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Latest revision as of 10:21, 4 January 2018

Date of Scene: 07 December 2017
Location: Classified
Synopsis: Skye sneaks off to visit Magneto. Fury drops in, and Skye becomes a hapless victim in the mindgames between Fury and Erik. All within minutes. Not to mention manipulated into probable future trouble.
Cast of Characters: Quake, Nick Fury, Magneto

Quake has posed:
Word always carried. SHIELD, they gossip almost as much as a bunch of mages. Of course, it didn't help the Skye didn't always follow the rules when it came to procurring her information..

There's a story about curiousity and cats, and while Skye wasn't a cat, she was curious. Infinitely so. And the lastest visitor to SHIELD's security area, and the measures taken to keep him from causing trouble, had her wondering just what the kerfluffle was about. Logic said said the best way to find out more was to go and meet the man himself.

Okay, Logic says she should keep her hands off, but not listening to that voice is what had gotten her dragged into SHIELD in the first place.

Smartly, she left her gear behind. Just a girl paying a housecall.

Nick Fury has posed:
    The cloud of smoke that signals the arrival of the Director of SHIELD was sweet smelling, one of the finest Cuban cigars that Fury could acquire. As he passes several Agents, all of them wrinkle their noses, but none of them are brave enough to comment. After all, this was the General. This was the Director. This was Fury.

    "Agent Johnson. Of all the Agents of SHIELD, you are the one I least thought likely to be down here, amongst the deep, dark dungeons of SHIELD. WHat brings you here?" Fury's eyes look at the high security doors with a satisfied look.

    Funny how Fury went through all the security protocols without having to divest himself of anything. After all, for this house call, he was not wearing any metallic substances. Not that that would stop the Omega-level mutant behind those foreshadowed security doors.

Magneto has posed:
    Erik lowers his book, using his thumb to mark his place at the bottom of the spine and he lowers it onto the table with a glance towards the plastic bridge being extended towards his floating cell. His eyes widen for a brief moment at the unusual arrival and the undue timing of his newest visitor. Standing when Skye enters the room as ever the gentleman, Erik brings the book up with him and crosses his arm softly. Not as a sign of disinterest, but for the sake of comfort.

    "Good afternoon." The man says with a polite smile, and a softer nod. "What have you come charging into the lion's den to discover?" But Erik then shifts his attention to the director, the man himself. "Fury. We have the seniorest officer and the greenest horn. What's the occasion?" He asks casually.

Quake has posed:
The cloud of smoke is a dead giveaway as to who she's being joined with even before she turns or he's spoken a word.

So much for sneaking behind the boss's back and having a nice, quiet, incognito visit with their 'guest'. Not that Skye is horribly surprised. Fury seemed to have eyes and ears all over the joint. That or incredibly good luck. She wasn't sure which, or if it mattered. He was here now.

"The least?" Skye grins and quirks a brow at her boss while tossing him a negligent shrug. "Surprise?"

They pass on through, and Skye lets their guest address them first. "Hardly charging," Skye grins at Erik. "You wouldn't believe the bitch security is if you run in the hallways." But she's curious, herself, as to what brought Fury down this way. Surely not just to check up on her.

Nick Fury has posed:
    "Never surprised, Agent Johnson." Fury quirks a small smile. He looks at her, and says, "I always know everything that is going on within SHIELD. And outside it. Makes things...safer that way."

    As they move forward, Fury takes his eye off of Johnson for a moment, and regards Erik thoughtfully. Removing the cigar from his mouth, Fury exhales thoroughly, places his hand that contains the cigar behind his back, and shakes his head. "You know. For a big shot "Omega" level mutant, you were caught pretty easy." His eye looks over Magneto, then the room, then the barrier, and finally the bridge as they move across, Skye and Fury.

    "Never thought I'd see the day. I thought you were made of more principled stuff, Erik. Truly, I did. Being involved in this mess...tsk, tsk..." Fury sighs, and returns the cigar to his mouth. "Reprehensible." A pause. "Why don't you tell us what is REALLY going on? And why you let yourself get caught?"

Magneto has posed:
    Erik quirks an eyebrow up at Skye and Nick, his grey gaze going from one to the other. "I'm sure you could divine my confusion young Agent." The master of magnetism says towards Skye before his attention shifts towards Nick.

    "Fury, I'm embarrassed for you if you honestly think I was captured. I saw the writing on the wall, I came along peacefully to not only help myself but to be an example for my people." Erik says, his posture still perfect and up right, he's got nothing to hide. Not from them.

Quake has posed:
"Young Agent," Skye mouths, shaking her head. Seems you got a level 2 badge and suddenly people talked to you like you were the man.

