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Square One
Date of Scene: 12 December 2017
Location: Milky Way Galaxy - Sol System
Synopsis: Laurel tells Lar all about his former accomplishments.
Cast of Characters: Mon-El, Andromeda

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar's returned to the cruiser after smashing some gravity-manipulating drone in Gotham to look for Laurel. If she's his descendant, then she must be like him, right? As in, she must have the same abilities as he does. Maybe she can help him with -not- breaking everything he touches? Because that's starting to become a real pain. Oh, and the pounding headaches from the X-ray vision constantly flipping on and off at times too, on top of the occasional bout of hearing -everything- in the entire city at once. State? Country? Who ever knows.

Andromeda has posed:
    Laurel's returned to the cruiser, once again waiting for the airlocks to cycle in a frustrated burst of undirected energy. She is clearly irritated about something but the tall, regal blonde haired Daxamite doesn't let it translate to her actions, any faint tension aside. She doesn't break everything she touches but her attitude certainly suggests that she -could-. Eventually Laurel and Lar do find one another. "Hello, unc- ...Lar." It's a poor attempt at stopping herself.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Laurel," Lar smiles when she acknowledges him. He notices that she appears rather agitated about something. "I guess if you really want to call me 'uncle' I don't mind it." It's just really weird, but everything in his life is weird so what else is new? "You look upset, is something bothering you?"

Andromeda has posed:
    "I didn't find the Juggernaut yesterday. I'll figure it out, It doesn't matter now, he's not currently on some kind of rampage..." Laurel sighs heavily and then shakes her head in a wave of corn husk yellow tresses. "I'm fine, Uncle. You seem upset as well. Your heat is racing." Of course Laurel would know. She, at least, has perfect command of her super hearing. "Is there something you needed my help with...?"

Mon-El has posed:
    "Should I be worried about him? What do you know about him?" Lar asks. Then he sighs, too and sits down heavily on one of the couches in the lounge. "Yes, actually. I was hoping that since you're apparently a descendant of mine, you must have the same physical abilities as I do. So I was going to ask you if you could tell me how you manage to...um...not break everything you touch."

    He pauses, looking somewhat abashed for a moment. "I'm sorry if this is just--awkward for you. But it's getting to be a real drag. Especially the vision-induced headaches."

Andromeda has posed:
    "No, it's fine. It's something all of us go through if we travel. Actually, at home on Daxam - we don't have these powers. It's a reaction to solar energy from Yellow stars. Did Lyle explain to you about our weaknesses or - anything...?" Laurel pauses for a second, then frowns as she considers Lar from head to toe. Her soft, certain voice continues after about two seconds of silence. "It's not easy to avoid breaking things,W can start there. You have to be constantly aware of yourself and how you move. I know one thing that helped me was stretching exercises... And combat training. We can practice together - it's okay if you hit me as hard as you can. I won't break, I promise."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Yes and no." Lar replies in response to the question of whether Lyle explained the lead poisoning. "He wasn't sure what I had remembered or not. I...almost died before I realized that I've apparently already been exposed. Please don't be mad at him, it wasn't really his fault. I think he's been under a lot of stress lately."

    He listens to her tips on control, nodding. "Thanks." But then his brows go up at her last suggestion. "Are you sure about that?" Though there is a faint smirk there, too.

Andromeda has posed:
    "Pretty sure. We shouldn't do this on the cruiser, though. Unless you want to launch the rest of the legion into Sol or something." Laurel can't help giggling softly. She shakes her head slowly and starts toward the airlocks. "COme on. We'll find an, um... Abandoned... Planet. Then you can give me all you've got." She actually bounces slightly as she walks.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Alright then." Lar chuckles and gets back up from the couch to head toward the airlocks again. "No, we wouldn't want to send them into Sol, that would be...bad. Good thing there are plenty of empty planets and planetoids out there. Or maybe we could use an asteroid. Oh but it would have to be pretty large."

Andromeda has posed:
    "If we jump out past Pluto we can find a few planetoids that are way bigger than an asteroid that humans haven't even found yet. They won't miss one." Laurel shrugs at this and then performs her usual ritual of tapping her foot against the floor while she waits on the airlocks. "Getting used to moving like this will help you learn to control it. Baby steps." She takes a deep breath. Slowly. "Normally it takes a long time to get used to it, but... I think you'll remember pretty quickly."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Sounds like a plan." Lar replies with a nod as they wait for the air lock to be ready. There's a pause before he asks her another question. "So uh...if you're my niece, does that mean you're Del's daughter? Er, Granddaughter? How are you the same age as I am?"

