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A Bad Day At Work
Date of Scene: 07 December 2017
Location: Central Business District, New Troy
Synopsis: Lar accidentally starts a fight with Juggernaut. Power Girl and Daken assist, but the battle does not go well for either side.
Cast of Characters: Mon-El, Juggernaut, Power Girl, Daken

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar is still sort of reeling from the incident at the museum a few days ago. He hadn't known Bombshell could hit that hard...well, granted he hadn't been at full strength, either. He'd come to back at Kae's shop in Sunnydale and discovered much to his relief that she'd removed the spells that had been hampering Brainiac's serum, weakening him.

    Of course, now he's having the opposite problem. X-ray vision keeps flashing on and off, and everything and everyone in the entire city sounds like they're shouting at him at once. Not that this is anything -that- new, it's been on and off ever since...well, anything he can remember aside from some vague memories of growing up on Daxam. Boy, it makes for a whopper of a headache, all that. He tries to find somewhere quieter in some alleyway maybe, but it -really- doesn't do anything.

Juggernaut has posed:
     As for Cain, he's been out of the country for a while. Work. Mercenaries are in demand many places in the world, not just New York. Even if New York is the center of like 95% of metahuman activity for some reason. But, now he's back in town and taking things easy. Of course, sometimes easy just means it's a job that can be knocked out quickly. Which is why he's not making TOO big of a scene as he enters a nearby alleyway, a large satchel like thing strapped to his back holding....something. He's in his 'uniform', the crimson armor that's become well known among certain circles. Where he came from, and what's in the bag, are unknown. Though somewhere in the distance there's a vague sound of alarms. Not unusual around here. And with the sheer volume of superheroes in the city, usually somebody gets there pretty fast.

     He's looking over his shoulder, as though checking for pursuit. Then he looks forward and sees some kid in civillian garb. Not an immedietly threat. So, he just glances at him before walking past. The ground shakes some under his foosteps as he walks past. He COULD be doing something innocent. But would he really be out in that outfit, carrying whatever he's carrying if he was? During the brief periods where the X-Ray vision is actually working, Lar can see that there's something techy inside the bag. Chances are he can't determine what exactly. But it looks like it's probably expensive.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar looks up at Juggernaut as he tromps into the alleyway, even shaking the ground a bit. Well...must be one of those...-different- humans. Either that or an alien like himself. He wasn't -trying- to snoop, but since the X-ray scans keep switching on and off, he just happens to see what the man is carrying.

    Gah....head...still pounding...like there's a sledgehammer inside his skull.

    And those alarms going off aren't helping, either instead just adding to the cacophony of noise banging around everywhere.

    Focus...focus...! He tries to use the strange man as an anchor--maybe if he focuses hard enough on him, he can finally get all of his extra-sensory abilities under control.

    A few seconds go by, and finally--finally all the noise starts to filter out and focus in on the present situation. Yes--yes! There's some kind of expensive tech in the bag he's carrying. And he is one of those 'different' humans, but not alien. But just as the pain is starting to subside, the laser vision unexpectedly flares, firing a blast straight at Juggernaught! Not the first time this had happened either, but at least last time it hadn't been in public...

Juggernaut has posed:
     The Juggernaut had already mostly forgotten the guy he passed. Then he feels a sudden heat against his back, and something like pressure. He grunts loudly and takes a step forward. And suddenly the strap across his chest feels much looser. He pulls at it, and it comes away easily. He regards the smoldering ends of it where his payday had been, then slowly turns around towards Lar. His eyes and lips have githened with anger, then he bares his teeth at the Daxamite, gaze shifting down the burned remnants of the device on the ground before finding the face of the apparent metahuman again. "Oh, you are gonna wish you hadn't done that, boy." And then he's coming at Lar, a veritable tower of crimson armor and muscle. The stomping of his feet now thunderous. Is he suddenly a bit taller than he was before? Maybe. Either way, he's on him in seconds. Leading the way with a fist with enough force to splatter him all over the alley wall. Or it would, if he wasn't as durable as he is. In his case if it hits, it'll just be enough to send him through the wall. And the one behind that. And probably several more before he finally ends up on the ground. Bombshell isn't the only one that can hit hard.

