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Latest revision as of 15:16, 3 January 2018

Why are you always hassling me
Date of Scene: 05 December 2017
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Batman, Oracle, Mariam O'Shea, Iron Man, Green Ranger, Nightwing, Robin (Wayne)

Batman has posed:
    Wayne Manor dominates the hillock upon which it sits, looking over the city of Gotham like some stalwart architectural sentinel keeping watch, yet apart. During the day it is an ever present shadow, and during the night it is often lit up like a beacon with the many windows and rooms gleaming bright for some function or another. And tonight it glows brilliant with holiday decor, green and red bunting, multi-coloured lights, and a distinct holiday cheer that assuredly took many man hours to implement.
    Within the manor's actual halls, the decor is more somber in the ways and paths that the gathering's guests most likely won't pass through. The long wooden paneled halls, the many rooms that are not intended for regular use, and one such room that currently holds the man of the manor. Bruce Wayne stands in the old library, the large and sweeping two-story room with its many volumes often offers a place of solitude and reflection while the old clock and the large family portrait give him some sense of... control and understanding.
    Right now, however, it serves as a makeshift changing room as Bruce Wayne has his tuxedo coat upon the back of a large over-stuffed chair while he's adjusting his cuff links, frowning distantly towards one of the large cathedral style windows, his eyes distant and well past the reflection of himself that looks back upon him.

Oracle has posed:
Although she's early, Barbara is actually mostly ready for this evening's Command Performance -- after all, the Wayne Manor holiday bash is where everyone who is everyone goes. And she *is* the Commissioner's daughter. She isn't in a gown as yet, but her copper hair is mounded into a riot of curls on top of her head, and her make-up is flawless. Carrying a garment bag and a tote bag along with her tablet, Barbara is met at the door to the library by Alfred, who takes everything but her tablet and disappears with it. She lets herself into the old library. "Bruce," she greets quietly. "Need help with your tie?" Alfred usually does it, but she's been known to help out a time or two as well.
    She approaches him just within arm's distance and says, "Do you mind taking a minute to talk to me before the night's entertainment arrives?" Without asking this time, she reaches out to help with the cufflinks as well.

Batman has posed:
    "Barbara," His voice is easy-going, light. The tall man turns away from that window and smiles easily enough, "No, I think I'm fine for now. But no harm in keeping an eye on me." The smile broadens a little even as he steps towards the chair where his coat resides, even as he still fiddles with those cuff links. There's a faint click from one, then the other as he then flares his wrists and considers them. Then he looks towards her.
    "What did you want to discuss?" He asks with a small quirk to his eyebrow, his tone shifting a little more severe as his thoughts shift gears subtly. One hand touches the back of the jacket but for now he does not take it up from its place. Instead he then gestures to the side, "Something to drink?" He motions to the small caddy of beverages that have been stocked for the evening in the off chance someone might adjourn here during the festivities.

Oracle has posed:
"No, thank you," Barbara replies to the offer of a drink. Her blue eyes on him are shuttered just a bit. Sliding one hip onto the arm of the couch to leave her foot dangling, there's an air of worry to her. "Bruce.... I didn't realize that you knew as much as you do. That codename... threw me. I don't want to have to fight you to remain on the streets the way I had to fight to get *on* them in the first place. And I don't want to be forcibly retired. Please don't do that to me."

Batman has posed:
    As she has so often discerned, the topic shifts the man, the voice becoming more severe and clipped as he looks to the side back towards that window, then up towards the portait of his family that looks down upon him so often. He brushes a hand over the front of his tuxedo shirt, checking the buttons in an almost instinctive movement.
    "Barbara," He repeats from a moment before, then tilts his gaze back towards her. "What you choose to do with your time is your own decision." He reaches for his coat and takes it up off the back of the chair, as if considering continuing on his almost ritualistic preparation. But then his brow knits and he stops, setting the garment down and rounding upon her.
    His hands rest on the back of the chair over that coat now as he leans forwards, giving her his full attention. "I may not agree with what you're doing, or the implementation. But you are still an asset." And there it is isn't it? The way the Bat looks at the world in some ways.
    But then he straightens up to his full height and starts to say, "Just be careful, those people are not to be trust..."

Mariam O'Shea has posed:
    The door to the library opens without a single knock. Framed within that opening is a slim figure in a business suit with her red hair pulled back in a bun at the nape of her neck. Her eyes are hidden behind a pair of round mirrored sunglasses. Despite that, it's obvious by her body language that she is glaring at Mr. Bruce Wayne. Her shoulders are tight, her cheeks are flushed and her left hand is balled into a fist. The right still is resting on the door she pushed open. "Mr. Wayne..."
    Her voice shows that annoyance but she stops as soon as she realizes he isn't alone. Her head turns slightly to Ms. Gordon and she immediately stops the verbal assault she was prepared to let loose on the hapless billionaire. Instead, she clears her throat and speaks in a calmer tone of voice. "Ms. Gordon." She nods in her direction then walks toward her charge. "Mr. Wayne, you left the opera. Without me. Somehow. You know you are not supposed to be out of my sight," she says in a more reasonable tone as she looks him over carefully as though she may have missed a knife or bullet wound upon her arrival.

Oracle has posed:
As he's cut off by the door, it takes less than a second to register that's NOT Alfred, nor any of the other men of the household. Barbara's on her feet even before Mariam fully registers her presence, and there's a social smile fixed faintly in place on her features. She's just as good at the dissembling as Bruce is, and what she needs to say to him ... Well, it will just have to be done in a more roundabout fashion. "Ms. O'Shea," she greets lightly. And then she smothers what appears to be a truly amused smile. "Yes... he does have a tendency to dislike having a shadow," she murmurs.
    Flickering her blue eyes toward him, she comments mildly, "He really ought to know better. Trusting in the innate goodness of others is always a dangerous thing to do. I was definitely taught better than that. I'm reasonably certain he was as well, although Alfred does despair occasionally."

Batman has posed:
    As Mariam makes her entrance it's only a brief instant that the man in that room is still so somehow daunting and severe. When he looks aside towards her the smile that comes to his face is so easily offered and with such boyish embarrassment and sincerity that it might take a person back that so calmly affected assumption. His voice is that warm and lackadaisical thing as he replies, "Oh, hi Mariam."
    He then takes up the jacket and extends it to her, "Be a dear and give me a hand with this? I'm terrible at the whole last bits of this getting ready thing." As he says that he turns his back and holds out an arm as if just /assuming/ that she'll help him get the coat on even as he answers. "Oh right, the opera. Was that last night?"
    He seems thoughtful, "Sorry about that, but Tawny and Bianca wanted to spend some time together discussing the world of fashion with me. They guarded my body decently enough. Don't worry." His smile is given, oh so charming, oh so innocent.
    But then he looks towards Barbara, "Oh Babs, come on. You know that it's always the time when you think you have a handle on things when they're most likely to blow up and spill shrimp cocktail in your lap, or something."

