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Lar sees pretty lights!
Date of Scene: 03 January 2018
Location: Moon - Luna - Sol System
Synopsis: Lar and Laurel find a strange light being while sparring on Earth's moon.
Cast of Characters: Mon-El, Andromeda, Prisma

Mon-El has posed:
    Laurel and Lar have been traveling to remote areas to practice combat techniques somewhere they can't accidentally kill squishy humans or destroy their structures. Earth's single moon is a pretty deserted place, so that has been chosen as one of the 'sparring grounds'. It's also fairly easy to get to.

    Things...have been getting along, but kind of slowly. It's almost like he has never tried fighting or something. Sure, he's still as strong as always, but when he's up against someone of equal strength, it doesn't do him a lot of good.

    So here they are again, ready for another session. Though truth be told, Lar's getting a little frustrated with everything. And knowing what he once was just makes it feel all the more daunting of a task. He stares out across the moon's vast, empty landscape...well, at least it's quieter here.

Andromeda has posed:
    "You're improving." Laurel tells Lar seriously as she floats across from him. An inch or tow off of the ground, a position that is as easy for Laurel to maintain as actually standing. She studies her Uncle for a moment, head slightly tilted to the left while she does.

    "Alright, so we should probably start off with the simplest bit. You're a bit stronger than I am, I think. So you should try to punch my face in." She nods once, firmly. Then the girl takes a deep breath and holds it for a couple of beats.

    "We'll get there," the young woman swtates seriously. "It took me a long time. You're leanring way faster. So..." She bites her bottom lip pensively. "Ready to go?"

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar sighs and turns his gaze toward Laurel. "Yeah. I guess," he admits at the assertion that he is improving, though he doesn't sound nearly as confident as she did. Especially after the most recent fiasco in Starling. Not that that really had much to do with a lack of finesse on his own part. Still, it's easy to blame himself.

    "Right. Yeah I'm ready. Here we go again..." He moves forward and pulls a fist back to get a good swing aimed at her head.

Andromeda has posed:
    What else would Laurel do? She parries with her arm and lunges, throwing a punch at Lar's torso. He's stronger, she's faster. It's how it was before - but, unlike when he had his memories, now she is also the more skilled fighter. There isn't any hesitation on Laurel's part right now, but she'll stop shy of actually landing a seirous punch. For the moment. Right now it's- practice. And Laurel's the only punching bag on the moon that can take what Lar can dish out.

    "Not bad. Watch how you hold your wrist. Keep your elbows in - it'll be harder to tell what you intend to do that way. And... Keep going." The reason for Laurel's floating will soon become clear. When Lar lands a punch and she's in midair Laurel can at least keep the force from being transmitted through her body and causing widespread devastation on the moon's cratered surface.

    Some people have a use for it, after all.

Mon-El has posed:
    The punch is parried, instead pushing against Laurel's lower arm. Then Lar gets socked in the torso. It doesn't really knock him over, but he does stagger somewhat.

    "Elbows in...noted." he mutters. Recovering quickly as possible, he tries to follow her advice about the wrist and elbows, following up with rising into the air himself a bit higher than her and trying to dive down and push her to the ground.

Andromeda has posed:
    When Lar dies at Laurel he bowls her over. The taller, lighter Daxamite slams into the ground with enough force to send boulders toppling into canones across the moon. she slides through the dirt, carving grooves into the surface whichh lunaforming would have spent a thousand years approaching.

    Laurel lifts her left leg to get some leverage and attempt to flip Lar off of her, and t a nearby ridge of rock. If she gets some room to maneuver she's not going to wait for him to recover before launching into another series of punches.
    And now, children, we see why the Daxamites train on the moon and not within 90,000 miles of a human domicile!

Mon-El has posed:
    Indeed, the ground quakes violently when Lar slams Laurel into the ground and rips it asunder in a straight line. If this had happened on Earth, it could have demolished a small town. And again, when she flips him off of herself, he goes flying and smashes into a lunar rock formation. The tip of it cracks into several pieces from the impact and debris tumbles, though not quite as quickly as it would on Earth given the reduced gravity.

    He lands in a slumped position at the base, and before he can recover the girl has already launched another offense. Lar rolls back and forth to attempt to avoid some of it, but in all honesty she is kicking his ass pretty hard.

Andromeda has posed:
    Laurel lets up slightly after a moment and offers lar a hand up. "Let me show you how to get someone off of you when they're already in the dominant position," she offers then, blue eyes intense while she studies Lar's features. It's the perfct time for a strike if he would like to go that route.

    Behind Laurel the raw devastation the pair has wrough it clearlyevident. New craters pock this area of the lunar fields. A rock face, carved by the force of their blows until it appears to resemble Abraham Lincoln's face.

    Then again, that's what they said about a potato chip too.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar takes the hand and stands up, sighing but also nodding to the offer. He doesn't take the opportunity to strike again though it has presented itself. It probably just didn't cross his mind. "Yeah, that would be good." he says in a resigned voice as he dusts some of the bits of rock that fell on him off. "Lead the way, Ms. Gand." he says with a bit of a playful chuckle.

