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Latest revision as of 02:08, 11 November 2017

Mornings in the Mansion Are Busy!
Date of Scene: 02 November 2017
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Storm, Wolverine, Pixie, X-Man

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's one of the early birds in this house. She's already been out for a long run around the lake, evidenced by her dark hair caught up in a ponytail and that she's still dressed in her workout gear. But she's got a pot of coffee on the counter and is scrambling some eggs near the stove... and she's singing along with earbuds that are apparently playing one of the recent pop hits, dancing along as she does these things. Some people might think that booty-shake is cute. Other people might not. But to each their own. She doesn't seem to care about opinions. Or maybe she just doesn't know yet that she's been caught.

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe isn't particularly an early bird herself. She enjoys her late nights and isn't prone to giving up sleep merely to accomodate the sun. Still, today she has a few projects to work on and she would prefer to have her evening to herself, and so she is up. She wears a long, flowing dress, black with a colorful autumnal floral pattern and a pair of simple sandals.

"Good morning," the mohawked mutant says as she makes her way into the kitchen, going to the fridge to remove a carton of juice. "I trust there are no emergencies in need of attention today?"

Wolverine has posed:
    With a large yawn, Logan moves into the kitchen, looking for some grub. With his left hand he scratches his chest under his white t-shirt, and smacks his lips. Smelling the coffee and the cooking, Logan opens the door, and smiles at the girls present. "Kitty." Logan says, a little loud so that Kitty can hear him over her tunes. He watches her movements for a second, shakes his head, and turns to Ororo. "Roro. Mornin'." Logan says.

    Leaning against the counter, Logan watches the cooking, and says, "Smells pretty good there. Never knew ya' could cook, kid." He winks at Ororo, lettung her know he was teasing the chef.

Shadowcat has posed:
Ororo's voice is a murmur under the music. Kitty knows she's not alone. But it's Logan's call to her that brings her around -- and wide eyes level on the new arrivals. A wide grin spreads across Kitty's features, and she sets the bowl of eggs on the counter, pulls her earbuds from her ears, and hurls herself across the kitchen to hug the weather manipulator tightly. "Ro! You're back!"

Shooting a grin at Logan, Kitty retorts, "If I wanted to eat in England, I had to learn to cook. British food!" She shudders a little. "Not the best in the world."

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe accepts the hug with equanimity, reaching a hand up to stroke Kitty's hair at the embrace, the statuesque African letting a bemused smile play over her lips, "Indeed. I'm pleased to see that no one has reduced the place to rubble in my absence. No thanks to Logan, I presume," she says, returning his wink.

She sets down a glass for her drink and pours some orange juice for herself, leaving it out in case anyone else wants any. "I am willing to place my health at risk and try whatever you make, kitten. We must be brave, after all, if we're to be X-men."

Wolverine has posed:
    Chuckling Logan shakes his head, and says, "Yeah. I hear ya'! British food...ugh. Gotta love the grease though! And they make a mean bangers n'mash! Heh." He watches the girls embrace, and simply nods in appreciation of friends meeting up after time away.

    Moving to look at the results of Kitty's cooking, Logan smiles. "Well, I am sure it is far better than anythin' I could cook up. I've never been one ta' cook too well, that's fer sure. I make a mean burger and can cook over a cookout fire in tha' woods, but that's about it."

    "Yeah, 'Roro. No thanks ta' me. I am surprised tha' place is still here as well!" Shaking his head, he grins. "At least you can help me water tha' plants out there!" Winking again, he chuckles lightly, glad the girls were in a good mood. They always get him in a good mood, even when he was in a dark, dark mood. Which was most of the time...

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn is up earlier than usual. Floating off the ground, not properly awake yet, she's rubbing her eyes as she buzzes into the kitchen. More like a zombie than a person, she's seeking something to eat. Noticing others are here, she slowly opens her eyes and gives little waves, before covering her mouth for a big yawn.

Shadowcat has posed:
Waving a hand toward Logan, Kitty pffts. "Aw, he's in great shape -- rebuilding his bike." The 'again' is clear in the tone of voice; it's a normal state of affairs, after all. That bike might be Logan's best buddy, but it's a bit on the aged side. She releases Ororo from the hug, pecks Logan on the cheek as she passes him, and goes back to the eggs she was whipping into a froth. It's looking like it's going to be a bigger breakfast than she originally thought -- and obviously she doesn't mind throwing eggs on for everyone, given that she starts pulling out and breaking more eggs into that bowl. "I'm pretty sure you can handle the toaster, Logan," she points out. And then she reinforces it by pointing him very specifically to the loaf of bread and the toaster on the counter, her grin amused.