Mariam O'Shea has posed:
    "Yes, that was last night," Mariam manages to say without gritting her teeth. "It was precisely 22 hours and 14 minutes ago."
    Despite the fact she is his bodyguard and not a butler or handmaiden, she automatically takes the jacket in hand. She opens it carefully then holds it in place for him to slide in one arm then shifts to allow for the second even as she is speaking. "While I am certain their dissertation on fashion was riveting, I doubt they would be able to guard you from a threat. Unless one of them was in the way of the attack." She muses on that image for a moment, enjoying it more than she should. A slight clearing of the throat as she lowers her voice. "And all due respect, Mr. Wayne, but I do not think using you as their personal jungle gym counts as protecting you." Once the jacket is on she actually steps around in front of him, making sure the lapels are laying properly before she steps away and to the side, falling into the spot she occupies when she's working. Her next words are for Barbara who she turns her head to face. "I haven't figured out how he does it. Yet. But I will. He keeps this up, he will no longer be going to the restroom alone."

Oracle has posed:
Unable to help herself, Barbara snickers. "Oh, they'd take a bullet for him.... they wouldn't MEAN to, but hey...." Maybe it's just the macabre sense of humor the commissioner's daughter has, but she seems less than concerned about the welfare of Bianca and what's-her-name-the-other-one. "I would love to see you figure it out, of course, Ms. O'Shea. Dick and I have worried for years that some slick someone will steal him out from under us. I don't think they've infiltrated the bathrooms yet, but I could be wrong."
    Her attention remains on Bruce. "And of course I know that, Bruce," Barbara agrees readily. "Shrimp cocktail has the potential to ruin your life if you're not careful. Sometimes, though, you just have to risk the cocktail sauce in your lap so as to avoid the stomachache that caviar will give you."

Batman has posed:
    Feigning innocence but in a passingly convincing way, Bruce does affect a moderately hurt look as he accepts the scolding given to him by Mariam. "I'm sorry, Mariam. I really am. I'm just not used to having a bodyguard. I honestly just forgot, and then I was... distracted." He tries a small smile, remorseful at the least as he looks to her to offer what he hopes are some level of acceptable apologies, but then his attention shifts back towards Barbara even as he adjusts the hang of the jacket with a sweep of one hand.
    "She's making it out to be worse than it was." Though, to be fair, her description was fairly accurate. "Sounds to me like you should talk to your caterer, Babs." He smiles again into the nearby window, his reflection catching the eyes of the two women each in turn.
    "Maybe you're spreading yourself too thin, going to too many functions. Sometimes a smaller focus is better. Alfred keeps telling me I should spend more time doing this or that, instead of trying to run all over the place and handle everything myself."

Mariam O'Shea has posed:
    Mariam is not amused nor is she forgiving. "I think he may be going out the bathroom windows," she murmurs to Barbara but then she falls silent and gets back to work, despite having spent the last day looking for the errant body she was supposed to be guarding. It's frustrating. She's always been good at her job and she has never had the problems she's had since taking on Mr. Wayne.
    She doesn't continue the conversation, realizing she has already said too much in front of the guest. She does position herself closer to the door so that if it opens again, she'll be between whoever is there and Mr. Wayne.

Oracle has posed:
Barbara smiles faintly. "I think we all take on too much and spread ourselves too thin on the important stuff. Believe me, though, I won't let shrimp cocktail ruin *my* life... or yours. We'll just keep you as far from it as possible." She shrugs slightly. "Alfred has my usual room set up. And Dick should be here in a half an hour or so. Mariam... I know you're working, but I doubt your suit is going to make the grade for this evening." She looks curiously at Bruce and then back at the other woman. "My gowns are a good bit long, but Alfred and I are both wizzes with a needle. Why don't you come upstairs and I'm sure we'll be able to find you something black that will still hide your firearm?"

Batman has posed:
    "Just careful, shellfish goes bad quick." Bruce admonishes Babs with that so easy-going tone of voice, the smile just flirting there with the corner of his mouth. But then as Barbara shifts the focus onto poor Mariam that smile grows a little larger as he steps away from that window, moving towards the drink caddy as he drifts fingertips over this bottle or that.
    "She's right, you know, Mariam." He finds a particular bottle squared away amongst the others, lifts it and undoes the stopper, then pours some into one of the glasses with a faint gurgle. That done he lowers the bottle with a faint glassy clink, that's augmented by more when ice cubes find their way into his glass.
    "You don't want to stand out entirely too much as my bodyguard. Would be easier for an assailant to pick you out of the crowd as someone to isolate in an attempt." He then looks up and takes a sip of his drink. "Or so I'd imagine."

Mariam O'Shea has posed:
    It's a good thing she has on those sunglasses. Mariam's eyes have gone wide. Although the lift of her eyebrows probably does give it away. "Excuse me?" she gets out in a voice that is almost a squeak. Hearing the input from Mr. Wayne, she glances at him sharply as he makes an observation that is entirely too astute. The man is so strange. One minute, he is cavorting with fashion models and discussing the dangers of -gasp- shrimp cocktails. The next he has a true observation about the nature of personal safety or the like.
    "You've never had a problem with my attire before, Mr. Wayne. I don't think it...I mean I..." She fumbles and for a moment, the ever so in control bodyguard is at a loss as she can't think of a single reason not to agree. Because, she does stand out. But the idea of putting on an evening gown has her feeling like she's going to panic. Her suit is her armor, the thing she hides behind. To be in something else? "I...guess."

Oracle has posed:
Barbara looks perhaps a little more amused than she did when Mariam was having at Bruce. "You look like you're about to pass out, Ms. O'Shea. I take it that Mr. Fox didn't warn you that you would sometimes need to dress for the occasion?" Because she TOTALLY knows that Bruce did not get a bodyguard for himself. That would be ludicrous. That leaves only Lucius in the hot seat for this one. "I promise not to dress you like a slut *or* to make you too obvious, all right?" she offers, sincere in the offer. She grins slightly. "Everyone in the place, even the caterers, are in formal wear, though. You'll be the first person removed from the board if you stand out like a sore thumb. And it would NOT be the first gala that's been crashed." It was supposed to be comforting.... but it comes across rather matter-of-fact. Wayne galas draw all sorts of attention.

Batman has posed:
    Not just Lucius, the tale is most likely more involved. Not that Bruce has been forthcoming about it. Yet the circumstances of her appointment don't stop the man from taking some small measure of amusement at her discomfort, the smile given is warm however. "To be fair, Mariam, we take great efforts regarding security. Often times it's enough, but sometimes it isn't."
    He takes another sip from his glass and then sets it down with another soft glassy clink. He gestures towards Barbara with one hand and gives a small nod, "We still have a few hours, and Barbara has rather decent taste. I would trust her instincts. She'll be able to help you perform your duties, at least in this regard, all the better."
    That having been said he gives them a nod. "I'll stay here until you two finish. Scout's honor." Another smile.

Mariam O'Shea has posed:
    That earns a glare from Mariam, head shifting sharply to the side as she pinpoints Mr. Wayne. "If you are not in this room when I come back, I swear I will start dragging you into the gym and teaching you self defense. Since I can't count on you remaining with your bodyguard who would handle that defense for you." Wrapping her righteous indignation around her like a cloak, she lifts her head and turns back to Barbara. "I would be grateful for your assistance, Ms. Gordon. I wouldn't want to disappoint the board."

Oracle has posed:
Barbara is chanting internally 'don't. laugh. don't. laugh. don't laugh.' Bruce could wipe the floor with Mariam, but she CAN. NOT. LAUGH. Even at the mental imagery of 'what would Bruce do to try to look pathetic in the gym??' running through her brain. She nods to Mariam, letting her dimpled grin break free finally. "I promise. I've had to help a few of Dad's lady officers pull guard duty like this in the past -- it's not so bad." She gestures for Mariam to follow her out and then Bruce can hear the chuckle from the doorway. "I can't even imagine that man doing self defense. He dances like a dream, but I swear every other time I see him, his head is totally in the clouds."

