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(Dinah and Grace bond on Blackhawk Island after their adventure.)
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Latest revision as of 20:29, 30 July 2017

Another Day in Paradise
Date of Scene: 06 July 2017
Location: Blackhawk Island
Synopsis: Dinah and Grace bond on Blackhawk Island after their adventure.
Cast of Characters: Black Canary, Grace Choi

Black Canary has posed:
    After a fairly long flight back, the Blackhawks have returned to Blackhawk Island...one of them. Both Zinda and Elliot pretty much promptly disappeared to their room to get cleaned up. Which leaves the others to their own devices. Dinah, at that point, announced she needed a bath, and if not a bath, she would settle for a swim, and found a corner to shuck off her armor and get into something a bit less likely to cause her heatstroke.

    She's picked out a pair of bikini bottoms and a dark blue tank top, and flip flops. It's not the most alluring outfit, but it's comfy and she can swim in it without too much trouble. She also brought along a large cooler that she stocked by raiding the base kitchen, which, because Zinda, has a pretty good stock of various beers and other drinks.

    Grace, assuming she may have stopped to change, or simply to go hit the showers, etc, will find a note on her door: "At beach. Have beer. Need company to drink beer."

Grace Choi has posed:
    Grace had, indeed, showered. And, the woman had also changed, into something relaxing. A half-shirt of a different color, and a pair of cargo shorts. No shoes. It is, afterall, a beach. One should dig one's toes in. And, snatching the invitation up, the extremely tall woman makes her way to the beach and easily spots Dinah lounging with the all important cooler.
    Her long legs carry her towards the other, and Grace greets, "Hey," even as she reaches to the cooler and grabs a bottle of beer for herself. Then another. The cooler is closed, and she settles into one of the lounge chairs near the blonde.
    "So, you asked where I had training? My mother was an Amazon."

Black Canary has posed:
    Dinah has shades. She takes a moment to lower them meaningfully so she can peer over them. Mostly because she can. "Really? Like, a Wonder Woman type Amazon?" she says curiously, sitting up a bit. She's in the process of drying off, beads of water evaporating away, though her shirt is still clinging a bit at this point. "Sounds like a story..."

Grace Choi has posed:
    "Not much of one. The Bana-Mighdall Amazons broke off from those of Themiscyra," Grace says. "My mother was one of those. Trained, learned about them until I got too interested in seeing the world. Ran away."
tThere's a long pause, and Grace opens a beer, but her expression doesn't change. "Wound up on the streets, then into Chaney's. And, now here. People keep wanting me to be some kind of hero. That isn't my gig. This ain't so bad, though. I like fighting. I like money. Seems a win-win. Plus, company ain't too bad, either."

Black Canary has posed:
    The blonde next to her hmmms, sitting up a bit so she can snag a beer herself...ale, looks like. "Is it because you can't see yourself as a hero, or because you feel like you should get paid to be a hero?" Dinah asks curiously. "Or something else?" She twists off the cap, then takes a swig. "Nothing wrong with if you don't, by the way. It's not for everyone."

Grace Choi has posed:
    Grace takes another rather healthy chug of the beer, before answering. "Because I'm not a hero," she says, frankly. "Don't get me wrong. I see someone jacking someone up, I'll bust their face open. But I like working at Chaney's. I like making money. And, I don't mind hurting people. I don't mind a lot of things. I say whatever the fuck is on my mind. Don't thin the news channels should show a caption of me talking about who I wanna fuck that night after a fight. Most of all, I don't want to wear some goddamn luchadore mask and spandex suit and jump around on buildings, or whatever it is they do. World has enough heroes. I'm just Grace Choi."
    She finishes off the beer, then grins, savagely. "I do what I want, when I want." She exhales, sobering, "And I learned a long time ago the only person you need to answer to is yourself. I don't need to answer to all of them. For anything." She waves her hand in the general direction of the mainland.

Black Canary has posed:
    Dinah nods thoughfully, pulling up her legs to sit crosslegged on the chair as she leans over the arm. "THAT is a lesson lots of people never figure out." she admits. "And if it's what you want to do, you don't need to put on tights, or a mask to do something good now and again." She gestures absently with her beer. "I mean, I'm kinda of the opinion most people are like that. They'll generally do a good thing when they can, and that they give a crap about people around them. Doesn't mean they need to go off to be first responders or cops or whatever either."

    She sips from her beer, then lowers it to her lap, pursing her lips. "...this is a bit weird for me." she admits. "I'm not used to being...I dunno. Expected to be something I feel like I'm not sometimes. I'm good with the heroine thing, I've made my peace with it, but I don't want it to be all I am, y'know?"

Grace Choi has posed:
    Grace watches the beer, and watches Dinah lower to her lap. Her eyes lazily traverse back up to Dinah's face, and she lays back further into the lounge chair, dropping the now-empty beer into the sand, and opening the second. A woman that big? With that much stamina? She could probably out-drink a -lot- of people. "Hey, if it works for you. I mean, you certainly got the outfit for it," she teases, with a faint laugh, but there's sincerity there. She says appreciatively, "Nothing like feeling a little sexy, and looking kick-ass at the same time, yeah?" A nod. "But. Yeah. I get where you're coming from. Maybe that's why I simply defy definition. I don't want to be locked into any one damn thing. I like my freedom too much."

