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Revision as of 23:03, 12 December 2017

Hope Summers (Scenesys ID: 1600)
"I can control them completely. You want to see that else I can do? Keep pushing me."

"If (he) ever hurt you, I'd find him, and hurt him worse. I'd come back from the dead to hurt him."

" I'm assuming you saw what she did? How her power works? Anything we can do -- anything any of us can do -- she's already there. It's like -- someone made a voodoo doll for the whole mutant race. That's what Hope is. She's us. All of us."
Full Name: Hope Black Summers
Gender: Female
Species: Mutant
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Occupation: Warrior
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: New York City
Education: Privately Educated
Status: Active
Groups: {{{Groups}}}
Other Information
Apparent Age: 19 Actual Age: 19
Date of Birth It's Complicated Actor: Unknown
Height: 175 cm (5'9") Weight: 56 kg (123 lbs.)
Hair Color: Red Eye Color: Green
Theme Song: "Light 'Em Up" by Fall Out Boy


As a child, Hope was taken to a dystopian future where she was raised as a warrior, trained in survival by her adoptive father. Through a fluke of the time streams, she has found herself back in the world she came from but now she is a young woman. She seeks to find the one responsible for her father's death and to make him pay the ultimate price.



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< Description >-------------------------------- Hope is a young woman standing at about 5'9" in height. Her form is slim, well-toned and athletic, obviously someone who keeps herself in fighting form. She looks to be around 19 although her green eyes reflect a life of someone older than her physical years. Fiery red hair isn't really styled and is kept cut short to shoulder length.


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Her life began the day that the President was killed during an attack by Magneto on the White House.

Hope had been born four years before that. Her mother had died during childbirth. Her father was military and a single father. He was a Navy Seal so he had a lot of away missions but she was taken care of by the others when he had to leave her behind. That's what the military do, they look out for each other. Little Hope had a good life and loved her father with all her being. They lived off base in a little home.

Her father had been at the White House on the day Magneto attacked. He was there with some other Seals to meet with the President after a classified mission. He died when the upper floor collapsed onto the level where he was with the other Seals. Several were injured but he was the only one killed. Due to the nature of his work, his death was not publicized on the news or other sources.

Hope was at the neighbor's house when the officials came with the news. In the moment she learned of her father's death, in her grief and horror, her powers manifested. Due to there being no mutants in the area, she didn't know it at the time.

It was a few weeks after she had gotten the news, while in the care of a foster family, that things went from bad to worse. Little Hope had just gone into the house to get something to drink while her foster parents were in the front yard saying goodbye to some relatives after a brief visit for the holidays. It is the only thing that saved them. Somewhere nearby was a mutant with a power that was destructive in nature. When Hope moved within range, she copied his powers. Immediately there was a burst of light and heat. The house exploded. Within the rubble, in a small crater left by the force of the blast, was Hope unharmed.

The authorities responded including Detective Vincent Black. He recognized her as being a mutant. Another man appeared that day as well, a grizzled soldier by the name of Cable. The two men discussed what was to happen to the girl. Vincent turned her over to Child Protective Services as required, but he knew that with the anti-mutant sentiments happening in the world, Hope was going to become a target. He chose to protect her but to do so, she had to disappear. He contacted Cable and the pair came up with a daring plan. The pair managed to get the girl out without anyone the wiser. She became a missing person officially on the records.

Instead, Cable and Vincent Black took the child into a future timeline. In this world, the Mutant War was raging, and they arrived right in the middle of it. Vincent had already lived through the war twice due to his own mutant abilities. Cable too had lived through these horrors. They taught her everything they knew and introduced Hope to allies in their battle. She learned what she could from them as well. She became a warrior with extensive skills that allowed her to survive in that bleak world. For fifteen years, she was there with her fathers. Then somehow the world flipped on end again. They returned to this world, to the very same day they left. Hope was now a 19 year old young woman with no concept of the world she was just brought to other than vague memories from her childhood. The news reports on the TV were still covering the assassination of the President. It was then that her obsession was born. Magneto was to blame for her father's death.

Now it was Magneto's turn to die.


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Hope is a driven young woman. She is determined to protect those she cares for and she believes that mutants should be treated with equality. She will stand up for what she feels is right and she is determined to reach her goals, whatever they may be. She will not stop and she’s stubborn to a fault. She is inherently a good person but her ways are violent as that is the life she has led and learned from, meaning she won’t think twice about taking down someone. Her life is driven by her vendetta. The man who killed her father has to pay for his crime, no matter the cost to Hope herself. She will literally kill herself through her actions if it means she can find that man and destroy him.


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Although she is not a host to the Phoenix Force, she does have the potential to be. When Hope's powers manifested, the psionic feedback was felt by the Cosmic Entity and it reached out to the child to place a piece of itself within Hope. This power cannot be tapped into. It is merely a place-holder of sorts so that the Phoenix knows where it might go if necessary. She's a back up plan. It does sometimes mean that her powers manifest with visual Phoenix effects but none of the true power that comes with it. It is due to those visual effects that she was given her codename.

