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Latest revision as of 11:58, 4 January 2018

Log 3518
Date of Scene: 30 December 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Gale, Glacier, Power Girl, Shadowlite

Gale has posed:
Post-Christmas Metropolis. The decorations are coming down, and people are milling. Preparing for New Year's. Enjoying Winter Break. The skies are cloudy, and grey-silvery of winter. A slight breeze adds a prickling cold to the day's chill. Bits of snow gather here and there. Cars are parked along the walks, part of the ambience. A man works removing wreaths from a street pole, and chats with his co-worker.

Nothing seems out of the ordinary, the local cafe doing brisk business, shopping in plenty. There's a violet eyed woman with an orange tabby in a trenchcoat on her shoulder. The two are duly bundled up. Everything seems pretty peaceful. The cat gets a few stares, and even some scritches.

For the most part, it's a Friday. People are /totes ready/ for the weekend, man. And New Year's is coming! Murmurmurmur.

Glacier has posed:
Maya Caldwell is sitting down on a concrete planter box outside a cafe, half-bundled up in a pair of blankets. Only her face is visible, as well as pale, thin hands poking out of the fabric, holding a sandwich. She's just trying to enjoy her meal while apparently stay warm.

Gale has posed:
"Heeeeeeeeeey, let's get some fish," The cat talks, with a deep, rich baritone tinged with a Gotham accent. He bats his owner's ear insistantly. TOE BEAN BAT. "Alright," The violet-eyed woman replies. There's more than a few stares now. The cat just looks mysteriously smug.

Otherwise, for a moment, nothing is out of the ordinary. At least, until a spray painted van with what looks like some sort of arcane runes on the side rolls up and stops with a screech. No, they did not park between the lines. They somehow took up two spaces parallel parking.

"Aw, crap," Gale mumbles and ducks into the cafe. Maybe they didn't see her? Who knows? All anyone knows is that out of the van pours a bunch of bros with popped collars on their robes. "Bro." "Brah." "Bruh." "Think they're around here?" "Only one way to find out, brotatochip." "You bro it, bro." They are about as subtle as a flaming viva pinata dunked into a vat of glitter and hurled off a cliff into a pool of pop rocks. The very earth begins to rumble, and bony hands pop out of the air, grasping out of the portals. Ghouls, and skeletons.

Glacier has posed:
Maya Caldwell pauses mid-bite as the van of magic bros skid into the parking spaces. Her eyes dance over them for a few moments...and then the earth shakes. This is Metropolis, there's only a 5% chance that any "natural" disaster is truly natural. The homeless woman drops her sandwich and bolts off toward the docks, bare feet kicking snow behind her as she goes.

Gale has posed:
This is no natural disaster. It's an unnatural disaster, actually. The necbromancers are commencing a summoning ritual in search of their quarry. "Bro. Time to bone up." "Yeah," Totally. Through the portals, unholy horrors crawl. One looks like a man murdered and brought back. Another is a shambling ghoul. Something like Frankenstein's dog drags itself out, too.

Smart phones come out, and the crowds are stunned. A few have the good sense to get indoors or flee. One starts humming thriller. The area is aglow in sickly green smoke and light. This is bad.

Power Girl has posed:
    The holiday season in Metropolis is one that is, decidedly, lacking in criminal activity. Not that it reaches anywhere near the zero mark, but it's enough that only the one or two superfolks is necessary.

    In her apartment, the prone form of Power Girl is awoken in her civilian identity not by the noise of the quake itself, but by the sound of her text message noise. Brightly lit on her screen are the words "Your turn."

    "Shit." she utters, throwing the covers off of herself and, in that moment, getting ready for... Well, "work."

    Within the next two seconds, the apartment is empty, and from the skies arrives a flamboyant entity, decked out in white, red and gold. Standing over six feet tall, Power Girl cuts an imposing figure. The skeletal, ghoulish entities clawing their way out of the portals are left uninterrupted. Their barrier for today, one of the several almost excessively powerful entities that happen to fly the streets of Metropolis.

    "Is this really the time, or place? October was MONTHS ago."

Glacier has posed:
Heavy, thundering footsteps echo from down a nearby alley. A ten foot tall behemoth of pure ice comes stomping out and rushes toward the nearest zombie. It's vaguely humanoid, though lacking in detail. There's no visible face, just a smooth shelf of ice. Frozen crystals jut up toward the sky as if mocking hair. And it's arms have no visible appendages, just large, deadly spikes.

Upon reaching the nearest portal, the Glacier stomps a foot down onto it's head with nesrly a full ton of weight.