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe takes a chair and crosses her legs, taking a sip of her juice and watching the cooking as it begins to take shape. "Don't be too certain of that. Logan's idea of a toaster may be building a fire in the backyard and roasting our bread on the ends of sticks," she says with a teasing hint. Her mohawk has grown a bit long and, as she hasn't gelled it today, it drapes a bit to one side, her shaved scalp gleaming and fresh from the razor she used in the shower this morning.

"It will take me some time to get back into the routine of things. Barring emergencies, are there happenings of which I should be aware?"

Wolverine has posed:
    Noting the new arrival and her wave, Logan nods towards Pixie and smiles. "Mornin'." Logan says, matter-of-factly, and then turns back to the other girls with a frown. "Seems everyone is up early this morning. Must be on a counta it being such a nice day out. I assume that's because yer in a good mood 'Roro?" Logan asks.

    Logan snorts as Kitty mentions the bike. "Yeah I know. Again. She's a tough mistress, tha's fer sure, kid." Logan's frown turns to a grin when she kisses him on the cheek. "She'll take everythin' ya have, and more. But it's worth it, being on the open road, the wind in yer hair, the freedom..."

    Logan gets a wistful expression on his face until his stomach growls almost as loud as he does, sometimes. "Sounds like I need ta' get something to eat...hmmm..." He looks through the cubbards for a minute, spotting some Cap'n Crunch, and says, "They still make this?"

    Grabbing the bread, he tosses four into the toaster, and sets it for medium toasty. "Thanks fer the vote of confidence 'Roro. I appreciate that." Sarcasm. "Good idea though, roasting 'em on a fire..." Logan chuckles, and says, "The toaster..it's perty automated. Should prevent too much burning."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn settles back dwon from her yawn, and has her eyes open enough to be able to see. "Good morning," she says directly in reply to Logan, but also to everyone else here. Step one is to float to get herself a glass of milk, to begin sipping it slowly. "Eggs? Cereal? Toast? Hmm. Lot of good optoins for food this morning..." she murmurs. "I had a hard time sleeping. Too much coffee yesterday. Hopefully everyone else is up so early for nice reasons."

Shadowcat has posed:
That makes Kitty pause a bit. Are there things of which Ororo should be aware? Definitely. Does she want to tell the weather goddess? Not bloody likely, as they'd say at college. She pours the egg mixture in the pan that's been heating on the stove, and waves to Megan. "Morning, Pix. Ororo... we've got lots of new students. Uhm, they're snarky as hell. And Emma Frost is taking tours of the school, apparently to invest in it. You should talk to Jean. Oh... and an alternate-reality son of Jean and Scott came by to visit." May as well throw all the strange things out at once. And leave out the part about dating Piotr. Very specifically NOT saying that.

"I hope nobody minds microwave sausage. There's a whole box of it -- I can throw it in there, if people want." She helps herself to coffee somewhere in between all those words.

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe listens to the various goings on with a certain arch of the eybrow likely familiar to those that know her well. She sips on her juice coolly and then sets down the glass, "Perhaps I should've added vodka," she murmurs.

"I believe I saw a box of 'Fruity Pebbles' in there, if you're not in the mood for Kitty's savory concoction," she says to Megan. "Snarky or not, I trust they are at least respectful enough of authority to remember that they are -students-, first and foremost," she says. Ororo isn't likely to take well to unusually high levels of sass from those under her charge.

Wolverine has posed:
    "Yeah. I appreciate that kid." Logan says to Pixie. "I spend a lot o' nights not sleepin'. Usually need a lot more than coffee ta' get me there though." Logan says, shaking his head, remembering the dreams he had LAST night.

    Leaning over and watching the bread cooking in the toaster carefully, Logan waits for it to be ready to go, and pounces on it. Tossing the four slices on a plate, Logan grins, and puts the plate on the table with a triumphant smile. "There! See 'Roro? Told ya' I could do it!" Logan then turns, and puts four more slices in the toaster, pushes down the handle, and turns to face the girls.

