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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/11/15 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=1425, 1140, 107, 1524 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1425|Venom...")
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Latest revision as of 22:10, 20 November 2017

Date of Scene: 15 November 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Venom, Punisher, Thor, Genesis

Venom has posed:
A little past an hour ago, a local TV station incurred a disruption in service. Soon after, an alien appeared in front of the camera.

  "Hello boys and girls! It's Venom TV! Broadcasting live and in color! We're taking over the whole Big Rotten Apple folks! We've got reruns of Friends, ONLY THE FIGHTING EPISODES! No catharsis for anyone. And a selection of our favorite movies, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Dawn of the Dead, and our ABSOLUTE favorite: Heavy Metal. So sit back, relax, pop some corn and enjoy, from our heart to your brains." The offices of VTV have been taken over it seems, and airing slightly terrible old television.

  Apart from some lucky folks that were able to run away screaming, the studio workers are being held captive, under penalty of a roaring beast.

  Outside the studio, some NYPD officers have gathered, no one seems to dare make an ingress into the studio, and of course, Venom isn't answering the phones.

Punisher has posed:
    Frank Castle picked up the emergency calls from the police on his scanner. He wasn't far away and has been making his way towards the VTV offices. He sits in his van just behind the police line now, looking towards the building and thinking what the best way to get in unseen might be.

Thor has posed:
    Walking down the street, with a thick arm lifted up to catch himself against the building. Thor is covered in dust his shoulders, and cape and even his lock golden hair appearing to be a muted, almost grey with hints of the natural colors peeking through the grime covering him.

    "Officer! What is the trouble?" Thor demands as he steps up to the building surrounded by officers and requests to know what is going on in order for him to be able to go in and help out. Like any avenger should.

Venom has posed:
     The offices are only about three stories tall, an ingress would be possible from the skylights or possibly an office window.

  one of New York's Finest turns to Thor. "There's a...thing that took over the TV station. He's got a couple hostages inside, workin' the cameras. They aint answerin' our calls for demands."

  A hostage negotiator picks up the receiver. "You -what-? Three meatball subs and a mega sized chocolate bar? Is everyon-." The negotiator looks stunned. "Of course the bastard hung up."

  In the studio, Venom watches the monitors intently. "Subs are comin, fellas! Thanks for staying with us, it melts our heart, it really does." Three members of the studio do their best to not anger the symbiote.

Punisher has posed:
    The back doors of the black van open and Frank Castle climbs out. The police are all focused on the building so moving around behind them isn't terribly difficult right now. He heads into a building across the way, quickly climbing the stairs, until he gets to a roof top across from the TV studios. He pulls out a coil of line and swings it over towards the other building. Catching hold of a roof top AC unit, he shimmies his way across to the other buiding right over the police line. He lands quietly on the roof, looking for access.

Thor has posed:
    "Then I shall have to save the hostages." Thor says, pushing off the wall and walking with a sense of purpose now as he marches towards the front doors. That will certainly allow Frank to be unseen. A golden haired god walking into the front door.

    A heavy boot smashes the door open and not sure what to expect, Thor stands in the doorway with dust falling off of him. "Hello. Anyone?" He calls out into the unlit reception area, his voice echoing off the nothings. "A .... Thing? Are you in here? Come, have the pleasure of greeting my fist with your face." Thor chuckles.

Venom has posed:
     The station, for the most part is left open. No gore, no destruction of the halls, other than some light claw marks here and there.

  "What's up next on Friends, and don't tell us it's another Joey episode! Screw it, pull up the Heavy Metal, we wanna see the Loc-Nar cause some faces to melt!"

  The roof is unoccupied, but seemingly close to The Punisher is a roof access door, leading directly to the stairwell of VTV, on the ground floor is the studio, which would certainly be pointed out from the lobby area.

Punisher has posed:
    Frank pulls a .45 from his leg holster as he makes his way to the door on the roof. He pushes it open, finding it unlocked, and begins to make his way down the stair well. At each floor, he stops and listens, waiting to find the right spot and to hear what is going on as he gets closer to the hostage taker.

