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A day in Flatbush
Date of Scene: 02 April 2017
Location: Brooklyn's Flatbush
Synopsis: Rogue tries to sell a bunch of stolen hardware to Bjorn's Electronics.
Cast of Characters: Crusader, Gambit, Rogue

Crusader has posed:
Down in flatebush brooklyn was quiet, as the night was comming in. Some buisness were closing and people were heading back home, wary of possible dangers. Not wealthy, not poor, but somewhere between the two.

One store though seemed to be open late. Bjorns' Eletronic repair Services! Never did keep normal hours. Inside the place was stocked with wires, bolts, motherboards, fittings, random parts, you name it. Some even completly fixed and scattere about the shop. Organization could have used some work admittedly.

The larger than life store owner, bjorn, seemed to be trying to organize things as well as see off another customer. How such an obviouse 'muscle head' is running an eletronics shop is anyhows guess. His voice booms "Relax, relax. Bjorn treat good. The phone of the apple thing will be fixed by tommorw morning. It is of the garentee!" he assures the customer

Gambit has posed:
    Remy sits outside, across the street from the still open electronics store, and is hunkered back in his car, look and looking almost like he's asleep. However his red eyes linger intently on the shop and a cigarette rests in his ear like most people carry a pencil.

    The thief is taking stock, and is making several mental notes about who goes in, what time, what time they leave and everything they're carrying or likely dropping off.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is out late tonight she's been out on the town doing what Rogue's do.

She'd actually made friends with a local kid in Brooklyn who was in a deep depression because their father had died and their mother was losing their home due to lack of financial stability. It'd been weighing on Rogue's mind. So she'd come out this weekend to try to help, as how Rogue's do...

There was a criminal operation in Brooklyn, that she knew about, they stole cars and chopped them for parts. They had all kinds of hardware inside their facility and she'd seen them operating first hand one night when she'd been with a group of Teens who delivered a car there to be stripped.

Rogue, had hit the joint tonight and she was pushing a shopping cart down the sidewalk that was loaded with televisions from inside, some laptop computers, iPads etc. She had a lot of stuff on her.

Rogue whistles happily to herself, wearing a brown leather jacket and a flowing green skirt that flutters about her legs as she walks. Her lips are painted a deep dark purple and she has some black eyeliner thick around her green eyes.

She stops at Bjorn's place, opens the door and fanagles that loaded shopping cart inside... "Time t'make a profit!"

Crusader has posed:
When Rogue comes in and makes that annoucment, Borgi the corgi comes bounding arounda stack of boxs to greet her happily! It thick tail wagging furiously as it jumps up at her happily.

As for Bjorn he seems to space out for a moment. Tilts his head back and forth, with the customer he was dealing with stareing. Bjorn suddenly comes back to and looks down at the person "So, you come morning, phone is fix." he says. And with that the customer heads out, eyeing Rogue as she does so

Bjorn rubs his hands togeather and turns to Rogue, but than down at the dog "Borgi! Shame on you. You know better" and the dog whines sitting down as if it was just put on time out. Bjorn looks to Rogue and gives her a dashing grin "Teenage girl, not expect. And not expect so much. By the shouting of words you wish sell yes?" he asks getting straight to the point, and yet friendly

As for the theif outside? Bjorn hasn't taken notice. By the theif may have noted that people bring in all sorts of things here. New, old, broken, and even things to have modded. Cameras, lab equipment, really nothing was out of the question it seemed. However, it is indeed true the store keep odd hours. It seems the owner opens and closes it at his whims - except when garenteeing a customer of when they pick something up. It seems that the only time it is garenteed to be open.

Gambit has posed:
    Remy perks up at the sight of the rather cute woman walking into the store and curses himself as he realizes it's someone he actually knows. Not only knows, he considers her a friend.