Batman has posed:
    An affected sigh slips from him, "Self-defense?" He shakes his head and leans almost exhaustedly against the back of the tall over-stuffed love seat that offers a place to sit in the conversation nook area near the window. "I'd rather read the phone book." He says as if that was the most boring thing he could possibly think of. Then he looks towards Barbara. "Do they still make phone books?"
    But then they're on their way out and he gives a small wave, "Try not to have too much fun, ladies." His smile is wide and warm, and then disappears as the door closes behind them. He checks the face of his watch that flickers to an active tracking program following the movements of the two women as they step out of the room. He glances after them, then back towards the tall grandfather clock and quirks an eyebrow. If he knows where they are and what they're doing... what harm would there be?

Oracle has posed:
It really doesn't take that long. Barbara and Alfred are wizards. And given Mariam's clear horror at having to do this at all, Barbara makes sure that the dress she pulls from the closet upstairs is classic and without too much embellishment. By the time she and Alfred are finished with it, it's a floor-length dress for Mariam (to hide her shoes, because those Barbara cannot loan her). She sends Mariam on ahead because she has a few other things that need to be done upstairs before she shows up for the party. That's what she has her tablet for -- she can connect to the Batcomputer to check on a couple of things!

Mariam O'Shea has posed:
    When she comes downstairs, it takes everything in her being not to fidget. The gown is long but it does follow the lines of her body moreso than she would like. Not too snug and she is fully covered but she still feels exposed. The sleeves are long thankfully, hiding her arms. The skirt has a small slit that shows her calf every once in a while but thankfully nothing more. Her usual suit skirt shows off more leg. She opted for the thigh holster which she will be able to get to quickly enough. Another surprise is at the upper portion of her back, beneath the gown. Just in case. Her hair is actually down, falling around her shoulders in a riot of loose waves. Her sunglasses are firmly in place and she opted to forgo any makeup.
    Opening the library door, she frowns upon seeing her charge is gone. Again. Letting out a sigh of frustration, she heads toward the area where the party will be held in search of the elusive Mr. Wayne.

Batman has posed:
    Isn't that just the way, that Bruce Wayne fellow having sauntered off like a bored kitty cat that went in search of something to amuse it. Luckily this time it doesn't take her too much time to find him, there in that large elaborately decorated ball room with the chocolate fountain and the string quartet playing cheerful Christmas-time music. The place is not filled with many people, only a handful so far but thankfully... Bruce Wayne is amongst them.
    When she makes her entrance, however, Bruce turns to her with that warm smile his arms out as if he was about to give her a hug as he greets her. "Hello, so glad to see you could make it." He says, perhaps loud enough to carry. But as he draws closer he instead goes for the small companionable handshake and shoulder touch, so cultivatedly affectionate and seemingly natural despite being non-commital.
    Quieter he says with a smile, "I'm sorry, miss. Have you perhaps seen my bodyguard around? I was waiting for her in the library when the guests started to show up."

Batman has posed:
    The beautifully decorated ball room is almost a window back to life in the 1920s. The sweeping breadth of that gathering place, the hard wooden floors shined and gleaming, the three stories with their wrought iron railing and elaborate conversational nooks and alcoves. An extremely talented string quartet plucks away melodically at the classics and when they slip away for a break the speakers in the walls offer seasonal music to accompany the people and their time together.
    Along the first floor walls, around the main concourse, there are two thirty foot long buffet style table assemblies where a mountain of food has been prepared and is being served by a large crew of caterers all dressed in formal wear. Waiters and waitresses drift throughout the crowd, carrying flutes of champagne and taking drink orders when needed. At the far end of the ball room is the twin open bar that offers the libations of choice.
    All in all it's an elegant answer to the holidays, and at this time of night the guests are beginning to arrive, being shown in by staff after their cars are parked by a valet. And each time they enter, there is the man of the house, Bruce Wayne. Wearing a large red poofy hat with a bright white beard on his face. He greets each of the visitors by name, smiles at them openly, and then even goes so far as to present to them a small gift from santa's sack that's sitting beside him against the wall.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony Stark arrives in style of course, a red Audi that has the word 'Sleigh' as the license plate. If you're going to go to Wayne Manor you gotta go big or else when you go home you'll hear about it the next day in the tabloids. Lacking in arm candy tonight, Stark does have an arm gift - a nice box wrapped with a great big bow. What's in the white box? Well the one thing you bring to the man who has everything of course - fruit cake. Because nothing says holiday love more than fruit cake. So, Tony is hopefully led in, gift dropped off for the host and the fun it represents, and he looks about. https://www.pinterest.jp/pin/6333255709639064/ Yeah, he's clearly come in a more entertaining fashion than he's been seen doing lately. Still, finding a place to grab a holiday drink, especially if it involves an Irish Pepperment Hot Chocolate (Peppermint hot cocoa with whiskey, it's divine), and he asks anyone in particular. "How much do you think it would cost to see if the string quarter could break out into Run DMC's Christmas song?"

Green Ranger has posed:
for the first time in weeks Tommy has a little down time, he's been needing some time away from angel groves, and with some realitives in Gotham he'd been staying the night with them dispite the possible danger. Having recalled how Damian wanted to be his student and his classes are in Canada, he figured it would be best to get the Parent's concent for this. As he has received an invitation and gotten into his best clothes, keeping his Coin and Morpher on him secreted away.

And as he rides up in his cab he swallows hard tipping the driver after paying the fair. "Merry Christmas." he says.

Coming up in a Casual formal outfit, and like always has a green undershirt under his white coat and jacket. So approaching the door presents his invitation coming in. The arrival of Tony Stark catches his eye as he allows the rich business man to go in first, and with a polite smile comes inside. Looking around at the size of the mansion, Tommy could never imagine himself living like this...."Wow, just wow." he says softly.

Mariam O'Shea has posed:
    There are others here tonight who are working yet they appear more like guests. Mariam happens to be one of them. She cannot stand directly next to her charge since he is busy playing Santa Claus for his guests, but the redhead is making sure to hover in the general area. Tonight she has been forced to forsake her beloved suit and put into an evening gown. Thankfully, it is very modest to meet her tastes, only a hint of her lower leg able to be seen when she walks. The sleeves are long and the neckline high. She still hates it, feeling completely out of sorts. Her hair is even down around her shoulders. The only thing that is still 'her' are those mirrored sunglasses which she wears at all times, despite being indoors.
    She keeps a watchful eye on anyone that gets close to Bruce Wayne, without seeming to do so. There is a flute of champagne in her hand but the observant will notice the level of liquid within never changes, even when she has taken a sip.

