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Hey I Just Met You
Date of Scene: 27 December 2017
Location: Orbit - Earth - Sol System
Synopsis: Supergirl and Mon-El connect over being a foreigner on planet Earth.
Cast of Characters: Mon-El, Supergirl

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar is flying around in Earth's outer orbit, feeling somewhat dejected after the relatively minor yet still embarrassing things that happened at that restaurant with Drake and Laurel recently. Though his niece probably has nothing but the best in mind for him, she probably said a bit too much when she told him he'd saved the entire universe on multiple occasions.

    ...Well, at least out -here-, it's quiet and empty and--there's no one and nothing to inadvertantly damage or injure, at least not for quite some distance. There's a lot of space, you know, in space. The occasional piece of debris from an orbital facility or satellite occasionally floats by, or even a piece of an asteroid...but otherwise, it is pretty isolated. Lar sighs and stares down at the big blue orb below, trying again to tune out the noise.

Supergirl has posed:
While not exactly of like minds, space is so much more quiet for the maid of might. As such, a blur of red and blue shoots into space and comes to a halt just out of high atmosphere. Supergirl in her red and blue breathes out and opens her eyes slowly letting all the strain of holding back on a planet not meant for people with her strength. It doesn't take her long to hear another heart beat. She turns her head, finding Lar and blinking at him with a brief flash of surprise.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar also quickly notices Kara approaching and shrugs. "Well I guess if we were going to run into each other again it was bound to be out here, given we're probably among the few who can just uh...you know. Float around in space without any kind of equipment or anything." he remarks casually. "Right--it's nice to see you again, Kara Zor-El."

Supergirl has posed:
"Lar Gand." Kara nods her head with a modicum of respect. "I'm surprised you remember my name." She says frankly and looks around. "This is the one place I don't hear almost an entire planet of noise, just the loudest bits." She quirks a bit of a smile."Are you in control of your senses then, or have you decided to make a new home in low orbit?" She asks and looks down at the planet below.

Mon-El has posed:
    "You're surprised?" Lar laughs lightly. "You're either underestimating my brain or your natural good looks." Was that a flirt? Maybe. "Or both."

    He sighs at the question, his gaze following hers down to the blue planet below. "Nope, I'm just--yeah, out here for the same reason you are." he says, nodding at her comment about the noise. "That and I almost sent a knife into someone's face at a restaurant recently. So, there's that."

    A pause, and he looks back up at her. "I um...wanted to thank you for...caring? Earlier. I was kind of surprised, to be honest. I know Krypton wasn't on the best of terms with u--with um, my family when it..." he doesn't finish that part, though. "Well you know. But for the record I didn't like the way they did things, either. I wanted to change things, but--I just--" he sighs. "Never mind, I'm sorry. I'm rambling."

Supergirl has posed:
A flicker of pain crosses Kara's face as she turns it away to watch a satellite pass over. Once she's mastered herself again she looks back at him and shrugs. "Oh, you know-I went through all that too-just with my cousin to help me adjust far from people . I still put my foot through the floor board of a car a few times learning to drive." She shares wryly and looks at the planet, tearing her eyes off the prince. "It's umm-that's all in the past, thirty some odd years in the past." After all, Kal's all grown up. Not Kara though, there's age behind her eyes, her pod wasn't programmed for the same deep sleep Kal got, and getting stuck wasn't a part of the plan either.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar can immediately see that Krypton is obviously a sore subject for Kara. Understandably so, of course. So he drops the subject for now.

    He chuckles at the floorboard comment. "Drive? But why? The vehicles on this planet are all so terribly slow! Oh, so you came here with your cousin then? Have you both been here all your lives? I have a...niece here. Sort of. But she's more like the age of a cousin in comparison to me."

Supergirl has posed:
"Umm, he came here as a baby-Kal-El. He was grown by the time I got here, even though I'm older." Kara explains. "I've only been here a few years...my pod...it didn't quite launch in time, I tried to fight leaving..." She trails off. He can imagine the rest she figures. "As to driving, it helps with blending in. Humans have drivers licenses most places, even if they don't always use them."

Mon-El has posed:
    Oh, Lar definitely knows a thing or two about being older than someone but not actually being older. He watches her as he listens to her unfinished thought about the events surrounding her pod launch, nodding. "I know how it feels...I didn't want to leave home either. But when Krypton was destroyed, the fallout on Daxam was--it was a lot. I guess my parents weren't sure we'd all make it. But they wanted to make sure -I- made it," he shakes his head. "...over just about everyone else. I mean, that's probably what you and Kal's parents were thinking, too."

Supergirl has posed:
"Castes." Kara shakes her head, the word sounds like a curse. "No one on Krypton would listen-I remember my parents and Kal's fighting about it. We saw it happening and no one listened." She looks to Lar as she tucks her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms about them and propping her chin on a boot covered knee. "Did Daxom...is it still intact?"

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar sighs at the mention of the castes. "Yeah...like I said, I didn't like the way things were run either. But change isn't easy. Although I guess if anyone were to start something, it should have been me. But I was afraid. Of my parents, mostly." He looks downcast for a moment at this. "Stupid, I guess."

    At the question of whether Daxam survived or not, he looks somewhat uncertain. "I'm not sure, But I think so. There are records of its existence a thousand years from now...but to be honest I the last thing I remember since leaving there is waking up here about a month ago."