Fury's words she mulls over. Everything, huh? She wondered about that. He wouldn't let what she'd done sit so lightly if he knew, would he? Or was that an opening to let her confess? But in front of Erik? No. That wouldn't do. Hell, even if it were, how stupid did he think she was? She wouldn't lay that one down in front of May. Or Nat, even. If those cards hit the table, they'd hit then in front of Fury alone, and with a few precautions in place.

Paranoid Skye was paranoid. It's why she had this little secret in the first place.

Nick Fury has posed:
    Fury puffs on the cigar and studies Magneto with a cold, calculating look. "Uh huh. Your people. You. Set an example." Fury frowns, and looks over at Johnson. "Well, I can see I am not going to get anything useful from him Agent Johnson. Feel free to continue with the...interview." Strategic and calculating, Fury didn't say, "Interrogation." Lowering his voice, he cautions. "Be careful. He's smart."

    With a last look at Erik, and a last exhale, Fury turns, and heads back the way he came. After all, he can always review the recordings of their discussion later. Might make for interesting late night watching.

Magneto has posed:
    "I chose to give myself up, not my mind." Erik says in response before turning towards young "Agent Johnson, the eager student wanting to rise up in the ranks, so new that you shouldn't be here, but not new enough that Fury doesn't trust you. To some extent. That or you're the most expendable agent I've ever met." Erik says, his gaze slowly turning to level on Skye.

Quake has posed:
Skye isn't a Nat or a May. Her heart is on her sleeve most of the time, and the fact that Fury is leaving her to 'visit' with Erik, without any further admonitions, earns something of a widening of eyes by way of a startle. Sure, the place is probably bugged to the nth degree and nothing she does will remain a secret, but even so.. She's not sure she'd have left her.

Erik gets a frown. He's probably right about that expendable thing, even if she'd pulled their asses out of the first during the Hydra attack. Then again, they hadn't completed that mission, and she was vital to it. Nobody knew her code like she knew her code. Still, it was a small measure of comfort.

Skye shrugs. "I think I amuse him. Up until a month or so ago I wasn't sure they were keeping me." Keeping her. Her not running away. Semantics.

Magneto has posed:
    Erik chuckles softly as he moves to sit down and places his book on the clear plastic table. "Is that something that you really want to be telling me? I thought you were here to interrogate me, not the other way around." Erik notes as he leans back in his chair.

Quake has posed:
Oh, that gets a snort of amusement from the young woman. "Do you /see/ a jumpsuit on me?" There's an impish grin that settles on her lips. "The badge was just to get past security."

She follows along without invite, and takes up a perch on the edge of the table. "Interrogation, huh? That's a pretty dirty word. I feel like I should protest and make you take it back." The title of his book is idly checked out as she speaks. "You tell me. What is it I shouldn't be telling you? And I thought I'd come to satisfy my curiousity. Did someone change the agenda and not tell me?"

She looks up to regard Erik. Still smiling, but patiently calm.

Magneto has posed:
    Erik seems to be reading of The Bard himself, a copy of MacBeth and he even turns the book as she looks over it. Cute how she's trying to scare him with the unfound weight of her words. This draws a small smile from his lips as he watches her do the usual power moves of claiming a higher seat, and remaining somewhat standing. All things Erik has done in his long historied past.

    "The agenda is always in flux young lady. It'll behoove you to take that to heart. Some peoples agenda's may not be in line with your own. Even if you're on the same side." Erik notes.

Quake has posed:
"Well, nobody told me the agenda was in flux. In fact, nobody told me that there was an agenda."

Except, he had. Fury's excusing himself probably stood as a coded 'we'll talk when you're done here, Agent Johnson', which she wasn't exactly looking forward to. Still, it hadn't really changed her method of attack - poor choice of mental words there, Skye, you didn't come to attack, just to satisfy your own curiousity.

It occurred to her that she'd just been tossed out between the two sides like a chew toy. Both were going to get their teeth in her and leave her just a little bit ragged for the tug-of-war that would ensue. She had no doubt she was being used. Would be used by both. The trick, now, would be how much of her integrity she could keep.

"I heard the recruitment speech when I got here. And we didn't exchange names. Skye if you care." He likely didn't, but for the purposes of what she'd been left here for, and what Erik likely wanted, he'd want a name. She thought about tossing Daisy out there, but Daisy was a weakness she'd thrown away. Even if Skye was a whole other liability. "MacBeth, huh? I prefer the Tempest. It's supposed to be the most autobiographical of his works. I think it marries the dark of MacBeth with a lot more sophistication. A nice revisiting of his themes."

Magneto has posed:
    "Just because you can revisit themes, doesn't mean you should. Sure he had grown as a writer and a man when he wrote the Tempest, but MacBeth is such an expression of artistic measure."

    "Skye, that is a wonderfuly beautiful and ambitious name. Names are important Agent Johnson, they are our identities. They literally are who we are." Erik waxes philosophical for a few minutes with Skye before he cants his head towards the agent in his glass case with him. "What is it you came down here hoping to learn?"