Thor has posed:
    Thor stands tall, his cape moving behind him in the artificial wind Tony has deemed so important and valuable. Thor doesn't take note but instead looks around and moves through the first floor, his voice loud and booming. "Where art thou wretched foe of Midgard. I seek to meet thee in combat and completely 'wreck' thee!"

Genesis has posed:
From the bottom floor Evan had heard over this radio thing something had been going on. Thankfully he was in the area.. though he was lost again just trying to find his way home. He thought hey if he saved some people maybe they would help him with some instructions, and maybe even a map. He had only tried to save people once... well he did throw a door-knob at them so that counted, but he wasn't sure if it did. On the first floor there is a resounding.. "Booom!" noise as Evan not realizing his own strength hit the wall to make a hole a bit harder then he ment to.

The outside wall is smashed to pieces those pieces falling into the hallway as a small kid in a hoodie, and relaxed wear comes stepping in. "Oops.. umm sorry?" he says as he looks around a bit. Hearing someone else yelling in the hallway he figures well that is a good place, and starts heading towards the shouting Thor. He only stops long enough to pick up a couple of metal pipes. Each one had to weigh at least a couple hundred pounds, and were way larger then he was, but he just carried his make shift weapons over his shoulders as he walked forward whistling a little tune rather relaxed for the whole situation.

Venom has posed:
     "Keep the tape rolling fellas!" Venom says in their eerie voice, like multiple voices talking at once. The symbiote peeks out of the hallway towards the rubble. "That wasn't us! We aren't paying for damages!" Then a quick glance towards Thor. "Your momma." Is all they say to Thor before skulking over to the God. "Why you gotta ruin our fun? During our favorite movie too! You make us very very hungry." Soon after Venom leaves the studio, the three hostages start running for the hole in the wall. "Hey, thanks kid." One whispers as they pass.

  A quick glance to the hols and the hostages leaving and Venom just shrieks, pouncing to the God of Thunder and attempting to bite at him.

Punisher has posed:
    Frank opens the door to the first floor slowly, peering out. He spots Venom going after Thor and the pipe weilding kid. He holsters his weapon and moves out quietly in a crouch. He makes his way to the hostages that remain and gestures them to follow him. He will let Goldilocks deal with the big ugly for the time being. Lets get the innocents out of here while he can.

Thor has posed:
    Thor lifts his eyebrows high on his forehead over those baby blues. "You are quite the ... thing." Thor says with a smile as he lifts his arm, sheathed in Asgardian linked platemail as he stuffs his protected wrist into the symbiotes jaw. "Then take a bite. If you can." Thor says as he is shoved onto his back by the pouncing Venom. Cocking backwards his other fist, Thor fires into Venom's ribs and abdomen several times, trying to punch through the beast and if possible get the thing off his other arm.

Genesis has posed:
Evan comes across the fight not sure what is going on so he stops to look at the situation. What he see's surprises him, a big blonde dude fighting some goo looking thing the whole time he thinks he hears whispers from the other room. Well he figures he needs to do something though what that is he isn't sure.. First drawing the metal pipe from his shoulder he does it too fast, hitting the ceiling he drops dust, and panel on his head with a cough.. "dang it!" he mentions, he was so new at this he hadn't considered hitting the roof.

He moves forward slowly letting the two broots hit each other, holding his metal pipe infront of him he waits till a time when he doesn't think he is being look at and Jabs the goo with it, like a test. He really wasn't sure what was going to happen, so he does try to hold back his strength. Him holding back is like being hit with twenty two thousand pounds which is why he doesn't do it often but for now thinks he should help the Blone guy out a little bit. He would start to pull it back after he pokes him, but he is slow in this process so would drop it backing away if things came his way.

Venom has posed:
     A couple more people form the building had been hiding in the upper levels, they quickly make their way out as The Punisher leads them out.

  The platemail warps slightly under the pressure of the creature's jaws. The punches connect twice, thumping as they hit, the third gives way in a way that dissapates the pressure put on Venom, rippling over as tendrils rejoin the main massand cause Venom to release their bite and send the symbiote into a nearby wall, cracking and crumbling the cinderblocks. The symbiote responds with punches of their own, left, right, left, as hard as they can muster.

