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Latest revision as of 12:10, 17 December 2017

Welcome to the Madhouse
Date of Scene: 15 December 2017
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Visitors come a'callin' in the form of Daken and Vincent Black.
Cast of Characters: Phoenix, Daken, Vincent Black, Cyclops, Kaydin LeGraize

Phoenix has posed:
Its mid December in Xavier's School and the first half of the 2025/26 school year has officially completed. Children are spending this friday night packing up and preparing to get picked up by their familys or heading out on their own to go home... while others are remaining here, either unable to go home or they have no home to go to other than this one.

The building is pretty active though, kids of all ages are running around and there's Christmas music filtering out of the recreation room.

In the main foyer there is a Christmas Tree set alongside the western corner and its about fifteen foot high, covered in white lights and fancy ornaments...

Jean Grey is passing through the foyer, she's just come back inside from the garage after driving a few students to the train station. The redhead is wearing a styligh black leather jacket over a red sweater and some dark crims red jeans with black leather shoes.

Daken has posed:
While it may be the more festive season in Xaviers school, Daken is dressed in a far less festive manner. Though he did dress warmly.

Deciding to take a visit to the X-mansion to see if he could find his father there at the present time, he opens the door to find kids running about and Christmas music playing. Though he's a sore sight, and easy to pick out. Where everyone else is properly dressed for the occasion, Daken wears a longcoat with black jeans and a dark red tanktop. full head of hair that cascades to his shoulders and a rather ruggish beard.

One may think him a guest, for all intents and purposes.

But, nevertheless, he manages to see Jean Grey, though he doesn't quite know -who- she is, he knows -of- her. So he approaches her. Though to the knowledgeable and those able to pick out individuals, he holds an uncanny resemblence to one of their own: Logan.

"Excuse me...you seen Logan around?" he asks pretty bluntly, but the sincerity of the question is there.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean was speaking to two teenagers, a boy and girl, they were a cute little couple who were sad about leaving one another for the holidays and they were wanting to talk to Jean about possibly staying and not going home with their family's.

When Daken approached the trio, he'd be able to over hear her replying to them. "You're both old enough to make that decision. But I'd high recommend you put a little more thought into it... Our time with our families is limited and there may come a point where you don't get opportunities like this to be with them as much anymore. Where-as the two of you have the rest of the school year to look forward to being together with each other."

The two kids would exchange glances and then agree with the redhead. Jean smiled at them. "Come meet me in my office tomorrow? You're not scheduled to leave until Sunday, there's more time to talk about it."

The two would then both wander off together... And when Daken approached, Jean would turn to him and--well--take a moment to look him over head to toe. "Logan?" She said, repeated. She closed her eyes for just a second. "I believe he's in his Cabin." Her eyes opened again.

Jean would smile to Daken. "Its on school property, north of here in the woods.. a small walk, but not too bad."

Her hand was offered to him then. "I'm Jean, Jean Grey. Assistant Headmaster here." She was awfully young for such a position.

Daken has posed:
Daken looked at the two kids...though he may look quite the scary individual to them, he appears happy that they both ran off without a word to him to go do whatever it is couples do nowadays. Though his attention falls on Jean as she answers his question. "His lodge..." a small sniff then as if to make sure he has the path. "Got it. Thanks." he says bluntly, even the mannerisms of his father too.

Though he pauses when Jean actually introduces herself and extends a hand to him even though he turned half-way to leave. Though he rmemebers his manners and the whole trying to turn over a new leaf means actually being a decent human being, he extends a hand then after fully facing her. "Daken. Daken Akihiro." Hm, Japanese most like. "...arn't you a little young to be the assistant Headmaster?" but then, he figured people there were mutants....it's the smell.

"You don't have to answer that if you don't want to." he allows, before his gaze roams the area, realizing just how many people were there.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean would stare at Daken with a pleasant and kind look on her face, but one that might suggest she could be searching for more information than what most might when they meet new people on the average... she had an intense look, and it wasn't just her youthful good looks.

Her hand was soft and warm and she'd shake his. "Its a pleasure to meet you, Mister Akihiro." She'd say to him in her smooth voice.

A smile came over her red lips and she'd shake her head side to side. "Its okay to point that out. The school itself isn't terribly old and I grew up within it, by the time I was graduated... the existing Vice Principal was retiring and Professor Xavier offered me the job." She nodded her head gently once.

"Its been... an experience. So far. A good one though." Her smile showed the hints of a grin and then she exhaled lightly.

"So are you a friend of Logan's?" She'd ask, fishing around for more information indeed!

