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Latest revision as of 11:02, 4 January 2018

The 12 Drinks of Christmas
Date of Scene: 17 December 2017
Location: The Lux, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Lucifer, Ravenna Levesque

Lucifer has posed:
It's Christmas and so the staff of the bar is usually dressed as Hunky Santas or Cute Elves. Of course, he, and usually security and the bartender herself, are exempt from that. Of course if the staff is in a theme (such as toga night or something) you're expected to match the color. So with every one in red and green today as it gets close to the holiday, one hopes you join along!

He's in his booth at the moment though, sitting back, enjoying time to himself, watching people dance or drink or try to impress each other with feats of alcoholism or tales of fake accomplishments. When he asks one of the servers to have you come over and chat with him for a few.

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
Ravenna Levesque is always dressed professionally when she works, because she takes her job as the Sommelier very seriously. That could be due to the fact that Lucifer gives her free reign over what she orders, regardless of how high the pricetag is, and the expensive and vast wine cellar that she normally lurks in. Tonight she opted for a vintage red dress, it is off the shoulder and flares out at her hips. It's only through her own magic that she's kept spilled drinks and other various items from staining it.

When she is summoned by another waitress, she finishes serving the bottle of wine that she hand selected from the cellar before walking over. Nodding to Lucifer, she folds her hands behind her back. "You wanted to see me Bartender?" It's the only name he's given her to call him, so it's what she uses.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer grins and notes well, he gave a little something away today then since he's sitting in the owner's seat, which maybe he had told you, maybe not. That, or maybe you just think he's being a bit cocky becuase the owner isn't here. He smiles at you, as you come over, "Well...I hope it won't take until Valentine's day for us to see -that- dress again. I'm going to have to find more wine for you to play with if you keep this up. Please," he says, gesturing to a seat across from him in the booth and he sits back, pondering a moment, watchg the crowd before gazing back to you. "I have a problem. I really want to try a holiday drink however, I'm not wanting egg nog and everything that I've tried so far tastes cheap or like someone wanted to see how much sugar they could squeeze into a glass. The answer: A LOT. So I turn to you, my exquisite mistress of taste....to find me something that doesn't make me want to go back to hell in a handbasket."

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
Even if Lucifer likes to reference the 'owners' as if they're a seperate entity, Ravenna knows who has been signing the checks. Still she's learned that this is a place that you don't ask questions in, and she's been more than happy to do so. When he compliments her dress, she reaches down to smooth down her skirt. "And wear the same dress for two holidays? I thought you knew me better than that." Her words are still tinged with her native French Canadian accent, that she normally lays on thick while she's working. She takes the seat and listens to his dilemma and smirks as she shakes her head. "Mistress of taste? That's a new title. Now obviously we want to avoid anything spiced, as we ran a fair amount of pumpkin spice over Thanksgiving. I think we need to keep it refreshing, drinks with a hint of mint, or even rosemary. Nothing too forward on the palette as it will hide any other flavors that you're pairing it with."

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer listens quietly, a bit of a chuckle as you mention the two at the same times and he laughs, "I am paying you too much if you can afford to keep getting one of those every holiday. Remind me to look into finding less expensive sommaliers." Of course, they also wouldnt' be nearly as good, and not nearly as charming. If you've been around long enough you'll learn that he has some quirks. One may remind folks of an old teacher - if you give him the wrong answer but make him laugh or entertain him, he may actually act as if nothing happened. Of course it's a gamble because one thing he dislikes are those who don't take repsonsibility. "It fits. Not that you dress -that- part per se but it's a good enough title. Would certainly catch attention on a business card don't you think? But you're getting very technical. If I wanted to go about creating things I know how to do that and i would have joined in on the seven days. I don't want to help invent it...I want to enjoy -drinking- it," he adds, emphasizing certain words. now and again with that so very European accent of his.

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
"You like my work and my dresses too much to threten me with finding another Sommelier who you could pay less." Ravenna smirks before she raises her brow at him. "You want to enjoy drinking it? In what sense? Do you want it to get you completed intoxicated that you don't remember the evening but is easy enough to drink that you don't notice how drunk you are? Or something to get you slightly buzzed but generally leaving you in a pleasant and giving mood for the evening. My aunt and I have expiermented with adding poisions and their antidotes to a beverage, however that's not always enjoyable."