  The poke from the pipe only gets the goo wrapped around the metal. "Oooh, that tickles!" Right after, Venom's facial features move to the back of their head. "Uhh uh uh, you didn't say the magic word!" One arm bands back, and shoots tendril webbing at Evan's toys, trying to make sure they stay away for a couple of moments.

Thor has posed:
    Thor's eyes widen as the small pieces of metal around his arm warp beneath the several points at the tips of Venom's teeth. "The boy is not your foe. You have the greatest warrior of the nine realms to worry about!" Thor says as he takes the blows and is knocked back, taking two steps after the final blow to his gut. The man moving his left hand to rest over his chest and he turns to spit onto the floor, and a great smile grows upon his face.

    "This is a great week thusfar in Midgard. Not for you black goo creature, but for me." The god of thunder says as he cocks back his right fist, and with a heavy step forward, throws a heavy haymaker at the creatures head.

Genesis has posed:
The boy drops the pipe, and moves back as the Goo comes at him. It looked like a liquid, so maybe it would have the same consistancy of a liquid he considered as he retreated a bit further letting the two brawl. This time he gets the pipe out again, and edges forward. "What an interesting thing.. it seems it can shift its features to where it needs to relocate." As he gets close enough to jab again he would come in waiting for the tenticals to come out, the starts spining the pipe in a small circle.

He doesn't have to hold back so doesn't using all twenty tons of his strengh to move the bar in one solid circle over and over to try to create enough force to pull the liquid around it. "Excuse me Sir." he says over the exertion of it panting a little bit. "I do not think blunt objects will work against such a being... Do you have a plan B?"

Venom has posed:
     Venom's reversed head kicks back from Thor's haymaker, causing the features to go back to their correct place. They are tossed down the hallway, crashing into another wall, the cinderblocks crumbling over the symbiote. Once Venom stands back up, they stagger, dripping green venom from their tongue before an arm wipes it from their mouth. "All we wanted was to take over a TV station. And you RUINED it!" The remnants of the tendril webbing gather around just like Evan wants, collected though the sticky substance will fling off with the force used, now that the webbing is disconnected from Venom, it will only last about 30 minutes before disintegrating into dust.

  Venom comes barrelling down the hallway, attempting to tackle the god and latch onto a limb with their teeth again, the venomnous fangs now dripping with poison.

Thor has posed:
    Thor starts to run down the hall when he sees Venom climb out of the wall the god put them in. But the tackle from Venom was more appropriately timed, knocking Thor onto his back and yet, grabbing at the goo monster's shoulders, Thor gets both of his feet beneath him and with a might roar, Thor rolls back and pushes out with his legs with all the might he can muster. The god puts the power of the winds behind his double booted kick up into Venom's body. The Asgardian might be trying to kick the alien into low orbit. But the building will certainly slow the creature and prevent it from ever getting that high.

Genesis has posed:
The boy see's the kicks, and the punches, and tries a battle cry.. "I'm Helping!" he declears loudly pulling back the metalpipe now that they are locked together again. He takes a large swing with the metal pipe this time his new idea is to give the blonde help by hitting him the other way of the kick. He hoped the difference in movement will hurt the thing metal pipe one way, kick the other the slice alone should injure the darn thing.

Unfortunetly Evan isn't that cordinated, as switing the huge pipe it enters the wall next to him, it cuts through the plaster, and breaks the wood in the wall making the ceiling creak, but before it can get to the Venom creature it hits a large metal pipe.. The resounding "Boooonggg" echos through the halls as the metal pipe he is holding breaks throwing it futher down the hallway, and the sound is deafining in the hallway. Evan just looks at the pipe now broken in his hand with a small smile.. "Oops."

Venom has posed:
     A mighty shriek rings from Venom as Thor kicks with all his might, mixed with a sonic accident from Evan. Evan's accident only causes the symbiote to start tendrilling off from Venom. The god's kick sends Venom off through three celings before making a trajectory far away from the building, about halfway to Metropolis given some estimates. A blur of bluish black and white seen through the sky like a shooting star, where the alien will land, no one knows. The day is saved, thanks to the intrepid heroes. Well, at least the local TV station is saved, somewhat, there's going to be one hell of a clean up bill for all this rubble.