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Latest revision as of 10:20, 4 January 2018

A Storm's Coming...
Date of Scene: 07 December 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Starfire, Raijin

Starfire has posed:
    Under the shadow of the Titans Tower, the world was mostly quiet. Mostly.

    On this bright wintery day, it was fairly cold outside, but... people still had to work, still had to commute. Still had to... what was that?!

    A scream? And there, in the street, someone running away from a woman, purse clutched in their hand?! Who would dare do such a thing, so near the Tower itself? Who would...

    The person running was running very very quickly, going at least fourty-miles-per-hour, ducking and weaving through the crowd, their face covered with a bandana style mask.

    Oh, that's who would dare. Someone with superpowers.

Raijin has posed:
Rayner was just walking on the street, whistling a little bit to himself musically, clearly some kind of european traditional song, though to which culture is hard to say. Perhaps Italian or French? Regardless, Rayner turns his head at the scream only to..almost in slow motion..lean out of the way of the masked man's running charge. Taking a moment to see if the woman was okay, Rayner seems to vanish in a stroke of electricity, reappearing in his full black tattered robed garb as Raijin!

Cracking his neck a moment after flicking up his hood, he narrows his eyes and power leaps, attempting to hop over a tall building and land in front of the man with apparent superpowers. "Hold it!" he shouts.

Do note....Raijin is not the most diplomatic metahuman in the world.

Starfire has posed:
Such a thing may be hard to tell. The woman herself was a little suspicious. "Yes, yes, of course! Get my stu... purse back!" they would say, waving their hand in the direction of the dashing person. But Raijin lands in their path, and the thief pauses a moment further, with a huge GASP.

It might be obvious that the thief was superpowered. Around the bandana, they had skin as orange as a... ... orange, and glowing green eyes that narrow as soon as the thief manages to recover from the appearing hero. Sienna hair mashed up beneath a black beanie, the thief also wore a dark, long-sleeved top. And pants. And who said anything about the thief being a he? It was obviously a woman.

"No!" says the thief, deepening her voice to sound more like a man. "I will not stop with my crime! For I have stolen the purse, and no hero will ever be able to stop my evil actions! For I am a thief! So go away!" With that, the thief turns away from Raijin, and bolts... straight up the side of the building, ending up on the roof, with many curious onlookers.

They could either run so fast they could run up walls...! Or could fly.

Raijin has posed:
Raijin notices something odd about the words of the woman...but that was something to worry about later. these strange features of the thief definately catch his attention...could it be a mutant with a more physical mutation, a strange Metahuman who just has something to do with the color orange...or is it an alien? In truth, Raijin just kinda hoped it was the last one. He hadn't met an alien before.

One thing he did know? That was a rather strange way of saying you stole a purse. "Give it back or this will not end pleasantly for you. Surrender now and-" then the thief is gone! 'come on...I was still talking...' he mumbles inaudibly to himself before he literally turns into electricity and scales up the side of the building hot on the thiefs trail!

After reappearing in his physical form, he lands on his feet. "Huh...you must be a gifted thief if you have the abilities you do. But I'm afraid I'm still going to need that purse back."

Starfire has posed:
And a pigeon quirks its head to the side, releasing a quiet coo. The thief, such as she was, whirls on one foot, turning back towards Rayner, her eyes narrowing dangerously as she was followed by the electric superhero. "This purse will help fund my most heinous deeds. There is a large amount of most wonderful money and stolen goods for me to sell!" she says, her tone of voice still artifically deepened.

"And if you will not leave me alone, then I must strike you!"

The thief's eyes glow a sharper green - and twin beams arc out from her eyes, striking the roof and leaving a burn mark. But that was just a warning shot! The second pair of eyebeams are headed straight for his shoulder!

Raijin has posed:
Raijin looks at Starfire with a wary glance, taking a small breath as she goes on a bit of a speel about how what she just stole will help her ambitions and will help her do this and that and blah blah blah. Raijin doesn't pay attention to those sorts of details, but he takes this woman quite seriously. Least he thinks it's a girl. The body is feminine enough. though it could be one of those weird situations where it's a dude who just looks like a girl and....not the point.

Raijin looks at the roof as she blasts her eyebeams at it, causing Raijin to whistle. "Not bad. How many powers do you have?" he asks silently, before those beams start flying at him! He leans just slightly out of the way right in the nick of time, rolling to the side, Lightning arcs up Rayners arms and he throws a chain of lightning at the thief!

"I warned you! don't blame me for what happens!" of course he wasn't going to try to kill the thief....he's just trying to give 'em a little scare.

Nothing bad about that right?

Starfire has posed:
Now who said this thief was Starfire?! Really, what assumptions this Raijin person was making. It could be one of those weird situations indeed. Eyes still narrowed after the eyebeams don't find a home, the thief crinkles the purse in her spare hand, straightening up and kinda hovering a little bit off of the rooftop. She /was/ flying. And had her shoulders squared all intimidating.

And honestly, she might be fairly intimidating. She was kinda tall, and with those glowy eyes...

