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Latest revision as of 03:11, 11 November 2017

Moon and Star
Date of Scene: 05 November 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Silk, Starfire

Silk has posed:
    A young woman steps into Titan's Tower. She seems a little lost, a little unsure. A little out of it, maybe. She seems shy of other people- wide eyed. "Hello?" she calls out as she moves further into the building with a bit of trepidation. "This is Titan's Tower, right? Right. Its got the Big T thing going on, and I got this card from Kaldur, and he said I could come here and visit?"

Starfire has posed:
The lobby of the place has high ceilings and a winding staircase, along with an elevator for those so inclined. Starfire comes down the staircase but doesn't actually touch the stairs, floating downwards, her rich red hair trailing behind her, long enough to reach the small of her back.

"Greetings and hello!" she calls, "Any friend of Kaldur's is, of course, more than welcome. I am Koriand'r of Tamaran, but you may call me Starfire. Or Kori! I answer to both," she says, landing lightly on her feet. "Are you a superheroic person or are you just a friend of Kaldur's?

Silk has posed:
    "I guess. I mean, maybe he just felt sorry for me- but well." Cindy stops herself, staring a moment at Kori. "You're not human." she states suddenly, and flatly. "Not that its a big deal, I guess. I mean Kaldur isn't human. He's really nice." She notes next, "Oh. Jeez, where's my manners. I'm Cindy." She says, offering a hand over to Starfire with a quiet smile. "Its nice to meet you. And I'm not really much of a hero, persay, but I have powers and well. I'm just.. I'm just me. Well, I go by Silk, but me. Yes. Me."

Starfire has posed:
Starfire takes the hand, "No, I am not human, I am an alien! A princess, actually, from another world, although I have also been a slave, so do not think that I am in any way stuck up or 'hoity toity'. I try to be a regular girl just like anyone else!" she says, although that seems a little far-fetched given the orange skin, glowing green eyes and just general presence of the superheroine.

"Silk? I like this name, it sounds very good. What does it mean?" she says. "And I am sure that you are a better hero than you think. Humans find it very important to be humble, but they are usually quite good at things."

Silk has posed:
    "No, I've just never been a hero before. I have to try, because, bad things are coming." Cindy says quietly, "Oh. Silk... its a type of fabric. Spun by worms, or spiders." she notes, "And I think a breed of genetically engineered goat." Cindy pauses, "Well, anyways, he said that maybe I could come here and find some friends."

    "I.. don't really have a lot of places to go." She pauses a moment. "I can show you the silk thing.... if we go somewhere more private. I.. don't want anyone really to know I'm a hero. I have.. people. To protect."

Starfire has posed:
Starfire smiles, "Follow me," she says, leading Cindy to the elevator and pressing a button for the top floor, "We convene team meetings and generally spend time together in the upper level, while having individual quarters underneath. Being high-up gives us a good view and, for those of us who can fly, it's nice to take off from a good height," she says.

"So are you a worm or a spider or a goat?" she says.

Silk has posed:
    "I'm a human. Sorta. With spider..somethings.." Cindy answers as she follows Starfire into the elevator and up to the top floor. "Anyways, um. What size dress do you wear?" she wonders of Starfire with a bit of a shy grin. "And.. do you have a favorite color?" she asks next as she moves into the room proper.

    Alone with Kori- with only one other person, she's so much more comfortable- it shows in every fiber of her being- so much less tense."

Starfire has posed:
Starfire smiles, "I believe I am a human size 2? But sometimes my measurements can be difficult because I have breasts larger than typical for my frame on human women!" she says, a little boldly perhaps, not having the same taboos in her culture.

"I am very fond of purple, although red is also quite pleasing," she says.

The room is something of a large hangout, with a centralized series of sofas, TV monitors on the walls, an entertainment center and large windows giving a view out onto the world at large, "Please, make yourself comfortable. Would you like a soda or beef jerky snack?"

Silk has posed:
    "I see that. I'm sure they get a lot of attention." Cindy offers in almost the same kind of tone as Starfire has- a sort of lack of knowledge as far as social niceties go- albeit for very different reasons. "Do you mind?" Cindy asks, "Could you.. turn around for me?" she wonders as she looks Starfire over carefully. Already her fingers were fluttering and spider silk was starting to spin from her fingers.