    "Naw, Kitty, ah'm good. Enjoy yer breakfast. I may look like a carnivore, but...well, actually I am." Logan grins. "Thanks though. Yeah, a lot of new students, which is a good thing. Better here, safe and sound, then out there as walkin' targets."

    Logan regards Ororo with a thoughtful expression. Which was rare on that face. "Vodka. Huh. Not bad...goes well with OJ." Logan nods, and adds a few more pieces of toast as it finishes. He grabs a couple, slathers some butter and strawberry jam he finds in the fridge, and munches down on the toast with a few loud crunches. Placing the jam and butter on the table for the rest, Logan munches some more.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn stretches a little, and floats toward Kitty. "Oh, we're cooking. Yes please, I'm indeed interested in something cooked hot and fresh, thank you very much." She'll then back off out of the way, to lean and sip. "I'm not a carnivore but I think sausages and things are good things to have in breakfast. I like a variety. Well, I generally won't have alcohol with breakfast. Not on general principles."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty nods to Megan. "Yeah, go ahead and do the sausage," she tells the other girl. Flashing a grin at Logan and Ororo, talking about vodka and orange juice, she comments, "You should put champagne in that orange juice. At least mimosas are a breakfast drink."

The scrambled eggs are easy to make and come off the stove quickly. She throws them in a bowl and sets it on the table, snagging a piece of toast to much as she moves around. "I start my new job this week, too. And I get to work from home. I only have to go down into the city sometimes, when team meetings and stuff happens." She seems really excited about that.

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe scrunches her nose a bit, "Champagne is a bit weak for my tastes. If I'm to have alcohol, I want to have alcohol, not a mere hint or suggestion of it," she says. She selects a jam-smeared piece of toast, taking a delicate bite and selecting a small plate to catch crumbs, not wanting to make a mess of the kitchen as she eats.

"What sort of job have you gotten, Kitty? Logan, please sit, it's bad enough me being the only one not cooking, you'll make me look bad if you keep standing as well," she says jokingly. "I have never had a job myself, but they seem to be popular," she says.

Wolverine has posed:
    Munch, munch, munch. Logan finishes off his toast, and nods contendedly. At least now his stomach wasn't growling. Pouring himself a cup of coffee, Logan adds some milk, a lot of sugar, and leans back against the counter again while sipping the hot beverage.

    "Good call kid." Logan nods to Pixie. "No one should drink booze before lunch." Logan says that in a way that sounds like he is kinding, but is almost serious. "I would never drink more than a six pack at least." Logan chuckles.

    "Champagne. Nice. That would be tasty. Hmmm. True though, 'Roro. I prefer beer, but ah'm up fer anything, honestly." Logan regards Ororo, and nods. "Anything to deaden the nerves." And the pain.

    Logan takes another drink of his coffee, finishing it off. "Thanks 'Roro, but well, hate to chat, eat and run, but I need ta' be somewhere. Have a great day everyone! See ya' fer dinner!" Logan nods, and heads out the back way, towards the garage and his motorcycle.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn gives a laugh to Logan, and his comment as she then goes to see about the frozen sausages. "Good morning," she says to him as he departs. Taking the sausages out, she sees to preparing them. Dumping the whole box into a paper towel, wrapping them up tight, and getting the whole thing on a plate to begin defrosting. "Precooked is one of life's benefits," she laughs. "I've never had a job, not of the kind people usually mean when they say getting a job."

Shadowcat has posed:
Finally moving to sit at the table and join Ororo and leaving plenty of space for Megan to join when the sausage pings out of the microwave -- Kitty settles in with her coffee and waves to Logan as he heads back out. "That guy is never still, I swear it." She smirks slightly.

"Uhm... remember last summer when I had that internship in Metropolis? Well, STAR Labs offered me a fulltime research job. I'm a little worried about working for them, but..." She hesitates and then blurts out, "I was kind of vouched for by the Martian Manhunter for the position, and he says they'll help me keep my research out of the wrong hands. I'm actually hoping to get Hank to help with some of the research, since he's already got a start on it."

Kitty seems a little worried, but she says, "Rogue's powers got me interested in the research, and now Nate's... if there's not a way to get his power to slow down some, it'll eat him alive. So... I want to research ways to help people whose powers are out of control. Not the suppressors that they're using on some people -- something that lets them still access and use their powers, just helps them keep it from blowing out of control."