Daken has posed:
Daken looks directly into Jean's eyes. Though despite her intensity, he was used to such faces when people were trying to kill him. Though seeing as they failed, it didn't seem to faze or cause woryr in Daken despite her searching look. Though when spoke nto once more, he nods once to Jean, giving her a soft smile. "Likewise, Miss Grey."

Then she explains why she is in her position despite the vibrant appearance of her youth...which Daken responds with a bit of an 'ahhh I see' kind of expression. "Hm..makes sense. Guess you must be good if you still are the headmaster. Well done ahead of time." he offers simply. When asked if he is a friend of Logan's, he seems to legitimately think about his answer for a moment, though he answers within a few seconds.

"Friend is....one way to put it." Then he sighs. If he's cool with Logan, might as well come out and say it. "I'm his kid."

Phoenix has posed:
Jean would draw her hand back and smile at him. "Assistant, Headmaster." She corrected him. "Charles Xavier is still the primary Head of the institute." She'd show a little playful smile then moments before he relayed the information about being a direct descendant of Logan...

... She'd sensed it / felt it, but she hadn't wanted to pry into his mind. Jean made sure not to pry into the minds of those who truly hadn't given her a reason to, or were a clear and obvious threat.

"Son?" She asked him then. "Wow... bomb drop." She exhaled sharply and then shook her head and summoned another larger smile. "I'm sorry, thats just a surprise for me. Its... its an honor to meeet you, truly. Your... father is a big part of what we do here and he's one of our strongest pillars of support."

Vincent Black has posed:
    A rather unassuming Crown Victoria rolls up the drive, and by that very description, several people have an eye out on the car as it LOOKS like a cop car. Those notions would be confirmed rather quickly as the car pulls out of the way of the normal traffic, and out of it climbs an older looking man, with salt and pepper hair, and a golden badge dangling from a chain around his neck. The man wears a brown jacket and a pair of dark brown slacks and some casual shoes. The holstered gun visible beneath the jacket in the wind.

    Vincent shuts the door of his car and walks slowly towards the mansion's door and steps in, looking around momentarily before spotting Jean and recognizing her, or a version of her. He says openly into the room. "Is Professor Xavier or any of the staff available?" He motions to his badge with his right hand. "I have a few questions I'd like to ask." Not making eye contact with any one person.

Daken has posed:
Daken nods once as he's corrected. "Assistant headmaster...right." a small smile then in place of a verbal apology. Though when she actually reacts to him being the son of the Wolverine, he rubs the back of his neck a little bit, but there's a pride there. Yep. He was his kid. Any objections that could be possible be damned.

He nods at her words. "Yeah.....not something I talk about too much. Guy has enemies." and so did he. LOTS of them. He may look 24 years old, but he's way past 70. Been alive a long time and shows signs of living -much- longer. "Don't sweat it. He's lived a -very- long time. Likewise, Ms. Grey." he smiles then a moment as he's praised with honor for who his father is.

"He's done alot of good...and I've done alot of bad. Hence why I'm trying to pick up the peices..." he looks right at Jean then. "I know the secret." he states frankly but in a much smaller voice so only she could hear...he knew of the X-men.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean would slowly nod her head to what Daken said, all of it. At the part about the secret she would stare at him a moment longer before her eyes would then go to the arrival of a, police officer? A detective?

Jean turned her attention to him and she took a step toward him. "I'm the Assistant Headmaster to this school." She'd say to him, not recogizing him at all. She extended her right hand to him as she'd done to Daken moments ago. "Jean Grey." She said to Vincent.

"How... might I help you?" She asked him then before looking over to Daken to give him a silent apology for having their interaction interrupted here.

Vincent Black has posed:
    The cop's eyes and his surface thoughts read with several hints of familiarity, even covering a few of Xavier's school's secrets as well. It seems he too knows of the X-men, even been one himself one time. But that's not what his thoughts return to, they go back to a young woman, similar in looks to Jean, but not. Hope.

    "I've come to ask what it would take to get a young mutant registered into your school." Vincent asks, knowing not to mention the X-men in open coversation. His grey eyes shift over to Daken and his face furrows slightly for a moment, surprised at the man who looks a lot like the man he's known before. Confused and curious as to why he looks familiar but younger. Different.

Daken has posed:
Daken looks to Jean then as she seems to take in the information that he knows of the X-Men. Thank the past confrontations between Logan and himself for that one..the many, bloody confrontations. Regardless, he turns his head then Vincent as he arrives on the scene. A look that matches Vincents eyes....though sadly, Daken's pheromones are present, and despite his attempts to hide it, may begin to start shifting the unawares opinion of him.