Quake has posed:
Skye crinkles her nose at Erik. "MacBeth is raw. Tempest has all that passion with finesse thrown in to boot. I'd have thought you'd appreciate that. But I'll give you MacBeth is a lot better than say Romeo and Juliet. Even Merchant. Pretty infantile stuff in comparison really."

His dissecting of her name gets a calm regard that ends with the woman quirking a brow at him. "Wow. Okay. So we're going there, huh? Names. Speaking of, I noticed you didn't give one. But we can play that way."

She grins at him, settling her butt more firmly onto his table. "Let's pretend we both don't know my boss is going to haul my ass to his office once I'm done here. Or, wait, was I not supposed to have noticed that? What was it you said? I'm expendable? Likely. I have a shiny badge that lets me putter in IT. Delightful, huh?"

It's not really a lie. It does let her putter there. And she has. For reasons. Not to mention everyone generally assumes that's her job. Except when they haul her ass out to handle an overload of security checks. Generally, Skye is a ghost in the machine here. Unless you know, you don't know.

"I came to see what they'd holed up in this bunker. Fury was just an added bonus of 'oh great' in my day. What's your story?"

Magneto has posed:
    "My story is in the papers, and the internet. If you're so inclined, you can look it up. I'm certain I have a wikipedia page." Erik says with a chuckle. "I hope I'm up to your expectations." Magneto notes, as he pulls his thumb from his book and with both hands on his knees he pushes up and stands next to Skye. "Fury must be expecting you to draw some information via this conversation. I sincerely hope you don't disappoint him."

Quake has posed:
Skye waits till he's standing to reply, watching him with a modicum of disbelief. "Right. So we've decided I'm stupid, then. Because *everybody* knows the internet doesn't lie. I'd have thought you'd have relished the opportunity to spread the good word according to Magneto to someone who was far enough down the totem poll to not have drunk the koolaid yet. Isn't that what you evil types live for? Wait.. no.. you're not evil. You're just drawn that way. Misunderstood. Severely underquoted."

Skye chuckles wryly. "At least you're doing it to my face. I suppose I should be grateful for that. And what's the hardon for Fury anyway? You're not stupid. You turned yourself in, so what is it you think you're going to accomplish sitting in the comforts of our holding pens? Just hoping for a peon like myself to wander on down and fill their head full of nonsense? Or are we conveniently keeping you alive until you can figure out how to deal with some other threat. Hoping a way to escape will present itself."

She shakes her head. "I had no expectations wandering in, but I'm fast forming a few. Why don't we bypass the bullshit and head on over to what it is you want me to say to Fury. Save us all some trouble, hrm?"

Magneto has posed:
    "I'm not here for my sake Skye. I'm-- Good try." Erik says with a tap of his nose then a wink to Skye. The mutant then walks towards the doorway and with a curt nod he motions outwards. "I think it's time you head out Agent Johnson. I think it will be better to for the both of us. Knowing you're squirming as Fury tries to pry any information out of you is worth having been locked up." Magneto says with another disarming smile as he tries to usher Skye out of his cell.

Quake has posed:
Skye laughs, then. "Flattery won't get you anything, really. Really nice try. Not sure who or what you're used to dealing with, but I'm pretty sure that little line of bullshit doesn't work on them either. Worth your having been locked up for?"

She hops off his table. "Shame. I was thinking this could have been a fun little talk. Of course, you're still here, and I'm still out there. Nothing is stopping me from visiting again. Anything I can bring you? You know, that security won't take from me on my way in."

She waits by his table for his answer, not yet moving towards the door.

Magneto has posed:
    "I'll be here when ever you're ready to just chat. Just don't expect to come down here and trick me to giving you some information I'm not comfortable in letting you know." The master of magnetism says with a smirk. "Do me a favor though. I want you personally to contact my daughter. She's in Genosha and I'm certain she could use some words of encouragement." Lensherr says with a soft nod, waiting for the young agnet to finally leave him some free time.

Quake has posed:
"Me? Trick you?" Skye snorts, pushing away from the table. "Told you, I came to see what we had down here. On my own dime. Fury was a fluke. I'm as transparent as they come. But you're kinda cute in that condescending way."

Which is to say not at all.

"Gotcha. Daughter. And I'm supposed to be the whiz who finds her." Skye chuckles, making her way to the exit. If she were just the IT girl, odds were she probably couldn't find her. At least not without setting off all the red flags along the way - which begged, just who or what did Magneto think she was? Of course, now, damn the man, she /was/ going to look the girl up - at least virtually. Whether or not Skye contacted her? That was a whole different matter.

"I'd say it was nice, but we'd both know I was lying. I did enjoy myself."

And barring any comebacks, she's gone.