Black Canary has posed:
    Dinah grins at the mention of her outfit. "Hey, it lets me move in it. And if they're looking at my legs or cleavage, they're not looking at where my fist is coming from." she says cheerfully. She nods to Grace. "Sure, I get that. It's nice to have freedom about what you want to be, lots of people can't do that. You've found something that makes you feel...happy? Or that you fit? Or a bit of both, I guess." She shrugs at that. "Nothing wrong with that at all..." She gets a mischievious look as she glances over. "...you'd look pretty good in spandex though." she teases. "But then it'd hide the tattoos, and that'd be a crying shame. Where'd you get them, by the way?" she wonders.

Grace Choi has posed:
    "Couple years back, girl I was with back then owned a tattoo parlor. Was just really when I was starting to get onto my feet, off the streets. Coming into my gifts. Wanted something that felt me." Grace shrugs, pulling up an arm and twisting to consider the tattoo on her right bicep. "They felt right. She's still there. Does damn good work. Could take you there, if you're interested in getting one. But, generally, they don't stop at one," Grace warns, half-amused.

Black Canary has posed:
    Dinah hmms. "I just have the one, and that's probably enough for me..." she admits. "Never got the itch to do more, I guess. They're lovely most times, and I admire people who want to get one because it's...something that's theirs. Person, place, thing, idea, whatever. Sort of a wearing your heart on your sleeve, but more." She smiles. "I can appreciate the artistry though. All Suicide Girls or such."

Grace Choi has posed:
    "Suicide Girls are amazing," Grace agrees, rather appreciatively. "Could've been one, maybe. Could be one, maybe. But, ...," Grace shrugs, "I hate cameras. Don't have the patience to pose, or share my life with everyone, or whatever. Besides. I scare most guys." Grace chuckles, seeming pleased by this a little. "Or intimidate the fuck out of them. On a good night, I can make a thousand or so in a bar, off bets, and arm wrestling. Maybe not the most honest, but, fuck 'em."
    She finishes off the second beer then, her eyes scanning Dinah's body for said tattoo. "Most people go overboard. I might get one or two more, but, not in any hurry. Has to feel right."

Black Canary has posed:
    "Well, you have abs that put most guys to shame...and I say that being around a lot of really fit guys often." Dinah notes, sipping from her beer. She sees Grace peering over then smiles a bit, before she switches her beer to her left hand. "It's here..." she says, tugging up the side of her damp top to reveal the lower swell of her right breast. Just to the right of it, there's a black '7', like you'd see on a playing card, over a small stylized yellow bird. Traditional Japanese style, like you see on old Japanese paintings.

    Dinah taps it lightly. "I used to get teased it was hiding it in plain sight, if I put it any farther up." She grins a bit. "But it was sort of a play on the team too."

Grace Choi has posed:
    "I like it. Simple. Cute. Just enough to catch yuur eye, and give a little something-something to your skin," Grace agrees. She taps her fingers against her midriff, at the mention of it, "Not a lot of people try to start shit at Chaney's on me," she agrees. "Half of that is because most of them know me, and either get along with me well or know I'll bust their teeth out if they try. The others are the sorts that'll only start shit if they think they can win, and they're not sure if they can win a fight against me. Or, they outright know they can't. Either way, it works."
    Grace leans over, to snag two more beers, except this time, one is handed over towards Dinah. "So. What's with the whole blow your eardrums out scream you got going on? Gotta say. That's a new one. Strength, laser-eyes, tentacle-arms, super-speed, talking to animals ... thought I'd seen it all." She looks interested. Intrigued. Maybe, even impressed. "Mighty useful, that. People won't see it coming. But, you'd know that far more than I."

Black Canary has posed:
    Dinah quickly pauses to throw back the rest of the bottle she has, leaning over to stick it in the sand for now as she lets her top fall back down. "I'd guess some people would try to pick a fight to show how tough they are too...that'd be fun to watch." she says with amusement as she settles back, accepting the beer. "Thanks."

    She cocks her head. "I call it my Canary Cry. I actually got it about the same time I got this tattoo..." she admits. "The team I was with, we were being trained to be anti-metahuman response...like SWAT for superpowered types." Her eyes get a little distant. "Mmm, turns out, our boss figured out early on that the best way to do that would be if we had abilities like that too. He would have LOVED you...." she points out, also pointing with a finger that isn't curled around her bottle currently. "He figured if we got exposed to some of the wacky shit we were dealing with, it might trip one of our latent abilties. Eventually he got hold of something that actually did it."

    She sighs. "...first time it happened, I don't think I talked for a week. Afraid I was gonna shatter glass, or bones or...something."

