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Latest revision as of 13:08, 3 January 2018

But I want it...
Date of Scene: 09 December 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Fisk gets some new art!
Cast of Characters: Kingpin, Catwoman

Kingpin has posed:
The roof. No one ever goes on to the roof anymore. Sure, it's chilly up here, the New York fall about to turn winter tends to be a bit unforgiving. Today it is chilly, down now in the 50's but at least it is dry. As he stands up there, in his suit, his hands in his pockets, looking out at the city, he purses his lips. "This better be worth my time," he says to himself, having put the feelers out and having been told to meet up here, at midnight. Well, as he looks at his clock, it's 11:59 and about to turn into Wednesday. He's a patient man though. You don't see the typical pacing, the swaying back and forth, the playing with a phone. He has a job, and a time it's supposed to be discussed at so he waits.

Catwoman has posed:
No one? Clearly New York City has lost its edge. Everyone meets on rooftops in Gotham still. Well. All the cool kids do anyway.

The Witching Hour is upon the city, the moon even emerging from behind a few clouds just to confirm it.

Not far from Fisk, a shadow moves. It is slow and so easy to have missed. But then there is the tell tale sound of metal trailing along concrete. The sound comes from behind and to the left of Fisk.

Out from the shadows steps a very feline-like woman complete with goggles and cat's ears built into her mask. Her mouth is exposed, the crimson painted lips curled into a cocky smirk. The source of the sound would be her clawed fingers idly trailing along the wall of the fire stairs enclosure. It would have been too easy to speak up.

Coming to a stop just a few meters from Fisk, Catwoman rests that hand on her hip and finaly speaks. "Meow." Her voice is deep and sultry. Amused and wickedly playful.

Kingpin has posed:
Wilson Fisk turns. He's not...started. He was expecting to meet up here. Surprised that he didn't realize you were there? Certainly. He turns to face you though, and takes in the...whole thing. I mean, it's not every day that you meet the Catwoman as it were. "This is a long way up. I get that whole cats always land on their feet thing but if this meeting doesn't go well, it seems to me like you're pushing your luck a little bit," he offers. It's not exactly a threat. There's no menace in his voice, no malicious intent. He just...speaks what's on his mind, and right now it's the fact that you're a pretty brave girl to come up here all on your own.

"So you're the best huh? A guy wants a painting stolen and he has to rely on a slightly hotter version of Cosplay to get the job done? Cosplay with an attitude?" Yeah, he's going to test your skin a little bit, see if you get rattled by a few words.

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman lifts her hand to study her claws with disinterest. "Oh, the heights don't scare me. Don't tell me you don't believe in cats having nine lives?" Her tone sounding incredulous that anyone could doubt it. "Now. If you're done trying to fish around for weakness or hesitation, Tubby, get to the point. We both know that I wouldn't be here if you didn't already know the answer to your playground challenge." Her goggles are tinted, but there is a soft red glow from them that suggests she may be using some sort of light filters. Perhaps.

Kingpin has posed:
"Tubby?" He raises a singular eyebrow. "If you think that this is all...tubby...you're welcome to come give it a try. You might find that you need to adjust your goggles there..." he offers but he reaches into his pocket and he pulls out a flier for an exhibit coming up at the Met. On the cover is http://webneel.com/i/fine-arts/18-most-expensive-painting-water-lilly-pond/10-2013/d?nid=7855 "Monet..." he says. "I don't usually like water color but this specific piece...the location. It makes me want to visit. As such...being both rare and warming to my heart, I want it. The asking price for it is more than I'm willing to let go so the question becomes, what is the price for you to do the job? And of course, given that you're operating out of your...supposed element, how do I know that you're just not wired when it comes to Gotham but that here you can be just as good?" His tone is less accusatory now, and more in line with trying to find out if you're really good enough to pull of stealing a painting worth $80M.

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman grins at the reaction but doesn't move. Her left arm crosses her body to support her right elbow as the right hand reaches out to take the flier and draw it back to study. "It's good to know the world's most priceless works of art are being.. preserved.. by true afficionados" she murmurs coyly. Then he questions her again.

She rolls her eyes, "C'mon, Fisk. You sought me out. If you were worried about my ability to get the job done right - there are others you could have tried to reach. That peroxide blonde with the faux fur and... flotation devices" Her hands move to reference bust size. "She's local isn't she? If you're so worried about what I can do, I can go right now and you can track her down." She doesn't move but she doesn't back down either. "If you really want to get into a pissing contest that's fine. But I don't see you doing this job yourself. I'll do the job. It'll cost you thirty percent of appraised value - not. Street value. I'll even gift wrap it for you. Sparkly bow and all."

Kingpin has posed:
"30 percent..." he says with a chuckle. "Normally I wouldn't object to certain rates, but you know full well if you pull this off how much you're going to walk away with."

He's past questioning you now as he studies you more closely. He is amused though at your mention of the other cat and he laughs, "That was amusing." His laugh is...creepy. Like...the idea of him amused just doesn't work. Somewhere, some church is convinced one of the seven seals of the apocalypse JUSt happened. Luke is looking at Obi Wan as there's a disturbance in the force.

"Fifteen percent. And that's enough to set anyone up for several lifetimes. That is still in the double-digit million. May even be enough to buy you back one of those nine lives if they can be recycled that way?"

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman drops into negotiation mode instantly. Like a predator stalking its prey. Her tone becomes firm, harder. "You know what it's worth too Fisk. Why don't you just go play full retail for it. You're good for it a hundred times over. At least. No? Then don't play me. Twenty Five Percent - and just you're at Fifteen and we both know this game I'll make it easy: I'm not going to twenty. Twenty five percent of full appraisal value and you'll have a one of a kind work of art to do with as you please." A brow arches as she waits for his response.

Maybe she expects him to try and throw her off the building.

Kingpin has posed:
Never let it be said that Wilson Fisk is not an ass. "24. 24 percent," he says, simply, and now it's just a matter of principle of not paying 25% of 80 millin dollars. Becuase there are and amazing number of pieces of art he could legitimately buy at 20 million. But no, he stands there, patiently waiting for your answer. No flexing of the hands or clenching of the fists. No menacing or looking stare, no walking towards you to begin that power pose. You'll take it or you won't and he knows that.

"And that's me being nice. You know you weren't getting thirty and you started that high anyway. However, I do think you can do the job and I' not in the mood to haggle with everyone who says they can do it. So I'll pay the premium but if you don't want to play the game a bit, then you don't get 25 percent. Not to mention that the one percent I'm taking away is easily made up for when you tell everyone else what you did...and get all the credit in your little circle and all the business you're going to get to pick from after you pull this off."

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman studies him intently. For a moment it seems as if she might be ready to walk away. But then she lifts that flier for the exhibit to her lips, placing a kiss across the image of the painting. She hands it back, "Fisk? You're a /real/ charmer. Don't let the ladies ever tell you otherwise." Sarcasm comes with the job for free. A value added bonus even. "Twenty Four. And like the hours in the day? You'll have it by this time tomorrow night." There's no offer for it being free if not. But hey, why not give herself a little challenge. With that she grins and winks, blowing him a kiss. "This is going to be *so* much fun." And with that she turns and strides to the edge of the building. Stepping up on the ledge she turns and offers a cavalier salute and gracefully leans back, letting herself free fall down the side of the building.

Hopefully the myth that cats always land on their feet proves true for thieves too or there's going to be a Jackson Pollock on the street below...