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Latest revision as of 23:21, 20 November 2017

Log 3200
Date of Scene: 20 November 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Kaldur, Kara, and Cindy meet informally in the Titan Tower.
Cast of Characters: Aqualad, Supergirl, Silk

Aqualad has posed:
The Titans Tower isn't just barracks for younger superheroes. It's a second home for some. A place to be among peers and friends instead of mentors and icons. It can be intimidating for some, to walk the same halls as luminaries that straddle the world. That's not to say the Titans are any less important or their victories any sense of marginal.

But the Tower is a -home-, not merely a hall. And it attracts people to it for that reason.

Kaldur'ahm of Atlantis, being one of the permanent residents of the Tower, is a frequent sight in the gym and ops center. With no 'real life' to go to on a daily basis, he can easily cover for the heroes who have day jobs, secret identities, even school obligations. He contributes his warrior's tactical acumen to the Ops room and is frequently the sole presence in the Tower during the day. Eating a bowl of cold cereal in milk, Kaldur sits at the common area with a news tablet propped in front of him. He reads slowly, eyes and lips moving in unison. It's clumsy looking until one remembers that English is not his first language. Barefoot and in light Titans-styled sweats, its' almost easy to forget he's not human until someone sees the gills at his neck.

Supergirl has posed:
Popping by, Kara pokes her head in. The young Leaguer dressed for exercise. "Hey, seen Cassie? Was gonna see if she wanted to spar, someone told me my form is terrible." She wrinkles her nose and comes over to peek at the tablet. "Oh, nothing about the other day I hope? Diana took me on a field trip-didn't go so well." She comments brightly, making small talk as she collapses into a chair near Kadur with a bright smile.

Silk has posed:
     Deciding to forgo the elevator entrance, Silk- Cindy Moon- instead knocks on the window of the Tower, attached to the window not unlike a spider might be. "Hi there, Titans!" she states, "Mind if I come in? Its kind of windy up here.." Her dark hair blows by in an updraft.

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur looks up at Kara and nods his head, a flickering of a smile tempering the formal gesture. "Kara," he says, turning the tablet so she can see it. A fairly prosaic report about Congressional tax reform-- nothing substantial. Kaldur apparently likes to stay abreast of modern politics. "I heard. You were in good company, if Diana was with you," he suggests, glancing at Cindy and waving at her. He rises and moves to the heavy window, unlocking the latch and pushing it open so she can scramble inside. "Good day to you as well, Cindy. Didn't feel like taking the door?" he inquires, with a little light levity in his normally placid tones.

Supergirl has posed:
Looking at Cindy, Kara raises her brows as Kaldur rises and opens the window. She waves, a small wiggle of her fingers before the blond nods. "Oh, Diana, sure. The sorcerer was a little odd. The world was odder. Two suns, one yellow, one blue." She shudders. "Anyhow, not sign of being tackled, I guess Cassie's busy?" She wonders lightly, relaxing into her chair.

Silk has posed:
    "Eh, there were a lot of people down there." Silk replies, as she pulls down the half-mask from the front of her face, letting it settle at her throat. She's dressed as her heroic persona- which is not saying much. Her 'silk' clothing covers everything, but leaves little to the imagination.

    "Hi! Nice to meet you!" she offers towards Kara. "And how's it going, Kaldur?"

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur shakes his head at Kara. "My apologies. I do not know where Cassie is at the moment," he apologizes. "I'm sure she'll be around presently." He glances from Kara to Cindy. "You two are not acquainted? Supergirl, this is Cindy, the heroine known as 'Silk'. Cindy-- Kara Zor-El, known as Supergirl," Kaldur says, making with the friendly introductions.

"I am doing well, Cindy, thank you," he tells the raven-haired girl with a flickering smile. "Please, join us. Are you hungry? There is cereal," he suggests, still holding his bowl of corn flakes in one hand.

Supergirl has posed:
"Hi. Nice to meet you." Kara offers Cindy and looks at Kaldur. "Cereal? Even better. I'm in." She announces and slides to her feet, moving around with familiarity. "Silk then? Are you like that Spiderman? I heard there were web slinging heroes. That must be terrifying, to swing with no ability to fly." She looks at the other girl for a moment and goes back to pouring herself some cereal and asks Kaldur with a look "How's things in the tower lately? Had any fun team ups with Aquaman recently?"