Hope's main ability is to psionically copy the powers of other mutants who are within 100 feet of her location. She copies them at the highest possible level, even if that mutant has not untapped their full potential. Inherently, she knows how to use the powers even when they are something she has never encountered. She can copy multiple powers from multiple people at one time, with an unlimited amount she can duplicate. This includes copying physical abilities such as the Organic Steel skin of Colossus or the claws of Wolverine. She can only copy their mutant ability though, not any other types of powers they might have or technological advances. For example, she could copy Psylocke's telepathy and telekinesis but not her shadow abilities granted by the Crimson Dawn. If she were to copy Wolverine's claws, they would be bone and not adamantium. This psionic power duplication will only work for mutants, not other powered beings such as metahumans or aliens. The power is only copied for a finite amount of time or until it is used enough times that it is depleted. (OOC Note: Powers will be copied for either two IC days without little to no use or two scenes with high use. If it is a heavy scene with a major use of power, the powers can be depleted in a single scene.)

Due to the nature of her psionic powers, Hope has been shown to be able to stabilize other mutants whose powers are out of control. This is done by duplicating their powers at the highest level they can reach then sharing that with the other mutant by a touch of her hand. She has to be able to touch them or the ability does not work.

All of Hope's powers are psionic in nature, despite their physical manifestations. In terms of raw power, she may be one of the strongest on the planet, but it manifests in very specific ways and isn't simply an fountain of psionic mastery. While the potential is there for her to learn telepathy or telekinesis on her own in time, she tends to reply on her Psionic power duplication instead of exploring that she may have those abilities on her own. Additionally, due to this high level of psionics she is particularly difficult for a telepath to read or affect unless she chooses to allow it.


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Hope learned early how to deal with wounds and injuries in a combat setting. Her skills would be on par with a paramedic but below that of an actual doctor. She can assess injuries and treat them properly, setting bones and suturing wounds. She would not be able to do internal surgery or the like as that is far beyond what she ever dealt with. She may be able to stabilize someone with those sorts of injuries long enough to get them the proper help they need.

Hope likes guns. Big guns, small guns. It doesn't matter. If it goes Bang or Boom, she's happy. She is a crack shot, even in a combat situation where there is return fire coming her way. She is well versed in the use and maintenance of all types of firearms, from revolvers to automatics and energy weapons from the future. If she hasn't touched a particular weapon before, she is likely to be able to figure it out within moments. She would be considered to be on part with Cable.

Hope trained with Cable and Vincent Black for fifteen years of her life in war ravaged world. She learned a lot about leadership from the pair and she has found she has a bit of a knack for it. She is able to made decisions quickly even in the heat of battle, knows how to rally the troops and is able to inspire confidence in others rather easily. While she doesn't want to lead, she is a natural at it.

During her time in the Mutant Wars, Hope learned how to use a wide range of melee weapons. She is an expert at the use of the knife and staff specifically. She can use batons, nunchakus and swords well enough but those skills would be on par with an experience combatant but not an expert. She is also able to use some creativity when she must, using improvisational weapons when the need arises. She would be considered to be on part with Cable in her skills in combat.

A very physical lifestyle has given Hope a peak physical form. Her strength, speed, stamina, agility, flexibility, etc. are at levels that a normal person with regular exercise would envy. She has learned to work through fatigue and pain, able to ignore all but the most grievous wounds to continue the fight. She can be in a combat situation for up to 72 hours before she is forced to rest and recover.

Having to survive in a war-ravaged timeline, Hope has learned how to not be seen if she doesn't want to be. She can hide and utilize her surroundings to keep herself safe. She can sneak up on others, such as sentries or guards working posts, with ease. She knows how to breach security measures to gain access to locations that might otherwise be off limits, including high and futuristic tech.

Hope has had to survive in the wilds without any resources from time to time during her formative years. She learned about food, water, shelter, tracking and a myriad of other little things that would allow her to be dropped into a hostile environment with little to no resources and manage to survive.

War is a great teacher for tactics. Hope has learned how to assess situations and go into battle with a well-formed plan. She can make up new methods of attack when needed when the scenario she is in changes. Understanding that the best laid plans can, and often do, go awry means she has to be flexible so she does her best to plan for every contingency.

Hope was raised to be a warrior. Fighting in a dystopian future, she was forced to learn combat in order to survive. While she knows some martial arts moves due to that training, she is not a master in those Karate, Aikido or specific martial arts. Her skills are more generalist in nature. She learned these skills from Cable, the ultimate futuristic soldier, meaning she is more than cable of taking down even seasoned soldiers in combat.


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With the loss of her real family, Vincent Black took in young Hope and raised her as his daughter. She thinks of him as her father and she can rely on him to help her. She relies on him for all things to live since she has not yet found a niche in this world to start her own life and earn money.