    "Damnit Rogue." He curses no one while mumbling to himself in the confines of his car. He has to toss his whole plan of robbing the place out the window. He's trying to get in good with the woman and doesn't want to blow it by being caught doing the dirty to one of the business she frequents.

    Still... he's curious and there's no time like the present, so the thief climbs out of his car and shuts the door with a metallic thunk and steps towards the doors.

Rogue has posed:
Girl squeal!

"Puppy!" Rogue shouts as the dog comes around and straight for her. She abandons her cart and goes to kneel down for the dog and pat the top of her knees at him too. "Aaaaaaahh, whosdacutestwutestindawholewideworld!!" She says in a silly voice at the wild corgi, adding several other praising words for the dog, using her gloved hands to pet the doggy, even through her powers don't effect animals.

When Bjorn approached through, Anna-Marie returned to her full height and she grinned at the store owner. "G'day, Shopkeep."She said to him, gloved hands on her pilfered grocery store cart. "My grandfathe'ah is sellin' his autobody shop. He asked me t'try'n sell the stuff from the front office, in hopes'a makin' enough money t'send me t'college! Can you believe that!" This is her sales pitch?

Rogue gently nodded her head, a big grin on those dark purple lips. "He ain't gettin' around so hot these days, so he asked me to push this stuff on down here an' see what kinda barterin' skills I had."

Rogue's right gloved hand swooped over the electronics in her cart. "See all this beautiful gear? Its totally top tier stuff, worth hundreds'a dollar bills, yo!" She was being very chipper and friendly.

Remy was behind her still, outside, so she didn't know he was there and hadn't seen his car.

Crusader has posed:
Borgi sees Remy comming. It barks a few times to annouce the mans comming, but otherwise stays dutyfully in place after Bjorn last scolding. Though it didn't stop him from wagging his tail happy to see someone else!

Bjorn first looks out the window towards Remy. He beckons the man to enter, incase he thought the store was closed, before looking back at Rogue and raises a bushy white brow "Frankly.... no, Bjorn find that VERY hard to beleive. Teenage girl person take advice from me. Work on sale pitch, you sound like an old MUD player trying to do a scene on some game." he states bluntly.

But none the he goes over the cart "But, you DO have quite a few things. Might Bjorn look through?" he asks her. "Definitently at least 500 here if Bjorn take estimate"

Gambit has posed:
    Stepping up behind Rogue and catching a bit of her act with a smile, the man steps closer to the cart and does a once over at the pieces there. "Nah lady, t'is piece right here, t'at's a genuine piece of classic fender history. Just happened to be an old amp that says fender on it and Remy's doing what he can to bust Bjorn's chops while helping the girl he fancies. "T'at alone is worth a good four hundered t' t'is man righ' c'here." Remy says.

    He lifts an eyebrow at Rogue, just as a way of a little hint but then he acts like he finally gets a look at the girl. "C'mon Bjorn, t'is fine young lady needs t' be treated bette' t'an t'at, don' you t'ink so mademoiselle?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue huffed at Bjorn's words. "I will have no know that ther eis -no- Mud on any of this stuff!" She replies in her best offended Southern Belle-tone of voice. (Because she had no idea what he was actually talking about). "Five hundred, reall--?" She was cut off by Remy's approach.

Rogue stepped to the side when Remy did appear from behind her and she looked over at him and her green eyes narrowed. "You followin' me, Caj-" She cut herself off again then when she realized he was helping her.

"Four hundred for JUST that one?!" She seemed surprised, but ONCE MORE she kind of cut herself off and her chin tilted up some, her eyes went to Bjorn and she looked at him. "Why yes. Yes it is. This is all the best. My sugah daddy buys only the best equipment and its time t'sell the old an' buy new stuff?"