Batman has posed:
    When Tony makes his entrance, Bruce is already greeting an older man with a black suit and a woman a fraction of his age on her arm. "Mr. Mayor, good to see you. Merry Christmas," He offers the man a small white box after digging around in the sack for a moment, slapping the shorter man on the shoulder. "You already got my vote so I figured I should get you something anyone would love."
    So then when Tony steps through, the other billionaire smiles openly. "Mr. Stark, good to see you. I know better than to ask if you've been naughty or nice." He says with a small laugh given faint breath at the end of those words even as he offers a small white box, "All out of coal already, but here hope you enjoy it." He says.
    "Hello." He then voices towards Tommy, seeing the young man hovering near the edge of the gathering even as other guests smile and wave and make their entrance as well, strolling on past the man in the white beard. "Welcome to Wayne Manor, please. Enjoy our hospitality." He waves for the young man to join the festivities.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony Stark is happy to take the white box, as he holds out his hand. "Bruce," he says, friendly like. Sure, it's not as formal as Mr. Stark but Tony's not exactly a formal guy even in a formal setting. He looks about, "You've done well. You know if you stick with this R&D thing you may have a real future." His glasses are tinted purple, just lightly, visible when the light catches them, and he tilts the box, bringing it up to his ear before he puts it into his suit jacket, not wanting to open it and ruin the surprise for other guests. "You know I have the remodel going on in Coast City. Who do I get to help me decorate in a way that both has gargoyles and still says beach front vibe...?" Of course, he's teasing, and when the fruit case is opened there's also a nice check in there for the Wayne Foundation charities, specifically a donation to their child outreach programs.

"I appreciate you having me."

Oracle has posed:
The evening's musical entertainment and the noise of people arriving bring others in the household to do their obligatory duties. As they come down the sweeping staircase, Barbara murmurs something to Dick and splits off from him to pause and speak to a friend of her father's who has already arrived while Dick settles himself into the meet-n-greet routine on the main floor. Being one of Bruce's heirs does have its down sides. She makes her way toward the door, though, wanting to be around when her father makes his appearance. She shoots a smile at Mariam and greets the guests easily as they arrive as well. "Beachfront and gargoyles only work in Italy, I'm afraid. It just doesn't play well in a country as young as ours," she replies to Stark's tease lightly. "Good evening, Mr. Stark." Then she turns her eyes to the young man. "You look like you could use a drink," she tells Tommy with a smile. She's seen that look before -- the deer in the headlights. "Come with me, let me show you where to get something to drink."

Green Ranger has posed:
Tommy has his own gift for the party, but he smiles wanting to get the formality out of the way he comes over to greet the host of the Party. "Ah hello Mr. Wayne. I'm Thomas Oliver, I met your Son Damian a while ago. It's a pleasure to meet you at last. I'm not sure if you would have heard of me from your Son Damian. He had mentioned a desire have me teach him Martial Arts. And I had thought best to gain your consent and blessing on the matter as it would be near Vancover Canada, Angel Grove sir."

Still he does his best to be brief and polite.

Batman has posed:
    Bruce is all smiles and warmth, that white beard vibrant with holiday cheer as he looks out across the gathering of people. "I hope so, Tony. I envy you and your position with Stark Industries. You're very much the mover and shaker of the industry while me, I just sort of enjoy the ride." He grins and slaps the man's shoulder even as he shifts to greet another couple dressed to the nines as they advance to the party.
    Inside the boxes he's giving out are just small things, a filigreed mistletoe gleaming with the touch of platinum to the curve of its leaves with a small inscription of the date and the simple words of 'Merry Christmas' and the name of the artist, 'Ortega'. Small works of individual art, but nothing too terribly elaborate.
    Once those people step past he returns his attention to Barbara and Tony as he introduces them, "Mr. Stark, may I have the pleasure to introduce you to Barbara Gordon? She is the daughter of our fine city's Police Commissioner." He steps back to face her and looks towards Mariam with a smile and a wink even as he steps past. "I'm getting a touch thirsty. Get you guys anything?" He asks as he starts to step away.
    And as he does so that allows him to smile to Tommy, "Oh good, Mr. Oliver. He's very enthusiastic in his pursuit of that hobby. I appreciate you seeing to him." He takes a few steps to the side and begins to make his way towards the bar. "Can I get you anything?"
    Then over Tommy's shoulder he lifts his voice, "Barbara, would you please be so kind as to hand out a few gifts?"

Iron Man has posed:
Tony Stark is enjoying already the festive start. "Bah. I'm just lucky to have some pretty awesome people around to make this a lot easier when I get one of my wild hares that I like to go chase after. Like renewable energy...or the perfect margarita machine." As there's another introduction, he holds his hand out to Tommy and chuckles. "Mister. Mister..." he looks back and forth between the two and he doesn't at all start humming Kyrie under his voice. (For those who can't remember: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NDjt4FzFWY ). Tony does seem to have a thing for music, that's for sure.

Still, as Barbara is introduced, he holds out a hand again, "Oh look, a different first name. I was going to say no wonder no one wears name tags to these things. Merry Christmas," he offers the lovely redhead even as she was going to lead Tommy to the bar. "I like drinks..." me says, playfully muttering as if he were totally dismissed from the conversation but he follows Santa Wayne towards the bar. "I've heard good things about the Wayne wine cellars. Any suggestions?"

Mariam O'Shea has posed:
    The smile from Barbara is returned briefly then her attention is drawn to the young man approaching Bruce. Then Barbara joins in the conversation, smooth as silk. The woman has some skills. Mariam, not so much. Catching the wink from Bruce, she manages not to frown at him. She's already decided that he will be hitting the gym since he can't manage to stay put when he is supposed to. He'll get the news after the party. It's enough to put a small smile on her face as she shifts when he does.
    As he starts to head toward the bar, she is falling into step a little behind him. Just enough mirrors his movements as he walks, gaze hidden so that she can scan the crowd without it being obvious. By the time the men reach the bar, she is back to hovering about ten feet away and sipping on her champagne.

Green Ranger has posed:
As he bows his head to Mr. Wayne. "Yes, I would absolutely Love some Egg Nog." he says and pulls out a small Flash Drive. "It's a good hobby, keeps you fit, diverts energy, and keeps one out of trouble mostly. I teach Regular Classes the Youth Center in Angel Groves. I thought I would Let you go over my resume as a teacher." offering the Flash Drive that contains his Martial Art's career.

Seeing so many people here he is surprised When Tony offers him a handshake but he says, "Thomas Oliver Mr Stark, Pleasure and an honor to meet you." He's tense but slowly starting to Relax. "I was surprised to get an invitation, but I also feel I Owe Young Damian a debt of thanks. I was in Gotham looking for some run away students of mine and he helped me locate them quickly when he produced some missing persons Photos."

Oracle has posed:
He abandons her at the door, quite adequately snaking his way out of being Santa. Oooooooh! Bruce, you brat! Barbara rolls her blue eyes at Mariam as Bruce so-smoothly extricates himself -- now maybe the bodyguard can see how the man disappears on her! Then the redhead just slaps on her smile and does as the host has asked. "Merry Christmas," she replies to Tony, taking his hand. And then she points him toward the bar where Bruce is heading, commenting, "I have a fondness for the pinot grigio, myself. Do try it. I would love to speak a little later in the evening, Mr. Stark."

Turning to the door, now she's dealing with two of Gotham's oldest matchmakers. Oh crap. Bruce did this on purpose!

"Mrs. Clarington, Mrs. Fairchild... *so* nice to see you." And she is having to dodge questions about where young Grayson has gone, because didn't they see the two of you at the Halloween gala together? Surely they haven't split up yet....

Dear. God. Barbara hands them gifts and with her smile firmly in place, she comments, "You know that Bruce is right over there... with his friend Tony Stark. Two single, very handsome billionaires, ladies. We can't let that stand!"

Graceful dodge around the ladies to her father! "Hi, Dad!" She's rather mortified that he heard all that nattering. But then again, he knows the women. She hands him a gift from the bag. "Bruce is being mean, making me stand the door!" It's not like she hasn't done it before.