With the loss of her real family, Cable and Vincent Black took in Hope and raised her as their daughter. She thinks of him as a father and she can rely on him to help her. She can also count on him to provide her with weapons or technological items when she needs them.

From her time in the future, and who her adoptive fathers are, Hope has quite a few weapons she has collected. Mainly these are the typical handguns, with a preference for semi-automatics of a high caliber. When she came back from the future, she did bring a handful of futuristic weapons which are energy based. There are two handguns and a standard rifle. The blasts from those weapons would be on par with being shot but a .50 gun but there is no need to reload or count shots to be sure she doesn't run out of ammunition. She also has one oversized rifle, the BFG as it has been dubbed. The BFG can fire an energy blast which can pierce up to five inches of steel.


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Although her powers can be turned off, Hope doesn't yet know that. She hasn't learned how to turn them off. While this may not seem like a problem, it can be, particularly when she is around those with physical manifestations. If someone were to walk within 100 feet of her that has purple skin and wings, Hope would have purple skin and wings suddenly even if she's standing in the middle of a subway car filled with people. This can lead to upset on the part of people around her, particularly those who dislike mutants.

Hope doesn't have powers she can utilize in any way unless another mutant is in the area. While she has psionics that are extremely high level, they are not able to be tapped into without a template for her to copy from. In essence, she's a normal human if she is not near another mutant. They also have to be within 100 feet of her before she can copy their abilities.

Hope has two adoptive fathers who took her in when she was a child and raised her to be the fierce woman she has become. While Cable and Vincent Black are two very different people, they worked together to provide the best training and education for Hope from the age of four. What started as the pair trying to protect her turned into them both seeing her as a daughter of sorts. She thinks of them both as her fathers (no, not as a couple!). She is completely dedicated to them and she would do anything for them or to protect them. Anything.

Hope can only copy the power of other mutants. She cannot copy metahumans, aliens or anyone else's powers or abilities.

Upon the manifestation of Hope's powers, the Phoenix Force took note of the psionic flare of power. It placed a tiny piece of itself into the child, marking her as a possible host that could contain the cosmic entity's power without being destroyed in the process. This means that somewhere down the line, the Phoenix could choose to merge with the young woman. If this were to happen, the Phoenix Force could potentially take over entirely and Hope could be a prisoner in her own mind. The good news is that there are plenty of a certain gene pool that the Phoenix would hopefully pick first.

Hope has not been a part of the world she now finds herself in. The world she was raised in was violent and war ravaged where she had to grow up quickly and learn to fight to survive. She is most comfortable around soldiers like herself. So, in a world of social graces, she has none.

Hope was born in this world but she has lived most of her life in a future that is far from pleasant. Her focus was on survival, not what the newest fad or trend was. In this world, she's lost. She has no idea what is going on and it is confusing for her. She doesn't even understand most social commentary or pop culture. It's a foreign place for her and she has a lot to learn.

Although Hope's powers are omega level and allow her great abilities, they are also short term. She cannot copy someone's powers permanently. Everything is temporary. She can keep the powers of another person for up to two days with little to no usage. If she uses the powers at all, the time frame lessens. In a big battle, she might make it through the situation but then her powers would be used up. (OOC Note: Powers will be copied for either two IC days with little to no use or two scenes with high use. If it is a heavy scene with a major use of power, the powers can be depleted in a single scene.)

Her father died, and Hope has placed her blame on one man for that death. She has a single focus in her life. She wants to avenge her father and she is determined to do so, no matter the cost to herself. She will put herself in a situation where she could be killed if it meant she had a chance to kill her target first. The man she is determined to destroy is Magneto himself.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Memory's Path January 10th, 2018 Summary needed
Fury Shows Them the Door! January 8th, 2018 Vincent visits his daughter while she is in SHIELD custody. During their visit, Director Fury offers them an opportunity.
Magneto Must Pay January 1st, 2018 Hope Summers and the Scarlet Witch act on their plain to deal with Magneto. Only, they have different plans on how to eliminate the threat he represents.
How Do You Solve a Problem Like Magneto December 28th, 2017 Hope and Wanda meet and discover that they have a shared goal: Stopping Magneto. They agree upon a course of action (or so they think). Plans are made. The future awaits.
I Have Questions, Queries, Posers December 19th, 2017 Hope intiates the next step in her plan and visits the Triskelion seeking information. Skye obliges--and never even knows it.
The Next Step December 19th, 2017 After meeting Wanda, Hope returns home to discuss the situation with her father, Vincent Black
Room for more redheads December 16th, 2017 Vincent brings Hope to Xavier's to discuss her enrolling. Hope meets Negasonic and Kaydin!
Past, Future, Present December 13th, 2017 This scene follows Hope and Vincent from the time they met, through some history in the future timeline band their return to the current timeline. It is a glimpse of what happened to mold Hope into the woman she is today.


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