Power Girl has posed:
    Over at the target of Juggernaut's robbery, Power Girl had arrived mere moments before. She'd heard the alarms while patrolling the city for renewed rioting, and couldn't help but... Well, help. She'd been hearing Cain's footsteps for a while now, but hadn't decided to handle it just yet.

    By the time Cain has hit Mon, the Kryptonian woman is -there-. It's a matter of priorities. Her attention moves around the alley so quickly that the world itself appears in slow motion, dust flowing through the air less like a mixture of solids light enough to float, and more like flowing liquid. She recognizes Mon- he's tough. She doesn't know where he stands, but she knew that the massive and angry looking man was at fault. The most important thing, at this point,is to make sure that nobody gets hurt.

    Her first action is to swoop around Cain and pluck the piece of technology up off of the ground. To her, this is the most likely way of getting Cain to follow her to somewhere more secluded, so that he's not tearing through city blocks.

    It's sort of his fault for leaving it unguarded in order to punch Mon.

    Power Girl is a pretty well recognized figure- so as soon as she calls: "Hey big guy- This is what you wanted, right?" it's pretty clear that Juggernaut will be tussling with one of the Super-peeps from Metropolis today. Which, admittedly, ruins a -lot- of people's days.

    It's also worthy of note that this is her tactic regardless of whether or not Mon is currently a city block further away than he was a moment ago. The shortest distance between two points is probably Juggernaut's fist.

Daken has posed:
and as tensions rose between the metahuman and mutant present, another mutant would join the party.


hearing the alarms a good distance away, he arrives as if he was your average guy. A longcoat with wolf-pelt fur around the collar as if to protect against the cold. coal black pants...combat boots. a dark red tanktop under his coat...a bearded and clearly world-weary Daken approaches, looking around. Seems attempting to turn a new leaf has led him to heroics. He sees Cain Marko looking like he's going to trample a poor guy..given he doesn't know he's a Daxamite. So Daken arrives with the intent of helping.

"....This guy bothering you?" Daken asks Lar, though his pheromones come off him even though he's tried hiding it with cologne. Those around him may feel overcome by a multitude of emotions (consent of course...could be happy, mad, romantic, sad, joyous, feeling ecstatic...anything). He doesn't seem afraid to face down the Juggernaut, moving in front of Lar.

Though of course, then Power Girl arrives. Now she, he recognizes. "...heh..Power Girl. Any other Supers want to show up?" he says slyly, before he looks back to Marko. though he can just -sense- he's about to be kicked through a building. By who, is the question. Well...it was Metropolis. Supers everywhere.

Mon-El has posed:
    Indeed, Lar is sent through the wall of the building behind him. And the wall beyond that. And the wall beyond that. Hmm, he's lost track of how many. Maybe it's four or five walls, maybe a dozen. The building he ends up in is some kind of hotel or convention center, and he finally lands in a crater of what was once a conference room, pieces of the walls and furniture scattered about around him. He groans--sure that guy hit as hard as Bombshell did, but this time it didn't hurt as much, given that he's stronger now than he had been a few days ago at the museum.

    Now, he had been about to apologize to the man for wrecking his stuff, but Juggernaut hadn't exactly given him a chance to do so before simply attacking. And now he's not going to just sit there and let this jerk humiliate him! Jug may or may not be surprised to find that this 'kid' is not only ok but actually gets right back up. First, briefly scans Daken--finding that he is injured but healing quickly, he rockets back out through the holes Cain used the Daxamite to make, the air popping with the sonic boom that results from the sudden supersonic movement. Glass shatters everywhere in his wake. People are screaming and running for exits/cover. Yeah...he's not very good at taking collateral damage into consideration yet right now. Right now, he's pretty preoccupied with defending himself against this guy. In nearly an instant he's back at the original opening, aiming to grab Juggernaut and throw him several city blocks into a nearby park where there seems to be a large enough open area where people are less likely to get smashed by his falling body--if this works. Hey, he's trying, okay?

