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Latest revision as of 14:21, 3 January 2018

A Wild X Encounter
Date of Scene: 12 December 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: X-23, Daken, Punisher, Kaelyn Silverleaf, Power Girl

X-23 has posed:
Being on her own has pretty much been the way of things since Laura escaped the Facility. For a moment, it seems like a certain "Hated One" would change that, but he proved untrustworthy, so she didn't bother with him. Today, in her exploration of the city, Laura encountered a fascination. A glimpse of the familiar even if in twisted form. She's currently standing outside the Chikara Dojo, staring through the glass window at a class practicing karate. It's strange to her, because on the one hand it seems familiar setting for a change, but on the other...there's way too little blood, injury or efficency. It's like they're all doing it wrong, and she considers walking in and calling out their Sensei.

Daken has posed:
Daken had been tailing Laura for some time.

Even when he first discovered her, Daken's always had a habit of watching over her and making sure she stayed out of (serious) trouble...or tried to. Though now that Daken was on a road of redemption...it's about time he spoke to his little sister. After finding her peering through the window of a dojo, he walks up behind her...though stands at her side. A full head of hair and a full beard cover daken's face. "Not bad for a dojo. form's off though."

Punisher has posed:
    Frank Castle is seated at a small coffee shop's outdoor seating. It maybe December and chilly, but he doesn't like being inside where he can't see what is going on. He has on a long black coat and a pair of reflective sunglasses on. There is a folded copy of the New York Post in front of him and a steaming cup of coffee next to it. He sips occasionally, but is rarely looking at the paper.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
coffee is good, chai? well it's better, and currently a curvy redhead is enjoying her self a large cup of the stuff at the outdoor coffee shop... She's just out and about again, not looking for anything special, well maybe something. she's gone back to the barrista and is looking through the glass case, before she gets her self a frosted sugar cookie to go with her chai. Once aquired, the redhead grins a bit takes a bite, yup she bites the snowman's head off, and makes her way away from the barrista counter while hunting for a place to sit.

X-23 has posed:
Laura can tell an eerie scent when Daken approaches her, she had sensed it before, and it bears some similarities to Weapon X. It's a bit unnerving, at least if she were the type to get nervous. She keeps her green eyes trained on the window, and the lesson taking place, before concurring with the stranger, "too soft." But there is a follow up to that, when she finally does turn to look at Daken, studying him from head to toe, "what do you want with me? You've followed me before...are you Facility? Weapon X?" The questions are direct, the tone quite accusatory.

Punisher has posed:
    The coffee shop is not far from the Dojo, and the pair outside the window has attracted Castle's attention. He shifts in his seat so he can watch the pair conversing. He picks up his cup and sips at it, quiet as a snowfall, as he tries to hear what is being said. He is aware of the other customers in the coffee shop, but doesn't make any moves to greet anyone.

Daken has posed:
Daken keeps his eyes forward, nodding a few times. "hm." before she starts to bombard him with questions and he just sighs a moment. "Still the same Laura I see. Good. Always watch your back." he turns his head then to look at her. "Hm...you look just like him." he chuckles then. "I'm with neither. Though I've killed enough of them to know. I'm Daken. You're brother." he reveals, before his eyes return forward.

"Who do you thinks been helping you keep those scum off your back? I've been watching over you for some time little sis."

X-23 has posed:
With Laura sporting a somewhat edgy 'goth' look, and Daken with his tribal tattoo and troublemaker exterior, it's no wonder the two draw attention standing next to one another. Now Laura is by no means a telepath, but she does have finely hone senses, with an uncanny alertness that comes with the years of operations she had run. One would be surprised to learn how many, considering her young age. So she gets this sense of being watched, without quite knowing it is Frank, and that he is nearby, as she asks Daken, "are you on your own?" Clearly suspecting whoever it is out there keeping watch, is on Daken's potential retrieval team, assuming he is Weapon X or Facility or whoever else might be after her.

"Like who...?" Laura hisses, not liking Daken's tone one bit. "How come you know me, and I don't know you? Are you one of Xander's? Because I ended Xander." At his revelation of who he actually is, Laura sniffs again, then squints as she look suspiciously at him, "I have a brother...?" She doesn't bother with the logical questions, after all she grew up as a test subject in a lab. She didn't quite have a normal life, so it seems probable she wouldn't know of a brother she could have had, but how does he know of her?

"Why?" She asks the last one not having a clear idea of where having a sibling puts them, after all, if he was a sibling from where she came from, it makes more sense to eliminate her and prove the superior design, an X-24 perhaps...either way she doesn't offer a thank you.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae finally finds her self a spot to relaxe on, and settles down there, before she begins idly nomming on her cookie... She takes a long pull on her chai and looks around curiously, her green eyes settling on Laura, then shifting to the other person curiously..."

Daken has posed:
Daken takes a deeeeep breath then.