    Its almost hypnotic to look at how she waves the silk together. How the colors change and patters emerge. Two thick straps for support, one red, the other purple. The colors come together and a starburst soon begins to show on onside, and then the other- Red, with purple background. It only takes a couple of moments- less than a minute before the dress is finished and offered out to Kori.

    A custom, spider silk dress for a new friend, perhaps? Its soft- perhaps some of the softest, silkiest material Kori has experienced from Earth. Tough, too- it feels light, but the strength is obvious. Its as if the dress were made out of finely spun steel. It won't stop any bullets, of course, but it can stand up to the rigors of at least minor superheroics. Of course, it could wholly defeat a hard night on the town.

Starfire has posed:
Starfire smiles and takes the dress in hand, holding it up, "My goodness! This is an excellent talent! I do not know how to use it to fight crime, but it is quite pleasing! I shall try it on," she says.

She starts to just pull down the straps on her costume and then catches herself, "Oh, I forgot, humans do not undress in front of one another. You are a strange species," she says, going over and opening up the fridge and using the door as a makeshift blind to obscure her as she changes.

Silk has posed:
    Cindy giggles a bit as Kori seems so free and breezy, nodding quietly. "Yes. Its typical to be modest." she says, agreeing with her. "Well, I can do more with it. I just.. I sort of like making the clothes." she explains, "Do you know Spider-Man?" she asks, "Its like him. I'm.. like him."

Starfire has posed:
Starfire shakes her head, "I do not know him personally, but I have heard of him and seen him on the news! He seems quite spritely and heroic, although some people speak with cruelty of him. Mostly angry old men who are likely jealous of his youth and virility," she says.

She comes out and models the dress, the snug fabric clinging to her form rather delightfully, showing off her curves and her long legs as she smiles, putting her handso n her hips, "Thank you very much for the gift, Silk!"

Silk has posed:
    "I'm glad you like it." Cindy offers, "But, yeah, sort of like him. Same kind of powers... Crawling on walls, slinging webs, really agile and stuff like that." she shrugs, "I haven't really gone out and done anything heroic, though. And, yeah, I saw the whole thing on the Daily Bugle. He's a lot nicer than that, I think. I've only met him once. Earlier.. um. Yesterday, I think."

    "Anyways, I just.." Cindy pauses, "Well, he set me up with a room at the Fantastic Four, but I'm not sure about it. I don't know if I can trust him. What if the news is true? What if he really *is* a menace?"

Starfire has posed:
Starfire ponders, "I do not know. If he truly is a menace, then perhaps it is your duty, as a fellow spider-person, to foil his evil schemes. Or to provide him with a better example to use his powers for good. The Fantastic Four are supposed to be excellent people, though, and their leader is very smart - if he were bad, I would think they would know it," she says.

"We Titans are not quite as formal, we are friends first and heroes second. Although we are all heroes and we fight together. But we also have pizza parties and sleepovers and play video games!"

Silk has posed:
    "Oh... I don't think I have any friends. I mean, I've been away for a really long time." Cindy says, with a bit of a swallow. "And yeah, Doctor Richards is supposed to be one of the smartest men on the planet." she continues, "At least, that's what I've heard. My information might be a little out of date, though." She admits. "I used to have a lot of friends." Cindy says, "ITs been a long time since I've been around other people, though."

    "Oh! I used to play videogames. I used to mainline pokemon for *hours*. My gameboy died like four years back, and I couldn't ever get it to work again. I tried everything. It was a pretty bad week. A lot of stuff broke down that week. I managed to fix most of it. I had the manuals, though. Just not for the gameboy."

Starfire has posed:
Starfire nods, 'I am terrible at video games, but I enjoy playing them. The Robins tend to hog the controllers when they are here. They are Batman's trainees and good boys but very competitive with one another," she says.

"Lots of friends are fun! I have several but they tend to come and go as we are very busy. And I am always here," she says. "Because I am far from my home world, I do not have family or hometowns to which to return. So they come and go while I remain."

Silk has posed:
    Cindy stares quietly at Starfire. "Me neither." she says softly. "I don't know where they are. I.. I went home, and someone else was living in our house." she swallows again- its a hard thing to say. She's very much alone in this new old-world. "I mean. New York is my home, but nothing is the same." Another quiet pause. "I've been living alone in a bunker for almost a decade. Almost Nine years. Spider-Man, and these two ladies let me out. They shouldn't have opened the door, but they did, so now." she opens her arms, "Herer I am."