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe listens carefully and nods, "The important thing is that you find the work engaging and fulfilling. That you're doing so while thinking of your fellow mutants is to be commended and speaks well of your character. But, then, I've never needed any confirmation of your goodness, Kitty. It has shined from you since the day we met. But I am certainly pleased to see that seed blossom," she says.

She watches Megan unwrap her plump sausages, "I cannot deny that does seem easier, but I do miss the smell of the cooking," she says. She puts some of the scrambled eggs on a buttered piece of toast, creating a scoop from it and eating it with a crisp series of bites. "If Miss Frost is intent on becoming involved in the school, I suppose I'll need to meet with her as well, if I'm to resume my teaching duties," she says.

X-Man has posed:
The *slap* of bare feet on floor can be heard in a rather unsteady pattern. Every few slaps there will be a *thump* against the wall, a pause, and then the start of the *slap* again. The sounds seem as if they are getting closer to the kitchen along with the random chatter of students walking the hallways, there will be a stop in conversation, and then urgent conversations in hushed tones follow. Then the door swings open, and in walks a rather curious looking individual.

A young man, red hair with a shock of white in it, comes stumbling through the doorway. He seems to be wearing... a hospital gown... with the connectors of some leads seen coming out from the top, and a few leads still attached to his temples. He rubs his eyes, glazed over much like a zombie, and he bumps into one of the counters. He takes a slow look around, his eyes blinking just as slow, before falling on Kitty. "Hi." He mummbles, waves, and then starts to use the counter to move towards the refrigerator. "Hungry..." He grumbles again, before he notices Kitty isn't alone, his brow furrows in confusion, "Oh. Hi to you too..."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty flushes with a small smile at Ororo, the African woman's pride in her something that gives her both great pleasure and a little embarrassment. She helps herself to a plate of eggs and some of the sausage when Megan joins the table, and the thought of Emma meeting with Storm makes the brunette snicker behind her coffee mug.

The sounds from the hallway bring a faint frown to Kitty's face, though, and she turns to see what's happening. "Nate!" The young man's appearance in the doorway is a shock, and she's out of her chair in a hurry, reaching the redhead in a few steps and wrapping an arm around his waist. "What are you doing out of medlab?" she scolds gently, urging him toward the chair she just vacated. "Come sit. Ororo, Megan.... this is Nate Grey. Nate, Ororo and Megan." She's not even sure he'll take in the introductions, but she makes them automatically -- Jewish mother drilled manners into her at a very young age.

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe rises up from her seat as Nate enters in what appears to be a certain state of distress. Kitty seems to know the young man at least, so she lets the younger woman take the lead in guiding the boy to a chair. "I suspect you're ignoring a doctor's orders to be here, young man. If you die on our kitchen table, I'm going to be very, very cross with you about it," she says firmly.

She goes to the wall, punching a button to get a comm to the medwing, flustering someone likely on duty, "If a Mr. Grey is missing from his bed, I want you to know that he's here in the kitchen. Perhaps a bit more attentiveness is in order in the future, but he's safe and sound," she informs.

X-Man has posed:
And then Nate is redirected from the food to a chair, but he doesn't argue or struggle at all as he sits down. He sits down in the chair a little hard, he takes a steadying breath, as he looks up, "Uhm, I'm really hungry..." Nate says, gaining a little bit more cognizance as he looks around, "I went lookin' for the food." He rubs the palm of his hands into his eyes before looking back up, "Kitty, what're you doin' in Jubes house?"

Then he looks around again, he seems to finally actually /see/ the area he is in, "Wait. Where am i?" He looks over to Ororo, "I won't die. Promise..." then his stomach lets out a loud rumble, "Ugh... I need to eat to get better." He frowns again, his brow furrowing as he tries to recall what happened, "What's goin' on, Kitty?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's snicker is almost unheard but it's right in Nate's ear. She can't help it. Ororo and her goddess self has always both amused and intimidated the heck out of her. "Eat," Kitty orders Nathan. "You're not at Jubilee's, you're at the Mansion. And your power went a little sideways a couple days ago. You've been sleeping a lot." She shoves her own plate of eggs and toast in front of him, although she does reach for her coffee mug to take it with her.