Shadowlite has posed:
Normally, Shadowlite doesn't get anywhere near these sort of things, especially in Metropolis; the supers tend to make high profile stunts like this a bad idea. But then Glacier shows up on the social media feeds, and Shadowlite is out dressed and opening his own aperture to the scene proper himself within half a minute.

In his black suit and black trenchcoat, not many can see him from the rooftop, though anyone observant from on high can notice the blackness swirling, and Shadowlite popping out of said portal, before it closes. For now, he sits at the edge of the rooftop, watching the goings on... an obvious submachine gun on his back.

Gale has posed:
On seeing Power Girl, one bro elbows another. "Bro, hot chick at 12 'o clock." Whoa. They hu hu hu amongst themselves. Their popped collars get adjusted. "Concentrate," Another hisses. "We have to find our quarry. That house is gonna be OURS," He remarks. They are /after/ something. But they look to PG. "It's /always/ time for death, girl," One replies. "We need that mansion that fell in Gotham for a sweet frat house," He explains. His fingers twitch, and a skeletal hand emerges from a sickly pall of green smoke beside him. "So we're gonna- What the fu-" And then, there's GLACIER.

The ghoul had no chance, and becomes something akin to a bad can of spam after being stomped. Maybe doing this in Metropolis wasn't their best plan. "ACTIVATE BROFORCE." And they are starting to summon something huge, in unison. Maybe a good swat or two? "AND THEN WE RUN." But it might be a bit late for running. There's a skeleton chasing a pamphleteer, a ghoul swatting at the man on the telephone pole above him and the guy with the smart phone? The undead dog is chasing him.

Power Girl has posed:
    Against no other hero in Metropolis might they get the particular plague of gripes dropped upon them this way. Power Girl rolls her eyes, bolting from her position in the center of the road as a streak of white and red. Her first stop is the dog chasing the man with the smart phone. This, she punts, a kick strong enough to tear up concrete and send cars flying. The strike is delivered following a few moments just below Mach I, which makes it ultimately highly difficult to evade- though, frankly, not impossible.

    "Superman shows up, it's burglars or some punks thinking they'll rob a bank." she begins, "Someone even threw their -gun- at him!" throwing her hands up in the air at the same time, "Me, what do I get? Popped fucking collars and necromancy. This is great. Merry Christmas, Power Girl. Happy New Year."

    Hours after this, Clark will undoubtedly lecture her about her language.

Shadowlite has posed:
"Huh." Shadowlite gives in an idle remark, before he stands.... and steps off the rooftop.

To all the world, he might as well be a suicide jumper. Then, the electrical crackling starts, and a black, misty hole is torn in the fabric of reality as black lightning arcs all over... and Shadowlite falls right into the portal.

That same black lightning and tear in reality comes into existence just down the street, in another alleyway, and Shadowlite 'fall' out of it, into the air, and does a masterful front flip to land on the ground. Show off, much?

"Now then..." The Black suited and trenchcoated man walks out into the street, in broad daylight, moves to lean against a corner, and watches the party. Yep, just watching. Nevermind the nutcase who just screwed with reality thinking it's all the same as he simply gets a closer look at the horrors.

Gale has posed:
There's a large, Frankenstein-esque shambler eager to grapple with Glacier. It and it are going to tangle, though thankfully, this keeps the large undead from smashing anyone. Still, it's a slow battle of attrition.

The undead dog did not stand a chance against the Power Punt(TM). Instead, it goes sailing and lands, unmoving, with a WHUMP - only to disintegrate. It was not a well made dog. There's a ghoul trying to grab the man on the telephone pole, but it's slow and ungainly. The man is kicking back at it.

By now, the bystanders are gone. Maybe someone called the police, who are likely in utter disbelief. A skeleton starts skeleing after the Shadowlite, curious and eager to rend the flesh of the living. Jealous. Undead.

The Necbromancers are torn between peeing their pants and pressing on for BROFORCE. "So uh, come here often?" One asks PG, twirling a rune with his finger.

Glacier has posed:
The Glacier takes a moment to size up the shambler, before rushing toward it. The ice golem shoulder-checks the undead monstrocity as hard as she can, and just as the momentum from the charge dies, it follows up with a heavy, underhanded jab from it's spear-like arms, toward the beast's gut.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl's head turns, and with freakishly high precision, she flings fire from her eyes. Not in a direct, flamethrowing sense, but more in the sense that she shoots lasers from her pupils. Just below the level of heat and power that is needed to melt stone and concrete, she rakes these bolts of red accross the chest of the ghoul that had been making grabby-hands at the man on the telephone pole.