Silk has posed:
    "Actually, its a lot of fun." Silk states, "I really enjoy the whole slinging-swinging thing. Tons of fun, and who needs to fly when you can swing?" She wonders, "Oh, yeah, I'm in."

    Food! The great unifier! "Its nice to meet you, Kara." she says, next, "And I'm not like Spider-Man at all. Well, I mean, our powers are a lot alike, but not exactly the same."

Aqualad has posed:
Who doesn't like cereal? It's delicious, high in sugar, and requires no cooking skills. Even Kaldur can't burn it. He helps distribute bowls and sets the milk out where anyone can reach it, and just to be polite puts some juice out as well.

"'Things' here-- are quiet," Kaldur says, with a shrug. "The Tower is secondary to the League and they do a fine job monitoring emergency services. Still, it is prudent to have someone monitoring situations as they develop. Unfortunately," he sighs, "I've seen little of King Orin of late. His diplomatic schedule is very demanding and I have my duties here. I would welcome more time with my King, but--" he shrugs again, a warrior's stalwart acceptance of a circumstance he cannot change, so must endure without complaint.

Supergirl has posed:
"Orin? You mean Arthur?" Kara straightens. "All that teasing about being a goober and his name is Orin?" She flushes and pours herself some cereal. "Anyway. Pity about things being slow. I'd be happy to get out some time and help out in a scrap if you feel the need to stretch your legs." She offers and looks at Silk again. "I suppose you must not be as fragile as most humans if you don't fear swinging so high above the ground. Though, I'm told the Batman is just human and he does-I'm not sure I believe he's human though." She shudders. "Scary man."

Silk has posed:
    Cindy pours herself some cereal, followed by the milk. She's quiet for the moment, listening to the pair of Titans do their thing and catch up. She looks around for a spoon- ah-ha! There's one! *Twhip!* a thin line of spider silk spills from one of her fingertips to attach to the spoon and give it a tug into her hand. Its not as fancy as telepathy.

    Cindy's got a mouth full of cereal by the time the conversation has turn back to her. She looks up, cheeks full of cereal and milk... MnchMnch..She swallows.

    "Yeah, I can take a hit, I guess." Silk says. "I prefer not to be where the punch is, though." she admits. "And, yeah.. I don't know, its just not frightening to me. I think maybe it should be, but it isn't."

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur frowns slightly, but checks his first response to Kara. "Orin... is an ancient name from my people," he says, quietly. "It is from the naming of Kings stretching back into antiquity. It is a noble name."

He slides the juice towards Kara, just to show there aren't any hard feelings. "Your company would be welcome, Kara. I appreciate the offer," Kaldur tells the blonde Kryptonian lass. "And I might take you up on it."

"As for the Batman, I suspect that there is a deeper mystery yet behind that mask," he ventures, a few stirrings of his cereal later. "What is scarier? The notion that he is inhuman, or the possibility that he is... just a human after all?" he says, with the maddening quirk of a brow of someone suggesting the meditation of one hand clapping.

Supergirl has posed:
"Oh, that's easy, that he can do everything he does as just a human. If more humans were as dedicated there'd be no need for Kryptonians, Amazonians, and Atlantians, and all the others like us mucking about." Kara shakes her head and accepts the juice. "Sorry Kaldur, I won't tease about his name. I can find something else to tease about. I get why Diana wants me on the League, but I wish I were an adult on this planet." She takes a bite of cereal and gestures to Cindy. "Right, dodging is great. Unfortunately, I'm more likely to take a plasma beam to my everything defending someone else."

Silk has posed:
    Silk nods slowly, still munching away on her cereal as the pair speak. "I never met Batman. Is he anything like that Red Hood, guy?" she wonders, "I met him." she says next. "He seems like a nice enough guy. A little intense, maybe."