The emotions could be happy, sad, aroused, angry, upset, overjoyed, depressed....anything. But Daken starts trying hard to suppress it...but some may still leak out. Regardless, he gives a small smile to Jean at her apologetic look, not seeming to mind the interruption.

His attention returns to Vincent, and since it wasn't his place he felt to speak for the school, he lets Jean do the talking.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean would look back to Vincent then and she'd nod to his request around the time that Daken's pheremones would start to affect her. She'd release a happy bout of laughter and then slap her hands together in a good and decisive clap!

"Yes, of course!" She'd say, overjoyed with happiness at the prospect of having another student come into the school...

In fact, the redhead would move toward Vincent and reach out to shake his hand with BOTH of hers and she'd laugh at him some more.

A second later and she was walking past him into the area just before the doors to the outside. "There are welcoming folders right here up against the wall." She'd say, still laughing some, her right hand having to reach up to her eyes to swipe away some tears. "My word... you guys are a lot of fun."

A part of Jean Grey was perfectly fine though, and that part of her was trying to regain her mental control...

Vincent Black has posed:
    "I just wanted to bring by a young woman who's... the greatest woman I've ever raised in my life." Vincent says, his grey eyes shifting slightly to their normal brown, almost vibrant in a way as he follows Jean, after shaking her hand just as enthusiastically. "I haven't cared for someone as long as I have her, and as much in so, SO very long." The detective says.

    He looks over his shoulder back towards the foyer and blinks away the pheromones as his bodly quickly filters them and resets his physiology back to it's baseline. He blinks back at Jean and wonders just how much of his mind she can read, and thus he's trying a few things he was working as far as mental barriers, but he's never had formal training, so he's totally an open book for the red head.

Daken has posed:
Daken seems to look between them both before he sighs lightly, letting them walk off without interruption. He nods once then, taking out a thing of cologne and spraying himself with it to block the pheromones for at least a little while. Then he follows Jean and Vincent outside with a soft and apologetic smile. "I see...you have a duaghter. I think she will do well here." he offers softly and in a kind manner...despite how he just has the appearance of someone grizzled.

He doesn't mention his mutant ability to control his pheromones...and have them active even when he doesn't want them to be, but he just keeps his trap shut and his eyes forward, eventually stopping when they do. Humming softly, he simply withdraws into a silence. Though it doesn't last long as his attention falls on Jean. "Happy to make you laugh."

Phoenix has posed:
Jean gathered up the folder that was filled jam-packed with information about Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters and all that goes on here, both educationl wise and recreational wise... A few moments after turning about she offered the folder to Vincent and cleared her throat, then reached a hand up to stroke some strands of red hair out of her face...

Jean had herself recollected now and her laughing-fit had subsided, but she still had a smile on her lips. "This will tell you and your child everything you need to know, sir." She said to Vince. "She'll have a wonderful time here, I assure you... This is the best place in the country to send your child if she's developed a mutation. Public schools..." She shook her head. "They can't handle it like we can, there's simply no other way to describe it in short order."

Jean would look to Daken then as he stepped past her toward the front exit. "Mister Akihiro... it really was a pleasure to meet you. I hope you stick around so we can get a chance to speak longer soon. Tell Logan I'd very much like to talk to him soon as well?" She'd smile happily to the man, not realizing the laughing fit had come from him yet.

Because... Jean wasn't actively trying to read either of these men's minds right now. She had no reason to.

Vincent Black has posed:
    "I-" Vincent starts to reply and simply shuts his face. His own plan was starting to form. Thanks to going through the same war three times, Vincent's kind of gotten a sense of strategy and tactics. He's learning how to form a plan and enact it. The much older mutant reaches his hand out, takes the folder and tucks it under his arm.

    "I hope you are all on the right side of these wild riots." Vincent says from almost no where, but it seems like he's dropping a hint that he knows something about them. As if they're already doing something about the riots. Moving slowly towards the front door with the folder in hand, Vincent fetches his car keys from his pocket and gives a polite wave to Jean and a smile. "I'll bring her by real soon. I imagine she'll do wonderful things here."

Cyclops has posed:
     Most of the day's activities had concluded, but Scott was still up. On his way to the rec room, Scott heard some talking, and decided to check up on things.

  Walking up still in today's teacher garb, Scott gives a bit of a sad look. "When discourse turns to violence, there is no right side."

  "Miss Grey, Everything alright?" He asks, putting on the teacher face quite well.

