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Latest revision as of 14:22, 21 November 2017

Log 3208
Date of Scene: 20 November 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Mon-El, Invisible Kid

Mon-El has posed:
    While Kenan sorts things out with the police in Vernon, Lyle and Lar return to the Legion cruiser's infirmary. Any cursory examinations would reveal that Mon-El isn't really injured physically despite the apparent chaos at the pub they just left behind.

    It's just...he seems very lost and confused, without any memory whatsoever of the Legion, of the 31st century, or even of Earth at all. Even seeing the Legion's base of operations doesn't seem to spark any memories of the past. Or should we say future. However it ought to be referred to. The past future?

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Lyle leads the way in to Medical, and guides his teammate to a seat on one of the beds. He himself doesn't have the full medical training that Brainy has, but he knows how to operate and interpret the equipment. The main thing he's looking for is any sign on Lar's part that he recognizes *anything* around him.
    "So," he begins carefully, calibrating the systems for analysis of Daxamite physiology, "what do you remember doing *before* you were in that bar?"

Mon-El has posed:
    Nope, no signs whatsoever that he recognizes anything here. He follows Lyle and sits down on a bed. "Wow, do you live here?" he asks.

    Then Lyle asks -him- a question. "Umm..." he pauses, still not great at English just yet. "Waking up in--a field. I think. And then I walked into the town." He means, Vernon, the one where the pub was. "Then those natives attacked me."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "We do. You have your quarters here, too. I'm hoping thre'll be something in there that clicks with your memory." Lyle peers at a readaout and makes a note on his omnicom. "Did they give any reason they attacked? I mean, the humans of this era can be a little jumpy, but they don't attack without *any* reason. It's not necessarily a good reason, of course, but they'll think they have a reason."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar shrugs. "I think so. I don't know what it was. They...were, um, very angry." He stands up, peering at the instrumentation Lyle is working with. "Is this a--hospital? Because I'm not sick." That's what he thinks.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "Our medical bay," Lyle explains. "I don't think you're sick either, Lar, but I'd really like to know what's caused this amnesia -- and how to restore your memory." He grins. "I imagine you'd like it back, too."

Mon-El has posed:
    So yeah, basically a hospital. "Hmmm..." Lar frowns. "How do I know you're not lying to me? I don't know you. Maybe I haven't forgetten anything. I am Lar Gand, crown prince of Daxam--I have a responsibility to my people. But somehow, I ended up on this planet--that you still haven't told me the name. Only a city I have never heard. Maybe you captured me!"

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "This world is called 'Earth'. Sometimes 'Terra'. Does *that* sound at all familiar?" Lyle asks. "You have spent quite a bit of time here. Both in this time, and in the future." He smiles slightly. "And after the way you handled that bar, there's no way I could *make* you go somewhere if you weren't willing. The rest of it you have spot on: you are Crown Prince Lar Gand of Daxam. You're also Mon-El of the Legion of Super Heroes. I can show you some ship's security recordings of yourself right here. With me, and with others."
    He taps a couple keys on a nearby terminal; a little three-d tableau of Mon-El, in conference with Lyle, and with a girl who suddently turns into triplets early in the conversation.

Mon-El has posed:
    "So you say." Mon-El folds his arms, still looking somewhat skeptical. He watches the footage with a degree of suspicion--it could be fabricated too, but Lyle -seems- to be genuine. He points at the girl who turned into triplets in the video. "Who's she?"

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "Luornu Durgo. Triplicate Girl. She's from the planet Cargg." Lyle watches for any sign of recognition. "She's been a Legionnaire longer than either of us. Here, let me show you other teammates. Maybe one of them will click with you." Of course, he makes sure to include Lar's cousin Laurel, about halfway through.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar stares at the images of the various other Legionnaires, but none of them click at all. At least not yet. Not even Laurel. Though she does seem to look like she might be related to him or something. He examines her for a long time, concentrating hard to see if maybe he has indeed lost his memories of them as Lyle said. Perhaps a bit too hard. Suddenly, the red eye beams that are common to those of Krypton and Daxam shoot out of his face and strike the terminal they were using to display the footage. This seems to startle him just as much as it would anyone else.

    He stares at the damaged console. "I--that....how...?! What was that??!! I'm sorry. I'm sorry--that was not on purpose. I promise you it wasn't on purpose."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "That would be your heat vision," Lyle says delicately, trying to look reasonably dignified as he picks up both his lab stool and himself from the floor. They'd both gone over in a startled heap when Lar let fly. "You didn't remember having... of course. You remember Daxam, but not Earth. Let me ask you this, then: back on Daxam, could you have cleaned out a bar like you did here? Without getting a single scratch on you?"

Mon-El has posed:
    "N-no..." Mon-El shakes his head. "I--I didn't mean to hurt those natives so much! I was just....they attacked me and I was just defending. I really am sure. I mean. It's true. I promise?" Was that the right phrasing? "They went so far. When I blocked their attacks. Does it make sense?!"

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Lyle nods. "It makes perfect sense now. The injuries and damage are much more consistent with you moving defensively rather than offensively. And you would need full control of your powers to be able to fight off Terrans without causing... extreme injuries. Or worse. Sit there, I'll be right back."
    Lyle zooms off, half a meter off the floor, and returns in well under a minute, with a thick bar of some metal in hand -- solid, from the way he's holding it. He touches down and holds it out to Lar. "Here, take this and just squeeze it. Hard."

Mon-El has posed:
    "You understand! Good." Lar seems satisfied with this fact. "So, Lyle. What do people on Earth do for fun?" Mon-El asks, before his teammate rushes off to fetch a block of some metal. He raises a brow at the instructions. "Why? What is it?"

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "Steel," Lyle explains. "Just give it a good squeeze. I think you'll be interested in what happens."

Mon-El has posed:
    Mon-El shrugs and squeezes the piece of steel, eyes widening as it crumples like a piece of paper. "...."

    "Okay that explain the fight. It must be because of something about this planet."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "About this planet's sun, actually. It's a yellow dwarf; like Kryptonians, your body kind of activates under a yellow sun." Lyle considers for a moment. "I'm not sure how to test your blood. I won't be able to get a needle into your arm. You don't look like you're suffering from lead toxicity, so the serum must still be holding up okay. Which is a good thing."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Okay great. Why would you need my blood?" Lar shrugs slightly as Lyle explains the sun's effects. "So what do people on Earth do for fun again?" he repeats his earlier question that still remained unanswered.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "Looking for anything that shouldn't be there," Lyle says casually. "And making sure your anti-lead serum is still stable. It should be, but I prefer data to calculations.
    he other question... that one seems to have Lyle stumped. "I'm really not the right person to ask. My idea of fun usually involves lab work. Or if I can't be in the lab for some reason, a casual stroll through a museum." He smirks slightly. "I'm told not everyone agrees with my definition of fun."

Mon-El has posed:
    Mon-El smirks. "Don't worry, I think I will be fine. I feel fine. A museum? Sure. Let's do that. You know of a good one?" He tosses the crumpled piece of steel at a waste receptacle, but it misses and puts a sizeable dent in the wall. "...sorry."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Lyle blinks at the dent in the wall. "I, uh, can recommend an exercise regiment that will let you get used to your powers again," he says, a little dubiously. "As far as museums go, I can think of a couple dozen without having to leave the Metropolis-Gotham-New York megalopolis. Maybe something in one of them will jog your memory."