Batman has posed:
    That flash drive is accepted from Tommy even as Bruce makes his retreat from the front of the house role as it were, it's pocketed where the man's features are friendly but they seem to give that sort of vacuous confused look that might signify that that poor flash drive will never be looked at ever again. Though, to be fair, the truth is a touch different.
    "Sure thing, Tommy." He says even as he holds up a hand, "Egg nog, how about some mulled wine, Tony? Babs, you the pinot or the mulled wine? I'll bring both." He seems to settle on that as the decision that'll put the most smiles on the most faces. He's already slipped away then and moving off towards the bar. The crowd is pretty decent and is growing, but not likely the enormous body of humanity it likely shall be before the night is through.
    And voila, he makes the escape though Mariam shadows him enough that it looks natural as he turns to the side and smiles at her, "And you, Ms. O'Shea? Some champagne?" He's able to murmur to her subtly as he walks to the bar. But then his eyes narrow slightly at the subtle machinations of the Elder Batgirl.
    "Ah. Mrs. Fairchild and her partner in crime." He looks at the older women as they start to make their way towards him across the crowded room. Just before he reaches the bar he asks Mariam, "Want to take the bullet for me for this?" He asks of her just as the two older women descend on him.
    "Mr. Wayne, so good of you to throw this soiree!" One says.
    "Indeed, Mr. Wayne. Such a fine upstanding thing for you to do!"
    "Ladies, pardon me a moment. I have a drink order to place before it slips from my mind..." He turns back to the bar and places that order, giving Mariam a chance to be his hero.

Iron Man has posed:
"Run way students? You teach modeling, Mr. Oliver?" Ok that's not at all the same thing as run away students but maybe it was all the noise. See, he can get into this whole Mister thing as well. "Pinot Grigio it is," he asks as he gets up there to the bar, a smile on his features as he looks at the Commissioner's daughter and the predicament she's been thrust in and he grins. "That was mean," he says with amusement in his voice, perhaps even appreciation. Sometimes you just have to be that guy who helps teach lessons to today's youth...even if the lesson is 'don't forget a date to a big fancy shindig.'

but then he leans forward and he whispers...in that not really a whisper voice. "Don't look now....but I think we're being followed." He peeks back over his shoulder, and towards Mariam before he looks back to Tommy and Bruce. "How do you guys want to play this? Ahh...making a break for it. I'll remember you for this," he says as Bruce has to sneak off to get an order for Barbara and then he turns to the stalker known as Ms. O'Shea and gives a polite smile. "Oh, Merry Christmas. Didn't see you there, did we Mr. Oliver?"

Nightwing has posed:
Dick has now made all the appropriate greetings to the various Ladies of Gotham that may have an interest in the Wayne Legacy through Bruce's adopted son. Years and Years of practice with Bruce and Alfred has taught him to hide his disinterest in the activities, his smile draws attention, and his easy manner makes it so everyone believes he is their best friend.

"No Sir, Mayor, I've been lucky to avoid all of the rioting with the anti-mutant activities. You know those types of neighborhoods are not places that Bruce would want me to visit.." A quick grin, and Dick gracefully dances behind a waiter with drinks. He is quite proud of himself with that Batman-esque move to disappear in plain sight... RIGHT into the Matchmakers. Damn!

"Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, and a Wonderful Kwanzaa!!" He greets them both, "Did you know that Bruce was trying to figure out what places might have the right interactions for young Damian? He's getting older now, and I'm sure that he's going to be seen at more of these events in the future. Perhaps the right social interactions with the fairer sex would be a great opportunity?" Then he thinks to himself, ~Sorry Damian, love you bro, but every man for himself~

"You know, I think he might be near the Christmas tree..." a gentle hand on their shoulders, "..in fact, I think I see him right over there." and then he takes a few slow steps back, like leaving some wild animals, before heading in Babs' direction.

Green Ranger has posed:
Tommy accepts the Egg Nog from his host, "Thank you!" He doesn't object with his host's eccentristities. "No I teach Martial Arts. Three of my students became Foster Charges, They lost their parents in One of Rita's attacks." he doesn't explain which one. "Turns out that two of them developed mutant powers and their foster parents had intended to send the two brothers to a place called Cadmus and they and thier sister ran away to Gotham to a family relation who had passed away without them knowing about it. As their teacher I felt it part of my duties and responibility to help them." he explains. Of course with the attack that took their parents was caused by him when Rita had him under mind control. Of course Tommy felt responsible, he was. Even if indirectly.

Mariam O'Shea has posed:
    At the instruction from Bruce, Mariam opens her mouth to protest that not being her job when he is gone again. She is going to kill someone before the night is out. It looks bad on a resume to kill the person being protected though. As the two matchmakers bustle up and he makes his move, she steps directly in the path of the woman and cuts them off from continuing to chase their prey. Which is when Dick intercepts them before they get the brush off from the redhead.
    Which is when she hears voices from behind her and turns to face Mr. Stark. She gives him a faint frown as she flicks her gaze to the bar where Bruce is hiding amongst the other bodies. "Then perhaps you should have your vision checked." Social skills are not her high point. She takes a step to move around Mr. Stark and head back toward Bruce, not wanting to give him a chance to ditch her. Again.

Batman has posed:
    The bartender smiles to Bruce Wayne and fills that order fairly quickly. It looks like it's a few egg nods, some mulled wine, and a few glasses of the pinot from 89. A lovely vintage. All of the glasses are placed on the tray but the tender looks at Bruce with a small nervous smile, "Are you sure you don't want me to get someone to carry that for you, Mr. Wayne?"
    "Nonsense, Art. I have this." He picks up the tray and turns around to see... the biddies are gone, off in pursuit of the youngest of the bats. He cocks an eyebrow and then tells his ward, "Good job, Dick. I'll give you Ms. O'Shea's Christmas bonus, only fair." He says just as she gets into place close enough to hear him.
    But then he starts to bring around the drinks to those who want them, even going so far as to offer a, 'Ho ho ho!' loud enough to carry as he wanders around with it, not making Mariam's job any easier at all. The Jerk.

Oracle has posed:
Barbara hugs her father at the door, handing out more small presents and greeting people as they arrive. Jim makes his way into the crowd, laughing up his sleeve at his daughter's predicament the whole way to the bar too -- although he's waylaid by the Mayor and the mayor's wife en route.

When Dick joins her at the door, Barbara glances fearfully back over her shoulder.

Mrs. Clarington and Mrs. Fairchild are approaching Damian where he's standing near the massive Christmas tree, and before he can run off, they've corralled him into that corner and begun asking him all kinds of questions about what kind of girls he'd like to meet.

"Oh, you didn't," the redhead snickers. "Dick, that's mean."

Nightwing has posed:
As he watches them wander off, Dick actually has a legitimate grin on his face, and then he hears Bruce. "Always watching your back, Bruce..." Dick quips back, maybe feeling a /little/ bad about what happened, "...we'll call this practice for little brother." Glancing over to to Mariam, he offers a wink, "I'll share it with you..." then in a conspiratorial whisper loud enough for Bruce to hear, "...just keeping tabs on him is worth the bonus."

When he sees Babs' father, Dick offers him a friendly shake, "Happy Holidays, Mr. Gordon." but very quickly moves on when the Mayor is coming their way, whispering to Jim "Tell him that I just told you that Bruce was looking for you..." and uses the crowd to disappear again.