Lucifer has posed:
"Poisons and their? Well that's....absolutely abhorrent. I mean don't get me wrong I love it, but no..." he says. "You and your aunt? Holiday parties must have been a hoot at your place. Halloween too - trick or treat indeed...." letting the latter word roll off the tongue before he looks back at you and chuckles. "Just becuase I like your dresses and your work doesn't mean you get to run the place, remember that." He grins a bit as he taps his fignertips on the table before he answers. "I want it to taste good. I don't want to feel like I have to fight it to keep it down...and I don't want a headache tomorrow morning. Those are my rules. This is your task. Do you accept? Of course you do...you like a challenge and you know that my sense of taste far exceeds the average goon you're left to try to impress."

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
"Hoot isn't the word I would use to describe our parties, however they have been known to get a little out of control. But that always happens when you mix magic and alcohol." At his suggestion that she doesn't get the run of the place a sly smirk crosses her lips. "Don't worry boss, I know the only domain that I reign over is the cellar. I only emerge when somone thinks they know what they're talking about when they order wine." She says in a teasing tone. When he finally gives her direction on his drink she takes a moment to think it over before getting to her feet. "Let me walk back there and see if you have what I need." It's likely that he does, they have everything behind that bar.

Lucifer has posed:
"If they don't tell me what you need. I'm sure I can get it for you," he says and gestures tot he bar. Though as you get up to head over there a guiding hand finds the small of your back as you look up and see him standing beside you, step for step. "From what I gather the old bartender can be a bit grumpy cat...is that the expression? Anyway, apparently he thinks that it is totally unecessary that I hired someone who's sole role is wine. I told him of course that if he looked the same way you do in a dress maybe I'd have forgiven him the wine knowledge but failing on both is just an unacceptable sin. And while I like sins...this one i simply could not forgive." He's grinning the whole way of course though the veracity of it becomes a lot...less questionable when you see the look the bartender gives to both you and then him.

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
If Ravenna notices his hand on her back, she says nothing about it. "You hired me because the pop up tasting event I held brought in enough money to cover two weekends during your busiest season." She says slyly as she guided toward the bar. Thankfully part of her Sommelier training does include cocktail work as well, so she isn't completely lost behind the bar. Stepping out of his grasp she grabs several bottles from the shelf, a shaker and a coupe glass. Filling the shaker with ice, she pours in gin, vermouth, Nigroni and a splash of cranberry juice and starts shaking. Once it's at the proper level of chilled, she'll pour it into the glass, and scrape some rind off of an orange, twisting it above the drink and rubbing the released oils on the rim before dropping it in. Presenting it to him she smirks. "This is going to be a little tart, but easy to drink and won't put you into a sugar coma."

Lucifer has posed:
"Well nothing wrong with a little tart...or two..." he says with that grin, those eyebrows raising and that look all the more devilish as he raises that gaze to meet yours. "Cheers then," he offers, with that bit of playfulness to his tone and he takes a sip, his lips tightening into an almost-kiss as he swallows it down and he looks over to Rodrigo. "See...this is why I like her better. It's not the dress, or the big blue eyes. It's the fact hse's just better at this than you. Now go on...get your things. I told you if she couldn't beat anything you gave me on her first drink you were out. Shoo...adios. Vaya con Dio....well who am I kidding I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Congratulations Ravenna, you are now my beverage manager in all things. Find us a new bartender....one that doesn't make me want to stab their eyes out. Cause I Could...it's messy but sometimes totally worth it. Kidding....." sorta.

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
Ravenna Levesque smirks at the exchange between the owner and the former bartender, but she pretends to not have any interest because she's cleaing up her mess. After all, they can't have a bar this nice look cluttered and dirty, that't not what the patrons expect after all. She smirks when he gives her the new title, and when he mentions that they'll need a new bartender, her cellphone is already out. She sends a few quick texts before slipping it back into the hidden pocket of her skirt. "We'll have three people here tomorrow. It'll be a slower night and we'll toss them behind the bar and see how they do." It's almost as if she's had people waiting for this opportunity to work at Lux. "Also, whatever job I am doing, I would prefer to still be the Sommelier. That is where my passion is, and that was the reason I wanted to work here. But if you need me to manage these heathens I can do it." When he mentions the eyeballs her face remains impassive and she gestures toward the bar. "I'm not cleaning it up if you do."

Lucifer has posed:
"Deal..." he says simply and with that he hops up. "This has been splendid. I do like a good firing around the holidays. Merry Christmas one and all," he says and taking your hand unless otherwise held from it, he gives it a rather dashing kiss across the knuckles and hopping up he takes something out of his pocket and it's a little button on a keyfob type thing. Pressing it causes a loud 'pop' from above and money starts dropping down from the ceiling. The place goes -nuts- as he does a little holiday money drop. "The free advertising from this alone will more than cover it. Merry Christmas, Miss Lavesque!" And with that he heads up stairs to the actual office, rather than his place to sit.