Right until the electric beam lances her way. With a bit of a squeak, she swoops to one side, letting the electricity lash by her. Her free - non-pursing bearing hand - lights up with a green flame, and Starf... the Thief twists around, throwing that fiery bolt towards Rayner. "You will find that my thiefy flames are /most/ unpleasant!" she calls out, her tone of voice turning a bit vicious.

Raijin has posed:
And this is when Raijin knew that this was no ordinary thief...not in the slightest. Though what was even more curious...why was she attempting to steal a -purse-? She has enough firepower, obviously, to rob some high security bank somewhere. Maybe even Fort Knox?

Regardless of her capabilities, he seems to sigh when he realizes she may, in fact, be stronger than he is. Father always told him to never underestimate an opponent...so he enters a fighting stance, clearly one that would allow him to move -fast-. likely a modified running stance. Though...she -squeaks- when he misses.

"What? not expecting that?" he mocks lightheartedly, before he turns serious when she throws a firebolt at him. Though he wondered if he could take the hit due to his impressive durability, he elects not to take the chance, instead moving like lightning, appearing right in front of her suddenly as the bolt she threw hits the exact spot where he used to be.

Though if she was fast enough, he was back to normal speed, with a lightning-powered punch aimed right for her chest!

Though he was possibly aiming to knock her to another building across the street. He was playing nice because he has the gentlemanly quality of 'Don't hit a girl'. So needless to say he's feeling kinda bad right now.

Starfire has posed:
And that lightning powered punch /does/ strike the thief dead center - knocking her off of her 'feet', so to speak, the purse released by her and tumbling straight up in the air - it would fall onto the roof if ignored. The thief herself? Flies through the air, almost impacting the building across the street - but at the last minute, she airbrakes, managing to shake her head and turn her fierce gaze back towards Rayner.

"So!" she says, forgetting to do the thief voice for a moment. The bandana had fallen free, revealing the face of... ...

That /was/ Starfire! Some of those in the audience who are a bit on the slow side no doubt gasp, but the woman herself floats forward, clenching her fists tightly. If Rayner were to look in the purse, there would be nothing but a brick in it. "Your punch is most powerful, but..."

People tended to take Starfire not quite so seriously. Which might help her out in situations like this. You know, where she was actually trained as a Tamaranean martial artist, and she kinda lunges forward, ducking down and bringing up a hand in a quick, straight punch to Rayner's own shoulder.

In spite of this not really being a robbery, she wasn't... um... holding back with that punch.

Raijin has posed:
Raijin looks a little guilty, even though reasonably only the lower part of his face is visible...until he lifts his face up to see Starfire. His ocean blue eyes glowing with power for a moment as he lands right on the edge of the building. Looking then to the purse, he'd see it looked heavy. What kind of purse has -that- much weight in it? He opens it up only to find a brick. He can't help but blink at it.


He's been had. he stands up straight, and looks to Starfire -just- in time to see her bomb rush him with a punch aimed for his shoulder! Though he manages to lift his hands up -barely- in time, he gets knocked across the rooftop pretty good, only reason he stayed on the roof at all is that he dug his hands into the roof itself, causing him to drag and slow his momentum. Though he stands back up straight. He looks completely unharmed. "Not bad." he enters a Wing Chun martial arts stance lightning arcing and radiating around him gloriusly, giving him a terrifying display that is meant for intimidation. "Let's try this properly." he smiles then, rushing back at her with a flurry of delicate, yet -powerful- strikes aimed for many different parts of her body!

Raijin wasn't playing anymore.

Starfire has posed:
And neither was Starfire, actually. Floating just a little bit above the ground helped her with her speed - perhaps how she 'ran' through the streets earlier. And she was very nimble - darting this way and that with each of the punches shot her way, her eyes starting to narrow in on Raijin's face. Her own style was not Wing Chun.

It was a style that relied a lot on strength, and with the last little punch sent her way, Starfire 'leaps' backwards - more like flies backwards, quickly.

This whole situation was a little deceitful, but the young Tamaranean did enjoy the spirit of the moment. But the edge of her lips lifts upwards. She always did enjoy fighting, as much as possible, her eyes narrowing further as that electric display is shown.

With a /leap/ upwards, she swoops over Raijin's head - but as she does so, more of those starbolts were thrown down at him. A bombing run, of sorts, before she lands on her feet beyond him - letting gravity take her body weight now, she turns quickly towards him. Hopefully as those starbolts strike him.

Raijin has posed:
Starfire could clearly be able to tell that Raijin, while appearing to be at least 24, is quite experienced in hand to hand combat. Though he appeared just a little surprised he could fend off Starfire with his strikes. His eyes then become cold and calculating, as if planning what else he could do....though at the same time he doesn't know how fast Starfire is...so he's just playing it safe all around.

Though when she flies right over his head, he can see her hands glow but with the amount of power he feels she's about to unleash...and to satisfy his own curiousity, he stands his ground and raises his arms over his head defensively as he becomes battered with her starbolts. Though when the smoke clears, Raijin is standing there, looking unharmed. But she could tell that hurt him...and his blue-lightning trimmed robes were a little more tattered now than normal.. "Heh...I felt that." he grins.