    Eyes still red from using the heat-vision, her attention turns directly onto the Necbromancers themselves. With a rush of air, she is standing in front of the set of them, arms folded. Frowning. "You have one chance. Stop this -now.- If you refuse, I will hit you, and you will wake up several days later, in some prison somewhere. If you flirt, I will hit you harder, and you may never wake up. Choose wisely."

Shadowlite has posed:
"Oh come on, I'm not even near them." Shadowlite whines, before he reaches out, and blackness emits from his hand as a Darkforce net is 'created' over said skeleton at the strength of reinforced steel... then, that black lightning arcs again... and that same aperture opens just below it... and it drops in, unless it can break out of a steel 'net'.

Then, Power Girl can easily see the same portal open over the two magicians (You know, what with the black lightning)... and if the skeleton is still in place, it drops right on top of them. "Hey, I think you forgot something!" Shadowlite observes, dryly, from down the street.

Gale has posed:
It is not a good day to be a necbromancer. The ghoul is sliced neatly in half and the man phews. Waving a thanks. The big beastie glacier is wrangling is being speared, shoulder checked and losing bits with each blow.

The necbromancers have lost sight of the witch they were after, and now look startled. They didn't expect THIS sort of response. Too used to Gotham, probably. "Wha- HEY-" One of them has a skeleton hanging on for a piggyback ride. Mercifully, the skeleton stops to unpop the collar. "BRO, NO!" A collective gasp. The skeleton makes a 'no regrets' gesture before vanishing. At least even the undead hate popped collars. "Man, we just wanted to beat up that one chick and take her house." "Yeah, yeah." There's a chorus of nods. But they know their limits and squishy caster vs an unhappy Glacier, Shadowlite and Power Girl? Not happening? A sigh, and the undead vanish. "Fiiiiiiiiiiiine."

Power Girl has posed:
    By now, the police are arriving. After all, this isn't Gotham, so the police not only arrive, but arrive in force. The removal of the Necbromancers won't really take an enormously long time, and Power Girl is there to escort them into the police cars, combined with various threats. The collars, as well, are unpopped as part of the process. Humans have many inalienable rights, but having a popped collar, thank god, is not one of them.

    Dusting off her hands at the matter, Power Girl is too bothered by the presence of necromancers in her city doing whatever they might wish- and apparently seeking to steal a house from someone? She has no idea- to laugh at the comical way a skeleton is dropped on one of the bad-bros. As well, it isn't her job to do much else other than help with the cleanup, so for a period of time, the blonde is simply... There. Helping people get on with their lives.

Glacier has posed:
The Glacier brings it's spiked arm up through the behemoth, tearing it apart, before the spike breaks through a shoulder. After the thing collapses, the Glacier glances around on the ground to make sure nobody's hurt, before flash-freezing any gross liquids that'd happen to be pooling around to stop it from contaminating anything. With a brief nod of it's head, it turns toward the police and awaits their command.

Shadowlite has posed:
Well, Shadowlite had come here to observe magic in action, and Power Girl and the walking ice block ruined it for him. So, instead of sticking around, Shadowlite is really bummed... and walks into the alleyway again. Soon as he finds a nice pure shadow, Shadowlite melts into it, and he's gone... skidding along the dimensional boundary back to one of his Metropolis condos. Better luck next time.

Gale has posed:
Poor Shadowlite. Though, as things settle, Gale quietly reemerges from the cafe with the others who sought refuge there. The necbromancers have been arrested, their behemoth smashed. The police will take statements, and let people go. A clean-up crew is probably going to be called, though. Ew.

Glacier has posed:
The Glacier stands around awkwardly for a few moments, before assuming the police don't want to speak to it. Fair enough. It slowly stomps over toward Power Girl and gently holds out a spiked appendage to shake, in lieu of actual hands.

Power Girl has posed:
    Aside from cleaning up whatever remains might... Remain, Power Girl assists with picking things up here and there, and assuring that everyone returns to their day, proper. When the ice-golem approaches, she offers her own hand to shake, but it's a bit hard to figure out exactly how much effort to put into it. She hopefully doesn't break off a piece of the Glacier. That'd be awkward.

    "You did well out there. I probably ought to have stuck to the big one, but you handled it really well. Good job."

Glacier has posed:
The Glacier's spiked arms are very thick and impossible to break with a casual handshake. It'd only really break off it Power Girl was intentionally trying to crush it's arm. The behemoth nods slightly, the points toward the necbromancers being hauled away, then over to Power Girl, before following it all up with a deeper, thankful bow.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl nods, as the cars with the sorcerers within them turn and drive away. "Yeah, it really wasn't much of a big deal. The worst they did was hit on me a couple of times, so today is a good day in that regard. Nobody really got hurt."