    "Well, I'd offer to teach you to how to dodge stuff, but.. I don't think I can teach my mysterious spider-ways." she does sound genuinely regretful at that. "I'd bet dodging would be way helpful. Isn't there someone who can teach you that stuff?"

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur ducks his head gratefully at Kara, a smile flickering the corner of his mouth. He lets the topic go, listening to the conversation between the two women. "He is.... intense," Kaldur agrees, nodding. "I have met few humans who have such incredible focus. It is a rare talent."

The Atlantan pours himelf some more juice and listens, cradling his bowl in his hand and considering the discussion on dodging versus.... being just generally invulnerable!

Supergirl has posed:
"He is one of the Batman's umm, former protege I think. Can you imagine? A grown man having been trained by the Batman. I can't guess his age." Kara shakes her head and smiles. "Gotta be ancient thought." She jokes andconsiders the topic of learning to dodge. "It's hard to find people who can go toe to toe with my people." she nods to Kaldur. "Atlantians and Amazonians come close. I try to learn what I can with Cassie when there's time. Kal's like me. A brawler. He could show me how to throw a punch, but we don't have much technique between us I guess."

Silk has posed:
    "What about Superwoman?" Silk wonders, then, in what is surely not a shameless 4th-wall pressing suggestion. Surely not.

    "I've seen videos of her. She moves like someone who knows kung-fu. Seems to not like to face-tank a hit." Silk states, with absolute total innocence. "I mean, she's on the same side... and she's like you, right? Same planet and stuff?"

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur nods at Kara's assessment-- it's true enough, there are precious few who can go toe to toe with a Kryptonian at the height of their power.

"Cassie's technique... needs refinement," he admits, trying to be delicate. "She is new to her own talents and the powers gifted her. I have noticed she tends to rely on strength when subtlety would do her a better service."

He considers Silk's words, then gestures between the two women with his hand (too polite to gesture with a utensil, natch). "There may be a chance to share knowledge," he offers. "Cindy, your own talents seem to grow with leaps and bounds," he points out. "And Kara-- the chance to challenge yourself by mimicking new skills might be beneficial?" he remarks, before digging into his meal again.

Supergirl has posed:
"Superwoman? Truthfully I haven't crossed paths with her. Wrapping my head around my clone is enough. I recall her...group, back on Krypton. I don't know how to feel about her, and you should trust someone who trains you I think." She offers to Cindy and takes a few bites of cereal before looking back to Kaldur. "You mean train with Cindy? Could be interesting. I am still so worried about how much to hold back with meta humans what if one isn't super tough?"

Silk has posed:
    "Yeah, but..I'm not on the same level as a Kryptonian. I don't think so, anyways." Cindy says with a little frown, "I was just thinking someone else might be better. You got tools out there, you know?" she suggests, "There are a bunch of heroes out there, and I'm sure they'd be glad to help Supergirl. I mean, you're Supergirl. Super. Girl. Its a big thing!" Cindy says with an encouraging nod of her head.

    "And me, just Silk- little ole' silk. You'd crush my little bones, I'm sure."

Aqualad has posed:
"It is a prudent concern," Kaldur agrees, nodding. "It was but a thought. It is good to measure our strengths and our weaknesses, and the safety of the Tower is a good place for both."

He finishes his cereal and rinses the bowl in the sink, washing it by hand and setting it out to dry with the other used dishes.

He folds his arms across his chest, resting his shoulder on the cabinet behind him. "My King Orin is among the mightiest of Atlanteans, and his wife Mera is our greatest sorceress. I have crossed blades and magic with both, and survived. It is a sign of great skill to hold back a blow that could destroy," he points out.

Supergirl has posed:
"My whole life on Earth is holding back." Kara offers flatly and finishes off her cereal. She rises to clean hers as well. Looking at Cindy she shrugs. "It's hard not to be Supergirl. When you can do the things we do, it makes sense we can't help but want to defend this planet. I should head out. Nice seeing you Kaldur, good to meet you Cindy." She tells them both.

Silk has posed:
    "Likewise, Kara!" Cindy offers, with a smile, waving a hand as the Supergirl gets ready to go, and starts to head out.