Andromeda has posed:
    "Well. I'm a year older really," Laurel offers helpfully. The doors finally open and she takes off into space. Further communication comes through their Legion Flight Rings instead of the medium of talking. Oxygen is usually needed for such things after all. "But basically you were, um. In stasis for about a thousand years? While you did your family kept having kids and eventually one of them was me." She smiles at this, setting a comfortable pace as she sets into flight. "How comfortable are you flying so far?"

Mon-El has posed:
    Right. A niece many, many times removed who is actually older than him. Lar just shakes his head, smiling as he takes off after her into the cold vaccuum of space. "Ha, so you're actually older than me. Because that is totally logical." He peers at the flight right. "Oh, this thing is a communicator? Well imagine that." Yes, imagine that, Lar just noticing that, despite having helped invent it.

    "Stasis huh? What was I doing in stasis?" He pauses. "Wait, let me guess, it has something to do with the lead poisoning?"

    The flying doesn't seem to be the hard part. "All right I think...I've been flying around Earth quite a bit."

Andromeda has posed:
    "Then try to keep up!" Laurel takes off the break. If they were on earth the sonic booms would destroy buildings. Out in space all she does is disturb the stately orbits of various small celestial bodies as she streaks past. Laurel is starting to red shift. Or maybe it's the costume?

    "Lead poisoning, right. You were dying so you got put into stasis and it, um, took us a thousand years to be able to free you..." Laurel trails off but she doesn't slow down.

    "But hey, you made it!"

Mon-El has posed:
    As Laurel suddenly speeds up, Lar tries to push himself to catch up with her. It takes some work, but he eventually comes up alongside her as they continue the conversation. "And that's when that XY-4 serum came into play, right? The one that Lyle said Brainiac made." he pauses. "What do you mean by 'us'? You weren't born when I first went into stasis were you?"

Andromeda has posed:
    "Us? I mean, um. Well. All of Daxam, really. You're like ---- super famous," Laurel clarifies helpfully. She flashes Lar a positively incandescent smile when he pulls up beside her. They're already past Mars, as it happens. "Brainy cracked it open, but no one forgot about you. I mean, I didn't anything personally, but..." She bites her bottom lip for a moment.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Famous?" Lar quirks a brow at Laurel, sounding positively surprised. "For -what-, exactly?" He glances over at Mars as the two of them soar past the red planet. After she'd mentioned the 1,000 years bit, he'd begun to wonder how it was that even after -all- that time, someone still thought to get him out of stasis? A thousand years is a long time--enough time for stuff like that to get lost in the history books, or even lost to myth and legend!"But what?" he continues to prod her for more.

Andromeda has posed:
    "Like. Saving - everything?" Laurel gestures vaguely after this statement. Not terribly helpful, is she? "I mean, it's basically a legend by the time I come around. I don't know the details, really. There are statues of you on Daxam, you know," she contines. "In my time they call me a hero too. Laurel Gand, descendant of Lar Gand..." A beat. "I don't think I could have odne it if it hadn't been for you."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar's eyes widen. "Saving everything? Like everything as in the entire -galaxy-?" He just stares at her, his expression filled with shock and wonder. "And...s-statues?!"

    "...." There's a moment of silence as he is forced to process this rather overwhelming bit of information.

Andromeda has posed:
    "I think some of those were universe level threats actually," Laurel replies, blinking as she does. "You can throw asteroids with your bare hands. You shouldn't be *this* surprised..." the blonde trails off for a moment and holds her breath for a second. "Anyway. You're my hero. That's the part that really matters."

Mon-El has posed:
    "...I..univ--but...I--" And now, Lar is -really- speechless. Boy, those are -big- shoes to fill. Saving everything from something that could threaten the entire -universe-? At this particular moment, he can't even -imagine- something that could pose such a colossal threat. He doesn't even remember how to get -himself- under control at the moment!

Andromeda has posed:
    "...I might have said too much," Laurel murmurs apologetically. "Don't worry about it now. We're not in that kind of trouble. You'll get there, I promise. You're way stronger than you think. At least as strong as I am..." On they go. "But it does mean that getting your powers under control is really important. If you get upset you could potentially break *anything*. Except me. So we're going to find a nice planet with no locals and you're going to hit me as hard as you can." She nods once. "Did you remember an yof your hand to hand training yet?"

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar finally gets his voice and a -measure- of his composure back. "I-I mean--I know I could throw an asteroid with my bare hands, but so can you and so could any Daxamite or Kryptonian as long as we're exposed to yellow solar radiation for long enough right? What's so -special- about me?"