Andromeda has posed:
    "In a grapple everything comes back to leverage," Laurel begins in a fairly commanding tone. She leads Lar fairly gently through the carnage, making her way toward a relatively flat, smooth area. At least twenty by twenty feet, evne ifi it s the floor of a lunar crater.

    "So the trick is to get your legs underneath me. That will allow you to bring a lot more forced to bear. Twist your body upward to lever mine out of the way and- well. Basic physics does the res.t" She takes a deep breath then, twisting slightly. "Of course, my job is to keep you from getting that sort of an advantage. You know how it is. But at least we can make someone stop pummeling your face if they manage to get on top of you. That seems to keep happening when we get into a fight. I suppose it *does8 minimize collateral damage.

    Laurel bites her bottom lip briefly as she glances around. "Something we probably need."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar nods, listening intently as he follows her into the large lunar crater. "Yeah--yeah that definitely makes sense." Definitely a lot easier to get leverage with legs than arms. "And now that I think about it, that's what -you- did just now, isn't it? Heh, you got some pretty good force behind that throw too."

    He also glances around at the mention of collateral damage, cringing slightly. "Yeah, it's a good thing no one lives here. Which is why we're here, I guess. It's hard to not wreck things while trying to wreck someone else...especially if they can hit as hard as I can. I hope no one's bought any property out here for some odd reason, or anything like that."

Andromeda has posed:
    "There's stuff built on earth's primary moon, I think, but not within a long ways of here. No huge cities like Metropolis to worry about. I guess we could have tried Africa- but Luna is always covered in craters." Laurel just laughs at that, not seeming the least bit bothered by the devastation.

    "It's just good we have suitable places. We could goo all the way out to Jupiter and use some of the moons there but this is much more convenient. Though if you ever *really* want to push yourself..."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Oh, good." Lar looks slightly relieved at this revelation. "Africa...that's the continent with the massive desert right? Yeah, I suppose that could have worked too. But might have been more risky."

    Then he exhales a bit. "Okay, how about let's see if I've figured out some good parrying technique. You take a swing at me this time?" He brings his arms into a more defensive position. "You know what they say, a good defense can be just as effective as a good offense." Then a bit of a frown. "Huh, not exactly sure where or when I heard that."

Andromeda has posed:
    "To be honest? After this we are going to move further afield because I feel like the moon is actually too risky. Some people are attached to it. It's easier to replace than Africa, but..." She takes a deep breath. "Alright. Let's see how you do." Laurel wil llead with a single swift jab to test Lar's reflexes. Then a standard one-two combination. She is standing just in front of him.

    After those first couple punches is a flurry or rapid, precise blows coming from all directions and angles. One of the many things super speed is good for: overwhelming opponents. Of course, Lar is able to keep up. I ntheory.

Mon-El has posed:
    Yes, Lar is definitely -capable- of keeping up, whether he actually does or not is the part that's questionable. The first few jabs and combos he manages to block or dodge, but after those reflex tests he keeps getting hit from various angles. Probably because he isn't predicting her moves as well.

    And so, he ends up on the ground again in a pile of broken moon rocks.

Andromeda has posed:
    "Lar, where are you looking when you try to block my strikes?" Laurel asks as she offers her uncle a hand up yet again. She cocks her head slightly and then pauses, watching the man while she waits for his reply.

    All around the pair there are new craters and grooves knocked into the lunar surface -well away from any structures or other beings on the largely uninhabited piece of rock. It looks like a warzone

Prisma has posed:
Space. It's really, really big and stuff. Yet somehow, X'rhai had managed not only to find the perfect trajectory thousands of years prior to reach Earth, but the perfect time, as well, to hit it's moon. Though, with as mind-bogglingly huge as space is, she was bound to hit something, eventually.

From the far side of the moon, a shiny lump of something gently falls to the ground, shoving aside dirt as it does so in the gentlest crater ever. Upon closer inspection, it's a massive diamond, the size of a baseball! And upon even -closer- inspection, it glows slightly, with a few bright yellow specks inside.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar sighs heavily and once again takes Laurel's hand to get back up off of the ground. "I...uh..." he stammers, rubbing the back of his head as he searches for an answer to her question. "Trying to watch where your fists are--"

    But he doesn't finish the thought, having picked up on a strange light in the distance headed for Earth's moon. He's not quite sure what it is, but he definitely heard it hit the ground. "You see that?" he asks Laurel, frowning.

Andromeda has posed:
    "See what?" Laurel asks initially, blinking as she turns herself so that she can look out across the lunar surface. "If you think you are going to catch me off-guard with-" The flight ring falls silent. Instead, Laurel is staring at the flying object intently.

    "A glowing diamond? What in the world...?" Even at a distance Laurel can scrutinize the object intently. She does so now, blinking as she begins.