Daken has posed:
Daken gives a small nod to Jean as she turns her head to address him...though he seemed happy that her laughing fit had died down. an apologetic look given to her when normally one shouldn't need to be given. "The pleasure was mine, Miss Grey. Sure, I'll tell the old man you want to talk to him. Doubt he'd say no." a possibly flirtateous smile then, but it was a sincere one. A glance is given to Vince then.

He doesn't say anything on the matter of which he discussed, but rather remains silent as to let Jean and/or Scott speak on the matter. That said, his attention ends up turning onto Scott when he arrives. "Wisely said. I assume you're a teacher here?" he asks curiously with a tilt of his head.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean would begin to form a response to Vincent's words on riots and then she heard Scott's sudden response and she showed a little smile and looked between Scott and Vincent... She let that sum up her own feelings as well. "We really look forward to meeting her. Truly."

Jean would offer a going-away-smile to Vincent and then look back to Scott, she'd exhale and nod to him. "I'm good. Busy night." She'd say then, referring to all the chaos of the weekend with students finishing up courses and preparing to head home to their families / some staying here and just enjoying the holiday atmosphere here.

Jean would then look back to Daken and also smile to him. "Oh." She'd then motion to him and then to Scott. "Scott Summers, one of our teachers yes... This is Daken Akihiro..." She'd look then to Scott. "Logan's, son." She'd say in a more pointed tone of voice.

Cyclops has posed:
     Scott offers his hand to Daken. "Geometry and Auto-Mechanics, yes." Then the revelation about Logan. "L-Logan, really?" Looking a bit stunned, perhaps from the thought that Logan siring a child is somehow out of his wheelhouse. "Pleasure to meet you." He says, rather deadpan of face. "Perspective parent?" He asks of Vincent, smiling at the thought.

Daken has posed:
Daken nods once to Jean before he looks in Scott's direction now, though when the fact that he is the son of Logan, he seems to smile softly a moment...perhaps apologetically because it appears he's been a well-kept secret...and he can't blame Wolverine either. He'd do the same thing. Regardless, he nods to Scott, extending a hand to Scott, giving it a -firm- shake, though nothing painful. "Nice to meet you." he says crystal clear, then he watches Vincent kinda wander off.

"Hm...guess I'll be seeing him soon maybe." then he looks to Scott and Jean. "So then...you are both staff faculty." a look to Scott "So then, you know my father well?" he asks, noting his shock.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean would take a moment to grab a kid going outside who had their jacket on on wrong and she fussed over them like a mother would to right the collar and then smooth the kid's hair back... a younger student, probably in the 12 year old range.

Once she had the kid sorted out she'd let them go outside to play in the snow with the others and then she'd look back to Daken and Scott.

"Scott and I were in the same class together when we first arrived here." She explained to Daken and glanced over at Summers, giving him a soft smile. "One of the people who helped me feel welcome here and comfortable."

She put her eyes back onto Daken here. "Its what we're trying to provide for mutants here that might not otherwise feel that way anywhere else."

Cyclops has posed:
     "Pleasure. And yes, I know your father, to say the least." Scott replies, trying to keep things very cordial. "He is actually quite treasured here amongst the students."

  The warm smile is met with one of his own. Smaller of course, accenting his reserved nature. "Teens have it rough enough without having to worry about freezing someone by accident or setting their room on fire. Or even just looking different than everyone else."

Daken has posed:
Daken nods understandingly as he looks between Jean and Scott, humming slightly. "Ah....old friends then..such bonds last lifetimes." He would know. "Treasure it...always." Though he looks to SCott then as he speaks about his father being treasured amongst the students. "Heh..." he seems to not believe him for a moment. but then again, why would he?

Regardless, he nods to Jean. "I see...a school for mutants then. How quaint." he looks between them then. "Listen....." he speaks softer so only they can hear. "I know of the secret. The X-men. I..." he takes a small breath. "Want to join." he looks at both of them, as if to gauge their reactions.

How does he know about the X-Men? give thanks to Logan and Daken's past bloody battles with each other.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean would nod softly to what Scott said as he often said things that mirrored her own opinions and feelings on subjects, its why the two of them got along so well (most of the time).

She'd look back to Daken then and smile warmly at the first part of what he said before the latter part came up--of which made her glance over to Scott once more.

Jearn cleared her throat and would nod her head gently to that of Daken. "Its a discussion we will have to have wll together, with your father and... see where things go?" She'd softly say in return to him. "So please, do try to get him to come to us very soon about it."