Juggernaut has posed:
     It's not like Cain was trying to kill the guy with the beard. But when you put your head in the way of a punch strong enough to send somebody through a dozen walls, bad things are going to happen to it. The Juggernaut absently shakes some brain and bone from his fist, then looks towards the blur that picks up the fried out tech he had been trying to steal. "It was, until that guy wrecked it. Now take a hike lady. I don't got not beef with you." he turns to the hole. It was impressive he held up enough to break the buildings really.
     When Lar zooms back at him and grabs his throat, he grunts before grabbing his wrist. It's not as easy as just throwing him of course. He's a very experienced fighter. And a LOT of people have pulled that trick with him. After a while, you start getting annoyed and figure out how to counter it. He squeezes down, as hard as he can. Which is hard enough that it'd probably feel too tight even to a fully powered up Daxamite or Kryptonian. And he plants his body in a way to resist the throw. "Tough guy huh? Lets see how tough." Then he's drawing back with one oversized fist, and sending it hurtling towards the stomach of the hopefully temporarily trapped superhero. This time, he doesn't hold back nearly as much. If it connects, he'll immedietly draw back for a second blow, then a third. There's the usual sounds that happenw hen one super strong individual really lays into another, which is to say, booms not unlike explosions in volume. "So, are you gonna pay me back the money you just cost me? Or should I keep beating your ass into the ground?"

Power Girl has posed:
    "Well, shit."

    She'd hoped to take this out of the city, but by now, that was not really an option. Luckily, this is Metropolis. As soon as people see Power Girl- or any of the Super-Family- having to take someone down, they're clearing out city blocks. Luckily, though the power involved is going to be titanic, the scale is, so far, relatively small. They'll have plenty of time to evacuate people before it really becomes a problem.

    Mon comes back out of the hole he'd been punched into- and for the moment Power Girl is chalking murder up onto the list of things Juggernaut's done today, at least until Daken's head regenerates- and wraps himself up with the massive meat-wall that is the robber. She's never heard of him- not -really-- so she isn't aware of how tough he is, but she knows full well the amount of strength he has. That the attempt at a throw doesn't work isn't entirely surprising.

    Power Girl lets go of the tech in a sack, and hunches over. The motion is so quick that she's set to impact Juggernaut before the sack is even a quarter of the way to the ground. She's decidedly scaling her tactics up, as clearly, the amount she needs to hold back is either very little, or none.

    If she hits him, it'll be at twice the speed of sound, her elbow parading its way into his side, just south of the ribcage. Throwing him isn't an option- well, it might be, but it clearly isn't -easy- and therefore wouldn't be a good option because he's clearly good at keeping himself on the ground. Instead, she's gut-checking him at Mach II. If he plants his feet, it'll work against him, much like a head-on collision.

    As well, if he's not prepared, she might just knock him out into the street. The Juggernaut, sent somewhere he didn't want to go. -That- might be new.

Daken has posed:
While Lar could get up pretty quickly, Daken got knocked the hell down. His muscle and skin were rapidly regenerating...and Daken couldn't help but chuckle. "Heh.....now you've done it..." he he stands back up after his bones and torn muscle tissue heal themselves. "Now it's a party." he cracks his neck when he's all patched up, and he just starts going on a full on sprint like a bloodhound after a downed fox.

He looks pissed off....strange how he even got up at all. Juggernaut just shook some of Daken's brain from his fist. Not bad Daken, not bad. definately his fathers son, as soon as Daken is in range, he brandishes his adamantium claws with a..


Three claws on each hand, two on top, one from underneath. While he doesn't even bother trying to throw the far larger and stronger mutant, but he does lunge at him like a wolf lunges at prey, a feral roar of rage coming from him. If all goes well, he'll be attempting to slice the man a few times.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar is...somewhat shocked that he was unable to actually throw Juggernaut. Really, Bombshell had been the only one who had even come close to rivaling him in strength thus far that he could remember and even then he'd been in a somewhat weakened state.