Prisma has posed:
A bolt of light suddenly bursts forth from the diamond...and then stays in the air, in much the same way that light -doesn't-. It slowly drifts forward toward the pair, as if staring at them, then does some sort of happy little bob and twirls lightly around the pair.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar rushes off to investigate the strange light before Laurel could finish asking her question. He stares at the crystal wedged under the grey dust on the ground, starting an X-ray scan. But suddenly a light bursts forth, before he can finish the analysis. Watching with widened eyes, he starts the scan once more, this time focusing on the blob of light that seems to be alive--to see if he can learn anything about this odd being.

Andromeda has posed:
Laurel blinks a few more times and then starts forward very slowly. She wiggles her fingers toward the diamond then glances over at Lar. "have you ever met anyone quite like thisz?" she asks then, blinking. Then she looks back to the floating diamond. "Hello. can you- understand me?" Blonde brows furrow delicately as the Daxamite studies Prisma from her place among the craters. "My name is Laurel."

Prisma has posed:
X'rhai slows it's twirling as Laurel speaks. At the question, it bobs up and down excitedly, as if nodding, before circling them again. After another few seconds of that, it rushes off toward the crystal and dives back into it...before popping back out. Then back in. Then out, and there, it finally pauses.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Uhh... no, not that I remember, anyway." Lar replies to Laurel's question. If he had his memories, he might have recalled Quislet, an exta-dimensional light being who served on the Legion on several occasions. "Hey, I think it understands you." he observes, watching Prisma flit in and out of the diamond. "I'm Lar Gand." he says to it, peering down momentarily at the crystal. "Can you...where are you from?"

Andromeda has posed:
"Well, that's marvelous," Laurel muses, tilting her head slightly. She holds out a hand. Slowly. "You are very lovely," she states then. "Thank you for coming to visit us." She takes a slow,deep breath inward. "I imagine that you are a long way from home?" A beat. "If you need somewhere to be we could keep you close."

Prisma has posed:
Lar's question comes first. The ball of light juts off incredibly fast at some precise angle far, far from Earth...before stopping just a few dozen feet away. Then, with Laurel's question, it bobs up and down again at the first question, then speeds up and practically vibrates at the next question.

Mon-El has posed:
    "I'll...take that as a 'yes' toward the question of being from far away." Lar chuckles. "We're from far away, too." he says, still smiling. Then he nods toward Laurel when she offers to take the strange being in. "Yeah, we could help you out with that." Although there is some doubt in his voice. They know next to nothing about this creature...would it be safe to welcome it aboard the cruiser?

Andromeda has posed:
    Laurel looks over at Lar and shrugs slowly. "I will let it stay with me while I fly about. We can't keep it off of earth in any case and perhaps we can learn moreabout why it's here. You can ask Lyle to look and see if he knows anything about similar creatures..." She shrugs slowly. Then there's another beatific smile. Laurel floats up and moves to join the little ball of light in the air. "I should show you around the solar system a bit," she suggests then. "It's lovely to make your acquaintance. Ah... I suppose I can't ask your name just yet. But! We'll figure it out."

Prisma has posed:
The ball of light wiggles about excitedly for a moment before zipping back into the crystal. After a second, it flies back out and toward one of Laurel's hands--it doesn't hurt in the slightest--before zipping back into the diamond orb and waiting. The orb's a bit scuffed up and would certainly be worth substantially less to potential Earth buyers, but it's still a very impressively sized diamond!

Mon-El has posed:
    "Uhm..." Lar watches the light's antics. "I think it wants you to carry it around in that diamond casing." he says, pointing at the gem, then glancing up at Laurel. He nods at the mention of Lyle. "Yeah, Lyle might be able to tell us more. He's more of an expert in life sciences than anyone else on the team." Maybe even Brainiac. But he'll never know Lar thought that, right?

Andromeda has posed:
    Laurelnods a couple of times and moves to take the diamond in question. She holds it carefully in both hands, closing her eyes for a second as she does. "Wonderful. I'll keep you safe, my friend," Laurel promises the light creature intently. "And we can see the world. It'll be nice ot have a friend along. I think I'll put this diamond on a clasp and wear yo uaround my neck?I don't need that old data crystal anymore.." Laurel shifts her weight from left to right now. "Perfect, Lar. Thank you. You talk to Lyle. We'll be about. yu know how to find me."

Prisma has posed:
Data crystal? At that, the ball of light leaps out of the crystal and floats in front of Laurel, expanding and contracting, as if trying to focus on something. It finally spots the data crystal on the necklace around the girl's neck and shrinks to about the size of the crystal, suddenly much denser and brighter. It slowly slides up toward the crystal, before sharply backing off and going back to it's natural size and waiting in front of Laurel.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Sounds good." Lar smiles and watches as the light moves toward the crystal but then hesitates. "Well, it was nice to meet you, uh..." he's not sure what to call it. "...um, I guess we'll figure out a name later." He says, chuckling a little bit. "Hopefully we'll get to learn more about you soon! Thanks, Laurel."