    "She seems nice." Cindy offers over to Kaldur, "I wonder what she does for fun? What does a supergirl do for fun, anyways?" she shrugs, finishing her own cereal and going to clean the bowl and put it to the side.

    "I want to visit Atlantis, sometime. I imagine the logistics would be insane, though."

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur nods his head deeply-- it's not a formal bow, but it clearly represents one. "As always, a pleasure, friend Kara," Kaldur tells Supergirl in his cool, rasping baritone. "Be well. Be safe," he bids her, waving a farewell as she takes her leave.

He turns to Cindy, nodding after Kara's gone. "I have found her company pleasant," he agrees, moving to seat himself at the low counter. "But few among the Titans are poor company. Atlantis, unfortunately, is more than merely distant. Few can withstand the pressure or the airless depths. We would need to charter a submarine and dock at one of the rare drydocks. This would severely limit your ability to see the full city, unfortunately."

Silk has posed:
    "Yeah, I can't spin a silk for that, I don't think." Silk states, next, with a quiet frown. "Well.. maybe something to help from the pressure. A little. But, bottom of the sea pressure.. I mean, you'd have to be like Superman or something to survive that, I bet. Or built for it- like you." she shrugs then quietly, "So. What do you do for fun? It seems like you spend all your time here."

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur blinks at the question put to him. "Fun? I-- very little," he admits, after thinking about it. "I do not have a job or a life on the street I must attend. My family is in Atlantis, and we make only occassional sojourns back there. My work is here. This is a diplomatic posting-- I owe it to Orin to be studious and attentive," he remarks. "To learn as much as I can and present the diplomatic face of Atlantis on the surface."

Silk has posed:
    "Sounds boring." Cindy states. "Look, I know all about locking yourself away for duty." she looks quietly over to Kaldur. "I'd have given anything to be able to actually go out and do something. To have the ability....to choose to go out... I'd really recommend you do something for yourself, you know? Go out, have some fun, with the other Titans, maybe. Starfire seems fun! I bet she'd be great out on the town."

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur laughs slightly. It's a soft chuckle, but compared to his controlled, easy rasp, it's positively boisterous. "I have been on the surface for a very short period of time, but even I can guess that Starfire is not one for a relatively discreet time among humans," he remarks, chuckling. "She... would stand out. Even if she did not have her distinct features. And remembered her clothing," he remarks, with a tolerant chuckle and roll of his eyes.

Silk has posed:
    "Yeah, but she's royalty, so if you go out its a diplomatic mission, right?" Cindy notes, "And I made her a dress, so she better go out and wear it. Its a really nice dress!" she states, "Really flatters the figure, you know!" She pauses, "Does it matter if she'd stand out, though? I mean, if the point is going out to have fun?"

Aqualad has posed:
"Quite correct," Kaldur concedes. "Very well, I'll ask her if she'd be willing to... 'see the town'," he says, still amused. "But you will have to come along with us as well. Though we should probably bring at least one person with us who is a native to the city, so we are not all wandering tourists," he points out. "Perhaps Robin, or Cassie?"

Silk has posed:
    "I'm technically native to the city." Cindy states, with a little look over towards Kaldur. "And I'm really not good in outings with people, I mean..." She pauses, "I haven't done anything like that since I was fifteen." she states, next, taking a slow and deep breath. "I mean, going out with friends is a big step, and I don't have any money, and I don't want to be a mooch..." Silk says, suddenly backing way out of this whole thing,

    "I was just thinking that maybe *you* would want to go out with your team mates or something."

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur shakes his head, lifting a hand to reassure Cindy. "It was only a casual suggestion, my friend," Kaldur tells the raven-haired spiderling. "You would be welcome among the Titans. I know that sometimes these outings can be daunting. Doing so in good company might make it an easier burden to haul."

"The thought is... appreciated. I'll give it serious consideration," he promises Cindy, clearly letting her off the hook.

Silk has posed:
    "Yeah, I don't know about joining any one super-hero group here, but I will need the Titan's help when the time comes." Silk states, with a nod before she's standing and looking towards the window. "I'll be going now, nice talking to you..." she says, "And thanks for the cereal!" With that, she was up and out of the window again- on her way!