Grace Choi has posed:
    There's something rather solemn about Grace's attitude towards Dinah's suggestion stating that her boss would've loved Grace. Something solemn in her voice that suggests, "Not sure I'd leave a guy like that alive, after I was done beating him." She clears her throat, then nods. "But, he was right. Best way to fight someone like me is with something like that. The unexpected. Something to disorient."
    She considers, offers, "When I first discovered my latent abilties, was all I could do was to get out. Take everyone with me. Was still too much in shock about them to do anything I should've done. Monday morning regrets, yeah?" She smiles, dryly, not elaborating further, just yet. But it might have something to do why she more or less lost her shit at seeing Cometa as he was.
    She chuckles, "But you could really fuck up Superman and his damn hearing with that."

Black Canary has posed:
    The blonde across from her mmms a bit, a brow raising slightly at the idea of Grace 'getting out' and 'taking everyone with her'. She doesn't ask however, she's been around far too many people with secrets at this point...if she wants to say more, she will. If not, it's her secret. "I have been told that I am, and I quote, 'obnoxiously shrill' by a young lady with an S on her chest. Apparently super hearing doesn't go well with it, even whem I'm a fair distance away." she says amusedly. She taps her throat. "It's actually a package deal...my voicebox is changed. I've got perfect pitch and range. I can even mimic people with a bit of work." She smiles softly. "Sang for a bit, recently."

Grace Choi has posed:
    "Yeah? That could come in usefnl, I imagine. Not to mention you could prank the shit out of people." Grace chuckles, low. "But I'm glad you're on my side." Her third beer is uncapped then, and half of it's drunk. "So, how'd you and Zinda meet? One of her friends introduced us. Same night I got into a barfight out in New York. Guy tried to pull a gun on me after I beat both his bodyguards. So, I might'be broken a few bones. I've been stuck with her ever since." Grace does not seem to think this is an issue, however, by her expression.

Black Canary has posed:
    Dinah says amusedly. "Sounds like something she'd get into." She tilts her head. "We had a mutual friend...I helped him out from some Yakuza types, he offered to buy me a drink. Next thing I know, we're in Knickerbockers and we bump into Zinda, who he knows to. So it kinda went from there." She looks a bit wistful. "I actually had an old comic of hers when I was a kid. Read that thing 'til it was tattered as all hell, but I loved it." She looks thoughful. "Was that when she offered you the side job?" she says curiously. "I kinda jumped on it when she mentioned she was starting up a new Blackhawks unit. I guess...I needed a change."

Grace Choi has posed:
    "Think she offered it to me after I helped out a friend, and she found out. Probably figured she needed some muscle, and I was the first who came to mind." Again, Grace hardly seems bothered by it. Maybe she's even somewhat flattered. "Change is good. Cash is good, too. Change, cash, and gorgeous girls to get into fights with? Couldn't turn that down, really," she observes.
    "I'm on a trial basis, right now, really. Make sure it's a fit for me. And, for Zinda and you and Elliot, I suppose."

Black Canary has posed:
    Dinah grins at that. "Same here, I guess. Zinda and I had a long talk about standards and where we feel lines are, that sort of thing. Gave her some things that I wouldn't do, but told her I'd let her know if it was getting close to that point, or if something bothered me. So far so good though..."

    She hmms, peering over. "Gorgeous girls, hmm? That your preference? I figured it was with Zinda and Elliot, considering how often they're in their room..."

Grace Choi has posed:
    "I'm equal opportunity. There's guys out there I'll bang any day of the week, and ride like a cowboy," Grace says, as if she were talking about something far more normal, like driving a car, gardening, or another hobby that interests her. "And, there are girls out there that I'll make love to all night, too, slow, easy. Maybe tie her up. Never know. Whatever suits my mood. Or hers. Both sexes can give a girl a good time in the sack. I'll have sex with men, or women. But, I pretty much only have relationships with women."
    Grace doesn't seem at all apologetic for her bluntness. Instead, she finishes the last of her third beer.

Black Canary has posed:
    Dinah laughs at that, then says. "Equal opportunity, good way to put it." she says with a faint smile. She shifts around on her chair, setting her feet on the sand. "I'm definitely more than man candy than the cheesecake. Mostly..." she allows after a moment of slightly tipsy thought, then sighs. "...actually, I had a major crush on Zinda when I was younger, but never got further than that." She sighs. "I think it's the skirt. She makes that look epic..." She smiles a bit, peering over, opening her mouth, then closing it again as her brain filters catch up with her again, then knocks back the rest of her beer. "Well...I like you, Grace." She says, smiling softly. "Kinda wish we'd met sooner, honestly."

Grace Choi has posed:
    "Plenty of time to make up for it," Grace acknowledges, "Beer's on me, if you ever come by Metropolis and stop in at Chaney's." She rises up, "I think I'm going to head in. Get some sleep." She hadn't slept on the plane over to the island, or for that matter, closed her eyes since they landed initially to see the Governor.
    "See you on the flipside, hot stuff." She pauses, adds, "Zinda makes the skirt look good, yeah. But, what Zinda does for skirts, you do for fishnets." Grace grins, unashamedly before she heads into the small bunker, to jump into her cot and get some shut-eye.

Black Canary has posed:
    Dinah raises a brow, grinning openly at that as she watches Grace watch off. "...damn, you could bounce a quarter off that girl and take your eye out..." she mutters, shaking her head and lying back in the chair. There's beer to be drunk, after all! BEfore Zinda gets it all...