    Despite the fact that Cain clamps down as hard as he can on the Daxamite's considerably smaller wrist, no bones can be heard cracking nor does any flesh even break. Nope, not even with the punch he slams into Lar's body. In fact, the young man still has not even a scratch on him. "Ugh, just let go of me already! Maybe if you hadn't punched me through several buildings first I could've explained myself before I had to hurt you!"

    Instead of trying to get free from Marko's grip, Mon-El simply takes off into the sky, once again quickly surpassing the speed of sound. Higher and higher he goes until Cain lets go of him, and if he doesn't, he'll be flying into low orbit where both heat and oxygen are very scarce.

Juggernaut has posed:
     It's funny how quickly a day can turn bad. What seemed like a quick, easy gig to make a little money. He was seemingly free and clear. And then in the course of about a minute or two, he has three people attacking him. How well the other guy is holding up to his blows is surprising. He hasn't run into that many people that strong either. At least not recently. "You shot me with.... something!" His back was turned at the time. "And I was just walking down the alley, you asshole!" He prepares to hit him again...then he's hit by a high-speed Kryptonian missile, and lets out a roar as he's knocked out into the street...just as the third guy is slashing at him with slightly familiar looking claws. The number and shape anyway, even if not the placement. However, Daken learns something that his father did a long time ago. That even adamantium claws can't cut through his skin, instead just scraping along the surface. "Okay, what is it about you 'hero' types that you seem to like working in groups so mu-"

     And then he's being pulled up, his huge body dangling below the more human-sized one of Mon-El. He lets out a string of curses as he rockets into the air, but still doesn't let go of Mon-El. Then they're getting to low orbit and he looks down." "Great. This again." He looks back at Mon-El. "I am gonna snap you in two, kid. Go back down." The lack of oxygen doesn't seem to be bothering him much, if at all. He reaches up with his other hand, trying to grab the face of the Daxamite dangling him in the upper atmosphere. "You should give up. You can't stop me."

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl watches Mon pull him into the sky. That's a form of escalation that never seems to work out well, but she'll be damned if she's going to leave these openings unexploited. She ducks down for a moment, before she bolts into the sky.

    Until Juggernaut lets go of Mon... And the other way around, too... Power Girl is going to hit him at high speed. He's clearly strong, so she doesn't want to be -caught- at all. There's another loud -BANG- as she shatters the sound barrier, and just starts hitting Juggernaut anywhere that's exposed. Which, in this case, doesn't mean the head, but that doesn't mean that having your solar plexus, ribs, and abdominal muscles pummeled will feel particularly good- Power Girl might not be going all out with her strength, but she'll be getting a feel for Cain's toughness pretty soon, as each blow that does nothing is followed by one that is all that much stronger.

Daken has posed:
Daken knows when he should just sit down at let the big guns fire.

He stays there on the ground, having been knocked off by the speed of Lars and Juggernauts assent. brushing himself off and letting himself heal...he just looks up at the sky. "Heh...man. It would hurt if I fell from there." he cracks his neck a moment...and is sure to move appropriately out of the way if he sees some people falling down all meteor style.

So, while he waits? he pulls out what remains of his severely dented flask, and he takes a sip of the liquid there.


Mon-El has posed:
    "I know, but if you had just LET me explain that it was an -accident-, then maybe none of this would've happened!" Lar retorts. "I just lost control for a second and I happened to be looking at you. I'm seriously sorry, all right? You -need- to calm down, I mean is all this -really- worth whatever it was that got wrecked?"

    He sees Power Girl approaching. "Hey Kryptonian help get this guy off of me!" But she's already on it. While she holds back--he doesn't. He lets loose with a kick to Cain's chest as hard as he can, as well as the same laser vision that had melted the device--only this time at much closer range and directed at the arm holding him.