Cyclops has posed:
     A pointed finger is shown to another student. "No ice slides above the tree line. And no ice balls out there, I don't want you all to come back needing stitches."

  Scott's brow furrows at the situation. For most intents and purposes, the X-Men aren't revealed to the students. He was also not very keen on adding new members without having them vetted. "It's not impossible. But there's a process for everything." Speaking in a quieted tone.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    At first it is a blur blasting past them with superhuman speeds, faint bits of motion and lightning can be seen as it blurs out and about and out and in and back up the stairs and after a minute of this the blur slows down enough to be identified by the three as Kaydin. "Miss Grey, Mr Summers." He says as he is holding a can of spraypaint in his hand and moves to put it in his pack.

Daken has posed:
Daken nods to both of them at their respectively equal answers. "Very well. I'll bring my father to you and we can have this talk. I have my reasons for joining." and by the sounds of it, it's not malignent. Either way, he seems to know his stuff by simply asking them up front...either that, or he doesn't give a shit. But his way of asking softly is respectful.

He looks like he's about to say more before Kaydin arrives, and while he's not exactly startled by the apparent speedster, he gives a small nod to him in greeting. "Hey."

Phoenix has posed:
Jean would once again nod in agreement with what Scott said on the topic of the X-Men to Daken mere moments before Kaydin would arrive. She'd sweep her green eyes over to the young speedester student and she'd observe him. "Mister LeGraize." She'd say back at the 16 year old.

Jean's eyes would catch sight of that can of spray paint though and before it could disappear into his backpack it would suddenly snap out of his hand and twirl across the distance between them only to land firmly into the palm and fingers of Jean's right hand.

"No." She told him. "No unapproved 'arts and crafts', Mister LeGraize." She knew all too well what he was going to do with that can of paint.

Jean took the spraypaint and offered it over to Scott then.

She looked then to Daken and smiled faintly at him. "I am sure we'll figur eout all the details very soon." She'd say to the offspring of the Wolverine.

Cyclops has posed:
     A hand clutches the offered can of paint from Jean. "How do you keep getting this stuff? You're sixteen." He says with a bit of a sigh. He certainly hoped it wasn't pilfered. While the mutant did great work and beautiful murals, it was still graffiti.

  "Sure thing, in good time." Scott offers to Daken, giving a nod. Wether anyone other than Jean would notice, simply for being around him long enough, Scott was measuring up Daken from behind his ruby glasses.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin tries to grab the can in mid air but she pulls it too quickly and chuckles a little, as if a little nervous. He then lets out a groan when jean gives her edict. "I was going to do a mural of you welcoming the unwashed masses..." He says as he watches the woman before looking to scott and he smiles. "Always got ways to get it. I always pay for it, never once stole paint." He says as he watches the two. He then nods to Daken. "Hey how are ya?" He asks of the man.

Daken has posed:
Daken raises a brow at the can-passing from Kaydin to Jean to Scott, but he doesn't seem to mind it. He gives both Jean and SCott a small nod then at their encouragement that everything will come in due time. Regardless, he nods a bit. "Thanks. Now, if you'll excuse me...I'm going on a walk." to Logan's cabin. LIkely to tell him of the news that's developed.

He gives everyoen present a small nod..even the new kid as he keeps chattin'. "Peachy. You?" he says as he straightens out his coat. Regardless of the answer, Daken will nod then he'll walk off.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean exhaled softly after the speedster's response. "Kaydin." She started, trying to be patient and teacherly. "If you spray paint public property that has to be there-by cleaned off, the cost of the cleaning far surpasses... the value of the can of paint. It can cost upwards of thousands of dollars to clean off graffitti. You're an amazing artist... but we have to have you use those skills in a legal... way."

Jean would exhale then and she'd nod to Daken as he departed. "It was nice to meet you. Mister Akihiro." She'd say then before she'd turn toward the interior of the main foyer again and start to walk off once more, giving Scott a small smile on her way past him, thanking him for his help.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin nods. "Yes Miss Grey." He says sounding a little annoyed but just sighs as he watches the woman. He then turns to Scott and looks to him. "I will try and not be late to your class, Mr. Summers. Going to go home and visit my mom. Shouldnt take me too long." He says as he watches the two now.

Cyclops has posed:
     Scott gives a nod to Jean in agreement. "I'm sure your idea is beautiful. But it's gotta be legal." Scott adds in, looking back to Kaydin. "I'm sure you can manage to be on time." He will take the can and place it with other contraband from students. "Enjoy your visit!" He offers lastly, ready to enjoy his weekend, really just waiting to hear if there are more riots in mutant town.