After her reaction, his hands channel a powerful lightning, and with a slamming palm to the ground, he creates a lightning-fueled ripple affect along the roof in an attempt to knock Starfire down with pure concussive power. Say goodbye to the top-portion of the roof, but here's hoping it hits her.

But she could tell that Raijin may be enjoying this a little.

Starfire has posed:
Starfire was very fast - and very strong. Although, do keep in mind that she wasn't ~trying~ to actually hurt Raijin. But she was getting a sense of his strength, and kinda realizing that he was able to handle quite a bit of power. And she was okay with that. Slowly, she was hitting a little harder and harder each time, until she was finding the limit of his strength.

It wasn't quite a normal interview, but pizza and mustard could come later, perhaps.

That little grin on her lips only grows brighter as he admits that he was hurt - but only until Starfire notices that electric shock arcing through the air, and rattling through the building. Starfire lunges back, managing to avoid the grounding ripple of electricity.

Although she GASSSSPS. "Stop! Stop!" she cries, holding her hands up in the air and waving them. "This building is not for being destroyed!" says the thief, dangling in the air, still dressed in all black, looking most upset at these turn of events. "It is a business, with people inside, yes?!"

Raijin has posed:
Raijin would smile then to Starfire...not enough to make that roof crumble down on the building itself and hurt people, but enough to give the cememt on it a little rumble. The lightning was the real attack. Though whne he hears and sees her attempting to cease him, he grins. "I knew it." he chuckles then, rising to his feet. "Don't worry. I was testing my own theory."

A small bow then. "Thanks for the fight." he smiles then. "Though if you wanted my attention, why not simply ask me to face you?" a teasing smile then. "Regardless, I would never knowingly endanger the people I swore to defend. Even if it meant losing to my opponent. My name is Raijin." named after the Thunder God? curious.

Starfire has posed:
A long ragged sigh comes from the lips of the Tamaranean. And Starfire brings up a hand to pull off her beanie, letting her sienna hair flow free over her shoulders, hanging down over the same. Tucking that into the hem of her pants, she starts to float back downwards, landing lightly on the rooftop - and pressing on it a little bit with her toes.

Just to test it wasn't crackling and crumbling. Her eyes narrow.

"You had fooled me - I thought you were going to destroy the building just to stop a snatcher of the purse!" she says.

Another moment, and she steps forward, offering one of her hands for a shake. "Hello, friend Raijin! I am Starfire, of the Titans - I have been told that you have spoken to my dear friend Breath, and that you were interested in such a thing?" A beat, and she cants her head to one side. "And... perhaps it was slow, but I wished to see how you would respond - the Titans are established to fortify and strengthen the community and those around us, so... it is most important to see how you would have done things, yes?"

Raijin has posed:
Raijin smiles to Starfire warmly. Lo and behold, he was true to his word. The cement she'd touch was very stable. A well enough placed ruse that was done in order for Raijin to confirm if Starfire was -really- a thief. After all...who steals a brick and makes a show of it?

"I apologize for the trickery, but trickery must be excellently answered with trickery no? I couldn't resist." though he was no trickster by any means...he's just clever. When a hand is extended towards him for a handshake, a smile touches his features as he lowers his hood since Starfire took off her beanie. His hand reaches out to shake hers. No electricity. A kind soul it seems as he gives her hand a good shake. Firm, yet paradoxically gentle.

"A pleasure to meet you Starfire." though then he hears about the Titans. "Ah...a woman named Breath told me about you...just didn't think we'd meet so soon. This is an ideal I can find myself behind...I can see the reasoning for the test. I have interest in joining the Titans, if you would welcome me." A warmness then.

"Though if there are trials yet to pass...."

Starfire has posed:
Starfire purses her lips tightly, waiting a handful of moments.

Starfire's grasp was firm, and strong, but she wasn't exactly showing off - anymore. "Well. I am not much for deception, except when it is needed. But I felt that this would be great fun, and I am most overjoyed that you did what you did," she says with a laugh, bringing up her hand to hold over her chest. She laughs, bright and free and clear.

"I was most anxious when I saw that big thunderclap. I was worried very much that I would be getting an angry letter from the person that owned this building, saying, 'Starfire - we have had our building damaged due to your antics, and now you must pay for everything!" she says, her laughter musical now.

"Breath? Oh, she is one of my dear friends indeed; I am grateful that you met her."

A handful of moments, and she pauses, setting her hands on her hips and considering the other. "There are no /trials/ really," says Starfire. "But I wish for you to try to meet my friend Colette, or Robin - I would like their opinion before making a decision, yes?"

And the rest of the conversation was small talk and idle banter, Starfire answering questions and having many of her own. If Rayner was not careful, there would be pizza involved in the next handful of minutes.

Mustard pizza. Yes, the pizza place just a few blocks down knew her by name. But most of these people did.