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Latest revision as of 03:18, 11 November 2017

Power Ranger Lock Down
Date of Scene: 06 November 2017
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Pixie, Green Ranger, Karen Page

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma Frost finds herself at Xavier's for the second time in as many days, the White Queen is becoming a regular sight around these parts and she honestly isn't sure how to feel about things just yet. She knows she's going to invest in the place and most of the paper work has been drawn up, but her lawyers and Charles' lawyers seem to be dragging their feet. And then there's the locals. Some of them absolutely hate her, some of them revere her with a distant attraction, and some are much more blatant. She seems to have run the gamut of available emotions with this school. Good. Uniformity can be disarming and deadly.

    Emma pulls into the large garage, finding an empty spot before shutting off her car and climbing out. Her short heals clack on the surface of the garage as she moves around to the trunk to grab her black messenger bag and carries it at her side as she starts to move her way towards the door.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn was coming out to the garage to repay Logan for his beers that she drank the other day. And coming out, well flying out, as her feet are not on the ground, she pauses at the sight of Emma. Forgetting what she was here for, for the moment, she pauses, and stares at Emma, eyes narrowing, lips pursing.

Green Ranger has posed:
For the most part Tommy's day is relitively normal until he had gotten the call from Zordon that some of Rita's Putties were in the Forests around angel groves working on something. Some sort of Crystals were being planted around the City. For what he was sure that it was not for anything good.

Investigating the area Tommy had found them, but when attempting to work a device that would scan, analyze and deduce the reason they were being placed.

The Crystals had produced a feed back into the device causing it to be destroyed knocking Tommy back into a Tree. Oc course the Crystal also exploded, causing a tree to fall on the Stunned unmorphed ranger. Unable to react, Zordon had Alpha teleport Tommy out of danger, but the energy that had enveloped him had sent the teleporter off course.

And that is where Tommy appears, a Bright flash of greenish red light erupts and moments later, he's thrown halfway across the garage into one of the cars stunned pretty badly.

Karen Page has posed:
Karen had mulled over Kurt's card for well over a week now - weeks almost - pondering whhether or not to use it. In the end, she'd not had the nerver to call ahead, there was just something too final about that, but she had gotten on the subway, and the bus, and made her way to Xavier's just the same. Of course, being unexpected and unnanounced meant it was something of a crapshoot if anyone was going to meet her and let her in, or even show her around.

Still, here she was, and as luck would have it, not far off the heels of Emma's arrive and the rather unexpected one of Tommy as well. Megan she doesn't notice yet, by virtue of Tommy's landing is something... of an attention grabber. "Oh, hey, you alright there?"

Emma Frost has posed:
    At the arrival of the unexpected, uncleared, and uninvited, the school's alarms begin to not only flash off the walls, but also the klaxons begin to sound fiercely. Their wail calling all those in the school to react. The building itself goes on lockdown. The window's have metal barriers drop down. The doors are locked and sealed, the garage doors are reinforced with braces and locks.

    Emma looks around and mentally has three others in the room with her. Two are moderately familiar, and it's to those two she calls out. "Megan, Karen... Get to the door." The fourth being in the room Emma turns to face so she can slowly back up towards the two other women. "Megan, you're going to have to be the one to step up." The white queen recommends, the time she spent training the Hellions coming forward, her authority and experience pushing her to take charge, but also back up because she's just as vulnerable physically as Karen.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn does tense up both at the sudden arrival, and at all the alarms going off. "Goodness," she gasps, looking around at the sires, and in the direction of where Tommy landed. "Not again, is this another Green Lantern Space cop?" she murmurs, before looking to Emma. "Or is this another friend of yours?"

She'll fly across the groom, circling around in the direciotn of Tommy. Speaking to the person she sees. "If you busted Logan's bike, you're going to live to regret it."

Green Ranger has posed:
Laying on his back as he groans out Tommy stuggles to organize his thoughts and his mind. Trying to recover from the explosion. Karen finds him covered with some minor burns, but they are rapidly fading. Looking around he almost shouts out, "Who, What? Where am I?" Tommy seems genuinely confused. Looking over at Karen his eyes try to focus, and then looking around, as he blinks taking stock into where he is.