    He finally calms down a notch. "I-I'm sorry. This is just...a lot to process. Yes, you're right. I need to focus on getting myself under control first."

Andromeda has posed:
    "You need to figure that out for yourself. Maybe it's nothing but the drive to succeed," Laurel replies, shaking her head slowly as she does. "Don't worry about it right now. No one is expecting you to go do more insane heroics right now. This is history. You could do nothing else for the rest of your life and still be incredibly accomplished. And loved. So you don't need to stress."

    Sighing, Laurel slowly adjusts her flight path. They are coming up on Pluto by this point. "You brought people together and helped them focus on their common goals. I mean... Look at the Legion. You probably had a lot of help too."

Mon-El has posed:
    "I know it already happened, but--" Lar sighs, too. "Grife, no wonder Lyle was so upset." he mutters. He can't shake the feeling now that everyone who knew him before will expect him to continue to be -that- man. Savior of the universe. And from the 'brought people together' comment, a great leader as well. But all he can remember is not even being able to fix things at home...and to think, he's hero to the already heroine.

    "Yeah, the Legion." He watches as they approach Pluto, finally. "Let me guess, I'm the leader of that, too."

Andromeda has posed:
    "Well, there was an emergency vote and Lyle's the leader right now," Laurel responds brightly. "He won't put up with that for long and then they'll probably reelect you at some point, but..." Laurel shrugs. "Anyway. There are a couple good ones just a bit further out. I can already see one or two..." Laurel has apparently picked one out because she puts on the jets now. "Lyle and I have things covered for now.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar facepalms. "So, basically, yes. I knew it." He sighs again and follows her toward one of Sol's outer rim planetoids. "Right, let's get started. Seems I have a -lot- of work to do...."

Andromeda has posed:
    "Okay!" Laurel calls out from the pocked surface of a planetoid just barely too small to attract its own atmosphee. She is still floating a couple inches off the edge of a crate, this one being some twenty meters in diameter. "So. You first! I want to see what you've got in yo uright now. Hit me!" Laurel seems to be excited about the prospect, despite any indications it might be a bad idea. "As hard as you can!" She gestures toward the center of the red tunic she is wearing. It's a good target at least.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar descends toward the small, desolate planetoid and watches as Laurel invites him to hit her with open arms. "Right then." He was about to do as requested when all his senses seem to go haywire, the X-ray vision flickering madly and suddenly the sound of every tiny little thing that's happening on this planetoid he can hear loud and clear.

    "Argh!" A hand goes to his forehead. "Y-yeah....remember those headaches I told you about?"

Andromeda has posed:
    "...Takes a lot to get used to it. I almsot forgot about them. I started doing this when I was pretty small, so..." There's a pause while Laurel considers this for a moment. Finally she shrugs. "Okay. Let's address that first then. Close your eyes and - try to focus on the sound of my voice. You can hear everything. If I breathe, how I shape my words. You have to learn to, um, tune out everything around you, I guess." Laurel fidgets a bit. It's her first run as the 'teacher' in this scenario. It isn't like she's had time to prepare.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Okay, okay." Lar nods and closes his eyes, focusing on the sound of Laurel's voice as much as he can. It had sort of worked last time, right? When he tried focusing Juggernaut in a desperate attempt to get all the noise to stop. Slowly, the other noises filter out, and he opens his eyes again to see if he can manage to -only- scan her and not -everything everywhere-. It starts to work...but then the laser vision unexpectedly fires at her. Just like last time. "And that's what happened with Juggernaut." he shakes his head. "Then he decided to punch me through several buildings for it before I had a chance to apologize."

Andromeda has posed:
    "Right. That-" Laurel lifts an arm to shield her face from the eye beams being fired in her direction but it seems she's really no worse for the wear. "-Is a problem. I'm not surprised he put you through a building or towo after, to be honest..." Laurel gnaws on her bottom lip for a moment. "That' what happens when you focus too hard? Okay. Soot, this is harder han it looks. Can you shoot another of those? Maybe a couple? Get used ot ,err, lasering things. Maybe you can learn to differentiate...?" Laurel seems to hep that's the case at least.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar shakes his head. "I don't think that's the problem, I can use the thermal vision whenever," He demonstrates this, firing it at some random rocks and at the ground. "I just..." he makes a frustrated noise. "I don't know, Laurel! It's like I can't hold them back whenever I focus to hard on one thing." He sighs. "Let's just...go back for now. I'm sorry we didn't get very far, but--I think I just need time to process everything. Thanks for...everything." With that he zooms off back toward the cruiser.