Supergirl has posed:
Looking at Lar, there's some understanding in her eyes. "You've been stranded in space a long time too." She murmurs and shakes her head. "When it happened, we went into pods as grown people, and poor Kal was just a few months old. Now he's a grown man and here we are..." She meets his eyes for a long moment. "I'm sorry I was cold. Your family had a bit of umm, a reputation, it was wrong for me to assume you'd be the same."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Oh, I know. Trust me I know." Lar scoffs slightly at the comment about his family, shaking his head. "Heh, no--no it was a natural assumption to be perfectly honest with you. I mean, if I were just some commoner maybe it wouldn't have been fair, but I did tell you what my position was." He sighs again. "Given what I recently found out about my apparent life before all this amnesia, I -definitely- should have expected better of myself. Better than being afraid of my parents, and better than accidentally cutting ice arenas with my heat vision. -And- getting into fights with Juggernaut." Another sigh. "Right, I should stop talking now. I'll figure out my life someday."

Supergirl has posed:
"You don't do things small do you?" Kara chuckles. "If it makes you feel any better, I crash landed in the middle of nowhere in eastern Europe-naked, not speaking the language, got into fights and ended up making quite a scene before Kal smoothing things over and got me some clothes." She looks a little embarrassed and chuckles a little. "So, I think we can all over look the ice ring, the smoothed it over-literally."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Grife, why were you -naked-? Didn't your parents think you might want to preserve some of your dignity?" Lar laughs at the story. "Yeah, I didn't know the language either. I mean, the time that I remember. I don't know if I knew it or not before because apparently I have actually been to Earth before this. But yeah, amnesia. And yeah, I got into a fight at a bar. Because I didn't know what anyone was saying. I just know they were mad at me for some reason."

Supergirl has posed:
"Sunlight. They didn't want me landing vulnerable." Kara stops and watches Lar. "A bar fight. Wow. Do you miss it? Being a prince? It certainly threw me off, I was so hopeful it was some wayward Kryptonian. Though I think Powerboy would have been real mad if you were." She untangles to float upright like he does.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar chuckles and rolls his eyes. "Oh, yeah. I -guess- that makes sense. Not that it would have made a huge difference, really. Parents, right?" he scoffs.

    An eyebrow goes up at the comment about Power Boy. "Oh and why's that? He got something against Kryptonians? I mean, other than you I would assume."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Do I miss being royalty?" Lar shakes his head. "Not really, actually. I always got what I wanted, but seeing the way the 'elites' treated some of the lower castes just killed me. I always felt so guilty, but was always too scared to do anything about it." he sighs.

Supergirl has posed:
"Well, the only male Kryptonian left is Kal, and he's my cousin, so...I dunno. He's from Apocalypse, they have some odd ideas about species." Kara muses and looks to Lar. "It made a difference for me, I was shooting laser eyes and throwing trucks as soon as I was out of my pod. I was in such a frenzy when I finally got out of that thing I didn't even recognize Kal...granted, he was an infant. I thought it was my uncle-it was...I dunno. Sorry. It's sort of easy to talk to you about it-you sort of get it." She drifts over. "I have a foster sister here, she just stares at me like I'm an alien when I talk about Krypton, all of it. But it's a new world here, we can both start over, be anyone."

Mon-El has posed:
    "No, it's--" Lar pauses momentarily, gazing into her eyes. "--it's nice to have someone to talk to about all of it." he finally finishes, laughing lightly. "You have a foster sister? So you live with a human family? Is that part of the blending in thing? Maybe you could give me a few tips, because I've been -trying- to manage that, but it um...hasn't been going so well." He gets a bit shifty-eyed at that. "Like I said I didn't know the language at all a month ago. I've picked it up pretty quickly since then, but I still find myself confused by some of the stuff people say. Like..." he ponders. "...Bimbo? What's that mean?"

Supergirl has posed:
"Bimbo? That's like...an empty headed person who relies on their looks." Kara blinks and giggles, covering her mouth with a hand quickly. "Did someone call you a bimbo?" She asks around another giggle before her shoulders shake as she tries to suppress a bit of laughter. Once she's mastered it she nods. "I live with the agents that were assigned to help me assimilate to Earth life and their daughter. Kal didn't want to have to suddenly explain and deal with me after all-he has enough to do."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Oh..." Lar doesn't look surprised at that definition. "Right, I didn't expect it to mean anything good." he smirks. "No, it wasn't directed at me, just--someone I was with. I don't think I -could- rely solely on my looks. Wouldn't be enough for most situations I tend to get myself into."

    He raises a brow at the description of her assimilation process. "Wait you got agents to help you blend in and stuff? No fair!" he laughs, pushing at her playfully. "My teammates are just as clueless as me. Okay maybe not completely, but pretty close."

Supergirl has posed:
"And a identity here on Earth, I have to wear a wig and glasses, but you know, it helps with blending in." Kara drifts a little and comes back at the push with a laugh. "There's a whole mess of clueless aliens? Sounds like my kind of scene-and I could see you getting by on your looks-I be human girls find you-you know, acceptably appealing."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Clueless aliens -and- humans who are from Earth but not Earth at this -time-." Lar nods, still smiling. "So yeah, you know--they're definitely not the first people you'd go to about this kind of thing."

    He blushes a bit at her last comment, then laughs nervously. "I--maybe. Maybe. But, thanks anyway." There's a brief pause, as he finds himself staring at her...

    Shrugging it off quickly, he finally continues, putting a hand on her shoulder. "This was really great, Kara. It's--not every day I run into someone I can relate to on a lot of this stuff. We should...um, do this again sometime?"

Supergirl has posed:
Smiling at Lar, Kara nods. "Yeah. I mean, they have the most amazing food here on Earth, so-you know, someone should at least make sure you know that." She offers and looks down. "Oh, that's my cue. Bank robbery. But hey, if you need me-you know where to find me." She offers and is off like a bolt, responding to a distant siren miles and miles below.