Surprise and shock flash across his face as he needs to try and think of something fast. "What Where am I?" he asks, playing dumb. His ears are ringing from the sound of the explosion he was in but the ringing is fading as he slowly gets to a kneeling position and remains there. trying to appear non threatening. In truth he is trying to let his Power coin heal him so if it comes to a fight he can defend himself.

"What did you say, my ears are ringing?" and he almost shouts it but the shout is more dampened as he pinches his nose and then seems to blow hard to make his ears pop some and the ringing disipates before he looks around once more, "What's going on? How did I get here?"

Karen Page has posed:
Karen probably should be more worried by the arrival or Tommy than she is (and some might say that qualifies her as stupid), but she isn't. The noise of the place and immediate lock-down? That does bother her more. It brings back bad memories of being in jail. Trapped in a cell. Those sorts of things. So much as she's torn between helping Tommy, and doing what Emma says, she's mostly stuck in place until she decides Emma or not, hurt people are hurt people and ignores the 'get to the door' and decides for Tommy instead.

Likely unwise and unnecessary, given the wounds are already fading... Maybe she should have listened to Emma instea? (Though it's really hard to take someone complaining their ears are ringing as a serious threat!)

Emma Frost has posed:
    "We said, you're in deep trouble if you don't stop asking questions and start answering ours." Emma says, her hand balled by her side, her other fist clenched around the handle to her messenger bag. Decidedly taking a more heroic position between Tommy the intruder and Karen, the potential employee. That is until Karen moves out to go help Tommy. Emma straightens her back and stands up a bit more fully, slowly lowering her defenses and attitude, but she's still cautious and the school lessens its lockdown procedures, retaining the threat to just the garage, so no way in and no way out. Unless you're an X-man with access.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks. "Ours?" is her first reaction. Not to the intruder, but to, well, from her perspective, the OTHER intruder. Glancing at Emma with great skepticism in her voice, and on her face. Then looking to Tommy again.

Hovering closer, she raises her voice. "Who are you, and what are you doing here? Stand up. Don't move."

Green Ranger has posed:
now that the Ringing in his ears has stopped and he can hear the woman in White he will remain kneeling before her. his eyes look up to Karen and says, "I think I'm ok." he says and then swallowing hard he says. "Last thing I remember was finding some strange crystal grows outside of Angel Groves in the surrounding forest. I decided to investigate and I remember a flash of light, a loud sound. And then I was here." he says.

It's the truth, not the entire truth. But the truth as best he can reveal without risking his identity as a power ranger.

Of course with Megan and looking at her he eyes here surprised and modestly concerned with her flying but doesn't seem to be threatened or offended with her flying.

"Tommy Oliver." He says to her slowly looking around and then as he is told to stand up. He begins carefully standing up as he is a little unbalanced from what he went through. And his eye turns to Kaydin, as Kaydin might have recalled Tommy from when the gang attacked in central park.

As tommy stands up several Crystal Shard drop from him as they hit the ground... and start glowing red then fade becoming innert or seemingly innert.

Karen Page has posed:
Karen has no actual perspective on Megan's stance. Emma she knows, at least. Tommy.. she has no clue what's up with him, other than now there seems to be a decided two on one against him..

Kaydin's arrival only adds to the confusion..

Emma gets a scowl. "Oh, do stop that. It's hardly necessary. He's hurt. And don't give me he might be dangerous. He's either the stupidest villain any of us have met, or he's suffering a concusion or the like. Villains shoot first and ask stupid questions like how'd I get here later." Joining the raising her voice crowd, Karen scolds them all, "Can we all just calm the fuck down before we /cause/ a problem? Seriously, people."

She gives Tommy a smile, if somewhat interupted by the fact that she has to move around Emma to see him, "Nothing broken? No bleeding? And where or what is Angel Groves?" Though those crystals.. okay.. maybe there was something to the being worried. Again.. ooops? Little late for that now.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma's eyes are levelled on Tommy before the other blonde makes her seem like an idiot. And she's getting cussed at. Plus Karen doesn't know that Emma is a mutant herself. So many things to balance.