As Babs calls him out, he gives her the best innocent look he can muster, "Me?! What??! I swear I heard Damian asking about dating. I was just helping him out..." nope, he can't even get it all the way out before he chuckles, "...I'll give him 5 minutes, and if he's still stuck I'll go bail him out."

Iron Man has posed:
Tony Stark takes another sip of the grigio and he looks about. "Matchmakers, huh?" Yes. Yes what could go wrong with this?

Tony has a fun idea. Let's let them try to hook him up. especially if they decide to ask questions about that kind of women he likes. And so he makes his way casually enough over towards where the two women are, grinning at the redheads comment about opening his eyes. He'll get back to her later with something equally witty and quip-like if she isn't too busy trailing after Bruce.

So some nice Grigiou, a spot off to the side, close but not too close to the conversation with Dick and the yentas, and the opportunity for some mischief....perhaps.

Green Ranger has posed:
As he listens to the crowd his Eyes wonder around the area searching out for Damian, wondering where his prospective student has gone as he drinks some of his Egg Nog. He did over hear the Talk of Damian asking about Dating and biting his lip he smiles. He almost wished Kimberly could have made it with him here she'd have loved this. And as Tommy looks over at Dick Grayson he narrows his eyes a moment and then it clicks as he recalls the history he researched on the Wayne Family.

Approaching Dick Grayson he smiles offering his hand, "Dick Grayson correct?" He asks offering his hand in friendship. He has to wonder if Dick still practices those acrobatics.

Batman has posed:
    Having distributed the drinks, Bruce has made his round about way back towards the front of hall, his tray being given to one of the waiters as they pass by and he mouths a thank you to them. He'll walk up towards Babs from behind and tells her with a smile, "Thanks for covering for me, Barbara. I'll take it from here. You go, mingle, have fun." He gestures with one hand, as if shooing her off and away.
    The string quartet takes a moment for a break as they smile and nod their thanks to the smattering of applause that they're offered. Yet as they go one of them activates the speakers as Frosty the Snowman starts to be heard from the speakers high up on the walls, even as some of the people in the party are lingering around the chocolate fountain and the edible Christmas tree.
    But once they have a brief moment in what passes for being 'alone' in this crowd of people, Bruce will turn to Mariam and tell her with a small smile, "I wanted to apologize to you, Ms. O'Shea. I should have remembered to tell you I had other plans the night of the Opera. I hope you can forgive me. I'd hate for our work relationship to be strained."

Oracle has posed:
Barbara is laughing quietly, shaking her head. "You are a complete brat, Grayson." The chuckles bubble out of her easily, and she greets several more people at the door as Tommy approaches, handing out the small boxed gifts that Bruce asked her to handle.

When Bruce returns with the tray in question, the redhead helps herself to a glass of wine. Leaning up to kiss the master manipulator on the cheek, Barbara mumurs, "Thank you." Then she takes a second glass -- this one of sparkling water from another tray as it passes by -- and steps sideways to hand it to Dick. She greets Tommy with a smile, once again.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     It hadn't been more than a minute after arriving to the party, decked out in a fine looking tuxedo, almost matching the one Bruce was wearing before Damian had been accosted by a couple of matchmaking yentas. The gel in his hair hardly had time to dry before he was being asked from nearly every angle on what kind of girl he was looking for. "I uh, I." Inside the boy was just asking what cruel hell was this. "I dunno really." He said, forcing a blush on his face. "Excuse me one second." He quickly offers before attempting to slip away from the doting socialites, luckily his small stature was helpful in that.

Mariam O'Shea has posed:
    As her bonus is not truly in danger, since the board hired her and not Mr. Wayne, Mariam's response to it being given to Dick instead elicits a very unladylike snort and a roll of her eyes behind those glasses. She did give a nod to Dick before he headed off to continue his duties of visiting and rubbing elbows with all the guests. The fact that Stark left without anymore comments is a little shocking until she sees him heading for the matchmakers. Confusing but he is a little insane from the news footage she's seen.
    As Bruce moves, she contiues her duties as his shadow although she tries to be not too obvious. A bit difficult in this crowd unless she wants to get seperated, thus she kind of sticks out a little. The press of people forces her a little closer than she would be normally, putting her well in earshot when he speaks.
    "Mr. Wayne, while I appreciate your need to enertain," considering what he said was his distraction of the night before. "I do have a job and it involves keeping you safe. When you don't allow me to do that then yes, there will be a strain. I was serious earlier. I feel that you need to learn to defend yourself. I would like to teach you, if you would allow it. That way when you forget, I won't feel that you are in quite as much danger. Please." She adds the last, realizing otherwise it sounds a little too bossy. Then the crowd starts to thin again, allowing her to move back to her customary spot where she will continue her vigil as his silent sentinel for the evening.

Nightwing has posed:
"Hi!" Dick replies to Tommy as he comes up offering a hand, the Ward of Wayne gives a genuine smile in greeting as his eyes flick back from following the ladies going to bother Damian. "That's me, Happy Holidays." He knows he hasn't met Tommy before, because he is very good with faces

Dick takes the sparking water with a quick kiss on her cheek, "Thanks Babs." and looks back to Tommy, "I hope your enjoying the party." Glancing over Tommy's shoulder to see Damian disappear in the crowd, "Two minutes and thirty four seconds. Not bad..." He whispers to Babs' "...not very delicate, but quick."

Batman has posed:
    Once again at the front of the hall and giving out those small white boxes, Bruce smiles and shakes the hands of some more people joining the party. "Merry Christmas, please enjoy our hospitality." He tells them and then gesturing for them to pass on through into the room proper. He looks sidelong towards Mariam as she tells him her thoughts on matters and then takes a deep breath.
    For a moment his brow furrows as his gaze distances, but then he gives her a nod and says. "I understand your desire for that, Ms. O'Shea. And really your dedication to your job is admirable. But I should tell you that really... that's not entirely my cup of tea." He smiles to another newcomer.
    "Hello, Merry Christmas. Please, enjoy our hospitality and have fun." He gestures for that new couple to enter, then he answers Mariam back. "I have many talents, Ms. O'Shea, but I fear that might be a touch beyond the scope of them. Now if you want to give me pointers on my polo swing, I'm all ears."

Green Ranger has posed:
as he accepts the Gift he says, "Thank you." to Barbara and "Merry Christmas." he will turn to Dick and says, "Damian and I mmet recently and there was talk of him becoming one of my students. Martial Arts, and I did some reviewing of family history." he says and says, "I was very young but I was taken to one of your Shows, I was amased at your family's talent." and then his eyes looking over to Damian as he slips away, and then smirks to Dick and shakes his head. "That was mean of you." but he doesn't dwell on it.

Looking in the direction Damian went, he asks Dick, Think I should go play hero and Save him?" He asks finishing his egg nog...

Oracle has posed:
Barbara is laughing under her breath, her blue eyes alight with mischief and amusement. She doesn't participate in the pranking between the boys, but ... occasionally one of them is REALLY funny. That one was. "I'm impressed. But you should watch your back," she murmurs to Dick. "We are apparently drawing attention. I'd rather the tabloids keep talking about Bruce's love life, not mine."

Tommy's compliment to Dick's talent makes her giggles subside just a little as she slips her hand into the curve of his arm. "I definitely don't think you should," she tells Tommy, amused. "The boys all have to deal with it. Damian isn't an exception."