Juggernaut has posed:
     Okay. High on the list of things that Juggernaut hates dealing with? People with super speed. Not as high as psychics and magicians, but still. Pretty far up there. When Power Girl comes rocketing up after them and starts to assult him with a rain of super powerful blows, Cain tries to just ignore it at firs, grunting as blows land here thre and everywhere. They're not actually hurting him. But they are distracting. And they keep getting stronger. Finally he growls then cries out, "FOR GODS SAKE, CAN'T A MAN BEAT SOMEBODY IN PEACE!?!" Then there's an even stronger kick to his chest, and a blast of heat strong enought o slice through metal like butter directed at his arms. Perhaps alarmingly for both of them, even those blows don't actually HURT him. At least, there's no visible damage to him. He releases Mon-El at that blow, and starts to hurtle down...activing his unstoppability as he grabs at the two flying alien superheroes. If he manages to grab ahold of them, there's another thing they'll find that might alarm them. No matter how hard the try to counter the descent with their flying abilities, they can't get him to stop. He tries to twist in midair, pulling whichver of them around under him that he caught, and then abruptly snaps his arms shut around one oboth of the two of them. If would be convenient if they were in a position where all three could easily see one anothers faces. Still, he has a still angry but slightly amused grin on his. "Hey.... do you want to know why they call me the UNSTOPPABLE Juggernaut?" Or he just curses if he didn't grab either of them.

    Either way, down below the one to three of them falling starts to sound like the whistle of descending artillery fire as his momentum grows. And it won't be far off in effect. Eventually there's an impact, causing a massive crater in the middle of...whichever street they landed in, chances are it wasn't the same one. And probably severely damaging a lot of buildings around them as well. Naturally, he stops his unstoppability (which sounds weird) before ending up somewhere deep inside the planet. It's still quite the boom though.

Power Girl has posed:
    Super Speed is a hell of a drug. Being able to see the world in slow motion, to move faster than the speed of forces of nature, including but not limited to sound- and, were it not for that it would decimate the Earth to do so in atmosphere, light? It's just... Amazing. Problem is, it can only be applied in a limited way, sometimes.

    Right now, Power Girl is hitting him at over the speed of sound. That stops, as soon as she notices that he's starting to descend. It's then that she makes a choice that is probably somewhat disastrous. She positions herself to help Mon in slowing his descent, and finds that something -about- him is arresting their ability to do so. That isn't necessarily frightening, but it is somewhat alarming, and it's in that moment of alarm that she's grabbed by this juggernaut of a man.

    However, that alarm may be returned by the Juggernaut, as his attempt to slam them together might be foiled. She has been grabbed by plus-sized hands before, and knows how to position her arms to stop him from getting a perfect clutch. Fact is, she's holding back his fingers, which is something that the Juggernaut may not be used to. This freedom of movement allows her enough to extend a leg as he tries to bring them together. Her booted foot is aimed to lock with his opposite arm, so as to stop him from just hitting her with Mon, who in this instance will make a really good cudgel if she doesn't.

    Now, there's another problem with Kryptonians- they just multi-task so damn well. Because as soon as it becomes clear that she's going down, she's going to attack the -weakest- part of Cain's body that she can think of. She's not holding back, either- the lasers that she fires from her eyes can cut through metal, stone, and more.

    And they're going straight for Cain's -eyes-.

    "Stop getting handsy and keep your eyes up here, asshole."

Daken has posed:
At this point, Daken's sitting on the first wall he got smashed through, having just finished his drink and tossed his flask aside as he hears the sonic booms from above. When he feels like they are -finally- coming back down?


the claws come out again and he is prepared for the impact...and ready to lunge at Juggernaut...assuming he still wants to fight at all....because facing a daxamite -and- a kryptonian are not good odds.

Mon-El has posed:
    Finally, the large man lets go of Lar and starts hurtling back down to the Earth like a meteor. Not wanting to get grabbed again, he tries to fly away before Cain can get a grip on him but without any memory of his prior training he doesn't quite make it, and neither does he do much to try to avoid getting smacked into Power Girl. But it's a good thing -she- knows what she's doing. And then, he is falling with him, yet can't seem to fly away no matter how hard he pushes. However, he doesn't seem all that alarmed by this fact. "'Unstoppable Juggernaut' huh? So is that your real name as in your surname is actually 'juggernaut' or what? Well at least we've got that introduction done. Lar Gand, by the way. And who're you?" he asks, turning toward Power Girl as atmospheric gases burn with blazing fury all around them. The street clothes he had been wearing burn away to reveal a futuristic-looking red and indigo suit.