    "Karen, I'm just exercising caution. Do you realize this school is a haven for-" She stops herself there as Kaydin interrupts and approaches "Um... Hi. We seem to be in the middle of a lock down and heal-y guy over there doesn't seem to be a threat, but Megan and I are chosing to be cautious with the guy that just appeared in the middle of the garage and ruined someone's car over there."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn rests her hand on her face now. Of all people, why does she have to be grouped with Emma. Sucking in a breath, she murmurs "Right. Prudence dictates we be cautious about anyone penetrating our defenses." Hovering near Tommy yet, she says "Are you a space cop? Do you have a green magic ring that talks to you?" Hands folding again, she overcomes the awkwardness of how she feels about Emma's remark, to get back to business. "Unless he needs a doctor, asking a question should not hurt."

Green Ranger has posed:
Slowly he looks down at the crystals that fall from his clothes and he seems a little concerned, and then the use of language also surprises him. He almost wants to comment on it but holds his tongue slowly he gets steady. "No I don't think so. It's near Vancover Canada." he says With so many here Zordon can't simply teleport him out. Of course he doesn't know that the energy from that crystal is still around and flexing on him slowly fading.

Listening Emma and then looking over at Megan as she is floating in mid air hovering. He easilly puts two and two together as he asks. "A haven for those with special powers and abilities?" he asys with a smile.

"Healy guy?" And then he seems to realize they noticed he had been injured... And then he turns to look at the Car and winces as he says. "Angel Groves is a Magnet for weirdness. I guess I fell across some."

Then he says to Megan No no magic Ring, no no space cop." Well to be honest he does have something magical on him. He does note the bars on the windows.

Right now he is seriously hoping, praying that Rita doesn't get a bee in her bonnet and send on of her misfit monster constructs here.

With a nod Tommy says, "Yeah that was me." He admits.

Karen Page has posed:
Karen gives Megan a frown. "Questions might not hurt, but you were accusing. Usually we start with "are you alright" and work our way up from there. He *blew* across the room. I get we're all a little touchy and highstrung here, and why, but it's not helping escalating things that way."

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma has relaxed a bit, physically but she's still got her guard up. She approaches Karen and puts a hand on the woman's shoulder. "We're all nervous and scared. My fight or flight reflexes have certainly kicked into over drive, but we're here now, we're talking." Emma says, motioning with a gesture of her chin towards Kaydin and then towards one of those crystals that was dropped. Hopefully the mutant understands nonverbals. Emma can never trust any of these Xaviers kids to do much right anyways.

    "Megan, I don't think he's a green lantern, so lets just move on to the next questions. Okay?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn is content that her issue is resolved. Sighing, she backs off, and lets the others do their thing. "I'm going to go see about turning off the alarms. We seem to have everything settled," she decides. She'll then rush right on out, because anything for her is less awkward than continuing to agree with Emma.

Green Ranger has posed:
As things seem to be settling down he will bow to Emma as the Martial Artist he is. And says. "I am sorry I didn't mean to scare or frighten. I had no idea the Crystal would be dangerous, or do something like this, but I have no idea how I got here?" he says appologetic. Rita was placing the Crystals chances were very high they were dangerous. Looking back to the car and asks, "If desired I can attempt to pay for the damage to it." he offers respectfully.

Karen Page has posed:
Well now. Now that things start to be settling, and Megan and Emma aren't at subtle corss-purposes (not that Karen has any idea why they are), there's not so much need for authoritative runs the office Karen and she can settle back some, taking it all in.

Emma Frost has posed:
    "I'll get someone in here to help you out." Emma says, surrendering to not only Karen's thought process but to her own schedule. "I don't have time to deal with this. Megan. Take him to the med bay or off the property. Whichever you prefer. Oh... she just left... Damn." Emma says, lifting her free hand over her shoulder as she turns to leave and pauses. "Come on you two... let's find someone who cares to help."

Green Ranger has posed:
Tommy would much rather just leave and teleport out as he bites his lip. Respectful of his elders he sighs and says. "Yes Ma'am." and starts to follow here. He's clearly prefering to just be escorted off the property.

Karen Page has posed:
Karen is quite happy to follow along. She had come here with a mission in mind, even if she'd not expected to run into Emma along the way. Which made a second mission. Three if you counted Tommy. Though rightly he wasn't her concern.