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe nods in agreement, "Food will provide you with at least a measure of strength," she says, stepping away from the wall. She goes over to open the window, letting in a bit of fresh air. A flicker of concentration increases the breeze, coolness flooding into the stove-warmed room and providing a certain degree of comfort.

She looks at Nate for a moment, as if examining his features, crossing her arms over her chest, "I take it, from the look of him, that this is the errant time-tossed progeny of which you spoke, Kitty?"

X-Man has posed:
"Right..." Nate replies back to Kitty's explanation of what happened and where is at the moment. He starts eating, saying 'eating' is nice he is actually devouring what is on the plate, and within a few stuffed mouth fulls he is looking around for more. He chews, cheeks puffed out with the food, and then swallows in an almost cartoony manner with an audible *gulp*. "Yeah, your Hank has been runnin' tests..." Nate says, and then blushes a little "Oh no.." He coughs once, "...I'll need to tell him I'm sorry. I took him for /my/ Dark Beast at first. Thought I was back at Sinister's. I might've said some nasty things..."

The breeze is welcome, and the young man closes his eyes as he feels it blow across his skin. With some food, and some air Nate begins to act more like himself. His left eye glows just a little, and he smiles at Ororo and Kitty, "Thank you both. Sorry if I caused any problems here. Not how I planned on meetin' folks for the first time."

Shadowcat has posed:
"Yeah... this is definitely the time-tossed progeny," Kitty chuckles quietly. She sips from her coffee while Nate shovels in some food -- which makes sense, his body needs the fuel if hs powers are still burning. Taking a different chair, she sits down next to him and explains quietly to Ororo. "He's from a world where Sinister has won. He does... experiments on people. Has slave pens." She winces when Nate mentions being mean to Hank. "It's not your fault. Hank's a really understanding man -- he won't hold it against you," she assures the young man. Then when he looks around again, she pushes the bowl of eggs in front of him so he can help himself to more.

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe shakes her head, "Anytime I think too badly of our own world, I remember that all the others that touch our lives always somehow seem to be infinitely worse," she says with a frown. "Much as I would prefer to be proven wrong. Perhaps it's simply that people from the happier timelines never come here. Perhaps, in fact, people flee from ours into theirs," she says with bemusement.

She shakes her head, tossing aside the theoreticals for the moment and focusing on the practical, "Whatever the Beast of your timeline may be like, the Hank McCoy of this world is one of the finest men I've ever known. You're in good hands under his care, even if they are a bit furry. And yes, he's very understanding. I am less so, so I suggest you be less disobedient when I give you an order, are we clear, young man? Now, finish your food and we'll see about getting some proper clothes retrieved for you."

X-Man has posed:
"Oh, yeah.." Nate grins as color returns to his cheeks, and his eyes seem to gain more focus as he sits here with the two ladies. "Apocalypse..." Nate adds to Kitty's explanation, "..Sinister is one of his Horsemen. Sinister wanted me to kill Apocalypse." At the offered bowl of eggs, Nate seems to lose his focus, and begins inhaling what is in the bowl.

In between swallowing bites, Nate says, "Life was hard..." chomp chomp "...but we learn to live with it." Swallow. "Had great friends, and helped out lots of people." More bites, more chewing, "Just different. But I"m glad to be here."

When Ororo gives Nate his 'Talking To' he stops shoveling food, another audible swallow, and he nods his head "Uhm, Yes ma'am?" His tone not sure how he's supposed to answer, "Does it count if I don't know I'm doin' it?" A grin sent in her direction before he registers the second part of her statement, looking down, seeing his clothing... or lack thereof... and chuckles "Huh, guess that's what I heard some of them talkin' 'bout. Tan lines make way more sense now..."

Shadowcat has posed:
Eeek! Kitty blushes behind her coffee cup! Good thing she was too busy helping him to really pay attention to the fact that his butt was hanging out. "Oh God," she murmurs, now that Ororo has made mention of it and tan lines are mentioned. "Uhm... right, then." She averts her eyes, unable to really stop herself from the blushing part. "I'll go get them!" she volunteers.

While Ororo and Nate keep each other company for a time, she phases up through the kitchen ceiling to the rooms upstairs to go find the boy some pants! That way, once breakfast is over, there's no more tan lines running loose on campus.