"I'm not Facility and I'm not your brother by means of test tube. Wolverine." he answers quick and simple, not bothering to waste time. "If I brought company, you'd have sniffed them out by now. The fact that neither of us can really die is a little discouraging when it comes to combat...and, I need to redeem myself." mumbles mostly to himself. "Listen...we need to talk. I'm the son of Wolverine..and your his child too. Though your situation is more complicated than mine. You'd know if I was lying." he nods..as for why..? Laura was one of the people he's always genuinely cared about...call it a brotherly instinct.

"Why? We're siblings. Gotta look after each other." No, not X-24, but pretty damn close.

Punisher has posed:
    Frank Castle doesn't have the finely tuned senses of the Mutants, but he can see the discomfort and alert stance of the young woman from here. He settles back in his seat as if he is always out there on a December day sipping coffee, but if the pair moves this way any further, he will probably tail them.

X-23 has posed:
"Wolverine..." Laura whispers as Darken speaks the name, "codename for Weapon X."

"So you're his son," Laura hisses, apparently she might not hold Wolverine in the highest regard. Then again, most of her life was pure torture until she could finally beat his performance on various holo-trials. That man made her life a nightmare. She had often imagined what a meeting with Weapon X might be like, which brings her to the follow up question, "where is your father...?" She's apparently still not sold on the whole sibling concept, a bit deflective when she could have poentially used 'our father'.

The rest of Daken's words ring true, so Laura has no reason to doubt him, but she clearly is visibly restless at the thought of him looking after her. She had always done things on her own, and all of a sudden she discovers she's had a guardian angel? "Can you not smell the one keeping watch of us even now...?" Laura asks, before sniffing again and adding, "the cafe. Like predator surveying prey...only I'm not prey, and if you're my brother, you're not prey either."

"Shall we go say hello?"

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae does a good job of eating her cookie at least, only well the only way she can be a predator is maybe for confectiony goodness... Kae glances over, now noticing Frank and studying him curiously, before glancing around again, eyes now drifting over Lauraand Dakken... She then grins slightly to her self and takes a very long pull on her drink as she sits back and exhails a happy sigh.

Daken has posed:
Daken nods a few times. "Yeah. He has past." he fully acknowledges and knows who his father is..though he long caught Punisher's trail and scent, simply prioritizing his family over him. "-our- father is in a cabin near the institute. I plan on taking you to meet him if you choose." strange....he gave her a choice. Though when she speaks, he grins lightly. "I know who watches. He's not one ot mess with casually." Though when she asks to go say hello, he smiles. "Thought you'd never ask." and he gestures with his head for appearances sake and he starts walking in that direction...though he also notices that Frank's long gone.

Not bad Castle...not bad.

X-23 has posed:
"I will take that offer," Laura states, if only to learn where it is that Weapon X makes his abode. When Daken first remarks of Frank Castle's danger, and then still shows a certain joy at taking her on her offer, Laura smirks, "maybe we are siblings after all," she then turns to walk towards...the cafe, because Frank Castle is long gone, "maybe you were right about him, Daken."

Power Girl has posed:
    Not necessarily a celebrity, but still a relatively important figure, the woman that arrives, seemingly, at random is not the kind of patronage the cafe is really used to.

    Dressed in something between business casual and winter-wear, with a nice, thick sweater and a pair of slacks, Karen Starr- the erstwhile CEO and on again off again chief researcher for STAR Labs- steps out of a relatively inconspicuous alleyway following a mild gust of wind that rolls over the city street. Bundling against the cold, and adjusting her glasses, she makes her way down the sidewalk and into the cafe proper, clearly hoping to enjoy the benefits of the heat.

    She doesn't speak to anyone- not -knowing- anyone present- and makes her way to the counter to place her order.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae finishes her chai, and looks at the glass she has rather dissapointedly... She then glances around, and waves a hand over the glass, multiplying the few sips that's left really back into a full glass, before she glances around again with a slight smirk, those green eyes having glowed just slightly when she worked her little magic. She settles back into her seat again and goes about people, and superhero watching curiously.

Daken has posed:
Daken nods to Laura. "I'm never wrong on things like this." he says as he leads her to the breakfast cafe, opening the door for her to enter through. "Pick out a booth. anyone you want. It's a seat yourself establishment." a small nod to his kid sister then.

"I'm not one to lie about family."

X-23 has posed:
Laura looks at the empty spot where Frank Castle was last at and moves to check if he left anything behind in his hasty retreat, going as far as to sniff the area to get a better sense of a potential predator. She looks at Karen Starr as she arrives, but doesn't spare more than a cursory glance, but she keeps outside, looking hesitant to step inside. "This person that was watching us...are you sure he's no threat?"

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae blinks as her phone goes off... The redhead answers it and tilt sher head as she listens for a bit then sighs "Be there shortly." she mutters, and after picking up her things is simply well gone... The chair is even put back in place as if she hadn't been there...