Iron Man has posed:
Tony Stark checks his watch and types something on it, which is the Wayne spynets are picking up he'll gladly share as he answers back a brief message and then puts it back. Finishing off his Grigio, he makes his way up to the bar and looks to the assorment and then he picks the only way he knows how. Since he can't play spin the bottle to see which bottle the alcohol lands on, he closes his eyes, waves a finger around, and taps....something. It looks expensive - fancy, a lovely purple-tinged bottle. Definitely better than what he keeps in the car...for when Happy or someone else is driving. "That will work," he says, messaging Pepper back something about her oweing him big-time for having made him attend the function by himself. There may even be a 'next time -I- bring a super model if you can't go' type message but you'd have to be close or have some fun and fancy tech to figure that one out.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian had blended in with the crowd, long enough to at least scribble down something on a bar napkin. Sleight of hand and a diminutive frame slip the napkin into Dick's jacket pocket. Upon inspection there is a quickly penned 'I know it was you, recompence will be swift and exorbitant.' written on it, the penmanship, while very good, was unmistakably Damian's.

  Before long, the young man in the tux was holding a flute of sparkling cider, taking a sip. "Hey there, Commissioner Gordon!" He says with a grin and a handshake. The youngest Wayne seems to have done well to evade the Yentas for now. But something I The back of his mind has him on edge about it, call it a sixth sense.

Batman has posed:
    Mrs. Fairchild clucks her tongue from her place near that oh so delicious looking edible Christmas tree, frowning sidelong towards Mrs. Clarington as they both lean their heads together to murmur. Their silver locks wound so beautifully and elaborately about their heads, giving them an image of elegance that must have taken some time to create.
    "I should say, Mrs. Clarington. What is the matter with today's youth?"
    "A lack of respect for society's proper mores and the execution of the tenets that maintain our class above the masses. I assure you, Mrs. Fairchild, that the younger generation is doomed."
    "Indeed, Mrs. Clarington."
    But then one of them espies the sharply defined features of Tony Start and her eyes widen. "Oh dear." She advances, "Mr. Stark. So good to see you in Gotham."
    "What could bring you here, I wonder? Does, perchance, a young lady have your eye?"
    They both seem entirely taken with this current target for now, anything to assuage the desire for scuttlebutt. But with most of the guests having arrived it at least allows Bruce Wayne to step away from the front of the hall. Timely enough that he is able to step in in that moment, extending an arm around Tony's shoulders.
    "Pardon me, ladies. I need to borrow Mr. Stark for a moment. Business, you understand."

Nightwing has posed:
"Oh? Damian in Martial Arts?" Dick seems a little taken aback, there look he gives Tommy is not one of reproach, but concern for Damian. "Well, Damian is very driven, and is an incredibly hard worker..." Dick nods as he follows his younger brother through the crowd, "...I'm sure he'd do everything you asked him. We just... don't have a lot of experience with that kind of activity... so, you know, keep an eye on him for me, ok?" returning his gaze to Tommy.

When Tommy mentions his family, Dick is well schooled to keep the smile on his face, but there is a bit of sadness in his eyes for those that know him. "The Flying Graysons. My Mother and Father taught me the benefits of dedication and training. Every show we gave was the product of hundreds of hours of practice." He gives another smile, a bit more reserved, "Thank you for the compliment, Tommy."

A small smirk crosses his features from Babs' comment, "I know..." losing Damian in the crowd again, "...hmm, lost him..." Then takes a quick look behind him, "..I'm guessing he's already got several plots in mind, and at least two of them are for the party."

Dick pats the hand on his arm, "Damian is far craftier than people give him credit for..." Dick adds to Babs comment "...I'm sure I will be on the wrong end of something funny before the night is out." And just then there's something in his pocket, which he shows to Babs, "Reap what I sow..."

Iron Man has posed:
Tony Stark is amused as he is questioned by the social hens. "Me? My goodness, I doubt there's a single lady of Gotham that I'd be worthy of. One that catches my eye? I'm sure several. Did you know any?" Yes, finally...they're given the prime opportune target to make that sort of social advancement for one of the young ladies of Gotham and as their wheels start grinding into gear, their prey is taken away. "I'm -so- sorry. If you'll excuse me, says Stark with a smile, so apologetic.

Looking to Bruce, he inclines his head and follows. "You know, I think I was this close to finding out which young lady I was supposed to invite under the mistletoe? When they start setting up matches you -know- they always start with who you should stay away from. I'm not sure if you helped me out or guaranteed that I won't be filling anyone's Christmas stocking this year," he says with a playful sigh to his billionaire counterpart, the lamenting bit clearly an act as he pulls on the front of his white tuxedo coat, walking with Bruce.

Green Ranger has posed:
as Tommy realizes the sadness, and he seems a little depressed and says, "I'm sorry I didn't mean...." and it's genuine. Tommy himself is without parents, but does have some realitives in Gotham. "I used to do Tournies as wells. But with School, students at the youth center. My grades began to suffer so I stopped the tournies to make sure my grades didn't suffer." In truth it was because he became a super Hero.

A Nod to Barbara he says, "I can understand that. And if that is the case I better be far away from you as I can before the event happens he mentions to Dick when he suspects Damian is going to repay him soon.

Oracle has posed:
Taking the note from Dick's hand and glancing at it, Barbara chuckles. "Yep. That's your little brother." Shaking her head, she simply sips from her glass of wine as she watches the party take shape around them. She keeps her hold on Dick's arm, squeezing lightly in support.

As she watches Bruce rescue Stark, it makes her laugh under her breath. Clarington and Fairchild are like sharks, she swears. Even her father hasn't escaped them a time or two. "You know... It's really too bad Tim's not here tonight. We could have made a round robin of passing them off," she teases, tongue firmly in cheek. She's so going to get it later for that one.

Batman has posed:
    Stuffing his hands into the pockets of his tuxedo jacket, Bruce smiles sidelong towards Tony as he walks with the man on the edge of the main crowd. "I wish I could help you out but I'm afraid I don't really date that often." Which, on some levels, is true. Others it's not.
    He strolls along and steps to one of those side alcoves or conversational nooks that are lovely places for people to have a discussion where the Christmas music isn't quite so loud. But the Gothamite Billionaire smiles and looks back towards Tony. "But what you said earlier started kicking around in my head. Why /haven't/ we collaborated on something? You'd imagine it'd be, what is it they call it? A no-brainer? Would make sense. Something Christmassy, technology, bombastic?"
    A waitress passes by and he'll liberate a glass from her tray, smiling as he takes up the champagne flute and then looks back towards Tony. "Something with the glamour of Stark and the steadiness of Wayne to it?"

Nightwing has posed:
Dick offers a grin in Tommy's direction, "No, it's ok, Tommy. Bruce has been an amazing role model, and Father. I've never wanted for anything. I'm sure my parents would have been very proud of the man that Bruce has raised..." No need to fake that one as he truly believes it.

"I can appreciate that..." Dick nods his head to Tommy, "...Bruce and I had talked about gymnastics when I was younger, especially what I had done up to that point, but we both agreed school was most important." With a simple shrug, he adds, "I lost touch with it, and haven't gone back since. Maybe some day..."