The irony is, if Rogue told Bjorn the true story, he might be more endeered toward buying stuff? But, Rogue wasn't really used to that sort of possibility.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn crosses his arms "You do realise Bjorn is right here?" in short he know very well that Rogue dosn't actually know how much this stuff is worth "And like Bjorn said, can give you at least 500"

And that when his peircing gold eyes land on Remy. He smiles though "Well well, love is in air. Trying to pay for a trip?" he asks simply. But once that passes he says in a cool tone "Eitherway, this is not a automotive history museme. If you have the wish to sell History, take it to them. If you sell Bjorn parts, he pays for what he can use not what history can tell" he states with a seriouse tone

He gestures to the cart "Half the laptops are years old. Even used, most second hand shops sell them for around... oh 150 to 200. More for the modern ones. Let see, ipads are better. Mabey Bjorn can get 300 per an ipad if he spruces them up" he turns to them "Eitherway, law of buisness is, Bjorn buys for less than what he sells for. Now if you were regular sellers, Bjorn may be willing to pay more." he expressions flatten "We have understanding? Yes? Good." there was no pulling the wool over his eye.

Somehow he never loses his friendly vibe. He stretches "Now, you wish for Bjorn to actually go through this stuff or no?"

Gambit has posed:
"I think you could get more for this stuff at the place around the block." Remy says, willing to cost the repair shop owner a sale. Remy does keep looking at the stuff but then he shrugs, "You could still make a profit if you buy this stuff for eight hundred." Remy says gently leaning back and crossing his arms before his chest, curious to see if the man will budge even a little bit on the five hundred dollar sell price.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue listened to everything that Bjorn said, she glanced at the puppy again and smiled at him but then listened to Remy's words...

Rogue glanced between the two men now and she huffed. "Well, screw it then. I'll go t'this othe'ah place if they'll give me more. The money is important, its gotta go to a good cause."

And with that said, the Southern Belle would start to turn the cart around and aim it toward the front door again!

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn raises an eyebrow. Teenagers these days. He looks at Remy, and than at Rogue, and than at the cart. It hard to tell what the man is thinking. "Fine, eight hundred" he says to them. Though he dosn't move to stop Rogue

Gambit has posed:
    Remy leans back and watches to see how Rogue will react to the bit of haggling.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue would stop turning the cart around when Bjorn said these and she smiled at him and even tilt her head to the side, causing her brown/white hair to gently sway at the side of her goth-painted face. "Awww, ain't you just the sweetest store owne'ah in all'a Brooklyn?" She said in Bjorn's direction. "When I graduate college, I'mma mention you in my speech up at the podium, cause I'mma be that one girl who gets t'do the big speech, Sum Cum Loud." Yeah, she said that, outloud.

Rogue would smile at Remy and blow him a little air-kiss as she passed by him and hip-bumped him. She'd push the cart full of stuff that she stole from the chop shop over to whatever counter that Bjorn's cash register was at and she hummed a little tune.

"Eight hundred whole dollars. Why, I might just become'a regular in this lovely little store'a yours. Can't say no t'that doggy's face, now, can I?" She said with a smile, her southern charm on full.

Crusader has posed:
"Hard to say no to Borgi, but perhaps you should say no to yer befriend there" Bjorn says gestureing to Remy. There a playful grin on his face. He holds up in empty palm "Nothing" close his fist, and moves his other hand around it, before opening it again revealing 800 dollars "And 800 for you" and he hands the money over.

"But sersiouly, you kids need to learn to listen, and do your own deals. You could have gotten" he looks to the cart "...upwards 1600, mabey more, if we are honest." Shopping cart, lots of space. Laptops and ipads, very thin. COuld easily fit 50 in there. Let alone parts, tvs and stuff. And Rogues cart was //full// of stuff. "When a merchant says at he will give you at least 500 before looking over you wares. It is safe bet you will get more."

Gambit has posed:
Remy keeps quiet as he shrugs at Bjorns, and was going to teach Rogue a lesson similar to what Bjorn had just said, but instead Remy has nothing to put forward now, so he's not going to say anything but make his way towards the door slowly. "T'anks for t'e life lesson Bjorn." Remy says with a lift of his hand.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue accepted the money when Bjorn produced it with a big smile. She pulled it back and folded it up while listening to him and then looking over to Remy... then back to Bjorn... then down to the Borgi Corgi.