Starfire has posed:
Starfire approaches gently, "I will offer you a hug, if you would like it, because you should not be alone. You are a good person who wants to help the world and you deserve to have friends. I will be your friend, Cindy!" she says. If allowed, she'll hug Cindy tight against her, squeezing enough to almost lift the shorter girl from her feet.

"Whether you become a Titan or not is up to you, but I have enough say to declare that you are always welcome here anytime you like," she says. She may be a little too trusting by nature, but Kaldur has already vouched for Cindy and her story has touched Kori's alien heart.

Silk has posed:
    Cindy goes stiff as she's hugged. She wasn't expecting it, despite the obvious warning signs. This is the first physical contact she's had with anyone in nearly a decade. She trembles like a leaf in that hug, swallowing again. Her mind racing- 'Keep it together, keep it together, keep it together..'. "I appreciate it, Kori." she returns quietly, "It means a lot to me."

    The hug quickly becomes uncomfortable for Cindy, though, who's so very unused to this kind of contact. It feels so alien to her now- it feel so.. odd. She very gently extracts herself from Starfire's hug. "I don't have a choice anymore, though, about helping the world. I have to. I.. was helping the world by being in that bunker." she whispers. "But they opened it, and now its too late. Morlun is coming. I.. we need to find people who will fight him. If.. If he gets me." Cindy is pale. "Bad things, Kori. Very bad things. For everyone. Everywhere."

Starfire has posed:
Starfire senses the discomfort and lets Cindy go, setting the girl back down again. "If you have any need of further hugging, you let me know and I will give them. I enjoy hugs!"

The latter part, though, makes her frown, "I do not know who that is, but if there are bad people coming, you can be sure the Titans will be happy to help. Protecting the world is part of what we do. And we have friends in the Justice League and other groups who can help out as well, if it is more than we can deal with ourselves," she says. "Take heart. There is always hope, so long as we are breathing. And eating. Are you sure you do not want anything to eat?"

Silk has posed:
    "I guess I could eat something." Cindy says, "Thank you." she says, "I haven't eaten for a while." the young woman admits after that. "And, I'm.. hesitant to ask for people to help with Morlun, but.. its important." she says quietly, "And he's powerful. I don't know that the Titans and the Justice League are enough. He's.. He's a predator. He's got my sent, Kori. He knows I'm here and he'll be coming."

    "If he comes...He can travel the Web." she states. "He can jump from one world to the next like it was nothing. He's powerful, Kori. More powerful than I am."

Starfire has posed:
Starfire nods, although she doesn't seem afraid. Kori never seems afraid, it's part of her DNA. Tamaranean warriors show no fear, no hesitation. And Kori has seen more suffering than most of her kind. "I have no doubt," she says. "But we are strong. And you, I suspect, are stronger than you know."

She goes to the freezer and gets out a pizza, putting it on a tray as she preheats the oven before slipping it in to cook. "It is good that you are warning us, though. The more preparation we have, the better the chance of victory. And we should spread the word, if he's as great a threat as you say."

Silk has posed:
    Cindy Moon, though. Cindy Moon knows fear. Fear, her constant companion for almost a decade. Fear that's eaten away at her, when her boredom and loneliness weren't gnawing at the other parts of her. And now she's out in a big wide world that seems stunningly empty for the lack of family she left behind.

    "Maybe." Cindy says quietly. "It would have been better if I'd stayed in the bunker. If Spider-Man had never opened the door." she notes. "I was there to protect people. To protect them from Morlun. While I was there, he had no idea where I was. He didn't know about us. About Earth. Our Universe."

Starfire has posed:
Starfire bends down to look in the oven, watching the crust to make sure it doesn't get too burnt, "It is senseless to trouble yourself over things which might. Things are or they are not," she says. "You are free. He is coming. And so that is the reality with which we must deal," she says.

"Eventually. Right now, the more pressing matter is - do you wish to have red pepper flakes on your pizza?"

Silk has posed:
    "You're right." Cindy says, "And please. I like spicy food." she says with a quiet smile. She sits down now, resting. Relaxing. Comfortable in her surroundings for the first time since she's arrived in the tower.