Then there is Babs' comment, and Dick just /looks/ at her for a moment.. no more... and then adds "I'm sure that they'd think Tim has got bats in his belfry if they talked to him." A small grin, no other hint at anything other than another bad pun.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony Stark chuckles slightly. "Well we had that one stint...during that whole people coming out of the sky thing. It worked....ish," he says with a grin. "I don't know if it worked. It was probably more worked's younger cousin." And as the clock hits the half-hour, there's a bit of an embarassing moment for Tony as he is talking with the billionaire. Apparently he forgot to turn off the setting ont he arc reactor in his chest that he had turned on earlier for Pepper that causes it to flash red-and-green like the holiday lights. He just shakes his head, and touches his chest after a moment but anyone close enough can see the bit of Christmas Disco shining from the center of his tuxedo shirt for a moment.

"Well that was classy," he says with a chuckle. "Honestly, I can tell you why. Because I tend to be a bit of a megalomanian with narcissistic tendencies that doesn't trust people and doesn't like to share. But that was my old therapist's review...from last month. In truth if the right project hit my desk that we would be able to collaborate on and would do some good, I'd be all for it."

There's no real media or press around. No reason to grandstand. It's possible Stark is serious. Though as he looks around, he says to Bruce, "Don't follow my lead too far though. You really should date. Keeps us human. These double lives....they're gonna kill us if we don't take the time to find something to enjoy." There's a pregnant pause there before he finishes. "Pillars of industry and regular people...hard to be both." Those double lives. He gestures to the folks about though, "You seem to have a good family, a good network though."

Oracle has posed:
Barbara was taking a swallow of her wine when Dick said that. It's a Bad Scene <TM>. The police commissioner's daughter sprays the mouthful of wine she'd just taken, looking horrified even as she giggles uncontrollably.

"Oh! Oh my God. I'm... I'm *SO* sorry!" Her blue eyes are VERY wide. Waiters come skittering from all directions with towels, but the shade of red that the redhead is now wearing definitely clashes with her hair. She's crimson from her chest to her hairline with mortification.

Green Ranger has posed:
"Well sadly I never knew my parents. So when I started getting rebelious I was..." And then when all the events came down and he manages to not avoid getting sprayed with anything as he says and bites his lips. "I have to wonder if people around Gotham all have bats in their belfry at times." he says dead serious. shaking some of the liquid off of him and accepting a towel. Tommy has no idea what that was all about but considering Gotham's Local hero is The Batman, he supposes it fit with the line of puns.

Batman has posed:
    "I was tempted to start dancing." Bruce says as he looks towards Tony, but he gives a nod at what the man had said but moments before his chest reactor started to trip the light fantastic. "True. I wasn't involved in that much at all to be fair. I just signed my name to the documents that let the big brains work together." He pushes one of the chairs away from the small built in table in the wall alcove and sits down, gesturing for Tony to join him should he so wish.
    "Well, Mr. Stark. I've read some of the papers you've written." Which, that admission might be fairly surprising to him. "And some of the ones written about you. If there is technology you're curious about with Wayne Industries, I would not mind a sharing of information if it would be for a good cause. At this point I feel innovation is more important than pure profits."
    There's a pause as he looks out over the dance floor then he looks back and smiles, "Though, to be fair, it would take some convincing the board."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian eventually follows back up to Dick, Barbara, and Tommy. Getting sprayed with wine. Green eyes close with a small shudder. "Mister Oliver, I see you received my invitation." He says, quickly accepting one of the waiter's offered towels. "Not how I envisioned my first drink, Miss Gordon."

  Luckily, apart from some spots of off-white, no damage done.

Green Ranger has posed:
Sadly Tommy's main coat is white with the green under shirt so his over coat now has large splotches of discolored on it and he looks down with a Sigh. And he starts to take it off with some reluctance. Thankfully his shirt is untouched, as ar his pants.

"Yes I did it's good to see you Damian, and please call me Tommy. I was mentioning your interest of Martial arts to your Older brother here."

Iron Man has posed:
"We could. It's the 21st century. I usually like to be bought dinner first before I dance with men I just met..." he says with a chuckle but takes out a card. "I know folks know how to get a hold of each other but this is a bit more...direct method. If one of those projects you sign your name to comes across your desk...feel free to reach out and I promise I'll do the same. There's too much strange stuff out there for me to worry about who's name is on what. I just want to make a difference before I die a horribly tragic death that is sure to make at least three people weep real tears."

He pats Mr. Wayne affectionately upon the shoulder, and smiles, "Go celebrate with your family. I appreciate you taking the time. I have to get back to New York so I can get to Coast City with Pepper. Apparently my Christmas present to her is a vacation. Or so she tells me that's what I got her."

Nightwing has posed:
And then there was a wine shower for the oldest of Bruce's wards. Dick blinks slowly, very slowly, and it is readily apparent that he is trying so very very hard to not burst out laughing. His top lip bitten firmly between his teeth, and he slowly wipes the wine off his face... which he stealthily covers his own chuckle behind his hand...

"You ok, Babs?" also taking a towel to wipe off his face, and then taking another to give to the Red Red-Head.

He undoes the blue snowflake bow tie that Alfred suggested he wear, putting it in his pocket, "Happy Holidays, Damian..." and wraps an arm around him for a quick hug, very quick given he knows what he's getting into, "...we'll get you a real drink."

Batman has posed:
    Accepting the card, Bruce Wane gives a nod to Tony Stark. "I appreciate your coming by. Let me know if you throw a party this year. I've always wanted to go to a Tony Stark Get Together," One can almost hear the TM at the end of those words. He pockets the card and then gets up in time to shake the man's hand, giving it a firm two pumps and then done as is proper for men conducting business.
    "You enjoy yourself, Tony. And again. Thanks."
    That said, Bruce returns to the ebb and flow of the party, surrendering himself to the madness of social activity.

Oracle has posed:
Taking the towel, Barbara's giggles hold perhaps an edge of hysteria. She doesn't think she's ever been so embarrassed in her *life*. Giving her glass to one of the waiters, she takes the towel from Dick and she shakes her head slightly in the negative. Struggling as hard as she can to stifle the ridiculous laughter, Barbara murmurs, "Oh God. I'm *so* sorry, guys." She turns on her heel and, holding the towel to her face, she flees up the sweeping staircase. The boys can hold the fort down tonight -- she's not showing her face again!

Green Ranger has posed:
as he drapes his jacket over his arm he says. "Well that was interesting." he says and sighs. "Well, Damian I gave your father my resume as an instructor so if you are still interested and he is willing I am more than willing to accept you as a student." he says. And then looking to Dick, "I hold regular classes. Novice through expect levels, and at some point we will need to Spar so I can get an estimate of your skill level." he says and will at some point need to fully spar with Damian. To get an idea of his skill level.

Nightwing has posed:
When Babs heads off with the towel over her face, Dick frowns as the smirk disappears, "Hey Tommy, nice to meet you... We will need to catch up soon. Especially after you've had a chance to work with Damian.." He pats Damian on the shoulder, "...I owe you one, I know. You'll get me back later, that ok lil' brother?" but doesn't wait for a response.

As he follows Babs, he smiles at Bruce, "Sorry, Bruce. My fault totally. I'm going to go check on her...." and then he disappears amongst the crowd, then takes the stairs two steps at a time.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "Oh, yeah, that's fine." Damian gives a bit of a sigh as Dick makes his exit. He wasn't really going to do much in retaliation. He looks to the martial arts master. "Just another Wayne soiree it seems." As if this was 'normal' for events like this.

Green Ranger has posed:
as he smiles to Damian and says, "At least it's home." he says To Damian. And heads off to Socialize as well.