She sighed.

But a moment later and her shoulders shrugged inside of her jacket. "Whatevs, yo." She said in a dismissive tone. "Plenty'a more places t'get stuff out there. I'll just go round up anothe'ah cart load an' then come back here t'make ya pay more, you old Swindler." She said the little insult there in an intended charming tone of voice and chased it with a bright smile.

Rogue would holding her money up and start to count it with her gloved hands, though the gloves made it a bit harder to flip the bills... which made the girl release frustrated noises.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn chuckles "63, and got plenty more to hand out lad" Bjorn says to Remy. Though of note... Bjorn looks no where near 63. Mabey late 30s early 40s...mabey. Still he figured it was good to pass on these lessons, there important after all

Bjorn leans casually "Plenty of more places, to get stuff out there? So, his didn't come from grandfather autobody shop" he says with a chuckle "Anyways, if you want me to do an actual apprasal, Bjorn can" he says willing to see how much all this would actually be worth

Borgi though ends up going after Remy. He loves new people after all. He barks as the man backs up towards the door

Gambit has posed:
With a disinterested nod, Remy looks from Bjorn down to the dog that has begun barking at him and then bends his knees to lower himself and extends his hand, palm up, towards the dog. Remy allows the dog to sniff his hand before moving to pet the down between the ears. "Who's a good boy?" Asks Gambit in a warmer tone towards the dog, glancing between Bjorn and Rogue.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue finished counting her money and she put it away inside of a jacket pocket that she had a leather folder in. At Bjorn's question about grandfather, Rogue stopped. "Uh... yeah. I mean... Gramps is inta this kinda thing. Ya know, like Antiqueing, sorta." She reached her left hand up and tucked her hair back behind her ear there and shook her head at Bjorn.

"You can do a more thorough inspection for me next time I bring some stuff in. Oh an', uh, keep the cart, or just shove it back outside. There's a grocery store a few blocks over that might be wonderin' where it is, but... they got like a million of'em, so its not a big deal." Rogue would smile at him and turn to leave.

She'd bump shoulders with Gambit then and grin at him. "Your car nearby? I need t'go see a friend, brighten up their day, ya know?" She asked him with a big flirty smile.

Crusader has posed:
Borgi enjoys the rubbing and even jumps up to lick Gambits face happily. As Rogue comes by he runs around the two in circles, like he was herding them togeather. It gives a few more excired barks before sitting down and canting his head adorabably

Bjorn nods "Very well. Bjorn do help you come again" he says towards the both of them. And with that he begins the tasks of splitting up what was in the cart. And yea, he going to need to take a walk to return it when he is done.

Gambit has posed:
    Remy nearly falls over from Rogue's nudge and pets the dog one last time after catching himself. "I'll see ya 'round pooch." The cajun says as he climbs to his feet and gives Bjorn a kind wave before he opens the door for Rogue and points across the street to his car, on the other side of the street. Before the door closes, Bjorn could hear, "I didn' know you had friends cheri, you'll have to introduce me if she's as cute as you are, I might t'ink I've died and gone to heav'n."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue waved to the doggie and then back to the Shopkeep. She figured she may have gotten screwed on the value, but this was enough for her friend's mom to pay their rent for a month which would give Rogue enough time to scrounge up more cash... maybe she could find some rich gangsters and steal cash from them directly, bypasssing the middle-man all together.

Rogue put her hands into her pockets and she smiled over at Remy. "Its a guy, so...." She said whilst crossing the street toward Remy's car, going around behind it to reach the passenger side door, she looked over the car at him.

"Ya jealous?" She asked with a deepened, sultry-er voice whilst opening the car door to get inside, adding a little flirty smile on the way.