    Whether or not Power Girl has time to answer or bothers answering at all, as soon as they hit the ground and end up -underground- too, he zooms back up out of the hole they created and starts throwing massive rocks down it in an attempt to bury Cain. It probably won't keep him down forever, but hopefully long enough for him to fly away. Hopefully Power Girl is fast enough to get out of the way.

Juggernaut has posed:
     Well, they haven't managed to break away. And they only need to stay where they are for a few moments more. Karen manages to avoid being pulled into the bearhug, but she's still under him. And then....CHRIST that's bright! He lets out an angry roar when those twin beams of red heat impact with his eyes. It blinds him, at least for the moment, and he growls out, "Yeah, well you better keep YOUR eyes on where you are!" And then they hit.

     The weight, and the speed they were going at, makes them hit the ground something like a bomb. The ground ripples outwards from the point of impact as they sink into the ground, a hole deep enough you'd have to climb out of it if you couldn't fly. The front of buildings within a few hundred yards of them are shattered, and will no doubt take some time to fix. And....well. The impact didn't really hurt the aliens? Great. Cain lays there thinking for a few momentsm, before he starts having rocks rained down on him. As they pile up he decides enough is enough. He digs down and to the side through the ground, until he breaks through into the sewer system. Once there, he glances either way before starting off and grumbling to himself. Some days just go badly.

Power Girl has posed:
    Plunging to the ground is not fun. Power Girl literally avoids falling to an extent that almost seems fanatical, hitting the ground -now- is all the worse. It doesn't -injure- her, but it does slow her down, dazing her for a moment as, well, the positioning puts her sort of at the epicenter of the impact. Laying in the crater for only as long as Juggernaut is going to, Power Girl offers this annoyed exhale followed by a quiet, "Shit."

    Then, Mon's plan goes into action, and for a moment, she just, for once, wants something of a Thank You for taking most of a hit before people run off to do their thing. One of the rocks is millimeters from her face, this nonplussed, not-quite-angry expression rolling across her features. It's doubtful that anyone but her can hear at super-speed, and even then, the sound of it will take a moment to reach them, but she does say something.

    "Yeah, okay, just, go ahead and start throwing rocks and stuff, that's cool. I can get up on my own, it's no big."

    Then, she does. Mon starts buring Juggernaut, and the man he's burying starts burrowing, and in order to follow him she'd have to tear through the ground... And on TOP of that, if they fought down there, they'd collapse swathes of city. She has no choice but to let Cain go.

    In the space of time it takes for the first rock to traverse the distance that was occupied by her head a moment before, she has flown up alongside Mon. She offers this... Long sigh. "Okay, that... Didn't go well, but I'm glad to see someone was on top of the robbery before I was."

Daken has posed:
Daken sees them all hit the ground and then some! Rushing after them, he makes sure Lar and Power Girl are alright before looking to get after Marko...but the collateral damage is high..and he knows his claws do very little against Juggernaught.

His claws retract back inside of his skin and he takes a small sigh. "Well...that happened." he sighs then, looking at the hole that Juggernaut just dug himself. he looks then to the two aliens "You two alright?"

Mon-El has posed:
    "Grife, I thought he was -never- going to give up. And all that over some gadget? Pff." Lar isn't really sure why he used that word or where it came from exactly but it just kind of popped up. He sees that Mr. Unstoppable has started burrowing and ends up heading to the sewers, appearing to have retreated for now. It's only then that he turns to Power Girl apologetically. "Sorry, I just--figured you'd be able to get out of the way fast enough."

    But then he raises an eyebrow at her. "Robbery?" Nope, no clue. "He stole something?" He nods down toward Daken as the man approaches to check up on things. "Yeah, we're fine--it's you I was a little worried about." Quick X-ray scan shows that the mutant is fine, however. "But, looks like I shouldn't have." he smiles. "Thanks for the effort, anyway."