Glacier has posed:
The Glacier nods again, then glances around a bit. It spots a dropped sandwich in the snow near a planter in front of a nearby cafe and stoops down to...well, it can't exactly grab it, without fingers. After a moment's thought, it touches the sandwich with the tip of it's spike (the one that didn't gore a zombie) to the sandwich and flash-freezes it, sticking it to the spike. Finally, the golem stands back up and turns toward Power Girl. It points to the cafe, then gestures with it's head, as if beckoning her.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl watches this for half a moment, before looking through the Glacier with, well, the kind of vision you'd imagine. Regardless of what she sees, she'll just offer this skeptical nod. "Right, I'll... Wait over there?" she states, making her way to the cafe, and taking a seat at a table. This is a totally normal thing that happens, and people are not freaking out about it. Except that there are no people in the cafe except the staff, who, since this is Metropolis, don't get to go home early.

Glacier has posed:
The Glacier bobs it's head, then slowly shambles off beyond the buildings.

A good three minutes later, a tall, yet remarkably skinny young woman walks in from the same place, with absolutely no connection to the ice behemoth that just left. Nope, none whatsoever. The woman's wearing just a pair of baggy jeans and a tank top, with nothing covering her arms or feet, yet doesn't seem to be bothered by the cold. She spots Power Girl and gives her a brief nod. "Uh...h-hey," she offers meekly, voice quiet and wispy.

Power Girl has posed:
    When the girl that she saw within the golem moments ago- thanks, as mentioned, to the X-Ray vision- emerges suspiciously from the alleyway and makes her way over to the table, Power Girl seems unsurprised. "Hey." she returns, sort of sitting up slightly. "An Ice Golem asked me to come to this cafe. I think it's because they have good coffee. Don't mind me."

Glacier has posed:
Maya Caldwell bites into her lower lip and nods, head handing down for a second. The girl's also got a frozen sandwich in her hands, again, not too bothered by the ice. "Um, m-...may I, uh, talk to you f-for a bit, er...Power Girl? I...think I need some advice from a...a-a hero. If...you're not busy." She keeps her gaze lowered, staring down at her toes sheepishly.

Power Girl has posed:
    To be frank, Power Girl assumed something was afoot in that regard. She offers a nod or two, gesturing to the seat across from her. "Yeah, sure, go ahead. I don't think the cafe will mind." she states, before looking over towards the counter. She points to the coffee machine, and then holds up two fingers. Maya might not seem bothered by the cold- for that matter, neither is Power Girl- but she's still going to get the girl something warm to drink. "What sort of advice do you need?"

Glacier has posed:
Maya Caldwell climbs onto the seat across from Power Girl and takes a deep breath. Slowly, she musters the courage to look up to the Kryptonian and, after a brief pause, speaks. "I...I-I got a, uh...a sort of invitation to join a...college. I guess." She falls silent again and shuffles around uncomfortably in her seat. "It sounds good, but...a-almost too good, I guess. I, uh, talked to the headmaster, and he said there was someone there that could help me with m--" She freezes for a second. "...M-My, er...field I'm interested in. But...i-it just sounds too...I don't know, convenient?" She reaches into a pocket and pulls out a business card, whoch she sets on the table. It reads "Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters", along with an address on it. "I don't even know how far it is, I've never really been to New York."

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl nods along, in semi-silence. She looked over the card, and offered another couple of nods. She'd heard of the place. "Well," she began taking the coffee from the waitress and setting one of the cups down in front of the other girl. "You should go. If it's a legitimate offer, maybe there's a reason for it. Might help. If nothing else, they're not really trying to kidnap you or anything, or else they'd have... Well, kidnapped you."

Glacier has posed:
Maya Caldwell inhales sharply, then sighs. "I...I guess. I mean, th-they're obviously not out for money, or anything." She looks down at the cups as it's set down in front of her. She winces for a moment, then holds a hand over the mug and blasts cold air down at it. There's a brief puff of steam that wafts out as the heat and cold battle it out, but the heat quickly loses, keeping the coffee at an undrinkably cold temperature. Yet still, Maya grabs the cup and sips at it. "Oh, uh, thanks, by the way. For the drink and for...protecting us." She nods.

