks completely crestfallen. "I'm bein' good! THIS guy's game is RIGGED. I hit those cans five times and none of 'em fell down."

The carnie gets a sleazy grin and shakes his head. "Can't help it if the girl cain't throw."

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
"It's a carnival game... they're ALL rigged." Kyle rolls his eyes. Which... oddly doesn't have a lot of emphasis when you're wearing a domino mask... but that's neither here 'nor there. "I've been following you, Ms. Quinn... Something makes me think... you're up to something." Kyle floats closer to Harley, trying to look imposing.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley clasps her hands behind her back and twists left and right, shifting her weight from foot to foot. Her fairy wand grasped in hand, the star of it is the only thing visible from behind her back. "Gee, I dunno what yer talkin' about, Mister Lantern. I'm just here havin' some good ol' fashioned fun, and THIS guy has the nerve to PINCH me on the ass and then deny me my GIANT TEDDY BEAR!" she finished through clenched teeth. "Beyond that, I'm simply an angel." Just then, the carnival booth explodes. Milk cans, giant bears, and softballs go flying everywhere. And one carnie probably lost those last three teeth. Harley is blown back against another kiosk, hitting her head, and falls to the ground.

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
Kyle barely gets his force-field up in time. The force of the explosion buffets against his hasty shield, and Kyle goes flying into a cotton candy cart. "Oh god, it's... it's... everywhere!" he moans, covered in sticky thread. "Oh no... Harley!" The green aura around him flares and he takes a running jump forward, rocketing forward back to where he last saw the twin-pony tailed vixen. "Harley! Harley!!!" calls out Kyle, while also seeing if there are any other injured bystanders. A giant, old-school desk fan materializes in a shimmer of green sparks and starts blowing away the smoke.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Jeezus, serious foul!" Harley tries to stand up but stumbles and falls flat of her butt again. Rubbing her forehead, eyes dilated, she looks up at Kyle in confusion. "What just happened?" The star on her wand, however, is now blinking with a steady red light at its center. "Huh...well THAT'S new."

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
Kyle holds his ring arm out at Harley, bracing with his other arm. A glob of green energy surges forward and envelops Harley, the energy resolving into various straps and buckles. Before long, she's restrained and in a straight-jacket, being held up several feet above the ground. Her wand has been wrested from her hand and is floating, encased in it's own green bubble. "How COULD you, Harley. Innocent people could have gotten hurt!" Kyle yells, shaking with rage.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Struggling in the straightjacket, Harley looks over at Kyle in total confusion. "I don't wanna go back to the place, Mistah. They do bad things to me...I been good, what did I do!?" A scuff on her cheek is beginning to seep blood that runs down her face.

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
Kyle looks at Harley, squirming in the straightjacket and gets a sinking feeling in his stomach. Trying his best to glare, he gently lowers her to the ground. The straightjacket dissipates a bit, but Kyle keeps a ring of energy around her, pinning her arms to her side. "Harley. Are you... are you trying to tell me that you didn't do this?" Kyle walks towards her, eying her. He picks up a napkin from a dented napkin holder that was conveniently near and blots the cut on her cheek, wincing involuntarily. ".... are you OK?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Why would I blow myself up? Do I look like some kinda dolt?" Kyle wipes the blood from Harley's cheek and she flinches away from him. "Don't hit me, okay? Just..."

As she searches for words in her stunned state, two small, dark goblin-looking creatures peer out from behind the wreckage of the kiosk. "Uhoh, Boss ain't gonna like this..." exclaims one in a hushed voice.

"What were you THINKIN', Humperdink?! You coulda killed 'er! You better get that wand..."

"No way, YOU get it. I'm gettin' outta here before we have to take the rap for this!" And the small blackish creatures disappear in a poof of black smoke, one at a time.

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
Kyle starts as Harley visibly cringes from him. "I wouldn't... I mean... why would I...? I don't... I mean... um..." Kyle stutters, hurt by the look in Harley's eyes. "Just... hold still." He wipes away the blood, and then hands her the napkin, letting the green energy ring dissipate. "Keep pressure on it if it keeps bleeding, ok?"

Just then, he hears the gutteral voices muttering. "What the...?" he manages to get out, turning around. Blinking in surprise, he's too shocked to do anything, as they disappear in puffs of black somke. "What the HELL was that?" Kyle turns to Harley, confusion in his wide eyes.