Power Girl has posed:
    The blonde smiles, watching the icy girl cool down the drink. She figured that might be the case, but iced coffee is still good. Power Girl's remains hot, but she drinks it as if it isn't, adding a degree of separation between herself and any other person. "It's what I do, and hey, I've heard there's a... Ice-person over in Gotham. If you're looking for help getting everything situated, and learning from someone who's got a grip on their powers, might want to seek them out. I don't know much more than that, but I'm sure if you just show up in the city, they'll find you."

Glacier has posed:
Maya Caldwell winces at the suggestion. "I, ah..t-try and keep my, um...powers quiet. Most mutants are safe, because people that...uh, w-would want to hurt them would, you know, not want to get police involved, but..." She huffs and shrugs her shoulders. "I'm homeless. Police aren't going to investigate much."

Power Girl has posed:
    Shrugging lightly, Power Girl's response is pretty cavalier. "Well, sure. But now you've got an opportunity to, if you'd like, learn from more than one place. If this school is legitimate, I'm sure there's a lot they can teach you. If it's not, then you can head to Gotham. Even if it is, whenever you get a break, head over to Gotham and see if there's anything that one there can teach you. There's probably a whole lot to learn." she says, moving to stand up after finishing her coffee. She gives the waitress a large-enough bill taken from a place that assures that the money has more worth than its normal value, before moving towards the door. She's smiling, the entire time.

    "If you ever need anything and you're in Metropolis, just shout my name, and I'll come find you. You're never alone here."

Glacier has posed:
Maya Caldwell lifts her head as Power Girl stands up, then nods plainly. "Uh, right. Th-Thank you." She smiles warmly, pun intended, then sips again at her coffee. "I'll...ah, probably head over there in the next few days. And thanks again for the, uh...you know, the...zombies."

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl smiles, and offers a friendly wink, before stepping out of the door. She rises into the air, but faster than the eye can see, she is gone.

Glacier has posed:
Maya Caldwell says, "I'm walking home and it's cold as hell and it will take about 45 minutes before I get home. I need somebody to distract me from the cold."

Glacier has posed:
Maya Caldwell steps out of the subway tunnel, eyes scanning about for a restaurant of some kind. The woman's wrapped up in a pair of blankets, apparently in absense of proper winter wear. Only her face is readily visible, though attentive eyes may see bare feet kicking up snow as she walks.

Glacier has posed:
Maya Caldwell instinctively ducks at the sound of shattering glass, then lifts back up and glances around, quickly spotting the building. She turns toward a nearby alley, before bolting down it, into the darkness.

A minute later, a ten foot tall behemoth of ice stomps out from the alleyway, and toward the building. It weaves in between the panicking masses, careful not to slam into anyone, before finally reaching the building and peering inside the broken windows.

Glacier has posed:
The Glacier carefully steps over the windows and into the building (shoving aside weaker windownpanes if need be), but suddenly stops at the sound of gunfire. It turns to look at the guards, somehow managing a look of disapproval without a face. The bullets and beanbags chip at the golem's icy form slightly, but do no major damage. It fully steps inside the building and, with a wave of it's arms, redirects the water from the sprinklers above toward the windows and door, quickly forming an ice wall over all of the exits, one that only gets stronger as the sprinklers spray. Of course, there's still active FIRES in the room, so once the ice walls are a few inches thick, it lowers it's arms and lets the sprinklers do their work before stepping around the lobby and investigating

Glacier has posed:
The Glacier lifts it's featureless head up at the pair as she hears speech above, then offers a friendly wave, showing it means no harm. After The Shadow reaches the botton of the elevator shaft, the Glacier steps over to it and peers down, trying to see the cloaked woman. It then raps it's spiked arm against the metal frame a few times to get the woman's att--Ohp, nope, she's off.

The golem jumps down the shaft and lands with a heavy thud, concrete cracking beneath her. It looks around for a moment to take in it's surroundings, then heads over to the nearest cages and urges those inside to move back with a wave of an arm, before charging at the cage and shoulder-checking it to try and bust the metal bars.

Glacier has posed:
After finding out how easy the bars are to break, the Glacier just slashes at the bars with a spiked arm as it runs through the facility. It turns a sharp corner and is faced with guards aplenty. It doesn't slow down, though, charging into the goons and tossing them aside as she rushes toward the bomb.

Glacier has posed:
The Glacier pauses to swat away another goon, slamming him into the wall, before turning it's head toward Wesker as he speaks. It nods, then rushes toward the bomb. Once it's within about ten feet, it holds it's arms out toward the bomb and begins blasting it with frigid air. It doesn't stop until the bomb lies under a thick layer of ice, at least half an inch thick. It pauses for a moment and stares at the bomb, before glancing around to make sure there's no other goons.